public bool CheckCredentialServer(LdapServiceModel ldapServiceModel)
            bool success = false;

            _ldapServer = ldapServiceModel.ldapServer;
            _ldapPort   = ldapServiceModel.ldapPort;
            LdapDirectoryIdentifier ldapDirectoryIdentifier = new LdapDirectoryIdentifier(_ldapServer, Convert.ToInt16(_ldapPort), true, false);
            LdapConnection          ldapConnection          = new LdapConnection(ldapDirectoryIdentifier);

                ldapConnection.AuthType = AuthType.Anonymous;
                ldapConnection.AutoBind = false;
                ldapConnection.Timeout  = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 1);
                success = true;
            catch (LdapException)
                success = false;

        public CustomUser IsCreated(string username, string password, LdapServiceModel ldapServiceModel)
            _ldapServer = ldapServiceModel.ldapServer;
            _ldapPort   = ldapServiceModel.ldapPort;
            _baseDn     = ldapServiceModel.baseDn;

            bool       success    = false;
            CustomUser customUser = null;

            //username must be user full domain name. build UID string
            string modUsername = "******" + username + _baseDn;

            //string tempPath = "LDAP://,o=Users,dc=okta,dc=com";
            _ldapPath = string.Format("LDAP://{0}:{1}", _ldapServer, _ldapPort);

            DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry(_ldapPath, modUsername, password);

            entry.AuthenticationType = AuthenticationTypes.None;
                // Bind to the native AdsObject to force authentication.
                // if no exception, then login successful
                Object connected = entry.NativeObject;

                DirectorySearcher directorySearcher = new DirectorySearcher(entry);
                directorySearcher.Filter = "(uid=" + username + ")";
                SearchResult result = directorySearcher.FindOne();
                if (result != null)
                    User oktaUser = new User();
                    customUser = new CustomUser(oktaUser);

                    string path = result.Path;
                    customUser.Profile.LastName  = (String)result.Properties["sn"][0];
                    customUser.Profile.FirstName = (String)result.Properties["givenname"][0];
                    customUser.Profile.Email     = (String)result.Properties["mail"][0];

                    //success = true;
            catch (LdapException ldapException)
                //add additional error handling
                if (ldapException.ErrorCode.Equals(LDAPError_InvalidCredentials))
                    success = false;

                success = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                //add additional error handling
                success = false;

예제 #3
        public MigrationController(ILogger <MigrationController> logger, IConfiguration config, ICredAuthentication ldap)
            _logger             = logger;
            _config             = config;
            _credAuthentication = ldap; //the service is injected by the GL app, the parameters are passed in on the method call

            _ldapServiceModel            = new LdapServiceModel();
            _ldapServiceModel.ldapServer = _config.GetValue <string>("ldapSettings:ldapServer");
            _ldapServiceModel.ldapPort   = _config.GetValue <string>("ldapSettings:ldapPort");
            _ldapServiceModel.baseDn     = _config.GetValue <string>("ldapSettings:baseDn");
        public bool IsAuthenticated(string username, string password, LdapServiceModel ldapServiceModel)
            _ldapServer = ldapServiceModel.ldapServer;
            _ldapPort   = ldapServiceModel.ldapPort;
            _baseDn     = ldapServiceModel.baseDn;

            _ldapPath = string.Format("LDAP://{0}:{1}", _ldapServer, _ldapPort);

            bool success = false;
            //username must be user full domain name. build UID string
            string modUsername = "******" + username + _baseDn;

                LdapDirectoryIdentifier ldapDirectoryIdentifier = new LdapDirectoryIdentifier(_ldapServer, Convert.ToInt16(_ldapPort), true, false);
                LdapConnection          ldapConnection          = new LdapConnection(ldapDirectoryIdentifier);
                //LdapConnection ldapConnection = new LdapConnection(new LdapDirectoryIdentifier((_ldapServer + (":" + _ldapPort))));

                //ldapConnection.SessionOptions.VerifyServerCertificate = new VerifyServerCertificateCallback((con, cer) => true);
                //ldapConnection.SessionOptions.SecureSocketLayer = true;
                ldapConnection.SessionOptions.ProtocolVersion = 3;
                ldapConnection.AuthType = AuthType.Basic;
                //ldapConnection.AuthType = AuthType.Negotiate;;
                ldapConnection.Timeout    = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10);
                ldapConnection.Credential = new NetworkCredential(modUsername, password);
                //if bind does not cause error then it is successful
                //_logger.Debug("ldap successfully validated username " + username);
                success = true;
            catch (LdapException ldapException)
                //add additional error handling
                if (ldapException.ErrorCode.Equals(LDAPError_InvalidCredentials))
                    success = false;

                success = false;
            catch (Exception ex)
                //add additional error handling
                success = false;

예제 #5
        public ActionResult ValidateUser()
            PswMigrationResponse pswMigrationRsp = new PswMigrationResponse();

            LdapServiceModel ldapServiceModel = null;
            CustomUser       oktaUser         = null;
            string           username         = null;
            string           password         = null;

            username = Request["username"];
            password = Request["password"];

            ldapServiceModel            = new LdapServiceModel();
            ldapServiceModel.ldapServer = appSettings["ldap.server"];
            ldapServiceModel.ldapPort   = appSettings["ldap.port"];
            ldapServiceModel.baseDn     = appSettings["ldap.baseDn"];

            //use received username and password to bind with LDAP
            //if password is valid, set password in Okta
                //check username in Okta and password status
                oktaUser = _oktaUserMgmt.GetCustomUser(username);
            catch (OktaException)
                //trap error, handle User is null

            if (oktaUser != null)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(oktaUser.Profile.IsPasswordInOkta) || oktaUser.Profile.IsPasswordInOkta == "false")
                    //check user credentials in LDAP
                    bool rspIsAuthenticated = _credAuthentication.IsAuthenticated(username, password, ldapServiceModel);

                    if (rspIsAuthenticated)
                        //set password in Okta
                        bool rspSetPsw = _oktaUserMgmt.SetUserPassword(oktaUser.Id, password);
                        if (rspSetPsw)
                            //update attribute in user profile when set password successful
                            oktaUser.Profile.IsPasswordInOkta = "true";
                            bool rspPartialUpdate = _oktaUserMgmt.UpdateCustomUserAttributesOnly(oktaUser);
                            if (rspPartialUpdate)
                                pswMigrationRsp.status           = "set password in Okta successful";
                                pswMigrationRsp.isPasswordInOkta = "true";
                                pswMigrationRsp.status           = "set password in Okta successful";
                                pswMigrationRsp.isPasswordInOkta = "unknown";
                            //update attribute in user profile when set password fails
                            oktaUser.Profile.IsPasswordInOkta = "true";
                            bool rspPartialUpdate = _oktaUserMgmt.UpdateCustomUserAttributesOnly(oktaUser);
                            if (rspPartialUpdate)
                                pswMigrationRsp.status           = "set password in Okta failed";
                                pswMigrationRsp.isPasswordInOkta = "false";
                                pswMigrationRsp.status           = "set password in Okta failed";
                                pswMigrationRsp.isPasswordInOkta = "unknown";
                        //arrive here is user creds not validated in Ldap
                        pswMigrationRsp.status           = "LDAP validation failed";
                        pswMigrationRsp.isPasswordInOkta = "false";
                    //no work required
                    pswMigrationRsp.status           = oktaUser.Status;
                    pswMigrationRsp.isPasswordInOkta = "true";
                //build response
                pswMigrationRsp.oktaId = oktaUser.Id;
                pswMigrationRsp.login  = oktaUser.Profile.Login;
                //arrive here if user not found in Okta
                //check user credentials and get profile from LDAP
                CustomUser rspCustomUser = _credAuthentication.IsCreated(username, password, ldapServiceModel);
                if (rspCustomUser != null)
                    rspCustomUser.Profile.Login = username + _userdomain;
                    Okta.Core.Models.Password pswd = new Okta.Core.Models.Password();
                    pswd.Value = password;
                    rspCustomUser.Credentials.Password = pswd;

                    //create Okta user with password
                    rspAddCustomUser = _oktaUserMgmt.AddCustomUser(rspCustomUser);
                    if (rspAddCustomUser != null)
                        Uri  rspUri      = new Uri("");
                        bool rspActivate = _oktaUserMgmt.ActivateUser(rspAddCustomUser, out rspUri);
                        if (rspActivate)
                            rspCustomUser.Profile.IsPasswordInOkta = "true";
                            bool rspPartialUpdate = _oktaUserMgmt.UpdateCustomUserAttributesOnly(rspAddCustomUser);
                            if (rspPartialUpdate)
                                pswMigrationRsp.oktaId           = rspAddCustomUser.Id;
                                pswMigrationRsp.login            = rspAddCustomUser.Profile.Login;
                                pswMigrationRsp.status           = "Created in Okta";
                                pswMigrationRsp.isPasswordInOkta = "true";
                                pswMigrationRsp.oktaId           = rspAddCustomUser.Id;
                                pswMigrationRsp.login            = rspAddCustomUser.Profile.Login;
                                pswMigrationRsp.status           = "Created in Okta";
                                pswMigrationRsp.isPasswordInOkta = "unknown";
                            pswMigrationRsp.oktaId           = "none";
                            pswMigrationRsp.login            = "******";
                            pswMigrationRsp.status           = "User NOT Created in Okta";
                            pswMigrationRsp.isPasswordInOkta = "false";
                        pswMigrationRsp.oktaId           = "none";
                        pswMigrationRsp.login            = "******";
                        pswMigrationRsp.status           = "User NOT Created in Okta";
                        pswMigrationRsp.isPasswordInOkta = "false";
                    pswMigrationRsp.oktaId           = "none";
                    pswMigrationRsp.login            = "******";
                    pswMigrationRsp.status           = "User NOT Created in Okta";
                    pswMigrationRsp.isPasswordInOkta = "false";

            return(Content(content: JsonConvert.SerializeObject(pswMigrationRsp), contentType: "application/json"));