예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            // 1. Retrieve and validate inputs
            var     cell    = new UnitCell();
            Surface surface = null;
            Point3d pt      = Point3d.Unset;
            int     nU      = 0;
            int     nV      = 0;
            int     nW      = 0;
            bool    morphed = false;

            if (!DA.GetData(0, ref cell))
            if (!DA.GetData(1, ref surface))
            if (!DA.GetData(2, ref pt))
            if (!DA.GetData(3, ref nU))
            if (!DA.GetData(4, ref nV))
            if (!DA.GetData(5, ref nW))
            if (!DA.GetData(6, ref morphed))

            if (!cell.isValid)
            if (!surface.IsValid)
            if (!pt.IsValid)
            if (nU == 0)
            if (nV == 0)
            if (nW == 0)

            // 2. Initialize the node tree, derivative tree and morphed space tree
            var lattice   = new Lattice();
            var spaceTree = new DataTree <GeometryBase>(); // will contain the morphed uv spaces (as surface-surface, surface-axis or surface-point)

            // 3. Package the number of cells in each direction into an array
            float[] N = new float[3] {
                nU, nV, nW

            // 4. Normalize the UV-domain
            Interval unitDomain = new Interval(0, 1);

            surface.SetDomain(0, unitDomain); // surface u-direction
            surface.SetDomain(1, unitDomain); // surface v-direction

            // 5. Prepare cell (this is a UnitCell object)
            cell = cell.Duplicate();

            // 6. Map nodes to design space
            //    Loop through the uvw cell grid
            for (int u = 0; u <= N[0]; u++)
                for (int v = 0; v <= N[1]; v++)
                    for (int w = 0; w <= N[2]; w++)
                        // Construct cell path in tree
                        GH_Path treePath = new GH_Path(u, v, w);
                        // Fetch the list of nodes to append to, or initialise it
                        var nodeList = lattice.Nodes.EnsurePath(treePath);

                        // This loop maps each node in the cell onto the UV-surface map
                        for (int i = 0; i < cell.Nodes.Count; i++)
                            double   usub = cell.Nodes[i].X;                  // u-position within unit cell (local)
                            double   vsub = cell.Nodes[i].Y;                  // v-position within unit cell (local)
                            double   wsub = cell.Nodes[i].Z;                  // w-position within unit cell (local)
                            double[] uvw  = { u + usub, v + vsub, w + wsub }; // uvw-position (global)

                            // Check if the node belongs to another cell (i.e. it's relative path points outside the current cell)
                            bool isOutsideCell = (cell.NodePaths[i][0] > 0 || cell.NodePaths[i][1] > 0 || cell.NodePaths[i][2] > 0);
                            // Check if current uvw-position is beyond the upper boundary
                            bool isOutsideSpace = (uvw[0] > N[0] || uvw[1] > N[1] || uvw[2] > N[2]);

                            if (isOutsideCell || isOutsideSpace)
                                Point3d pt1;
                                // Initialize for surface 2
                                Point3d pt2; Vector3d[] derivatives;

                                // Set pt1 (on point)
                                pt1 = pt;
                                // Compute pt2 (on surface)
                                surface.Evaluate(uvw[0] / N[0], uvw[1] / N[1], 2, out pt2, out derivatives);

                                // Create vector joining the two points (this is our w-range)
                                Vector3d wVect = pt2 - pt1;

                                // Create the node, accounting for the position along the w-direction
                                var newNode = new LatticeNode(pt1 + wVect * uvw[2] / N[2]);
                                // Add node to tree

                    // Define the uv space tree (used for morphing)
                    if (morphed && u < N[0] && v < N[1])
                        GH_Path spacePath = new GH_Path(u, v);
                        // Set trimming interval
                        var uInterval = new Interval((u) / N[0], (u + 1) / N[0]);
                        var vInterval = new Interval((v) / N[1], (v + 1) / N[1]);
                        // Create sub-surface and point (never changes)
                        Surface ss1 = surface.Trim(uInterval, vInterval);
                        Point   ss2 = new Point(pt);
                        // Unitize domain
                        ss1.SetDomain(0, unitDomain); ss1.SetDomain(1, unitDomain);
                        // Save to the space tree
                        spaceTree.Add(ss1, spacePath);
                        spaceTree.Add(ss2, spacePath);

            // 7. Map struts to the node tree
            if (morphed)
                lattice.MorphMapping(cell, spaceTree, N);
                lattice.ConformMapping(cell, N);

            // 8. Set output
            DA.SetDataList(0, lattice.Struts);
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object can be used to retrieve data from input parameters and
        /// to store data in output parameters.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            // 1. Retrieve and validate data
            var    cell    = new UnitCell();
            double radius  = 0;
            double height  = 0;
            int    nU      = 0;
            int    nV      = 0;
            int    nW      = 0;
            bool   morphed = false;

            if (!DA.GetData(0, ref cell))
            if (!DA.GetData(1, ref radius))
            if (!DA.GetData(2, ref height))
            if (!DA.GetData(3, ref nU))
            if (!DA.GetData(4, ref nV))
            if (!DA.GetData(5, ref nW))
            if (!DA.GetData(6, ref morphed))

            if (!cell.isValid)
            if (radius == 0)
            if (height == 0)
            if (nU == 0)
            if (nV == 0)
            if (nW == 0)

            // 2. Initialize the lattice
            var lattice = new Lattice();
            // Will contain the morphed uv spaces (as surface-surface, surface-axis or surface-point)
            var spaceTree = new DataTree <GeometryBase>();

            // 3. Define cylinder
            Plane   basePlane = Plane.WorldXY;
            Surface cylinder  = (new Cylinder(new Circle(basePlane, radius), height)).ToNurbsSurface();

            cylinder = cylinder.Transpose();
            LineCurve axis = new LineCurve(basePlane.Origin, basePlane.Origin + height * basePlane.ZAxis);

            // 4. Package the number of cells in each direction into an array
            float[] N = new float[3] {
                nU, nV, nW

            // 5. Normalize the UV-domain
            Interval unitDomain = new Interval(0, 1);

            cylinder.SetDomain(0, unitDomain); // surface u-direction
            cylinder.SetDomain(1, unitDomain); // surface v-direction
            axis.Domain = unitDomain;

            // 6. Prepare cell (this is a UnitCell object)
            cell = cell.Duplicate();

            // 7. Map nodes to design space
            //    Loop through the uvw cell grid
            for (int u = 0; u <= N[0]; u++)
                for (int v = 0; v <= N[1]; v++)
                    for (int w = 0; w <= N[2]; w++)
                        // Construct cell path in tree
                        GH_Path treePath = new GH_Path(u, v, w);
                        // Fetch the list of nodes to append to, or initialise it
                        var nodeList = lattice.Nodes.EnsurePath(treePath);

                        // This loop maps each node index in the cell onto the UV-surface maps
                        for (int i = 0; i < cell.Nodes.Count; i++)
                            double   usub = cell.Nodes[i].X;                  // u-position within unit cell (local)
                            double   vsub = cell.Nodes[i].Y;                  // v-position within unit cell (local)
                            double   wsub = cell.Nodes[i].Z;                  // w-position within unit cell (local)
                            double[] uvw  = { u + usub, v + vsub, w + wsub }; // uvw-position (global)

                            // Check if the node belongs to another cell (i.e. it's relative path points outside the current cell)
                            bool isOutsideCell = (cell.NodePaths[i][0] > 0 || cell.NodePaths[i][1] > 0 || cell.NodePaths[i][2] > 0);
                            // Check if current uvw-position is beyond the upper boundary
                            bool isOutsideSpace = (uvw[0] > N[0] || uvw[1] > N[1] || uvw[2] > N[2]);

                            if (isOutsideCell || isOutsideSpace)
                                Point3d    pt1, pt2;
                                Vector3d[] derivatives;

                                // Construct z-position vector
                                Vector3d vectorZ = height * basePlane.ZAxis * uvw[0] / N[0];
                                // Compute pt1 (on axis)
                                pt1 = basePlane.Origin + vectorZ;
                                // Compute pt2 (on surface)
                                cylinder.Evaluate(uvw[0] / N[0], uvw[1] / N[1], 2, out pt2, out derivatives);

                                // Create vector joining these two points
                                Vector3d wVect = pt2 - pt1;
                                // Instantiate new node
                                var newNode = new LatticeNode(pt1 + wVect * uvw[2] / N[2]);
                                // Add new node to tree

                    // Define the uv space map tree (used for morphing)
                    if (morphed && u < N[0] && v < N[1])
                        GH_Path spacePath = new GH_Path(u, v);
                        // Set trimming interval
                        var uInterval = new Interval((u) / N[0], (u + 1) / N[0]);
                        var vInterval = new Interval((v) / N[1], (v + 1) / N[1]);
                        // Create sub-surface and sub axis
                        Surface ss1 = cylinder.Trim(uInterval, vInterval);
                        Curve   ss2 = axis.Trim(uInterval);
                        // Unitize domains
                        ss1.SetDomain(0, unitDomain); ss1.SetDomain(1, unitDomain);
                        ss2.Domain = unitDomain;
                        // Save to the space tree
                        spaceTree.Add(ss1, spacePath);
                        spaceTree.Add(ss2, spacePath);

            // 8. Map struts to the node tree
            if (morphed)
                lattice.MorphMapping(cell, spaceTree, N);
                lattice.ConformMapping(cell, N);

            // 9. Set output
            DA.SetDataList(0, lattice.Struts);