public ActionResult CreateLane(LaneViewModel model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                //var store = new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(context);
                //var manager = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(store);
                var manager = laneRP.CreateUserStore();

                var swimmer = manager.FindByEmail(model.SwimmerEmail);

                TimeSpan t = new TimeSpan(23, 59, 59);

                Lane lane = new Lane
                    EventId     = model.EventId,
                    LaneNumber  = model.LaneNumber,
                    Heat        = model.Heat,
                    Swimmer     = swimmer,
                    SwimmerTime = t


                return(View("LaneDisplay", lane));

예제 #2
        private NodeViewModel ChildElement(LaneViewModel lane, string shape, string content, double offsetx, double offsety)
            NodeViewModel node = new NodeViewModel()
                UnitWidth   = 130,
                UnitHeight  = 60,
                LaneOffsetX = offsetx,
                LaneOffsetY = offsety,
                Shape       = resourceDictionary[shape],

            if (shape == "Decision")
                node.UnitWidth  = 160;
                node.UnitHeight = 90;

            if (shape == "Flow")
                node.Shape = " M100,20 C100,31.05,91.37,40,80.72,40 L19.28,40 C8.63,40,0,31.05,0,20 L0,20 C0,8.95,8.63,0,19.28,0 L80.72,0 C91.37,0,100,8.95,100,20 Z";
            node.Annotations = new AnnotationCollection()
                new AnnotationEditorViewModel()
                    Content = content,
            (lane.Children as LaneChildren).Add(node);
            (this.Nodes as ObservableCollection <NodeViewModel>).Add(node);
예제 #3
    public void Initialize(PlayerCharacter attachedCharacter, LaneViewModel laneVM, Note noteData, Lane lane, Vector2 spawn, Vector2 destruct)
        _attachedCharacter = attachedCharacter;
        _laneViewModel     = laneVM;
        _noteData          = noteData;
        _lane = lane;

        transform.Rotate(0, 0, (int)_noteData.Direction * -90);

        _noteImage.sprite = AssetManager.Instance.GetNoteSprite(_attachedCharacter.CharacterName, lane);
        _tailImage.sprite = AssetManager.Instance.GetTailSprite(_attachedCharacter.CharacterName, lane);

        _spawnPosition    = spawn;
        _destructPosition = destruct;

        transform.position = _spawnPosition;

        float trackHeight = _spawnPosition.y - _destructPosition.y;

        Vector2 tailSize = new Vector2(
            _tailImage.GetComponent <RectTransform>().sizeDelta.x,
            0.0f * trackHeight / TrackManager.Instance.BeatsShownInAdvance);

        _tailImage.GetComponent <RectTransform>().sizeDelta = tailSize;
        _tailImage.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>().size      = tailSize;
        _tailImage.GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>().offset    = new Vector2(0, tailSize.y / 2);
        _tailImage.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0);
예제 #4
        public LaneViewModel CreateLaneViewModel(bool ishorizontal, string content, double angle)
            AnnotationEditorViewModel annotation = new AnnotationEditorViewModel()
                RotateAngle = angle, Content = content, Offset = new Point(0.5, 0.5)

            annotation.Constraints |= AnnotationConstraints.Rotatable & ~AnnotationConstraints.InheritRotatable;
            LaneViewModel l1 = new LaneViewModel()
                Header = new SwimlaneHeaderViewModel()
                    Annotation = annotation,

            if (ishorizontal)
                (l1.Header as SwimlaneHeaderViewModel).UnitWidth = 50;
                (l1.Header as SwimlaneHeaderViewModel).UnitHeight = 50;
 public LaneView(Lane lane)
     laneViewModel = new LaneViewModel(lane);
     DataContext = laneViewModel;
예제 #6
        private void InitializeDiagram()
            //Initialize SwimlaneCollection to SfDiagram
            this.Swimlanes = new SwimlaneCollection();

            //Creating the SwimlaneViewModel
            SwimlaneViewModel swimlane = new SwimlaneViewModel()
                UnitWidth   = 450,
                UnitHeight  = 120,
                OffsetX     = 300,
                OffsetY     = 150,
                Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,

            //Creating Header for SwimlaneViewModel
            swimlane.Header = new SwimlaneHeader()
                UnitHeight = 32,
                Annotation = new AnnotationEditorViewModel()
                    Content = "SALES PROCESS FLOW CHART"
            LaneViewModel lane1 = new LaneViewModel()
                UnitHeight = 100,
                Header     = new SwimlaneHeader()
                    UnitHeight = 30,
                    Annotation = new AnnotationEditorViewModel()
                        Content = "Consumer"

            swimlane.Lanes = new LaneCollection()
            NodeViewModel node = new NodeViewModel()
                UnitHeight = 50, UnitWidth = 50, LaneOffsetX = 100, LaneOffsetY = 30
            NodeViewModel node1 = new NodeViewModel()
                UnitHeight = 50, UnitWidth = 50, LaneOffsetX = 250, LaneOffsetY = 30

            (this.Nodes as NodeCollection).Add(node);
            (this.Nodes as NodeCollection).Add(node1);
            (lane1.Children as LaneChildren).Add(node);
            (lane1.Children as LaneChildren).Add(node1);

            //Add Swimlane to Swimlanes property of the Diagram
            (this.Swimlanes as SwimlaneCollection).Add(swimlane);
        public ViewResult CreateLane(int?EventId)
            LaneViewModel lane = new LaneViewModel
                EventId = EventId

예제 #8
        private void OnNodeChangedCommand(object obj)
            var          args = obj as ChangeEventArgs <object, NodeChangedEventArgs>;
            CustomNodeVM node = args.Item as CustomNodeVM;

            if (node != null && node.ParentLane != null && args.NewValue.InteractionState == NodeChangedInteractionState.Dragging)
                LaneViewModel parentlane = (args.Item as CustomNodeVM).ParentLane as LaneViewModel;
                args.BoundaryConstraints = (parentlane.Info as ILaneInfo).Bounds;
예제 #9
 private void BorderOnMouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
     if (_isDragging)
         Vector        change    = _startPoint - e.GetPosition(this);
         LaneViewModel viewModel = DataContext as LaneViewModel;
         if (viewModel != null)
             double newHeight = viewModel.Height - change.Y;
             _startPoint = e.GetPosition(this);
예제 #10
        private void InitializeDiagram()
            //Initialize SwimlaneCollection to SfDiagram
            this.Swimlanes = new SwimlaneCollection();

            //Creating the SwimlaneViewModel
            SwimlaneViewModel swimlane = new SwimlaneViewModel()
                UnitWidth   = 450,
                UnitHeight  = 420,
                OffsetX     = 400,
                OffsetY     = 450,
                Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal,
            LaneViewModel lane1 = new LaneViewModel()
                UnitHeight = 100,

            swimlane.Lanes = new LaneCollection()

            CustomNodeVM node = new CustomNodeVM()
                UnitHeight = 50, UnitWidth = 50, LaneOffsetX = 100, LaneOffsetY = 30

            CustomNodeVM node1 = new CustomNodeVM()
                UnitHeight = 50, UnitWidth = 50, LaneOffsetX = 250, LaneOffsetY = 30

            (this.Nodes as NodeCollection).Add(node);
            (this.Nodes as NodeCollection).Add(node1);

            (lane1.Children as LaneChildren).Add(node);
            (lane1.Children as LaneChildren).Add(node1);

            //Add Swimlane to Swimlanes property of the Diagram
            (this.Swimlanes as SwimlaneCollection).Add(swimlane);
예제 #11
    private void UpdateLaneInput(LaneViewModel lane, PlayerInputHandler.AnalogueStick analogueStick)
        if (lane.NotesInCatcher != null && lane.HeldNotes != null)
            var catcherNote = lane.NotesInCatcher.NullSafePeek();
            var heldNote    = lane.HeldNotes.NullSafePeek();

            if (catcherNote != null)
                bool correctHit = analogueStick.Direction == catcherNote.Direction;

                bool correctHold = heldNote != null ? analogueStick.Direction == heldNote.Direction : false;

                if (!catcherNote.HasBeenHit &&
                    (analogueStick.IsPressed || (analogueStick.IsHeld && correctHit && heldNote != null && !correctHold)))
                    Debug.Log(string.Format("Notes in catcher: {0}, Note Direction is : {1}, stick held in Direction: {2}", lane.NotesInCatcher.Count, catcherNote.Direction, analogueStick.Direction));
                else if (analogueStick.IsPressed && catcherNote.HasBeenHit)
                    Debug.Log("Catcher note has been hit.");
            else if (analogueStick.IsPressed && catcherNote == null)
                Debug.Log("Catcher note is null.");
            if (heldNote != null)
                bool correctHold = analogueStick.Direction == heldNote.Direction;

                if (analogueStick.IsReleased || (!heldNote.InSafeZone && !correctHold))
예제 #12
        public async Task <IEnumerable <LaneViewModel> > Getlanes()
            IEnumerable <Lane> lanes = await _laneRepository.GetManyAsync(l => l.isDelete == false, QueryIncludes.LANEFULLINCLUDES);

            LaneViewModel view = null;
            IEnumerable <LaneViewModel> models = new List <LaneViewModel>();

            //foreach (var lane in lanes)
            //    view = new LaneViewModel();
            // = lane.nameVi;
            //    view.code = lane.code;
            //    view.loadingBayCode = lane.loadingBayCode;
            //    view.loadingBayName = lane.loadingBay.nameVi;
            //    view.truckTypeDesciption = lane.truckType.desciption;
            //    view.loadingTypeDescription = lane.loadingType.description;
            //    view.maxCapactity = lane.maxCapactity;
            //    view.minCapacity = lane.minCapacity;
            //    models.Add(view);
            models = Mapper.Map <IEnumerable <Lane>, IEnumerable <LaneViewModel> >(lanes);
        public IHttpActionResult PostLane(LaneViewModel model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            var manager = laneRP.CreateUserStore();

            var swimmer = manager.FindByEmail(model.SwimmerEmail);

            Lane lane = new Lane
                EventId     = model.EventId,
                LaneNumber  = model.LaneNumber,
                Heat        = model.Heat,
                Swimmer     = swimmer,
                SwimmerTime = model.Time


            return(CreatedAtRoute("DefaultApi", new { id = lane.LaneId }, lane));
예제 #14
        private void InitializeDiagram()
            SwimlaneViewModel swimLane = new SwimlaneViewModel();

            swimLane.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal;
            swimLane.OffsetX     = 400;
            swimLane.OffsetY     = 300;
            swimLane.UnitWidth   = 650;
            swimLane.UnitHeight  = 500;

            swimLane.Header = new SwimlaneHeaderViewModel()
                UnitHeight = 50,
                Annotation = new AnnotationEditorViewModel()
                    Content = "SALES PROCESS FLOW CHART"
            PhaseViewModel nn1 = CreatePhaseViewModel(true, "Phase1", 0);

            nn1.UnitWidth = 760;

            swimLane.Phases = new ObservableCollection <PhaseViewModel>()

            LaneViewModel ll1 = CreateLaneViewModel(true, "Consumer", 270);
            NodeViewModel n1  = ChildElement(ll1, "Rectangle", "Consumer learns of product", 130, 55);
            NodeViewModel n2  = ChildElement(ll1, "Decision", "Does Consumer \n want the product", 320, 55);
            NodeViewModel n3  = ChildElement(ll1, "Flow", "No sales lead", 520, 55);
            NodeViewModel n4  = ChildElement(ll1, "Rectangle", "Sell to consumer", 680, 55);

            LaneViewModel ll2 = CreateLaneViewModel(true, "Marketing", 270);
            NodeViewModel n5  = ChildElement(ll2, "Rectangle", "Create marketing campaigns", 130, 55);
            NodeViewModel n6  = ChildElement(ll2, "Rectangle", "Marketing finds sales leads", 320, 55);

            LaneViewModel ll3 = CreateLaneViewModel(true, "Sales", 270);
            NodeViewModel n7  = ChildElement(ll3, "Rectangle", "Sales receives lead", 320, 60);

            LaneViewModel ll4 = CreateLaneViewModel(true, "Success", 270);
            NodeViewModel n8  = ChildElement(ll4, "Rectangle", "Success helps retain consumer as a customer", 680, 55);

            ll1.UnitHeight = 115;
            ll2.UnitHeight = 115;
            ll3.UnitHeight = 115;
            ll4.UnitHeight = 115;
            swimLane.Lanes = new ObservableCollection <LaneViewModel>()
                ll1, ll2, ll3, ll4

            (this.Swimlanes as ObservableCollection <SwimlaneViewModel>).Add(swimLane);

            CreateConnection(n1, n2);
            ConnectorViewModel noconnector = CreateConnection(n2, n3);

            noconnector.Annotations = new ObservableCollection <IAnnotation>()
                new AnnotationEditorViewModel()
                    Content = "No"
            CreateConnection(n4, n8);
            ConnectorViewModel yesconnector = CreateConnection(n2, n6);

            yesconnector.Annotations = new ObservableCollection <IAnnotation>()
                new AnnotationEditorViewModel()
                    Content = "Yes", RotationReference = RotationReference.Page, Length = 0.4
            CreateConnection(n5, n1);
            CreateConnection(n6, n7);
            ConnectorViewModel con   = CreateConnection(n4, n7);
            NodePortViewModel  port  = CreatePort(n4, 0, 0.5);
            NodePortViewModel  port1 = CreatePort(n7, 1, 0.5);

            con.SourcePort = port;
            con.TargetPort = port1;
예제 #15
 public async Task <ResponseViewModel <LaneViewModel> > DeleteLane([FromBody] LaneViewModel laneView)
     return(await _adminService.DeleteLane(laneView));
예제 #16
 public async Task <ResponseViewModel <LaneViewModel> > CreateNewLane([FromBody] LaneViewModel laneView)
     return(await _adminService.CreateNewLane(laneView));