public async void TestForCreateLeagueArticle() { //for coverage var dbContext = new NewsContext(); var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <NewsContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "p3NewsService") .Options; using (var context = new NewsContext(options)) { context.Database.EnsureDeleted(); context.Database.EnsureCreated(); Repo r = new Repo(context, new NullLogger <Repo>()); Logic logic = new Logic(r, new NullLogger <Repo>()); NewsController newsController = new NewsController(logic); var leagueArticleDto = new LeagueArticleDto() { ArticleID = Guid.NewGuid(), Title = "free hotdogs", Content = "come today to get your hotdogs!", Date = DateTime.Now, IsPinned = true, IsVisible = true }; await newsController.CreateLeagueArticle(leagueArticleDto); Assert.NotNull(context.LeagueArticles); } }
/// <summary> /// edits a leagueArticle with the in coming leagueArticleDto /// </summary> /// <param name="leagueArticleDto"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task EditLeagueArticle(LeagueArticleDto leagueArticleDto) { LeagueArticle articleToEdit = await _repo.GetLeagueArticleById(leagueArticleDto.ArticleID); articleToEdit.Title = leagueArticleDto.Title; articleToEdit.Body = leagueArticleDto.Content; articleToEdit.Date = leagueArticleDto.Date; articleToEdit.IsVisible = leagueArticleDto.IsVisible; articleToEdit.IsPinned = leagueArticleDto.IsPinned; _repo.LeagueArticles.Update(articleToEdit); await _repo.CommitSave(); }
/// <summary> /// creates a leagueaArticle from the incoming leagueArticleDto /// </summary> /// <param name="leagueArticleDto"></param> /// <returns></returns> public async Task CreateLeagueArticle(LeagueArticleDto leagueArticleDto) { LeagueArticle newArticle = new LeagueArticle(); newArticle.Title = leagueArticleDto.Title; newArticle.Body = leagueArticleDto.Content; newArticle.Date = leagueArticleDto.Date; newArticle.IsVisible = leagueArticleDto.IsVisible; newArticle.IsPinned = leagueArticleDto.IsPinned; _repo.LeagueArticles.Add(newArticle); await _repo.CommitSave(); }
public void ValidateLeagueArticleDto() { var leagueArticleDto = new LeagueArticleDto { ArticleID = Guid.NewGuid(), Title = "goodnews!", Content = "wewon!", Date = DateTime.Now, IsPinned = true, IsVisible = true }; var results = ValidateModel(leagueArticleDto); Assert.True(results.Count == 0); }
public async void TestForEditLeagueArticle() { var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <NewsContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "p3NewsService") .Options; using (var context = new NewsContext(options)) { context.Database.EnsureDeleted(); context.Database.EnsureCreated(); Repo r = new Repo(context, new NullLogger <Repo>()); Logic logic = new Logic(r, new NullLogger <Repo>()); NewsController newsController = new NewsController(logic); var leagueArticle = new LeagueArticle() { ArticleID = Guid.NewGuid(), Title = "free hotdogs", Body = "come today to get your hotdogs!", Date = DateTime.Now, IsPinned = true, IsVisible = true }; r.LeagueArticles.Add(leagueArticle); await r.CommitSave(); var leagueArticleDto = new LeagueArticleDto() { ArticleID = leagueArticle.ArticleID, Title = "free hamburgers", Content = "come today to get your hamburgers!", Date = leagueArticle.Date, IsPinned = leagueArticle.IsPinned, IsVisible = leagueArticle.IsVisible, }; await newsController.EditLeagueArticle(leagueArticleDto); var editedLeagueArticle = await context.LeagueArticles.FindAsync(leagueArticle.ArticleID); Assert.True(editedLeagueArticle.Title == "free hamburgers"); } }
/// <summary> /// returns a list of league articles that are pinned /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <IEnumerable <LeagueArticleDto> > GetPinnedLeagueArticleDto() { List <LeagueArticle> pinnedLeagueArticles = (List <LeagueArticle>) await _repo.GetPinnedLeagueArticles(); List <LeagueArticleDto> dtos = new List <LeagueArticleDto>(); foreach (var item in pinnedLeagueArticles) { LeagueArticleDto newDto = new LeagueArticleDto(); newDto.ArticleID = item.ArticleID; newDto.Title = item.Title; newDto.Content = item.Body; newDto.Date = item.Date; newDto.IsVisible = item.IsVisible; newDto.IsPinned = item.IsPinned; dtos.Add(newDto); } return(dtos); }
public async Task EditLeagueArticle(LeagueArticleDto leagueArticleDto) { await _logic.EditLeagueArticle(leagueArticleDto); }
public async Task CreateLeagueArticle(LeagueArticleDto leagueArticleDto) { await _logic.CreateLeagueArticle(leagueArticleDto); }