private LearningModelSession CreateLearningModelSession(LearningModel model, Nullable <LearningModelDeviceKind> kind = null)
            var device  = new LearningModelDevice(kind ?? SelectedDeviceKind);
            var options = new LearningModelSessionOptions()
                CloseModelOnSessionCreation = true // Close the model to prevent extra memory usage
            var session = new LearningModelSession(model, device, options);

        private void DecryptAndEvauluate()
            // Load the encrypted model.
            // The encrypted model (encrypted.onnx) is embedded as a resource in
            // the native binary: WinMLSamplesGalleryNative.dll.
            var inferenceModel      = WinMLSamplesGalleryNative.EncryptedModels.LoadEncryptedResource(DecryptionKey.Password);
            var postProcessingModel = TensorizationModels.SoftMaxThenTopK(10);

            // Update the status
            var isModelDecrypted = inferenceModel != null;


            // If loading the decrypted model failed (ie: due to an invalid key/password),
            // then skip performing evaluate.
            if (!isModelDecrypted)

            // Draw the image to classify in the Image control
            var decoder = ImageHelper.CreateBitmapDecoderFromPath("ms-appx:///InputData/hummingbird.jpg");

            // Create sessions
            var device  = new LearningModelDevice(LearningModelDeviceKind.Cpu);
            var options = new LearningModelSessionOptions()
                CloseModelOnSessionCreation = true // Close the model to prevent extra memory usage
            var inferenceSession      = new LearningModelSession(inferenceModel, device, options);
            var postProcessingSession = new LearningModelSession(postProcessingModel, device, options);

            // Classify the current image
            var softwareBitmap = decoder.GetSoftwareBitmapAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            var input          = VideoFrame.CreateWithSoftwareBitmap(softwareBitmap);

            // Inference
            var inferenceResults = Evaluate(inferenceSession, input);
            var inferenceOutput  = inferenceResults.Outputs.First().Value;

            // PostProcess
            var postProcessedOutputs = Evaluate(postProcessingSession, inferenceOutput);
            var topKValues           = (TensorFloat)postProcessedOutputs.Outputs["TopKValues"];
            var topKIndices          = (TensorInt64Bit)postProcessedOutputs.Outputs["TopKIndices"];

            // Return results
            var probabilities = topKValues.GetAsVectorView();
            var indices       = topKIndices.GetAsVectorView();
            var labels        = indices.Select((index) => ClassificationLabels.ImageNet[index]);

            // Render the classification and probabilities
            RenderInferenceResults(labels, probabilities);
예제 #3
        private LearningModelSession CreateLearningModelSession(LearningModel model, bool closeModel = true)
            var device  = IsCpu ? cpuDevice : dmlDevice;
            var options = new LearningModelSessionOptions()
                CloseModelOnSessionCreation = closeModel, // Close the model to prevent extra memory usage
                BatchSizeOverride           = 0
            var session = new LearningModelSession(model, device, options);

예제 #4
        private async Task <LearningModelSession> CreateLearningModelSession(LearningModel model, int batchSizeOverride = -1)
            var deviceKind = DeviceComboBox.GetDeviceKind();
            var device     = new LearningModelDevice(deviceKind);
            var options    = new LearningModelSessionOptions();

            if (batchSizeOverride > 0)
                options.BatchSizeOverride = (uint)batchSizeOverride;
            var session = new LearningModelSession(model, device, options);

        private LearningModelSession CreateLearningModelSession(LearningModel model)
            var kind =
                (DeviceComboBox.SelectedIndex == 0) ?
                LearningModelDeviceKind.Cpu :
            var device  = new LearningModelDevice(kind);
            var options = new LearningModelSessionOptions()
                CloseModelOnSessionCreation = true              // Close the model to prevent extra memory usage
            var session = new LearningModelSession(model, device, options);
