예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Method for configuring <see cref="LavalinkExtension"/>, accessing each configuration individually.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="botBase"></param>
        /// <param name="hostname">Sets the hostname associated with the Lavalink.</param>
        /// <param name="port">Sets the port associated with the Lavalink.</param>
        /// <param name="password">Sets the password associated with the Lavalink.</param>
        /// <param name="secured">Sets the secured status associated with the Lavalink.</param>
        /// <param name="region">Sets the voice region ID for the Lavalink connection. This should be used if nodes should be filtered by region with <see cref="LavalinkExtension.GetIdealNodeConnection(DiscordVoiceRegion)"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="resumeKey">Sets the resume key for the Lavalink connection. This will allow existing voice sessions to continue for a certain time after the client is disconnected.</param>
        /// <param name="resumeTimeout">Sets the time in seconds when all voice sessions are closed after the client disconnects. Defaults to 1 minute.</param>
        /// <param name="webSocketCloseTimeout">Sets the time in miliseconds to wait for Lavalink's voice WebSocket to close after leaving a voice channel. This will be the delay before the guild connection is removed. Defaults to 3 minutes.</param>
        /// <param name="socketAutoReconnect">Sets whether the connection wrapper should attempt automatic reconnects should the connection drop.</param>
        public static void LavalinkSetup(this TarsBase botBase, string hostname, int port, string password, bool secured = false, DiscordVoiceRegion region = null,
                                         string resumeKey = null, TimeSpan?resumeTimeout = null, TimeSpan?webSocketCloseTimeout = null, bool socketAutoReconnect = true)
            _botBase = botBase;

            var connectionEndpoint = new ConnectionEndpoint(hostname, port, secured);

            _lavalinkConfiguration = new LavalinkConfiguration
                SocketEndpoint        = connectionEndpoint,
                RestEndpoint          = connectionEndpoint,
                Password              = password,
                Region                = region,
                ResumeKey             = resumeKey,
                ResumeTimeout         = (int)(resumeTimeout?.TotalSeconds ?? TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1).TotalSeconds),
                WebSocketCloseTimeout = (int)(webSocketCloseTimeout?.TotalMilliseconds ?? TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3).TotalMilliseconds),
                SocketAutoReconnect   = _socketAutoReconnect = socketAutoReconnect
            _lavalink = botBase.Discord.UseLavalink();

            botBase.Discord.Heartbeated += DiscordHeartbeated;

예제 #2
        private async Task <LavalinkNodeConnection> ConnectLavaNodeAsync()
            ConnectionEndpoint endpoint = new ConnectionEndpoint
                Hostname = "server.local",
                Port     = 2333

            LavalinkConfiguration lavalinkConfig = new LavalinkConfiguration
                Password            = ReadConfig.Config.LavaLinkPass,
                RestEndpoint        = endpoint,
                SocketEndpoint      = endpoint,
                SocketAutoReconnect = false

            LavalinkExtension lavalink = Client.UseLavalink();

            LavalinkNodeConnection res = null;

                res = await lavalink.ConnectAsync(lavalinkConfig);
            catch (WebSocketException e)
                SystemService.Instance.Logger.Log("Failed to start connection with Lavalink server:\n" + e.Message);

예제 #3
        public LavaPlayer()
            LavalinkConfiguration lavaConfig = global.botConfig.GetLavalinkConfiguration();
            LavalinkExtension     lavalink   = global.bot.UseLavalink();

예제 #4
        //Finished downloading guild information
        private async Task Client_Ready(DiscordClient client, ReadyEventArgs e)
            //Setup lavalink
            var LavaConfig = new LavalinkConfiguration
                RestEndpoint = new ConnectionEndpoint {
                    Hostname = "localhost", Port = 2333
                SocketEndpoint = new ConnectionEndpoint {
                    Hostname = "localhost", Port = 2333
                Password = this.LavaPass

            this.LavalinkNode = await this.Lavalink.ConnectAsync(LavaConfig);

            //Check if global config is empty, this shouldn't happen normally
            if (await this.Config.IsEmpty())
                //Populate the config with default settings for all guilds.
                List <DiscordGuild> Yes = new List <DiscordGuild>();
                this.Config = await this.SettingsInstance.CreateAllDefaultSettings(client, this.SQLConn);

                await this.Config.SaveSettings(SQLConn);

            await client.UpdateStatusAsync(this.Config.StartupActivity, UserStatus.Online);

            client.Logger.Log(LogLevel.Information, "Connected successfully");
예제 #5
 public MusicModule()
     this.endpoint      = new ConnectionEndpoint("", 2333);
     this.configuration = new LavalinkConfiguration
         Password       = "******",
         RestEndpoint   = this.endpoint,
         SocketEndpoint = this.endpoint,
         ResumeKey      = "tutorial-bot"
예제 #6
        static async Task MainAsync()
            Discord = new DiscordClient(new DiscordConfiguration()
                Token           = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TOKEN"),
                TokenType       = TokenType.Bot,
                MinimumLogLevel = LogLevel.Debug,
                AutoReconnect   = true,

            var commands = Discord.UseCommandsNext(new CommandsNextConfiguration()
                StringPrefixes = new[] { ">" }

            commands.RegisterCommands <MyFirstModule>();
            commands.RegisterCommands <MusicModule>();
            commands.RegisterCommands <BobaModule>();
            commands.RegisterCommands <EggModule>();
            commands.RegisterCommands <DameModule>();

            var endpoint = new ConnectionEndpoint
                Hostname = "newmydiscordbot-lavalink.herokuapp.com", // From your server configuration.
                //Port = Convert.ToInt32(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PORT") ?? "80")  // From your server configuration
                //Hostname = "",
                Port = 80


            var lavalinkConfig = new LavalinkConfiguration
                Password = "******", // From your server configuration.
                //Password= "******",
                RestEndpoint   = endpoint,
                SocketEndpoint = endpoint,
                ResumeTimeout  = 50

            var lavalink = Discord.UseLavalink();

            await Discord.ConnectAsync(new DSharpPlus.Entities.DiscordActivity("Anime", DSharpPlus.Entities.ActivityType.Watching));

            await lavalink.ConnectAsync(lavalinkConfig);

            await Task.Delay(-1);
예제 #7
        private LavalinkConfiguration CreateLavalinkConfig()
            var endpoint = new ConnectionEndpoint
                Hostname = jsonSettings.LavaHost,
                Port     = jsonSettings.LavaPort

            var lavalinkConfig = new LavalinkConfiguration
                Password       = jsonSettings.LavaPassword,
                RestEndpoint   = endpoint,
                SocketEndpoint = endpoint

        public MusicService(LaveyBot bot)
            this._bot      = bot;
            this._log      = LogManager.GetLogger("MusicService");
            this._players  = new ConcurrentDictionary <ulong, MusicPlayer>();
            this._endpoint = new ConnectionEndpoint(this._bot.Config.Lavalink.Endpoint.Hostname, this._bot.Config.Lavalink.Endpoint.Port);

            this._config = new LavalinkConfiguration
                Password       = bot.Config.Lavalink.Password,
                RestEndpoint   = this._endpoint,
                SocketEndpoint = this._endpoint

            this._bot.Discord.Ready       += this.OnReady;
            this._bot.Discord.Heartbeated += this.OnHeartbeat;
예제 #9
        public LavalinkConfiguration GetLavalinkConfiguration()
            ConnectionEndpoint endpoint = new ConnectionEndpoint
                Hostname = global.botConfig.lavalinkServerIp,
                Port     = global.botConfig.lavalinkServerPort

            LavalinkConfiguration config = new LavalinkConfiguration
                Password       = global.botConfig.lavalinkPassword,
                RestEndpoint   = endpoint,
                SocketEndpoint = endpoint,

예제 #10
        public MusicService(DiscordClient discord)
            configuration = new LavalinkConfiguration {
                Password     = "******",
                RestEndpoint = new ConnectionEndpoint {
                    Hostname = "ubge.ddns.net",                     //ubge.ddns.net ou
                    Port     = 65201
                SocketEndpoint = new ConnectionEndpoint {
                    Hostname = "ubge.ddns.net",
                    Port     = 65201

            Players        = new ConcurrentDictionary <ulong, MusicPlayer>();
            Discord        = discord;
            Discord.Ready += Discord_Ready;
예제 #11
        static Configuration()
            if (!File.Exists("appsettings.json"))
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Settings file has not been found", "appsettings.json");

            var json = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText("appsettings.json"));

            Discord = new DiscordConfiguration(

            Lavalink = new LavalinkConfiguration(
예제 #12
        public async Task RodandoBot(string[] args)
            var discord = new DiscordClient(new DiscordConfiguration
                Token           = Parameters.token,
                TokenType       = TokenType.Bot,
                MinimumLogLevel = LogLevel.Debug

            discord.UseInteractivity(new InteractivityConfiguration()
                Timeout             = System.TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30),
                PollBehaviour       = PollBehaviour.KeepEmojis,
                PaginationBehaviour = PaginationBehaviour.Ignore,
                PaginationDeletion  = PaginationDeletion.KeepEmojis

            this.Database             = new DataContext();
            this.StartsRepository     = new StartsRepository(this.Database);
            this.ItemRepository       = new ItemRepository(this.Database);
            this.CharactersRepository = new CharactersRepository(this.Database);
            this.AtributesRepository  = new AtributesRepository(this.Database);
            this.MonsterRepository    = new MonsterRepository(this.Database);
            this.BattleService        = new BattleService(this.Database);

            var services = new ServiceCollection()

            var commands = discord.UseCommandsNext(new CommandsNextConfiguration
                Services       = services,
                StringPrefixes = Parameters.Prefix

            commands.RegisterCommands <LavaLinkCommands>();
            commands.RegisterCommands <StartCommands>();
            commands.RegisterCommands <AssignAtributtesCharacter>();
            commands.RegisterCommands <StatusCommands>();
            commands.RegisterCommands <ItemCommands>();
            commands.RegisterCommands <MonsterCommands>();
            commands.RegisterCommands <BattleCommands>();
            commands.RegisterCommands <B3Commands>();


            var endPoint = new ConnectionEndpoint
                Hostname = "",
                Port     = 2333

            var lavaLinkConfig = new LavalinkConfiguration
                Password       = "******",
                RestEndpoint   = endPoint,
                SocketEndpoint = endPoint

            var lavalink = discord.UseLavalink();
            await discord.ConnectAsync();

            await lavalink.ConnectAsync(lavaLinkConfig);

            //espera infinita, para o bot ficar online continuamente.
            await Task.Delay(-1);
예제 #13
        private static async Task MainAsync()
            _client = new DiscordClient(new DiscordConfiguration
                Token = Configuration.Discord.UseProduction ? Configuration.Discord.Production : Configuration.Discord.Development,
                TokenType = TokenType.Bot,
                #if DEBUG
                MinimumLogLevel = LogLevel.Debug,
                MinimumLogLevel = LogLevel.Information,
                Intents = DiscordIntents.All

            _client.GuildMemberAdded += OnGuildMemberAdded;
            _client.GuildMemberRemoved += OnGuildMemberRemoved;
            _client.GuildCreated += OnGuildCreated;
            _client.GuildDeleted += OnGuildDeleted;
            _client.GuildBanAdded += OnGuildBanAdded;
            _client.GuildBanRemoved += OnGuildBanRemoved;
            _client.MessageCreated += OnMessageCreated;

            _client.UseInteractivity(new InteractivityConfiguration
                PollBehaviour = PollBehaviour.DeleteEmojis,
                Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)

            var commands = _client.UseCommandsNext(new CommandsNextConfiguration
                StringPrefixes = new[] {"wyrobot!"},
                IgnoreExtraArguments = true,
                EnableMentionPrefix = false,
                PrefixResolver = ResolvePrefixAsync
            commands.RegisterConverter(new BoolConverter());

            var endpoint = new ConnectionEndpoint
                Hostname = Configuration.Lavalink.Host,
                Port = Configuration.Lavalink.Port

            var lavalinkConfig = new LavalinkConfiguration
                Password = Configuration.Lavalink.Password,
                RestEndpoint = endpoint,
                SocketEndpoint = endpoint
            var lavalink = _client.UseLavalink();
            await _client.ConnectAsync(new DiscordActivity
                Name = "with code",
                ActivityType = ActivityType.Playing
            await lavalink.ConnectAsync(lavalinkConfig);

            await Task.Delay(-1);
예제 #14
        public async Task RunBotAsync()
            // read config

            string json;

            await using (FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "config.json")))
                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(fs, new UTF8Encoding(false)))
                    json = await sr.ReadToEndAsync();

            Configuration = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ConfigJson>(json);

            // setup client

            DiscordConfiguration cfg = new DiscordConfiguration
                Token     = Configuration.Token,
                TokenType = TokenType.Bot,

                Intents = DiscordIntents.GuildMessages
                          | DiscordIntents.Guilds
                          | DiscordIntents.GuildMembers
                          | DiscordIntents.GuildBans
                          | DiscordIntents.GuildVoiceStates,

                AutoReconnect      = true,
                MinimumLogLevel    = LogLevel.Debug,
                LogTimestampFormat = "dd MMM yyy - hh:mm:ss"

            Client = new DiscordShardedClient(cfg);

            Client.Ready          += new Ready(Client).Client_Ready;
            Client.GuildAvailable += new GuildAvailable(Client).Client_GuildAvailable;
            Client.ClientErrored  += new ClientErrored(Client).Client_ClientErrored;

            // load custom commands

            List <Type> typesToRegister = new List <Type>();

            if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "CustomCommands")))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "CustomCommands");
                string[] assemblyList = Directory.GetFiles(
                    Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "CustomCommands"),
                    "*.dll", SearchOption.AllDirectories);

                foreach (string assemblyPath in assemblyList)
                    Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFile(assemblyPath);
                    Type     type     = assembly.GetType("SecretariaEletronica.CustomCommands.Main");

            // setup commandsnext

            CommandsNextConfiguration commandCfg = new CommandsNextConfiguration
                StringPrefixes      = Configuration.CommandPrefix,
                EnableDms           = true,
                EnableMentionPrefix = true

            Commands = await Client.UseCommandsNextAsync(commandCfg);

            foreach (CommandsNextExtension cmdNext in Commands.Values)
                cmdNext.CommandExecuted += new CommandExecuted().Commands_CommandExecuted;
                cmdNext.CommandErrored  += new CommandErrored().Commands_CommandErrored;

                cmdNext.RegisterCommands <CustomCommands>();
                cmdNext.RegisterCommands <DrawningCommands>();
                cmdNext.RegisterCommands <LavaLinkCommands>();
                cmdNext.RegisterCommands <MiscCommands>();
                cmdNext.RegisterCommands <ModeratorCommands>();
                cmdNext.RegisterCommands <VoiceCommands>();
                cmdNext.RegisterCommands <WaxCommands>();

                foreach (Type type in typesToRegister)

            // setup lavalink

            ConnectionEndpoint endpoint = new ConnectionEndpoint
                Hostname = Configuration.LavaLinkIp,
                Port     = Configuration.LavaLinkPort

            LavalinkConfiguration lavalinkConfig = new LavalinkConfiguration
                Password       = Configuration.LavaLinkPass,
                RestEndpoint   = endpoint,
                SocketEndpoint = endpoint

            Voice = await Client.UseVoiceNextAsync(new VoiceNextConfiguration());

            LavaLink = await Client.UseLavalinkAsync();

            await Client.StartAsync();

            foreach (LavalinkExtension lava in LavaLink.Values)
                await lava.ConnectAsync(lavalinkConfig);

            // setup mongodb

            _mongoClient = new MongoClient(Configuration.MongoUrl);
            Database     = _mongoClient.GetDatabase("SecretariaEletronica");

            await Task.Delay(-1);
예제 #15
        public async Task RunAsync()
            var json = string.Empty;

            using (var fs = File.OpenRead(Path.GetFullPath(@"C:\Users\niedz\Desktop\C#\CustomBot\CustomBot\bin\Debug\net5.0\config.json")))
                using (var sr = new StreamReader(fs, new UTF8Encoding(false)))
                    json = await sr.ReadToEndAsync();

            var configJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ConfigJson>(json);

            var config = new DiscordConfiguration
                Token           = configJson.Token,
                TokenType       = TokenType.Bot,
                AutoReconnect   = true,
                MinimumLogLevel = LogLevel.Debug

            var endpoint = new ConnectionEndpoint
                Hostname = "",
                Port     = 2333

            var lavalinkConfig = new LavalinkConfiguration
                Password       = "******",
                RestEndpoint   = endpoint,
                SocketEndpoint = endpoint

            Client = new DiscordClient(config);

            Client.Ready += OnClientReady;

            Client.UseInteractivity(new InteractivityConfiguration
                Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)

            var commandsConfig = new CommandsNextConfiguration
                StringPrefixes      = new string[] { configJson.Prefix },
                EnableDms           = false,
                EnableMentionPrefix = true,
                DmHelp   = false,
                Services = _serviceProvider

            var lavalink = Client.UseLavalink();

            Commands = Client.UseCommandsNext(commandsConfig);

            Commands.RegisterCommands <PlaylistCommands>();
            Commands.RegisterCommands <FounderCommands>();
            Commands.RegisterCommands <JavalinkCommands>();

            Voice = Client.UseVoiceNext();

            await Client.ConnectAsync();

            await lavalink.ConnectAsync(lavalinkConfig);

            await Task.Delay(-1);
예제 #16
        private static async Task MainAsync()
            var json = string.Empty;

            using (var fs = File.OpenRead("../../../config.json")) //a hacky way to arrive at the config directory
                using (var sr = new StreamReader(fs, new UTF8Encoding(false)))
                    json = await sr.ReadToEndAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
            var configJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ConfigJson>(json);

            //json config reading complete

            discord = new DiscordClient(new DiscordConfiguration()
                Token           = configJson.Token,
                TokenType       = TokenType.Bot,
                AutoReconnect   = true,
                MinimumLogLevel = LogLevel.Debug,
                Intents         = DiscordIntents.GuildEmojis
                                  | DiscordIntents.GuildVoiceStates
                                  | DiscordIntents.GuildMessageReactions
                                  | DiscordIntents.GuildMessages
                                  | DiscordIntents.Guilds
            DiscordChannel channel = null;

            var commands = discord.UseCommandsNext(new CommandsNextConfiguration()
                StringPrefixes = new[] { configJson.Prefix }

            commands.RegisterCommands <FirstModule>();
            var endpoint = new ConnectionEndpoint
                Hostname = "",
                Port     = 5688

            var lavalinkConfig = new LavalinkConfiguration
                Password       = "******",
                RestEndpoint   = endpoint,
                SocketEndpoint = endpoint
            var lavalink = discord.UseLavalink();

            //below are the event listeners
            discord.VoiceStateUpdated += async(s, e) =>  //when someone joins leaves or moves voice channel
                DiscordGuild   guild          = e.Guild;
                DiscordChannel currentChannel = e.Channel;
                string         user           = e.User.Username;
                if (user.Equals("User"))
                    await discord.SendMessageAsync(await discord.GetChannelAsync(803584072572076055), $"{user }alert ", true);

            discord.MessageCreated += async(s, e) =>
                String user = e.Author.Username;
                //await e.Message.ModifyAsync("ahhhh another one.");
                if (e.Message.Content.ToLower().Contains("fiddlesticks"))
                    await e.Message.DeleteAsync();

                    await e.Message.RespondAsync($"Wuh-oh {user}, we don't use that kinda language 'round these parts.");

                if (e.Author.Username.Equals("User") && e.Message.Content.ToLowerInvariant().Contains("lol"))
                    await e.Message.RespondAsync($"It probably wasn't that funny {user}, chill out");

            await discord.ConnectAsync();

            await lavalink.ConnectAsync(lavalinkConfig);

            await Task.Delay(-1);
예제 #17
        public async Task EnqueueTrack(CommandContext ctx, [RemainingText] string input)
            _Cmdctx = ctx;

            if (ctx.Member?.VoiceState?.Channel == null)
                await ctx.RespondAsync("You must be connected to a voice channel to use this command.");


            var lavaconfig = new LavalinkConfiguration
                Password = ""

            if (_LavalinkNode == null || !_LavalinkNode.IsConnected)
                _LavalinkNode = await _Lavalink.ConnectAsync(lavaconfig);

            if ((_LavalinkGuild == null || !_LavalinkGuild.IsConnected))
                _LavalinkGuild = await _LavalinkNode.ConnectAsync(ctx.Member.VoiceState.Channel);

                _LavalinkGuild.PlaybackFinished += PlayTrack;

            var tracks = new LavalinkLoadResult();

            Uri uri;

            if (Uri.TryCreate(input, UriKind.Absolute, out uri))
                tracks = await _LavalinkNode.GetTracksAsync(uri);
                tracks = await _LavalinkNode.GetTracksAsync(input);

            switch (tracks.LoadResultType)
            case LavalinkLoadResultType.SearchResult:

            case LavalinkLoadResultType.TrackLoaded:
                await ctx.RespondAsync($"**[Enqueued]** {tracks.Tracks.First().Title}");


            case LavalinkLoadResultType.PlaylistLoaded:
                foreach (LavalinkTrack track in tracks.Tracks)
                await ctx.RespondAsync($"Playlist Loaded.");


            case LavalinkLoadResultType.LoadFailed:
                await ctx.RespondAsync($"Track could not be loaded.");


            case LavalinkLoadResultType.NoMatches:
                await ctx.RespondAsync($"Track Not Found.");


                await ctx.RespondAsync($"Error.");


            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_LavalinkGuild.CurrentState.CurrentTrack.Title))
        public async Task RunAsync()
            #region Abrindo o arquivo de configuração do bot.
            string projectPath    = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(AppContext.BaseDirectory, "..\\..\\..\\"));
            string configFilePath = $"{projectPath}{ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ClientConfigJson"]}";

            string json = string.Empty;

            FileStream fileStream = null;
                fileStream = File.OpenRead(configFilePath);
                using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(fileStream, new UTF8Encoding(false)))
                    fileStream = null;
                    json       = await streamReader.ReadToEndAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
                if (fileStream != null)
            configJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ConfigJson>(json);
            #region Configurando o bot com o Token do arquivo de configuração.
            DiscordConfiguration config = new DiscordConfiguration
                Token           = configJson.Token,
                TokenType       = TokenType.Bot,
                AutoReconnect   = true,
                MinimumLogLevel = LogLevel.Debug
            #region Instanciando o bot(_client) e configurando a extensão de interactividade.
            Client        = new DiscordClient(config);
            Client.Ready += OnClientReady;
            Client.UseInteractivity(new InteractivityConfiguration
                Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2),

            await Client.ConnectAsync();

            #region Inicializando o serviço de audio do _client
            ConnectionEndpoint endpoint = new ConnectionEndpoint
                Hostname = configJson.EndpointHostname,
                Port     = configJson.EndpointPort
            LavalinkConfiguration lavalinkConfig = new LavalinkConfiguration
                Password       = configJson.LavalinkPassword,
                RestEndpoint   = endpoint,
                SocketEndpoint = endpoint,
            Lavalink     = Client.UseLavalink();
            LavalinkNode = await Lavalink.ConnectAsync(lavalinkConfig);

            #region Configuração e registro dos comandos do bot.
            CommandsNextConfiguration commandsConfiguration = new CommandsNextConfiguration()
                StringPrefixes      = new string[] { configJson.CommandPrefix },
                EnableDms           = false,
                EnableMentionPrefix = true,
                DmHelp = false
            Commands = Client.UseCommandsNext(commandsConfiguration);
            Commands.RegisterCommands <ModeratorCommands>();
            Commands.RegisterCommands <UserCommands>();

            LavalinkNode.PlaybackFinished += Lavalink_PlaybackFinished;

            await Task.Delay(-1);