예제 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Check if the data point is of extreme values. For example if the data point is furthest away in a direction.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="filename">Data point</param>
    void CheckIfEdgeData(LabeledData data)
        if (firstData)
            farAwayNegX = data.Position.x;
            farAwayPosX = data.Position.x;
            farAwayNegY = data.Position.y;
            farAwayPosY = data.Position.y;
            farAwayNegZ = data.Position.z;
            farAwayPosZ = data.Position.z;
            firstData   = false;

        for (int i = 0; i < data.features.Length; i++)
            if (data.features[i] > maxData[i])
                maxData[i] = data.features[i];

            if (data.features[i] < minData[i])
                minData[i] = data.features[i];

            accumulatedData[i] += data.features[i];

        if (data.Position.x < farAwayNegX)
            farAwayNegX = data.Position.x;
        if (data.Position.x > farAwayPosX)
            farAwayPosX = data.Position.x;
        if (data.Position.y < farAwayNegY)
            farAwayNegY = data.Position.y;
        if (data.Position.y > farAwayPosY)
            farAwayPosY = data.Position.y;
        if (data.Position.z < farAwayNegZ)
            farAwayNegZ = data.Position.z;
        if (data.Position.z > farAwayPosZ)
            farAwayPosZ = data.Position.z;
        public void LoadData()
            LabeledData <float> shapeData   = LoadData(FitToShape);
            LabeledData <float> toAggregate = LoadData(DataToAggregate);
            LabeledData <float> ret         = new LabeledData <float>();

            // add all of the keys with a zero value
            foreach (var e in shapeData)
                ret.Add(e.Key, 0.0f);
            if (DataMap != null)
                //Load in the map
                using (var reader = new CsvReader(DataMap, true))
                    //burn header
                    while (reader.LoadLine(out int columns))
                        if (columns >= 3)
                            reader.Get(out string destName, 0);
                            reader.Get(out string originName, 1);
                            reader.Get(out float toApply, 2);
                            if (!ret.TryGetValue(destName, out float destValue))
                            if (!toAggregate.TryGetValue(originName, out float originValue))
                            ret[destName] = originValue * toApply + destValue;
                var keys = ret.Keys.ToList();
                foreach (var key in keys)
                    if (toAggregate.TryGetValue(key, out float data))
                        ret[key] = data;
            _Data  = ret;
            Loaded = true;
예제 #3
        private void Add <TData>(LabeledData <TData> set, string label, TData data)
            switch (AggregationToApply)
            case Agg.None:
                if (set.ContainsKey(label))
                    throw new XTMFRuntimeException(this, $"In '{Name}' while loading in labeled data a label was loaded multiple times '{label}'!");
                set.Add(label, data);

            case Agg.Sum:
                if (typeof(TData) == typeof(float))
                    // the optimizer should be able to solve this
                    var fData = (float)(object)data;
                    var fSet  = set as LabeledData <float>;
                    // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException
                    fSet.TryGetValue(label, out float alreadyContained);
                    fSet[label] = fData + alreadyContained;

            case Agg.Multiply:
                if (typeof(TData) == typeof(float))
                    // the optimizer should be able to solve this
                    var fData = (float)(object)data;
                    var fSet  = set as LabeledData <float>;
                    // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException
                    if (!fSet.TryGetValue(label, out float alreadyContained))
                        alreadyContained = 1.0f;
                    fSet[label] = fData * alreadyContained;

            case Agg.Count:
                if (typeof(TData) == typeof(float))
                    var fSet = set as LabeledData <float>;
                    // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException
                    fSet.TryGetValue(label, out float alreadyContained);
                    fSet[label] = 1 + alreadyContained;
예제 #4
        public void LoadData()
            var ret = new LabeledData <T>();

            using (var reader = new CsvReader(LoadFrom, true))
                //burn the header
                string error      = null;
                int    lineNumber = 0;
                // load the data
                while (reader.LoadLine(out int columns))
                    if (columns >= 2)
                        reader.Get(out string label, 0);
                        if (typeof(T) == typeof(float))
                            LabeledData <float> fRet = ret as LabeledData <float>;
                            reader.Get(out float parsedData, 1);
                            Add(fRet, label, parsedData);
                            reader.Get(out string data, 1);
                            var parsedData = ArbitraryParameterParser.ArbitraryParameterParse(typeof(T), data, ref error);
                            if (parsedData == null || error != null)
                                throw new XTMFRuntimeException(this, $"In '{Name}' we were unable to parse the data in line number {lineNumber}!\r\n{error}");
                            Add(ret, label, (T)parsedData);
            _Data  = ret;
            Loaded = true;
예제 #5
 static int SortByValue(LabeledData d1, LabeledData d2)
예제 #6
    private void LoadInData(string dPath)
        // Load data from text file (no headers, line 1 is data with whitespaces)
        Debug.Log(Application.dataPath + "/" + "starparticles.001.off");
        StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(Application.dataPath + "/" + dPath);
        Debug.Log(Application.dataPath + "/" + "starparticles.001.off");
        StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(dPath);
        string[] buffer;
        string   line;

        line   = sr.ReadLine();
        buffer = line.Split(null);
        for (int fish = 0; fish < buffer.Length; fish++)

        //HG: An unaccurate line counter (is bigger):
        numLines = (int)((sr.BaseStream.Length) / sr.ReadLine().Length);

        //HG: An unaccurate but slower counter:
        if (countLines)
            numLines = 0;
            while (!sr.EndOfStream)
                line      = sr.ReadLine();
                numLines += 1;
            numPoints = numLines;

            sr = new StreamReader(Application.dataPath + "/" + dPath);
            sr = new StreamReader(dPath);

        points   = new Vector3[numLines];
        minValue = new Vector3();

        int i = 0;
        dataPoints.Capacity = numLines;
        featureLength       = (labelNames.Length);
        unitNames = new string[buffer.Length];

        for (i = 0; i < labelNames.Length; i++)
            if (i == 0)
                MenuHandler.Instance.graphVariableText.GetComponent <Text>().text = labelNames[i];

        String fish2 = sr.ReadLine().Trim();
        buffer = fish2.Split(null);
        Debug.Log("featLength: " + featureLength);
        i = 0;
        string flag  = "";
        int    count = 0;
        while (!sr.EndOfStream && i < numLines)
                flag = "point";
                if (!invertYZ)
                    points[i] = new Vector3(float.Parse(buffer[1]) * scale - offSet, float.Parse(buffer[2]) * scale - offSet, float.Parse(buffer[3]) * scale - offSet);
                    points[i] = new Vector3(float.Parse(buffer[0]) * scale - offSet, float.Parse(buffer[1]) * scale - offSet, float.Parse(buffer[2]) * scale - offSet);

                if (buffer.Length >= 3) //HG: Chrashing after !
                    LabeledData d = new LabeledData();
                    d.Label    = i.ToString();
                    d.Color    = new Color(0, 0, 0);
                    d.Position = points[i];

                    int j = 0;
                    d.features = new float[featureLength];
                    while (j < featureLength)
                        try {
                            d.features[j] = float.Parse(buffer[j]);
                        } catch (Exception e)
                            Debug.Log("this failed: " + buffer[j]);
                            //We don't seem to like negative values in our document

                        accumulatedData[j] += d.features[j];

                    if (count == 0)
                        for (j = 0; j < labelNames.Length; j++)
                            Debug.Log(j + ": " + d.features[j]);
            catch (IOException)
                Debug.Log("Reading data interrupted at line " + i.ToString() + " at " + flag);
            numPoints = numLines;

            // GUI progress:
            progress = i * 1.0f / (numLines - 1) * 1.0f;
            if (i % Mathf.FloorToInt(numLines / 20) == 0)
                guiText = i.ToString() + " out of " + numLines.ToString() + " loaded!!";
                //TODO removed yield will it break anything?

            fish2  = sr.ReadLine().Trim();
            buffer = fish2.Split(null);
            i     += 1;
        numLines          = i;
        maxSizeTotal      = new List <float>(topPercentile).ToArray();
        currentDataPoints = new List <LabeledData>(dataPoints);
예제 #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Override only when overriding the normalization functions isn't enough.
 /// </summary>
 protected virtual LabeledData DataAsLabeledData(T[] data, L[] label)
     double[] input  = NormalizeInputData(data);
     double[] output = NormalizeOutputData(label);
     return(LabeledData.MakeFromArrays(input, output));
예제 #8
 public void UnloadData()
     Loaded = false;
     _Data  = null;