예제 #1
	IEnumerator lmsAppInfo( string appID, string deviceID, LMSVersionUpdateCallback callback )
		// make JSON
		JSONObject j = new JSONObject(JSONObject.Type.OBJECT);
		j.AddField("action", "ApplicationVersion");
		// make param area
		JSONObject arr = new JSONObject(JSONObject.Type.ARRAY);
		j.AddField("params", arr);
		// add params
		arr.AddField ("app_id",appID);
		arr.AddField ("device",deviceID);
		// add authkey
		j.AddField ("authKey",MedstarNow_ActivationCode);
		// get the string
		string bodyString = j.print();

		LMSDebug ("LMSIntegration.lmsAppInfo(" + appID + "," + deviceID + ") : bodystring=<" + bodyString + ">");
		// Create a download object
		WWW download = new WWW(APPINFO_URL,Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(bodyString),pingHeaders); 
		yield return download;
		string DBResult;
		string DBErrorString;

		if (download.error != null)
			// save the error
			DBResult = "";
			DBErrorString = download.error;
			// decode return
			JSONObject decoder = new JSONObject(download.text);
			JSONObject msg = decoder.GetField ("msg");
			if ( msg != null )
				UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("LMSIntegration.lmsAppInfo() : error=" + download.error + " msg=" + msg.print());
				UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("LMSIntegration.lmsAppInfo() : error=" + download.error);
			// bad return
			if ( callback != null )
			// decode
			JSONObject decoder = new JSONObject(download.text);
			if ( CheckReturn(decoder) == true )
				JSONObject p = decoder.GetField ("params");
				if ( p != null )
					JSONObject version = p.GetField ("appver");
					JSONObject update = p.GetField ("force_update");
					string msg = "LMSIntegration.lmsAppInfo() : version=" + version.print () + " : update=" + update.print ();
					LMSDebug (msg);
					// ok return
					if ( callback != null )
						callback(true,version.print(true).Replace ("\"",""),update.print(true).Replace ("\"",""),"",download);
				// probably an error, show it
				JSONObject p = decoder.GetField ("params");
				JSONObject msg = p.GetField("msg");
				if ( msg != null )
					UnityEngine.Debug.LogError("LMSIntegration.lmsAppInfo() : msg=" + msg.print ());
					// bad return
					if ( callback != null )

			DBResult = "ok";

예제 #2
	public void LMSAppInfo( string appID, string deviceID, LMSVersionUpdateCallback callback )