예제 #1
        public LabExperimentStatus GetExperimentStatus(int experimentID)
            const string STRLOG_MethodName = "GetExperimentStatus";

            Logfile.WriteCalled(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName);

            LabExperimentStatus labExperimentStatus = null;

            // Get the identity of the caller
            string sbName = GetCallerName(authHeader);

            // Check caller access is authorised
            if (sbName != null)
                // Pass on to experiment manager
                labExperimentStatus = Global.experimentManager.GetExperimentStatus(experimentID, sbName);
                labExperimentStatus = new LabExperimentStatus(
                    new ExperimentStatus((int)StatusCodes.Unknown));

            Logfile.WriteCompleted(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName);

        private LabExperimentStatus ConvertType(Proxy.LabExperimentStatus proxyLabExperimentStatus)
            LabExperimentStatus labExperimentStatus = null;

            if (proxyLabExperimentStatus != null)
                labExperimentStatus = new LabExperimentStatus();
                labExperimentStatus.MinTimeToLive = proxyLabExperimentStatus.minTimetoLive;
                labExperimentStatus.ExperimentStatus = this.ConvertType(proxyLabExperimentStatus.statusReport);

            return labExperimentStatus;
        public LabExperimentStatus GetLabExperimentStatus(int experimentId, string sbName)
            const string STRLOG_MethodName = "GetLabExperimentStatus";

            string logMessage = STRLOG_experimentId + experimentId.ToString() +
                Logfile.STRLOG_Spacer + STRLOG_sbName + Logfile.STRLOG_Quote + sbName + Logfile.STRLOG_Quote +
                Logfile.STRLOG_Spacer + STRLOG_unitId + unitId.ToString();

            Logfile.WriteCalled(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName, logMessage);

            LabExperimentStatus labExperimentStatus = new LabExperimentStatus(
                new ExperimentStatus((int)StatusCodes.Unknown));

            int remainingRuntime = 0;

            lock (this.statusLock)
                // Check if the specified experiment is running on this engine
                if ((this.labExperimentInfo != null) &&
                    (labExperimentInfo.experimentInfo.experimentId == experimentId) &&
                    (labExperimentInfo.experimentInfo.sbName.Equals(sbName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == true))
                    // Update the status code
                    StatusCodes status = this.labExperimentInfo.experimentInfo.status;
                    labExperimentStatus.statusReport.statusCode = (int)status;

                    if (status == StatusCodes.Running)
                        // The specified experiment is currently running, fill in information
                        labExperimentStatus.statusReport.estRuntime = (double)this.labExperimentInfo.experimentInfo.estExecutionTime;

                        // Calculate time already passed for the experiment
                        remainingRuntime = (int)((TimeSpan)(DateTime.Now - this.labExperimentInfo.startDateTime)).TotalSeconds;

                        // Now calculate the time remaining for the experiment
                        remainingRuntime = this.labExperimentInfo.experimentInfo.estExecutionTime - remainingRuntime;

                        // Estimated runtime may have been underestimated. Don't say remaining runtime is zero while
                        // the experiment is still running.
                        if (remainingRuntime < 1)
                            remainingRuntime = 1;

                        labExperimentStatus.statusReport.estRemainingRuntime = (double)remainingRuntime;

                        logMessage = STRLOG_estRuntime + labExperimentStatus.statusReport.estRuntime.ToString() +
                            Logfile.STRLOG_Spacer + STRLOG_remainingRuntime + labExperimentStatus.statusReport.estRemainingRuntime.ToString();
                    // Unkown experiment
                    labExperimentStatus = new LabExperimentStatus(new ExperimentStatus((int)StatusCodes.Unknown));

            logMessage = STRLOG_statusCode + ((StatusCodes)labExperimentStatus.statusReport.statusCode).ToString() +
                Logfile.STRLOG_Spacer + logMessage;

            Logfile.WriteCompleted(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName, logMessage);

            return (labExperimentStatus);
예제 #4

        protected void btnCheck_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get the experiment ID
            int experimentID = ParseExperimentNumber(txbExperimentID.Text);

            if (experimentID <= 0)

            LabExperimentStatus labExperimentStatus = null;
            StatusCodes         statusCode;

            // Get the experiment status
                // Get the status of the selected experiment
                labExperimentStatus = Master.ServiceBroker.GetExperimentStatus(experimentID);
                statusCode          = (StatusCodes)labExperimentStatus.statusReport.statusCode;
            catch (Exception)
                statusCode = StatusCodes.Unknown;

            // Display the status code
            ShowMessageNormal(STR_ExperimentNumber + experimentID.ToString() + STR_Spacer + statusCode.ToString());

            if (statusCode == StatusCodes.Running)
                // Experiment is currently running, display time remaining
                int seconds = (int)Decimal.Round((decimal)labExperimentStatus.statusReport.estRemainingRuntime);
            else if (statusCode == StatusCodes.Waiting)
                // Experiment is waiting to run, get queue position (zero-based)
                int position = labExperimentStatus.statusReport.wait.effectiveQueueLength;
                int seconds  = (int)Decimal.Round((decimal)labExperimentStatus.statusReport.wait.estWait);
                seconds = (seconds < 0) ? 0 : seconds;
                ShowMessageNormal(this.FormatQueuePosition(position, seconds));
            else if (statusCode == StatusCodes.Completed || statusCode == StatusCodes.Failed || statusCode == StatusCodes.Cancelled)
                // Experiment status no longer needs to be checked
                if (Master.MultiSubmit == true)
                    if (Session[Consts.STRSSN_SubmittedIDs] != null)
                        // Get the list of submitted experiment IDs
                        int[] submittedIDs = (int[])Session[Consts.STRSSN_SubmittedIDs];

                        // Find submitted experiment number
                        for (int i = 0; i < submittedIDs.Length; i++)
                            if (submittedIDs[i] == experimentID)
                                // Add experiment number to the completed list in the session
                                if (Session[Consts.STRSSN_CompletedIDs] != null)
                                    // Get the list of completed experiment IDs
                                    int[] completedIDs = (int[])Session[Consts.STRSSN_CompletedIDs];

                                    // Create a bigger array and copy completed experiment IDs
                                    int[] newCompletedIDs = new int[completedIDs.Length + 1];
                                    completedIDs.CopyTo(newCompletedIDs, 0);

                                    // Add the experiment ID to the bigger array
                                    newCompletedIDs[completedIDs.Length] = experimentID;

                                    // Save experiment ID in the session
                                    Session[Consts.STRSSN_CompletedIDs] = newCompletedIDs;
                                    // Create an array and add the experiment ID
                                    int[] completedIDs = new int[1];
                                    completedIDs[0] = experimentID;

                                    // Save experiment ID in the session
                                    Session[Consts.STRSSN_CompletedIDs] = completedIDs;

                                // Remove experiment number from the submitted list in the session
                                if (submittedIDs.Length == 1)
                                    Session[Consts.STRSSN_SubmittedIDs] = null;

                                    // Clear dropdown list and hide
                                    ddlExperimentIDs.Visible = false;
                                    // Create a smaller array and copy submitted experiment IDs
                                    int[] newSubmittedIDs = new int[submittedIDs.Length - 1];

                                    // Copy experiment IDs up to the one being removed
                                    for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                                        newSubmittedIDs[j] = submittedIDs[j];

                                    // Copy experiment IDs after the one being removed
                                    for (int j = i + 1; j < submittedIDs.Length; j++)
                                        newSubmittedIDs[j - 1] = submittedIDs[j];

                                    // Save experiment IDs in the session
                                    Session[Consts.STRSSN_SubmittedIDs] = newSubmittedIDs;

                                    // Remove experiment ID from dropdown list

                    if (Session[Consts.STRSSN_SubmittedID] != null)
                        // Check experiment ID against submitted experiment ID
                        int submittedId = (int)Session[Consts.STRSSN_SubmittedID];
                        if (experimentID == submittedId)
                            Session[Consts.STRSSN_CompletedID] = submittedId;
                            Session[Consts.STRSSN_SubmittedID] = null;

            // Clear the LabServer status
            lblLabServerStatusMsg.Text = null;
        public void Notify(int experimentID)
            const string STRLOG_MethodName = "Notify";

            string logMessage = STRLOG_ExperimentId + experimentID.ToString();

            Logfile.WriteCalled(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName, logMessage);

            bool success = false;

                // Check LabServer's header information is valid
                if (sbHeader == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("sbHeader");
                if (sbHeader.couponPassKey == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("couponPassKey");

                // Determine LabServer
                string   strLabServerId  = sbHeader.couponID.ToString("X");
                string   strCsvLabServer = Utilities.GetAppSetting(strLabServerId);
                string[] strSplit        = strCsvLabServer.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                if (strSplit.Length < 3)
                    throw new ArgumentException("CSV LabServer string has insufficient parameters");

                // Check for valid passkey
                if (sbHeader.couponPassKey.Equals(strSplit[0].Trim(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == false)
                    throw new ArgumentException("couponPassKey is invalid");

                // Create LabServer interface
                string labserverUrl = strSplit[1].Trim();

                LabServerWebService labServer = new LabServerWebService();
                labServer.Url = labserverUrl;

                // Create and fill in authorisation information
                string sbGuid        = Utilities.GetAppSetting(Consts.STRCFG_ServiceBrokerGuid);
                string sbToLsPasskey = strSplit[2].Trim();

                AuthHeader authHeader = new AuthHeader();
                authHeader.identifier     = sbGuid;
                authHeader.passKey        = sbToLsPasskey;
                labServer.AuthHeaderValue = authHeader;

                // Retrieve result from LabServer
                LabExperimentStatus labExperimentStatus = labServer.GetExperimentStatus(experimentID);
                if ((labExperimentStatus != null) && (labExperimentStatus.statusReport != null) &&
                    (labExperimentStatus.statusReport.statusCode >= (int)StatusCodes.Completed) &&
                    (labExperimentStatus.statusReport.statusCode != (int)StatusCodes.Unknown))
                    ResultReport resultReport = labServer.RetrieveResult(experimentID);

                success = true;
            catch (Exception ex)

            logMessage = STRLOG_Success + success.ToString();

            Logfile.WriteCompleted(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName, logMessage);
        public LabExperimentStatus GetExperimentStatus(int experimentID)
            const string STRLOG_MethodName = "GetExperimentStatus";

            Logfile.WriteCalled(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName);

            LabExperimentStatus labExperimentStatus = null;

            // Get the identity of the caller
            string sbName = GetCallerName(authHeader);

            // Check caller access is authorised
            if (sbName != null)
                // Pass on to experiment manager
                labExperimentStatus = Global.experimentManager.GetExperimentStatus(experimentID, sbName);
                labExperimentStatus = new LabExperimentStatus(
                    new ExperimentStatus((int)StatusCodes.Unknown));

            Logfile.WriteCompleted(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName);

            return labExperimentStatus;
        public LabExperimentStatus GetExperimentStatus(int experimentId, string sbName)
            const string STRLOG_MethodName = "GetExperimentStatus";

            LabExperimentStatus labExperimentStatus = null;

            lock (this.managerLock)
                string logMessage = STRLOG_experimentId + experimentId.ToString() +
                Logfile.STRLOG_Spacer + STRLOG_sbName + Logfile.STRLOG_Quote + sbName + Logfile.STRLOG_Quote;

                Logfile.WriteCalled(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName, logMessage);

                labExperimentStatus = new LabExperimentStatus();
                logMessage = string.Empty;

                // Get the status of the experiment from the queue table
                StatusCodes status = this.experimentQueue.GetExperimentStatus(experimentId, sbName);
                if (status == StatusCodes.Unknown)
                    // The experiment never existed
                else if (status == StatusCodes.Waiting)
                    // Experiment is waiting on the queue
                    QueuedExperimentInfo queuedExperimentInfo = this.experimentQueue.GetQueuedExperimentInfo(experimentId, sbName);
                    if (queuedExperimentInfo != null && queuedExperimentInfo.position > 0)
                        // Set the experiment status
                        labExperimentStatus.statusReport.statusCode = (int)queuedExperimentInfo.status;

                        // Get the queue position and wait time
                        labExperimentStatus.statusReport.wait =
                            new WaitEstimate(queuedExperimentInfo.position, queuedExperimentInfo.waitTime);

                        // Add in time for any currently running experiment ????
                        labExperimentStatus.statusReport.wait.estWait += GetMinRemainingRuntime();

                        // Get the time it takes to run the experiment
                        labExperimentStatus.statusReport.estRuntime = queuedExperimentInfo.estExecutionTime;
                        labExperimentStatus.statusReport.estRemainingRuntime = queuedExperimentInfo.estExecutionTime;

                        logMessage =
                            Logfile.STRLOG_Spacer + STRLOG_QueuePosition + labExperimentStatus.statusReport.wait.effectiveQueueLength.ToString() +
                            Logfile.STRLOG_Spacer + STRLOG_QueueWaitTime + labExperimentStatus.statusReport.wait.estWait.ToString() +
                            Logfile.STRLOG_Spacer + STRLOG_estRuntime + labExperimentStatus.statusReport.estRuntime.ToString() +
                            Logfile.STRLOG_Spacer + STRLOG_remainingRuntime + labExperimentStatus.statusReport.estRemainingRuntime.ToString();
                else if (status == StatusCodes.Running)
                    // Experiment is currently running
                    labExperimentStatus = this.GetLabExperimentStatus(experimentId, sbName);
                    // Experiment has completed, cancelled or failed
                    ResultReport resultReport = this.experimentResults.Load(experimentId, sbName);

                    // Set the experiment status
                    labExperimentStatus.statusReport.statusCode = resultReport.statusCode;

                logMessage = STRLOG_statusCode + ((StatusCodes)labExperimentStatus.statusReport.statusCode).ToString() +
                    Logfile.STRLOG_Spacer + logMessage;

                Logfile.WriteCompleted(STRLOG_ClassName, STRLOG_MethodName, logMessage);

            return labExperimentStatus;