예제 #1
        public static IQueryable <PERSONEL> SearchAdmin(string fname, string lname, string login, string role, string active)
            LINQDataContext db = new LINQDataContext();

            if (active == "A")
                var result = from adm in db.PERSONEL
                             where adm.first_name.StartsWith(fname) &&
                             adm.last_name.StartsWith(lname) &&
                             adm.login.StartsWith(login) &&
                             adm.role.StartsWith(role) &&
                             select adm;
                var result = from adm in db.PERSONEL
                             where adm.first_name.StartsWith(fname) &&
                             adm.last_name.StartsWith(lname) &&
                             adm.login.StartsWith(login) &&
                             adm.role.StartsWith(role) &&
                             select adm;
예제 #2
        private void Save(Schedule schedule)
            int numberOfRooms = Configuration.GetInstance.GetNumberOfRooms();
            int daySize       = schedule.day_Hours * numberOfRooms;
            var db            = new LINQDataContext();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <CourseClass, int> it in schedule.GetClasses().ToList())
                // coordinate of time-space slot
                int pos  = it.Value;              // int pos of _slot array
                int day  = pos / daySize;
                int time = pos % daySize;         // this is not time now!
                int room = time / schedule.day_Hours;
                time = time % schedule.day_Hours; // this is a time now!
                int dur = it.Key.GetDuration;

                CourseClass    cc = it.Key;
                Algorithm.Room r  = Configuration.GetInstance.GetRoomById(room);
                // Save Classroom_Time

                db.Classroom_TimeSave(r.Origin_ID_inDB, cc.Class_ID, cc.GetProfessor.GetId, time, dur, day);
                // Save New_GroupsPerClassroom
                foreach (var gs in cc.GetGroups)
                    db.New_GroupsPerClassSave(r.Origin_ID_inDB, cc.Class_ID, time, day, gs.GetId);
예제 #3
        private void dgvCourse_RowsAdded(object sender, DataGridViewRowsAddedEventArgs e)
            var db = new LINQDataContext();
            // query for read any course ID and creat new iD
            IEnumerable <int> qCourseID = from queryId in db.Courses
                                          select queryId.Course_ID;

            List <int> idList_in_db = qCourseID.ToList();

            if (e.RowIndex > 0)
                int  ID_Counter = 1;
                bool Find       = true;
                while (Find)
                    Find = false;
                    for (int rowC = 0; rowC < dgvCourse.RowCount - 2; rowC++)
                        if (int.Parse(dgvCourse[0, rowC].Value.ToString()) == ID_Counter)
                            Find = true;
                    if (idList_in_db.Contains(ID_Counter))
                        Find = true;
                dgvCourse.Rows[e.RowIndex - 1].Cells[0].Value = ID_Counter;
예제 #4
        private void ProfessorForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var db        = new LINQDataContext();
            var aryReader = db.Professors.ToArray();

            if (aryReader.Length > 0)
                for (int rowCounter = 0; rowCounter < aryReader.Length; rowCounter++)
                    dgvProfessor[0, rowCounter].Value = aryReader[rowCounter].ID.ToString();

                    if (aryReader[rowCounter].Name_Professor != null)
                        dgvProfessor[1, rowCounter].Value = aryReader[rowCounter].Name_Professor.ToString();

                    dgvProfessor[2, rowCounter].Value = (aryReader[rowCounter].Branch != null) ? aryReader[rowCounter].Branch.ToString() : "";

                    dgvProfessor[3, rowCounter].Value = (aryReader[rowCounter].Email != null) ? aryReader[rowCounter].Email.ToString() : "";

                    dgvProfessor[4, rowCounter].Value = (aryReader[rowCounter].EducationDegree != null) ? aryReader[rowCounter].EducationDegree.ToString() : "";

                    if (aryReader[rowCounter].Schedule != null)
                        dgvProfessor[6, rowCounter].Value = aryReader[rowCounter].Schedule.ToString();
예제 #5
        public static IQueryable <CLIENT> GetAllClients()
            LINQDataContext db     = new LINQDataContext();
            var             result = from clients in db.CLIENT select clients;

예제 #6
        public static IQueryable <string> GetAvailableActivity()
            LINQDataContext db     = new LINQDataContext();
            var             result = from e in db.ACT_DICT
                                     select e.act_name;

예제 #7
        private void menuChiTietPhong_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            FrmChiTietPhong frm = new FrmChiTietPhong();

            frm.MaNV = MaNV;
            db = new LINQDataContext();
예제 #8
 public AddEmployeeController(AddEmployee model, AddEmployeeView view, Form curForm)
     db                    = new LINQDataContext();
     this.model            = model;
     this.view             = view;
     this.curForm          = curForm;
     view.BtnCreate.Click += (sender, e) => btnCreate_Click(sender, e);
예제 #9
        public static IQueryable <string> GetAllObjectTypes()
            LINQDataContext db     = new LINQDataContext();
            var             result = from types in db.OBJ_TYPE
                                     select types.name;

예제 #10
        public static IQueryable <REQUEST> SearchRequests()
            LINQDataContext db     = new LINQDataContext();
            var             result = from e in db.REQUEST
                                     select e;

예제 #11
        /*public static void GetAvailableWorkers(out IQueryable<string> firstName, out IQueryable<string> lastName) //tak powinno byc ale nie dziala
         * {
         *  LINQDataContext db = new LINQDataContext();
         *  var result = from e in db.PERSONEL
         *               where e.active.ToString().Equals("T") && e.role.ToString().Equals("Worker")
         *               select new
         *               {
         *                   firstName = e.first_name,
         *                   lastName = e.last_name
         *               };
         * }*/

        public static IQueryable <string> GetAvailableWorkers()//w tym wypadku jesli bdmy mieli 2 pracownikow o tym samym nazwisku to nwmy ktorego wybieramy
            LINQDataContext db     = new LINQDataContext();
            var             result = from e in db.PERSONEL
                                     where e.active.ToString().Equals("T") && e.role.ToString().Equals("Worker")
                                     select e.last_name;

예제 #12
        public static IQueryable <OBJECT> SearchObjects2(string id)        //po id klienta
            LINQDataContext db     = new LINQDataContext();
            var             result = from adm in db.OBJECT
                                     where adm.id_client.Equals(id)
                                     select adm;

예제 #13
 public EditEmployeeController(EditEmployee model, EditEmployeeView view, Form curForm)
     db           = new LINQDataContext();
     this.model   = model;
     this.view    = view;
     this.curForm = curForm;
     this.view.ComboName.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, e) => comboName_SelectedIndexChanged(sender, e);
     this.view.BtnEdit.Click += (sender, e) => btnEdit_Click(sender, e);
예제 #14
        public static IQueryable <OBJECT> GetCustomerObject(object id)
            LINQDataContext db     = new LINQDataContext();
            var             result = from e in db.OBJECT
                                     where e.id_client.Equals(id)
                                     select e;

예제 #15
        public static IQueryable <OBJECT> ChooseObject(object id)
            LINQDataContext db     = new LINQDataContext();
            var             result = from e in db.OBJECT
                                     where e.nr_object.Equals(id)
                                     select e;

예제 #16
        public static IQueryable <string> SearchObjectTypeFromName(string name)
            LINQDataContext db     = new LINQDataContext();
            var             result = from adm in db.OBJ_TYPE
                                     where adm.name.Equals(name)
                                     select adm.type;

예제 #17
        public static int GetActivityNumber(Int32 id)
            LINQDataContext db     = new LINQDataContext();
            var             result = from e in db.ACTIVITY
                                     where e.id_request.Equals(id)
                                     select e;

            return(result.Count() + 1);
예제 #18
        public static IQueryable <string> SearchActivityDictionaryType(string act_type)
            LINQDataContext db     = new LINQDataContext();
            var             result = from adm in db.ACT_DICT
                                     where adm.act_type.Equals(act_type)
                                     select adm.act_name;

예제 #19
        public static IQueryable <CLIENT> SearchCustomerFromID(string id)
            LINQDataContext db     = new LINQDataContext();
            var             result = from adm in db.CLIENT
                                     where adm.id_client.Equals(id)
                                     select adm;

예제 #20
        public static IQueryable <ACTIVITY> SearchActivity(string id)
            LINQDataContext db     = new LINQDataContext();
            var             result = from adm in db.ACTIVITY
                                     where adm.id_request.Equals(id)
                                     select adm;

예제 #21
        public static IQueryable <OBJ_TYPE> SearchObjType(string type)
            LINQDataContext db     = new LINQDataContext();
            var             result = from adm in db.OBJ_TYPE
                                     where adm.type.Equals(type)
                                     select adm;

예제 #22
        public static IQueryable <OBJECT> SearchObjects3(string id)        //po numerze rej
            LINQDataContext db     = new LINQDataContext();
            var             result = from adm in db.OBJECT
                                     where adm.nr_object.Equals(id)
                                     select adm;

예제 #23
        public static IQueryable <CLIENT> ChooseCustomer(object id)
            LINQDataContext db     = new LINQDataContext();
            var             result = from e in db.CLIENT
                                     where e.id_client.Equals(id)
                                     select e;

예제 #24
        public static string GetDefaultVehicle()
            string          ss             = "";
            LINQDataContext db             = new LINQDataContext();
            var             defaultVehicle = from e in db.OBJECT
                                             select e.nr_object;

            ss = defaultVehicle.First().ToString();
 private void dgvType_CellEndEdit(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
     var db = new LINQDataContext();
     if (dgvType[e.ColumnIndex, e.RowIndex].Value != null)
         db.Room_TypeSave(dgvType[e.ColumnIndex, e.RowIndex].Value.ToString());
예제 #26
        private void dgvCourse_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
            if ((e.ColumnIndex == 3 || e.ColumnIndex == 5) && e.RowIndex >= 0 && e.RowIndex < dgvCourse.RowCount - 1)
                SelectCourseForm scForm = new SelectCourseForm(BranchID);
                // set CheckBoxListBox Data by db.Course
                var db = new LINQDataContext();
                IEnumerable <string> NameQuery = from strName in db.Courses
                                                 where strName.Branch_ID == BranchID
                                                 select strName.Name_Course;


                // set a Reference for save output data
                scForm.LstSelectedCourse = (e.ColumnIndex == 3) ?
                                           (DataGridViewTextBoxCell)dgvCourse[2, e.RowIndex] : (DataGridViewTextBoxCell)dgvCourse[4, e.RowIndex];
                // set SelectCourseForm Location by this locate
                scForm.Location = (e.ColumnIndex == 3) ?
                                  new Point(this.Location.X + 30 + colID.Width + colTermNo.Width + colInReqCourseID.Width, this.Location.Y + 75) :
                                  new Point(this.Location.X + 30 + colID.Width + colTermNo.Width + colInReqCourseID.Width +
                                            colBtnInReqCourseID.Width + colPreReqCourseID.Width, this.Location.Y + 75);
                // set Checked Items
                if (scForm.LstSelectedCourse.Value != null)
                    string strID = "";
                    foreach (char chID in scForm.LstSelectedCourse.Value.ToString().ToCharArray())
                        if (char.IsDigit(chID)) // find ID in string value
                            strID += chID.ToString();
                        else if (strID != "") // search and save in checked list
                                    db.CourseSearchID(int.Parse(strID)).ToArray()[0].Name_Course), true);
                            strID = "";
                        // else continue;
                // load form
예제 #27
        public static IQueryable <OBJECT> SearchObjects(string nr, string name, string type)
            LINQDataContext db     = new LINQDataContext();
            var             result = from adm in db.OBJECT
                                     where adm.nr_object.StartsWith(nr) &&
                                     adm.name.StartsWith(name) &&
                                     select adm;

예제 #28
        // PANEL LOGOWANIA \/\/\/
        public static IQueryable <PERSONEL> CheckLog(string login, string password)
            LINQDataContext db     = new LINQDataContext();
            var             result = from log in db.PERSONEL
                                     where log.login == login &&
                                     log.password == password &&
                                     log.active == "T"
                                     select log;

예제 #29
        private void CourseForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
            dgvCourse[0, 0].Selected = true;

            // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            var db = new LINQDataContext();

            for (int rowCounter = 0; rowCounter < dgvCourse.RowCount - 1; rowCounter++)
                // search dgvClass.rows in db.Class
                int ID_No = 0;
                int.TryParse(dgvCourse[0, rowCounter].Value.ToString(), out ID_No);
                // Define the query expression.
                IEnumerable <int> query =
                    from course in db.Courses
                    where course.Course_ID == ID_No
                    select course.Course_ID;
                    if (query.ToArray().Length > 0) // EDIT
                        int     intBuffer = 0;
                        decimal decBuffer = 0;
                        db.CourseEdit(ID_No, BranchID, (dgvCourse[1, rowCounter].Value != null) ? int.Parse(dgvCourse[1, rowCounter].Value.ToString()) : 0,
                                      (dgvCourse[10, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (string)dgvCourse[10, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : "",
                                      (dgvCourse[9, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (string)dgvCourse[9, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : "",
                                      (dgvCourse[11, rowCounter].Value != null) ? decimal.TryParse(dgvCourse[11, rowCounter].Value.ToString(), out decBuffer) ? decBuffer : 0 : 0,
                                      (dgvCourse[6, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (int.TryParse(dgvCourse[6, rowCounter].Value.ToString(), out intBuffer)) ? intBuffer : 0 : 0,
                                      (dgvCourse[7, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (int.TryParse(dgvCourse[7, rowCounter].Value.ToString(), out intBuffer)) ? intBuffer : 0 : 0,
                                      (dgvCourse[2, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (string)dgvCourse[2, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : "",
                                      (dgvCourse[4, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (string)dgvCourse[4, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : "");
                    else // save
                        int     intBuffer = 0;
                        decimal decBuffer = 0;
                        db.CourseSave(ID_No, BranchID, (dgvCourse[1, rowCounter].Value != null) ? int.Parse(dgvCourse[1, rowCounter].Value.ToString()) : 0,
                                      (dgvCourse[10, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (string)dgvCourse[10, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : "",
                                      (dgvCourse[9, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (string)dgvCourse[9, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : "",
                                      (dgvCourse[11, rowCounter].Value != null) ? decimal.TryParse(dgvCourse[11, rowCounter].Value.ToString(), out decBuffer) ? decBuffer : 0 : 0,
                                      (dgvCourse[6, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (int.TryParse(dgvCourse[6, rowCounter].Value.ToString(), out intBuffer)) ? intBuffer : 0 : 0,
                                      (dgvCourse[7, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (int.TryParse(dgvCourse[7, rowCounter].Value.ToString(), out intBuffer)) ? intBuffer : 0 : 0,
                                      (dgvCourse[2, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (string)dgvCourse[2, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : "",
                                      (dgvCourse[4, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (string)dgvCourse[4, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : "");
                catch { }
예제 #30
        private void dgvType_CellEndEdit(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
            var db = new LINQDataContext();

            if (dgvType[e.ColumnIndex, e.RowIndex].Value != null)
                db.Room_TypeSave(dgvType[e.ColumnIndex, e.RowIndex].Value.ToString());
예제 #31
        public static void SetWorkerActive(string id)
            Int32           _id    = Int32.Parse(id);
            LINQDataContext db     = new LINQDataContext();
            var             result = (from e in db.PERSONEL
                                      where e.id_personel.Equals(_id)
                                      select e).First();

            result.active = "T";
        private void CourseForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
            dgvCourse[0, 0].Selected = true;

            // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            var db = new LINQDataContext();

            for (int rowCounter = 0; rowCounter < dgvCourse.RowCount - 1; rowCounter++)
                // search dgvClass.rows in db.Class
                int ID_No = 0;
                int.TryParse(dgvCourse[0, rowCounter].Value.ToString(), out ID_No);
                // Define the query expression.
                IEnumerable<int> query =
                    from course in db.Courses
                    where course.Course_ID == ID_No
                    select course.Course_ID;
                    if (query.ToArray().Length > 0) // EDIT
                        int intBuffer = 0;
                        decimal decBuffer = 0;
                        db.CourseEdit(ID_No, BranchID, (dgvCourse[1, rowCounter].Value != null) ? int.Parse(dgvCourse[1, rowCounter].Value.ToString()) : 0,
                            (dgvCourse[10, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (string)dgvCourse[10, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : "",
                            (dgvCourse[9, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (string)dgvCourse[9, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : "",
                            (dgvCourse[11, rowCounter].Value != null) ? decimal.TryParse(dgvCourse[11, rowCounter].Value.ToString(), out decBuffer) ? decBuffer : 0 : 0,
                            (dgvCourse[6, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (int.TryParse(dgvCourse[6, rowCounter].Value.ToString(), out intBuffer)) ? intBuffer : 0 : 0,
                            (dgvCourse[7, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (int.TryParse(dgvCourse[7, rowCounter].Value.ToString(), out intBuffer)) ? intBuffer : 0 : 0,
                            (dgvCourse[2, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (string)dgvCourse[2, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : "",
                            (dgvCourse[4, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (string)dgvCourse[4, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : "");
                    else // save
                        int intBuffer = 0;
                        decimal decBuffer = 0;
                        db.CourseSave(ID_No, BranchID, (dgvCourse[1, rowCounter].Value != null) ? int.Parse(dgvCourse[1, rowCounter].Value.ToString()) : 0,
                            (dgvCourse[10, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (string)dgvCourse[10, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : "",
                            (dgvCourse[9, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (string)dgvCourse[9, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : "",
                            (dgvCourse[11, rowCounter].Value != null) ? decimal.TryParse(dgvCourse[11, rowCounter].Value.ToString(), out decBuffer) ? decBuffer : 0 : 0,
                            (dgvCourse[6, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (int.TryParse(dgvCourse[6, rowCounter].Value.ToString(), out intBuffer)) ? intBuffer : 0 : 0,
                            (dgvCourse[7, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (int.TryParse(dgvCourse[7, rowCounter].Value.ToString(), out intBuffer)) ? intBuffer : 0 : 0,
                            (dgvCourse[2, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (string)dgvCourse[2, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : "",
                            (dgvCourse[4, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (string)dgvCourse[4, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : "");
                catch { }
        private void TermSchemeForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var db = new LINQDataContext();
            dgvTermScheme.DataSource = db.Branches;

            System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellStyle dataGridViewCellStyle3 = new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellStyle();
            System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellStyle dataGridViewCellStyle4 = new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellStyle();
            // colBtnTermScheme
            this.colBtnTermScheme = new System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewButtonColumn();
            dataGridViewCellStyle3.Alignment = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
            dataGridViewCellStyle3.NullValue = "Term Scheme";
            dataGridViewCellStyle3.Padding = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(3);
            this.colBtnTermScheme.DefaultCellStyle = dataGridViewCellStyle3;
            this.colBtnTermScheme.Frozen = false;
            this.colBtnTermScheme.HeaderText = "Term Scheme";
            this.colBtnTermScheme.Name = "colBtnTermScheme";
            this.colBtnTermScheme.Text = "Term Scheme";
            // other col setup
            dataGridViewCellStyle4.Alignment = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;

            dgvTermScheme.Columns[0].DefaultCellStyle = dataGridViewCellStyle4;
            dgvTermScheme.Columns[0].Width = 50;
            dgvTermScheme.Columns[0].HeaderText = "ID";
            dgvTermScheme.Columns[0].ReadOnly = true;
            dgvTermScheme.Columns[0].Frozen = true;

            dgvTermScheme.Columns[1].DefaultCellStyle = dataGridViewCellStyle4;
            dgvTermScheme.Columns[1].Width = 150;
            dgvTermScheme.Columns[1].AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;
            dgvTermScheme.Columns[1].ReadOnly = true;
            dgvTermScheme.Columns[1].HeaderText = "Education Course Name";

            dgvTermScheme.Columns[2].DefaultCellStyle = dataGridViewCellStyle4;
            dgvTermScheme.Columns[2].Width = 200;
            dgvTermScheme.Columns[2].AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.Fill;
            dgvTermScheme.Columns[2].ReadOnly = true;
            dgvTermScheme.Columns[2].HeaderText = "Education Degree";
        private void BranchForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var db = new LINQDataContext();
            var aryBranch = db.Branches.ToArray();
            if (aryBranch.Length > 0)
                for (int rowCounter = 0; rowCounter < aryBranch.Length; rowCounter++)
                    dgvBranch[0, rowCounter].Value = aryBranch[rowCounter].ID_Branch.ToString();

                    if (aryBranch[rowCounter].Branch_Name != null)
                        dgvBranch[1, rowCounter].Value = aryBranch[rowCounter].Branch_Name.ToString();

                    dgvBranch[2, rowCounter].Value = (aryBranch[rowCounter].Degree != null) ?
                                                   aryBranch[rowCounter].Degree.ToString() : "";
        private void BranchForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
            dgvBranch[0, 0].Selected = true;
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            var db = new LINQDataContext();

            for (int rowCounter = 0; rowCounter < dgvBranch.RowCount - 1; rowCounter++)
                    // search dgvBranch.rows in db.Branch
                    int ID_No = 0;
                    int.TryParse(dgvBranch[0, rowCounter].Value.ToString(), out ID_No);
                    // Define the query expression.
                    var query = (from branch in db.Branches
                                 where branch.ID_Branch == ID_No
                                 select branch).SingleOrDefault();

                    if (query != null) // EDIT
                            (dgvBranch[1, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (string)dgvBranch[1, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : "",
                            (dgvBranch[2, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (string)dgvBranch[2, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : "");
                    else // save
                            (dgvBranch[1, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (string)dgvBranch[1, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : "",
                            (dgvBranch[2, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (string)dgvBranch[2, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : "");
                catch { }
 private void dgvGroup_UserDeletingRow(object sender, DataGridViewRowCancelEventArgs e)
     int id = 0;
     if (int.TryParse(e.Row.Cells[0].Value.ToString(), out id))
         var db = new LINQDataContext();
         // Define the query expression.
         var cquery = (from classs in db.Group_ID_Lists
                       where classs.Group_ID == id
                       select classs).ToArray();
         if (cquery != null)
             string query = @"DELETE From dbo.Group_ID_List Where Group_ID = {0}";
             db.ExecuteQuery<object>(query, id);
        private void RoomForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            dgvRoom.Rows[0].Height = 30;
            dgvType.Rows[0].Height = 30;

            var db = new LINQDataContext();
            IEnumerable<string> TypeQuery = from tQ in db.Room_Types
                                            select tQ.Type_Name;
            var aryRoom_Type = TypeQuery.ToArray();
            if (aryRoom_Type.Length > 0)
                for (int rowCounter = 0; rowCounter < aryRoom_Type.Length; rowCounter++)
                    dgvType[0, rowCounter].Value = aryRoom_Type[rowCounter];


            var aryRooms = db.Rooms.ToArray();
            if (aryRooms.Length > 0)
                for (int rowCounter = 0; rowCounter < aryRooms.Length; rowCounter++)
                    dgvRoom[0, rowCounter].Value = aryRooms[rowCounter].Room_ID.ToString();

                    if (aryRooms[rowCounter].Name_Room != null)
                        dgvRoom[1, rowCounter].Value = aryRooms[rowCounter].Name_Room.ToString();

                    dgvRoom[2, rowCounter].Value = aryRooms[rowCounter].Type_Room.ToString();

                    dgvRoom[3, rowCounter].Value = aryRooms[rowCounter].Size_No.ToString();
        private void pbtnProfessorExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SaveFileDialog save2Excel = new SaveFileDialog();
            save2Excel.Filter = @"Excel files|*.xls";
            save2Excel.DefaultExt = "ProfessorData.xls";
            save2Excel.FileName = "ProfessorData.xls";
            if (save2Excel.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                // If using Professional version, put your serial key below. Otherwise, keep following
                // line commented out as Free version doesn't have SetLicense method.
                // SpreadsheetInfo.SetLicense("YOUR-SERIAL-KEY-HERE");
                var db = new LINQDataContext(); // for load from OLEDB  db.Professor.mdf database file's
                var aryDBProfessor = db.Professors.ToArray();
                ExcelFile ef = new ExcelFile();
                ef.LimitReached += new LimitEventHandler(ef_LimitReached);
                ef.LimitNear += new LimitEventHandler(ef_LimitNear);
                ExcelWorksheet ws = ef.Worksheets.Add("Professor");
                int NumberSheet = 1;
                // column header text
                ws.Cells[0, 0].Value = "ID";
                ws.Cells[0, 1].Value = "Professor Name";
                ws.Cells[0, 2].Value = "Branch";
                ws.Cells[0, 3].Value = "Email";
                ws.Cells[0, 4].Value = "Education Degree";
                ws.Cells[0, 5].Value = "SCHEDULE";
                // column width
                ws.Columns[0].Width = 5 * 256;
                ws.Columns[1].Width = 30 * 256;
                ws.Columns[2].Width = 20 * 256;
                ws.Columns[3].Width = 40 * 256;
                ws.Columns[4].Width = 20 * 256;
                ws.Columns[5].Width = 200 * 256;
                // Header Hight
                ws.Rows[0].Height = 2 * 256;
                // row data style's
                CellStyle tmpStyle = new CellStyle();
                tmpStyle.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Center;
                tmpStyle.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignmentStyle.Center;
                tmpStyle.Font.Weight = ExcelFont.BoldWeight;
                tmpStyle.Font.Color = Color.Black;
                tmpStyle.WrapText = true;
                tmpStyle.Borders.SetBorders(MultipleBorders.Right | MultipleBorders.Top, Color.Black, LineStyle.Thin);
                if (aryDBProfessor.Length >= 150)
                    ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(1, 0, 149, 5).Style = tmpStyle;
                    ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(1, 0, aryDBProfessor.Length, 5).Style = tmpStyle;
                // Header style's
                CellStyle HeaderStyle = new CellStyle();
                HeaderStyle.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Center;
                HeaderStyle.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignmentStyle.Center;
                HeaderStyle.Font.Weight = ExcelFont.MaxWeight;
                HeaderStyle.Font.Color = Color.White;
                HeaderStyle.WrapText = true;
                HeaderStyle.Borders.SetBorders(MultipleBorders.Right | MultipleBorders.Top, Color.Black, LineStyle.Medium);
                ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(0, 0, 0, 5).Style = HeaderStyle;
                // row data
                int RowCount = 0;
                for (int rowC = 0; rowC < aryDBProfessor.Length; rowC++, RowCount++)
                    if (RowCount >= 149) // Go Next Sheet
                        RowCount = 0;
                        ws = ef.Worksheets.Add("Professor(" + NumberSheet.ToString() + ")");
                        // column header text
                        ws.Cells[0, 0].Value = "ID";
                        ws.Cells[0, 1].Value = "Professor Name";
                        ws.Cells[0, 2].Value = "Branch";
                        ws.Cells[0, 3].Value = "Email";
                        ws.Cells[0, 4].Value = "Education Degree";
                        ws.Cells[0, 5].Value = "SCHEDULE";
                        // column width
                        ws.Columns[0].Width = 5 * 256;
                        ws.Columns[1].Width = 30 * 256;
                        ws.Columns[2].Width = 20 * 256;
                        ws.Columns[3].Width = 40 * 256;
                        ws.Columns[4].Width = 20 * 256;
                        ws.Columns[5].Width = 200 * 256;
                        // Header Hight
                        ws.Rows[0].Height = 2 * 256;
                        // row data style's
                        if (aryDBProfessor.Length - rowC >= 150)
                            ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(1, 0, 149, 5).Style = tmpStyle;
                            ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(1, 0, aryDBProfessor.Length - rowC, 5).Style = tmpStyle;
                        // Header style's
                        ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(0, 0, 0, 5).Style = HeaderStyle;
                    ws.Cells[RowCount + 1, 0].Value = aryDBProfessor[rowC].ID.ToString();

                    ws.Cells[RowCount + 1, 1].Value = (aryDBProfessor[rowC].Name_Professor != null) ?
                        aryDBProfessor[rowC].Name_Professor.ToString() : "";

                    ws.Cells[RowCount + 1, 2].Value = (aryDBProfessor[rowC].Branch != null) ?
                       aryDBProfessor[rowC].Branch.ToString() : "";

                    ws.Cells[RowCount + 1, 3].Value = (aryDBProfessor[rowC].Email != null) ?
                       aryDBProfessor[rowC].Email.ToString() : "";

                    ws.Cells[RowCount + 1, 4].Value = (aryDBProfessor[rowC].EducationDegree != null) ?
                       aryDBProfessor[rowC].EducationDegree.ToString() : "";

                    ws.Cells[RowCount + 1, 5].Value = (aryDBProfessor[rowC].Schedule != null) ?
                        aryDBProfessor[rowC].Schedule.ToString() : "";
                    ws.Cells[RowCount + 1, 5].Style.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Left;
                // save professor data in save2Excel.FileName path's
                // Try to open created excel file's
                { }
        private void RoomForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
            dgvRoom[0, 0].Selected = true;

            // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            var db = new LINQDataContext();

            for (int rowCounter = 0; rowCounter < dgvRoom.RowCount - 1; rowCounter++)
                    // search dgvRoom.rows in db.Room
                    int ID_No = 0;
                    int.TryParse(dgvRoom[0, rowCounter].Value.ToString(), out ID_No);
                    // Define the query expression.
                    IEnumerable<int> query =
                        from room in db.Rooms
                        where room.Room_ID == ID_No
                        select room.Room_ID;

                    if (query.ToArray().Length > 0) // EDIT
                        int size = 0;
                            (dgvRoom[1, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (string)dgvRoom[1, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : "",
                            (dgvRoom[2, rowCounter].Value != null) ? dgvRoom[2, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : "",
                            (dgvRoom[3, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (int.TryParse(dgvRoom[3, rowCounter].Value.ToString(), out size)) ? size : 0 : 0);
                        int size = 0;
                            (dgvRoom[1, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (string)dgvRoom[1, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : "",
                            (dgvRoom[2, rowCounter].Value != null) ? dgvRoom[2, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : "",
                            (dgvRoom[3, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (int.TryParse(dgvRoom[3, rowCounter].Value.ToString(), out size)) ? size : 0 : 0);
                catch { }
        private void pbtnBranchImport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // If using Professional version, put your serial key below. Otherwise, keep following
            // line commented out as Free version doesn't have SetLicense method.
            // SpreadsheetInfo.SetLicense("YOUR-SERIAL-KEY-HERE");
            var db = new LINQDataContext(); // for save to OLEDB  db.Branches.mdf database file's
            ExcelFile ef = new ExcelFile();
            OpenFileDialog openFromExcel = new OpenFileDialog();
            openFromExcel.Filter = @"Excel files|*.xls";
            if (openFromExcel.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                ExcelWorksheet sheet;

                    sheet = ef.Worksheets["Branch"];
                catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); return; }
                bool FirstRow = true;
                foreach (ExcelRow row in sheet.Rows)
                    if (!FirstRow)
                                (row.Cells[1].Value != null) ? row.Cells[1].Value.ToString() : "",
                                (row.Cells[2].Value != null) ? row.Cells[2].Value.ToString() : "");
                        catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); return; }
                    else FirstRow = false;
 private void saveAndCompile_Groups(string strGroups, int classId)
     var db = new LINQDataContext();
     // compile strGroups for Parsing group id
     char[] spell = strGroups.ToCharArray();
     string strBuffer = "";
     for (int indexC = 0; indexC < spell.Length; indexC++)
         if (char.IsWhiteSpace(spell[indexC]))
             if (strBuffer != "")
                 int intBuffer = int.Parse(strBuffer);
                 db.Group_ID_ListSave(intBuffer, classId);
                 strBuffer = "";
         else if (char.IsDigit(spell[indexC]))
             strBuffer += spell[indexC].ToString();
             if (strBuffer != "")
                 int intBuffer = int.Parse(strBuffer);
                 db.Group_ID_ListSave(intBuffer, classId);
                 strBuffer = "";
 private void pbtnBranchExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     SaveFileDialog save2Excel = new SaveFileDialog();
     save2Excel.Filter = @"Excel files|*.xls";
     save2Excel.DefaultExt = "BranchData.xls";
     save2Excel.FileName = "BranchData.xls";
     if (save2Excel.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
         // If using Professional version, put your serial key below. Otherwise, keep following
         // line commented out as Free version doesn't have SetLicense method.
         // SpreadsheetInfo.SetLicense("YOUR-SERIAL-KEY-HERE");
         var db = new LINQDataContext(); // for load from OLEDB  db.Branches.mdf database file's
         var aryDBBranch = db.Branches.ToArray();
         ExcelFile ef = new ExcelFile();
         ef.LimitReached += new LimitEventHandler(ef_LimitReached);
         ef.LimitNear += new LimitEventHandler(ef_LimitNear);
         ExcelWorksheet ws = ef.Worksheets.Add("Branch");
         // column header text
         ws.Cells[0, 0].Value = "ID";
         ws.Cells[0, 1].Value = "Education Course Name";
         ws.Cells[0, 2].Value = "Education Degree";
         // column width
         ws.Columns[0].Width = 8 * 256;
         ws.Columns[1].Width = 50 * 256;
         ws.Columns[2].Width = 50 * 256;
         // Header Hight
         ws.Rows[0].Height = 2 * 256;
         // row data style's
         CellStyle tmpStyle = new CellStyle();
         tmpStyle.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Center;
         tmpStyle.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignmentStyle.Center;
         tmpStyle.Font.Weight = ExcelFont.BoldWeight;
         tmpStyle.Font.Color = Color.Black;
         tmpStyle.WrapText = true;
         tmpStyle.Borders.SetBorders(MultipleBorders.Right | MultipleBorders.Top, Color.Black, LineStyle.Thin);
         ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(1, 0, aryDBBranch.Length, 2).Style = tmpStyle;
         // row data
         for (int rowC = 0; rowC < aryDBBranch.Length; rowC++)
             ws.Cells[rowC + 1, 0].Value = aryDBBranch[rowC].ID_Branch.ToString();
             ws.Cells[rowC + 1, 1].Value = aryDBBranch[rowC].Branch_Name.ToString();
             ws.Cells[rowC + 1, 2].Value = aryDBBranch[rowC].Degree.ToString();
         // Header style's
         tmpStyle = new CellStyle();
         tmpStyle.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Center;
         tmpStyle.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignmentStyle.Center;
         tmpStyle.Font.Weight = ExcelFont.MaxWeight;
         tmpStyle.Font.Color = Color.White;
         tmpStyle.WrapText = true;
         tmpStyle.Borders.SetBorders(MultipleBorders.Right | MultipleBorders.Top, Color.Black, LineStyle.Medium);
         ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(0, 0, 0, 2).Style = tmpStyle;
         // save professor data in save2Excel.FileName path's
         // Try to open created excel file's
         { }
        // Parse file and store parsed object
        public void ParseFile(LINQDataContext db)
            // clear previously parsed objects

            // Save Professor Data
            foreach (var any in db.Professors)
                ProfessorInfoCompiler pIc = new ProfessorInfoCompiler();
                Professor p;
                if (pIc.StartScanner(any.Schedule))
                    p = new Professor(any.ID, any.Name_Professor, pIc.CompiledData);
                    _professors.Add(p.GetId, p);
            // Save StudentsGroup Data
            foreach (var any in db.Groups)
                StudentsGroup sg;
                string sg_name = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0}  {1}  {2}-{3}", any.Branch.Degree,
                    any.Branch.Branch_Name, any.Semester_Entry_Year, (any.Semester_Entry_FS) ? "1" : "2");
                sg = new StudentsGroup(any.ID, sg_name, any.Size_No);
                _studentGroups.Add(sg.GetId, sg);
            // Save Course Data
            foreach (var any in db.Courses)
                Course c;
                c = new Course(any.Course_ID, any.Name_Course);
                _courses.Add(c.GetId, c);
            // Save Room Data
            foreach (var any in db.Rooms)
                Room r;
                r = new Room(any.Room_ID, any.Name_Room, any.Type_Room, any.Size_No);
                _rooms.Add(r.GetId, r);
            // Save CourseClass Data -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
            foreach (var any in db.Classes)
                // set Professor by best priority
                var prof = (from p1 in db.Priority_Professors
                            join p2 in db.Professors on p1.Professor_ID equals p2.ID
                            where (p1.Class_ID == any.Class_ID)
                            orderby p1.Priority
                            select new
                ProfessorInfoCompiler pIc = new ProfessorInfoCompiler();
                Professor p = (pIc.StartScanner(prof.Schedule)) ?
                    new Professor(prof.Professor_ID, prof.Name_Professor, pIc.CompiledData) :
                    new Professor(prof.Professor_ID, prof.Name_Professor, pIc.CompiledData);
                // set selected course for class
                Course c = new Course(any.Course_ID, any.Course.Name_Course);
                // set StudentsGroup in List
                List<StudentsGroup> g = new List<StudentsGroup>();
                foreach (var lstGroup in (from gil in db.Group_ID_Lists
                                          join groups in db.Groups on gil.Group_ID equals groups.ID
                                          where gil.Class_ID == any.Class_ID
                                          select new
                                              sg_name = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "{0}  {1}  {2}-{3}",
                                                                                                 (groups.Semester_Entry_FS) ? "1" : "2")
                    StudentsGroup sg = new StudentsGroup(lstGroup.Group_ID, lstGroup.sg_name, lstGroup.Size_No);
                // save class by created data
                CourseClass cc = new CourseClass(p, c, g, any.RoomType, (any.Practical_unit + any.Theory_unit), any.Class_ID);
            _isEmpty = false;
        private void ClassForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            dgvClass.RowsAdded -= new DataGridViewRowsAddedEventHandler(dgvClass_RowsAdded);
            PersianCalendar pc = new PersianCalendar();
            txtCurrentTerm.Text = pc.GetYear(DateTime.Today).ToString();
            cmbSemesterEntry.SelectedIndex = (pc.GetMonth(DateTime.Today) > 7) ? 1 : 0;
            var db = new LINQDataContext();
            this.colCourse.Items.AddRange((from QC in db.Courses select QC.Name_Course).ToArray());
            this.ColType.Items.AddRange((from QR in db.Room_Types select QR.Type_Name).ToArray());
            var qBName = (from QG in db.Groups
                          select new
                              GroupName =
                                          (QG.ID.ToString() + ".  " +
                                           QG.Branch.Branch_Name + "  -  " +
                                           QG.Branch.Degree + "  [" +
                                           QG.Semester_Entry_Year.ToString() + " " +
                                           ((QG.Semester_Entry_FS == true) ? "First" : "Second") + " Entry]")
            foreach (var anyBN in qBName)
            // read class data in db.Classes
            var dbClass = (from c in db.Classes
                           orderby c.Class_ID
                           select new

            foreach (var row in dbClass)
                // Find Group_ID_List
                string strGroup_ID_List = "";
                foreach (int any in (from GIL in db.Group_ID_Lists
                                     where GIL.Class_ID == row.Class_ID
                                     select GIL.Group_ID).ToArray())
                    strGroup_ID_List += any.ToString() + " ";
                // Find Professor_ID_List And it's Priority
                var dbPriority = from p in db.Priority_Professors
                                 where p.Class_ID == row.Class_ID
                                 select p;

                string strProfessor_Priority = "";
                foreach (var anyPriority in dbPriority.ToArray())
                    strProfessor_Priority +=
                        anyPriority.Professor_ID.ToString() + "("
                        + anyPriority.Priority.ToString() + ")  ";
                dgvClass.Rows.Add(new object[]
                                         "+ Professor",
                                         "+ Group",
            dgvClass.RowsAdded += new DataGridViewRowsAddedEventHandler(dgvClass_RowsAdded);
        private void CourseForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.Text = BranchName + "  -  " + BranchDegree + "  Course Data";
            var db = new LINQDataContext();
            // SQL Query for Course list by Branch ID
            var qCourse = (from lstCourse in db.Courses
                           where lstCourse.Branch_ID == BranchID
                           select new
            var aryQCourse = qCourse.ToArray();
            if (aryQCourse.Length > 0)
                for (int rowCounter = 0; rowCounter < aryQCourse.Length; rowCounter++)
                    dgvCourse[0, rowCounter].Value = aryQCourse[rowCounter].Course_ID;

                    dgvCourse[1, rowCounter].Value = aryQCourse[rowCounter].TermNo.Value;

                    dgvCourse[2, rowCounter].Value = aryQCourse[rowCounter].InRequisite_CourseID;

                    dgvCourse[4, rowCounter].Value = aryQCourse[rowCounter].PreRequisite_CourseID;

                    dgvCourse[6, rowCounter].Value = aryQCourse[rowCounter].TheoryUnitNo.Value;

                    dgvCourse[7, rowCounter].Value = aryQCourse[rowCounter].PracticalUnitNo.Value;

                    dgvCourse[8, rowCounter].Value = int.Parse(dgvCourse[6, rowCounter].Value.ToString()) + int.Parse(dgvCourse[7, rowCounter].Value.ToString());

                    dgvCourse[9, rowCounter].Value = aryQCourse[rowCounter].Type_Course;

                    dgvCourse[10, rowCounter].Value = (aryQCourse[rowCounter].Name_Course != null) ? aryQCourse[rowCounter].Name_Course : "";

                    dgvCourse[11, rowCounter].Value = aryQCourse[rowCounter].CourseCode.Value;
        private void dgvCourse_UserDeletingRow(object sender, DataGridViewRowCancelEventArgs e)
            int id = 0;
            if (int.TryParse(e.Row.Cells[0].Value.ToString(), out id))
                var db = new LINQDataContext();
                // Define the query expression.
                IEnumerable<int> query =
                    from classs in db.Classes
                    where classs.Course_ID == id
                    select classs.Class_ID;
                // if exist data in class table :
                if (query.ToArray().Length > 0)
                    string class_ID_List = "";
                    foreach (var anyClass in query)
                        class_ID_List += anyClass.ToString() + " and ";
                    class_ID_List = class_ID_List.Substring(0, class_ID_List.Length - 4);

                    e.Cancel = true;

                    MessageBox.Show("Information classes with class numbers " +
                        class_ID_List + "is related to Course " +
                        ((e.Row.Cells[10].Value != null) ? e.Row.Cells[10].Value.ToString() : "NULL") +
                        ".\n First, this information can change classes.", "Delete Row Error",
                        MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
        private void dgvBranch_UserDeletingRow(object sender, DataGridViewRowCancelEventArgs e)
            int id = 0;
            if (int.TryParse(e.Row.Cells[0].Value.ToString(), out id))
                var db = new LINQDataContext();
                // Define the query expression.
                IEnumerable<int> qGroupID =
                    from groups in db.Groups
                    where groups.Branch_Selection == id
                    select groups.ID;
                // Define the query expression.
                IEnumerable<int> qCourseID =
                    from course in db.Courses
                    where course.Branch_ID == id
                    select course.Course_ID;
                // if exist data in the Groups table :
                if (qGroupID.ToArray().Length > 0)
                    string groups_ID_List = "";
                    foreach (var anyGroup in qGroupID)
                        groups_ID_List += anyGroup.ToString() + " and ";
                    groups_ID_List = groups_ID_List.Substring(0, groups_ID_List.Length - 4);

                    e.Cancel = true;

                    MessageBox.Show("Information Groups with group numbers " +
                        groups_ID_List + "is related to Branch (" +
                        ((e.Row.Cells[1].Value != null) ? e.Row.Cells[1].Value.ToString() : "NULL") +
                        ").\n First, this information can change groups.", "Delete Row Error",
                        MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
                // if exist data in the Groups table :
                else if (qCourseID.ToArray().Length > 0)
                    string course_ID_List = "";
                    foreach (var anyCourse in qCourseID)
                        course_ID_List += anyCourse.ToString() + " and ";
                    course_ID_List = course_ID_List.Substring(0, course_ID_List.Length - 4);

                    e.Cancel = true;

                    MessageBox.Show("Information courses with course numbers " +
                        course_ID_List + "is related to Branch (" +
                        ((e.Row.Cells[1].Value != null) ? e.Row.Cells[1].Value.ToString() : "NULL") +
                        ").\n First, this information can change courses.", "Delete Row Error",
                        MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1);
        private void pbtnCourseExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SaveFileDialog save2Excel = new SaveFileDialog();
            save2Excel.Filter = @"Excel files|*.xls";
            save2Excel.DefaultExt = "CourseData.xls";
            save2Excel.FileName = "CourseData.xls";
            if (save2Excel.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                // If using Professional version, put your serial key below. Otherwise, keep following
                // line commented out as Free version doesn't have SetLicense method.
                // SpreadsheetInfo.SetLicense("YOUR-SERIAL-KEY-HERE");
                var db = new LINQDataContext(); // for load from OLEDB  db.Course.mdf database file's
                var aryDBCourse = db.Courses.ToArray();
                ExcelFile ef = new ExcelFile();
                ef.LimitReached += new LimitEventHandler(ef_LimitReached);
                ef.LimitNear += new LimitEventHandler(ef_LimitNear);
                ExcelWorksheet ws = ef.Worksheets.Add("Course");
                int NumberSheet = 1;
                // column header text
                ws.Cells[0, 0].Value = "Branch ID";
                ws.Cells[0, 1].Value = "ID";
                ws.Cells[0, 2].Value = "Term No";
                ws.Cells[0, 3].Value = "InRequisite Course ID";
                ws.Cells[0, 4].Value = "InRequisite Course Name";
                ws.Cells[0, 5].Value = "PreRequisite Course ID";
                ws.Cells[0, 6].Value = "PreRequisite Course Name";
                ws.Cells[0, 7].Value = "Theory Unit No";
                ws.Cells[0, 8].Value = "Pratial Unit No";
                ws.Cells[0, 9].Value = "Course Type";
                ws.Cells[0, 10].Value = "Course Name";
                ws.Cells[0, 11].Value = "Course Code";
                // column width
                ws.Columns[0].Width = 8 * 256;
                ws.Columns[1].Width = 8 * 256;
                ws.Columns[2].Width = 8 * 256;
                ws.Columns[3].Width = 25 * 256;
                ws.Columns[4].Width = 50 * 256;
                ws.Columns[5].Width = 25 * 256;
                ws.Columns[6].Width = 50 * 256;
                ws.Columns[7].Width = 20 * 256;
                ws.Columns[8].Width = 20 * 256;
                ws.Columns[9].Width = 15 * 256;
                ws.Columns[10].Width = 30 * 256;
                ws.Columns[11].Width = 20 * 256;
                // Header Hight
                ws.Rows[0].Height = 2 * 256;
                // row data style's
                CellStyle tmpStyle = new CellStyle();
                tmpStyle.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Center;
                tmpStyle.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignmentStyle.Center;
                tmpStyle.Font.Weight = ExcelFont.BoldWeight;
                tmpStyle.Font.Color = Color.Black;
                tmpStyle.WrapText = true;
                tmpStyle.Borders.SetBorders(MultipleBorders.Right | MultipleBorders.Top, Color.Black, LineStyle.Thin);
                if (aryDBCourse.Length > 149)
                    ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(1, 0, 149, 11).Style = tmpStyle;
                    ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(1, 0, aryDBCourse.Length, 11).Style = tmpStyle;
                // Header style's
                CellStyle headerStyle = new CellStyle();
                headerStyle.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Center;
                headerStyle.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignmentStyle.Center;
                headerStyle.Font.Weight = ExcelFont.MaxWeight;
                headerStyle.Font.Color = Color.White;
                headerStyle.WrapText = true;
                headerStyle.Borders.SetBorders(MultipleBorders.Right | MultipleBorders.Top, Color.Black, LineStyle.Medium);
                ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(0, 0, 0, 11).Style = headerStyle;
                // row data
                int RowCount = 0;
                for (int rowC = 0; rowC < aryDBCourse.Length; rowC++, RowCount++)
                    if (RowCount >= 149)
                        RowCount = 0;
                        ws = ef.Worksheets.Add("Course(" + NumberSheet.ToString() + ")");
                        // column header text
                        ws.Cells[0, 0].Value = "Branch ID";
                        ws.Cells[0, 1].Value = "ID";
                        ws.Cells[0, 2].Value = "Term No";
                        ws.Cells[0, 3].Value = "InRequisite Course ID";
                        ws.Cells[0, 4].Value = "InRequisite Course Name";
                        ws.Cells[0, 5].Value = "PreRequisite Course ID";
                        ws.Cells[0, 6].Value = "PreRequisite Course Name";
                        ws.Cells[0, 7].Value = "Theory Unit No";
                        ws.Cells[0, 8].Value = "Pratial Unit No";
                        ws.Cells[0, 9].Value = "Course Type";
                        ws.Cells[0, 10].Value = "Course Name";
                        ws.Cells[0, 11].Value = "Course Code";
                        // column width
                        ws.Columns[0].Width = 8 * 256;
                        ws.Columns[1].Width = 8 * 256;
                        ws.Columns[2].Width = 8 * 256;
                        ws.Columns[3].Width = 25 * 256;
                        ws.Columns[4].Width = 50 * 256;
                        ws.Columns[5].Width = 25 * 256;
                        ws.Columns[6].Width = 50 * 256;
                        ws.Columns[7].Width = 20 * 256;
                        ws.Columns[8].Width = 20 * 256;
                        ws.Columns[9].Width = 15 * 256;
                        ws.Columns[10].Width = 30 * 256;
                        ws.Columns[11].Width = 20 * 256;
                        // Header Hight
                        ws.Rows[0].Height = 2 * 256;
                        // row data style's
                        if (aryDBCourse.Length - rowC > 149)
                            ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(1, 0, 149, 11).Style = tmpStyle;
                            ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(1, 0, aryDBCourse.Length - rowC, 11).Style = tmpStyle;
                        // Header style's
                        ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(0, 0, 0, 11).Style = headerStyle;
                    ws.Cells[RowCount + 1, 0].Value = aryDBCourse[rowC].Branch_ID;

                    ws.Cells[RowCount + 1, 1].Value = aryDBCourse[rowC].Course_ID;

                    ws.Cells[RowCount + 1, 2].Value = aryDBCourse[rowC].TermNo.Value;

                    ws.Cells[RowCount + 1, 3].Value = aryDBCourse[rowC].InRequisite_CourseID;
                    // Compile InReq Course iD to Name
                    string InRequisite_CourseName = "";
                    string buffer = "";
                    foreach (char reader in aryDBCourse[rowC].InRequisite_CourseID.ToCharArray())
                        if (char.IsDigit(reader))
                            buffer += reader.ToString();
                        else if (buffer != "")
                            InRequisite_CourseName += (from Qname in db.Courses
                                                       where Qname.Course_ID == int.Parse(buffer)
                                                       select Qname.Name_Course).ToArray()[0].ToString() + " & ";
                            buffer = "";
                    InRequisite_CourseName = (InRequisite_CourseName.Length > 3) ?
                        InRequisite_CourseName.Substring(0, InRequisite_CourseName.Length - 3) :
                    ws.Cells[RowCount + 1, 4].Value = InRequisite_CourseName;
                    ws.Cells[RowCount + 1, 5].Value = aryDBCourse[rowC].PreRequisite_CourseID;
                    // Compile PreReq Course iD to Name
                    string PreRequisite_CourseName = "";
                    buffer = "";
                    foreach (char reader in aryDBCourse[rowC].PreRequisite_CourseID.ToCharArray())
                        if (char.IsDigit(reader))
                            buffer += reader.ToString();
                        else if (buffer != "")
                            PreRequisite_CourseName += (from Qname in db.Courses
                                                        where Qname.Course_ID == int.Parse(buffer)
                                                        select Qname.Name_Course).ToArray()[0].ToString() + @"  &  ";
                            buffer = "";
                    PreRequisite_CourseName = (PreRequisite_CourseName.Length > 3) ?
                        PreRequisite_CourseName.Substring(0, PreRequisite_CourseName.Length - 3) :
                    ws.Cells[RowCount + 1, 6].Value = PreRequisite_CourseName;
                    ws.Cells[RowCount + 1, 7].Value = aryDBCourse[rowC].TheoryUnitNo.Value;
                    ws.Cells[RowCount + 1, 8].Value = aryDBCourse[rowC].PracticalUnitNo.Value;
                    ws.Cells[RowCount + 1, 9].Value = aryDBCourse[rowC].Type_Course;
                    ws.Cells[RowCount + 1, 10].Value = aryDBCourse[rowC].Name_Course;
                    ws.Cells[RowCount + 1, 11].Value = aryDBCourse[rowC].CourseCode.Value;

                // save professor data in save2Excel.FileName path's
                // Try to open created excel file's
                { }
        private void dgvCourse_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e)
            if ((e.ColumnIndex == 3 || e.ColumnIndex == 5) && e.RowIndex >= 0 && e.RowIndex < dgvCourse.RowCount - 1)
                SelectCourseForm scForm = new SelectCourseForm(BranchID);
                // set CheckBoxListBox Data by db.Course
                var db = new LINQDataContext();
                IEnumerable<string> NameQuery = from strName in db.Courses
                                                where strName.Branch_ID == BranchID
                                                select strName.Name_Course;


                // set a Reference for save output data
                scForm.LstSelectedCourse = (e.ColumnIndex == 3) ?
                    (DataGridViewTextBoxCell)dgvCourse[2, e.RowIndex] : (DataGridViewTextBoxCell)dgvCourse[4, e.RowIndex];
                // set SelectCourseForm Location by this locate
                scForm.Location = (e.ColumnIndex == 3) ?
                    new Point(this.Location.X + 30 + colID.Width + colTermNo.Width + colInReqCourseID.Width, this.Location.Y + 75) :
                    new Point(this.Location.X + 30 + colID.Width + colTermNo.Width + colInReqCourseID.Width +
                                       colBtnInReqCourseID.Width + colPreReqCourseID.Width, this.Location.Y + 75);
                // set Checked Items
                if (scForm.LstSelectedCourse.Value != null)
                    string strID = "";
                    foreach (char chID in scForm.LstSelectedCourse.Value.ToString().ToCharArray())
                        if (char.IsDigit(chID)) // find ID in string value
                            strID += chID.ToString();
                        else if (strID != "") // search and save in checked list
                                db.CourseSearchID(int.Parse(strID)).ToArray()[0].Name_Course), true);
                            strID = "";
                        // else continue;
                // load form
        private void newToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            LOCK = true;
                bool emptyDB = !(pbtnProfessorExport.Enabled | pbtnBranchExport.Enabled |
                             pbtnCourseExport.Enabled | pbtnRoomExport.Enabled |
                             pbtnGroupExport.Enabled | pbtnClassExport.Enabled);
                // if Database have data then show a Warning for losing data
                if (!emptyDB)
                    if (MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to permanently delete \n" +
                        "full database and create new database?", "Delete Old Database",
                        MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning,
                        MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes)
                        var db = new LINQDataContext();
                        string query = @"DELETE FROM dbo.New_GroupsPerClass " +
                                       @"DELETE FROM dbo.Classroom_time " +
                                       @"DELETE FROM dbo.Priority_Professor " +
                                       @"DELETE FROM dbo.Professor " +
                                       @"DELETE FROM dbo.Group_ID_List " +
                                       @"DELETE FROM dbo.Groups " +
                                       @"DELETE FROM dbo.Room " +
                                       @"DELETE FROM dbo.Class " +
                                       @"DELETE FROM dbo.Room_Type " +
                                       @"DELETE FROM dbo.Course " +
                                       @"DELETE FROM dbo.Branch";

                        // Disable Export Buttons
                        pbtnProfessorExport.Enabled = false;
                        pbtnProfessorExport.Image = global::MakeClassSchedule.Properties.Resources.Export_Disable;

                        pbtnBranchExport.Enabled = false;
                        pbtnBranchExport.Image = global::MakeClassSchedule.Properties.Resources.Export_Disable;

                        pbtnCourseExport.Enabled = false;
                        pbtnCourseExport.Image = global::MakeClassSchedule.Properties.Resources.Export_Disable;

                        pbtnRoomExport.Enabled = false;
                        pbtnRoomExport.Image = global::MakeClassSchedule.Properties.Resources.Export_Disable;

                        pbtnGroupExport.Enabled = false;
                        pbtnGroupExport.Image = global::MakeClassSchedule.Properties.Resources.Export_Disable;

                        pbtnClassExport.Enabled = false;
                        pbtnClassExport.Image = global::MakeClassSchedule.Properties.Resources.Export_Disable;

                        pbtnTermSchemeExport.Enabled = false;
                        pbtnTermSchemeExport.Image = global::MakeClassSchedule.Properties.Resources.Export_Disable;
                LOCK = false;

        private void dgvCourse_RowsAdded(object sender, DataGridViewRowsAddedEventArgs e)
            var db = new LINQDataContext();
            // query for read any course ID and creat new iD
            IEnumerable<int> qCourseID = from queryId in db.Courses
                                         select queryId.Course_ID;

            List<int> idList_in_db = qCourseID.ToList();

            if (e.RowIndex > 0)
                int ID_Counter = 1;
                bool Find = true;
                while (Find)
                    Find = false;
                    for (int rowC = 0; rowC < dgvCourse.RowCount - 2; rowC++)
                        if (int.Parse(dgvCourse[0, rowC].Value.ToString()) == ID_Counter)
                            Find = true;
                    if (idList_in_db.Contains(ID_Counter))
                        Find = true;
                dgvCourse.Rows[e.RowIndex - 1].Cells[0].Value = ID_Counter;
        private void pbtnClassExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            SaveFileDialog save2Excel = new SaveFileDialog();
            save2Excel.Filter = @"Excel files|*.xls";
            save2Excel.DefaultExt = "ClassData.xls";
            save2Excel.FileName = "ClassData.xls";
            if (save2Excel.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                // If using Professional version, put your serial key below. Otherwise, keep following
                // line commented out as Free version doesn't have SetLicense method.
                // SpreadsheetInfo.SetLicense("YOUR-SERIAL-KEY-HERE");
                var db = new LINQDataContext(); // for load from OLEDB  db.Class.mdf database file's
                ExcelFile ef = new ExcelFile();
                ef.LimitReached += new LimitEventHandler(ef_LimitReached);
                ef.LimitNear += new LimitEventHandler(ef_LimitNear);

                #region Class Worksheet's
                var aryDBClass = db.Classes.ToArray();
                ExcelWorksheet ws = ef.Worksheets.Add("Class");
                // column header text
                ws.Cells[0, 0].Value = "Class ID";
                ws.Cells[0, 1].Value = "Professor ID (Priority)";
                ws.Cells[0, 2].Value = "Professor Name";
                ws.Cells[0, 3].Value = "Course ID";
                ws.Cells[0, 4].Value = "Course Name";
                ws.Cells[0, 5].Value = "Practical Unit";
                ws.Cells[0, 6].Value = "Theory Unit";
                ws.Cells[0, 7].Value = "Room Type";
                // column width
                ws.Columns[0].Width = 15 * 256;
                ws.Columns[1].Width = 20 * 256;
                ws.Columns[2].Width = 30 * 256;
                ws.Columns[3].Width = 15 * 256;
                ws.Columns[4].Width = 30 * 256;
                ws.Columns[5].Width = 15 * 256;
                ws.Columns[6].Width = 15 * 256;
                ws.Columns[7].Width = 25 * 256;
                // Header Hight
                ws.Rows[0].Height = 2 * 256;
                // row data style's
                CellStyle tmpStyle = new CellStyle();
                tmpStyle.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Center;
                tmpStyle.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignmentStyle.Center;
                tmpStyle.Font.Weight = ExcelFont.BoldWeight;
                tmpStyle.Font.Color = Color.Black;
                tmpStyle.WrapText = true;
                tmpStyle.Borders.SetBorders(MultipleBorders.Right | MultipleBorders.Top, Color.Black, LineStyle.Thin);
                ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(1, 0, aryDBClass.Length, 7).Style = tmpStyle;
                // row data
                for (int rowC = 0; rowC < aryDBClass.Length; rowC++)
                    ws.Cells[rowC + 1, 0].Value = aryDBClass[rowC].Class_ID;
                    // set Professor and Priority
                    var Professor = (from p in db.Priority_Professors
                                     join prof in db.Professors
                                         on p.Professor_ID equals prof.ID
                                     where p.Class_ID == aryDBClass[rowC].Class_ID
                                     select new
                    string professor_ID_Priority = "";
                    string prof_Name = "";
                    foreach (var anyProf in Professor)
                        professor_ID_Priority += anyProf.Professor_ID + "(" + anyProf.Priority + ")  ";
                        prof_Name += anyProf.Name_Professor + "  &  ";
                    if (prof_Name.Length >= 5) prof_Name = prof_Name.Substring(0, prof_Name.Length - 5);
                    ws.Cells[rowC + 1, 1].Value = professor_ID_Priority;
                    ws.Cells[rowC + 1, 2].Value = prof_Name;
                    ws.Cells[rowC + 1, 3].Value = aryDBClass[rowC].Course_ID;
                    ws.Cells[rowC + 1, 4].Value = aryDBClass[rowC].Course.Name_Course.ToString();
                    ws.Cells[rowC + 1, 5].Value = aryDBClass[rowC].Practical_unit;
                    ws.Cells[rowC + 1, 6].Value = aryDBClass[rowC].Theory_unit;
                    ws.Cells[rowC + 1, 7].Value = aryDBClass[rowC].RoomType.ToString();
                // Header style's
                tmpStyle = new CellStyle();
                tmpStyle.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Center;
                tmpStyle.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignmentStyle.Center;
                tmpStyle.Font.Weight = ExcelFont.MaxWeight;
                tmpStyle.Font.Color = Color.White;
                tmpStyle.WrapText = true;
                tmpStyle.Borders.SetBorders(MultipleBorders.Right | MultipleBorders.Top, Color.Black, LineStyle.Medium);
                ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(0, 0, 0, 7).Style = tmpStyle;

                #region Group_ID_List Worksheet's
                var aryDBGroup_ID_List = db.Group_ID_Lists.ToArray();
                ws = ef.Worksheets.Add("Group_ID_List");
                // column header text
                ws.Cells[0, 0].Value = "Class ID";
                ws.Cells[0, 1].Value = "Group ID";
                // column width
                ws.Columns[0].Width = 15 * 256;
                ws.Columns[1].Width = 15 * 256;
                // Header Hight
                ws.Rows[0].Height = 2 * 256;
                // row data style's
                tmpStyle = new CellStyle();
                tmpStyle.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Center;
                tmpStyle.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignmentStyle.Center;
                tmpStyle.Font.Weight = ExcelFont.BoldWeight;
                tmpStyle.Font.Color = Color.Black;
                tmpStyle.WrapText = true;
                tmpStyle.Borders.SetBorders(MultipleBorders.Right | MultipleBorders.Top, Color.Black, LineStyle.Thin);
                ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(1, 0, aryDBGroup_ID_List.Length, 1).Style = tmpStyle;
                // row data
                for (int rowC = 0; rowC < aryDBGroup_ID_List.Length; rowC++)
                    ws.Cells[rowC + 1, 0].Value = aryDBGroup_ID_List[rowC].Class_ID;
                    ws.Cells[rowC + 1, 1].Value = aryDBGroup_ID_List[rowC].Group_ID;
                // Header style's
                tmpStyle = new CellStyle();
                tmpStyle.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignmentStyle.Center;
                tmpStyle.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignmentStyle.Center;
                tmpStyle.Font.Weight = ExcelFont.MaxWeight;
                tmpStyle.Font.Color = Color.White;
                tmpStyle.WrapText = true;
                tmpStyle.Borders.SetBorders(MultipleBorders.Right | MultipleBorders.Top, Color.Black, LineStyle.Medium);
                ws.Cells.GetSubrangeAbsolute(0, 0, 0, 1).Style = tmpStyle;
                // save professor data in save2Excel.FileName path's
                // Try to open created excel file's
                { }
        private void pbtnClassImport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // If using Professional version, put your serial key below. Otherwise, keep following
            // line commented out as Free version doesn't have SetLicense method.
            // SpreadsheetInfo.SetLicense("YOUR-SERIAL-KEY-HERE");
            var db = new LINQDataContext(); // for save to OLEDB  db.Class.mdf database file's
            ExcelFile ef = new ExcelFile();
            OpenFileDialog openFromExcel = new OpenFileDialog();
            openFromExcel.Filter = @"Excel files|*.xls";
            if (openFromExcel.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                ExcelWorksheet sheetClass;
                ExcelWorksheet sheetGroup_ID_List;
                    sheetClass = ef.Worksheets["Class"];
                    sheetGroup_ID_List = ef.Worksheets["Group_ID_List"];
                catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); return; }
                #region Class Worksheet's
                bool FirstRow = true;
                foreach (ExcelRow row in sheetClass.Rows)
                    if (!FirstRow)

                            int buffer = 0;
                                (int.TryParse(row.Cells[3].Value.ToString(), out buffer)) ? buffer : 0,
                                (int.TryParse(row.Cells[5].Value.ToString(), out buffer)) ? buffer : 0,
                                (int.TryParse(row.Cells[6].Value.ToString(), out buffer)) ? buffer : 0,
                            // Compile Professor ID (Priority)
                            saveAndCompile_Priority((row.Cells[1].Value != null) ?
                                                        row.Cells[1].Value.ToString() : " ",
                        catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); return; }
                    else FirstRow = false;

                #region Group_ID_List Worksheet's
                FirstRow = true;
                foreach (ExcelRow row in sheetGroup_ID_List.Rows)
                    if (!FirstRow)
                            int buffer_class = 0;
                            int buffer_group = 0;
                            db.Group_ID_ListSave(int.TryParse(row.Cells[1].Value.ToString(), out buffer_group) ? buffer_group : 0,
                                                 int.TryParse(row.Cells[0].Value.ToString(), out buffer_class) ? buffer_class : 0);
                        catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); return; }
                    else FirstRow = false;
        private void ProfessorForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
            dgvProfessor[0, 0].Selected = true;

            // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            var db = new LINQDataContext();

            for (int rowCounter = 0; rowCounter < dgvProfessor.RowCount - 1; rowCounter++)
                // search dgvProfessor.rows in db.Professor
                int ID_No = 0;
                int.TryParse(dgvProfessor[0, rowCounter].Value.ToString(), out ID_No);
                // Define the query expression.
                IEnumerable<int> query =
                    from prof in db.Professors
                    where prof.ID == ID_No
                    select prof.ID;

                if (query.ToArray().Length > 0) // EDIT
                        (dgvProfessor[1, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (string)dgvProfessor[1, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : "",
                        (dgvProfessor[2, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (string)dgvProfessor[2, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : "",
                        (dgvProfessor[3, rowCounter].Value != null && dgvProfessor[3, rowCounter].Value.ToString().ValidateEmail()) ?
                        (string)dgvProfessor[3, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : "",
                        (dgvProfessor[4, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (string)dgvProfessor[4, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : "",
                        (dgvProfessor[6, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (string)dgvProfessor[6, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : "");
                else // SAVE NEW
                        (dgvProfessor[1, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (string)dgvProfessor[1, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : "",
                        (dgvProfessor[2, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (string)dgvProfessor[2, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : "",
                        (dgvProfessor[3, rowCounter].Value != null && dgvProfessor[3, rowCounter].Value.ToString().ValidateEmail()) ?
                        (string)dgvProfessor[3, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : "",
                        (dgvProfessor[4, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (string)dgvProfessor[4, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : "",
                        (dgvProfessor[6, rowCounter].Value != null) ? (string)dgvProfessor[6, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : "");

        private void ClassForm_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
            dgvClass[0, 0].Selected = true;
            // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            var db = new LINQDataContext();
            // Delete Group_ID_List Where Class_ID == this.ID
            for (int rowCounter = 0; rowCounter < dgvClass.RowCount - 1; rowCounter++)
                    // search dgvClass.rows in db.Class
                    int id_class = int.Parse(dgvClass[0, rowCounter].Value.ToString());

                    var query = (from QC in db.Classes
                                 where QC.Class_ID == id_class
                                 select QC).SingleOrDefault();
                    if (dgvClass[2, rowCounter].Value.ToString() == "")
                        new LINQDataContext().ClassDelete(int.Parse(dgvClass[0, rowCounter].Value.ToString()));
                        throw new Exception("Null Professor Value's");
                    if (query != null) // edit (UPDATE)
                        int PU = 0;
                        int TU = 0;
                        decimal code = 0;
                        db.ClassEdit(id_class, (dgvClass[3, rowCounter].Value != null) ?
                                               (from courseID in db.Courses
                                                where (courseID.Name_Course == dgvClass[3, rowCounter].Value.ToString()) &&
                                                      (courseID.CourseCode == ((decimal.TryParse(dgvClass[4, rowCounter].Value.ToString(), out code)) ? code : 0))
                                                select courseID.Course_ID).Single() : 0,
                                    (int.TryParse(dgvClass[5, rowCounter].Value.ToString(), out PU)) ? PU : 0,
                                    (int.TryParse(dgvClass[6, rowCounter].Value.ToString(), out TU)) ? TU : 0,
                                     dgvClass[7, rowCounter].Value.ToString());
                    else //save (INSERT or Create NEW)
                        int PU = 0;
                        int TU = 0;
                        decimal code = 0;
                        db.ClassSave(id_class, (dgvClass[3, rowCounter].Value != null) ?
                                               (from courseID in db.Courses
                                                where (courseID.Name_Course == dgvClass[3, rowCounter].Value.ToString()) &&
                                                      (courseID.CourseCode == ((decimal.TryParse(dgvClass[4, rowCounter].Value.ToString(), out code)) ? code : 0))
                                                select courseID.Course_ID).Single() : 0,
                                    (int.TryParse(dgvClass[5, rowCounter].Value.ToString(), out PU)) ? PU : 0,
                                    (int.TryParse(dgvClass[6, rowCounter].Value.ToString(), out TU)) ? TU : 0,
                                     dgvClass[7, rowCounter].Value.ToString());
                    // Group in db.Group_ID_List
                    saveAndCompile_Groups((dgvClass[9, rowCounter].Value != null) ?
                                           dgvClass[9, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : " ",
                                          Convert.ToInt32(dgvClass[0, rowCounter].Value.ToString()));
                    // Priority in db.Priority_Professors
                    saveAndCompile_Priority((dgvClass[2, rowCounter].Value != null) ?
                                             dgvClass[2, rowCounter].Value.ToString() : " ",
                                            Convert.ToInt32(dgvClass[0, rowCounter].Value.ToString()));
                catch { }
        private void ProfessorForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var db = new LINQDataContext();
            var aryReader = db.Professors.ToArray();
            if (aryReader.Length > 0)
                for (int rowCounter = 0; rowCounter < aryReader.Length; rowCounter++)
                    dgvProfessor[0, rowCounter].Value = aryReader[rowCounter].ID.ToString();

                    if (aryReader[rowCounter].Name_Professor != null)
                        dgvProfessor[1, rowCounter].Value = aryReader[rowCounter].Name_Professor.ToString();

                    dgvProfessor[2, rowCounter].Value = (aryReader[rowCounter].Branch != null) ? aryReader[rowCounter].Branch.ToString() : "";

                    dgvProfessor[3, rowCounter].Value = (aryReader[rowCounter].Email != null) ? aryReader[rowCounter].Email.ToString() : "";

                    dgvProfessor[4, rowCounter].Value = (aryReader[rowCounter].EducationDegree != null) ? aryReader[rowCounter].EducationDegree.ToString() : "";

                    if (aryReader[rowCounter].Schedule != null)
                        dgvProfessor[6, rowCounter].Value = aryReader[rowCounter].Schedule.ToString();
 private void dgvClass_UserDeletingRow(object sender, DataGridViewRowCancelEventArgs e)
     int id = 0;
     if (int.TryParse(e.Row.Cells[0].Value.ToString(), out id))
         var db = new LINQDataContext();
        private void ImportMDF()
                var originDB = new LINQDataContext();
                var newDB = new LINQDataContext(FileName);

                #region 1.  Professor DATA
                // Delete old Professor data and Fill it by newDB data
                var aryProfessor = newDB.Professors.ToArray();
                if (aryProfessor.Length > 0)
                    string query = @"DELETE FROM dbo.New_GroupsPerClass " + @"DELETE FROM dbo.Classroom_time "
                        + @"DELETE FROM dbo.Priority_Professor " + @"DELETE FROM dbo.Professor";
                    // read and save new data
                    foreach (var row in aryProfessor)
                        originDB.ProfessorSave(row.ID, row.Name_Professor, row.Branch, row.Email, row.EducationDegree, row.Schedule);

                #region 2.  Branch DATA
                // Delete old Branch data and Fill it by newDB data
                var aryBranch = newDB.Branches.ToArray();
                if (aryBranch.Length > 0)
                    string query = @"DELETE FROM dbo.New_GroupsPerClass " + @"DELETE FROM dbo.Group_ID_List " + @"DELETE FROM dbo.Classroom_Time "
                        + @"DELETE FROM dbo.Class " + @"DELETE FROM dbo.Course "
                        + @"DELETE FROM dbo.Groups " + @"DELETE FROM dbo.Branch";

                    // read and save new data
                    foreach (var row in aryBranch)
                        originDB.BranchSave(row.ID_Branch, row.Branch_Name, row.Degree);

                #region 3.  Room_Type DATA
                // Delete old Room_Type data and Fill it by newDB data
                var aryRoom_Type = newDB.Room_Types.ToArray();
                if (aryRoom_Type.Length > 0)
                    string query = @"DELETE FROM dbo.New_GroupsPerClass " + @"DELETE FROM dbo.Classroom_time "
                        + @"DELETE FROM dbo.Room " + @"DELETE FROM dbo.Priority_Professor "
                        + @"DELETE FROM dbo.Group_ID_List "
                        + @"DELETE FROM dbo.Class " + @"DELETE FROM dbo.Room_Type";

                    // read and save new data
                    foreach (var row in aryRoom_Type)

                #region 4.  Course DATA
                // Delete old Course data and Fill it by newDB data
                var aryCourse = newDB.Courses.ToArray();
                if (aryCourse.Length > 0)
                    string query = @"DELETE FROM dbo.New_GroupsPerClass " + @"DELETE FROM dbo.Classroom_time "
                        + @"DELETE FROM dbo.Group_ID_List " + @"DELETE FROM dbo.Priority_Professor "
                        + @"DELETE FROM dbo.Class " + @"DELETE FROM dbo.Course";
                    // read and save new data
                    foreach (var row in aryCourse)
                        originDB.CourseSave(row.Course_ID, row.Branch_ID,
                                            row.TermNo, row.Name_Course,
                                            row.Type_Course, row.CourseCode,
                                            row.TheoryUnitNo, row.PracticalUnitNo,
                                            row.InRequisite_CourseID, row.PreRequisite_CourseID);

                #region 5.  Groups DATA
                // Delete old Group data and Fill it by newDB data
                var aryGroup = newDB.Groups.ToArray();
                if (aryGroup.Length > 0)
                    string query = @"DELETE FROM dbo.New_GroupsPerClass " +
                                   @"DELETE FROM dbo.Group_ID_List " +
                                   @"DELETE FROM dbo.Groups";

                    // read and save new data
                    foreach (var row in aryGroup)
                        originDB.GroupsSave(row.ID, row.Semester_Entry_Year, row.Semester_Entry_FS, row.Branch_Selection, row.Size_No);

                #region 6.  Room DATA
                // Delete old Room data and Fill it by newDB data
                var aryRoom = newDB.Rooms.ToArray();
                if (aryRoom.Length > 0)
                    string query = @"DELETE FROM dbo.New_GroupsPerClass " + @"DELETE FROM dbo.Classroom_time " + @"DELETE FROM dbo.Room";

                    // read and save new data
                    foreach (var row in aryRoom)
                        originDB.RoomSave(row.Room_ID, row.Name_Room, row.Type_Room, row.Size_No);

                #region 7.  Class DATA
                // Delete old Class data and Fill it by newDB data
                var aryClass = newDB.Classes.ToArray();
                if (aryClass.Length > 0)
                    string query = @"DELETE FROM dbo.New_GroupsPerClass " + @"DELETE FROM dbo.Group_ID_List " + @"DELETE FROM dbo.Classroom_Time "
                        + @"DELETE FROM dbo.Priority_Professor " + @"DELETE FROM dbo.Class";

                    // read and save new data
                    foreach (var row in aryClass)
                        originDB.ClassSave(row.Class_ID, row.Course_ID, row.Practical_unit, row.Theory_unit, row.RoomType);

                #region 8.  Group_ID_List DATA
                // Delete old Group_ID_List data and Fill it by newDB data
                var aryGroup_ID_List = newDB.Group_ID_Lists.ToArray();
                if (aryGroup_ID_List.Length > 0)
                    string query = @"DELETE FROM dbo.Group_ID_List";

                    // read and save new data
                    foreach (var row in aryGroup_ID_List)
                        originDB.Group_ID_ListSave(row.Group_ID, row.Class_ID);

                #region 9.  Priority_Professor DATA
                // Delete old Classroom_Time data and Fill it by newDB data
                var aryPriority_Professor = newDB.Priority_Professors.ToArray();
                if (aryPriority_Professor.Length > 0)
                    string query = @"DELETE FROM dbo.Priority_Professor";

                    // read and save new data
                    foreach (var row in aryPriority_Professor)
                        originDB.Priority_ProfessorSave(row.Professor_ID, row.Class_ID, row.Priority);

                #region 10.  Classroom_Time DATA
                // Delete old Classroom_Time data and Fill it by newDB data
                var aryClassroom_Time = newDB.Classroom_Times.ToArray();
                var aryNew_GroupsPerClass = newDB.New_GroupsPerClasses.ToArray();
                if (aryClassroom_Time.Length > 0)
                    // read and save new data about Classroom_Time
                    foreach (var row in aryClassroom_Time)
                        originDB.Classroom_TimeSave(row.Room_ID, row.Class_ID,
                            row.Professor_ID, row.StartTime, row.Duration, row.Day_No);
                    // read and save new data about New_GroupsPerClass
                    foreach (var row in aryNew_GroupsPerClass)
                        originDB.New_GroupsPerClassSave(row.Room_ID, row.Class_ID, row.StartTime, row.Day_No, row.Group_ID);

            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "اشکال در بازیابی اطلاعات");
        private void saveAndCompile_Priority(string priority, int classId)
            var db = new LINQDataContext().Priority_Professors;
            // Compile the priority
            Dictionary<int, int> ProfessorKey_PriorityValue = new Dictionary<int, int>();

            string keyBuffer = "";
            string valueBuffer = "";
            bool showParantes = false;
                foreach (char ch in priority.ToCharArray())
                    if (char.IsDigit(ch) && !showParantes) // a Key Number char
                        keyBuffer += ch.ToString();
                    else if (ch == '(') // a '(' before Value Number char
                        showParantes = true;
                    else if (char.IsDigit(ch) && showParantes) // a Value Number char
                        valueBuffer += ch.ToString();
                    else if (ch == ')')
                        showParantes = false;
                        ProfessorKey_PriorityValue.Add(int.Parse(keyBuffer), int.Parse(valueBuffer));
                        keyBuffer = string.Empty;
                        valueBuffer = string.Empty;
                // Save by classId
                foreach (var anyPP in ProfessorKey_PriorityValue)
                    new LINQDataContext().Priority_ProfessorSave(anyPP.Key, classId, anyPP.Value);
            catch (Exception ex)
            { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); }
 private void bwExportBtnCheck_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
     if (!LOCK)
         #region Check Codes
         var db = new LINQDataContext();
         // Professor Export
         if (db.Professors.ToArray().Length > 0)
             setCheckerWork(ref pbtnProfessorExport, true);
             setCheckerWork(ref pbtnProfessorExport, false);
         // Branch Export
         if (db.Branches.ToArray().Length > 0)
             setCheckerWork(ref pbtnBranchExport, true);
             setCheckerWork(ref pbtnBranchExport, false);
         // Course Export
         if (db.Courses.ToArray().Length > 0)
             setCheckerWork(ref pbtnCourseExport, true);
             setCheckerWork(ref pbtnCourseExport, false);
         // Room Export
         if (db.Rooms.ToArray().Length > 0)
             setCheckerWork(ref pbtnRoomExport, true);
             setCheckerWork(ref pbtnRoomExport, false);
         // Groups Export
         if (db.Groups.ToArray().Length > 0)
             setCheckerWork(ref pbtnGroupExport, true);
             setCheckerWork(ref pbtnGroupExport, false);
         // TermScheme Export
         if (db.Courses.ToArray().Length > 0)
             setCheckerWork(ref pbtnTermSchemeExport, true);
             setCheckerWork(ref pbtnTermSchemeExport, false);
         // Class Export
         if (db.Classes.ToArray().Length > 0)
             setCheckerWork(ref pbtnClassExport, true);
             setCheckerWork(ref pbtnClassExport, false);
         // Garbage Collection Run to delete any object without Reference