private void input_FileSelected(FileBar sender, FileBarEventArgs args) { audioDelay.Value = PrettyFormatting.getDelayAndCheck(input.Filename) ?? 0; bool bFound = false; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> strLanguage in LanguageSelectionContainer.Languages) { if (input.Filename.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Contains(strLanguage.Key.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture))) { SetLanguage(strLanguage.Key); bFound = true; break; } } if (!bFound && input.Filename.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).EndsWith(".idx")) { List <SubtitleInfo> subTracks; idxReader.readFileProperties(input.Filename, out subTracks); if (subTracks.Count > 0) { SetLanguage(LanguageSelectionContainer.Short2FullLanguageName(subTracks[0].Name)); } } raiseEvent(); }
private void input_FileSelected(FileBar sender, FileBarEventArgs args) { audioDelay.Value = PrettyFormatting.getDelayAndCheck(input.Filename) ?? 0; string strLanguage = LanguageSelectionContainer.GetLanguageFromFileName(System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(input.Filename)); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strLanguage)) { SetLanguage(strLanguage); } else if (input.Filename.ToLowerInvariant().EndsWith(".idx")) { List <SubtitleInfo> subTracks; idxReader.readFileProperties(input.Filename, out subTracks); if (subTracks.Count > 0) { SetLanguage(LanguageSelectionContainer.LookupISOCode(subTracks[0].Name)); } } raiseEvent(); }
/// <summary> /// get Audio Language from the IFO file /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName">name of the IFO file</param> /// <param name="count">the audio stream number</param> /// <returns>Language as String</returns> public static string getAudioLanguage(string FileName, int count) { FileStream fs = new FileStream(FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs); Stream sr = br.BaseStream; // go to audio stream number sr.Seek(0x203, SeekOrigin.Begin); byte a = br.ReadByte(); sr.Seek(2, SeekOrigin.Current); if (count > 0) { sr.Seek(8 * count, SeekOrigin.Current); } byte[] buff = new byte[2]; br.Read(buff, 0, 2); string ShortLangCode = String.Format("{0}{1}", (char)buff[0], (char)buff[1]); string audioLang = LanguageSelectionContainer.Short2FullLanguageName(ShortLangCode); fs.Close(); return(audioLang); }
/// <summary> /// fills the <see cref="TitleInfo"/> with informations /// </summary> private void GetTitleInfo(int titleSetNumber, ref TitleInfo item) { item.VideoStream = new VideoProperties(); item.AudioStreams = new List <AudioProperties>(); item.SubtitleStreams = new List <SubpictureProperties>(); item.Chapters = new List <TimeSpan>(); var buffer = new byte[192]; using (var fs = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(_path, $"VTS_{titleSetNumber:00}_0.IFO"))) { fs.Seek(0x00C8, SeekOrigin.Begin); fs.Read(buffer, 0, 4); fs.Seek(0x0200, SeekOrigin.Begin); fs.Read(buffer, 0, 2); item.VideoStream.DisplayFormat = (DvdVideoPermittedDisplayFormat)GetBits(buffer, 2, 0); item.VideoStream.AspectRatio = (DvdVideoAspectRatio)GetBits(buffer, 2, 2); item.VideoStream.VideoStandard = (DvdVideoStandard)GetBits(buffer, 2, 4); switch (item.VideoStream.VideoStandard) { case DvdVideoStandard.NTSC: item.VideoStream.Framerate = 30000f / 1001f; item.VideoStream.FrameRateNumerator = 30000; item.VideoStream.FrameRateDenominator = 1001; break; case DvdVideoStandard.PAL: item.VideoStream.Framerate = 25f; item.VideoStream.FrameRateNumerator = 25; item.VideoStream.FrameRateDenominator = 1; break; } item.VideoStream.CodingMode = (DvdVideoMpegVersion)GetBits(buffer, 2, 6); item.VideoStream.VideoResolution = (DvdVideoResolution)GetBits(buffer, 3, 11) + ((int)item.VideoStream.VideoStandard * 8); fs.Read(buffer, 0, 2); var numAudio = GetBits(buffer, 16, 0); for (var audioNum = 0; audioNum < numAudio; audioNum++) { fs.Read(buffer, 0, 8); var langMode = GetBits(buffer, 2, 2); var codingMode = GetBits(buffer, 3, 5); var audioStream = new AudioProperties { CodingMode = (DvdAudioFormat)codingMode, Channels = GetBits(buffer, 3, 8) + 1, SampleRate = 48000, Quantization = (DvdAudioQuantization)GetBits(buffer, 2, 14), StreamId = DvdAudioId.ID[codingMode] + audioNum, StreamIndex = audioNum + 1 }; if (langMode == 1) { var langChar1 = (char)GetBits(buffer, 8, 16); var langChar2 = (char)GetBits(buffer, 8, 24); audioStream.Language = LanguageSelectionContainer.LookupISOCode($"{langChar1}{langChar2}"); } else { audioStream.Language = LanguageSelectionContainer.LookupISOCode(" "); } audioStream.Extension = (DvdAudioType)GetBits(buffer, 8, 40); item.AudioStreams.Add(audioStream); } fs.Seek(0x0254, SeekOrigin.Begin); fs.Read(buffer, 0, 2); var numSubs = GetBits(buffer, 16, 0); for (var subNum = 0; subNum < numSubs; subNum++) { fs.Read(buffer, 0, 6); var langMode = GetBits(buffer, 2, 0); var sub = new SubpictureProperties { Format = (DvdSubpictureFormat)GetBits(buffer, 3, 5), StreamId = 0x20 + subNum, StreamIndex = subNum + 1 }; if (langMode == 1) { var langChar1 = (char)GetBits(buffer, 8, 16); var langChar2 = (char)GetBits(buffer, 8, 24); var langCode = langChar1.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + langChar2.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); sub.Language = LanguageSelectionContainer.LookupISOCode(langCode); } else { sub.Language = LanguageSelectionContainer.LookupISOCode(" "); } sub.Extension = (DvdSubpictureType)GetBits(buffer, 8, 40); item.SubtitleStreams.Add(sub); } fs.Seek(0xCC, SeekOrigin.Begin); fs.Read(buffer, 0, 4); var pgciSector = GetBits(buffer, 32, 0); var pgciAdress = pgciSector * SectorLength; fs.Seek(pgciAdress, SeekOrigin.Begin); fs.Read(buffer, 0, 8); fs.Seek(8 * (item.TitleNumberInSet - 1), SeekOrigin.Current); fs.Read(buffer, 0, 8); var offsetPgc = GetBits(buffer, 32, 32); fs.Seek(pgciAdress + offsetPgc + 2, SeekOrigin.Begin); fs.Read(buffer, 0, 6); var numCells = GetBits(buffer, 8, 8); var hour = GetBits(buffer, 8, 16); var minute = GetBits(buffer, 8, 24); var second = GetBits(buffer, 8, 32); var msec = GetBits(buffer, 8, 40); item.VideoStream.Runtime = DvdTime2TimeSpan(hour, minute, second, msec); fs.Seek(224, SeekOrigin.Current); fs.Read(buffer, 0, 2); var cellmapOffset = GetBits(buffer, 16, 0); fs.Seek(pgciAdress + cellmapOffset + offsetPgc, SeekOrigin.Begin); var chapter = new TimeSpan(); item.Chapters.Add(chapter); for (var i = 0; i < numCells; i++) { fs.Read(buffer, 0, 24); var chapHour = GetBits(buffer, 8, 4 * 8); var chapMinute = GetBits(buffer, 8, 5 * 8); var chapSecond = GetBits(buffer, 8, 6 * 8); var chapMsec = GetBits(buffer, 8, 7 * 8); chapter = chapter.Add(DvdTime2TimeSpan(chapHour, chapMinute, chapSecond, chapMsec)); item.Chapters.Add(chapter); } } }
/// <summary> /// get several Audio Informations from the IFO file /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName">name of the IFO file</param> /// <param name="verbose">to have complete infos or not</param> /// <returns>several infos as String</returns> public static AudioTrackInfo[] GetAudioInfos(string FileName, bool verbose) { FileStream fs = new FileStream(FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs); Stream sr = br.BaseStream; // go to audio stream number sr.Seek(0x203, SeekOrigin.Begin); byte a = br.ReadByte(); if (a > 8) { a = 8; // force the max #. According to the specs 8 is the max value for audio streams. } AudioTrackInfo[] ati = new AudioTrackInfo[a]; for (int i = 0; i < a; i++) { ati[i] = new AudioTrackInfo(); byte[] array = new byte[2]; fs.Read(array, 0, 2); string cm = GetAudioCodingMode(array); string sp = GetAudioSamplingRate(array); int ch = (int)((GetAudioChannels(array)) + 1); byte trackID = 0xBD; StringBuilder ad = new StringBuilder(); switch (cm) { case "AC3": trackID = (byte)(0x80 + i); break; case "LPCM": trackID = (byte)(0xA0 + i); break; case "DTS": trackID = (byte)(0x88 + i); break; } if (verbose) { string mce = "Not Present"; if (GetAudioMultichannelExt(array)) { mce = "Present"; } string lt = GetAudioLanguageType(array); string ap = GetAudioApplicationMode(array); string aq = GetAudioQuantization(array); ad.AppendFormat("Track# : {0:00} - [{1:X}]", i, trackID, Environment.NewLine); ad.AppendFormat("Coding Mode : {0}", cm, Environment.NewLine); ad.AppendFormat("Multichannel Extension : {0}", mce, Environment.NewLine); ad.AppendFormat("Language Type : {0}", lt, Environment.NewLine); ad.AppendFormat("Application Mode : {0}", ap, Environment.NewLine); ad.AppendFormat("Quantization : {0}", aq, Environment.NewLine); ad.AppendFormat("Sampling Rate : {0}", sp, Environment.NewLine); ad.AppendFormat("Channels : {0}", ch, Environment.NewLine); } byte[] buff = new byte[2]; br.Read(buff, 0, 2); string ShortLangCode = String.Format("{0}{1}", (char)buff[0], (char)buff[1]); sr.Seek(1, SeekOrigin.Current); byte[] l = new byte[1]; fs.Read(l, 0, 1); string lce = GetAudioLanguageCodeExt(l); ati[i].TrackID = trackID; ati[i].NbChannels = ch + " channels"; ati[i].SamplingRate = sp; ati[i].Type = cm; ati[i].Language = LanguageSelectionContainer.Short2FullLanguageName(ShortLangCode); if (verbose) { ad.AppendFormat("Language : {0} - {1}", LanguageSelectionContainer.Short2FullLanguageName(ShortLangCode), ShortLangCode, Environment.NewLine); ad.AppendFormat("Language Extension : {0}", lce, Environment.NewLine); ad.AppendLine(); ati[i].Description = ad.ToString(); } else { ati[i].Description = String.Format("[{0:X}] - {1} - {2}ch / {3} / {4}", trackID, cm, ch, sp, LanguageSelectionContainer.Short2FullLanguageName(ShortLangCode)); } // go to the next audio stream sr.Seek(2, SeekOrigin.Current); } fs.Close(); return(ati); }
/// <summary> /// get several Subtitles Informations from the IFO file /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName">name of the IFO file</param> /// <returns>several infos as String</returns> public static string[] GetSubtitlesStreamsInfos(string FileName) { byte[] buff = new byte[2]; byte s = 0; string[] subdesc = new string[s]; try { FileStream fs = new FileStream(FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs); Stream sr = br.BaseStream; // go to the substream #1 sr.Seek(0x255, SeekOrigin.Begin); s = br.ReadByte(); if (s > 32) { s = 32; // force the max #. According to the specs 32 is the max value for subtitles streams. } subdesc = new string[s]; // go to the Language Code sr.Seek(2, SeekOrigin.Current); for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) { // Presence (1 bit), Coding Mode (1bit), Short Language Code (2bits), Language Extension (1bit), Sub Picture Caption Type (1bit) br.Read(buff, 0, 2); string ShortLangCode = String.Format("{0}{1}", (char)buff[0], (char)buff[1]); subdesc[i] = "[" + String.Format("{0:00}", i) + "] - " + LanguageSelectionContainer.Short2FullLanguageName(ShortLangCode); // Go to Code Extension sr.Seek(1, SeekOrigin.Current); buff[0] = br.ReadByte(); switch (buff[0] & 0x0F) { // from case 1: subdesc[i] += " (Caption/Normal Size Char)"; break; case 2: subdesc[i] += " (Caption/Large Size Char)"; break; case 3: subdesc[i] += " (Caption For Children)"; break; case 5: subdesc[i] += " (Closed Caption/Normal Size Char)"; break; case 6: subdesc[i] += " (Closed Caption/Large Size Char)"; break; case 7: subdesc[i] += " (Closed Caption For Children)"; break; case 9: subdesc[i] += " (Forced Caption)"; break; case 13: subdesc[i] += " (Director Comments/Normal Size Char)"; break; case 14: subdesc[i] += " (Director Comments/Large Size Char)"; break; case 15: subdesc[i] += " (Director Comments for Children)"; break; } if (buff[0] == 0) { buff[0] = 1; } // go to the next sub stream sr.Seek(2, SeekOrigin.Current); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } return(subdesc); }
/// <summary> /// get several Subtitles Informations from the IFO file /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName">name of the IFO file</param> /// <returns>several infos as String</returns> public static string[] GetSubtitlesStreamsInfos(string FileName, int iPGC, bool bGetAllStreams) { byte[] buff = new byte[4]; byte s = 0; string[] subdesc = new string[s]; string[] substreams = new string[s]; try { FileStream fs = new FileStream(FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs); Stream sr = br.BaseStream; // go to the substream #1 sr.Seek(0x255, SeekOrigin.Begin); s = br.ReadByte(); if (s > 32 || bGetAllStreams) { s = 32; // force the max #. According to the specs 32 is the max value for subtitles streams. } subdesc = new string[s]; // go to the Language Code sr.Seek(2, SeekOrigin.Current); for (int i = 0; i < s; i++) { // Presence (1 bit), Coding Mode (1bit), Short Language Code (2bits), Language Extension (1bit), Sub Picture Caption Type (1bit) br.Read(buff, 0, 2); if (buff[0] == 0 && buff[1] == 0) { subdesc[i] = "unknown"; } else { string ShortLangCode = String.Format("{0}{1}", (char)buff[0], (char)buff[1]); subdesc[i] = LanguageSelectionContainer.Short2FullLanguageName(ShortLangCode); } // Go to Code Extension sr.Seek(1, SeekOrigin.Current); buff[0] = br.ReadByte(); switch (buff[0] & 0x0F) { // from case 1: subdesc[i] += " - (Caption/Normal Size Char)"; break; case 2: subdesc[i] += " - (Caption/Large Size Char)"; break; case 3: subdesc[i] += " - (Caption For Children)"; break; case 5: subdesc[i] += " - (Closed Caption/Normal Size Char)"; break; case 6: subdesc[i] += " - (Closed Caption/Large Size Char)"; break; case 7: subdesc[i] += " - (Closed Caption For Children)"; break; case 9: subdesc[i] += " - (Forced Caption)"; break; case 13: subdesc[i] += " - (Director Comments/Normal Size Char)"; break; case 14: subdesc[i] += " - (Director Comments/Large Size Char)"; break; case 15: subdesc[i] += " - (Director Comments for Children)"; break; } if (buff[0] == 0) { buff[0] = 1; } // go to the next sub stream sr.Seek(2, SeekOrigin.Current); } // find the PGC starting address of the requested PGC number sr.Seek(0x1000 + 0x0C + (iPGC - 1) * 0x08, SeekOrigin.Begin); br.Read(buff, 0, 4); // go to the starting address of the requested PGC number sr.Seek(0x1000 + buff[3] + buff[2] * 256 + buff[1] * 256 ^ 2 + buff[0] * 256 ^ 3, SeekOrigin.Begin); // go to the subtitle starting address sr.Seek(0x1B, SeekOrigin.Current); substreams = new string[32]; for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (i >= subdesc.Length) { break; } br.Read(buff, 0, 4); if (buff[0] == 0) { continue; } buff[0] -= 128; if (buff[0] > 0) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(substreams[buff[0]])) { substreams[buff[0]] = "[" + String.Format("{0:00}", buff[0]) + "] - " + subdesc[i]; } } if (buff[1] > 0) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(substreams[buff[1]])) { substreams[buff[1]] = "[" + String.Format("{0:00}", buff[1]) + "] - " + subdesc[i]; } } if (buff[2] > 0) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(substreams[buff[2]])) { substreams[buff[2]] = "[" + String.Format("{0:00}", buff[2]) + "] - " + subdesc[i]; } } if (buff[3] > 0) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(substreams[buff[3]])) { substreams[buff[3]] = "[" + String.Format("{0:00}", buff[3]) + "] - " + subdesc[i]; } } if (buff[0] == 0 && buff[1] == 0 && buff[2] == 0 && buff[3] == 0) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(substreams[buff[0]])) { substreams[buff[0]] = "[" + String.Format("{0:00}", buff[0]) + "] - " + subdesc[i]; } } } if (bGetAllStreams) { for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(substreams[i])) { substreams[i] = "[" + String.Format("{0:00}", i) + "] - not detected"; } } } else { ArrayList arrList = new ArrayList(); foreach (string strItem in substreams) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strItem)) { arrList.Add(strItem); } } substreams = new string[arrList.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < arrList.Count; i++) { substreams[i] = arrList[i].ToString(); } } fs.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } return(substreams); }
/// <summary> /// get several Subtitles Informations from the IFO file /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName">name of the IFO file</param> /// <returns>several infos as String</returns> public static string[] GetSubtitlesStreamsInfos(string FileName, int iPGC, bool bGetAllStreams) { byte[] buff = new byte[4]; string[] substreams = new string[32]; // according to the specs 32 is the max value for subtitles streams try { // get the number of subpicture streams in VTS_VOBS int iSubtitleCount = ToInt16(GetFileBlock(FileName, 0x254, 2)); if (iSubtitleCount == 0 && !bGetAllStreams) { return(new string[0]); } string[] subdesc = new string[32]; FileStream fs = new FileStream(FileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(fs); Stream sr = br.BaseStream; // go to the subpicture attributes of VTS_VOBS sr.Seek(0x256, SeekOrigin.Begin); for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { // Presence (1 bit), Coding Mode (1bit), Short Language Code (2bits), Language Extension (1bit), Sub Picture Caption Type (1bit) // ignore presence & coding mode and go to short language code sr.Seek(0x2, SeekOrigin.Current); // read short language code br.Read(buff, 0, 2); string ShortLangCode = String.Format("{0}{1}", (char)buff[0], (char)buff[1]); subdesc[i] = LanguageSelectionContainer.LookupISOCode(ShortLangCode) + " - "; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(subdesc[i])) { subdesc[i] = "unknown - "; } // Go to Code Extension sr.Seek(1, SeekOrigin.Current); buff[0] = br.ReadByte(); switch (buff[0] & 0x0F) { // from case 1: subdesc[i] += "Caption "; break; case 2: subdesc[i] += "Caption (Large) "; break; case 3: subdesc[i] += "Caption for Children "; break; case 5: subdesc[i] += "Closed Caption "; break; case 6: subdesc[i] += "Closed Caption (Large) "; break; case 7: subdesc[i] += "Closed Caption for Children "; break; case 9: subdesc[i] += "Forced Caption "; break; case 13: subdesc[i] += "Director Comments "; break; case 14: subdesc[i] += "Director Comments (Large) "; break; case 15: subdesc[i] += "Director Comments for Children "; break; } } // get VTS_PGCI long VTS_PGCI = GetPCGIP_Position(FileName); // find the VTS_PGC starting address of the requested PGC number in VTS_PGCI long VTS_PGC = VTS_PGCI + GetPGCOffset(FileName, VTS_PGCI, iPGC); // go to the Subpicture Stream Control (PGC_SPST_CTL) in VTS_PGC of the requested PGC number sr.Seek(VTS_PGC + 0x1C, SeekOrigin.Begin); byte[] iCountType = new byte[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { // read subtitle info of stream i br.Read(buff, 0, 4); // if bit 7 = 1 (true) the stream is available if (!GetBit(buff[0], 7)) { continue; } // remove bits 7, 6 and 5 as they are reserved for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (GetBit(buff[j], 7)) { buff[j] -= 128; } if (GetBit(buff[j], 6)) { buff[j] -= 64; } if (GetBit(buff[j], 5)) { buff[j] -= 32; } } if (buff[0] > 0) { substreams[buff[0]] = "[" + String.Format("{0:00}", buff[0]) + "] - " + subdesc[i]; iCountType[0]++; } if (buff[1] > 0) { substreams[buff[1]] = "[" + String.Format("{0:00}", buff[1]) + "] - " + subdesc[i]; iCountType[1]++; } if (buff[2] > 0) { substreams[buff[2]] = "[" + String.Format("{0:00}", buff[2]) + "] - " + subdesc[i]; iCountType[2]++; } if (buff[3] > 0) { substreams[buff[3]] = "[" + String.Format("{0:00}", buff[3]) + "] - " + subdesc[i]; iCountType[3]++; } // as stream ID 0 is impossible to detect, we have to guess here if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(substreams[0])) { if (buff[0] == 0 || buff[1] == 0 || buff[2] == 0 || buff[3] == 0) { substreams[0] = "[" + String.Format("{0:00}", 0) + "] - " + subdesc[i]; } } } // check how many different types are there & if therefore the type description has to be added int iDifferentTypes = 0; if (iCountType[0] > 0) { iDifferentTypes++; } if (iCountType[1] > 0) { iDifferentTypes++; } if (iCountType[2] > 0) { iDifferentTypes++; } if (iCountType[3] > 0) { iDifferentTypes++; } bool bAddTypes = iDifferentTypes > 1; if (bAddTypes) { for (int i = 0; i < subdesc.Length; i++) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(subdesc[i])) { subdesc[i] += (subdesc[i].Substring(subdesc[i].Length - 1).Equals(" ") ? "(" : " ("); } } // go to the Subpicture Stream Control in VTS_PGC of the requested PGC number sr.Seek(VTS_PGC + 0x1C, SeekOrigin.Begin); int iCountStream = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { // read subtitle info of stream i br.Read(buff, 0, 4); // if bit 7 = 1 (true) the stream is available if (!GetBit(buff[0], 7)) { continue; } iCountStream++; // remove bits 7, 6 and 5 as they are reserved for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (GetBit(buff[j], 7)) { buff[j] -= 128; } if (GetBit(buff[j], 6)) { buff[j] -= 64; } if (GetBit(buff[j], 5)) { buff[j] -= 32; } } if (buff[0] > 0) { if (substreams[buff[0]].Substring(substreams[buff[0]].Length - 1).Equals(")")) { substreams[buff[0]] = substreams[buff[0]].Substring(0, substreams[buff[0]].Length - 1) + "/4:3)"; } else { substreams[buff[0]] += "(4:3)"; } } if (buff[1] > 0) { if (substreams[buff[1]].Substring(substreams[buff[1]].Length - 1).Equals(")")) { substreams[buff[1]] = substreams[buff[1]].Substring(0, substreams[buff[1]].Length - 1) + "/Wide)"; } else { substreams[buff[1]] += "(Wide)"; } } if (buff[2] > 0) { if (substreams[buff[2]].Substring(substreams[buff[2]].Length - 1).Equals(")")) { substreams[buff[2]] = substreams[buff[2]].Substring(0, substreams[buff[2]].Length - 1) + "/Letterbox)"; } else { substreams[buff[2]] += "(Letterbox)"; } } if (buff[3] > 0) { if (substreams[buff[3]].Substring(substreams[buff[3]].Length - 1).Equals(")")) { substreams[buff[3]] = substreams[buff[3]].Substring(0, substreams[buff[3]].Length - 1) + "/Pan&Scan)"; } else { substreams[buff[3]] += "(Pan&Scan)"; } } if (bAddTypes && iCountStream == 2) { // only when the types should be added and the second track is in process // first one is ignored because of the 0 stream ID which cannot be detected int iID = 0; if (buff[0] > 0) { iID = buff[0]; if (substreams[0].Substring(substreams[0].Length - 1).Equals(")")) { substreams[0] = substreams[0].Substring(0, substreams[0].Length - 1) + "/4:3)"; } else { substreams[0] += "(4:3)"; } } if (buff[1] > 0 && (iID == 0 || iID == buff[1])) { iID = buff[1]; if (substreams[0].Substring(substreams[0].Length - 1).Equals(")")) { substreams[0] = substreams[0].Substring(0, substreams[0].Length - 1) + "/Wide)"; } else { substreams[0] += "(Wide)"; } } if (buff[2] > 0 && (iID == 0 || iID == buff[2])) { iID = buff[2]; if (substreams[0].Substring(substreams[0].Length - 1).Equals(")")) { substreams[0] = substreams[0].Substring(0, substreams[0].Length - 1) + "/Letterbox)"; } else { substreams[0] += "(Letterbox)"; } } if (buff[3] > 0 && (iID == 0 || iID == buff[3])) { iID = buff[3]; if (substreams[0].Substring(substreams[0].Length - 1).Equals(")")) { substreams[0] = substreams[0].Substring(0, substreams[0].Length - 1) + "/Pan&Scan)"; } else { substreams[0] += "(Pan&Scan)"; } } } } } if (bGetAllStreams) { for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(substreams[i])) { substreams[i] = "[" + String.Format("{0:00}", i) + "] - not detected"; } } } else { ArrayList arrList = new ArrayList(); foreach (string strItem in substreams) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(strItem)) { // remove trailing " - " if it exists if (strItem.Substring(strItem.Length - 3).Equals(" - ")) { arrList.Add(strItem.Substring(0, strItem.Length - 3).Trim()); } else { arrList.Add(strItem.Trim()); } } } substreams = new string[arrList.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < arrList.Count; i++) { substreams[i] = arrList[i].ToString(); } } fs.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { LogItem _oLog = MainForm.Instance.Log.Info("IFOparser"); _oLog.LogValue("Error parsing ifo file " + FileName, ex.Message, ImageType.Error); } return(substreams); }