예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the specified context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
        /// <param name="result">The result.</param>
        public override void OnRender(ILavaRenderContext context, TextWriter result)
                var dataSource = new EventOccurrencesLavaDataSource();

                _settings.ParseFromMarkup(_attributesMarkup, context);

                var events = dataSource.GetEventOccurrencesForCalendar(_settings, LavaHelper.GetRockContextFromLavaContext(context));

                AddLavaMergeFieldsToContext(context, events);

                base.OnRender(context, result);
            catch (Exception ex)
                var message = "Calendar Events not available. " + ex.Message;

                if (_renderErrors)
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the specified context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
        /// <param name="result">The result.</param>
        public override void OnRender(ILavaRenderContext context, TextWriter result)
            // first ensure that sql commands are allowed in the context
            if (!this.IsAuthorized(context))
                result.Write(string.Format(LavaBlockBase.NotAuthorizedMessage, this.SourceElementName));

            using (TextWriter sql = new StringWriter())
                base.OnRender(context, sql);

                var parms = ParseMarkup(_markup, context);

                var sqlTimeout = (int?)null;
                if (parms.ContainsKey("timeout"))
                    sqlTimeout = parms["timeout"].AsIntegerOrNull();

                switch (parms["statement"])
                case "select":

                    var stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
                    var results = DbService.GetDataSet(sql.ToString(), CommandType.Text, parms.ToDictionary(i => i.Key, i => (object)i.Value), sqlTimeout);

                    context.SetMergeField(parms["return"], results.Tables[0].ToDynamic());

                    // Manually add query timings
                    var rockMockContext = LavaHelper.GetRockContextFromLavaContext(context);
                    if (rockMockContext.QueryMetricDetailLevel == QueryMetricDetailLevel.Full)
                        rockMockContext.QueryMetricDetails.Add(new QueryMetricDetail
                            Sql      = sql.ToString(),
                            Duration = stopWatch.ElapsedTicks,
                            Database = rockMockContext.Database.Connection.Database,
                            Server   = rockMockContext.Database.Connection.DataSource

                case "command":
                    var sqlParameters = new List <System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter>();

                    foreach (var p in parms)
                        sqlParameters.Add(new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter(p.Key, p.Value));

                    using (var rockContext = LavaHelper.GetRockContextFromLavaContext(context))
                        if (sqlTimeout != null)
                            rockContext.Database.CommandTimeout = sqlTimeout;
                        int numOfRowsAffected = rockContext.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(sql.ToString(), sqlParameters.ToArray());

                        context.SetMergeField(parms["return"], numOfRowsAffected);

예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the specified context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
        /// <param name="result">The result.</param>
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception">Your Lava command must contain at least one valid filter. If you configured a filter it's possible that the property or attribute you provided does not exist.</exception>
        public override void OnRender(ILavaRenderContext context, TextWriter result)
            // first ensure that entity commands are allowed in the context
            if (!this.IsAuthorized(context, "rockentity"))
                result.Write(string.Format(LavaBlockBase.NotAuthorizedMessage, "rockentity"));
                base.OnRender(context, result);

            bool hasFilter = false;

            var modelName = string.Empty;

            // get a service for the entity based off it's friendly name
            if (EntityName == "business")
                modelName = "Rock.Model.Person";
                modelName = "Rock.Model." + EntityName;

            // Check first to see if this is a core model. use the createIfNotFound = false option
            var entityTypeCache = EntityTypeCache.Get(modelName, false);

            if (entityTypeCache == null)
                var entityTypes = EntityTypeCache.All();

                // If not, look for first plug-in model that has same friendly name
                entityTypeCache = entityTypes
                                  .Where(e =>
                                         e.IsEntity &&
                                         !e.Name.StartsWith("Rock.Model") &&
                                         e.FriendlyName != null &&
                                         e.FriendlyName.RemoveSpaces().ToLower() == EntityName)
                                  .OrderBy(e => e.Id)

                // If still null check to see if this was a duplicate class and full class name was used as entity name
                if (entityTypeCache == null)
                    modelName       = EntityName.Replace('_', '.');
                    entityTypeCache = entityTypes.Where(e => String.Equals(e.Name, modelName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault();

            if (entityTypeCache != null)
                Type entityType = entityTypeCache.GetEntityType();
                if (entityType != null)
                    // Get the appropriate database context for this entity type.
                    // Note that this may be different from the standard RockContext if the entity is sourced from a plug-in.
                    var dbContext = Reflection.GetDbContextForEntityType(entityType);

                    // Check if there is a RockContext in the Lava context, if so (and the entity is using a RockContext) we should use that one
                    if (dbContext is RockContext)
                        dbContext = LavaHelper.GetRockContextFromLavaContext(context);

                    // Disable change-tracking for this data context to improve performance - objects supplied to a Lava context are read-only.
                    dbContext.Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = false;

                    // Create an instance of the entity's service
                    IService serviceInstance = Reflection.GetServiceForEntityType(entityType, dbContext);

                    ParameterExpression paramExpression = Expression.Parameter(entityType, "x");
                    Expression          queryExpression = null; // the base expression we'll use to build our query from

                    // Parse markup
                    var parms = ParseMarkup(_markup, context);

                    if (parms.Any(p => p.Key == "id"))
                        string propertyName = "Id";

                        List <string> selectionParms = new List <string>();

                        var entityProperty = entityType.GetProperty(propertyName);
                        queryExpression = ExpressionHelper.PropertyFilterExpression(selectionParms, paramExpression, propertyName, entityProperty.PropertyType);

                        hasFilter = true;
                        // where clause expression
                        if (parms.Any(p => p.Key == "where"))
                            queryExpression = ParseWhere(parms["where"], entityType, serviceInstance, paramExpression, entityType, entityTypeCache);

                            if (queryExpression != null)
                                hasFilter = true;

                        // DataView expression
                        if (parms.Any(p => p.Key == "dataview"))
                            var dataViewId = parms["dataview"].AsIntegerOrNull();

                            if (dataViewId.HasValue)
                                var dataViewExpression = GetDataViewExpression(dataViewId.Value, serviceInstance, paramExpression, entityTypeCache);

                                if (queryExpression == null)
                                    queryExpression = dataViewExpression;
                                    hasFilter       = true;
                                    queryExpression = Expression.AndAlso(queryExpression, dataViewExpression);

                        // process dynamic filter expressions (from the query string)
                        if (parms.Any(p => p.Key == "dynamicparameters"))
                            var dynamicFilters = parms["dynamicparameters"].Split(',')
                                                 .Select(x => x.Trim())
                                                 .Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x))

                            foreach (var dynamicFilter in dynamicFilters)
                                var dynamicFilterValue      = HttpContext.Current.Request[dynamicFilter];
                                var dynamicFilterExpression = GetDynamicFilterExpression(dynamicFilter, dynamicFilterValue, entityType, serviceInstance, paramExpression);
                                if (dynamicFilterExpression != null)
                                    if (queryExpression == null)
                                        queryExpression = dynamicFilterExpression;
                                        hasFilter       = true;
                                        queryExpression = Expression.AndAlso(queryExpression, dynamicFilterExpression);

                    // Make the query from the expression.

                    /* [2020-10-08] DL
                     * "Get" is intentionally used here rather than "GetNoTracking" to allow lazy-loading of navigation properties from the Lava context.
                     * (Refer https://github.com/SparkDevNetwork/Rock/issues/4293)
                    MethodInfo getMethod = serviceInstance.GetType().GetMethod("Get", new Type[] { typeof(ParameterExpression), typeof(Expression), typeof(Rock.Web.UI.Controls.SortProperty), typeof(int?) });

                    if (getMethod != null)
                        // get a listing of ids and build it into the query expression
                        if (parms.Any(p => p.Key == "ids"))
                            List <int>         value = parms["ids"].ToString().Split(',').Select(int.Parse).ToList();
                            MemberExpression   propertyExpression = Expression.Property(paramExpression, "Id");
                            ConstantExpression constantExpression = Expression.Constant(value, typeof(List <int>));
                            Expression         containsExpression = Expression.Call(constantExpression, typeof(List <int>).GetMethod("Contains", new Type[] { typeof(int) }), propertyExpression);
                            if (queryExpression != null)
                                queryExpression = Expression.AndAlso(queryExpression, containsExpression);
                                queryExpression = containsExpression;

                            hasFilter = true;

                        var getResult   = getMethod.Invoke(serviceInstance, new object[] { paramExpression, queryExpression, null, null });
                        var queryResult = getResult as IQueryable <IEntity>;

                        // process entity specific filters
                        switch (EntityName)
                        case "person":
                            queryResult = PersonFilters((IQueryable <Person>)queryResult, parms);

                        case "business":
                            queryResult = BusinessFilters((IQueryable <Person>)queryResult, parms);

                        // if there was a dynamic expression add it now
                        if (parms.Any(p => p.Key == "expression"))
                            queryResult = queryResult.Where(parms["expression"]);
                            hasFilter   = true;

                        var queryResultExpression = queryResult.Expression;

                        // add sort expressions
                        if (parms.Any(p => p.Key == "sort"))
                            string orderByMethod = "OrderBy";

                            foreach (var column in parms["sort"].Split(',').Select(x => x.Trim()).Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x)).ToList())
                                string propertyName;
                                var    direction = SortDirection.Ascending;

                                if (column.EndsWith(" desc", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                    direction    = SortDirection.Descending;
                                    propertyName = column.Left(column.Length - 5);
                                    propertyName = column;

                                string methodName = direction == SortDirection.Descending ? orderByMethod + "Descending" : orderByMethod;

                                if (entityType.GetProperty(propertyName) != null)
                                    // sorting a entity property
                                    var memberExpression          = Expression.Property(paramExpression, propertyName);
                                    LambdaExpression sortSelector = Expression.Lambda(memberExpression, paramExpression);
                                    queryResultExpression = Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), methodName, new Type[] { queryResult.ElementType, sortSelector.ReturnType }, queryResultExpression, sortSelector);
                                    // sorting on an attribute

                                    // get attribute id
                                    int?attributeId = null;
                                    foreach (var attribute in AttributeCache.GetByEntityType(entityTypeCache.Id))
                                        if (attribute.Key == propertyName)
                                            attributeId = attribute.Id;

                                    if (attributeId.HasValue)
                                        // get AttributeValue queryable and parameter
                                        if (dbContext is RockContext)
                                            var attributeValues = new AttributeValueService(dbContext as RockContext).Queryable();
                                            ParameterExpression attributeValueParameter = Expression.Parameter(typeof(AttributeValue), "v");
                                            MemberExpression    idExpression            = Expression.Property(paramExpression, "Id");
                                            var attributeExpression = Attribute.Helper.GetAttributeValueExpression(attributeValues, attributeValueParameter, idExpression, attributeId.Value);

                                            LambdaExpression sortSelector = Expression.Lambda(attributeExpression, paramExpression);
                                            queryResultExpression = Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), methodName, new Type[] { queryResult.ElementType, sortSelector.ReturnType }, queryResultExpression, sortSelector);
                                            throw new Exception(string.Format("The database context for type {0} does not support RockContext attribute value queries.", entityTypeCache.FriendlyName));

                                orderByMethod = "ThenBy";

                        // check to ensure we had some form of filter (otherwise we'll return all results in the table)
                        if (!hasFilter)
                            throw new Exception("Your Lava command must contain at least one valid filter. If you configured a filter it's possible that the property or attribute you provided does not exist.");

                        // Disable lazy loading if requested
                        if (parms.Any(p => p.Key == "lazyloadenabled"))
                            if (!parms["lazyloadenabled"].AsBoolean())
                                dbContext.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;

                        // Reassemble the queryable with the sort expressions
                        queryResult = queryResult.Provider.CreateQuery(queryResultExpression) as IQueryable <IEntity>;

                        // Add included entities
                        if (parms.Any(p => p.Key == "include"))
                            var includeList = parms["include"].Split(',')
                                              .Select(x => x.Trim())
                                              .Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x));

                            foreach (var includeItem in includeList)
                                queryResult = queryResult.Include(includeItem);

                        if (parms.GetValueOrNull("count").AsBoolean())
                            int countResult = queryResult.Count();
                            context.SetMergeField("count", countResult, LavaContextRelativeScopeSpecifier.Root);
                            // Run security check on each result if enabled and entity is not a person (we do not check security on people)
                            if (parms["securityenabled"].AsBoolean() && EntityName != "person")
                                var items        = queryResult.ToList();
                                var itemsSecured = new List <IEntity>();

                                Person person = GetCurrentPerson(context);

                                foreach (IEntity item in items)
                                    ISecured itemSecured = item as ISecured;
                                    if (itemSecured == null || itemSecured.IsAuthorized(Authorization.VIEW, person))

                                         *      8/13/2020 - JME
                                         *      It might seem logical to break out of the loop if there is limit parameter provided once the
                                         *  limit is reached. This though has two issues.
                                         *  FIRST
                                         *  Depending how it was implemented it can have the effect of breaking when an offset is
                                         *  provided.
                                         *          {% contentchannelitem where:'ContentChannelId == 1' limit:'3' %}
                                         *          {% for item in contentchannelitemItems %}
                                         *              {{ item.Id }} - {{ item.Title }}<br>
                                         *          {% endfor %}
                                         *      {% endcontentchannelitem %}
                                         *  Returns 3 items (correct)
                                         *      {% contentchannelitem where:'ContentChannelId == 1' limit:'3' offset:'1' %}
                                         *          {% for item in contentchannelitemItems %}
                                         *              {{ item.Id }} - {{ item.Title }}<br>
                                         *          {% endfor %}
                                         *      {% endcontentchannelitem %}
                                         *  Returns only 2 items (incorrect) - because of the offset
                                         *  SECOND
                                         *  If the limit is moved before the security check it's possible that the security checks
                                         *  will remove items and will therefore not give you the amount of items that you asked for.
                                         *  Unfortunately this has to be an inefficent process to ensure pagination works. I will also
                                         *  add a detailed note to the documentation to encourage people to disable security checks,
                                         *  especially when used with pagination, in the Lava docs.

                                queryResult = itemsSecured.AsQueryable();

                            // offset
                            if (parms.Any(p => p.Key == "offset"))
                                queryResult = queryResult.Skip(parms["offset"].AsInteger());

                            // limit, default to 1000
                            if (parms.Any(p => p.Key == "limit"))
                                queryResult = queryResult.Take(parms["limit"].AsInteger());
                                queryResult = queryResult.Take(1000);

                            // Process logic to be able to return an anonymous types and group bys. We have to abstract the return types as
                            // the select returns a type of List<dynamic> while the normal entity command returns List<IEntity>.
                            // Using a type of List<object> for both did not work (that would have eliminated the need for the
                            // firstItem and returnCount.
                            object returnValues = null;
                            object firstItem    = null;
                            int    returnCount  = 0;

                            if (parms.ContainsKey("groupby") || parms.ContainsKey("select") || parms.ContainsKey("selectmany"))
                                 * 3/1/2021 - JME
                                 * Ensure that lazy loading is enabled. If this is false it throws a null reference exception.
                                 * I confirmed that the anonymous type is getting it's data from the single source SQL (no lazy loading).
                                 * Not sure why this exception is happening. It looks to be within the ZZZ Project System.Linq.Dynamic.Core
                                 * package. The important part is that the data is coming back in a single query.
                                dbContext.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = true;

                                List <dynamic> results = null;

                                // Logic here is a groupby has to have a select, but a select doesn't need a groupby.
                                if (parms.ContainsKey("groupby") && parms.ContainsKey("select"))
                                    results = queryResult.Cast(entityType)
                                    if (parms.ContainsKey("select"))
                                        results = queryResult.Cast(entityType)
                                    else  // selectmany
                                        results = queryResult.Cast(entityType)

                                returnValues = results;
                                firstItem    = results.FirstOrDefault();
                                returnCount  = results.Count();
                                var results = queryResult.ToList();
                                returnValues = results;
                                firstItem    = results.FirstOrDefault();
                                returnCount  = results.Count();

                            // Add the result to the current context.
                            context.SetMergeField(parms["iterator"], returnValues, LavaContextRelativeScopeSpecifier.Current);

                            if (returnCount == 1)
                                // If there is only one item, set a singleton variable in addition to the result list.
                                context.SetMergeField(EntityName, firstItem, LavaContextRelativeScopeSpecifier.Current);
                result.Write(string.Format("Could not find a model for {0}.", EntityName));
                base.OnRender(context, result);

            base.OnRender(context, result);
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the specified context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
        /// <param name="result">The result.</param>
        public override void OnRender(ILavaRenderContext context, TextWriter result)
            // first ensure that entity commands are allowed in the context
            if (!this.IsAuthorized(context))
                result.Write(string.Format(LavaBlockBase.NotAuthorizedMessage, this.SourceElementName));

            var    attributes       = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            string parmWorkflowType = null;
            string parmWorkflowName = null;
            string parmWorkflowId   = null;
            string parmActivityType = null;

            /* Parse the markup text to pull out configuration parameters. */
            var parms = ParseMarkup(_markup, context);

            foreach (var p in parms)
                if (p.Key.ToLower() == "workflowtype")
                    parmWorkflowType = p.Value;
                else if (p.Key.ToLower() == "workflowname")
                    parmWorkflowName = p.Value;
                else if (p.Key.ToLower() == "workflowid")
                    parmWorkflowId = p.Value;
                else if (p.Key.ToLower() == "activitytype")
                    parmActivityType = p.Value;
                    attributes.AddOrReplace(p.Key, p.Value);

            /* Process inside a new stack level so our own created variables do not
             * persist throughout the rest of the workflow. */
            context.ExecuteInChildScope((System.Action <ILavaRenderContext>)((newContext) =>
                var rockContext = LavaHelper.GetRockContextFromLavaContext(context);

                WorkflowService workflowService = new WorkflowService(rockContext);
                Rock.Model.Workflow workflow    = null;
                WorkflowActivity activity       = null;

                /* They provided a WorkflowType, so we need to kick off a new workflow. */
                if (parmWorkflowType != null)
                    string type = parmWorkflowType;
                    string name = parmWorkflowName ?? string.Empty;
                    WorkflowTypeCache workflowType = null;

                    /* Get the type of workflow */
                    if (type.AsGuidOrNull() != null)
                        workflowType = WorkflowTypeCache.Get(type.AsGuid());
                    else if (type.AsIntegerOrNull() != null)
                        workflowType = WorkflowTypeCache.Get(type.AsInteger());

                    /* Try to activate the workflow */
                    if (workflowType != null)
                        workflow = Rock.Model.Workflow.Activate(( WorkflowTypeCache )workflowType, ( string )parmWorkflowName);

                        /* Set any workflow attributes that were specified. */
                        foreach (var attr in attributes)
                            if (workflow.Attributes.ContainsKey(attr.Key))
                                workflow.SetAttributeValue(attr.Key, attr.Value.ToString());

                        if (workflow != null)
                            List <string> errorMessages;

                            workflowService.Process(workflow, out errorMessages);

                            if (errorMessages.Any())
                                context["Error"] = string.Join("; ", errorMessages.ToArray());

                            context["Workflow"] = workflow;
                            context["Error"] = "Could not activate workflow.";
                        context["Error"] = "Workflow type not found.";

                /* They instead provided a WorkflowId, so we are working with an existing Workflow. */
                else if (parmWorkflowId != null)
                    string id = parmWorkflowId.ToString();

                    /* Get the workflow */
                    if (id.AsGuidOrNull() != null)
                        workflow = workflowService.Get(id.AsGuid());
                    else if (id.AsIntegerOrNull() != null)
                        workflow = workflowService.Get(id.AsInteger());

                    if (workflow != null)
                        if (workflow.CompletedDateTime == null)
                            /* Currently we cannot activate an activity in a workflow that is currently
                             * being processed. The workflow is held in-memory so the activity we would
                             * activate would not show up for the processor and probably never run.
                            if (!workflow.IsProcessing)
                                bool hasError = false;

                                /* If they provided an ActivityType parameter then we need to activate
                                 * a new activity in the workflow.
                                if (parmActivityType != null)
                                    string type = parmActivityType.ToString();
                                    WorkflowActivityTypeCache activityType = null;

                                    /* Get the type of activity */
                                    if (type.AsGuidOrNull() != null)
                                        activityType = WorkflowActivityTypeCache.Get(type.AsGuid());
                                    else if (type.AsIntegerOrNull() != null)
                                        activityType = WorkflowActivityTypeCache.Get(type.AsInteger());

                                    if (activityType != null)
                                        activity = WorkflowActivity.Activate(activityType, workflow);

                                        /* Set any workflow attributes that were specified. */
                                        foreach (var attr in attributes)
                                            if (activity.Attributes.ContainsKey(attr.Key))
                                                activity.SetAttributeValue(attr.Key, attr.Value.ToString());
                                        context["Error"] = "Activity type was not found.";
                                        hasError         = true;

                                /* Process the existing Workflow. */
                                if (!hasError)
                                    List <string> errorMessages;
                                    workflowService.Process(workflow, out errorMessages);

                                    if (errorMessages.Any())
                                        context["Error"] = string.Join("; ", errorMessages.ToArray());

                                    context["Workflow"] = workflow;
                                    context["Activity"] = activity;
                                context["Error"] = "Cannot activate activity on workflow that is currently being processed.";
                            context["Error"] = "Workflow has already been completed.";
                        context["Error"] = "Workflow not found.";
                    context["Error"] = "Must specify one of WorkflowType or WorkflowId.";

                base.OnRender(context, result);
                //RenderAll( NodeList, context, result );
                // TODO: Test this! - NodeList is empty here, so the call to RenderAll seems unnecessary?
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the specified context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
        /// <param name="result">The result.</param>
        public override void OnRender(ILavaRenderContext context, TextWriter result)
            var rockContext = LavaHelper.GetRockContextFromLavaContext(context);

            // Get enabled security commands
            _enabledSecurityCommands = context.GetEnabledCommands().JoinStrings(",");

            using (TextWriter writer = new StringWriter())
                bool filterProvided = false;

                base.OnRender(context, writer);

                var parms              = ParseMarkup(_markup, context);
                var lookAheadDays      = parms[LOOK_AHEAD_DAYS].AsInteger();
                var scheduleCategoryId = parms[SCHEDULE_CATEGORY_ID].AsIntegerOrNull();
                var asAtDate           = parms[AS_AT_DATE].AsDateTime();

                var now = asAtDate ?? RockDateTime.Now;

                var scheduleIds = new List <int>();

                var requestedSchedules = parms[SCHEDULE_ID].StringToIntList();

                var schedulesQry = new ScheduleService(rockContext).Queryable().AsNoTracking()
                                   .Where(s => s.IsActive == true);

                if (requestedSchedules.Count() > 0)
                    schedulesQry   = schedulesQry.Where(s => requestedSchedules.Contains(s.Id));
                    filterProvided = true;

                if (scheduleCategoryId.HasValue)
                    schedulesQry   = schedulesQry.Where(s => s.CategoryId == scheduleCategoryId.Value);
                    filterProvided = true;

                // If neither a schedule id nor a schedule category id was provided stop
                if (!filterProvided)

                // Get the schedules are order them by the next start time
                var schedules = schedulesQry.ToList()
                                .Where(s => s.GetNextStartDateTime(now) != null)
                                .OrderBy(s => s.GetNextStartDateTime(now));

                if (schedules.Count() == 0)

                var nextSchedule = schedules.FirstOrDefault();

                var      nextStartDateTime     = nextSchedule.GetNextStartDateTime(now);
                var      isLive                = false;
                DateTime?occurrenceEndDateTime = null;

                // Determine if we're live
                if (nextSchedule.WasScheduleActive(now))
                    isLive = true;
                    var occurrences      = nextSchedule.GetICalOccurrences(now, now.AddDays(lookAheadDays)).Take(2);
                    var activeOccurrence = occurrences.FirstOrDefault();
                    occurrenceEndDateTime = (DateTime)activeOccurrence.Period.EndTime.Value;

                    // Set the next occurrence to be the literal next occurrence (vs the current occurrence)
                    nextStartDateTime = null;
                    if (occurrences.Count() > 1)
                        nextStartDateTime = occurrences.Last().Period.EndTime.Value;

                // Determine when not to show the content
                if ((parms[SHOW_WHEN] == "notlive" && isLive) ||
                    (parms[SHOW_WHEN] == "live" && !isLive))

                // Check role membership
                var roleId = parms[ROLE_ID].AsIntegerOrNull();

                if (roleId.HasValue)
                    var currentPerson = GetCurrentPerson(context);

                    var isInRole = new GroupMemberService(rockContext).Queryable()
                                   .Where(m =>
                                          m.GroupId == roleId &&
                                          m.PersonId == currentPerson.Id

                    if (!isInRole)

                var mergeFields = context.GetMergeFields();

                mergeFields.Add("NextOccurrenceDateTime", nextStartDateTime);
                mergeFields.Add("OccurrenceEndDateTime", occurrenceEndDateTime);
                mergeFields.Add("Schedule", nextSchedule);
                mergeFields.Add("IsLive", isLive);

                var engine = context.GetService <ILavaEngine>();

                var renderContext = engine.NewRenderContext(mergeFields, _enabledSecurityCommands.SplitDelimitedValues());

                var results = engine.RenderTemplate(_blockMarkup.ToString(), LavaRenderParameters.WithContext(renderContext));

예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders the specified context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
        /// <param name="result">The result.</param>
        public override void OnRender(ILavaRenderContext context, TextWriter result)
            // First, ensure that this command is allowed in the context.
            if (!this.IsAuthorized(context))
                result.Write(string.Format(LavaBlockBase.NotAuthorizedMessage, this.SourceElementName));
                base.OnRender(context, result);

            // Parse the Lava Command markup to retrieve paramters.
            var parms = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { ParameterKey.Operation, "View" }

            LavaHelper.ParseCommandMarkup(this.ElementAttributesMarkup, context, parms);

            // Set local variables from parsed parameters.
            int?contentChannelItemId = parms.GetValueOrNull(ParameterKey.ContentChannelItemId).AsIntegerOrNull();

            if (!contentChannelItemId.HasValue)
                // Do nothing if a ContentChannelItem ID wasn't specified.

            ContentChannelItem contentChannelItem = null;
            var rockContext = LavaHelper.GetRockContextFromLavaContext(context);

            contentChannelItem = new ContentChannelItemService(rockContext)
                                 .FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == contentChannelItemId.Value);

            ContentChannel contentChannel = contentChannelItem.ContentChannel;

            if (contentChannelItem == null || contentChannel == null)
                // The caller supplied an invalid ContentChannelItem ID; nothing to do.

            string operation = parms.GetValueOrNull(ParameterKey.Operation);
            string summary   = parms.GetValueOrNull(ParameterKey.Summary);
            string source    = parms.GetValueOrNull(ParameterKey.Source);
            string medium    = parms.GetValueOrNull(ParameterKey.Medium);
            string campaign  = parms.GetValueOrNull(ParameterKey.Campaign);
            string content   = parms.GetValueOrNull(ParameterKey.Content);
            string term      = parms.GetValueOrNull(ParameterKey.Term);

            int?personAliasId = parms.GetValueOrNull(ParameterKey.PersonAliasId).AsIntegerOrNull();

            if (!personAliasId.HasValue)
                Person currentPerson = LavaHelper.GetCurrentPerson(context);
                personAliasId = LavaHelper.GetPrimaryPersonAliasId(currentPerson);

            // Write the Interaction by way of a transaction.
            DefinedValueCache mediumType = DefinedValueCache.Get(Rock.SystemGuid.DefinedValue.INTERACTIONCHANNELTYPE_CONTENTCHANNEL.AsGuid());

            if (mediumType == null)

            var info = new InteractionTransactionInfo
                ChannelTypeMediumValueId = mediumType.Id,
                ChannelEntityId          = contentChannel.Id,
                ChannelName           = contentChannel.ToString(),
                ComponentEntityTypeId = contentChannel.TypeId,
                ComponentEntityId     = contentChannelItem.Id,
                ComponentName         = contentChannelItem.ToString(),
                InteractionOperation  = operation,
                InteractionSummary    = summary ?? contentChannelItem.Title,
                PersonAliasId         = personAliasId,
                InteractionSource     = source,
                InteractionMedium     = medium,
                InteractionCampaign   = campaign,
                InteractionContent    = content,
                InteractionTerm       = term

            var interactionTransaction = new InteractionTransaction(info);
