protected int CreateContactAndProspect(string sFirstName, string sLastName, string sEmail, string sType, string sPhone, string sDOB, string sSSN, int iUserID, string Purpose) { #region create new contact LPWeb.Model.Contacts ContactsModel = new LPWeb.Model.Contacts(); ContactsModel.ContactId = 0; ContactsModel.FirstName = sFirstName; ContactsModel.LastName = sLastName; ContactsModel.Email = sEmail; if (sType == "Cell Phone") { ContactsModel.CellPhone = sPhone; ContactsModel.HomePhone = string.Empty; ContactsModel.BusinessPhone = string.Empty; } else if (sType == "Home Phone") { ContactsModel.CellPhone = string.Empty; ContactsModel.HomePhone = sPhone; ContactsModel.BusinessPhone = string.Empty; } else if (sType == "Work Phone") { ContactsModel.CellPhone = string.Empty; ContactsModel.HomePhone = string.Empty; ContactsModel.BusinessPhone = sPhone; } if (sDOB == string.Empty) { ContactsModel.DOB = null; } else { ContactsModel.DOB = Convert.ToDateTime(sDOB); } ContactsModel.SSN = sSSN; ContactsModel.MiddleName = string.Empty; ContactsModel.NickName = txtFirstName.Text.Trim(); ContactsModel.Title = string.Empty; ContactsModel.GenerationCode = string.Empty; ContactsModel.Fax = string.Empty; ContactsModel.MailingAddr = string.Empty; ContactsModel.MailingCity = string.Empty; ContactsModel.MailingState = string.Empty; ContactsModel.MailingZip = string.Empty; #endregion #region create new prospect LPWeb.Model.Prospect ProspectModel = new LPWeb.Model.Prospect(); ProspectModel.PreferredContact = sType; ProspectModel.Contactid = 0; ProspectModel.Created = DateTime.Now; ProspectModel.CreatedBy = iUserID; ProspectModel.LeadSource = ddlLeadSource.SelectedValue.ToString() == "0" ? "" : this.ddlLeadSource.SelectedItem.Text; string sLoanOfficerID = ddlLoanOfficer.SelectedValue; iLoanOfficerID = 0; if (sLoanOfficerID == "-1" || sLoanOfficerID == "-2") { //Nobody } else if (sLoanOfficerID == "0") { //Lead Routing Engine try { ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager(); using (LP2ServiceClient client = sm.StartServiceClient()) { //invoke the WCF API GetNextLoanOfficer LR_GetNextLoanOfficerReq req = new LR_GetNextLoanOfficerReq(); req.LeadSource = ddlLeadSource.SelectedItem.Text; req.Purpose = Purpose; req.ReqHdr = new ReqHdr(); req.ReqHdr.UserId = CurrUser.iUserID; req.ReqHdr.SecurityToken = "SecurityToken"; LR_GetNextLoanOfficerResp response = client.LeadRouting_GetNextLoanofficer(req); if (response.RespHdr.Successful) { iLoanOfficerID = response.NextLoanOfficerID; } else { Company_Lead_Sources LeadSourceMgr = new Company_Lead_Sources(); DataTable SelLeadSourceList = LeadSourceMgr.GetList("LeadSourceID='" + ddlLeadSource.SelectedValue + "'").Tables[0]; if (SelLeadSourceList != null && SelLeadSourceList.Rows.Count > 0) { iLoanOfficerID = SelLeadSourceList.Rows[0]["DefaultUserId"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(SelLeadSourceList.Rows[0]["DefaultUserId"]); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Company_Lead_Sources LeadSourceMgr = new Company_Lead_Sources(); DataTable SelLeadSourceList = LeadSourceMgr.GetList("LeadSourceID='" + ddlLeadSource.SelectedValue + "'").Tables[0]; if (SelLeadSourceList != null && SelLeadSourceList.Rows.Count > 0) { iLoanOfficerID = SelLeadSourceList.Rows[0]["DefaultUserId"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(SelLeadSourceList.Rows[0]["DefaultUserId"]); } } } else { iLoanOfficerID = Convert.ToInt32(sLoanOfficerID); } ProspectModel.Loanofficer = iLoanOfficerID; ProspectModel.ReferenceCode = string.Empty; ProspectModel.Status = "Active"; ProspectModel.CreditRanking = string.Empty; ProspectModel.Referral = null; Prospect ProspectManager = new Prospect(); int iContactId = ProspectManager.CreateContactAndProspect(ContactsModel, ProspectModel); #endregion return(iContactId); }
protected int CreateLoan(int iContactId, decimal LoanAmount, string Purpose) { int iFolderId = 0; LPWeb.Model.LoanDetails LoanDetailsModel = new LPWeb.Model.LoanDetails(); LoanDetailsModel.FileId = 0; LoanDetailsModel.FolderId = iFolderId; LoanDetailsModel.Status = "Prospect"; LoanDetailsModel.ProspectLoanStatus = "Active"; LoanDetailsModel.BoID = iContactId; LoanDetailsModel.CoBoID = 0; LoanDetailsModel.Created = DateTime.Now; LoanDetailsModel.CreatedBy = CurrUser.iUserID; LoanDetailsModel.Modifed = DateTime.Now; LoanDetailsModel.ModifiedBy = CurrUser.iUserID; LoanDetailsModel.LoanAmount = LoanAmount; LoanDetailsModel.EstCloseDate = null; LoanDetailsModel.Ranking = string.Empty; LoanDetailsModel.UserId = CurrUser.iUserID; string sLoanOfficerID = ddlLoanOfficer.SelectedValue; iLoanOfficerID = 0; if (sLoanOfficerID == "-1" || sLoanOfficerID == "-2") { //Nobody } else if (sLoanOfficerID == "0") { //Lead Routing Engine try { ServiceManager sm = new ServiceManager(); using (LP2ServiceClient client = sm.StartServiceClient()) { //invoke the WCF API GetNextLoanOfficer LR_GetNextLoanOfficerReq req = new LR_GetNextLoanOfficerReq(); req.LeadSource = ddlLeadSource.SelectedItem.Text; req.Purpose = Purpose; req.ReqHdr = new ReqHdr(); req.ReqHdr.UserId = CurrUser.iUserID; req.ReqHdr.SecurityToken = "SecurityToken"; LR_GetNextLoanOfficerResp response = client.LeadRouting_GetNextLoanofficer(req); if (response.RespHdr.Successful) { iLoanOfficerID = response.NextLoanOfficerID; } else { Company_Lead_Sources LeadSourceMgr = new Company_Lead_Sources(); DataTable SelLeadSourceList = LeadSourceMgr.GetList("LeadSourceID='" + ddlLeadSource.SelectedValue + "'").Tables[0]; if (SelLeadSourceList != null && SelLeadSourceList.Rows.Count > 0) { iLoanOfficerID = SelLeadSourceList.Rows[0]["DefaultUserId"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(SelLeadSourceList.Rows[0]["DefaultUserId"]); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Company_Lead_Sources LeadSourceMgr = new Company_Lead_Sources(); DataTable SelLeadSourceList = LeadSourceMgr.GetList("LeadSourceID='" + ddlLeadSource.SelectedValue + "'").Tables[0]; if (SelLeadSourceList != null && SelLeadSourceList.Rows.Count > 0) { iLoanOfficerID = SelLeadSourceList.Rows[0]["DefaultUserId"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(SelLeadSourceList.Rows[0]["DefaultUserId"]); } } } else { iLoanOfficerID = Convert.ToInt32(sLoanOfficerID); } LoanDetailsModel.LoanOfficerId = iLoanOfficerID; LoanDetailsModel.Rate = null; LoanDetailsModel.Program = string.Empty; LoanDetailsModel.Purpose = Purpose; LoanDetailsModel.Lien = string.Empty; LoanDetailsModel.PropertyAddr = string.Empty; LoanDetailsModel.PropertyCity = string.Empty; LoanDetailsModel.PropertyState = string.Empty; LoanDetailsModel.PropertyZip = string.Empty; LoanDetailsModel.FileName = string.Empty; LoanDetailsModel.PropertyType = string.Empty; LoanDetailsModel.HousingStatus = string.Empty; LoanDetailsModel.IncludeEscrows = false; LoanDetailsModel.InterestOnly = false; LoanDetailsModel.RentAmount = 0; LoanDetailsModel.CoborrowerType = string.Empty; Loans LoansMgr = new Loans(); int iFileID = LoansMgr.LoanDetailSaveFileId(LoanDetailsModel); return(iFileID); }