예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the XIC based on the m/z and scan parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mz"></param>
        /// <param name="scan"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <XYData> FindXic(double mz, int scan, bool shouldSmooth)
            LcmsFeatureTarget target = new LcmsFeatureTarget();

            target.ID              = 0;
            target.MZ              = mz;
            target.ScanLCTarget    = scan;
            target.ElutionTimeUnit = Globals.ElutionTimeUnit.ScanNum;
            m_run.CurrentMassTag   = target;
            var result = m_run.ResultCollection.GetTargetedResult(m_run.CurrentMassTag);

            double chromPeakGeneratorTolInPPM = MzPpmWindow;

            Globals.ChromatogramGeneratorMode chromGeneratorMode = Globals.ChromatogramGeneratorMode.MZ_BASED;

            var chromGen = new PeakChromatogramGenerator(chromPeakGeneratorTolInPPM,

            chromGen.NETWindowWidthForNonAlignedData = Convert.ToSingle(NetWindow);

            int pointsToSmooth = 5;
            var chromSmoother  = new SavitzkyGolaySmoother(pointsToSmooth, 2);

            double chromPeakDetectorPeakBR   = 1;
            double chromPeakDetectorSigNoise = 1;
            var    chromPeakDetector         = new ChromPeakDetector(chromPeakDetectorPeakBR,

            ChromPeakSelectorParameters chromPeakSelectorParameters = new ChromPeakSelectorParameters();
            var chromPeakSelector = new BasicChromPeakSelector(chromPeakSelectorParameters);

            //this generates an extracted ion chromatogram
            // Since we are not using the built in generator,

            //this smooths the data - very important step!
            if (shouldSmooth)

            //this detects peaks within an extracted ion chromatogram

            //this selects the peak
            chromPeakSelector.Parameters.PeakSelectorMode = Globals.PeakSelectorMode.ClosestToTarget;

            //Here's the chromatogram data...
            List <XYData> data = new List <XYData>();

            for (int i = 0; i < m_run.XYData.Xvalues.Length; i++)
                XYData datum = new XYData(m_run.XYData.Xvalues[i], m_run.XYData.Yvalues[i]);

예제 #2
        private TargetBase ConvertTextToDataObject(List <string> processedData)
            var target = new LcmsFeatureTarget();

            target.DatabaseName       = LookupData(processedData, datasetHeaders);
            target.ID                 = ParseIntField(LookupData(processedData, targetIDHeaders));
            target.ChargeState        = (short)ParseIntField(LookupData(processedData, chargeStateHeaders));
            target.ChargeStateTargets = new List <int>();
            var lowerChargeState = ParseIntField(LookupData(processedData, chargeStateLowerHeaders));
            var upperChargeState = ParseIntField(LookupData(processedData, chargeStateUpperHeaders));

            if (lowerChargeState == -1 || upperChargeState == -1)
                for (var i = lowerChargeState; i <= upperChargeState; i++)

            target.ScanLCTarget    = ParseIntField(LookupData(processedData, scanHeaders));
            target.ElutionTimeUnit = Globals.ElutionTimeUnit.ScanNum;

            target.MonoIsotopicMass = ParseDoubleField(LookupData(processedData, monomassHeaders));
            target.MZ = target.MonoIsotopicMass / target.ChargeState + Globals.PROTON_MASS;

            target.FeatureToMassTagID = ParseIntField(LookupData(processedData, featureToMassTagIDHeaders));
            target.EmpiricalFormula   = LookupData(processedData, empiricalFormulaHeaders, String.Empty);
            target.Code = LookupData(processedData, peptideSequenceHeaders, String.Empty);

            //UMCIndex	ScanStart	ScanEnd	ScanClassRep
            //NETClassRep	UMCMonoMW	UMCMWStDev	UMCMWMin
            //UMCMWMax	UMCAbundance	ClassStatsChargeBasis
            //	ChargeStateMin	ChargeStateMax	UMCMZForChargeBasis
            //UMCMemberCount	UMCMemberCountUsedForAbu	UMCAverageFit
            //MassShiftPPMClassRep	PairIndex	PairMemberType	ExpressionRatio	//
            //ExpressionRatioStDev	ExpressionRatioChargeStateBasisCount
            //ExpressionRatioMemberBasisCount	MultiMassTagHitCount
            //MassTagID	MassTagMonoMW	MassTagNET	MassTagNETStDev	SLiC Score
            //DelSLiC	MemberCountMatchingMassTag	IsInternalStdMatch	PeptideProphetProbability	Peptide

        protected virtual TargetCollection GetLcmsFeatureTargets(string targetsFilePath)
            if (targetsFilePath.ToLower().Contains("_msgf"))
                var iqTargetImporter = new BasicIqTargetImporter(targetsFilePath);
                var iqTargets        = iqTargetImporter.Import();

                var targetUtilities  = new IqTargetUtilities();
                var targetCollection = new TargetCollection();
                targetCollection.TargetList = new List <TargetBase>();

                foreach (var iqTarget in iqTargets)
                    if (iqTarget.QualityScore > MsgfFdrScoreCutoff)

                    TargetBase oldStyleTarget = new LcmsFeatureTarget();
                    oldStyleTarget.ChargeState      = (short)iqTarget.ChargeState;
                    oldStyleTarget.Code             = iqTarget.Code;
                    oldStyleTarget.EmpiricalFormula = iqTarget.EmpiricalFormula;
                    oldStyleTarget.ID = iqTarget.ID;
                    oldStyleTarget.MZ = iqTarget.MZTheor;
                    oldStyleTarget.MonoIsotopicMass      = iqTarget.MonoMassTheor;
                    oldStyleTarget.ScanLCTarget          = iqTarget.ScanLC;
                    oldStyleTarget.NormalizedElutionTime = (float)iqTarget.ElutionTimeTheor;

                    oldStyleTarget.ElutionTimeUnit = DeconTools.Backend.Globals.ElutionTimeUnit.ScanNum;


            var importer =
                new LcmsTargetFromFeaturesFileImporter(targetsFilePath);

            var lcmsTargetCollection = importer.Import();

예제 #4
        private void SetCurrentWorkflowTarget(TargetedResultDTO result)
            TargetBase target = new LcmsFeatureTarget();

            target.ChargeState = (short)result.ChargeState;
            target.ElutionTimeUnit  = DeconTools.Backend.Globals.ElutionTimeUnit.ScanNum;
            target.EmpiricalFormula = result.EmpiricalFormula;
            target.ID = (int)result.TargetID;

            target.IsotopicProfile = null;   //workflow will determine this

            target.MZ = result.MonoMZ;
            target.MonoIsotopicMass = result.MonoMass;
            target.ScanLCTarget     = result.ScanLC;

            Run.CurrentMassTag = target;
        private void ReadResultsFromDB(TargetCollection targetCollection, DbDataReader reader)
            while (reader.Read())
                var result = new LcmsFeatureTarget();

                result.ID = readInt(reader, "UMC_Ind");
                result.FeatureToMassTagID = readInt(reader, "Mass_Tag_ID");

                result.ChargeState = (short)readInt(reader, "Class_Stats_Charge_Basis");

                result.MonoIsotopicMass = readDouble(reader, "Class_Mass");

                result.MZ = result.MonoIsotopicMass / result.ChargeState + 1.00727649;
                result.NormalizedElutionTime = readFloat(reader, "ElutionTime");

                result.ScanLCTarget    = readInt(reader, "Scan_Max_Abundance");
                result.ElutionTimeUnit = DeconTools.Backend.Globals.ElutionTimeUnit.ScanNum;

        private void SetCurrentWorkflowTarget(SipperLcmsFeatureTargetedResultDTO result)
            TargetBase target = new LcmsFeatureTarget();
            target.ChargeState = (short)result.ChargeState;
            target.ElutionTimeUnit = Globals.ElutionTimeUnit.ScanNum;
            target.EmpiricalFormula = result.EmpiricalFormula;
            target.ID = (int)result.TargetID;

            target.IsotopicProfile = null;   //workflow will determine this

            target.MZ = result.MonoMZ;
            target.MonoIsotopicMass = result.MonoMass;
            target.ScanLCTarget = result.ScanLC;

            Run.CurrentMassTag = target;
예제 #7
        public void Test1()
            var testFile =
            var peaksTestFile =

            var run = RunUtilities.CreateAndLoadPeaks(testFile, peaksTestFile);

            var target = new LcmsFeatureTarget();

            target.ID = 0;

            target.MZ              = 715.39214;
            target.ScanLCTarget    = 7343;
            target.ElutionTimeUnit = Globals.ElutionTimeUnit.ScanNum;
            run.CurrentMassTag     = target;

            var result = run.ResultCollection.GetTargetedResult(run.CurrentMassTag);

            double chromPeakGeneratorTolInPPM = 20;
            var    chromGeneratorMode         = Globals.ChromatogramGeneratorMode.MZ_BASED;

            var chromGen = new PeakChromatogramGenerator(chromPeakGeneratorTolInPPM, chromGeneratorMode);

            // If we want to use the Execute Command
            //BLL .1 and .5 NET windows work.   .02 NET window does not BR and SN was set to 1 however)
            chromGen.ChromWindowWidthForNonAlignedData = .02F;

            var pointsToSmooth = 5;
            var chromSmoother  = new SavitzkyGolaySmoother(pointsToSmooth, 2);

            //BLL We also tried to set the BR and SIG NOISE to 0.  This did not work
            var chromPeakDetectorPeakBR   = 0.5;
            var chromPeakDetectorSigNoise = 0.5;
            var chromPeakDetector         = new ChromPeakDetector(chromPeakDetectorPeakBR, chromPeakDetectorSigNoise);

            var chromPeakSelectorParameters = new ChromPeakSelectorParameters();

            chromPeakSelectorParameters.PeakSelectorMode = Globals.PeakSelectorMode.ClosestToTarget;
            var chromPeakSelector = new BasicChromPeakSelector(chromPeakSelectorParameters);

            var smartChromPeakParameters = new SmartChromPeakSelectorParameters();

            var smartChromPeakSelector = new SmartChromPeakSelector(smartChromPeakParameters);

            //this generates an extracted ion chromatogram
            // Since we are not using the built in generator,

            //this smooths the data - very important step!

            //BLL. This didnt work for me when we first started, instead of using the NET window above.
            //                                target.ScanLCTarget - 300,
            //                                target.ScanLCTarget + 300,
            //                                target.MZ,
            //                                chromPeakGeneratorTolInPPM);

            //this detects peaks within an extracted ion chromatogram

            //this selects the peak


            Console.WriteLine("Number of peaks detected = " + run.PeakList.Count);
            Console.WriteLine("Selected peak= " + result.ChromPeakSelected);
        public TargetCollection Import(out Dictionary <int, PrsmData> prsmData)
            StreamReader reader;

            prsmData = new Dictionary <int, PrsmData>();

            if (!File.Exists(_filename))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Input file not found: " + _filename);

                reader = new StreamReader(_filename);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new IOException("There was a problem importing from the file.", ex);

            var targets = new TargetCollection();

            // Group LcmsFeatureTargets by their code
            var proteinSpeciesGroups = new Dictionary <string, List <LcmsFeatureTarget> >();

            using (var sr = reader)
                if (sr.Peek() == -1)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("There is no data in the file we are trying to read.");

                var columnHeaders = sr.ReadLine().Split('\t').ToList();
                var columnMapping = GetColumnMapping(columnHeaders);

                var lineCounter = 0; //used for tracking which line is being processed.

                //read and process each line of the file
                while (sr.Peek() > -1)
                    _dataRowsProcessed = lineCounter;

                    var processedData = sr.ReadLine().Split('\t').ToList();

                    //ensure that processed line is the same size as the header line
                    if (processedData.Count != columnHeaders.Count)
                        throw new InvalidDataException("Data in row #" + lineCounter.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) +
                                                       "is invalid - \nThe number of columns does not match that of the header line");

                    // Get Prsm_ID
                    int prsmId;
                    if (!int.TryParse(processedData[columnMapping[PRSM_ID_HEADER]], out prsmId))
                        throw new InvalidDataException("Could not parse Prsm ID.");

                    // Get scan
                    int scanLcTarget;
                    if (!int.TryParse(processedData[columnMapping[SCAN_HEADER]], out scanLcTarget))
                        throw new InvalidDataException("Could not parse scan number.");

                    // Get charge state
                    short chargeState;
                    if (!short.TryParse(processedData[columnMapping[CHARGE_HEADER]], out chargeState))
                        throw new InvalidDataException("Could not parse charge.");

                    // Get code
                    var code = processedData[columnMapping[PEPTIDE_HEADER]];

                    string empiricalFormula;
                    // Modified species, try to get empirical formula
                    if (code.Contains("("))
                        empiricalFormula = GetEmpiricalFormulaForSequenceWithMods(code);
                        // Unknown modification in sequence, skip
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(empiricalFormula))
                        empiricalFormula = _peptideUtils.GetEmpiricalFormulaForPeptideSequence(code);

                    // Get monoisotopic mass
                    var monoisotopicMass = EmpiricalFormulaUtilities.GetMonoisotopicMassFromEmpiricalFormula(empiricalFormula);

                    // Get Protein_mass
                    double proteinMass;
                    if (!double.TryParse(processedData[columnMapping[PROTEIN_MASS_HEADER]], out proteinMass))
                        throw new InvalidDataException("Could not parse protein mass.");

                    // Get protein name
                    var proteinName = processedData[columnMapping[PROTEIN_NAME_HEADER]];

                    // Get score
                    double eValueDbl;
                    if (!double.TryParse(processedData[columnMapping[E_VALUE_HEADER]], out eValueDbl))
                        if (processedData[columnMapping[E_VALUE_HEADER]].ToLower() == "Infinity")
                            eValueDbl = float.MaxValue;
                            throw new InvalidDataException("Could not parse e-value.");

                    float eValue;
                    if (eValueDbl > float.MaxValue)
                        eValue = float.MaxValue;
                        eValue = (float)eValueDbl;

                    // Make Prsm
                    prsmData.Add(prsmId, new PrsmData {
                        ProteinMass = proteinMass, ProteinName = proteinName, EValue = eValue

                    // Create target
                    var target = new LcmsFeatureTarget
                        FeatureToMassTagID = prsmId,
                        ID = -1,
                        ElutionTimeUnit  = DeconTools.Backend.Globals.ElutionTimeUnit.ScanNum,
                        ScanLCTarget     = scanLcTarget,
                        Code             = code,
                        EmpiricalFormula = empiricalFormula,
                        MonoIsotopicMass = monoisotopicMass,
                        ChargeState      = chargeState,
                        MZ = monoisotopicMass / chargeState + DeconTools.Backend.Globals.PROTON_MASS,

                    if (!proteinSpeciesGroups.ContainsKey(code))
                        proteinSpeciesGroups.Add(code, new List <LcmsFeatureTarget>());

                     * // Create range
                     * const int maxOffset = 0;
                     * for (short offset = -maxOffset; offset <= maxOffset; offset++)
                     * {
                     *  // Create new target
                     *  var newCharge = (short) (chargeState + offset);
                     *  var targetCopy = new LcmsFeatureTarget(target)
                     *  {
                     *      ID = ++idCounter,
                     *      ChargeState = newCharge,
                     *      MZ = target.MonoIsotopicMass / newCharge + DeconTools.Backend.Globals.PROTON_MASS
                     *  };
                     *  // Add target
                     *  targets.TargetIDList.Add(idCounter);
                     *  targets.TargetList.Add(targetCopy);
                     * }

            // Loop through each protein species group and add in the missing charge states
            var idCounter = 0;

            foreach (var keyValuePair in proteinSpeciesGroups)
                var targetGroup = AddChargeStates(keyValuePair.Value, EXTEND_CHARGE_RANGE);

                var chargeStates = new List <short> {
                // Add all targets in group and IDs to list
                foreach (var target in targetGroup)
                    if (!chargeStates.Contains(target.ChargeState))
                        target.ID = ++idCounter;

예제 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the XIC based on the m/z and scan parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mz"></param>
        /// <param name="scan"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List<PNNLOmics.Data.XYData> FindXic(double mz, int scan, bool shouldSmooth)
            LcmsFeatureTarget target    = new LcmsFeatureTarget();
            target.ID                   = 0;
            target.MZ                   = mz;
            target.ScanLCTarget         = scan;
            target.ElutionTimeUnit      = Globals.ElutionTimeUnit.ScanNum;
            m_run.CurrentMassTag        = target;
            var result                  = m_run.ResultCollection.GetTargetedResult(m_run.CurrentMassTag);

            double chromPeakGeneratorTolInPPM = MzPpmWindow;
            Globals.ChromatogramGeneratorMode chromGeneratorMode = Globals.ChromatogramGeneratorMode.MZ_BASED;

            var chromGen = new PeakChromatogramGenerator(   chromPeakGeneratorTolInPPM,
            chromGen.NETWindowWidthForNonAlignedData = Convert.ToSingle(NetWindow);

            int pointsToSmooth  = 5;
            var chromSmoother   = new SavitzkyGolaySmoother(pointsToSmooth, 2);

            double chromPeakDetectorPeakBR   = 1;
            double chromPeakDetectorSigNoise = 1;
            var chromPeakDetector            = new ChromPeakDetector(   chromPeakDetectorPeakBR,

            ChromPeakSelectorParameters chromPeakSelectorParameters = new ChromPeakSelectorParameters();
            var chromPeakSelector = new BasicChromPeakSelector(chromPeakSelectorParameters);

            //this generates an extracted ion chromatogram
            // Since we are not using the built in generator,

            //this smooths the data - very important step!
            if (shouldSmooth)

            //this detects peaks within an extracted ion chromatogram

            //this selects the peak
            chromPeakSelector.Parameters.PeakSelectorMode = Globals.PeakSelectorMode.ClosestToTarget;

            //Here's the chromatogram data...
            List<PNNLOmics.Data.XYData> data = new List<PNNLOmics.Data.XYData>();

            for (int i = 0; i < m_run.XYData.Xvalues.Length; i++)
                PNNLOmics.Data.XYData datum = new PNNLOmics.Data.XYData(m_run.XYData.Xvalues[i], m_run.XYData.Yvalues[i]);

            return data;