예제 #1
        private void CreateLeaseAgeements()
            // Lease Agreements

            int  counter = 0;
            bool createLeaseAgreements = true;

            var leaseAgreements = _context.LeaseAgreements.ToList();

            if (leaseAgreements.Count > 0)
                var lastLeaseAgreement = leaseAgreements.Last();
                if (leaseAgreementReferences.Contains(lastLeaseAgreement.Reference))
                    createLeaseAgreements = false;

            if (createLeaseAgreements)
                var assetOwner = _context.AssetOwners.FirstOrDefault();
                    int?     assetOwnerId = (leaseAgreementAssetOwnerIds[counter].ToUpper() != "NULL") ? (int?)Convert.ToInt32(leaseAgreementAssetOwnerIds[counter]) : null;
                    int?     customerId   = (leaseAgreementCustomerIds[counter].ToUpper() != "NULL") ? (int?)Convert.ToInt32(leaseAgreementCustomerIds[counter]) : null;
                    DateTime?endDate      = (leaseAgreementEndDates[counter].ToUpper() != "NULL") ? (DateTime?)DateTime.ParseExact(leaseAgreementEndDates[counter], "yyyy-mm-dd", null) : null;
                    DateTime?startDate    = (leaseAgreementStartDates[counter].ToUpper() != "NULL") ? (DateTime?)DateTime.ParseExact(leaseAgreementStartDates[counter], "yyyy-mm-dd", null) : null;
                    int?     contactId    = (leaseAgreementContactIds[counter].ToUpper() != "NULL") ? (int?)Convert.ToInt32(leaseAgreementContactIds[counter]) : null;

                    LeaseAgreement leaseAgreement = new LeaseAgreement()
                        AssetOwnerId = assetOwnerId,
                        CustomerId   = customerId,
                        Description  = leaseAgreementDescriptions[counter],
                        EndDate      = endDate,
                        StartDate    = startDate,
                        Reference    = leaseAgreementReferences[counter],
                        TenantId     = assetOwner.TenantId,
                        Terms        = leaseAgreementTerms[counter],
                        Title        = leaseAgreementTitles[counter],
                        ContactId    = contactId,
                        CreationTime = DateTime.Now,
                        IsDeleted    = false

                    var createdLeaseAgreement = _context.LeaseAgreements.Add(leaseAgreement).Entity;
                    counter = counter + 1;
                } while (counter < leaseAgreementReferences.Count());

            // Add Assets

            counter = 0;
            bool createLeaseItems = true;

            var leaseItems = _context.LeaseItems.ToList();

            if (leaseItems.Count > 0)
                var lastLeaseItem = leaseItems.Last();
                if (leaseItemItems.Contains(lastLeaseItem.Item))
                    createLeaseItems = false;

            if (createLeaseItems)
                var assetOwner = _context.AssetOwners.FirstOrDefault();
                    int?     assetClassId     = (leaseItemAssetClassIds[counter].ToUpper() != "NULL") ? (int?)Convert.ToInt32(leaseItemAssetClassIds[counter]) : null;
                    int?     assetId          = (leaseItemAssetIds[counter].ToUpper() != "NULL") ? (int?)Convert.ToInt32(leaseItemAssetIds[counter]) : null;
                    DateTime?dateAllocated    = (leaseItemDateAllocateds[counter].ToUpper() != "NULL") ? (DateTime?)DateTime.ParseExact(leaseItemDateAllocateds[counter], "yyyy-mm-dd", null) : null;
                    int?     depositUomRefId  = (leaseItemDepositUomRefIds[counter].ToUpper() != "NULL") ? (int?)Convert.ToInt32(leaseItemDepositUomRefIds[counter]) : null;
                    DateTime?endDate          = (leaseItemEndDates[counter].ToUpper() != "NULL") ? (DateTime?)DateTime.ParseExact(leaseItemEndDates[counter], "yyyy-mm-dd", null) : null;
                    DateTime?startDate        = (leaseItemStartDates[counter].ToUpper() != "NULL") ? (DateTime?)DateTime.ParseExact(leaseItemStartDates[counter], "yyyy-mm-dd", null) : null;
                    int?     leaseAgreementId = (leaseItemLeaseAgreementIds[counter].ToUpper() != "NULL") ? (int?)Convert.ToInt32(leaseItemLeaseAgreementIds[counter]) : null;
                    int?     rentalUomRefId   = (leaseItemRentalUomRefIds[counter].ToUpper() != "NULL") ? (int?)Convert.ToInt32(leaseItemRentalUomRefIds[counter]) : null;
                    decimal? unitDepositRate  = (leaseItemUnitDepositRates[counter].ToUpper() != "NULL") ? (decimal?)Convert.ToInt32(leaseItemUnitDepositRates[counter]) : null;
                    decimal? unitRentalRate   = (leaseItemUnitRentalRates[counter].ToUpper() != "NULL") ? (decimal?)Convert.ToInt32(leaseItemUnitRentalRates[counter]) : null;

                    LeaseItem leaseItem = new LeaseItem()
                        AllocationPercentage = 100,
                        AssetClassId         = assetClassId,
                        AssetId          = assetId,
                        DateAllocated    = dateAllocated,
                        DepositUomRefId  = depositUomRefId,
                        Description      = leaseItemDescriptions[counter],
                        EndDate          = endDate,
                        StartDate        = startDate,
                        Item             = leaseItemItems[counter],
                        LeaseAgreementId = leaseAgreementId,
                        RentalUomRefId   = rentalUomRefId,
                        Terms            = leaseItemTerms[counter],
                        TenantId         = assetOwner.TenantId,
                        UnitDepositRate  = unitDepositRate,
                        UnitRentalRate   = unitDepositRate,
                        CreationTime     = DateTime.Now,
                        IsDeleted        = false

                    var createdLeaseItem = _context.LeaseItems.Add(leaseItem).Entity;
                    counter = counter + 1;
                } while (counter < leaseItemItems.Count());
        public async Task <PagedResultDto <GetAttachmentForViewDto> > GetSome(GetSomeAttachmentsInput input)
            using (_unitOfWorkManager.Current.DisableFilter(AbpDataFilters.MustHaveTenant, AbpDataFilters.MayHaveTenant))  // BYPASS TENANT FILTER to include Users
                var tenantInfo = await TenantManager.GetTenantInfo();

                var tenantType = tenantInfo.Tenant.TenantType;

                string relatedType = string.Empty;

                bool authForAsset           = false;
                bool authForIncident        = false;
                bool authForLeaseAgreement  = false;
                bool authForQuotation       = false;
                bool authForSupportContract = false;
                bool authForWorkOrder       = false;

                // Check Authorization for Attachments related to Assets
                Asset relatedAsset = new Asset();
                if (input.RelatedEntity == "Asset")
                    relatedAsset = _assetRepository.Get(input.ReferenceId);
                    SupportItem relatedSupportItem = _supportItemRepository.GetAll().Where(c => c.AssetId == relatedAsset.Id).Include(c => c.SupportContractFk).FirstOrDefault();

                    switch (tenantType)
                    case "A":
                        authForAsset = (relatedSupportItem?.SupportContractFk?.AssetOwnerId == tenantInfo.AssetOwner.Id) ? true : false;

                    case "V":
                        authForAsset = (relatedSupportItem?.SupportContractFk?.VendorId == tenantInfo.Vendor.Id) ? true : false;

                    case "C":
                        LeaseItem relatedLeaseItem = _leaseItemRepository.GetAll().Where(l => l.AssetId == relatedAsset.Id).Include(l => l.LeaseAgreementFk).FirstOrDefault();
                        authForAsset = (relatedLeaseItem?.LeaseAgreementFk?.CustomerId == tenantInfo.Customer.Id) ? true : false;

                        authForAsset = true;

                SupportContract relatedSupportContract = new SupportContract();
                if (input.RelatedEntity == "SupportContract")
                    relatedSupportContract = _supportContractRepository.Get(input.ReferenceId);

                    switch (tenantType)
                    case "A":
                        authForSupportContract = (relatedSupportContract?.AssetOwnerId == tenantInfo.AssetOwner.Id) ? true : false;

                    case "V":
                        authForSupportContract = (relatedSupportContract?.VendorId == tenantInfo.Vendor.Id) ? true : false;

                    case "C":
                        List <int>       relatedAssetIds    = _supportItemRepository.GetAll().Where(c => c.SupportContractId == input.ReferenceId).Select(c => c.AssetId).ToList();
                        List <LeaseItem> relatedLeaseItems  = _leaseItemRepository.GetAll().Where(l => relatedAssetIds.Contains((int)l.AssetId)).Include(l => l.LeaseAgreementFk).ToList();
                        List <int?>      relatedCustomerIds = relatedLeaseItems.Select(l => l.LeaseAgreementFk).Select(l => l.CustomerId).ToList();
                        authForSupportContract = (relatedCustomerIds.Contains(tenantInfo.Customer.Id)) ? true : false;

                        authForSupportContract = true;

                WorkOrder relatedWorkOrder = new WorkOrder();
                if (input.RelatedEntity == "WorkOrder")
                    relatedWorkOrder = _workOrderRepository.GetAll().Include(c => c.AssetOwnershipFk).Where(w => w.Id == input.ReferenceId).FirstOrDefault();

                    switch (tenantType)
                    case "A":
                        authForWorkOrder = (relatedWorkOrder?.AssetOwnershipFk?.AssetOwnerId == tenantInfo.AssetOwner.Id) ? true : false;

                    case "V":
                        authForWorkOrder = (relatedWorkOrder?.VendorId == tenantInfo.Vendor.Id) ? true : false;

                    case "C":
                        authForWorkOrder = (relatedWorkOrder?.CustomerId == tenantInfo.Customer.Id) ? true : false;

                        authForWorkOrder = true;

                // TODO: Complete Auth Check
                LeaseAgreement relatedLeaseAgreement = new LeaseAgreement();
                if (input.RelatedEntity == "LeaseAgreement")
                    relatedLeaseAgreement = _leaseAgreementRepository.Get(input.ReferenceId);

                    if (relatedLeaseAgreement?.Id > 0)
                        authForLeaseAgreement = true;

                // TODO: Complete Auth Check
                Incident relatedIncident = new Incident();
                if (input.RelatedEntity == "Incident")
                    relatedIncident = _incidentRepository.Get(input.ReferenceId);

                    if (relatedIncident?.Id > 0)
                        authForIncident = true;

                // TODO: Complete Auth Check
                Quotation relatedQuotation = new Quotation();
                if (input.RelatedEntity == "Quotation")
                    relatedQuotation = _quotationRepository.Get(input.ReferenceId);

                    if (relatedQuotation?.Id > 0)
                        authForQuotation = true;

                var filteredAttachments = _attachmentRepository.GetAll()
                                          .Include(e => e.AssetFk)
                                          .Include(e => e.IncidentFk)
                                          .Include(e => e.LeaseAgreementFk)
                                          .Include(e => e.QuotationFk)
                                          .Include(e => e.SupportContractFk)
                                          .Include(e => e.WorkOrderFk)
                                          .Include(e => e.CustomerInvoiceFk)
                                          .WhereIf((!authForAsset && !authForIncident && !authForLeaseAgreement && !authForQuotation && !authForSupportContract && !authForWorkOrder), e => e.Id == 0)
                                          .WhereIf(authForAsset, e => e.AssetId == input.ReferenceId)
                                          .WhereIf(authForIncident, e => e.IncidentId == input.ReferenceId)
                                          .WhereIf(authForLeaseAgreement, e => e.LeaseAgreementId == input.ReferenceId)
                                          .WhereIf(authForQuotation, e => e.QuotationId == input.ReferenceId)
                                          .WhereIf(authForSupportContract, e => e.SupportContractId == input.ReferenceId)
                                          .WhereIf(authForWorkOrder, e => e.WorkOrderId == input.ReferenceId);

                var pagedAndFilteredAttachments = filteredAttachments
                                                  .OrderBy(input.Sorting ?? "id asc")

                var attachments = from o in pagedAndFilteredAttachments
                                  join o1 in _lookup_assetRepository.GetAll() on o.AssetId equals o1.Id into j1
                                  from s1 in j1.DefaultIfEmpty()

                                  join o2 in _lookup_incidentRepository.GetAll() on o.IncidentId equals o2.Id into j2
                                  from s2 in j2.DefaultIfEmpty()

                                  join o3 in _lookup_leaseAgreementRepository.GetAll() on o.LeaseAgreementId equals o3.Id into j3
                                  from s3 in j3.DefaultIfEmpty()

                                  join o4 in _lookup_quotationRepository.GetAll() on o.QuotationId equals o4.Id into j4
                                  from s4 in j4.DefaultIfEmpty()

                                  join o5 in _lookup_supportContractRepository.GetAll() on o.SupportContractId equals o5.Id into j5
                                  from s5 in j5.DefaultIfEmpty()

                                  join o6 in _lookup_workOrderRepository.GetAll() on o.WorkOrderId equals o6.Id into j6
                                  from s6 in j6.DefaultIfEmpty()

                                  join o7 in _lookup_customerInvoiceRepository.GetAll() on o.IncidentId equals o7.Id into j7
                                  from s7 in j7.DefaultIfEmpty()

                                  join o8 in _lookup_userRepository.GetAll() on o.UploadedBy equals o8.Id into j8
                                  from s8 in j8.DefaultIfEmpty()

                                  select new GetAttachmentForViewDto()
                    Attachment = new AttachmentDto
                        Filename    = o.Filename,
                        Description = o.Description,
                        UploadedAt  = o.UploadedAt,
                        UploadedBy  = o.UploadedBy,
                        BlobFolder  = o.BlobFolder,
                        BlobId      = o.BlobId,
                        Id          = o.Id

                    AssetReference = s1 == null ? "" : s1.Reference.ToString(),
                    IncidentDescription        = s2 == null ? "" : s2.Description.ToString(),
                    LeaseAgreementReference    = s3 == null ? "" : s3.Reference.ToString(),
                    QuotationTitle             = s4 == null ? "" : s4.Title.ToString(),
                    SupportContractTitle       = s5 == null ? "" : s5.Title.ToString(),
                    WorkOrderSubject           = s6 == null ? "" : s6.Subject.ToString(),
                    CustomerInvoiceDescription = s7 == null ? "" : s7.Description.ToString(),
                    UploadedByName             = s8 == null ? "" : s8.Name + " (" + s8.EmailAddress + ")"

                                                 //AssetReference = relatedAsset.Reference.ToString(),
                                                 //IncidentDescription = relatedIncident.Description.ToString(),
                                                 //LeaseAgreementReference = relatedLeaseAgreement.Reference.ToString(),
                                                 //QuotationTitle = relatedQuotation.Title.ToString(),
                                                 //SupportContractTitle = relatedSupportContract.Title.ToString(),
                                                 //WorkOrderSubject = relatedWorkOrder.Subject.ToString()

                var totalCount = await filteredAttachments.CountAsync();

                var pagedResult = new PagedResultDto <GetAttachmentForViewDto>(
                    await attachments.ToListAsync());
