void HandleIntEvent(object sender, LMWidgets.EventArg<int> e) { handId = e.CurrentValue; // Debug.Log ("GetHandById looking for hand of id " + handId); if (handId >= 0) FoundState.Change (FOUND_STATE_FOUND); // making the optimistic assumption that there is a hand of that ID In the scene and some other process found it. }
void FacingHandler(object sender, LMWidgets.EventArg<bool> e) { if (BoolValue && (e.CurrentValue == true)) { HandPumpToggle.BoolValue = false; } }
void HandleBoolEvent(object sender, LMWidgets.EventArg<bool> e) { history.Add (e.CurrentValue); while (history.Count > HistoryLength) history.RemoveAt (0); if (WaitForFullHistory && (history.Count < MinValues)) return; if (Mode == mode.Optimist) { foreach (bool b in history) { if (b) { BoolValue = true; return; } } BoolValue = false; } else { foreach (bool b in history) { if (!b) { BoolValue = false; return; } } BoolValue = true; } }
void HandleHandEvent (object sender, LMWidgets.EventArg<HandData> e) { if (e.CurrentValue.HasHand) { // Debug.Log (string.Format ("Grip Strength = {0}", e.CurrentValue.LeapHand.GrabStrength)); FloatValue = e.CurrentValue.LeapHand.GrabStrength; } }
void HandleIntEvent(object sender, LMWidgets.EventArg<int> e) { history.Add (e.CurrentValue == 0); while (history.Count > HistoryLength) history.RemoveAt (0); if (WaitForFullHistory && (history.Count < MinValues)) return; string log = ""; bool boolResult = false; if (Mode == mode.Optimist) { foreach (bool b in history) { boolResult = boolResult || b; log += ", " + (b ? "T" : "F"); } } else { boolResult = true; foreach (bool b in history) { boolResult = boolResult && b; log += ", " + (b ? "T" : "F"); } } // Debug.Log (string.Format ("TimeBWfilter: result = {0}, mode = {1} (history {2})", boolResult, Mode, log)); BoolValue = boolResult; }
void OnBoolChanged(object sender, LMWidgets.EventArg<bool> e) { if (targets != null) { // Debug.Log (string.Format ("Setting {0} active to {1}", target.name, e.CurrentValue)); ChangeVisibility (e.CurrentValue); } }
void OnSelect(object sender, LMWidgets.EventArg<bool> arg) { if (arg.CurrentValue) { Application.LoadLevel(0); } }
private void OnSimpleButtonAction(object sender, LMWidgets.EventArg<bool> arg) { Debug.Log (this.transform.name + " pressed."); foreach (string item in m_TwitterChannel.m_SearchTerms) { m_TwitterChannel.StartSimpleSearch (item, true); } }
private void onHandEvent(object sender, LMWidgets.EventArg<WidgetShowcase.HandData> e) { if ( !e.CurrentValue.HasHand ) { m_isAboveHorizon = false; return; } m_isAboveHorizon = HorizonCheck(e.CurrentValue.HandModel); }
void HandlePumpEvent(object sender, LMWidgets.EventArg<bool> e) { if (e.CurrentValue) ++fistPumpedTrue; else ++fistPumpedFalse; FistPumpFeedback.text = string.Format ("Fist Pumped: {0} ({1} true, {2} false)", e.CurrentValue ? "T" : "F", fistPumpedTrue, fistPumpedFalse); }
void HandleHandEvent(object sender, LMWidgets.EventArg<HandData> e) { if (e.CurrentValue.HasHand) { if (target) { target.transform.position = e.CurrentValue.HandModel.GetPalmPosition (); target.transform.rotation = e.CurrentValue.HandModel.GetPalmRotation (); } } // note - not handling noo-hand case - other script should do that. }
void HandlePointEvent(object sender, LMWidgets.EventArg<PointData> e) { if (Time.time < 1) return; if (e.CurrentValue.HasData) { //Debug.Log ("Cursor moved to " + e.CurrentValue.Point); Cursor.transform.position = e.CurrentValue.Point; } }
void OnScramble(object sender, LMWidgets.EventArg<bool> arg) { GetComponent<AudioSource>().Play(); PalmRotator.moveCount = 0; PalmRotator.textRef.text = "Moves: " + PalmRotator.moveCount; if (arg.CurrentValue && (SwipeCube.checkSwipe || !PalmRotator.canRotate) && !busy) { busy = true; StartCoroutine(ScrambleCube()); } }
void HandleHandEvent (object sender, LMWidgets.EventArg<HandData> e) { if (e.CurrentValue.HasHand) { HandModel hand = e.CurrentValue.HandModel; Vector3 pivot = hand.GetPalmPosition (); Vector3 normal = pivot + hand.GetPalmNormal (); Vector3 axis = upTarget.transform.position; FloatValue = Vector3.Dot ((normal - pivot).normalized, (axis - pivot).normalized); } else { FloatValue = -1; } }
void ActivationHandler (object sender, LMWidgets.EventArg<bool> e) { if (e.CurrentValue) { ReferenceCenter.SetActive (true); if (data.HasHand) ReferenceCenter.transform.position = data.HandModel.GetPalmPosition ();; ReferenceCenter.transform.rotation = data.HandModel.GetPalmRotation (); } else { ReferenceCenter.transform.localPosition = new Vector3 (0f, 0f, 0f); ReferenceCenter.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3 (0f, 0f, 0f); ReferenceCenter.SetActive (false); } }
void JoystickListener(object sender, LMWidgets.EventArg<JoystickEvent> e) { if (TextType) { TextType.text = e.CurrentValue.Type.ToString(); } if (TextX) TextX.text = e.CurrentValue.Direction.x.ToString (); if (TextY) TextY.text = e.CurrentValue.Direction.y.ToString (); if (TextZ) TextZ.text = e.CurrentValue.Direction.z.ToString (); lastUpdateTime = Time.time; }
void OnSelect(object sender, LMWidgets.EventArg<bool> arg) { if (arg.CurrentValue) { if (hard) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Difficulty", 1); Application.LoadLevel(1); } else { PlayerPrefs.SetInt("Difficulty", 0); Application.LoadLevel(1); } } }
private void onHandEvent(object sender, LMWidgets.EventArg<HandData> e) { if ( !e.CurrentValue.HasHand ) { if ( m_activeObject != null) { m_activeObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().enabled = false; } return; } else { if ( m_activeObject != null) { m_activeObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().enabled = true; } } HandModel hand = e.CurrentValue.HandModel; transform.rotation = hand.GetPalmRotation(); transform.position = hand.GetPalmPosition() + (transform.up * IconOffsetDistance); // Transition logic below here. if ( ModalityManager.Instance.HasActiveItem() ) { if ( ModalityManager.Instance.ActiveItemName == "ARMHUD" && m_activeObject != null || ModalityManager.Instance.ActiveItemName == "Joyball" && m_activeObject != null) { m_activeObject = null; //Debug.Log("Go None"); StopAllCoroutines(); StartCoroutine(transitionOut(switchToNone)); } return; } bool aboveHorizon = !m_raycastEmitter.RayCheck(hand.GetPalmPosition()); if ( aboveHorizon && !m_wasAboveHorizon || (aboveHorizon && m_activeObject == null) ) { if ( m_activeObject == null ) { m_activeObject = m_constellationIcon; } StopAllCoroutines(); StartCoroutine(transitionOut(switchToConstellation)); } // else if (!aboveHorizon && m_wasAboveHorizon || (!aboveHorizon && m_activeObject == null) ) { else if (!aboveHorizon && m_wasAboveHorizon ) { if ( m_activeObject == null ) { m_activeObject = null; } StopAllCoroutines(); // DECISION: Joyball icon is NOT needed due to the affordance presented by the JoyBall itself // StartCoroutine(transitionOut(switchToJoyball)); StartCoroutine(transitionOut(switchToNone)); // StartCoroutine(transitionOut(switchToGrabCycle)); } m_wasAboveHorizon = aboveHorizon; }
void HandleHandEvent(object sender, LMWidgets.EventArg<HandData> e) { if (IsCurrentHand (e.CurrentValue)) { //Vector3 palmPos = e.CurrentValue.HandModel.GetPalmPosition (); Vector3 fingerTipPosition = e.CurrentValue.HandModel.fingers [1].GetTipPosition (); if (!cursorSet) { HandFirstPosition = fingerTipPosition; CursorFirstPosition = Cursor.transform.position; } else { // the cursor is moved, indirectly, by the position filter, which takes the desired input as a prompt // Debug.Log ("Pushing cursor to be relative to " + e.CurrentValue.LeapHand.Id); Vector3 toPos = CursorFirstPosition + (fingerTipPosition - CursorFirstPosition); CursorPositionFilter.PointValue = new PointData (toPos); } } }
void HandleBoolEvent (object sender, LMWidgets.EventArg<bool> e) { switch (ActivationMode) { case ToggleOn.OnAny: // always continue break; case ToggleOn.OnFalse: if (e.CurrentValue) return; break; case ToggleOn.OnTrue: if (!e.CurrentValue) return; break; } BoolValue = !BoolValue; // Debug.Log (string.Format ("... Toggle set to {0}", BoolValue)); }
void HandleBoolEvent(object sender, LMWidgets.EventArg<bool> e) { if (handling) return; handling = true; if (System.Math.Abs (LastTime - -1) < 0.01f) { IntValue = FirstEventResult; //Debug.Log (string.Format ("TimeFilter Default value at start: {0}", FirstEventResult)); } else { float delta = (Time.time - LastTime); if (delta < MinSpeed) { IntValue = SQ_TOO_SLOW; } else if (delta > MaxSpeed) { IntValue = SQ_TOO_FAST; } else IntValue = SQ_GOOD; // Debug.Log (string.Format ("Setting TimeGate value to {0} based on delta of {1} (desired {2}..{3})", IntValue, delta, MinSpeed, MaxSpeed)); } LastTime = Time.time; handling = false; }
private void onHandEvent(object sender, LMWidgets.EventArg<WidgetShowcase.HandData> e) { if ( WidgetShowcase.ModalityManager.Instance.HasActiveItem() ) { if ( WidgetShowcase.ModalityManager.Instance.ActiveItemName == "ARMHUD" ) { Active = false; } return; } if ( e.CurrentValue.HasHand && raycastEmitter != null) { if ( raycastEmitter.RayCheck(e.CurrentValue.HandModel.GetPalmPosition()) ) { Active = true; } else { Active = false; } } else { Active = false; } }
void Handler(object sender, LMWidgets.EventArg<bool> e) { if (DontEmitUnchangedValue && (LastValue == e.CurrentValue)) return; switch (CopyWhen) { case BoolWhen.IfFalse: if (!e.CurrentValue) BoolValue = e.CurrentValue; break; case BoolWhen.IfTrue: if (e.CurrentValue) BoolValue = e.CurrentValue; break; case BoolWhen.Always: BoolValue = e.CurrentValue; break; default: throw new System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException (); } }
void HandleFrameEvent(object sender, LMWidgets.EventArg<FrameData> e) { HandModel oldFound = null; // attempt to reconnect to the last good id HandModel[] handList = ReturnPhysicsHand ? e.CurrentValue.PhysicsModels : e.CurrentValue.HandModels; foreach (HandModel handInScene in handList) { if (handInScene.GetLeapHand ().Id == lastHandId) { oldFound = handInScene; } } // on failure attempt to find a new good left hand if (!oldFound) { CurrentHand = FirstRightHand (handList); if (CurrentHand) { lastHandId = CurrentHand.GetLeapHand ().Id; } } else { CurrentHand = oldFound; } }
private void OnSliderToggleButtonPressed(object sender, LMWidgets.EventArg<bool> args) { //Debug.Log("ButtonPressed: " + args.CurrentValue); // ToggleSlider(sender as ButtonDemoToggle); }
private void OnPanelButtonPressed(object sender, LMWidgets.EventArg<bool> args) { ChangeActivePanel(sender as ButtonDemoToggle); }
void HandleHandEvent(object sender, LMWidgets.EventArg<HandData> e) { SetEmission (e.CurrentValue.HasHand); if (!e.CurrentValue.HasHand) { return; } AddHandPoints (e.CurrentValue.HandModel); // Set the current emmission rate based on hand speed. //Vector3 velocity = e.CurrentValue.HandModel.GetLeapHand ().PalmVelocity.ToUnityScaled (); float smoothingFactor = Mathf.Clamp01(0.1f); Vector3 position = transform.localPosition; Vector3 noYPosition = new Vector3(position.x, 0.0f, position.z); float velocity = (lastNoYPosition - noYPosition).magnitude * Time.deltaTime; float velocitySmoothed = (lastVelocity * (1 - smoothingFactor)) + (velocity * smoothingFactor); lastVelocity = velocitySmoothed; lastNoYPosition = noYPosition; float normSpeed = Mathf.Clamp01((velocitySmoothed - m_minHandSpeedForEmmission) / (m_handSpeedForMaxEmmission - m_minHandSpeedForEmmission)); // Debug.Log("velocitySmoothed: " + (velocitySmoothed * 100)); //Debug.Log("normSpeed: " + normSpeed); if (normSpeed > 0) { setEmmissionRateFromPercentage (Mathf.Clamp01 (normSpeed)); } else { SetEmission (false); } }
void HandleHandEvent (object sender, LMWidgets.EventArg<HandData> e) { if (e.CurrentValue.HasHand) data = e.CurrentValue; }
private void OnSimpleButtonAction(object sender, LMWidgets.EventArg<bool> arg) { Debug.Log ("Firing the ButtonDemo Example Button"); }
protected void updateRadial(object sender, LMWidgets.EventArg<float> e) { if (rotaryImage != null && showRadial) rotaryImage.fillAmount = e.CurrentValue; }