internal IndexedHashtable toChemHemSpecimens(string[] response, ref string fromDate, ref string toDate) { IndexedHashtable result = new IndexedHashtable(response.Length); for (int i = 0; i < response.Length; i++) { string[] flds = StringUtils.split(response[i], StringUtils.CARET); LabSpecimen specimen = new LabSpecimen(); specimen.Id = flds[0]; specimen.ReportDate = VistaTimestamp.toUtcString(flds[2]); specimen.CollectionDate = VistaTimestamp.toUtcString(flds[1]); if (i == 0) { fromDate = specimen.CollectionDate; } if (i == response.Length - 1) { toDate = specimen.CollectionDate; } specimen.Name = flds[3]; specimen.AccessionNumber = flds[4]; if (flds.Length > 6) { specimen.Site = flds[5]; } if (flds.Length > 7) { specimen.Facility = new SiteId(flds[7], flds[6]); } string key = flds[1] + '^' + flds[4]; result.Add(key, specimen); } return(result); }
private LabTest BuildLabTest(LabSpecimen labSpecimen, LabTestName labTestNameCodedConcept) { var labTest = labSpecimen.AddLabTest(new LabTestInfoBuilder().WithLabTestName(labTestNameCodedConcept)); Session.SaveOrUpdate(labTest); return(labTest); }
public void CreateLabSpecimen_GivenValidArguments_CreatesLabSpecimen() { var activityType = new Mock <ActivityType>(); var lookupValueRepository = new Mock <ILookupValueRepository>(); lookupValueRepository .Setup(l => l.GetLookupByWellKnownName <ActivityType>(It.IsAny <string>())) .Returns(activityType.Object); var labSpecimenRepository = new Mock <ILabSpecimenRepository>(); var labSpecimenFactory = new LabSpecimenFactory( labSpecimenRepository.Object, lookupValueRepository.Object); var visit = new Mock <Visit>(); var clinicalCase = new Mock <ClinicalCase>(); var patient = new Mock <Patient>(); visit.Setup(v => v.ClinicalCase).Returns(clinicalCase.Object); clinicalCase.Setup(c => c.Patient).Returns(patient.Object); LabSpecimen labSpecimen = labSpecimenFactory.CreateLabSpecimen(visit.Object); Assert.IsNotNull(labSpecimen); }
private LabSpecimen BuildLabSpecimen(Visit visit, ActivityType activityType) { var labSpecimen = new LabSpecimen(visit, activityType); Session.SaveOrUpdate(labSpecimen); return(labSpecimen); }
public LabSpecimenTO(LabSpecimen mdo) { = mdo.Id; = StringUtils.stripInvalidXmlCharacters(mdo.Name); this.collectionDate = mdo.CollectionDate; this.accessionNum = mdo.AccessionNumber; = mdo.Site; if (mdo.Facility != null) { this.facility = new TaggedText(mdo.Facility.Name); } }
internal IndexedHashtable toChemHemSpecimens(string[] response, ref string fromDate, ref string toDate) { IndexedHashtable result = new IndexedHashtable(response.Length); for (int i = 0; i < response.Length; i++) { string[] flds = StringUtils.split(response[i], StringUtils.CARET); LabSpecimen specimen = new LabSpecimen(); specimen.Id = flds[0]; specimen.ReportDate = VistaTimestamp.toUtcString(flds[2]); specimen.CollectionDate = VistaTimestamp.toUtcString(flds[1]); if (i == 0) { fromDate = specimen.CollectionDate; } if (i == response.Length-1) { toDate = specimen.CollectionDate; } specimen.Name = flds[3]; specimen.AccessionNumber = flds[4]; if (flds.Length > 6) { specimen.Site = flds[5]; } if (flds.Length > 7) { specimen.Facility = new SiteId(flds[7], flds[6]); } string key = flds[1] + '^' + flds[4]; result.Add(key, specimen); } return result; }
internal ChemHemReport buildChemHemReport(IDataReader reader) { string patientIcn = DbReaderUtil.getValue(reader, reader.GetOrdinal("PatientICN")); string testName = DbReaderUtil.getValue(reader, reader.GetOrdinal("LabChemTestName")); // LabResult.LabTest.ShortName string resultValue = DbReaderUtil.getValue(reader, reader.GetOrdinal("LabChemResultValue")); // LabResult.Value string refHigh = DbReaderUtil.getValue(reader, reader.GetOrdinal("RefHigh")); // LabResult.LabTest.hiRef string refLow = DbReaderUtil.getValue(reader, reader.GetOrdinal("RefLow")); // LabResult.LabTest.lowRef string abnormal = DbReaderUtil.getValue(reader, reader.GetOrdinal("Abnormal")); // LabResult.BoundaryStatus string loinc = DbReaderUtil.getValue(reader, reader.GetOrdinal("LOINC")); // LabResult.LabTest.Loinc string component = DbReaderUtil.getValue(reader, reader.GetOrdinal("Component")); // LabResult.LabTest.Name string labTestType = DbReaderUtil.getValue(reader, reader.GetOrdinal("LabTestType")); //LabResult.LabTest.Category string labChemTestSid = DbReaderUtil.getInt32Value(reader, reader.GetOrdinal("LabChemTestSID")); string labChemTestIen = DbReaderUtil.getValue(reader, reader.GetOrdinal("LabChemTestIEN")); string labChemIen = DbReaderUtil.getValue(reader, reader.GetOrdinal("LabChemIEN")); // LabTest.Id string labChemSid = DbReaderUtil.getInt64Value(reader, reader.GetOrdinal("LabChemSID")); string siteCode = DbReaderUtil.getInt16Value(reader, reader.GetOrdinal("Sta3n")); string labChemCompleteDate = DbReaderUtil.getDateValue(reader, reader.GetOrdinal("LabChemCompleteDateTime")); SiteId facility = new SiteId() { Id = siteCode }; LabTest labTest = new LabTest() { Id = labChemTestIen, Name = testName, ShortName = labTestType, DataId = labChemTestSid, HiRef = refHigh, LowRef = refLow, Loinc = loinc }; LabResult labResult = new LabResult() { Value = resultValue, BoundaryStatus = abnormal, Test = labTest }; LabResult[] labResults = new LabResult[1]; labResults[0] = labResult; LabSpecimen labSpecimen = new LabSpecimen() { Id = labChemIen, Name = DbReaderUtil.getValue(reader, reader.GetOrdinal("Specimen")), CollectionDate = labChemCompleteDate, Site = siteCode }; ChemHemReport report = new ChemHemReport() { Id = labChemSid, Specimen = labSpecimen, Facility = facility, Results = labResults, Timestamp = labChemCompleteDate }; return(report); }
/* * In order to get the correct results with the correct reports using the DDR calls and RPCs * available, we are going to use the user specified fromDate but use today as the toDate (like * CPRS does) and retrieve all the specimens with in that time period. Then, we will find the * reports, match them up with their specimens and lastly filter those results using our original * date range */ public ChemHemReport[] getChemHemReports(string dfn, string fromDate, string toDate) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(toDate) && toDate.IndexOf(".") == -1) { toDate += ".235959"; } IndexedHashtable specimens = getChemHemSpecimens(dfn, fromDate, toDate, "3"); if (specimens == null || specimens.Count == 0) { return(null); } ArrayList lst = new ArrayList(); //string nextDate = VistaTimestamp.fromUtcString(today); string nextDate = VistaTimestamp.fromUtcString(toDate); // Due to comment above, we want to loop through "ORWLRR INTERIMG" RPC until we // get as many reports as the DDR call above told us we would // TBD - this while statement screams infinite loop (i.e. what happens if we don't get all the // reports the DDR call above said we would?) Should we put an arbitrarily large stop in here? // e.g. if count > 1,000,000 then throw an exception that we didn't get what VistA said we should? int i = 0; while (lst.Count < specimens.Count) { LabSpecimen specimen = (LabSpecimen)specimens.GetValue(i); // ORWLRR INTERIMG rpc and function below updates nextDate for subsequent calls so LEAVE REF ALONE string nextDateBefore = nextDate; ChemHemReport rpt = getChemHemReport(dfn, ref nextDate); if (rpt != null) { if ((rpt.Specimen != null) && (rpt.Specimen.AccessionNumber == specimen.AccessionNumber)) { i++; rpt.Id = specimen.Id; rpt.Facility = specimen.Facility; rpt.Specimen = specimen; rpt.Timestamp = specimen.ReportDate; lst.Add(rpt); } } // if the next date variable was not changed below, it means we are no longer looping through // the reports so we should go ahead and break out of this loop - should take care of // infinite loop concerns if (nextDate.Equals(nextDateBefore)) { break; } } // At last, filter the reports based on their timestamps ArrayList filteredList = new ArrayList(); double startDate = Convert.ToDouble(fromDate); double stopDate = Convert.ToDouble(toDate); ChemHemReport[] rpts = (ChemHemReport[])lst.ToArray(typeof(ChemHemReport)); foreach (ChemHemReport report in rpts) { // if the report doesn't have a timestamp, we will just add it to our list if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(report.Timestamp)) { filteredList.Add(report); continue; } double reportTimeStamp = Convert.ToDouble(report.Timestamp); if (startDate <= reportTimeStamp && reportTimeStamp <= stopDate) { filteredList.Add(report); } } return((ChemHemReport[])filteredList.ToArray(typeof(ChemHemReport))); }
private bool MapProperties(LabSpecimenDto dto, LabSpecimen entity) { var labSpecimenType = _mappingHelper.MapLookupField <LabSpecimenType> (dto.LabSpecimenType); entity.ReviseLabSpecimenType(labSpecimenType); entity.ReviseLabReceivedDate(dto.LabReceivedDate); entity.ReviseCollectedHereIndicator(dto.CollectedHereIndicator); // TODO: This needs to be rethought when the domain for Lab is redone. var labTest = entity.LabTests.FirstOrDefault(lt => lt.LabTestInfo.LabTestName.WellKnownName == dto.LabTestName.WellKnownName); if (labTest == null && entity.LabTests.Count > 0) { //right now there is only every one lab test per lab specimen? entity.RemoveLabTest(entity.LabTests.ElementAt(0)); } var labTestInfo = new LabTestInfoBuilder() .WithLabTestName(_mappingHelper.MapLookupField <LabTestName> (dto.LabTestName)) .WithTestReportDate(dto.LabTestDate) .WithLabTestNote(dto.LabTestNote); if (labTest == null) { labTest = entity.AddLabTest(labTestInfo); } else { labTest.ReviseLabTestInfo(labTestInfo); } var result = new AggregateNodeCollectionMapper <LabResultDto, LabTest, LabResult> (dto.LabResults, labTest, labTest.LabResults) .MapAddedItem( (lrdto, lt) => { CodedConcept labTestResultNameCodedConcept = null; if (lrdto.LabTestResultNameCodedConcept != null) { labTestResultNameCodedConcept = new CodedConceptBuilder().WithCodedConceptDto(lrdto.LabTestResultNameCodedConcept); } lt.AddLabResult( new LabResultBuilder() .WithLabTestResultNameCodedConcept(labTestResultNameCodedConcept) .WithValue(lrdto.Value) .WithUnitOfMeasureCode(lrdto.UnitOfMeasureCode)); } ) .MapChangedItem( (lrdto, lt, lr) => { lt.RemoveLabResult(lr); CodedConcept labTestResultNameCodedConcept = null; if (lrdto.LabTestResultNameCodedConcept != null) { labTestResultNameCodedConcept = new CodedConceptBuilder().WithCodedConceptDto(lrdto.LabTestResultNameCodedConcept); } lt.AddLabResult( new LabResultBuilder() .WithLabTestResultNameCodedConcept(labTestResultNameCodedConcept) .WithValue(lrdto.Value) .WithUnitOfMeasureCode(lrdto.UnitOfMeasureCode)); }) .MapRemovedItem((lrdto, lt, lr) => lt.RemoveLabResult(lr)) .Map(); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Processes the single aggregate. /// </summary> /// <param name="dto">The dto to process.</param> /// <param name="entity">The entity.</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="System.Boolean"/></returns> protected override bool ProcessSingleAggregate(LabSpecimenDto dto, LabSpecimen entity) { _mappingResult &= MapProperties(dto, entity); return(_mappingResult); }