예제 #1
    public Quaternion GetJointOrientation(uint UserId, int joint, bool flip)
        KinectWrapper.GetJointTransformation(UserId, joint, ref jointTransform);
        KinectWrapper.SkeletonJointOrientation ori = jointTransform.ori;
        Quaternion quat = ConvertMatrixToQuat(ori, joint, flip);

예제 #2
    // convert the matrix to quaternion, taking care of the mirroring
    private Quaternion ConvertMatrixToQuat(KinectWrapper.SkeletonJointOrientation ori, int joint, bool flip)
        Vector3 vZ = Vector3.zero;
        Vector3 vY = Vector3.zero;

        if (ori.confidence > 0.5)
            if (flip)
                // For the spine and waist, we flip y rotation.
                //if(joint <= 4)
                    vZ = new Vector3(ori.m02, -ori.m12, ori.m22);
                    vY = new Vector3(-ori.m01, ori.m11, -ori.m21);
//				// Everything else, we flip in a way that doesn't break the model (MAGICAL)
//				else
//				{
//					vZ = new Vector3(-ori.m02, ori.m12, -ori.m22);
//		            vY = new Vector3(ori.m01, -ori.m11, ori.m21);
//				}
                vZ = new Vector3(-ori.m02, -ori.m12, ori.m22);
                vY = new Vector3(ori.m01, ori.m11, -ori.m21);

            if (vZ.x != 0.0f || vZ.y != 0.0f || vZ.z != 0.0f)
                return(Quaternion.LookRotation(vZ, vY));
