예제 #1
		* @see Flash.Tools.Debugger.SessionManager#playerForUri(java.lang.String)
        public override Player playerForUri(String url)
			// Find the Netscape plugin
			if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Unix)
				FileInfo flashPlugin = new FileInfo("/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flash Player.plugin"); //$NON-NLS-1$
				return new NetscapePluginPlayer(m_debuggerCallbacks.getHttpExe(), flashPlugin);
				LaunchInfo launchInfo = new LaunchInfo(this, url);
				if (launchInfo.WebBrowserNativeLaunch())
					FileInfo httpExe = m_debuggerCallbacks.getHttpExe();
					if (httpExe.Name.ToUpper().Equals("iexplore.exe".ToUpper()))
						// IE on Windows: Find the ActiveX control
						String activeXFile = null;
							activeXFile = m_debuggerCallbacks.queryWindowsRegistry("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\CLSID\\{D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000}\\InprocServer32", null); //$NON-NLS-1$
						catch (IOException)
							// ignore
						if (activeXFile == null)
							return null; // we couldn't find the player
						FileInfo file = new FileInfo(activeXFile);
						return new ActiveXPlayer(httpExe, file);
						// Find the Netscape plugin
						FileInfo browserDir = new FileInfo(httpExe.DirectoryName);
						// Opera puts plugins under "program\plugins" rather than under "plugins"
						if (httpExe.Name.ToUpper().Equals("opera.exe".ToUpper()))
							browserDir = new FileInfo(browserDir.FullName + "\\" + "program"); //$NON-NLS-1$
						FileInfo pluginsDir = new FileInfo(browserDir.FullName + "\\" + "plugins"); //$NON-NLS-1$
						FileInfo flashPlugin = new FileInfo(pluginsDir.FullName + "\\" + "NPSWF32.dll"); // WARNING, Windows-specific //$NON-NLS-1$
						// Bug 199175: The player is now installed via a registry key, not
						// in the "plugins" directory.
						// Although Mozilla does not document this, the actual behavior of
						// the browser seems to be that it looks first in the "plugins" directory,
						// and then, if the file is not found there, it looks in the registry.
						// So, we mimic that behavior.
						bool tmpBool;
						if (File.Exists(flashPlugin.FullName))
							tmpBool = true;
							tmpBool = Directory.Exists(flashPlugin.FullName);
						if (!tmpBool)
							FileInfo pathFromRegistry = WindowsMozillaPlayerPathFromRegistry;
							if (pathFromRegistry != null)
								flashPlugin = pathFromRegistry;
						return new NetscapePluginPlayer(httpExe, flashPlugin);
				else if (launchInfo.PlayerNativeLaunch())
					FileInfo playerExe = m_debuggerCallbacks.getPlayerExe();
					return new StandalonePlayer(playerExe);
			return null;
예제 #2
         * @see Flash.Tools.Debugger.SessionManager#playerForUri(java.lang.String)
        public override Player playerForUri(String url)
            // Find the Netscape plugin
            if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Unix)
                FileInfo flashPlugin = new FileInfo("/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flash Player.plugin");                 //$NON-NLS-1$
                return(new NetscapePluginPlayer(m_debuggerCallbacks.getHttpExe(), flashPlugin));
                LaunchInfo launchInfo = new LaunchInfo(this, url);
                if (launchInfo.WebBrowserNativeLaunch())
                    FileInfo httpExe = m_debuggerCallbacks.getHttpExe();
                    if (httpExe.Name.ToUpper().Equals("iexplore.exe".ToUpper()))
                        // IE on Windows: Find the ActiveX control
                        String activeXFile = null;
                            activeXFile = m_debuggerCallbacks.queryWindowsRegistry("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\CLSID\\{D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000}\\InprocServer32", null);                             //$NON-NLS-1$
                        catch (IOException)
                            // ignore
                        if (activeXFile == null)
                            return(null);                            // we couldn't find the player
                        FileInfo file = new FileInfo(activeXFile);
                        return(new ActiveXPlayer(httpExe, file));
                        // Find the Netscape plugin
                        FileInfo browserDir = new FileInfo(httpExe.DirectoryName);

                        // Opera puts plugins under "program\plugins" rather than under "plugins"
                        if (httpExe.Name.ToUpper().Equals("opera.exe".ToUpper()))
                            browserDir = new FileInfo(browserDir.FullName + "\\" + "program");                             //$NON-NLS-1$
                        FileInfo pluginsDir  = new FileInfo(browserDir.FullName + "\\" + "plugins");                       //$NON-NLS-1$
                        FileInfo flashPlugin = new FileInfo(pluginsDir.FullName + "\\" + "NPSWF32.dll");                   // WARNING, Windows-specific //$NON-NLS-1$

                        // Bug 199175: The player is now installed via a registry key, not
                        // in the "plugins" directory.
                        // Although Mozilla does not document this, the actual behavior of
                        // the browser seems to be that it looks first in the "plugins" directory,
                        // and then, if the file is not found there, it looks in the registry.
                        // So, we mimic that behavior.
                        bool tmpBool;
                        if (File.Exists(flashPlugin.FullName))
                            tmpBool = true;
                            tmpBool = Directory.Exists(flashPlugin.FullName);
                        if (!tmpBool)
                            FileInfo pathFromRegistry = WindowsMozillaPlayerPathFromRegistry;

                            if (pathFromRegistry != null)
                                flashPlugin = pathFromRegistry;

                        return(new NetscapePluginPlayer(httpExe, flashPlugin));
                else if (launchInfo.PlayerNativeLaunch())
                    FileInfo playerExe = m_debuggerCallbacks.getPlayerExe();
                    return(new StandalonePlayer(playerExe));

예제 #3
		* @see Flash.Tools.Debugger.SessionManager#launch(java.lang.String, Flash.Tools.Debugger.AIRLaunchInfo, boolean, Flash.Tools.Debugger.IProgress)
        public override Session launch(String uri, AIRLaunchInfo airLaunchInfo, bool forDebugging, IProgress waitReporter)
			bool modify = (getPreference(SessionManager.PREF_URI_MODIFICATION) != 0);
			LaunchInfo launchInfo = new LaunchInfo(this, uri);
			bool nativeLaunch = launchInfo.WebBrowserNativeLaunch() || launchInfo.PlayerNativeLaunch();
			// one of these is assigned to launchAction
			const int NO_ACTION = 0; // no special action
            const int SHOULD_LISTEN = 1; // create a ProcessListener
            const int WAIT_FOR_LAUNCH = 2; // block until process completes
			int launchAction; // either NO_ACTION, SHOULD_LISTEN, or WAIT_FOR_LAUNCH
			uri = uri.Trim();

            // bool isMacOSX = false;
            bool isWindows = false;
			// if isMacOSX and isWindows are both false, then it's *NIX
            if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.MacOSX)
                // isMacOSX = true;
            else if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform != PlatformID.Unix)
                isWindows = true;
			if (airLaunchInfo == null)
				// first let's see if it's an HTTP URL or not
				if (launchInfo.HttpOrAbout)
					if (modify && forDebugging && !uri.StartsWith("about:"))
						// escape spaces if we have any
						uri = URLHelper.escapeSpace(uri);
						// be sure that ?debug=true is included in query string
						URLHelper urlHelper = new URLHelper(uri);
						System.Collections.IDictionary parameters = urlHelper.getParameterMap();
						parameters["debug"] = "true"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
						uri = urlHelper.URL;
					// ok, its not an http: type request therefore we should be able to see
					// it on the file system, right?  If not then it's probably not valid
					FileInfo f = null;
					if (uri.StartsWith("file:")) //$NON-NLS-1$
						f = new FileInfo(new Uri(uri).LocalPath);
						f = new FileInfo(uri);
					if (f != null && f.Exists)
						uri = f.FullName;
						throw new FileNotFoundException(uri);
				if (nativeLaunch)
					// We used to have
					//		launchAction = SHOULD_LISTEN;
					// However, it turns out that when you launch Firefox, if there
					// is another instance of Firefox already running, then the
					// new instance just passes a message to the old one and then
					// immediately exits.  So, it doesn't work to abort when our
					// child process dies.
					launchAction = NO_ACTION;
					launchAction = NO_ACTION;
				* Various ways to launch this stupid thing.  If we have the exe
				* values for the player, then we can launch it directly, monitor
				* it and kill it when we die; otherwise we launch it through
				* a command shell (cmd.exe, open, or bash) and our Process object
				* dies right away since it spawned another process to run the
				* Player within.
#if false
				if (isMacOSX)
					if (launchInfo.WebBrowserNativeLaunch)
						FileInfo httpExe = m_debuggerCallbacks.getHttpExe();
						m_launchCommand = new String[]{"/usr/bin/open", "-a", httpExe.ToString(), uri}; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
					else if (launchInfo.PlayerNativeLaunch)
						FileInfo playerExe = m_debuggerCallbacks.getPlayerExe();
						m_launchCommand = new String[]{"/usr/bin/open", "-a", playerExe.ToString(), uri}; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
						m_launchCommand = new String[]{"/usr/bin/open", uri}; //$NON-NLS-1$
					if (launchInfo.WebBrowserNativeLaunch())
						FileInfo httpExe = m_debuggerCallbacks.getHttpExe();
						m_launchCommand = new String[]{httpExe.ToString(), uri};
					else if (launchInfo.PlayerNativeLaunch())
						FileInfo playerExe = m_debuggerCallbacks.getPlayerExe();
						m_launchCommand = new String[]{playerExe.ToString(), uri};
						if (isWindows)
							// We must quote all ampersands in the URL; if we don't, then
							// cmd.exe will interpret the ampersand as a command separator.
							uri = uri.Replace("&", "\"&\""); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
							m_launchCommand = new String[]{"cmd", "/c", "start", uri}; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
							String exeName;
							if (launchInfo.WebPage)
								exeName = m_debuggerCallbacks.HttpExeName;
								exeName = m_debuggerCallbacks.PlayerExeName;
							throw new FileNotFoundException(exeName);
			// else, AIR
				if (forDebugging)
					launchAction = SHOULD_LISTEN;
				// wait inside accept() until ADL exits
					launchAction = NO_ACTION; // just launch it
                LinkedList<String> cmdList = new LinkedList<String>();
				if (airLaunchInfo.airRuntimeDir != null && airLaunchInfo.airRuntimeDir.Length > 0)
                    cmdList.AddLast("-runtime"); //$NON-NLS-1$
				if (airLaunchInfo.airSecurityPolicy != null && airLaunchInfo.airSecurityPolicy.Length > 0)
                    cmdList.AddLast("-security-policy"); //$NON-NLS-1$
				if (airLaunchInfo.airPublisherID != null && airLaunchInfo.airPublisherID.Length > 0)
                    cmdList.AddLast("-pubid"); //$NON-NLS-1$
				// If it's a "file:" URL, then pass the actual filename; otherwise, use the URL
				// ok, its not an http: type request therefore we should be able to see
				// it on the file system, right?  If not then it's probably not valid
				FileInfo f = null;
				if (uri.StartsWith("file:"))
                    f = new FileInfo(new Uri(uri).LocalPath);
				if (airLaunchInfo.applicationContentRootDir != null)
				if (airLaunchInfo.applicationArguments != null && airLaunchInfo.applicationArguments.Length > 0)
                    cmdList.AddLast("--"); //$NON-NLS-1$

                    foreach (String arg in splitArgs(airLaunchInfo.applicationArguments))

                m_launchCommand = new String[cmdList.Count];
                int index = 0;

                foreach (String arg in cmdList)
                    m_launchCommand[index++] = arg;
			ProcessListener pl = null;
			PlayerSession session = null;
				// create the process and attach a thread to watch it during our accept phase
				System.Diagnostics.Process proc = m_debuggerCallbacks.launchDebugTarget(m_launchCommand);
				m_processMessages = new StringWriter();
				new StreamListener(proc.StandardOutput, m_processMessages).Start();
                new StreamListener(proc.StandardError, m_processMessages).Start();
#if false
					Stream stm = proc.StandardOutput.BaseStream;
					if (stm != null)
				catch (IOException)
					/* not serious; ignore */
				switch (launchAction)
					case NO_ACTION: 

					case SHOULD_LISTEN: 
						// allows us to hear when the process dies
						pl = new ProcessListener(this, proc);

					case WAIT_FOR_LAUNCH: 
						// block until the process completes
						bool done = false;
						while (!done)
								Int32 generatedAux = proc.ExitCode;
								done = true;
							catch (System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException)
								/* do nothing */
						if (proc.ExitCode != 0)
							throw new IOException(m_processMessages.ToString());
				if (forDebugging)
					/* now wait for a connection */
					session = (PlayerSession) accept(waitReporter, airLaunchInfo != null);
					session.LaunchProcess = proc;
					session.LaunchUrl = uri;
					session.AIRLaunchInfo = airLaunchInfo;
				if (pl != null)
			return session;
예제 #4
         * @see Flash.Tools.Debugger.SessionManager#launch(java.lang.String, Flash.Tools.Debugger.AIRLaunchInfo, boolean, Flash.Tools.Debugger.IProgress)
        public override Session launch(String uri, AIRLaunchInfo airLaunchInfo, bool forDebugging, IProgress waitReporter)
            bool       modify       = (getPreference(SessionManager.PREF_URI_MODIFICATION) != 0);
            LaunchInfo launchInfo   = new LaunchInfo(this, uri);
            bool       nativeLaunch = launchInfo.WebBrowserNativeLaunch() || launchInfo.PlayerNativeLaunch();

            // one of these is assigned to launchAction
            const int NO_ACTION       = 0; // no special action
            const int SHOULD_LISTEN   = 1; // create a ProcessListener
            const int WAIT_FOR_LAUNCH = 2; // block until process completes

            int launchAction;              // either NO_ACTION, SHOULD_LISTEN, or WAIT_FOR_LAUNCH

            uri = uri.Trim();

            // bool isMacOSX = false;
            bool isWindows = false;

            // if isMacOSX and isWindows are both false, then it's *NIX
            if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.MacOSX)
                // isMacOSX = true;
            else if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform != PlatformID.Unix)
                isWindows = true;

            if (airLaunchInfo == null)
                // first let's see if it's an HTTP URL or not
                if (launchInfo.HttpOrAbout)
                    if (modify && forDebugging && !uri.StartsWith("about:"))
                        // escape spaces if we have any
                        uri = URLHelper.escapeSpace(uri);

                        // be sure that ?debug=true is included in query string
                        URLHelper urlHelper = new URLHelper(uri);
                        System.Collections.IDictionary parameters = urlHelper.getParameterMap();
                        parameters["debug"] = "true";                         //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$

                        uri = urlHelper.URL;
                    // ok, its not an http: type request therefore we should be able to see
                    // it on the file system, right?  If not then it's probably not valid
                    FileInfo f = null;
                    if (uri.StartsWith("file:"))                     //$NON-NLS-1$
                        f = new FileInfo(new Uri(uri).LocalPath);
                        f = new FileInfo(uri);

                    if (f != null && f.Exists)
                        uri = f.FullName;
                        throw new FileNotFoundException(uri);

                if (nativeLaunch)
                    // We used to have
                    //		launchAction = SHOULD_LISTEN;
                    // However, it turns out that when you launch Firefox, if there
                    // is another instance of Firefox already running, then the
                    // new instance just passes a message to the old one and then
                    // immediately exits.  So, it doesn't work to abort when our
                    // child process dies.
                    launchAction = NO_ACTION;
                    launchAction = NO_ACTION;

                 * Various ways to launch this stupid thing.  If we have the exe
                 * values for the player, then we can launch it directly, monitor
                 * it and kill it when we die; otherwise we launch it through
                 * a command shell (cmd.exe, open, or bash) and our Process object
                 * dies right away since it spawned another process to run the
                 * Player within.
#if false
                if (isMacOSX)
                    if (launchInfo.WebBrowserNativeLaunch)
                        FileInfo httpExe = m_debuggerCallbacks.getHttpExe();
                        m_launchCommand = new String[] { "/usr/bin/open", "-a", httpExe.ToString(), uri };                      //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                    else if (launchInfo.PlayerNativeLaunch)
                        FileInfo playerExe = m_debuggerCallbacks.getPlayerExe();
                        m_launchCommand = new String[] { "/usr/bin/open", "-a", playerExe.ToString(), uri };                      //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
                        m_launchCommand = new String[] { "/usr/bin/open", uri };                      //$NON-NLS-1$
                    if (launchInfo.WebBrowserNativeLaunch())
                        FileInfo httpExe = m_debuggerCallbacks.getHttpExe();
                        m_launchCommand = new String[] { httpExe.ToString(), uri };
                    else if (launchInfo.PlayerNativeLaunch())
                        FileInfo playerExe = m_debuggerCallbacks.getPlayerExe();
                        m_launchCommand = new String[] { playerExe.ToString(), uri };
                        if (isWindows)
                            // We must quote all ampersands in the URL; if we don't, then
                            // cmd.exe will interpret the ampersand as a command separator.
                            uri = uri.Replace("&", "\"&\"");                              //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$

                            m_launchCommand = new String[] { "cmd", "/c", "start", uri }; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$
                            String exeName;
                            if (launchInfo.WebPage)
                                exeName = m_debuggerCallbacks.HttpExeName;
                                exeName = m_debuggerCallbacks.PlayerExeName;
                            throw new FileNotFoundException(exeName);
            // else, AIR
                if (forDebugging)
                    launchAction = SHOULD_LISTEN;
                // wait inside accept() until ADL exits
                    launchAction = NO_ACTION;                     // just launch it
                LinkedList <String> cmdList = new LinkedList <String>();


                if (airLaunchInfo.airRuntimeDir != null && airLaunchInfo.airRuntimeDir.Length > 0)
                    cmdList.AddLast("-runtime"); //$NON-NLS-1$

                if (airLaunchInfo.airSecurityPolicy != null && airLaunchInfo.airSecurityPolicy.Length > 0)
                    cmdList.AddLast("-security-policy"); //$NON-NLS-1$

                if (airLaunchInfo.airPublisherID != null && airLaunchInfo.airPublisherID.Length > 0)
                    cmdList.AddLast("-pubid"); //$NON-NLS-1$

                // If it's a "file:" URL, then pass the actual filename; otherwise, use the URL
                // ok, its not an http: type request therefore we should be able to see
                // it on the file system, right?  If not then it's probably not valid
                FileInfo f = null;
                if (uri.StartsWith("file:"))
                    f = new FileInfo(new Uri(uri).LocalPath);

                if (airLaunchInfo.applicationContentRootDir != null)

                if (airLaunchInfo.applicationArguments != null && airLaunchInfo.applicationArguments.Length > 0)
                    cmdList.AddLast("--"); //$NON-NLS-1$

                    foreach (String arg in splitArgs(airLaunchInfo.applicationArguments))

                m_launchCommand = new String[cmdList.Count];
                int index = 0;

                foreach (String arg in cmdList)
                    m_launchCommand[index++] = arg;

            ProcessListener pl      = null;
            PlayerSession   session = null;
                // create the process and attach a thread to watch it during our accept phase
                System.Diagnostics.Process proc = m_debuggerCallbacks.launchDebugTarget(m_launchCommand);

                m_processMessages = new StringWriter();
                new StreamListener(proc.StandardOutput, m_processMessages).Start();
                new StreamListener(proc.StandardError, m_processMessages).Start();
#if false
                    Stream stm = proc.StandardOutput.BaseStream;
                    if (stm != null)
                catch (IOException)
                    /* not serious; ignore */
                switch (launchAction)
                case NO_ACTION:

                case SHOULD_LISTEN:
                    // allows us to hear when the process dies
                    pl = new ProcessListener(this, proc);

                case WAIT_FOR_LAUNCH:
                    // block until the process completes
                    bool done = false;
                    while (!done)
                            Int32 generatedAux = proc.ExitCode;
                            done = true;
                        catch (System.Threading.ThreadInterruptedException)
                            /* do nothing */
                    if (proc.ExitCode != 0)
                        throw new IOException(m_processMessages.ToString());

                if (forDebugging)
                    /* now wait for a connection */
                    session = (PlayerSession)accept(waitReporter, airLaunchInfo != null);
                    session.LaunchProcess = proc;
                    session.LaunchUrl     = uri;
                    session.AIRLaunchInfo = airLaunchInfo;
                if (pl != null)