예제 #1
        public GeffeGenerator(long seed)
            _registers = new Register[3];
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                switch (i)
                case 0:
                    _registers[i] = new L11(seed);

                case 1:
                    _registers[i] = new L9(seed);

                case 2:
                    _registers[i] = new L10(seed);

            var builder = new StringBuilder("\n");

            foreach (var reg in _registers)
                builder.Append($"{reg.GetType().Name}: {reg.Seed}\n");

            Seed = builder.ToString();
        public DataGridView Pack_Elements(int Table_length, int Table_width, DataGridView Elements)
            // Packing elements in sequence along X axis of table,
            // with horizontal orientation exclusively.
            // Algorithm has optimisation for adjusting area
            // of positions along X axes

            // This method needs three arguments and returns one argument.
            // Table_length, Table_width and DataGridView Elements.
            // Structure of DataGridView that is going to be passed as argument,
            // from caller method, must be the same as structure of
            // DataGridView ELEMENT_LIST.
            // Method returns DataGridView TABLE_LIST with data
            // of packed elements: index, x, y, length and width.



            // Set table length and width
            Tl = Table_length;
            Tw = Table_width;

            // Copy element dimensions from DataGridView Elements
            // to ELEMENT_LIST table and format it's values

            // Set elements counter to zero
            n = 0;

            // Set table row counter to zero
            i = 0;

            // Fill ELEMENT_LIST
            for (i = 0; i < Elements.RowCount; i++)
                if (Elements[1, i].Value != null)
                    ELEMENT_LIST[0, i].Value = (int.Parse(Elements[0, i].Value.ToString())).ToString(format);
                    ELEMENT_LIST[1, i].Value = (int.Parse(Elements[1, i].Value.ToString())).ToString(format);
                    ELEMENT_LIST[2, i].Value = (int.Parse(Elements[2, i].Value.ToString())).ToString(format);
                    ELEMENT_LIST[3, i].Value = (int.Parse(Elements[3, i].Value.ToString())).ToString(format);
                    ELEMENT_LIST[4, i].Value = (int.Parse(Elements[4, i].Value.ToString())).ToString(format);

                    // Increase elements counter by one

            // Sort elements in descending sort order
            // first by area then by length then by width of elements
            ELEMENT_LIST.Sort(ELEMENT_LIST.Columns[3], ListSortDirection.Descending);

            // Set position coordinates to origin
            p_X = 0;
            p_Y = 0;

            // Enter coordinates and dimensions
            // of first position in table 'POSITION_LIST'
            POSITION_LIST.Rows.Add(p_X.ToString(format),             // X coordinate
                                   p_Y.ToString(format),             // Y coordinate
                                   Tl.ToString(format),              // table lenght
                                   Tw.ToString(format));             // table width

            // Set position counter to one
            k = 1;

            // Set counter of packed elements to zero
            p = 0;

            // Pack elements while there is free positions and
            // elements for packing
            while (k > 0 && n > 0)
                // Sort positions in ascending sort order first by Y, and then by X axes
                POSITION_LIST.Sort(POSITION_LIST.Columns[1], ListSortDirection.Ascending);

                // Get length and width of first position in 'POSITION_LIST'
                Pl = int.Parse(POSITION_LIST[2, 0].Value.ToString());
                Pw = int.Parse(POSITION_LIST[3, 0].Value.ToString());

                // Calculate fitting factor for each element for the first position
                for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    // Element length
                    l = int.Parse(ELEMENT_LIST[1, i].Value.ToString());

                    // Element width
                    w = int.Parse(ELEMENT_LIST[2, i].Value.ToString());

                    // Set fitting factor initial value
                    f = 0;

                    // Does element fits inside position
                    if (Pl < l || Pw < w)
                        // If not
                        f = 0;
                        // If yes

                        if (Pl == l)
                            // If element fits exactly across lenght of position

                        if (Pw == w)
                            // If element fits exactly across width of position

                    // Enter fitting factor value inside ELEMENT_LIST table
                    ELEMENT_LIST[4, i].Value = f.ToString(format);

                // Sort elements in descending sort order first by fitting factor value,
                // then by area then by length then by width of elements
                ELEMENT_LIST.Sort(ELEMENT_LIST.Columns[4], ListSortDirection.Descending);

                // Get fitting factor value for the first element
                f = int.Parse(ELEMENT_LIST[4, 0].Value.ToString());

                // If fitting factor is greater than zero
                // element can be packed inside selected position
                if (f > 0)
                    // Get coordinates of selected position
                    p_X = int.Parse(POSITION_LIST[0, 0].Value.ToString());
                    p_Y = int.Parse(POSITION_LIST[1, 0].Value.ToString());

                    // Get index, length and width of packed element
                    x = int.Parse(ELEMENT_LIST[0, 0].Value.ToString());
                    l = int.Parse(ELEMENT_LIST[1, 0].Value.ToString());
                    w = int.Parse(ELEMENT_LIST[2, 0].Value.ToString());

                    // Enter coordinates of position,
                    // element dimensions and index,
                    // at TABLE LIST
                    TABLE_LIST[0, p].Value = x.ToString();                      // index
                    TABLE_LIST[1, p].Value = p_X.ToString();                    // position x
                    TABLE_LIST[2, p].Value = p_Y.ToString();                    // position y
                    TABLE_LIST[3, p].Value = l.ToString();                      // element length
                    TABLE_LIST[4, p].Value = w.ToString();                      // element width

                    // Increase packed elements counter by one

                    // Erase packed element from list of elements

                    // Decrease elements counter by one

                    // If there is free elements left
                    // seek for new positions
                    if (n > 0)
                        // Sort elements in descending sort order,
                        // first by area then by length then by width of elements
                        // This step is necessary for faster searching
                        // for element that can fit inside new positions
                        // And the elements are sorted accordingly to demand of
                        // second restriction in algorithm development
                        // for the next step in packing process
                        ELEMENT_LIST.Sort(ELEMENT_LIST.Columns[3], ListSortDirection.Descending);

                        // Set new position 'is adequate' state flag
                        P_ok = true;

                        // New position II with coordinates
                        // at upper left corner of previous
                        // packed element
                        if (Pw > w)
                            // Initialize local variables
                            X12 = 0;
                            Y12 = 0;
                            L12 = 0;
                            W12 = 0;
                            A12 = 0;

                            // Set new position 'is adequate' state flag
                            P_ok = false;

                            // Coordinates of new position II
                            X12 = p_X;
                            Y12 = p_Y + w;

                            // Length, width and area of new position II
                            L12 = Tl - X12;
                            W12 = Pw - w;
                            A12 = L12 * W12;

                            // Find is there element left that can fit inside position

                            // Set ELEMENT_LIST table counter value
                            i = n - 1;

                            // Get area of the last element in table
                            a = int.Parse(ELEMENT_LIST[3, i].Value.ToString());

                            while (a <= A12 && i > -1)
                                // Get next element area
                                a = int.Parse(ELEMENT_LIST[3, i].Value.ToString());

                                // Get element length and width value
                                Lmin = int.Parse(ELEMENT_LIST[1, i].Value.ToString());
                                Wmin = int.Parse(ELEMENT_LIST[2, i].Value.ToString());

                                // If element can fit
                                // at observed position,
                                // set new position II at list of positions
                                if (L12 >= Lmin && W12 >= Wmin)

                                    // Increase positions counter by one

                                    // Set new position 'is adequate' state flag
                                    P_ok = true;

                                    // Set counter value to loop exit value
                                    i = -1;

                                // Decrease elements counter by one

                        // New position I with coordinates
                        // at lower right corner of previous
                        // packed element
                        if (Pl > l)
                            // Initialize local variables
                            X11 = 0;
                            Y11 = 0;
                            L11 = 0;
                            W11 = 0;
                            A11 = 0;

                            // Coordinates of new position I
                            X11 = p_X + l;
                            Y11 = p_Y;

                            // Length, width and area of new position I
                            L11 = Tl - X11;
                            W11 = w;
                            A11 = L11 * W11;

                            // If position two is inadeqate,
                            // adjust width of position one
                            if (!P_ok)
                                W11 = W11 + W12;
                                A11 = L11 * W11;

                            // Find is there element left that can fit inside position

                            // Set element counter value
                            i = n - 1;

                            // Get area of the last element in table
                            a = int.Parse(ELEMENT_LIST[3, i].Value.ToString());

                            while (a <= A11 && i > -1)
                                // Get next element area
                                a = int.Parse(ELEMENT_LIST[3, i].Value.ToString());

                                // Get element length and width value
                                Lmin = int.Parse(ELEMENT_LIST[1, i].Value.ToString());
                                Wmin = int.Parse(ELEMENT_LIST[2, i].Value.ToString());

                                // If there is element that can fit
                                // at position,
                                // set new position I at list of positions
                                if (L11 >= Lmin && W11 >= Wmin)

                                    // Increase positions counter by one

                                    // Set counter value to loop exit value
                                    i = -1;

                                // Decrease elements counter by one

                // Is there free elements left for packing
                if (n > 0)
                    // Erase first position from list

                    // Decrease positions counter by one

            // End of packing process
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds Shipment Status.
        /// Original from https://ps.nafta.extra.fcagroup.com/sites/itb-ebus/Shared%20Documents/214STARSShipmentStatus.pdf
        /// </summary>
        static TS214 BuildShipmentStatus(string controlNumber)
            var result = new TS214();

            //  Start Transaction Set 214
            //  Control number = 0006
            result.ST = new ST();
            result.ST.TransactionSetIdentifierCode_01 = "214";
            result.ST.TransactionSetControlNumber_02  = controlNumber.PadLeft(9, '0');

            //  Reference Number = 123456
            //  Carrier SCAC = BAWC
            //  Route Code = ROUTE1
            result.B10 = new B10();
            result.B10.ReferenceIdentification_01          = "123456";
            result.B10.StandardCarrierAlphaCode_03         = "BAWC";
            result.B10.ReferenceIdentificationQualifier_05 = "RU";
            result.B10.ReferenceIdentification_06          = "ROUTE1";

            //  Repeating L11
            result.L11 = new List <L11>();

            //  Power unit = 55555555
            var l11 = new L11();

            l11.ReferenceIdentification_01          = "55555555";
            l11.ReferenceIdentificationQualifier_02 = "EQ";

            //  Repeating N1 Loops
            result.N1Loop = new List <Loop_N1_214>();

            //  Begin N1 Loop 1
            var n1Loop1 = new Loop_N1_214();

            //  Pick-up location = 23083C
            n1Loop1.N1 = new N1();
            n1Loop1.N1.EntityIdentifierCode_01        = "SF";
            n1Loop1.N1.IdentificationCodeQualifier_03 = "92";
            n1Loop1.N1.IdentificationCode_04          = "23083C";

            //  Pick-up city and state = Decorah, IA
            //  Pick - up country = US(United States)
            n1Loop1.N4                        = new N4();
            n1Loop1.N4.CityName_01            = "DECORAH";
            n1Loop1.N4.StateorProvinceCode_02 = "IA";
            n1Loop1.N4.CountryCode_04         = "US";

            //  End N1 Loop 1

            //  Begin N1 Loop 2
            var n1Loop2 = new Loop_N1_214();

            //  Delivery location = 00073
            n1Loop2.N1 = new N1();
            n1Loop2.N1.EntityIdentifierCode_01        = "ST";
            n1Loop2.N1.IdentificationCodeQualifier_03 = "92";
            n1Loop2.N1.IdentificationCode_04          = "00073";

            //  Delivery city and state = Summit, IL
            //  Delivery country = US(United States)
            n1Loop2.N4                        = new N4();
            n1Loop2.N4.CityName_01            = "SUMMIT";
            n1Loop2.N4.StateorProvinceCode_02 = "IL";
            n1Loop2.N4.CountryCode_04         = "US";

            //  End N1 Loop 2

            //  Repeating MS3
            result.MS3 = new List <MS3>();

            //  Power SCAC code = BAWC
            //  Origin / Delivery Carrier Transportation Mode
            //  = GG(Geographic Shipping and Receiving)
            var ms3 = new MS3();

            ms3.StandardCarrierAlphaCode_01     = "BAWC";
            ms3.RoutingSequenceCode_02          = "B";
            ms3.TransportationMethodTypeCode_04 = "GG";

            //  Repeating LX Loops
            result.LXLoop = new List <Loop_LX_214>();

            //  Begin LX Loop
            var lxLoop1 = new Loop_LX_214();

            //  Assigned number = 1
            lxLoop1.LX = new LX();
            lxLoop1.LX.AssignedNumber_01 = "1";

            //  Repeating At7 Loops
            lxLoop1.AT7Loop = new List <Loop_AT7_214>();

            //  Begin AT7 Loop
            var at7loop1 = new Loop_AT7_214();

            //  Arrival at Pick-Up Location
            //  Arrival date = 09 / 25 / 1997
            //  Arrival time = 08:30AM
            //  Time Zone = Central Time
            at7loop1.AT7 = new AT7();
            at7loop1.AT7.ShipmentStatusCode_01 = "X3";
            at7loop1.AT7.ShipmentStatusorAppointmentReasonCode_02 = "NS";
            at7loop1.AT7.Date_05     = "19970925";
            at7loop1.AT7.Time_06     = "0830";
            at7loop1.AT7.TimeCode_07 = "CT";

            //  Latitude
            //  = 043 Degrees, 18 Minutes, 36 Seconds North
            //  Longitude
            //  = 091 Degrees, 47 Minutes, 26 Seconds West
            at7loop1.MS1 = new MS1();
            at7loop1.MS1.LongitudeCode_04           = "0914726";
            at7loop1.MS1.LatitudeCode_05            = "0431836";
            at7loop1.MS1.DirectionIdentifierCode_06 = "W";
            at7loop1.MS1.DirectionIdentifierCode_07 = "N";

            //  End AT7 Loop

            //  End LX Loop

예제 #4
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        NowCursorState = tmpCursor.GetComponent <AnimatedCursor>().tmpCursorState;

        PlaceBtnState  = PlaceButton.GetComponent <ButtonInteraction>().NowButtonState;
        DeleteBtnState = DeleteButton.GetComponent <ButtonInteraction>().NowButtonState;
        CancelBtnState = CancelButton.GetComponent <ButtonInteraction>().NowButtonState;

        lineRenderer = GetComponent <LineRenderer>();

        //Debug.Log("Cursor Position: " + tmpCursor.transform.position);

        //Vector3 CursorPosition = tmpCursor.GetComponent<Transform>().position;

        if ((ButtonInteraction.PosState == PosButtonType.PLACE) && (NowCursorState == CursorStateEnum.Release) &&
            (PlaceBtnState != ButtonStateEnum.Targeted) && (PlaceBtnState != ButtonStateEnum.Pressed) &&
            (DeleteBtnState != ButtonStateEnum.Observation) && (CancelBtnState != ButtonStateEnum.Observation))
            if (SizeButtonCollection.SizeButtonState == SizeButtonType.MEDIUM)
                offset = 6.0f;
            else if (SizeButtonCollection.SizeButtonState == SizeButtonType.LARGE)
                offset = 8.0f;
            else if (SizeButtonCollection.SizeButtonState == SizeButtonType.SMALL)
                offset = 5.0f;

            Vector3 FinalPos = tmpCursor.transform.position - new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0.1f) * offset;
            Instantiate(PlaneObject, FinalPos, transform.rotation, this.transform);   //Genarate the drone

            ChildCount = this.transform.childCount;

            /*Use to process the three Red Light*/

            if (ChildCount > 1)
                Vector3 pos1, pos2;                                                                          //the position of two way point(drone)
                Vector3 p0, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6, p7, p8, p9, p10, p11, p12, p13, p14, p15, p16, p17, p18; //Red light initial position
                pos1 = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.position;
                pos2 = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).transform.position;

                p0  = (pos1 * 1 + pos2 * 19) / 20;
                p1  = (pos1 * 2 + pos2 * 18) / 20;
                p2  = (pos1 * 3 + pos2 * 17) / 20;
                p3  = (pos1 * 4 + pos2 * 16) / 20;
                p4  = (pos1 * 5 + pos2 * 15) / 20;
                p5  = (pos1 * 6 + pos2 * 14) / 20;
                p6  = (pos1 * 7 + pos2 * 13) / 20;
                p7  = (pos1 * 8 + pos2 * 12) / 20;
                p8  = (pos1 * 9 + pos2 * 11) / 20;
                p9  = (pos1 * 10 + pos2 * 10) / 20;
                p10 = (pos1 * 11 + pos2 * 9) / 20;
                p11 = (pos1 * 12 + pos2 * 8) / 20;
                p12 = (pos1 * 13 + pos2 * 7) / 20;
                p13 = (pos1 * 14 + pos2 * 6) / 20;
                p14 = (pos1 * 15 + pos2 * 5) / 20;

                p15 = (pos1 * 16 + pos2 * 4) / 20;
                p16 = (pos1 * 17 + pos2 * 3) / 20;
                p17 = (pos1 * 18 + pos2 * 2) / 20;
                p18 = (pos1 * 19 + pos2 * 1) / 20;

                L0 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_0, p0, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L0.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L0.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L0.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L1 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_1, p1, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L1.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L1.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L1.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L2 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_2, p2, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L2.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L2.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L2.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L3 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_3, p3, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L3.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L3.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L3.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L4 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_4, p4, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L4.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L4.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L4.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L5 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_5, p5, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L5.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L5.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L5.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L6 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_6, p6, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L6.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L6.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L6.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L7 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_7, p7, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L7.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L7.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L7.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L8 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_8, p8, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L8.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L8.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L8.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L9 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_9, p9, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L9.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L9.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L9.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L10 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_10, p10, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L10.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L10.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L10.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L11 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_11, p11, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L11.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L11.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L11.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L12 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_12, p12, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L12.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L12.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L12.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L13 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_13, p13, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L13.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L13.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L13.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L14 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_14, p14, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L14.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L14.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L14.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L15 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_15, p15, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L15.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L15.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L15.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L16 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_16, p16, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L16.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L16.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L16.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L17 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_17, p17, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L17.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L17.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L17.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;

                L18 = Instantiate(CloneRedLight_18, p18, this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).transform.rotation, LightManager.transform);
                L18.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj1        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 2).gameObject;
                L18.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Obj2        = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(ChildCount - 1).gameObject;
                L18.GetComponent <RedLightPos>().Current_Num = ChildCount - 2;


        /* Line Process*/
        ChildCount = this.transform.childCount;

        if (ChildCount > 1)
            for (int i = 0; i < ChildCount; i++)
                tmp = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject;
                lineRenderer.SetPosition(i, tmp.transform.position);

            /*Obstacle Detect*/
            for (int i = 0; i < ChildCount - 1; i++)
                Obj1 = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(i).gameObject;
                Obj2 = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(i + 1).gameObject;
                Ray        ray = new Ray(Obj1.transform.position, Obj2.transform.position - Obj1.transform.position);
                RaycastHit hit;

                //Debug.Log( i + " -> " + (i+1) + " distance : " + Vector3.Distance(Obj1.transform.position, Obj2.transform.position));
                float distance = Vector3.Distance(Obj1.transform.position, Obj2.transform.position) - 0.1f;

                Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, distance, mask);

                //When collision is NOT NULL, there is obstacles
                if (hit.transform != null)
                    lineRenderer.material = LineMat2; // if collision the line become red

                    //LineCollision = false;   // Let Other Script Know Collision State
                    //LineCollisionNum = i + 1;

                    Debug.Log("Blocked by : " + hit.transform.name);
                //If is NULL -> No Obstacles
                else if (hit.transform == null)
                    lineRenderer.material = LineMat1;
                    //LineCollision = true;
                    //LineCollisionNum = -1;

                //Debug.Log("Line color : " + lineRenderer.material);

        //if(ChildCount == 2) lineRenderer.SetPosition(2, new Vector3(0,0,1));