예제 #1
        public void GetMixedN15_Test1()
            var isoCreator = new LabeledIsotopicProfileUtilities();

            var peptideSeq      = "SAMPLERSAMPLER";
            var elementLabelled = "N";

            var lightIsotope = 14;
            var heavyIsotope = 15;

            double percentLabelled1           = 0;    // first peptide population is unlabelled (0%)
            double percentLabelled2           = 20;   // second peptide polulation has 8% of its carbons labelled.
            var    fractionPopulationLabelled = 0.50; // fraction of peptides that have heavy label.

            var iso         = isoCreator.CreateIsotopicProfileFromSequence(peptideSeq, elementLabelled, lightIsotope, heavyIsotope, percentLabelled1);
            var labelledIso = isoCreator.CreateIsotopicProfileFromSequence(peptideSeq, elementLabelled, lightIsotope, heavyIsotope, percentLabelled2);

            isoCreator.AddIsotopicProfile(iso, 1 - fractionPopulationLabelled);
            isoCreator.AddIsotopicProfile(labelledIso, fractionPopulationLabelled);

            var mixedIso = isoCreator.GetMixedIsotopicProfile();

        public void PartialLabelingQuantifierTest1()
            // see https://jira.pnnl.gov/jira/browse/OMCS-743

            var peptideSeq = "SAMPLERSAMPLER";
            var isoCreator = new LabeledIsotopicProfileUtilities();

            var elementLabelled = "C";
            var lightIsotope    = 12;
            var heavyIsotope    = 13;

            var target = new PeptideTarget();

            target.Code             = peptideSeq;
            target.EmpiricalFormula = target.GetEmpiricalFormulaFromTargetCode();
            target.ChargeState      = 2;

            target.IsotopicProfile = isoCreator.CreateIsotopicProfileFromEmpiricalFormula(target.EmpiricalFormula, elementLabelled, 12, 13, 0, target.ChargeState);

            double[] obsMZVals =
                794.4027177, 794.9043951, 795.4060725, 795.9077499, 796.4094273, 796.9111047,
                797.4127822, 797.9144596,  798.416137, 798.9178144, 799.4194918, 799.9211693,
                800.4228467, 800.9245241, 801.4262015, 801.9278789, 802.4295564, 802.9312338,
                803.4329112, 803.9345886,  804.436266, 804.9379435, 805.4396209, 805.9412983,
                806.4429757, 806.9446531, 807.4463306,  807.948008, 808.4496854, 808.9513628,
                809.4530402, 809.9547176, 810.4563951

            double[] obsIntensities =
                0.202610146, 0.169786958,  0.10004317, 0.048528412, 0.023649271,  0.01375091,
                0.011401505, 0.010165125,           0,           0,           0,           0,0, 0.016295369, 0.02039971, 0.02628524
                ,            0.034368448, 0.042300575, 0.050392505, 0.057402354, 0.061016738,
                0.061990991, 0.059175713, 0.053291295, 0.046892873, 0.037952256,            0.030884989
                ,            0.024965924, 0.019531111,  0.01613184,           0,           0, 0

            var peakList = obsMZVals.Select((t, i) => new Peak(t, (float)obsIntensities[i], 0)).ToList();

            var partialLabelingQuantifier = new PartialLabelingQuantifier("C", 12, 13);

            var bestIso = partialLabelingQuantifier.FindBestLabeledProfile(target, peakList, null);

            var counter = 0;

            foreach (var currentFitScore in partialLabelingQuantifier.FitScoreData)
                Console.WriteLine(currentFitScore.Key + "\t" + currentFitScore.Value);