예제 #1
 public Task ExecuteAsync(string[] args)
     if (System.IO.File.Exists("filter.xml"))
         using (var file = new System.IO.FileStream("filter.xml", System.IO.FileMode.Open))
             var config = new Kipon.Xrm.Tools.Configs.Webresource(file);
             using (var output = new System.IO.FileStream($@"{config.Forms.Typings}{config.Forms.Namespace}.d.ts", System.IO.FileMode.Create))
                 using (var tsWriter = new Kipon.Xrm.Tools.CodeWriter.Typescript.Writer(output))
                     tsWriter.Write(config.Forms, this.formService);
         this.messageService.Inform($"Could not find file: filter.xml in current directory.");
예제 #2
        public Task ExecuteAsync(string[] args)
            if (System.IO.File.Exists("filter.xml"))
                using (var file = new System.IO.FileStream("filter.xml", System.IO.FileMode.Open))
                    #region initialize the process
                    var merger = new Kipon.Xrm.Tools.Models.WebResourceMerge();

                    var config   = new Kipon.Xrm.Tools.Configs.Webresource(file);
                    var solution = (from s in uow.Solutions.GetQuery()
                                    where s.UniqueName == config.Deploys.ManagedSolution
                                    select new
                        Id = s.SolutionId.Value,
                        Name = s.FriendlyName

                    uow.Detach(Kipon.Xrm.Tools.Entities.Solution.EntityLogicalName, solution.Id);

                    var managedWebResources = (from wr in uow.WebResources.GetQuery()
                                               join sc in uow.SolutionComponents.GetQuery() on wr.WebResourceId equals sc.ObjectId
                                               where sc.SolutionId.Id == solution.Id
                                               select new
                        Id = wr.WebResourceId.Value,
                        Name = wr.Name,
                        CanBeDeleted = wr.CanBeDeleted != null ? wr.CanBeDeleted.CanBeChanged : true,
                        InManagerSolution = true,
                        ModifiedOn = wr.ModifiedOn

                    Dictionary <Guid, string[]> webresourceSolutionIndex = null;

                    if (config.Deploys.Solutions != null && config.Deploys.Solutions.Length > 0)
                        var cpIndex = (from sc in uow.SolutionComponents.GetQuery()
                                       join wr in uow.WebResources.GetQuery() on sc.ObjectId equals wr.WebResourceId.Value
                                       join so in uow.Solutions.GetQuery() on sc.SolutionId.Id equals so.SolutionId
                                       where sc.ComponentType.Value == 61
                                       select new
                            Solution = so.UniqueName,
                            WebResourceId = wr.WebResourceId.Value
                                      .Where(r => config.Deploys.Solutions.Contains(r.Solution))


                        webresourceSolutionIndex = (from cp in cpIndex
                                                    group cp by cp.WebResourceId into grp
                                                    select new
                            Id = grp.Key,
                            Solutions = grp.Select(r => r.Solution).ToArray()
                        }).ToDictionary(r => r.Id, v => v.Solutions);

                    uow.Detach(Kipon.Xrm.Tools.Entities.WebResource.EntityLogicalName, managedWebResources.Select(r => r.Id));

                    List <Guid> toBePublished = new List <Guid>();

                    #region create/update webresources
                    foreach (var deploy in config.Deploys)
                        var managedWr = managedWebResources.Where(r => r.Name == deploy.Name).SingleOrDefault();

                        if (managedWr == null)
                            managedWr = (from wr in uow.WebResources.GetQuery()
                                         where wr.Name == deploy.Name
                                         select new
                                Id = wr.WebResourceId.Value,
                                Name = wr.Name,
                                CanBeDeleted = wr.CanBeDeleted != null ? wr.CanBeDeleted.CanBeChanged : true,
                                InManagerSolution = false,
                                ModifiedOn = wr.ModifiedOn

                            if (managedWr != null)
                                uow.Detach(Kipon.Xrm.Tools.Entities.WebResource.EntityLogicalName, managedWr.Id);
                                managedWr = new
                                    Id                = Guid.NewGuid(),
                                    Name              = deploy.Name,
                                    CanBeDeleted      = true,
                                    InManagerSolution = false,
                                    ModifiedOn        = (DateTime?)null

                        var resourceType = deploy.Filename.ToFileType();

                        if (resourceType == Xrm.Tools.Entities.WebResourceTypeEnum.Unknown)
                            this.messageService.Inform($"Unable to resolve webresource type for source: { deploy.Filename }. The item is ignored");

                        if (merger.IsChanged(deploy.Filename, managedWr.ModifiedOn))

                            var content = merger.GetMergedFileContent(deploy.Filename, resourceType);

                            if (managedWr.ModifiedOn != null)
                                var clean = new Kipon.Xrm.Tools.Entities.WebResource
                                    WebResourceId   = managedWr.Id,
                                    Content         = System.Convert.ToBase64String(content),
                                    Description     = deploy.Description,
                                    WebResourceType = new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue((int)resourceType)

                                var updateReq = new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.Messages.UpdateRequest
                                    Target = clean

                                if (!managedWr.InManagerSolution)
                                    updateReq.Parameters.Add("SolutionUniqueName", config.Deploys.ManagedSolution);
                                this.messageService.Inform($"{ deploy.Name } was updated.");
                                var clean = new Kipon.Xrm.Tools.Entities.WebResource
                                    WebResourceId   = managedWr.Id,
                                    Name            = deploy.Name,
                                    DisplayName     = deploy.Filename,
                                    Content         = System.Convert.ToBase64String(content),
                                    Description     = deploy.Description,
                                    WebResourceType = new Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OptionSetValue((int)resourceType)

                                CreateRequest createRequest = new CreateRequest
                                    Target = clean
                                createRequest.Parameters.Add("SolutionUniqueName", config.Deploys.ManagedSolution);
                                this.messageService.Inform($"{ deploy.Name } was created.");

                            if (config.Deploys.Solutions != null && config.Deploys.Solutions.Length > 0)
                                foreach (var sol in config.Deploys.Solutions)
                                    if (webresourceSolutionIndex.TryGetValue(managedWr.Id, out string[] solutions) && solutions.Contains(sol))