예제 #1
    void Start()
        /* 주식*/
        checkMonth            = 1;
        nMonthOwnstcokCount   = 0;
        nMonthUseStockMoney   = 0;
        nMonthEarnStockMoney  = 0;
        nMonthTradeStockCount = 0;

        /* 건물*/
        nMonthOwnBuild          = 0;
        nMonthEarnEstateMoney   = 0;
        nMonthUseEstateMoney    = 0;
        nMonthDiffEstate        = 0;
        nMonthDiffEstatePercent = 0;

        /* 미니*/
        nMonthTradeMiniCount  = 0;
        nMonthEarnMiniMoney   = 0;
        nMonthUseMiniMoney    = 0;
        nMonthDiffMini        = 0;
        nMonthDiffMiniPercent = 0;

        /* 전달*/
        beforMonthDiff = -1;

        theBuilding = FindObjectOfType <LandmarksHandler>();
예제 #2
 void Start()
     currentTime = Random.Range(1, 2);
     theGet      = FindObjectOfType <GetCompanyManager>();
     thePasser   = FindObjectOfType <PasserByManager>();
     theBuild    = FindObjectOfType <LandmarksHandler>();
     theChat     = FindObjectOfType <CitizenChatManager>();
     theType     = FindObjectOfType <PasserType>();
예제 #3
 void Start()
     /* 첫 1-2초 사이에 등장 */
     currentTime = Random.Range(1, 2);
     theGet      = FindObjectOfType <GetCompanyManager>();
     theChat     = FindObjectOfType <CitizenChatManager>();
     theType     = FindObjectOfType <PasserType>();
     theCountry  = FindObjectOfType <ChangeCountryName>();
     theHandler  = FindObjectOfType <LandmarksHandler>();
예제 #4
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     theStat          = FindObjectOfType <PlayerStatManager>();
     theSellBuy       = FindObjectOfType <StockManager>();
     theNotice        = FindObjectOfType <NoticeManager>();
     theHandler       = FindObjectOfType <LandmarksHandler>();
     theDate          = FindObjectOfType <DateManager>();
     StockInOut       = true;
     stockInOutT.text = "기업입주";
예제 #5
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     theChat             = FindObjectOfType <CitizenChat>();
     theBuildCaht        = FindObjectOfType <CitizenBuildingChat>();
     theHandler          = FindObjectOfType <LandmarksHandler>();
     passer_List         = new List <GameObject>();
     passer_BuildList    = new List <GameObject>();
     passer_BuildNumList = new List <int>();
     currentTime         = Random.Range(4, 7);
     currentTimeBuild    = Random.Range(4, 7);
예제 #6
    void Start()
        theHander = FindObjectOfType <LandmarksHandler>();

        //하트 충전을 위한 시간 받아오기
        myAllMoney           = 500000;
        numberOfHarts        = 5;
        playerCredit         = 9;
        playerLevelUpIndex   = 1000;
        playerLevelDownIndex = 200;
        stockLimitCount      = 1;
        stockTradeCountNum   = 1;

        StockLimitCountText.text      = "보유 주식 가능 수: " + stockLimitCount.ToString();
        playerLevelText.text          = "나의 신용등급: " + playerCredit + "등급";
        playerLevelUpIndexText.text   = "신용등급 상승갱신 기준 :" + playerLevelUpIndex.ToString();
        playerLevelDownIndexText.text = "신용등급 하락갱신 기준 :" + playerLevelDownIndex.ToString();

        for (int i = 0; i < sellbuyManager.stockSc.Length; i++)
            sellbuyManager.lockButton[i].GetComponent <Button>().interactable = false;
예제 #7
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     theDate      = FindObjectOfType <DateManager>();
     theBuildings = FindObjectOfType <LandmarksHandler>();
     theStat      = FindObjectOfType <PlayerStatManager>();