public void LambdaExpressionShouldDeserialize(LambdaExpression lambda)
            var serialized   = TestSerializer.GetSerializedFragment <Lambda, LambdaExpression>(lambda);
            var deserialized = lambdaSerializer.Deserialize(serialized, new SerializationState());

            Assert.Equal(lambda.Type.FullName, deserialized.Type.FullName);
예제 #2
        public void LambdaExpressionShouldDeserialize(LambdaExpression lambda)
            var serialized   = lambdaSerializer.Serialize(lambda, TestSerializer.GetDefaultState());
            var deserialized = lambdaSerializer.Deserialize(serialized, TestSerializer.State);

            Assert.Equal(lambda.Type.FullName, deserialized.Type.FullName);
예제 #3
        private CloudFormationResourceRequest <TProperties> DeserializeStream(Stream stream)
            // read stream into memory
            LogInfo("reading message stream");
            string body;

            using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream)) {
                body = reader.ReadToEnd();

            // deserialize stream into a generic JSON object
            LogInfo("deserializing request");
            var json = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JObject>(body);

            // determine if the custom resource request is wrapped in an SNS message
            // or if it is a direct invocation by the CloudFormation service
            if (json.TryGetValue("Records", out _))
                // deserialize SNS event
                LogInfo("deserializing SNS event");
                var snsEvent = json.ToObject <SNSEvent>();

                // extract message from SNS event
                LogInfo("deserializing message");
                var messageBody = snsEvent.Records.First().Sns.Message;

                // deserialize message into a cloudformation request
                return(LambdaSerializer.Deserialize <CloudFormationResourceRequest <TProperties> >(messageBody));
                // deserialize generic JSON into a cloudformation request
                return(json.ToObject <CloudFormationResourceRequest <TProperties> >());
        /// <summary>
        /// The <see cref="ProcessMessageStreamAsync(Stream)"/> method is overridden to
        /// provide specific behavior for this base class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method cannot be overridden.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream with the request payload.</param>
        /// <returns>The task object representing the asynchronous operation.</returns>
        public override sealed async Task <Stream> ProcessMessageStreamAsync(Stream stream)
            // read stream into memory
            LogInfo("reading stream body");
            string snsEventBody;

            using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream)) {
                snsEventBody = reader.ReadToEnd();
            var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
            var metrics   = new List <LambdaMetric>();

            // process received sns record (there is only ever one)
            try {
                // sns event deserialization
                LogInfo("deserializing SNS event");
                try {
                    var snsEvent = LambdaSerializer.Deserialize <SNSEvent>(snsEventBody);
                    _currentRecord = snsEvent.Records.First().Sns;

                    // message deserialization
                    LogInfo("deserializing message");
                    var message = Deserialize(CurrentRecord.Message);

                    // process message
                    LogInfo("processing message");
                    await ProcessMessageAsync(message);

                    // record successful processing metrics
                    var now = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
                    metrics.Add(("MessageSuccess.Count", 1, LambdaMetricUnit.Count));
                    metrics.Add(("MessageSuccess.Latency", stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds, LambdaMetricUnit.Milliseconds));
                    metrics.Add(("MessageSuccess.Lifespan", (now - CurrentRecord.GetLifespanTimestamp()).TotalSeconds, LambdaMetricUnit.Seconds));
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    try {
                        // attempt to send failed message to the dead-letter queue
                        await RecordFailedMessageAsync(LambdaLogLevel.ERROR, FailedMessageOrigin.SQS, LambdaSerializer.Serialize(snsEventBody), e);

                        // record failed processing metrics
                        metrics.Add(("MessageDead.Count", 1, LambdaMetricUnit.Count));
                    } catch {
                        // NOTE (2020-04-22, bjorg): since the message could not be sent to the dead-letter queue,
                        //  the next best action is to let Lambda retry it; unfortunately, there is no way
                        //  of knowing how many attempts have occurred already.

                        // unable to forward message to dead-letter queue; report failure to lambda so it can retry
                        metrics.Add(("MessageFailed.Count", 1, LambdaMetricUnit.Count));
                    return($"ERROR: {e.Message}".ToStream());
            } finally {
                _currentRecord = null;
예제 #5
        public override sealed async Task <BotResponse> ProcessMessageAsync(BotRequest request)
            // check if there is a state object to load
            State = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.Bot?.InternalState)
                ? LambdaSerializer.Deserialize <TState>(request.Bot.InternalState)
                : new TState();
            LogInfo($"Starting State:\n{LambdaSerializer.Serialize(State)}");

            // dispatch to specific method based on request command
            BotResponse response;

            switch (request.Command)
            case BotCommand.GetBuild:

                // bot configuration request
                response = new BotResponse {
                    BotBuild = await GetBuildAsync()

            case BotCommand.GetAction:

                // bot action request
                try {
                    // capture request fields for easy access
                    GameSession = request.Session;
                    Bot         = request.Bot;
                    GameClient  = new LambdaRobotsGameClient(GameSession.ApiUrl, Bot.Id, HttpClient);

                    // initialize a default empty action
                    _action = new GetActionResponse();

                    // get bot action
                    await GetActionAsync();

                    // generate response
                    _action.BotState = LambdaSerializer.Serialize(State);
                    response         = new BotResponse {
                        BotAction = _action,
                } finally {
                    Bot        = null;
                    GameClient = null;


                // unrecognized request
                throw new ApplicationException($"unexpected request: '{request.Command}'");

            // log response and return
            LogInfo($"Final State:\n{LambdaSerializer.Serialize(State)}");
        //--- Methods ---

        /// <summary>
        /// The <see cref="ProcessMessageStreamAsync(Stream)"/> method is overridden to
        /// provide specific behavior for this base class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method cannot be overridden.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream with the request payload.</param>
        /// <returns>The task object representing the asynchronous operation.</returns>
        public override sealed async Task <Stream> ProcessMessageStreamAsync(Stream stream)
            var schedule = LambdaSerializer.Deserialize <LambdaScheduleEvent>(stream);

            LogInfo($"received schedule event '{schedule.Name ?? schedule.Id}'");
            await ProcessEventAsync(schedule);

        public override sealed async Task <Stream> ProcessMessageStreamAsync(Stream stream)
            // sns event deserialization
            LogInfo("reading message stream");
            SlackRequest request;

            try {
                request = LambdaSerializer.Deserialize <SlackRequest>(stream);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LogError(e, "failed during Slack request deserialization");
                return($"ERROR: {e.Message}".ToStream());

            // capture standard output and error output so we can send it to slack instead
            using (var consoleOutWriter = new StringWriter())
                using (var consoleErrorWriter = new StringWriter()) {
                    var consoleOutOriginal   = Console.Out;
                    var consoleErrorOriginal = Console.Error;
                    try {
                        // redirect the console output and error streams so we can emit them later to slack

                        // validate the slack token (assuming one was configured)
                        if (!(_slackVerificationToken?.Equals(request.Token) ?? true))
                            throw new SlackVerificationTokenMismatchException();

                        // handle slack request
                        await ProcessSlackRequestAsync(request);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                    } finally {

                    // send console output to slack as an in_channel response
                    var output = consoleOutWriter.ToString();
                    if (output.Length > 0)
                        await RespondInChannel(request, output);

                    // send console error to slack as an ephemeral response (only visible to the requesting user)
                    var error = consoleErrorWriter.ToString();
                    if (error.Length > 0)
                        await RespondEphemeral(request, error);
예제 #8
        //--- Methods ---

        /// <summary>
        /// The <see cref="ProcessMessageStreamAsync(Stream)"/> deserializes the request stream into
        /// a <typeparamref name="TRequest"/> instance and invokes the <see cref="ProcessMessageAsync(TRequest)"/> method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is <c>sealed</c> and cannot be overridden.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream with the request payload.</param>
        /// <returns>The task object representing the asynchronous operation.</returns>
        public override sealed async Task <Stream> ProcessMessageStreamAsync(Stream stream)
            var request  = LambdaSerializer.Deserialize <TRequest>(stream);
            var response = await ProcessMessageAsync(request);

            var responseStream = new MemoryStream();

            LambdaSerializer.Serialize(response, responseStream);
            responseStream.Position = 0;
        public void InvalidJsonShouldNotDeserialize()
            var serializer = new LambdaSerializer();
            var stream     = new MemoryStream();
            var json       = "123";
            var sw         = new StreamWriter(stream);

            stream.Position = 0;

            Assert.Throws(typeof(LambdaException), () => serializer.Deserialize <TestRequest>(stream));
예제 #10
        // [Route("$connect")]
        public async Task <APIGatewayProxyResponse> OpenConnectionAsync(APIGatewayProxyRequest request)
            LogInfo($"Connected: {request.RequestContext.ConnectionId}");

            // verify client authorization
            string headerBase64Json = null;

            if (!(request.QueryStringParameters?.TryGetValue("header", out headerBase64Json) ?? false))
                // reject connection request
                return(new APIGatewayProxyResponse {
                    StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized
            ConnectionHeader header;

            try {
                var headerJson = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(headerBase64Json));
                header = LambdaSerializer.Deserialize <ConnectionHeader>(headerJson);
            } catch {
                // reject connection request
                return(new APIGatewayProxyResponse {
                    StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest
            if (
                (header.Host != request.RequestContext.DomainName) ||
                (header.ApiKey != _clientApiKey) ||
                !Guid.TryParse(header.Id, out _)
                // reject connection request
                return(new APIGatewayProxyResponse {
                    StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.Forbidden

            // create new connection record
            await _dataTable.CreateConnectionRecordAsync(new ConnectionRecord {
                ConnectionId  = request.RequestContext.ConnectionId,
                State         = ConnectionState.New,
                ApplicationId = header.Id,
                Bearer        = request.RequestContext.Authorizer?.Claims

            return(new APIGatewayProxyResponse {
                StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK
        public void ValidJsonShouldDeserialize()
            var serializer = new LambdaSerializer();
            var stream     = new MemoryStream();
            var json       = "{\"Test\":\"Test\"}";
            var sw         = new StreamWriter(stream);

            stream.Position = 0;

            var d = serializer.Deserialize <TestRequest>(stream);

            Assert.Equal("Test", d.Test);
        //--- Methods ---

        /// <summary>
        /// The <see cref="InitializeEpilogueAsync()"/> method is invoked to complet the initialization of the
        /// Lambda function. This is the last of three methods that are invoked to initialize the Lambda function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The task object representing the asynchronous operation.</returns>
        protected override async Task InitializeEpilogueAsync()
            await base.InitializeEpilogueAsync();

            // NOTE (2019-04-15, bjorg): we initialize the invocation target directory after the function environment
            //  initialization so that 'CreateInvocationTargetInstance()' can access the environment variables if need be.

            // read optional api-gateway-mappings file
            _directory = new ApiGatewayInvocationTargetDirectory(CreateInvocationTargetInstance, LambdaSerializer);
            if (File.Exists("api-mappings.json"))
                var mappings = LambdaSerializer.Deserialize <ApiGatewayInvocationMappings>(File.ReadAllText("api-mappings.json"));
                if (mappings.Mappings == null)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("missing 'Mappings' property in 'api-mappings.json' file");
                foreach (var mapping in mappings.Mappings)
                    if (mapping.Method == null)
                        throw new InvalidDataException("missing 'Method' property in 'api-mappings.json' file");
                    if (mapping.RestApi != null)
                        LogInfo($"Mapping REST API '{mapping.RestApi}' to {mapping.Method}");
                        _directory.Add(mapping.RestApi, mapping.Method);
                    else if (mapping.WebSocket != null)
                        LogInfo($"Mapping WebSocket route '{mapping.WebSocket}' to {mapping.Method}");
                        _directory.Add(mapping.WebSocket, mapping.Method);
                        throw new InvalidDataException("missing 'RestApi/WebSocket' property in 'api-mappings.json' file");
예제 #13
        public override async Task <APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyResponse> ProcessMessageAsync(APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyRequest request)
            LogInfo($"Message received at {request.RequestContext.Http.Method}:{request.RawPath}?{request.RawQueryString}");

            // validate invocation method
            if (request.RequestContext.Http.Method != "POST")
                LogInfo("Unsupported request method {0}", request.RequestContext.Http.Method);

            // validate request token
            if (
                !request.QueryStringParameters.TryGetValue("token", out var token) ||
                (token != _httpApiToken)
                LogInfo("Missing or invalid request token");

            // validate request websocket
            if (
                !request.QueryStringParameters.TryGetValue("ws", out var connectionId) ||
                LogInfo("Invalid websocket connection id");

            // validate request id
            if (
                !request.QueryStringParameters.TryGetValue("rid", out var requestId) ||
                LogInfo("Invalid request id");

            // check if request is a subscription confirmation
            var topicSubscription = LambdaSerializer.Deserialize <TopicSubscriptionPayload>(request.Body);

            if (topicSubscription.Type == "SubscriptionConfirmation")
                // confirm it's for the expected topic ARN
                if (topicSubscription.TopicArn != _eventTopicArn)
                    LogWarn("Wrong Topic ARN for subscription confirmation (Expected: {0}, Received: {1})", _eventTopicArn, topicSubscription.TopicArn);

                // confirm subscription
                await HttpClient.GetAsync(topicSubscription.SubscribeURL);

                // send welcome action to websocket connection
                await SendMessageToConnection(new AcknowledgeAction {
                    RequestId = requestId,
                    Status    = "Ok"
                }, connectionId);


            // validate SNS message
            var snsMessage = LambdaSerializer.Deserialize <SNSEvent.SNSMessage>(request.Body);

            if (snsMessage.Message == null)
                LogWarn("Invalid SNS message received: {0}", request.Body);

            // validate CloudWatch event
            var cloudWatchEvent = LambdaSerializer.Deserialize <CloudWatchEventPayload>(snsMessage.Message);

            if (
                (cloudWatchEvent.Source == null) ||
                (cloudWatchEvent.DetailType == null) ||
                (cloudWatchEvent.Resources == null)
                LogInfo("Invalid CloudWatch event received: {0}", snsMessage.Message);

            // check if the keep-alive event was received
            if (
                (cloudWatchEvent.Source == "") &&
                (cloudWatchEvent.DetailType == "Scheduled Event") &&
                (cloudWatchEvent.Resources.Count == 1) &&
                (cloudWatchEvent.Resources[0] == _keepAliveRuleArn)
                // send keep-alive action to websocket connection
                await SendMessageToConnection(new KeepAliveAction(), connectionId);


            // determine what rules are matching
            JObject evt;

            try {
                evt = JObject.Parse(snsMessage.Message);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LogError(e, "invalid message");
            var rules = await _dataTable.GetConnectionRulesAsync(connectionId);

            var matchedRules = rules
                               .Where(rule => {
                try {
                    var pattern = JObject.Parse(rule.Pattern);
                    return(EventPatternMatcher.IsMatch(evt, pattern));
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LogError(e, "invalid event pattern: {0}", rule.Pattern);
            }).Select(rule => rule.Rule)

            if (matchedRules.Any())
                await SendMessageToConnection(
                    new EventAction {
                    Rules  = matchedRules,
                    Source = cloudWatchEvent.Source,
                    Type   = cloudWatchEvent.DetailType,
                    Event  = snsMessage.Message

            // local functions
            APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyResponse Success(string message)
            => new APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyResponse
                Body    = message,
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["Content-Type"] = "text/plain"
                StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK

            APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyResponse BadRequest()
            => new APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyResponse
                Body    = "Bad Request",
                Headers = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    ["Content-Type"] = "text/plain"
                StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest
예제 #14
        public override async Task <KinesisFirehoseResponse> ProcessMessageAsync(KinesisFirehoseEvent request)
            // NOTE (2018-12-11, bjorg): this function is responsible for error logs parsing; therefore, it CANNOT error out itself;
            //  instead, it must rely on aggressive exception handling and redirect those message where appropriate.

            var response = new KinesisFirehoseResponse {
                Records = new List <KinesisFirehoseResponse.FirehoseRecord>()

            _approximateResponseSize = 0;
            var reingestedCount = 0;

            try {
                for (var recordIndex = 0; recordIndex < request.Records.Count; ++recordIndex)
                    var record = request.Records[recordIndex];
                    try {
                        var logEventsMessage = ConvertRecordToLogEventsMessage(record);

                        // validate log event
                        if (
                            (logEventsMessage.LogGroup is null) ||
                            (logEventsMessage.MessageType is null) ||
                            (logEventsMessage.LogEvents is null)
                            LogWarn("invalid log events message (record-id: {0})", record.RecordId);

                        // skip log event from own module
                        if ((Info.FunctionName != null) && logEventsMessage.LogGroup.Contains(Info.FunctionName))
                            LogInfo($"skipping log events message from own event log (record-id: {record.RecordId})");

                        // skip control log event
                        if (logEventsMessage.MessageType == "CONTROL_MESSAGE")
                            LogInfo($"skipping control log events message (record-id: {record.RecordId})");

                        // check if this log event is expected
                        if (logEventsMessage.MessageType != "DATA_MESSAGE")
                            LogWarn("unknown log events message type '{1}' (record-id: {0})", record.RecordId, logEventsMessage.MessageType);

                        // check if log group belongs to a Lambda function
                        if (logEventsMessage.LogGroup.StartsWith(LAMBDA_LOG_GROUP_PREFIX, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                            // use CloudWatch log name to identify owner of the log event
                            var functionId = logEventsMessage.LogGroup.Substring(LAMBDA_LOG_GROUP_PREFIX.Length);
                            owner = await GetOwnerMetaDataAsync($"F:{functionId}");
                            owner = await GetOwnerMetaDataAsync($"L:{logEventsMessage.LogGroup}");

                        // check if owner record exists
                        if (owner == null)
                            LogInfo($"skipping log events message for unknown log-group (record-id: {record.RecordId}, log-group: {logEventsMessage.LogGroup})");

                        // process entries in log event
                        var success = true;
                        for (var logEventIndex = 0; logEventIndex < logEventsMessage.LogEvents.Count; ++logEventIndex)
                            var logEvent = logEventsMessage.LogEvents[logEventIndex];
                            try {
                                await Logic.ProgressLogEntryAsync(
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                if (owner.FunctionId != null)
                                    LogError(e, "log event [{1}] processing failed (function-id: {3}, record-id: {0}):\n{2}", record.RecordId, logEventIndex, logEvent.Message ?? "<null>", owner.FunctionId);
                                else if (owner.AppId != null)
                                    LogError(e, "log event [{1}] processing failed (app-id: {3}, record-id: {0}):\n{2}", record.RecordId, logEventIndex, logEvent.Message ?? "<null>", owner.AppId);
                                    LogError(e, "log event [{1}] processing failed (log-group: {3}, record-id: {0}):\n{2}", record.RecordId, logEventIndex, logEvent.Message ?? "<null>", logEventsMessage.LogGroup);

                                // mark this log events message as failed and stop processing more log events
                                success = false;

                        // check outcome of processing log events message
                        if (success)
                            // check if any log events were converted
                            if (_convertedLogEvents.Any())
                                // calculate size of the converted log events
                                var convertedLogEventsSize = _convertedLogEvents.Sum(convertedLogEvent => convertedLogEvent.SerializedByteCount);
                                if ((_approximateResponseSize + convertedLogEventsSize) > RESPONSE_SIZE_LIMIT)
                                    // check if response size was exceeded on first record
                                    if (response.Records.Count == 0)
                                        // skip record since it's the first record and we cannot serialize it due to response size limits
                                        LogWarn("record too large to convert (record-id: {0})", record.RecordId);
                                        LogInfo($"reached Lambda response limit (response: {_approximateResponseSize:N0}, limit: {RESPONSE_SIZE_LIMIT:N0})");

                                        // reingest remaining records since the response will be too large otherwise
                                        var firehoseDeliveryStream = request.DeliveryStreamArn.Split('/').Last();
                                        var reingestedRecords      = request.Records.Skip(recordIndex).Select(record => new Record {
                                            Data = new MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String(record.Base64EncodedData))
                                        await FirehoseClient.PutRecordBatchAsync(firehoseDeliveryStream, reingestedRecords);

                                        reingestedCount += reingestedRecords.Count;

                                        // drop reingested records
                                        for (; recordIndex < request.Records.Count; ++recordIndex)
                                            var droppedRecord = request.Records[recordIndex];
                                            LogInfo($"reingested record (record-id: {droppedRecord.RecordId}");
                                    _approximateResponseSize += convertedLogEventsSize;

                                    // measure how long it took to successfully process the first CloudWatch Log event in the record
                                    if (logEventsMessage.LogEvents.Any())
                                        try {
                                            var timestamp = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(logEventsMessage.LogEvents.First().Timestamp);
                                            LogMetric("LogEvent.Latency", (DateTimeOffset.UtcNow - timestamp).TotalMilliseconds, LambdaMetricUnit.Milliseconds);
                                        } catch (Exception e) {
                                            LogError(e, "report log event latency failed");

                                    // emit LambdaSharp events from converted log entries
                                    await ProcessConvertedLogEntriesAsync();

                                    LogInfo($"finished converting log events (converted {_convertedLogEvents.Count:N0}, skipped {logEventsMessage.LogEvents.Count - _convertedLogEvents.Count:N0}, record-id: {record.RecordId})");
                                    RecordSuccess(record, _convertedLogEvents.Aggregate("", (accumulator, convertedLogEvent) => accumulator + convertedLogEvent.Json + "\n"));
                                LogInfo($"dropped record (record-id: {record.RecordId}");
                            // nothing to log since error was already logged
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        LogError(e, "record failed (record-id: {0})", record.RecordId);

                // show processing outcome
                var okResponsesCount      = response.Records.Count(r => r.Result == KinesisFirehoseResponse.TRANSFORMED_STATE_OK);
                var failedResponsesCount  = response.Records.Count(r => r.Result == KinesisFirehoseResponse.TRANSFORMED_STATE_PROCESSINGFAILED);
                var droppedResponsesCount = response.Records.Count(r => r.Result == KinesisFirehoseResponse.TRANSFORMED_STATE_DROPPED) - reingestedCount;
                LogInfo($"processed {request.Records.Count:N0} records (success: {okResponsesCount}, failed: {failedResponsesCount:N0}, dropped: {droppedResponsesCount:N0}, reingested: {reingestedCount:N0})");
            } finally {
                // NOTE (2020-04-21, bjorg): we don't expect this to fail; but since it's done at the end of the processing function, we
                //  need to make sure it never fails; otherwise, the Kinesis stream processing is interrupted.
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LogError(e, "report metrics failed");

                // send accumulated events
                try {
                } catch (Exception exception) {
                    // NOTE (2020-12-28, bjorg): don't use LogError() as it will eventually send an event, since there
                    //  is no other reporting mechanism for LambdaSharp.Core otherwise.
                    Provider.Log($"EXCEPTION: {exception}\n");

            // local functions
            LogEventsMessage ConvertRecordToLogEventsMessage(KinesisFirehoseEvent.FirehoseRecord record)
                // deserialize kinesis record into a CloudWatch Log events message
                using var sourceStream = new MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String(record.Base64EncodedData));
                using var recordData   = new MemoryStream();
                using (var gzip = new GZipStream(sourceStream, CompressionMode.Decompress)) {
                    recordData.Position = 0;
                return(LambdaSerializer.Deserialize <LogEventsMessage>(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(recordData.ToArray())));

            void RecordSuccess(KinesisFirehoseEvent.FirehoseRecord record, string data)
            => response.Records.Add(new KinesisFirehoseResponse.FirehoseRecord {
                RecordId          = record.RecordId,
                Result            = KinesisFirehoseResponse.TRANSFORMED_STATE_OK,
                Base64EncodedData = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data))

            void RecordFailed(KinesisFirehoseEvent.FirehoseRecord record)
            => response.Records.Add(new KinesisFirehoseResponse.FirehoseRecord {
                RecordId = record.RecordId,
                Result   = KinesisFirehoseResponse.TRANSFORMED_STATE_PROCESSINGFAILED

            void RecordDropped(KinesisFirehoseEvent.FirehoseRecord record)
            => response.Records.Add(new KinesisFirehoseResponse.FirehoseRecord {
                RecordId = record.RecordId,
                Result   = KinesisFirehoseResponse.TRANSFORMED_STATE_DROPPED
예제 #15
        public override async Task <APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyResponse> ProcessMessageAsync(APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyRequest request)
            LogInfo($"Message received at {request.RequestContext.Http.Method}:{request.RawPath}?{request.RawQueryString}");

            // validate invocation method
            if (request.RequestContext.Http.Method != "POST")
                LogWarn("Unsupported request method {0}", request.RequestContext.Http.Method);

            // validate request token
            if (
                !request.QueryStringParameters.TryGetValue("token", out var token) ||
                (token != _httpApiToken)
                LogWarn("Missing or invalid request token");

            // validate request websocket
            if (
                !request.QueryStringParameters.TryGetValue("ws", out var connectionId) ||
                LogWarn("Invalid websocket connection id");

            // validate request id
            if (
                !request.QueryStringParameters.TryGetValue("rid", out var requestId) ||
                LogWarn("Invalid request id");

            // check if request is a subscription confirmation
            var topicSubscription = LambdaSerializer.Deserialize <TopicSubscriptionPayload>(request.Body);

            if (topicSubscription.Type == "SubscriptionConfirmation")
                return(await ConfirmSubscription(connectionId, requestId, topicSubscription));

            // validate SNS message
            var snsMessage = LambdaSerializer.Deserialize <SNSEvent.SNSMessage>(request.Body);

            if (snsMessage.Message == null)
                LogWarn("Invalid SNS message received: {0}", request.Body);

            // validate EventBridge event
            var eventBridgeEvent = LambdaSerializer.Deserialize <EventBridgeventPayload>(snsMessage.Message);

            if (
                (eventBridgeEvent.Source == null) ||
                (eventBridgeEvent.DetailType == null) ||
                (eventBridgeEvent.Resources == null)
                LogInfo("Invalid EventBridge event received: {0}", snsMessage.Message);
            return(await DispatchEvent(connectionId, snsMessage.Message));
예제 #16
        private async Task <APIGatewayHttpApiV2ProxyResponse> DispatchEvent(string connectionId, string message)
            // validate EventBridge event
            var eventBridgeEvent = LambdaSerializer.Deserialize <EventBridgeventPayload>(message);

            if (
                (eventBridgeEvent.Source == null) ||
                (eventBridgeEvent.DetailType == null) ||
                (eventBridgeEvent.Resources == null)
                LogInfo("Invalid EventBridge event received: {0}", message);

            // check if the keep-alive event was received
            if (
                (eventBridgeEvent.Source == "") &&
                (eventBridgeEvent.DetailType == "Scheduled Event") &&
                (eventBridgeEvent.Resources?.Count == 1) &&
                (eventBridgeEvent.Resources[0] == _keepAliveRuleArn)
                // retrieve connection record
                var connection = await _dataTable.GetConnectionRecordAsync(connectionId);

                if (connection == null)
                if (connection.State != ConnectionState.Open)

                // send keep-alive action to websocket connection
                LogInfo("KeepAlive tick");
                await SendActionToConnection(new KeepAliveAction(), connectionId);


            // determine what rules are matching the event
            JObject evt;

            try {
                evt = JObject.Parse(message);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LogError(e, "invalid message");
            var rules = await _dataTable.GetAllRuleRecordAsync(connectionId);

            var matchedRules = rules
                               .Where(rule => {
                try {
                    var pattern = JObject.Parse(rule.Pattern);
                    return(EventPatternMatcher.IsMatch(evt, pattern));
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LogError(e, "invalid event pattern: {0}", rule.Pattern);
            }).Select(rule => rule.Rule)

            if (matchedRules.Any())
                LogInfo($"Event matched {matchedRules.Count():N0} rules: {string.Join(", ", matchedRules)}");
                await SendActionToConnection(
                    new EventAction {
                    Rules  = matchedRules,
                    Source = eventBridgeEvent.Source,
                    Type   = eventBridgeEvent.DetailType,
                    Event  = message
                LogInfo("Event matched no rules");
        public override async Task ProcessMessageAsync(SNSEvent.SNSMessage sns)
            var evt = LambdaSerializer.Deserialize <Event>(sns.Message);

            LogInfo($"Received {evt.EventType}: {evt.Message}");
예제 #18
        //--- Methods ---

        /// <summary>
        /// The <see cref="Deserialize(string)"/> method converts the SNS topic message from string to a typed instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method invokes <see cref="Amazon.Lambda.Core.ILambdaSerializer.Deserialize{TMessage}(Stream)"/> to convert the SNS topic message string
        /// into a <paramtyperef name="TMessage"/> instance. Override this method to provide a custom message deserialization implementation.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="body">The SNS topic message.</param>
        /// <returns>The deserialized SNS topic message.</returns>
        public virtual TMessage Deserialize(string body) => LambdaSerializer.Deserialize <TMessage>(body);
예제 #19
        public override async Task <KinesisFirehoseResponse> ProcessMessageAsync(KinesisFirehoseEvent request)
            // NOTE (2018-12-11, bjorg): this function is responsible for error logs parsing; therefore, it CANNOT error out itself;
            //  instead, it must rely on aggressive exception handling and redirect those message where appropriate.

            var response = new KinesisFirehoseResponse {
                Records = new List <KinesisFirehoseResponse.FirehoseRecord>()

            try {
                foreach (var record in request.Records)
                    try {
                        // deserialize kinesis record into a CloudWatch Log event
                        LogEventsMessage logEvent;
                        using (var sourceStream = new MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String(record.Base64EncodedData)))
                            using (var destinationStream = new MemoryStream()) {
                                using (var gzip = new GZipStream(sourceStream, CompressionMode.Decompress)) {
                                    destinationStream.Position = 0;
                                logEvent = LambdaSerializer.Deserialize <LogEventsMessage>(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(destinationStream.ToArray()));

                        // validate log event
                        if (
                            (logEvent.LogGroup == null) ||
                            (logEvent.MessageType == null) ||
                            (logEvent.LogEvents == null)
                            LogWarn("invalid record (record-id: {0})", record.RecordId);

                        // skip log event from own module
                        if (logEvent.LogGroup.Contains(Info.FunctionName))
                            LogInfo("skipping event from own event log (record-id: {0})", record.RecordId);

                        // skip control log event
                        if (logEvent.MessageType == "CONTROL_MESSAGE")
                            LogInfo("skipping control message (record-id: {0})", record.RecordId);

                        // check if this log event is expected
                        if (logEvent.MessageType != "DATA_MESSAGE")
                            LogWarn("unknown message type '{1}' (record-id: {0})", record.RecordId, logEvent.MessageType);

                        // check if log group belongs to a Lambda function
                        if (logEvent.LogGroup.StartsWith(LAMBDA_LOG_GROUP_PREFIX, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                            // use CloudWatch log name to identify owner of the log event
                            var functionId = logEvent.LogGroup.Substring(LAMBDA_LOG_GROUP_PREFIX.Length);
                            owner = await GetOwnerMetaDataAsync($"F:{functionId}");
                            owner = await GetOwnerMetaDataAsync($"L:{logEvent.LogGroup}");

                        // check if owner record exists
                        if (owner == null)
                            LogInfo("skipping record for non-registered log-group (record-id: {0}, log-group: {1})", record.RecordId, logEvent.LogGroup);

                        // process entries in log event
                        var success       = true;
                        var logEventIndex = -1;
                        foreach (var entry in logEvent.LogEvents)
                            try {
                                await Logic.ProgressLogEntryAsync(
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                if (owner.FunctionId != null)
                                    LogError(e, "log event entry [{1}] processing failed (function-id: {3}, record-id: {0}):\n{2}", record.RecordId, logEventIndex, entry.Message, owner.FunctionId);
                                else if (owner.AppId != null)
                                    LogError(e, "log event entry [{1}] processing failed (app-id: {3}, record-id: {0}):\n{2}", record.RecordId, logEventIndex, entry.Message, owner.AppId);
                                    LogError(e, "log event entry [{1}] processing failed (log-group: {3}, record-id: {0}):\n{2}", record.RecordId, logEventIndex, entry.Message, logEvent.LogGroup);
                                success = false;

                        // record how long it took to process the CloudWatch Log event
                        if (logEvent.LogEvents.Any())
                            try {
                                var timestamp = DateTimeOffset.FromUnixTimeMilliseconds(logEvent.LogEvents.First().Timestamp);
                                LogMetric("LogEvent.Latency", (DateTimeOffset.UtcNow - timestamp).TotalMilliseconds, LambdaMetricUnit.Milliseconds);
                            } catch (Exception e) {
                                LogError(e, "report log event latency failed");

                        // record outcome
                        if (success)
                            if (_convertedRecords.Any())
                                LogInfo($"finished log events record (converted {_convertedRecords.Count:N0}, skipped {logEvent.LogEvents.Count - _convertedRecords.Count:N0}, record-id: {record.RecordId})");
                                RecordSuccess(record, _convertedRecords.Aggregate("", (accumulator, convertedRecord) => accumulator + convertedRecord + "\n"));
                                LogInfo($"dropped record (record-id: {record.RecordId}");
                            // nothing to log since error was already logged
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        LogError(e, "record failed (record-id: {0})", record.RecordId);
            } finally {
                // NOTE (2020-04-21, bjorg): we don't expect this to fail; but since it's done at the end of the processing function, we
                //  need to make sure it never fails; otherwise, the Kinesis stream processing is interrupted.
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LogError(e, "report metrics failed");

                // send accumulated events
                try {
                } catch (Exception exception) {
                    Provider.Log($"EXCEPTION: {exception}\n");

            // local functions
            void RecordSuccess(KinesisFirehoseEvent.FirehoseRecord record, string data)
            => response.Records.Add(new KinesisFirehoseResponse.FirehoseRecord {
                RecordId          = record.RecordId,
                Result            = KinesisFirehoseResponse.TRANSFORMED_STATE_OK,
                Base64EncodedData = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(data))

            void RecordFailed(KinesisFirehoseEvent.FirehoseRecord record)
            => response.Records.Add(new KinesisFirehoseResponse.FirehoseRecord {
                RecordId = record.RecordId,
                Result   = KinesisFirehoseResponse.TRANSFORMED_STATE_PROCESSINGFAILED

            void RecordDropped(KinesisFirehoseEvent.FirehoseRecord record)
            => response.Records.Add(new KinesisFirehoseResponse.FirehoseRecord {
                RecordId = record.RecordId,
                Result   = KinesisFirehoseResponse.TRANSFORMED_STATE_DROPPED
예제 #20
        /// <summary>
        /// The <see cref="ProcessMessageStreamAsync(Stream)"/> method is overridden to
        /// provide specific behavior for this base class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method cannot be overridden.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="stream">The stream with the request payload.</param>
        /// <returns>The task object representing the asynchronous operation.</returns>
        public override sealed async Task <Stream> ProcessMessageStreamAsync(Stream stream)
            // deserialize stream to sqs event
            LogInfo("deserializing stream to SQS event");
            var sqsEvent = LambdaSerializer.Deserialize <SQSEvent>(stream);

            if (!sqsEvent.Records.Any())
                return($"empty batch".ToStream());

            // process all received sqs records
            var eventSourceArn     = sqsEvent.Records.First().EventSourceArn;
            var successfulMessages = new List <SQSEvent.SQSMessage>();

            foreach (var record in sqsEvent.Records)
                _currentRecord = record;
                var metrics = new List <LambdaMetric>();
                try {
                    var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                    // attempt to deserialize the sqs record
                    LogInfo("deserializing message");
                    var message = Deserialize(record.Body);

                    // attempt to process the sqs message
                    LogInfo("processing message");
                    await ProcessMessageAsync(message);


                    // record successful processing metrics
                    var now = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
                    metrics.Add(("MessageSuccess.Count", 1, LambdaMetricUnit.Count));
                    metrics.Add(("MessageSuccess.Latency", stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds, LambdaMetricUnit.Milliseconds));
                    metrics.Add(("MessageSuccess.Lifespan", (now - record.GetLifespanTimestamp()).TotalSeconds, LambdaMetricUnit.Seconds));
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // NOTE (2020-04-21, bjorg): delete message if error is not retriable (i.e. logic error) or
                    //  the message has reached it's maximum number of retries.
                    var deleteMessage = !(e is LambdaRetriableException) ||
                                        (record.GetApproximateReceiveCount() >= await Provider.GetMaxRetriesForQueueAsync(record.EventSourceArn));

                    // the intent is to delete the message
                    if (deleteMessage)
                        // NOTE (2020-04-22, bjorg): always log an error since the intent is to send
                        //  this message to the dead-letter queue.
                        try {
                            // attempt to send failed message to the dead-letter queue
                            await RecordFailedMessageAsync(LambdaLogLevel.ERROR, FailedMessageOrigin.SQS, LambdaSerializer.Serialize(record), e);

                            // record forwarded message as successful so it gets deleted from the queue

                            // record failed processing metrics
                            metrics.Add(("MessageDead.Count", 1, LambdaMetricUnit.Count));
                        } catch {
                            // record attempted processing metrics
                            metrics.Add(("MessageFailed.Count", 1, LambdaMetricUnit.Count));
                        // record attempted processing metrics
                        metrics.Add(("MessageFailed.Count", 1, LambdaMetricUnit.Count));

                        // log error as a warning as we expect to see this message again
                } finally {
                    _currentRecord = null;

            // check if any failures occurred
            if ((sqsEvent.Records.Count != successfulMessages.Count) && (successfulMessages.Count > 0))
                // delete all messages that were successfully processed to avoid them being tried again
                await Provider.DeleteMessagesFromQueueAsync(
                    successfulMessages.Select(message =>
                                              (MessageId: message.MessageId, ReceiptHandle: message.ReceiptHandle)

                // fail invocation to prevent messages from being deleted
                throw new LambdaAbortException($"processing failed: {sqsEvent.Records.Count - successfulMessages.Count} errors ({successfulMessages.Count} messages succeeded)");
            return($"processed {successfulMessages.Count} messages".ToStream());