예제 #1
        protected override void ClosePeriodProc(FinPeriod financialPeriod)
            PXSelectBase <APRegister> prebookedDocuments = new PXSelect <
                Where <
                    APRegister.voided, Equal <False>,
                    And <APRegister.prebooked, Equal <True>,
                         And <APRegister.released, Equal <False>,
                              And <APRegister.finPeriodID, Equal <Required <APRegister.finPeriodID> > > > > > >(this);

            if (prebookedDocuments.Any(financialPeriod.FinPeriodID))
                throw new PXException(Messages.PeriodHasPrebookedDocs);

            PXSelectBase <APRegister> unreleasedDocuments = new PXSelectJoin <
                LeftJoin <APAdjust,
                          On <APAdjust.adjgDocType, Equal <APRegister.docType>,
                              And <APAdjust.adjgRefNbr, Equal <APRegister.refNbr>,
                                   And <APAdjust.released, Equal <False> > > > >,
                Where <
                    APRegister.voided, Equal <False>,
                    And <APRegister.scheduled, Equal <False>,
                         And <APRegister.rejected, Equal <False>,
                              And <Where <
                                       APAdjust.adjgFinPeriodID, IsNull,
                                       And <APRegister.released, Equal <False>,
                                            And <APRegister.finPeriodID, Equal <Required <APRegister.finPeriodID> >,
                                                 Or <APAdjust.adjgFinPeriodID, Equal <Required <APAdjust.adjgFinPeriodID> > > > > > > > > > >(this);

            if (unreleasedDocuments.Any(financialPeriod.FinPeriodID, financialPeriod.FinPeriodID))
                throw new PXException(Messages.PeriodHasUnreleasedDocs);

            LandedCostTran landedCostTransactions = PXSelectJoin <
                InnerJoin <POReceipt,
                           On <LandedCostTran.pOReceiptNbr, Equal <POReceipt.receiptNbr> > >,
                Where <
                    LandedCostTran.source, Equal <LandedCostTranSource.fromPO>,
                    And <POReceipt.released, Equal <True>,
                         And <LandedCostTran.postponeAP, Equal <False>,
                              And <LandedCostTran.processed, Equal <False>,
                                   And <LandedCostTran.invoiceDate, GreaterEqual <Required <LandedCostTran.invoiceDate> >,
                                        And <LandedCostTran.invoiceDate, Less <Required <LandedCostTran.invoiceDate> > > > > > > > >
                                                    .SelectWindowed(this, 0, 1, financialPeriod.StartDate, financialPeriod.EndDate);

            if (landedCostTransactions?.LCTranID != null)
                throw new PXException(Messages.PeriodHasAPDocsFromPO_LCToBeCreated);

            financialPeriod.APClosed = true;

예제 #2
        protected override void ClosePeriodProc(FinPeriod p)
            PXSelectBase select = new PXSelect <INRegister,
                                                Where <INRegister.finPeriodID, Equal <Required <INRegister.finPeriodID> >,
                                                       And <INRegister.released, Equal <boolFalse> > > >(this);
            INRegister doc = (INRegister)select.View.SelectSingle(p.FinPeriodID);

            if (doc != null)
                throw new PXException(AP.Messages.PeriodHasUnreleasedDocs);

            //MS Landed cost will not be able to create these transactions if the period is closed
            LandedCostTran lcTranFromAP = PXSelectJoin <LandedCostTran,
                                                        InnerJoin <APRegister, On <LandedCostTran.aPDocType, Equal <APRegister.docType>,
                                                                                   And <LandedCostTran.aPRefNbr, Equal <APRegister.refNbr> > > >,
                                                        Where <LandedCostTran.invoiceDate, GreaterEqual <Required <LandedCostTran.invoiceDate> >,
                                                               And <LandedCostTran.invoiceDate, Less <Required <LandedCostTran.invoiceDate> >,
                                                                    And <LandedCostTran.source, Equal <LandedCostTranSource.fromAP>,
                                                                         And <APRegister.released, Equal <True>,
                                                                              And <LandedCostTran.processed, Equal <False> > > > > > > .Select(this, p.StartDate, p.EndDate);

            if (lcTranFromAP != null && lcTranFromAP.LCTranID.HasValue)
                throw new PXException(Messages.PeriodHasINDocsFromAP_LCToBeCreated);

            PO.LandedCostTran lcTranFromPO = PXSelectJoin <LandedCostTran,
                                                           InnerJoin <POReceipt, On <LandedCostTran.pOReceiptNbr, Equal <POReceipt.receiptNbr> > >,
                                                           Where <LandedCostTran.invoiceDate, GreaterEqual <Required <LandedCostTran.invoiceDate> >,
                                                                  And <LandedCostTran.invoiceDate, Less <Required <LandedCostTran.invoiceDate> >,
                                                                       And <LandedCostTran.source, Equal <LandedCostTranSource.fromPO>,
                                                                            And <POReceipt.released, Equal <True>,
                                                                                 And <LandedCostTran.processed, Equal <False> > > > > > > .Select(this, p.StartDate, p.EndDate);

            if (lcTranFromPO != null && lcTranFromPO.LCTranID.HasValue)
                throw new PXException(Messages.PeriodHasINDocsFromPO_LCToBeCreated);

            p.INClosed = true;
