private static byte[] Decode(byte[] input, int blockSize, int extraBlocks)
            using (var outputStream = new MemoryStream())
                using (var inputStream = new MemoryStream(input))
                    using (var inputReader = new BinaryReader(inputStream, Encoding.UTF8, false))
                        using (var outputWriter = new BinaryWriter(outputStream, Encoding.UTF8, true))
                            using (var decoder = new LZ4ChainDecoder(blockSize, extraBlocks))
                                var maximumInputBlock = LZ4Codec.MaximumOutputSize(blockSize);
                                var inputBuffer       = new byte[maximumInputBlock];
                                var outputBuffer      = new byte[blockSize];

                                while (true)
                                    var length = inputReader.ReadInt32();
                                    if (length < 0)

                                    Assert.True(length <= inputBuffer.Length);
                                    inputReader.Read(inputBuffer, 0, length);

                                        out var decoded);

                                    outputWriter.Write(outputBuffer, 0, decoded);

예제 #2
        private void ReadVersion3(BinaryReader reader, BinaryWriter outWrite, BinaryReader outRead)
            Format = new Guid(reader.ReadBytes(16));

            var compressionMethod      = reader.ReadInt32();
            var something              = reader.ReadInt32();
            var countOfBinaryBytes     = reader.ReadInt32(); // how many bytes (binary blobs)
            var countOfIntegers        = reader.ReadInt32(); // how many 4 byte values (ints)
            var countOfEightByteValues = reader.ReadInt32(); // how many 8 byte values (doubles)

            // 8 bytes that help valve preallocate, useless for us
            reader.BaseStream.Position += 8;

            var uncompressedSize = reader.ReadInt32();
            var compressedSize   = reader.ReadInt32();
            var blockCount       = reader.ReadInt32();
            var blockTotalSize   = reader.ReadInt32();

            if (compressionMethod == 0)
                if (something != 0)
                    throw new UnexpectedMagicException("Unhandled", something, nameof(something));

                var output = new Span <byte>(new byte[compressedSize]);
            else if (compressionMethod == 1)
                if (something != 0x40000000)
                    throw new UnexpectedMagicException("Unhandled", something, nameof(something));

                var input  = reader.ReadBytes(compressedSize);
                var output = new Span <byte>(new byte[uncompressedSize]);

                LZ4Codec.Decode(input, output);

                outWrite.BaseStream.Position = 0;
                throw new UnexpectedMagicException("Unknown compression method", compressionMethod, nameof(compressionMethod));

            currentBinaryBytesOffset    = 0;
            outRead.BaseStream.Position = countOfBinaryBytes;

            if (outRead.BaseStream.Position % 4 != 0)
                // Align to % 4 after binary blobs
                outRead.BaseStream.Position += 4 - (outRead.BaseStream.Position % 4);

            var countOfStrings = outRead.ReadInt32();
            var kvDataOffset   = outRead.BaseStream.Position;

            // Subtract one integer since we already read it (countOfStrings)
            outRead.BaseStream.Position += (countOfIntegers - 1) * 4;

            if (outRead.BaseStream.Position % 8 != 0)
                // Align to % 8 for the start of doubles
                outRead.BaseStream.Position += 8 - (outRead.BaseStream.Position % 8);

            currentEightBytesOffset = outRead.BaseStream.Position;

            outRead.BaseStream.Position += countOfEightByteValues * 8;

            stringArray = new string[countOfStrings];

            for (var i = 0; i < countOfStrings; i++)
                stringArray[i] = outRead.ReadNullTermString(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);

            // 0xFFEEDD00 trailer + size of lz4 compressed block sizes (short) + size of lz4 decompressed block sizes (int)
            var typesArrayEnd = 4 + (blockCount * 2) + (blockCount * 4);
            var typesLength   = outRead.BaseStream.Length - outRead.BaseStream.Position - typesArrayEnd;

            typesArray = new byte[typesLength];

            for (var i = 0; i < typesLength; i++)
                typesArray[i] = outRead.ReadByte();

            if (blockCount == 0)
                if (outRead.ReadUInt32() != 0xFFEEDD00)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid trailer");

                // Move back to the start of the KV data for reading.
                outRead.BaseStream.Position = kvDataOffset;

                Data = ParseBinaryKV3(outRead, null, true);


            uncompressedBlockLengthArray = new int[blockCount];

            for (var i = 0; i < blockCount; i++)
                uncompressedBlockLengthArray[i] = outRead.ReadInt32();

            if (outRead.ReadUInt32() != 0xFFEEDD00)
                throw new InvalidDataException("Invalid trailer");

                using var uncompressedBlocks          = new MemoryStream(blockTotalSize);
                using var uncompressedBlockDataWriter = new BinaryWriter(uncompressedBlocks);
                uncompressedBlockDataReader           = new BinaryReader(uncompressedBlocks);

                // TODO: Do we need to pass blockTotalSize here?
                var lz4decoder = new LZ4ChainDecoder(blockTotalSize, 0);

                for (var i = 0; i < blockCount; i++)
                    var compressedBlockLength = outRead.ReadUInt16();

                    var input  = new Span <byte>(new byte[compressedBlockLength]);
                    var output = new Span <byte>(new byte[uncompressedBlockLengthArray[i]]);

                    lz4decoder.DecodeAndDrain(input, output, out _);


                uncompressedBlocks.Position = 0;

                // Move back to the start of the KV data for reading.
                outRead.BaseStream.Position = kvDataOffset;

                Data = ParseBinaryKV3(outRead, null, true);
예제 #3
        private void ReadVersion3(BinaryReader reader, BinaryWriter outWrite, BinaryReader outRead)
            Format = new Guid(reader.ReadBytes(16));

            var compressionMethod       = reader.ReadUInt32();
            var compressionDictionaryId = reader.ReadUInt16();
            var compressionFrameSize    = reader.ReadUInt16();
            var countOfBinaryBytes      = reader.ReadUInt32(); // how many bytes (binary blobs)
            var countOfIntegers         = reader.ReadUInt32(); // how many 4 byte values (ints)
            var countOfEightByteValues  = reader.ReadUInt32(); // how many 8 byte values (doubles)

            // 8 bytes that help valve preallocate, useless for us
            var stringAndTypesBufferSize = reader.ReadUInt32();
            var b = reader.ReadUInt16();
            var c = reader.ReadUInt16();

            var uncompressedSize = reader.ReadUInt32();
            var compressedSize   = reader.ReadInt32(); // uint32
            var blockCount       = reader.ReadUInt32();
            var blockTotalSize   = reader.ReadInt32(); // uint32

            if (compressionMethod == 0)
                if (compressionDictionaryId != 0)
                    throw new UnexpectedMagicException("Unhandled", compressionDictionaryId, nameof(compressionDictionaryId));

                if (compressionFrameSize != 0)
                    throw new UnexpectedMagicException("Unhandled", compressionFrameSize, nameof(compressionFrameSize));

                var output = new Span <byte>(new byte[compressedSize]);
            else if (compressionMethod == 1)
                if (compressionDictionaryId != 0)
                    throw new UnexpectedMagicException("Unhandled", compressionDictionaryId, nameof(compressionDictionaryId));

                if (compressionFrameSize != 16384)
                    throw new UnexpectedMagicException("Unhandled", compressionFrameSize, nameof(compressionFrameSize));

                var input  = reader.ReadBytes(compressedSize);
                var output = new Span <byte>(new byte[uncompressedSize]);

                LZ4Codec.Decode(input, output);

                outWrite.BaseStream.Position = 0;
            else if (compressionMethod == 2)
                if (compressionDictionaryId != 0)
                    throw new UnexpectedMagicException("Unhandled", compressionDictionaryId, nameof(compressionDictionaryId));

                if (compressionFrameSize != 0)
                    throw new UnexpectedMagicException("Unhandled", compressionFrameSize, nameof(compressionFrameSize));

                var input  = reader.ReadBytes(compressedSize);
                var zstd   = new ZstdSharp.Decompressor();
                var output = zstd.Unwrap(input);

                outWrite.BaseStream.Position = 0;
                throw new UnexpectedMagicException("Unknown compression method", compressionMethod, nameof(compressionMethod));

            currentBinaryBytesOffset    = 0;
            outRead.BaseStream.Position = countOfBinaryBytes;

            if (outRead.BaseStream.Position % 4 != 0)
                // Align to % 4 after binary blobs
                outRead.BaseStream.Position += 4 - (outRead.BaseStream.Position % 4);

            var countOfStrings = outRead.ReadInt32();
            var kvDataOffset   = outRead.BaseStream.Position;

            // Subtract one integer since we already read it (countOfStrings)
            outRead.BaseStream.Position += (countOfIntegers - 1) * 4;

            if (outRead.BaseStream.Position % 8 != 0)
                // Align to % 8 for the start of doubles
                outRead.BaseStream.Position += 8 - (outRead.BaseStream.Position % 8);

            currentEightBytesOffset = outRead.BaseStream.Position;

            outRead.BaseStream.Position += countOfEightByteValues * 8;
            var stringArrayStartPosition = outRead.BaseStream.Position;

            stringArray = new string[countOfStrings];

            for (var i = 0; i < countOfStrings; i++)
                stringArray[i] = outRead.ReadNullTermString(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);

            var typesLength = stringAndTypesBufferSize - (outRead.BaseStream.Position - stringArrayStartPosition);

            typesArray = new byte[typesLength];

            for (var i = 0; i < typesLength; i++)
                typesArray[i] = outRead.ReadByte();

            if (blockCount == 0)
                var noBlocksTrailer = outRead.ReadUInt32();
                if (noBlocksTrailer != 0xFFEEDD00)
                    throw new UnexpectedMagicException("Invalid trailer", noBlocksTrailer, nameof(noBlocksTrailer));

                // Move back to the start of the KV data for reading.
                outRead.BaseStream.Position = kvDataOffset;

                Data = ParseBinaryKV3(outRead, null, true);


            uncompressedBlockLengthArray = new int[blockCount];

            for (var i = 0; i < blockCount; i++)
                uncompressedBlockLengthArray[i] = outRead.ReadInt32();

            var trailer = outRead.ReadUInt32();

            if (trailer != 0xFFEEDD00)
                throw new UnexpectedMagicException("Invalid trailer", trailer, nameof(trailer));

                using var uncompressedBlocks = new MemoryStream(blockTotalSize);
                uncompressedBlockDataReader  = new BinaryReader(uncompressedBlocks);

                if (compressionMethod == 0)
                    for (var i = 0; i < blockCount; i++)
                        RawBinaryReader.BaseStream.CopyTo(uncompressedBlocks, uncompressedBlockLengthArray[i]);
                else if (compressionMethod == 1)
                    // TODO: Do we need to pass blockTotalSize here?
                    using var lz4decoder = new LZ4ChainDecoder(blockTotalSize, 0);

                    for (var i = 0; i < blockCount; i++)
                        var compressedBlockLength = outRead.ReadUInt16();
                        var input  = new Span <byte>(new byte[compressedBlockLength]);
                        var output = new Span <byte>(new byte[uncompressedBlockLengthArray[i]]);

                        lz4decoder.DecodeAndDrain(input, output, out _);

                else if (compressionMethod == 2)
                    // This is supposed to be a streaming decompress using ZSTD_decompressStream,
                    // but as it turns out, zstd unwrap above already decompressed all of the blocks for us,
                    // so all we need to do is just copy the buffer.
                    // It's possible that Valve's code needs extra decompress because they set ZSTD_d_stableOutBuffer parameter.
                    throw new UnexpectedMagicException("Unimplemented compression method in block decoder", compressionMethod, nameof(compressionMethod));

                uncompressedBlocks.Position = 0;

                // Move back to the start of the KV data for reading.
                outRead.BaseStream.Position = kvDataOffset;

                Data = ParseBinaryKV3(outRead, null, true);