예제 #1
        public async Task Initialize()
            if (this.IsLoading)

            this.IsLoading = true;

            if ((null == _languageDefault) || (null == _languageCurrent))
                // default language file path
                string defaultPath = Path.Combine(Package.Current.InstalledLocation.Path, "default-en-US.json");

                    // try to open and read it
                    StorageFile defaultFile = await StorageFile.GetFileFromPathAsync(defaultPath);

                    string fileContents = await FileIO.ReadTextAsync(defaultFile);

                    // if we got some data
                    if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileContents))
                        // deserialize it
                        _languageDefault = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LanguageFile>(fileContents);
                catch (FileNotFoundException)

                // if we failed to load the defaults
                if (null == _languageDefault)
                    // create them
                    _languageDefault = LanguageFile.CreateDefault();

                // find the first language file we can and load that as the current language
                IReadOnlyList <StorageFile> files = null;
                    // file spec pattern; language files all start with SDA-
                    string startsWith = "SDA-";

                    // get the config object
                    ConfigurationService configurationService = (ConfigurationService)SimpleIoc.Default.GetInstance <ConfigurationService>();
                    if (null != configurationService)
                        // is a language specified?
                        if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(configurationService.Configuration.Language))
                            // add the language to the file spec (e.g. en-US, en-CA, fr-CA)
                            startsWith += configurationService.Configuration.Language;

                        // get the folder where our language files are stored
                        StorageFolder queryFolder = await configurationService.GetLocalStorageFolder();

                        // build query for json files
                        QueryOptions options = new QueryOptions(CommonFileQuery.OrderByName, new List <string>()
                        StorageFileQueryResult query = queryFolder.CreateFileQueryWithOptions(options);

                        // execute the query
                        files = await query.GetFilesAsync();

                        // if we got results
                        if ((null != files) && (files.Count > 0))
                            // loop through them
                            foreach (StorageFile file in files)
                                // find the first that matches our app prefix and optional language spec
                                if (file.Name.StartsWith(startsWith, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                    // read its contents
                                    string fileContents = await FileIO.ReadTextAsync(file);

                                    // deserialize into our language object
                                    _languageCurrent = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <LanguageFile>(fileContents);

                                    // set the language code of this file
                                    // filename format spec is "SDA-<ISO LANGUAGE (2)>-<ISO COUNTRY (2)>.json"
                                    string name = file.Name;
                                    if (name.Length > 4)
                                        // remove "SDA-"
                                        name = name.Substring(4);
                                    // find the .json extension
                                    int crop = name.IndexOf(".json");
                                    if (-1 != crop)
                                        // crop it off
                                        name = name.Substring(0, crop);
                                    // save our name and break out of the foreach
                                    this.LanguageCode = name;
                catch (Exception ex)

                // if we failed to load the current language
                if (null == _languageCurrent)
                    // set it to the default
                    _languageCurrent = _languageDefault;

            this.IsLoaded  = true;
            this.IsLoading = false;