// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (_CarSelectionGridInt == 0) { Cata.SetActiveRecursively(true); F599.SetActiveRecursively(false); FCa.SetActiveRecursively(false); Lambo.SetActiveRecursively(false); Lotus.SetActiveRecursively(false); _target = CataMass; } if (_CarSelectionGridInt == 1) { Cata.SetActiveRecursively(false); F599.SetActiveRecursively(false); FCa.SetActiveRecursively(false); Lambo.SetActiveRecursively(false); Lotus.SetActiveRecursively(true); } if (_CarSelectionGridInt == 2) { Cata.SetActiveRecursively(false); F599.SetActiveRecursively(false); FCa.SetActiveRecursively(false); Lambo.SetActiveRecursively(true); Lotus.SetActiveRecursively(false); } if (_CarSelectionGridInt == 3) { Cata.SetActiveRecursively(false); F599.SetActiveRecursively(false); FCa.SetActiveRecursively(true); Lambo.SetActiveRecursively(false); Lotus.SetActiveRecursively(false); } if (_CarSelectionGridInt == 4) { Cata.SetActiveRecursively(false); F599.SetActiveRecursively(true); FCa.SetActiveRecursively(false); Lambo.SetActiveRecursively(false); Lotus.SetActiveRecursively(false); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Starting"); Lambo lambo = new Lambo(); GeoMetro geometro = new GeoMetro(); List <Vehicle> vehicles = new List <Vehicle>(); vehicles.Add(lambo); vehicles.Add(geometro); //Here we see PolyMorphism at work, it enables being able to call the honk/revEngine //functions on multiple foreach (Vehicle car in vehicles) { Console.WriteLine(car.honk()); Console.WriteLine(car.revEngine()); } }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Lambo Murcielago = new Lambo("Lamborghini", Image.FromFile("lambo.jpg"), "lambo.wav"); miLista.Add(Murcielago); Ferrari M = new Ferrari("Ferrari", Image.FromFile("ferrari.jpg"), "ferrari.wav"); miLista.Add(M); Audi A = new Audi("Audi", Image.FromFile("audi.jpg"), "audi.wav"); miLista.Add(A); int i = 0; foreach (Sonidos item in miLista) { dataGridView1.Rows.Add(); dataGridView1[0, i].Value = item.Imagen; dataGridView1[1, i].Value = item.Nombre; dataGridView1[2, i].Value = "Reproducir"; i++; } }
void OnGUI() { GUI.BeginGroup(new Rect(Screen.width - buttonWidth * 2 - 130 - buttonSpacing * 40, buttonSpacing, buttonWidth + buttonSpacing * 160, buttonHeight / 3 - buttonSpacing * 4)); GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 0, buttonWidth * 2 - 135 + buttonSpacing * 2, buttonHeight / 6 + 18 + buttonSpacing * 5), ""); CarSelectionGridInt = GUI.SelectionGrid(new Rect(buttonSpacing, buttonSpacing, buttonWidth * 2, buttonHeight / 4), CarSelectionGridInt, ThumbnailsLocked, 6); GUI.EndGroup(); /* * If selected car is bought you can see filled info box and car itself */ if (xmlReaderRights.lotusStatus_ != 0) { ThumbnailsLocked[1] = LotusLogo; if (CarSelectionGridInt == 1) { Cata.SetActiveRecursively(false); F599.SetActiveRecursively(false); FCa.SetActiveRecursively(false); Lambo.SetActiveRecursively(false); Lotus.SetActiveRecursively(true); GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width - 1150, Screen.height - 400), "Lotus Evora"); GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 20, Screen.width - 1150, Screen.height - 400), LotusCarInfo); CarSelectionGridInt = 1; } } if (xmlReaderRights.lamboStatus_ != 0) { ThumbnailsLocked[2] = LamborghiniLogo; if (CarSelectionGridInt == 2) { Cata.SetActiveRecursively(false); F599.SetActiveRecursively(false); FCa.SetActiveRecursively(false); Lambo.SetActiveRecursively(true); Lotus.SetActiveRecursively(false); GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width - 1150, Screen.height - 400), "Lamborghini Murcielago"); GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 20, Screen.width - 1150, Screen.height - 400), LamboCarInfo); } } if (xmlReaderRights.fCaStatus_ != 0) { ThumbnailsLocked[3] = FerrariCALogo; if (CarSelectionGridInt == 3) { Cata.SetActiveRecursively(false); F599.SetActiveRecursively(false); FCa.SetActiveRecursively(true); Lambo.SetActiveRecursively(false); Lotus.SetActiveRecursively(false); GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width - 1150, Screen.height - 400), "Ferrari California"); GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 20, Screen.width - 1150, Screen.height - 400), FCaCarInfo); } } if (xmlReaderRights.f599Status_ != 0) { ThumbnailsLocked[4] = Ferrari599Logo; if (CarSelectionGridInt == 4) { Cata.SetActiveRecursively(false); F599.SetActiveRecursively(true); FCa.SetActiveRecursively(false); Lambo.SetActiveRecursively(false); Lotus.SetActiveRecursively(false); GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width - 1150, Screen.height - 400), "Ferrari 599"); GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 20, Screen.width - 1150, Screen.height - 400), F599CarInfo); } } /* * Shows Price tag for every car that is not bought */ if (xmlReaderRights.lotusStatus_ == 0) // for Lotus { if (CarSelectionGridInt == 1) { GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width - 1150, Screen.height - 400), "Lotus Evora"); GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 20, Screen.width - 1150, Screen.height - 400), lotusPrice + " \n Your money $" + money); } } if (xmlReaderRights.lamboStatus_ == 0) //for Lambo { if (CarSelectionGridInt == 2) { GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width - 1150, Screen.height - 400), "Lamborghini Murcielago"); GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 20, Screen.width - 1150, Screen.height - 400), lamboPrice + " \n Your money $" + money); } } if (xmlReaderRights.fCaStatus_ == 0) //for Ferrari CA { if (CarSelectionGridInt == 3) { GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width - 1150, Screen.height - 400), "Ferrari California"); GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 20, Screen.width - 1150, Screen.height - 400), fCaPrice + " \n Your money $" + money); } } if (xmlReaderRights.f599Status_ == 0) //for Ferrari 599 { if (CarSelectionGridInt == 4) { GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width - 1150, Screen.height - 400), "Ferrari F599"); GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 20, Screen.width - 1150, Screen.height - 400), f599Price + " \n Your money $" + money); } } /* * Unity car is always active! */ if (CarSelectionGridInt == 0) { Cata.SetActiveRecursively(true); F599.SetActiveRecursively(false); FCa.SetActiveRecursively(false); Lambo.SetActiveRecursively(false); Lotus.SetActiveRecursively(false); CarSelectionGridInt = 0; GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width - 1150, Screen.height - 400), "Unit One"); GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 20, Screen.width - 1150, Screen.height - 400), UnityCarInfo); } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(0, Screen.height - 50, 100, 50), "Back")) // Brings you back to the Main Menu { Application.LoadLevel("Menu"); } xmlReaderRights reader = new xmlReaderRights(); reader.Start(); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (_CarSelectionGridInt == 0) { Cata.SetActiveRecursively(true); F599.SetActiveRecursively(false); FCa.SetActiveRecursively(false); Lambo.SetActiveRecursively(false); Lotus.SetActiveRecursively(false); if (CataColorChange.ColorsSelectionGridInt == 0) { body.renderer.material.mainTexture = red; } if (CataColorChange.ColorsSelectionGridInt == 1) { body.renderer.material.mainTexture = blue; } if (CataColorChange.ColorsSelectionGridInt == 2) { body.renderer.material.mainTexture = yellow; } if (CataColorChange.ColorsSelectionGridInt == 3) { body.renderer.material.mainTexture = pink; } if (CataColorChange.ColorsSelectionGridInt == 4) { body.renderer.material.mainTexture = green; } if (CataColorChange.ColorsSelectionGridInt == 5) { body.renderer.material.mainTexture = orange; } _target = CataMass; } if (_CarSelectionGridInt == 1) { Cata.SetActiveRecursively(false); Lotus.SetActiveRecursively(true); F599.SetActiveRecursively(false); FCa.SetActiveRecursively(false); Lambo.SetActiveRecursively(false); lotusBlack.active = false; lotusRed.active = false; lotusYellow.active = false; lotusGreen.active = false; lotusSilver.active = false; lotusBlue.active = false; if (selectedColorInt == 0) { lotusBlack.SetActiveRecursively(true); } if (selectedColorInt == 1) { lotusRed.SetActiveRecursively(true); } if (selectedColorInt == 2) { lotusYellow.SetActiveRecursively(true); } if (selectedColorInt == 3) { lotusGreen.SetActiveRecursively(true); } if (selectedColorInt == 4) { lotusSilver.SetActiveRecursively(true); } if (selectedColorInt == 5) { lotusBlue.SetActiveRecursively(true); } } if (_CarSelectionGridInt == 2) { Cata.SetActiveRecursively(false); F599.SetActiveRecursively(false); Lambo.SetActiveRecursively(true); FCa.SetActiveRecursively(false); Lotus.SetActiveRecursively(false); lamboRed.active = false; lamboOrange.active = false; lamboYellow.active = false; lamboBlue.active = false; lamboBlack.active = false; lamboGreen.active = false; if (selectedColorInt == 0) { lamboBlack.SetActiveRecursively(true); } if (selectedColorInt == 1) { lamboRed.SetActiveRecursively(true); } if (selectedColorInt == 2) { lamboYellow.SetActiveRecursively(true); } if (selectedColorInt == 3) { lamboGreen.SetActiveRecursively(true); } if (selectedColorInt == 4) { lamboOrange.SetActiveRecursively(true); lamboOrange.active = true; } if (selectedColorInt == 5) { lamboBlue.SetActiveRecursively(true); } } if (_CarSelectionGridInt == 3) { Cata.SetActiveRecursively(false); F599.SetActiveRecursively(false); FCa.SetActiveRecursively(true); Lambo.SetActiveRecursively(false); Lotus.SetActiveRecursively(false); fCaBlack.active = false; fCaBlue.active = false; fCaYellow.active = false; fCaRed.active = false; fCaSilver.active = false; fCaGreen.active = false; if (selectedColorInt == 0) { fCaBlack.SetActiveRecursively(true); } if (selectedColorInt == 1) { fCaRed.SetActiveRecursively(true); } if (selectedColorInt == 2) { fCaYellow.SetActiveRecursively(true); } if (selectedColorInt == 3) { fCaGreen.SetActiveRecursively(true); } if (selectedColorInt == 4) { fCaSilver.SetActiveRecursively(true); } if (selectedColorInt == 5) { fCaBlue.SetActiveRecursively(true); } } if (_CarSelectionGridInt == 4) { Cata.SetActiveRecursively(false); F599.SetActiveRecursively(true); FCa.SetActiveRecursively(false); Lambo.SetActiveRecursively(false); Lotus.SetActiveRecursively(false); f599Black.active = false; f599Blue.active = false; f599Red.active = false; f599White.active = false; f599Yellow.active = false; f599Silver.active = false; if (selectedColorInt == 0) { f599Black.SetActiveRecursively(true); } if (selectedColorInt == 1) { f599Red.SetActiveRecursively(true); } if (selectedColorInt == 2) { f599Yellow.SetActiveRecursively(true); } if (selectedColorInt == 3) { f599White.SetActiveRecursively(true); } if (selectedColorInt == 4) { f599Silver.SetActiveRecursively(true); } if (selectedColorInt == 5) { f599Blue.SetActiveRecursively(true); } } }