/// <summary> /// Parse a message value. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Name of header being parsed.</param> /// <param name="reader">Reader containing the string that should be parsed.</param> /// <returns>Newly created header.</returns> /// <exception cref="ParseException">Header value is malformed.</exception> /// <example> /// Authorization: Digest username="******", /// realm="biloxi.com", /// nonce="dcd98b7102dd2f0e8b11d0f600bfb0c093", /// uri="sip:[email protected]", /// qop=auth, /// nc=00000001, /// cnonce="0a4f113b", /// response="6629fae49393a05397450978507c4ef1", /// opaque="5ccc069c403ebaf9f0171e9517f40e41" /// </example> public IHeader Parse(string name, ITextReader reader) { reader.ConsumeWhiteSpaces(); string digest = reader.ReadWord().ToLower(); if (digest != "digest") throw new ParseException("Authorization header is not digest authentication"); reader.ConsumeWhiteSpaces(); var parameters = new KeyValueCollection(); UriParser.ParseParameters(parameters, reader, ','); var header = new Authorization(name) { UserName = parameters["username"], Realm = parameters["realm"], Nonce = parameters["nonce"], Qop = parameters["qop"], ClientNonce = parameters["cnonce"], Opaque = parameters["opaque"], Response = parameters["response"], Uri = UriParser.Parse(parameters["uri"]) }; try { header.NonceCounter = int.Parse(parameters["nc"]); } catch (Exception err) { throw new ParseException("Failed to parse 'nc' in Authorization header.", err); } return header; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="device"></param> /// <param name="operaName"></param> /// <param name="keyValues"></param> public ExecuteResult Execute(IDevice device, string operaName, KeyValueCollection keyValues) { if (device == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("device"); } if (keyValues == null) { keyValues = new KeyValueCollection(); } if (!(device.Station.CommuniPort != null && device.Station.CommuniPort.IsOpened )) { return ExecuteResult.CreateFailExecuteResult("not connected"); } IOpera opera = device.Dpu.OperaFactory.Create(device.GetType().Name, operaName); foreach (KeyValue kv in keyValues) { opera.SendPart[kv.Key] = kv.Value; } TimeSpan timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(device.Station.CommuniPortConfig.TimeoutMilliSecond ); this.Task = new Task(device, opera, Strategy.CreateImmediateStrategy(), timeout, 1); device.TaskManager.Tasks.Enqueue(this.Task); return ExecuteResult.CreateSuccessExecuteResult(); }
private KeyValueCollection ExtendedProperties(IDatabase db, string schema, string entitytype, string entity, string column) { KeyValueCollection hash = new KeyValueCollection(); Recordset rs = db.ExecuteSql( String.Format(QUERY, "'" + schema + "'", "'" + entitytype + "'", "'" + entity + "'", ((column == null) ? "null" : "'column'"), ((column == null) ? "null" : "'" + column + "'") ) ); if (rs != null) { rs.MoveFirst(); while (!rs.EOF && !rs.BOF) { hash.AddKeyValue( rs.Fields["name"].Value.ToString(), rs.Fields["value"].Value.ToString()); rs.MoveNext(); } rs.Close(); rs = null; } return hash; }
private void TestParameters() { var collection = new KeyValueCollection(); UriParser.ParseParameters(collection, new StringReader(";welcome;lr=true")); Assert.Equal(string.Empty, collection["welcome"]); Assert.Equal("true", collection["lr"]); collection.Clear(); UriParser.ParseParameters(collection, new StringReader(";welcome")); Assert.Equal(string.Empty, collection["welcome"]); collection.Clear(); UriParser.ParseParameters(collection, new StringReader(";welcome;")); Assert.Equal(string.Empty, collection["welcome"]); collection.Clear(); UriParser.ParseParameters(collection, new StringReader(";welcome=world")); Assert.Equal("world", collection["welcome"]); collection.Clear(); UriParser.ParseParameters(collection, new StringReader(";welcome=world;")); Assert.Equal("world", collection["welcome"]); collection.Clear(); UriParser.ParseParameters(collection, new StringReader(";welcome=world;yes")); Assert.Equal("world", collection["welcome"]); Assert.Equal(string.Empty, collection["yes"]); collection.Clear(); UriParser.ParseParameters(collection, new StringReader(";welcome=world;yes;")); Assert.Equal("world", collection["welcome"]); Assert.Equal(string.Empty, collection["yes"]); }
/// <summary> /// Parse a message value. /// </summary> /// <param name="name">Name of header being parsed.</param> /// <param name="reader">Reader containing the string that should be parsed.</param> /// <returns>Newly created header.</returns> /// <exception cref="ParseException">Header value is malformed.</exception> /// <example> /// Digest realm="atlanta.com", /// domain="sip:boxesbybob.com", qop="auth", /// nonce="f84f1cec41e6cbe5aea9c8e88d359", /// opaque="", stale=FALSE, algorithm=MD5 /// </example> public IHeader Parse(string name, ITextReader reader) { reader.ConsumeWhiteSpaces(); string digest = reader.ReadWord().ToLower(); if (digest != "digest") throw new ParseException("Authorization header is not digest authentication"); reader.ConsumeWhiteSpaces(); var parameters = new KeyValueCollection(); UriParser.ParseParameters(parameters, reader, ','); var header = new Authenticate(name) { Algortihm = parameters["algorithm"], Domain = UriParser.Parse(parameters["domain"]), Realm = parameters["realm"], Nonce = parameters["nonce"], Qop = parameters["qop"], Opaque = parameters["opaque"] }; try { header.Stale = bool.Parse(parameters["stale"]); } catch (Exception err) { throw new ParseException("Failed to parse 'stale' in WWW-Authenticate header.", err); } return header; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="vLogs.Objects.KeyValuePayload"/> class with the specified key/value collection. /// </summary> /// <param name="col"></param> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">Thrown when the given collection is null.</exception> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">Thrown when the given collection is not locked (read-only).</exception> public KeyValuePayload(KeyValueCollection col) { if (col == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("col"); if (!col.IsReadOnly) throw new ArgumentException("The given key/value collection must be locked (read-only) to assure the immutability of the payload.", "col"); this.Collection = col; }
private KeyValueCollection GetStationNameKeyValues() { KeyValueCollection kvs = new KeyValueCollection(); DataTable tbl = DBI.GetStationDataTable("scl6"); foreach (DataRow row in tbl.Rows) { kvs.Add(new KeyValue(row["StationName"].ToString().Trim(), row)); } return kvs; }
/// <summary> /// Default constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="flags">Message flags.</param> public IMAP_t_MsgFlags(params string[] flags) { m_pFlags = new KeyValueCollection<string,string>(); if(flags != null){ foreach(string flag in flags){ if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(flag)){ m_pFlags.Add(flag.ToLower(),flag); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="vLogs.Objects.KeyValues.KeyValuePair"/> class with the specified key and collection value. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// The given collection must be locked (read-only). /// </remarks> /// <param name="key"></param> /// <param name="value"></param> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">Thrown when the given key or value are null.</exception> /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentException">Thrown when the given collection is not locked (read-only).</exception> public KeyValuePair(string key, KeyValueCollection value) { if (key == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("key"); if (value == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("value"); if (!value.IsReadOnly) throw new ArgumentException("The given key/value collection must be locked (read-only) to assure the immutability of the object.", "value"); this._key = key; this._type = KvpValueType.Collection; this._col = value; }
public static KeyValueCollection CreateDataSource() { KeyValueCollection kvs = new KeyValueCollection(); kvs = new KeyValueCollection(); kvs.Add(new KeyValue("编号", "Serial")); kvs.Add(new KeyValue("单位名称", "CompanyName")); kvs.Add(new KeyValue("单位地址", "CompanyAddress")); kvs.Add(new KeyValue("联系人", "Contact")); kvs.Add(new KeyValue("联系电话", "Phone")); kvs.Add(new KeyValue("电子邮箱", "Email")); kvs.Add(new KeyValue("年申请取水量", "AskingAmount")); //_kvs.Add(new KeyValue("水源地点", "")); kvs.Add(new KeyValue("年取水量", "GwAmount")); kvs.Add(new KeyValue("退水量", "BwAmount")); return kvs; }
/// <summary> /// Default constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="userName">User login name.</param> /// <param name="requestUri">OAuth request URI.</param> /// <param name="requestUriParameters">OAuth request URI parameters.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Is raised when <b>userName</b>,<b>requestUri</b> or <b>requestUriParameters</b> is null reference.</exception> public AUTH_SASL_Client_XOAuth(string userName,string requestUri,KeyValueCollection<string,string> requestUriParameters) { if(userName == null){ throw new ArgumentNullException("userName"); } if(requestUri == null){ throw new ArgumentNullException("requestUri"); } if(requestUriParameters == null){ throw new ArgumentNullException("requestUriParameters"); } m_UserName = userName; m_RequestUri = requestUri; m_pRequestUriParameters = requestUriParameters; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public KeyValueCollection GetConditionKeyValues() { KeyValueCollection kvs = new KeyValueCollection(); for (int i = 1; i <= _conditionCount; i++) { ComboBox cmb = (ComboBox)this.Controls.Find(_cmbBaseName + i, false)[0]; TextBox txt = (TextBox)this.Controls.Find(_txtBaseName + i, false)[0]; if (txt.Text.Trim().Length > 0) { if (!ExistKey(kvs, cmb.SelectedValue.ToString())) { kvs.Add(new KeyValue(cmb.SelectedValue.ToString(), txt.Text.Trim())); } } } return kvs; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="deviceID"></param> /// <param name="data"></param> public virtual object InsertHeatData(int deviceID, HeatData data) { string s = "insert into tblHeatData(deviceid, dt, instantFlux, sum, IH, SH, GT, BT) " + "values(@deviceid, @dt, @instantFlux, @sum, @IH, @SH, @GT, @BT)" ; KeyValueCollection kvs = new KeyValueCollection(); kvs.Add("deviceid", deviceID); kvs.Add("dt", data.DT); kvs.Add("instantFlux", data.InstantFlux); kvs.Add("sum", data.Sum); kvs.Add("IH", data.InstantHeat); kvs.Add("SH", data.SumHeat); kvs.Add("GT", data.GT); kvs.Add("BT", data.BT); return this.ExecuteScalar(s, kvs); }
/// <summary> /// Parses HTML-content and returns a KeyValueCollection with values from the HTMLs Input-fields /// </summary> /// <param name="html"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static KeyValueCollection ParseInputFieldsFromHtmlResponse(string html) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(html)) { return new KeyValueCollection(); } var dictionary = new KeyValueCollection(); HtmlTagReader htmlTagReader = new HtmlTagReader(html, "input"); while (htmlTagReader.GetNextTag()) { string tagHtml = htmlTagReader.CurrentTag.Content; string name = HtmlTagReader.GetAttributeValueInTag(tagHtml, "name"); ; string value = HtmlTagReader.GetAttributeValueInTag(tagHtml, "value"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { dictionary.Add(name, value ?? string.Empty); } } return dictionary; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <param name="data"></param> internal void InsertXD1100Data(int id, XD1100Data data) { KeyValueCollection kvs = new KeyValueCollection(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); string s = " INSERT INTO tblGRData(DT, GT1, BT1, GT2, BT2, OT, GTBase2, GP1, BP1, WL, GP2, BP2, I1, I2, IR, S1, S2, SR, OD, PA2, IH1, SH1, CM1, CM2, CM3, RM1, RM2, DeviceID)" + " VALUES(@dt, @gt1, @BT1, @GT2, @BT2, @OT, @GTBase2, @GP1, @BP1, @WL, @GP2, @BP2, @I1, @I2, @IR, @S1, @S2, @SR, @OD, @PA2, @IH1, @SH1, @CM1, @CM2, @CM3, @RM1, @RM2, @DeviceID)"; cmd.CommandText = s; SqlParameterCollection p = cmd.Parameters ; AddSqlParameter(p, "DT", data.DT); AddSqlParameter(p, "GT1", data.GT1); AddSqlParameter(p, "BT1", data.BT1); AddSqlParameter(p, "GT2", data.GT2); AddSqlParameter(p, "BT2", data.BT2); AddSqlParameter(p, "OT", data.OT); AddSqlParameter(p, "GTBase2", data.GTBase2); AddSqlParameter(p, "GP1", data.GP1); AddSqlParameter(p, "BP1", data.BP1); AddSqlParameter(p, "WL", data.WL); AddSqlParameter(p, "GP2", data.GP2); AddSqlParameter(p, "BP2", data.BP2); AddSqlParameter(p, "I1", data.I1); AddSqlParameter(p, "I2", data.I2); AddSqlParameter(p, "IR", data.IR); AddSqlParameter(p, "S1", data.S1); AddSqlParameter(p, "S2", data.S2); AddSqlParameter(p, "SR", data.SR); AddSqlParameter(p, "OD", data.OD); AddSqlParameter(p, "PA2", data.PA2); AddSqlParameter(p, "IH1", data.IH1); AddSqlParameter(p, "SH1", data.SH1); AddSqlParameter(p, "CM1", data.CM1.PumpStatusEnum); AddSqlParameter(p, "CM2", data.CM2.PumpStatusEnum); AddSqlParameter(p, "CM3", data.CM3.PumpStatusEnum); AddSqlParameter(p, "RM1", data.RM1.PumpStatusEnum); AddSqlParameter(p, "RM2", data.RM2.PumpStatusEnum); AddSqlParameter(p, "DeviceID", id); ExecuteScalar(cmd); InsertGRAlarmData(id, data.DT, data.Warn.WarnList); }
int PrepareBiblioRecord( out string strError) { strError = ""; int nRet = 0; long lRet = 0; // string strOutputPath = ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.RecPath) == true) { return(0); // 此时无法进行初始化 } OpacApplication app = (OpacApplication)this.Page.Application["app"]; SessionInfo sessioninfo = (SessionInfo)this.Page.Session["sessioninfo"]; string strBiblioXml = ""; LibraryChannel channel = sessioninfo.GetChannel(true); try { // string strBiblioState = ""; byte[] timestamp = null; string[] formats = new string[1]; formats[0] = "xml"; string[] results = null; lRet = // sessioninfo.Channel. channel.GetBiblioInfos( null, this.RecPath, "", formats, out results, out timestamp, out strError); if (lRet == -1) { strError = "获得书目记录 '" + this.RecPath + "' 时出错: " + strError; goto ERROR1; } if (lRet == 0) { strError = "书目记录 '" + this.RecPath + "' 不存在"; goto ERROR1; } if (results == null || results.Length < 1) { strError = "results error {A9217775-645E-42F1-8307-22B26C0E1D69}"; goto ERROR1; } strBiblioXml = results[0]; this.m_strXml = strBiblioXml; this.Timestamp = ByteArray.GetHexTimeStampString(timestamp); this.BiblioRecPath = this.RecPath; } finally { sessioninfo.ReturnChannel(channel); } if (app.SearchLog != null) { SearchLogItem log = new SearchLogItem(); log.IP = this.Page.Request.UserHostAddress.ToString(); log.Query = ""; log.Time = DateTime.UtcNow; log.HitCount = 1; log.Format = "biblio"; log.RecPath = this.RecPath; app.SearchLog.AddLogItem(log); } string strMarc = ""; // 转换为MARC { string strOutMarcSyntax = ""; // 将MARCXML格式的xml记录转换为marc机内格式字符串 // parameters: // bWarning ==true, 警告后继续转换,不严格对待错误; = false, 非常严格对待错误,遇到错误后不继续转换 // strMarcSyntax 指示marc语法,如果=="",则自动识别 // strOutMarcSyntax out参数,返回marc,如果strMarcSyntax == "",返回找到marc语法,否则返回与输入参数strMarcSyntax相同的值 nRet = MarcUtil.Xml2Marc(strBiblioXml, true, "", // this.CurMarcSyntax, out strOutMarcSyntax, out strMarc, out strError); if (nRet == -1) { goto ERROR1; } this.m_strMARC = strMarc; } bool bAjax = true; if (this.DisableAjax == true) { bAjax = false; } else { if (app != null && app.WebUiDom != null && app.WebUiDom.DocumentElement != null) { XmlNode nodeBiblioControl = app.WebUiDom.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode( "biblioControl"); if (nodeBiblioControl != null) { DomUtil.GetBooleanParam(nodeBiblioControl, "ajax", true, out bAjax, out strError); } } } if (bAjax == false) { string strBiblio = ""; string strBiblioDbName = StringUtil.GetDbName(this.RecPath); // 需要从内核映射过来文件 string strLocalPath = ""; nRet = app.MapKernelScriptFile( // null, // sessioninfo, strBiblioDbName, "./cfgs/opac_biblio.fltx", // OPAC查询固定认这个角色的配置文件,作为公共查询书目格式创建的脚本。而流通前端,创建书目格式的时候,找的是loan_biblio.fltx配置文件 out strLocalPath, out strError); if (nRet == -1) { goto ERROR1; } // 将种记录数据从XML格式转换为HTML格式 KeyValueCollection result_params = null; // 2006/11/28 changed string strFilterFileName = strLocalPath; // app.CfgDir + "\\biblio.fltx"; nRet = app.ConvertBiblioXmlToHtml( strFilterFileName, strBiblioXml, this.RecPath, out strBiblio, out result_params, out strError); if (nRet == -1) { goto ERROR1; } // TODO: Render的时候设置,已经晚了半拍 // 要想办法在全部Render前得到题名和进行设置 if (this.AutoSetPageTitle == true && result_params != null && result_params.Count > 0) { string strTitle = result_params["title"].Value; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strTitle) == false) { this.Page.Title = strTitle; } bool bHasDC = false; // 探测一下,是否有至少一个DC.开头的 key ? foreach (KeyValue item in result_params) { if (StringUtil.HasHead(item.Key, "DC.") == true) { bHasDC = true; break; } } if (bHasDC == true) { // <header profile="http://dublincore.org/documents/2008/08/04/dc-html/"> this.Page.Header.Attributes.Add("profile", "http://dublincore.org/documents/2008/08/04/dc-html/"); // DC rel // HtmlLink link = new HtmlLink(); link.Href = "http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"; link.Attributes.Add("rel", "schema.DC"); this.Page.Header.Controls.Add(link); // <link rel="schema.DCTERMS" href="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" > link = new HtmlLink(); link.Href = "http://purl.org/dc/terms/"; link.Attributes.Add("rel", "schema.DCTERMS"); this.Page.Header.Controls.Add(link); foreach (KeyValue item in result_params) { if (StringUtil.HasHead(item.Key, "DC.") == false && StringUtil.HasHead(item.Key, "DCTERMS.") == false) { continue; } HtmlMeta meta = new HtmlMeta(); meta.Name = item.Key; meta.Content = item.Value; if (StringUtil.HasHead(item.Value, "urn:") == true || StringUtil.IsHttpUrl(item.Value) == true || StringUtil.HasHead(item.Value, "info:") == true ) { meta.Attributes.Add("scheme", "DCTERMS.URI"); } this.Page.Header.Controls.Add(meta); } } } this.m_strOpacBiblio = strBiblio; } return(0); ERROR1: return(-1); }
public static Contact ParseContact(ITextReader reader) { /* When the header field value contains a display name, the URI including all URI parameters is enclosed in "<" and ">". If no "<" and ">" are present, all parameters after the URI are header parameters, not URI parameters. The display name can be tokens, or a quoted string, if a larger character set is desired. */ reader.ConsumeWhiteSpaces(); string name; if (reader.Current == '\"') { name = reader.ReadQuotedString(); reader.Consume('\t', ' '); } else name = string.Empty; SipUri uri; bool isEnclosed = reader.Current == '<'; if (reader.Current != '<' && name != string.Empty) throw new FormatException("Expected to find '<' in contact."); reader.Consume(); string uriText = isEnclosed ? reader.ReadToEnd('>') : reader.ReadToEnd(';'); if (uriText == null) throw new FormatException("Failed to find '>' in contact."); try { uri = Parse(uriText); } catch (FormatException err) { throw new FormatException("Failed to parse uri in contact.", err); } reader.Consume('>', '\t', ' '); // Read parameters. var parameters = new KeyValueCollection(); ParseParameters(parameters, reader); return new Contact(parameters) {Name = name, Uri = uri}; }
public void MuteTransfer(string OtherDN, string location, KeyValueCollection userData, KeyValueCollection reasons, KeyValueCollection extensions) { RequestAgentTransfer.MuteTransfer(OtherDN, location, userData, reasons, extensions); HoldingFlagStatus(PhoneFunctions.CompleteTransfer); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the ocs call data. /// </summary> /// <param name="userData">The user data.</param> /// <returns></returns> public OutputValues UpdateOCSCallData(KeyValueCollection userData) { return(RequestUpdateAttachData.DistributeUserEvent(userData)); }
/// <summary> /// Parses parameters from the specified reader. /// </summary> /// <param name="reader">MIME reader.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Is raised when <b>reader</b> is null reference.</exception> public void Parse(MIME_Reader reader) { if(reader == null){ throw new ArgumentNullException("reader"); } /* RFC 2231. Asterisks ("*") are reused to provide the indicator that language and character set information is present and encoding is being used. A single quote ("'") is used to delimit the character set and language information at the beginning of the parameter value. Percent signs ("%") are used as the encoding flag, which agrees with RFC 2047. Character set and language information may be combined with the parameter continuation mechanism. For example: Content-Type: application/x-stuff title*0*=us-ascii'en'This%20is%20even%20more%20 title*1*=%2A%2A%2Afun%2A%2A%2A%20 title*2="isn't it!" Note that: (1) Language and character set information only appear at the beginning of a given parameter value. (2) Continuations do not provide a facility for using more than one character set or language in the same parameter value. (3) A value presented using multiple continuations may contain a mixture of encoded and unencoded segments. (4) The first segment of a continuation MUST be encoded if language and character set information are given. (5) If the first segment of a continued parameter value is encoded the language and character set field delimiters MUST be present even when the fields are left blank. */ KeyValueCollection<string,_ParameterBuilder> parameters = new KeyValueCollection<string,_ParameterBuilder>(); // Parse all parameter parts. string[] parameterParts = TextUtils.SplitQuotedString(reader.ToEnd(),';'); foreach(string part in parameterParts){ if(string.IsNullOrEmpty(part)){ continue; } string[] name_value = part.Trim().Split(new char[]{'='},2); string paramName = name_value[0].Trim(); string paramValue = null; if(name_value.Length == 2){ paramValue = TextUtils.UnQuoteString(name_value[1].Trim()); } // Valueless parameter. //else{ string[] nameParts = paramName.Split('*'); int index = 0; bool encoded = nameParts.Length == 3; // Get multi value parameter index. if(nameParts.Length >= 2){ try{ index = Convert.ToInt32(nameParts[1]); } catch{ } } // Single value parameter and we already have parameter with such name, skip it. if(nameParts.Length < 2 && parameters.ContainsKey(nameParts[0])){ continue; } // Parameter builder doesn't exist for the specified parameter, create it. if(!parameters.ContainsKey(nameParts[0])){ parameters.Add(nameParts[0],new _ParameterBuilder(nameParts[0])); } parameters[nameParts[0]].AddPart(index,encoded,paramValue); } // Build parameters from parts. foreach(_ParameterBuilder b in parameters){ m_pParameters.Add(b.Name,b.GetParamter()); } m_IsModified = false; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="item"></param> /// <param name="kvs"></param> /// <returns></returns> private bool Match(tblGwl gwl, KeyValueCollection kvs) { foreach (KeyValue kv in kvs) { if (Match(gwl, kv.Key, kv.Value.ToString())) { } else { return false; } } return true; }
private VirtualChangeSet() { SortedItems = new KeyValueCollection <TObject, TKey>(); Response = new VirtualResponse(0, 0, 0); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> void BindCycleType() { KeyValueCollection kvs = new KeyValueCollection(); kvs.Add(new KeyValue("周", CycleTypeEnum.Week)); kvs.Add(new KeyValue("自定义", CycleTypeEnum.UserDefine)); this.cmbCycleType.DisplayMember = "Key"; this.cmbCycleType.ValueMember = "Value"; this.cmbCycleType.DataSource = kvs; }
private void HandleVoice(iCallData value) { try { Type objType = null; object obj = null; KeyValueCollection userdata = null; MediaEventHelper objEventHelper = new MediaEventHelper(); if (objEventHelper.ConvertVoiceEvent(ref objType, ref obj, ref userdata, value.EventMessage)) { if (objType != null && obj != null && objURLConfiguration.PostType != null) { if (objURLConfiguration.PostType.ToLower() == "querystring") { SendTextData(objType, obj, userdata, value); } else if (objURLConfiguration.PostType.ToLower() == "json") { SendJsonData(objType, obj, userdata, value); } else if (objURLConfiguration.PostType.ToLower() == "form") { SendFormData(objType, obj, userdata, value); } else if (objURLConfiguration.PostType.ToLower() == "custom" && objURLConfiguration.ApplicationName.ToLower() == "lawson") { PopupLawson(value); } //else if (objURLConfiguration.PostType.ToLower() == "custom" && objURLConfiguration.ApplicationName.ToLower() == "gvas") // DesktopMessenger.communicateUI.PostDataInGVAS(userdata, objURLConfiguration.ApplicationName, objURLConfiguration.PopupURL); else if (objURLConfiguration.PostType.ToLower() == "custom" && objURLConfiguration.ApplicationName.ToLower() == "gvas") { // Implemented changes for popup multiple URL in GVAS -- 17-11-2015 by sakthikumar // : Start if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objURLConfiguration.PopupURL) && objURLConfiguration.PopupURL.Contains(",")) { string[] urls = objURLConfiguration.PopupURL.Split(','); if (userdata != null && userdata.ContainsKey("AppName") && urls.Where(x => x.StartsWith(userdata.GetAsString("AppName"))).ToList().Count > 0) { url = urls.Where(x => x.StartsWith(userdata.GetAsString("AppName"))).SingleOrDefault().Replace(userdata.GetAsString("AppName") + "=", ""); } } else { url = objURLConfiguration.PopupURL; } // : End if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(url)) { if (userdata != null && userdata.ContainsKey("AppName") && (userdata.GetAsString("AppName").ToUpper() == "VA" || userdata.GetAsString("AppName").ToUpper() == "NVAS")) { DesktopMessenger.midHandler = this; DesktopMessenger.communicateUI.PostDataInGVAS(userdata, objURLConfiguration.ApplicationName, url); } } else { logger.Warn("Popup url is not configured."); } } else if (objURLConfiguration.PostType.ToLower() == "custom" && objURLConfiguration.ApplicationName.ToLower() == "evas") { if (userdata != null && userdata.ContainsKey("AppName") && userdata.GetAsString("AppName").ToUpper() == "VA") { if (DesktopMessenger.communicateUI != null) { DesktopMessenger.midHandler = this; DesktopMessenger.communicateUI.PostDataToEvas(userdata, objURLConfiguration.ApplicationName, objURLConfiguration.PopupURL); } else { logger.Warn("The desktop communicator is null."); } } } else if (objURLConfiguration.PostType.ToLower() == "custom" && objURLConfiguration.ApplicationName.ToLower() == "nvas") { if (userdata != null && userdata.ContainsKey("AppName") && userdata.GetAsString("AppName").ToUpper() == "NVAS") { if (DesktopMessenger.communicateUI != null) { DesktopMessenger.midHandler = this; DesktopMessenger.communicateUI.PostDataToNvas(userdata, objURLConfiguration.ApplicationName, objURLConfiguration.PopupURL); } else { logger.Warn("The desktop communicator is null."); } } } else if (objURLConfiguration.PostType.ToLower() == "custom") { SendCustomData(objType, obj, userdata, value); } } } else { logger.Warn("Voice event conversion getting failed"); } } catch (Exception generalException) { logger.Error("Error occurred as " + generalException.Message); } }
private void OnLocationChanged(object sender, LocationChangedEventArgs e) => parameters = null;
public OutputValues PullInteraction(int tenantId, int proxyClientId, KeyValueCollection interactionIDs) { OutputValues output = OutputValues.GetInstance(); output.Message = string.Empty; output.MessageCode = string.Empty; output.ErrorCode = 0; try { RequestPull requestPull = RequestPull.Create(); requestPull.ViewId = "_system_"; requestPull.TenantId = tenantId; requestPull.ProxyClientId = proxyClientId; requestPull.PullParameters = interactionIDs; if (Settings.InteractionProtocol != null && Settings.InteractionProtocol.State == ChannelState.Opened) { IMessage message = Settings.InteractionProtocol.Request(requestPull); if (message != null) { switch (message.Id) { case EventPulledInteractions.MessageId: logger.Info("------------Pull Interaction-------------"); logger.Info("ViewId :" + requestPull.ViewId); logger.Info("TenantID :" + requestPull.TenantId); logger.Info("ProxyClientId :" + requestPull.ProxyClientId); logger.Info("InteractionIds :" + requestPull.PullParameters.ToString()); logger.Info("----------------------------------------------"); output.MessageCode = "200"; output.IMessage = message; output.Message = "Pull interaction Successful"; break; case EventError.MessageId: EventError eventError = (EventError)message; logger.Info("------------Error on Pull Interaction-------------"); logger.Info("ViewId :" + requestPull.ViewId); logger.Info("TenantID :" + requestPull.TenantId); logger.Info("ProxyClientId :" + requestPull.ProxyClientId); logger.Info("InteractionIds :" + requestPull.PullParameters.ToString()); logger.Info("----------------------------------------------"); logger.Trace(eventError.ToString()); output.MessageCode = "2001"; output.Message = Convert.ToString(eventError.ErrorDescription); logger.Error("Error occurred while pull the interaction : " + Convert.ToString(eventError.ErrorDescription)); break; } } else { output.MessageCode = "2001"; output.Message = "Pull Interaction UnSuccessful"; } } else { logger.Warn("TransferInteraction() : Interaction Server protocol is Null.."); } } catch (Exception generalException) { logger.Error("Error occurred while pull the interaction" + generalException.ToString()); output.MessageCode = "2001"; output.Message = generalException.Message; } return(output); }
private PagedChangeSet() { SortedItems = new KeyValueCollection <TObject, TKey>(); Response = new PageResponse(0, 0, 0, 0); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="list"></param> /// <param name="kvs"></param> /// <returns></returns> private List<tblGwl> Match(List<tblGwl> list, KeyValueCollection kvs) { List<tblGwl> r = new List<tblGwl>(); foreach (tblGwl item in list) { if (Match(item, kvs)) { r.Add(item); } } return r; }
private KeyValueCollection Split(string config) { KeyValueCollection r = new KeyValueCollection(); string[] kvArray = config.Split(';'); foreach (string kv in kvArray) { string[] k_v = kv.Split('='); if (k_v.Length == 2) { string k = k_v[0]; string v = k_v[1]; KeyValue newkv = new KeyValue(k, v); r.Add(newkv); } } return r; }
/// <summary> /// 实现基类方法 /// </summary> public override void InitConnecton() { int ii = 0; while (!this.IsAvailableConnection && ii <= 3) { Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("正在尝试第{0}次连接……", ii + 1)); try { //this.ChatServiceInfo = LoadBalancer.GetServiceInfo(CfgAppType.CFGChatServer, "Resources"); //if (this.ChatServiceInfo == null) continue; //Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("已分配到服务器。(别名:{0} 地址:{1}:{2})" // , this.ChatServiceInfo.Alias, this.ChatServiceInfo.Host, this.ChatServiceInfo.Port)); //Uri chatRoomURI = new Uri(string.Format("tcp://{0}:{1}", this.ChatServiceInfo.Host, this.ChatServiceInfo.Port)); Uri chatRoomURI = new Uri("tcp://"); Endpoint chatEndPoint = new Endpoint(chatRoomURI); ChatParty user = new ChatParty(); user.DisplayName = this.Customer.DisplayName; user.ChatProtocol = new BasicChatProtocol(chatEndPoint); user.ChatProtocol.AutoRegister = true; user.ChatProtocol.UserType = UserType.Client; user.ChatProtocol.UserNickname = this.Customer.DisplayName; if (this.Customer.ChatProtocol != null) { user.ChatProtocol.UserData = this.Customer.ChatProtocol.UserData; } // 打开聊天服务 try { string logName = "testLog"; Log4NetLogger logger = new Log4NetLogger(log, logName); user.ThreadInvoker = new SingleThreadInvoker("EventReceivingBrokerService-1", logger); user.ThreadInvoker.EnableLogging(logger); user.EventBroker = new EventReceivingBrokerService(user.ThreadInvoker); user.EventBroker.EnableLogging(logger); user.EventBroker.Register(this.ChatEventsHandler, new MessageFilter(user.ChatProtocol.ProtocolId)); user.ChatProtocol.SetReceiver(user.EventBroker); var isOpend = false; lock (ChatLock.LOCK_OPEN) { try { user.ChatProtocol.Open(); isOpend = true; System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(50); } catch { } } if (!isOpend) { throw new Exception("连接ChatServer异常,稍候重试。"); } this.customer = user; this.InitRoom(); this.Room.Partys.Add(this.customer); // 日志 ChatLog.GetInstance().LogEvent(ChatEvent.NewClient, this.customer.DisplayName); // 若使用TLS协议 if (this.ChatServiceInfo != null && this.ChatServiceInfo.IsWebApiPortSecured) { KeyValueCollection kvs = new KeyValueCollection(); kvs[CommonConnection.TlsKey] = 1; kvs[CommonConnection.BlockingModeKey] = "true"; KeyValueConfiguration cfg = new KeyValueConfiguration(kvs); this.customer.ChatProtocol.Configure(cfg); } } catch (Exception) { if (user.EventBroker != null) { user.EventBroker.Unregister(this.ChatEventsHandler); } this.PartyDispose(user); } } catch (LoadBalancerException ex) { Trace.WriteLine("负载异常:" + ex.Message); ii++; Thread.Sleep(1000); } catch (Exception ex) { ChatLog.GetInstance().LogException(ex); ii++; } } }
public CookieParams(int capacity) { _cookieCollection = new KeyValueCollection <string, string>(capacity, StringComparer.Ordinal); }
public String GetSpecificObjectValue(string genesysObjectName, string genesysObjectType, string propertyToRetrieve, bool subscribeForChanges = false, int dbid = 0) { try { CfgObjectType type = (CfgObjectType)Enum.Parse(typeof(CfgObjectType), genesysObjectType); CfgFilterBasedQuery query = new CfgFilterBasedQuery(type); if (dbid != 0) //Then we need to find an object from its dbid rather than its name { query.Filter["dbid"] = dbid; } else { query.Filter["name"] = genesysObjectName; } dynamic dynamicObject = confServiceContract.RetrieveObject(query); if (dynamicObject != null) { if (subscribeForChanges) { if (!_registeredObjects.Contains(genesysObjectName)) { confServiceContract.Subscribe(dynamicObject); _registeredObjects.Add(genesysObjectType); TpsLogManager <ConfigServer> .Debug("Registered for changes against: " + genesysObjectType); } } Type typeOfDynamic = dynamicObject.GetType(); //To be used for Calling Lists or other objects to retrieve actual properties of the object if (typeOfDynamic.GetProperties().Any(p => p.Name.Equals(propertyToRetrieve))) { var propertyInfo = dynamicObject.GetType().GetProperty(propertyToRetrieve); var value = propertyInfo.GetValue(dynamicObject, null); return(value.ToString()); } //To get a value from an objects options if (typeOfDynamic.GetProperties().Any(p => p.Name.Equals("Options"))) { foreach (var option in dynamicObject.Options) { KeyValueCollection splitValues = (KeyValueCollection)option.Value; foreach (DictionaryEntry eachValue in splitValues) { if (eachValue.Key.ToString() == propertyToRetrieve) { return(eachValue.Value.ToString()); } } } } // To get a value from an objects User Properties if (typeOfDynamic.GetProperties().Any(p => p.Name.Equals("UserProperties"))) { foreach (var option in dynamicObject.UserProperties) { KeyValueCollection splitValues = (KeyValueCollection)option.Value; foreach (DictionaryEntry eachValue in splitValues) { if (eachValue.Key.ToString() == propertyToRetrieve) { return(eachValue.Value.ToString()); } } } } } else { TpsLogManager <ConfigServer> .Error("Configuration item could not be retrieved: " + genesysObjectName); } } catch (Exception e) { TpsLogManager <ConfigServer> .Error(e.Message); } return(""); }
/// <summary> /// 获取员工(坐席、管理员)、坐席信息、坐席能力 /// </summary> /// <param name="employeeId">员工编号</param> public static Person GetPerson(string employeeId) { var result = new List <Person>(); var icfg = OpenCfg(); try { CfgPersonQuery qPerson1 = new CfgPersonQuery(icfg); qPerson1.TenantDbid = 101; qPerson1.State = CfgObjectState.CFGEnabled; qPerson1.IsAgent = 2;//只有坐席能登录 qPerson1.EmployeeId = employeeId; var persons = qPerson1.Execute(); foreach (var person1 in persons) { var info = new Person(); info.DBID = person1.DBID; info.EmployeeID = person1.EmployeeID; info.FirstName = person1.FirstName; info.UserName = person1.UserName; if (person1.AgentInfo != null) { info.AgentInfo.IsInitAgentInfo = true; //坐席信息 foreach (var item in person1.AgentInfo.AgentLogins) { if (item.AgentLogin != null && item.AgentLogin.State == CfgObjectState.CFGEnabled) { info.LoginCode = item.AgentLogin.LoginCode; info.AgentInfo.AgentLogins.Add(new AgentLogin() { DBID = item.AgentLogin.DBID, LoginCode = item.AgentLogin.LoginCode, }); } } //队列 foreach (var item in person1.AgentInfo.SkillLevels) { if (item.Skill != null && item.Skill.State == CfgObjectState.CFGEnabled) { info.AgentInfo.SkillLevels.Add(new SkillLevel() { DBID = item.Skill.DBID, Level = item.Level }); } } } //服务能力 if (person1.AgentInfo != null) { info.VOICE = 1; if (person1.AgentInfo.CapacityRule != null) { CfgScript script = person1.AgentInfo.CapacityRule; if (script != null) { KeyValueCollection kv = script.UserProperties; if (kv != null && kv.Get("_CRWizardMediaCapacityList_") != null) { KeyValueCollection kv1 = (KeyValueCollection)kv.Get("_CRWizardMediaCapacityList_"); foreach (var key in kv1.AllKeys) { if (key == "chat") { info.CHAT = kv1.GetAsInt(key); } //else if (key == "voice") //{ // info.VOICE = kv1.GetAsInt(key); //} } } } } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.LoginCode)) { info.LoginCode = ""; } result.Add(info); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { CloseCfg(icfg); } if (result.Count > 0) { var person = result.First(); var ip = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress; using (var db = new Tele.DataLibrary.SPhoneEntities()) { var ipdn = db.SPhone_IPDN.Where(x => x.PlaceIP == ip).FirstOrDefault(); if (ipdn != null) { person.DN = ipdn.DNNo; person.Place = ipdn.Place; } } return(person); } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> private void BindDataSources() { DB db = DBFactory.GetDB(); this.cmbGroup.DisplayMember = "GroupName"; this.cmbGroup.ValueMember = "GroupID"; this.cmbGroup.DataSource = db.tblGroup; // leave data source // KeyValueCollection kvs = new KeyValueCollection(); kvs.Add(new KeyValue("事假", LeaveEnum.Private)); kvs.Add(new KeyValue("病假", LeaveEnum.Sick)); kvs.Add(new KeyValue("休假", LeaveEnum.Vacation)); this.cmbType.DisplayMember = "Key"; this.cmbType.ValueMember = "Value"; this.cmbType.DataSource = kvs; }
/// <summary> /// Message queue client receiver options /// </summary> /// <param name="timeoutInSec">Receive timeout in seconds</param> /// <param name="parameters">Additional parameters</param> public MQClientReceiverOptions(int timeoutInSec, params KeyValue <string, string>[] parameters) { TimeoutInSec = timeoutInSec; Parameters = new KeyValueCollection(parameters); }
/// <summary> /// 获取所有员工(坐席)、坐席信息、坐席能力 /// 此方法效率太慢 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static List <Person> GetPersons() { var result = new List <Person>(); var icfg = OpenCfg(); try { CfgPersonQuery qPerson1 = new CfgPersonQuery(icfg); qPerson1.TenantDbid = 101; qPerson1.State = CfgObjectState.CFGEnabled; qPerson1.IsAgent = 2; var persons = qPerson1.Execute(); foreach (var person1 in persons) { var info = new Person(); info.DBID = person1.DBID; info.EmployeeID = person1.EmployeeID; info.FirstName = person1.FirstName; info.UserName = person1.UserName; if (person1.AgentInfo != null) { info.AgentInfo.IsInitAgentInfo = true; //坐席信息 foreach (var item in person1.AgentInfo.AgentLogins) { if (item.AgentLogin != null && item.AgentLogin.State == CfgObjectState.CFGEnabled) { info.AgentInfo.AgentLogins.Add(new AgentLogin() { DBID = item.AgentLogin.DBID, LoginCode = item.AgentLogin.LoginCode, }); } } //队列 foreach (var item in person1.AgentInfo.SkillLevels) { if (item.Skill != null && item.Skill.State == CfgObjectState.CFGEnabled) { info.AgentInfo.SkillLevels.Add(new SkillLevel() { DBID = item.Skill.DBID, Level = item.Level }); } } } //服务能力 if (person1.AgentInfo != null) { info.VOICE = 1; if (person1.AgentInfo.CapacityRule != null) { CfgScript script = person1.AgentInfo.CapacityRule; if (script != null) { KeyValueCollection kv = script.UserProperties; if (kv != null && kv.Get("_CRWizardMediaCapacityList_") != null) { KeyValueCollection kv1 = (KeyValueCollection)kv.Get("_CRWizardMediaCapacityList_"); foreach (var key in kv1.AllKeys) { if (key == "chat") { info.CHAT = kv1.GetAsInt(key); } else if (key == "voice") { info.VOICE = kv1.GetAsInt(key); } } } } } } result.Add(info); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { CloseCfg(icfg); } return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Sends Update Log Data /// </summary> /// <param name="connId"></param> /// <param name="sfdcData"></param> public void SendUpdateLogData(string connId, SFDCData sfdcData) { try { logger.Info("SendUpdateLogData : Collects Update Log data"); logger.Info("Connection ID : " + connId); if (Settings.UpdateSFDCLog.ContainsKey(connId)) { UpdateLogData updateData = Settings.UpdateSFDCLog[connId]; if (updateData != null) { if (sfdcData.LeadData != null) { logger.Info("SendUpdateLogData : Sending Lead Update Log data"); sfdcData.LeadData.ActivityRecordID = updateData.LeadActivityId; sfdcData.LeadData.RecordID = updateData.LeadRecordId; } if (sfdcData.ContactData != null) { logger.Info("SendUpdateLogData : Sending Contact Update Log data"); sfdcData.ContactData.ActivityRecordID = updateData.ContactActivityId; sfdcData.ContactData.RecordID = updateData.ContactRecordId; } if (sfdcData.AccountData != null) { logger.Info("SendUpdateLogData : Sending Account Update Log data"); sfdcData.AccountData.ActivityRecordID = updateData.AccountActivityId; sfdcData.AccountData.RecordID = updateData.AccountRecordId; } if (sfdcData.CaseData != null) { logger.Info("SendUpdateLogData : Sending Case Update Log data"); sfdcData.CaseData.ActivityRecordID = updateData.CaseActivityId; sfdcData.CaseData.RecordID = updateData.CaseRecordId; } if (sfdcData.OpportunityData != null) { logger.Info("SendUpdateLogData : Sending Opportunity Update Log data"); sfdcData.OpportunityData.ActivityRecordID = updateData.OpportunityActivityId; sfdcData.OpportunityData.RecordID = updateData.OpportunityRecordId; } if (sfdcData.UserActivityData != null) { logger.Info("SendUpdateLogData : Sending UserActivity Update Log data"); sfdcData.UserActivityData.RecordID = updateData.UserActivityId; } if (sfdcData.CustomObjectData != null && updateData.CustomObject != null) { foreach (CustomObjectData custom in sfdcData.CustomObjectData) { if (updateData.CustomObject.ContainsKey(custom.ObjectName)) { KeyValueCollection collection = updateData.CustomObject[custom.ObjectName]; if (collection != null) { logger.Info("SendUpdateLogData : Sending CustomObject Update Log data"); if (collection.ContainsKey("newRecordId")) { custom.RecordID = collection["newRecordId"].ToString(); } if (collection.ContainsKey("activityRecordId")) { custom.ActivityRecordID = collection["activityRecordId"].ToString(); } } } } } SendPopupData(connId, sfdcData); } } if (!Settings.UpdateSFDCLogFinishedEvent.ContainsKey(connId)) { Settings.UpdateSFDCLogFinishedEvent.Add(connId, sfdcData); } else { Settings.UpdateSFDCLogFinishedEvent[connId] = sfdcData; } } catch (Exception generalException) { this.logger.Error("SendUpdateLogData : Error occurred while sending update Log :" + generalException.ToString()); } }
/// <summary> /// Does the chat transfer interaction. /// </summary> /// <param name="interactionId">The interaction identifier.</param> /// <param name="agentId">The agent identifier.</param> /// <param name="placeId">The place identifier.</param> /// <param name="proxyId">The proxy identifier.</param> /// <param name="queueName">Name of the queue.</param> /// <returns></returns> public OutputValues DoChatTransferInteraction(string interactionId, string agentId, string placeId, int proxyId, string queueName, KeyValueCollection userData) { OutputValues output = OutputValues.GetInstance(); try { output = RequestTransferInteraction.TransferChatSession(interactionId, agentId, placeId, proxyId, queueName, userData); } catch (Exception generalException) { logger.Error("Error occurred while Do Chat Transfer Interaction " + generalException.ToString()); } return(output); }
public void InitiateConference(string otherDn, string location, KeyValueCollection userData, KeyValueCollection reasons, KeyValueCollection extensions) { //Input Validation CheckException.CheckDialValues(otherDn); RequestAgentConference.InitiateConference(otherDn, location, userData, reasons, extensions); if ((Settings.GetInstance().CallControl == "both" ? Settings.GetInstance().ActiveDN : (Settings.GetInstance().CallControl == "acd" ? Settings.GetInstance().ACDPosition : Settings.GetInstance().ExtensionDN)) != otherDn) { HoldingFlagStatus(PhoneFunctions.IntiateConference); } }
/// <summary> /// Documents the consult chat join. /// </summary> /// <param name="interactionID">The interaction unique identifier.</param> /// <param name="subject">The subject.</param> /// <param name="message">The message.</param> /// <param name="userData">The user data.</param> /// <returns></returns> public OutputValues DOConsultChatJoin(string interactionID, string subject, string message, KeyValueCollection userData) { OutputValues output = OutputValues.GetInstance(); try { output = RequestJoinChatSession.JoinConsultChatSession(interactionID, subject, message, userData); } catch (Exception generalException) { logger.Error("Error occurred while Do Consult Chat Join " + generalException.ToString()); } return(output); }
public void SingleStepConference(string otherDN, string location, KeyValueCollection userData) { RequestAgentConference.SingleStepConference(otherDN, location, userData); }
/// <summary> /// Does the reject chat interaction. /// </summary> /// <param name="ticketID">The ticket identifier.</param> /// <param name="interactionID">The interaction identifier.</param> /// <param name="proxyID">The proxy identifier.</param> /// <returns></returns> public OutputValues DoRejectChatInteraction(int ticketID, string interactionID, int proxyID, InteractionServerProtocol ixnProtocol, KeyValueCollection ixnData) { OutputValues output = OutputValues.GetInstance(); if (ixnProtocol != null) { Settings.IxnServerProtocol = ixnProtocol; } try { output = RequestRejectInteraction.RejectChatInteraction(ticketID, interactionID, proxyID, ixnData); } catch (Exception generalException) { logger.Error("Error occurred while Do Reject Chat Interaction " + generalException.ToString()); } return(output); }
/// <summary> /// Default constructor. /// </summary> public POP3_Session() { m_pAuthentications = new Dictionary<string,AUTH_SASL_ServerMechanism>(StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase); m_pMessages = new KeyValueCollection<string,POP3_ServerMessage>(); }
public OutputValues DoUpdateCaseDataProperties(string interactionId, int proxyClientID, KeyValueCollection updatedProperties) { OutputValues output = OutputValues.GetInstance(); try { output = RequestToChangeProperties.UpdateProperties(interactionId, proxyClientID, updatedProperties); } catch (Exception generalException) { logger.Error("Error occurred update case data property " + generalException.ToString()); } return(output); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new Storage from a KeyValueCollection parameters /// </summary> /// <param name="parameters">Parameters to create the storage</param> /// <returns>Storage instance</returns> protected abstract StorageBase CreateStorage(KeyValueCollection parameters);
/// <summary> /// Provides the observer with new data. /// </summary> /// <param name="value">The current notification information.</param> public void OnNext(iCallData value) { Thread pipeThread = new Thread(delegate() { try { if (value == null || value.EventMessage == null) { logger.Warn("Event detail is null."); return; } if (objConfiguration.MediaType != value.MediaType) { return; } if (objConfiguration.PipeEvent == null || objConfiguration.PipeEvent.Where(x => x == value.EventMessage.Name.ToLower()).ToList().Count == 0) { return; } Type objType = null; object obj = null; KeyValueCollection userdata = null; // For Convert voice if (value.MediaType == MediaType.Voice) { MediaEventHelper objEventHelper = new MediaEventHelper(); if (!objEventHelper.ConvertVoiceEvent(ref objType, ref obj, ref userdata, value.EventMessage)) { logger.Warn("Voice event conversion getting failed"); } } else if (value.MediaType == MediaType.Email) { } else if (value.MediaType == MediaType.Chat) { } else if (value.MediaType == MediaType.SMS) { } // Functionality to send data in the specified format. if (objType != null && obj != null) { switch (objConfiguration.PipeFormat) { case "text": SendTextData(objType, obj, userdata); break; case "json": SendJsonData(objType, obj, userdata); break; case "xml": SendXMLData(objType, obj, userdata); break; case "custom": SendTextData(objType, obj, userdata); break; default: logger.Warn("The specified format not supported in the pipe integration"); break; } } else { logger.Warn("Required data is null."); } } catch (Exception generalException) { logger.Error("Error occurred while writing call data to a file " + generalException.ToString()); } }); pipeThread.Start(); }
private bool ExistKey(KeyValueCollection kvs, string key) { foreach (KeyValue kv in kvs) { if (kv.Key == key) { return true; } } return false; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> void BindCycleDayCount() { KeyValueCollection kvs = new KeyValueCollection(); for (int i = 1; i < 11; i++) { kvs.Add(new KeyValue(string.Format("{0}天", i), i)); } this.cmbCycleDayCount.DisplayMember = "Key"; this.cmbCycleDayCount.ValueMember = "Value"; this.cmbCycleDayCount.DataSource = kvs; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <returns>key value collection, key - name, value - offset</returns> private object GetDayOffsetDataSource() { object ds = null; if (this.CycleType == CycleTypeEnum.Week) { KeyValueCollection kvs = new KeyValueCollection(); kvs.Add(new KeyValue("星期一", DayOfWeek.Monday)); kvs.Add(new KeyValue("星期二", DayOfWeek.Tuesday)); kvs.Add(new KeyValue("星期三", DayOfWeek.Wednesday)); kvs.Add(new KeyValue("星期四", DayOfWeek.Thursday)); kvs.Add(new KeyValue("星期五", DayOfWeek.Friday)); kvs.Add(new KeyValue("星期六", DayOfWeek.Saturday)); kvs.Add(new KeyValue("星期日", DayOfWeek.Sunday)); ds = kvs; } else if (this.CycleType == CycleTypeEnum.UserDefine) { KeyValueCollection kvs = new KeyValueCollection(); for (int i = 0; i < this.DayOfCycle; i++) { string key = string.Format("第{0}天", i + 1); int value = i; kvs.Add(new KeyValue(key, i)); } ds = kvs; } return ds; }
//#region Field Declaration //private Pointel.Logger.Core.ILog logger = Pointel.Logger.Core.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType, "AID"); //InteractionAttributes ixnAttributes = null; //#endregion #region RequestToUpdateInteraction public static OutputValues UpdateInteraction(string interactionID, int ownerId, string comment, KeyValueCollection userData, int status, string dtEndDate) { Pointel.Logger.Core.ILog logger = Pointel.Logger.Core.LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType, "AID"); OutputValues output = OutputValues.GetInstance(); try { RequestUpdateInteraction requestUpdateInteraction = Genesyslab.Platform.Contacts.Protocols.ContactServer.Requests.RequestUpdateInteraction.Create(); InteractionAttributes ixnAttributes = new InteractionAttributes(); ixnAttributes.Id = interactionID; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment)) { ixnAttributes.TheComment = comment; } if (ownerId != 0) { ixnAttributes.OwnerId = ownerId; } ixnAttributes.TenantId = Settings.tenantDBID; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dtEndDate)) { ixnAttributes.EndDate = dtEndDate; } requestUpdateInteraction.InteractionAttributes = ixnAttributes; if (userData != null) { requestUpdateInteraction.InteractionAttributes.AllAttributes = userData; } requestUpdateInteraction.InteractionAttributes.Status = status.Equals(3) ? Statuses.Stopped : Statuses.InProcess; if (Settings.UCSProtocol != null && Settings.UCSProtocol.State == ChannelState.Opened) { logger.Info("------------RequestToUpdateInteraction-------------"); logger.Info("Id :" + interactionID); logger.Info("TheComment : " + comment); logger.Info("---------------------------------------------------"); IMessage message = Settings.UCSProtocol.Request(requestUpdateInteraction); if (message != null) { logger.Trace(message.ToString()); output.IContactMessage = message; output.MessageCode = "200"; output.Message = "Update Interaction Successfully"; } else { output.IContactMessage = null; output.MessageCode = "2001"; output.Message = "Don't Update Interaction Successfully"; } } else { output.IContactMessage = null; output.MessageCode = "2001"; output.Message = "Universal Contact Server protocol is Null or Closed"; logger.Warn("UpdateInteraction() : Contact Server protocol is Null.."); } } catch (Exception generalException) { logger.Error("Error occurred while Request To Update Interaction " + generalException.ToString()); output.IContactMessage = null; output.MessageCode = "2001"; output.Message = generalException.Message; } return(output); }
private void BindQueryStyle() { KeyValueCollection kvs = new KeyValueCollection(); kvs.Add(new KeyValue("按站点", QueryStyleEnum.ByStation)); kvs.Add(new KeyValue("按人员", QueryStyleEnum.ByPerson)); this.cmbQueryStyle.DisplayMember = "Key"; this.cmbQueryStyle.ValueMember = "Value"; this.cmbQueryStyle.DataSource = kvs; }
public void TestClear_EmptyCollection() { var collection = new KeyValueCollection <string, JackpotLog>(@"TestCollection", _database); collection.Clear(); }
internal Enumerator(KeyValueCollection <string, string> cookieCollection) { _cookieCollection = cookieCollection; _index = 0; _current = default; }
/// <summary> /// Notifies the disposition code event. /// </summary> /// <param name="mediaType">Type of the media.</param> /// <param name="data">The data.</param> public void NotifyDispositionCodeEvent(MediaTypes mediaType, DispositionData data) { var chatMedia = new ChatMedia(); try { if (mediaType == MediaTypes.Chat) { if (_chatUtil.UserData.ContainsKey(_chatDataContext.DisPositionKeyName)) { if (isFirstTimeCall) { isFirstTimeCall = false; Dictionary <string, string> dispositionCode = new Dictionary <string, string>(); dispositionCode.Add(_chatDataContext.DisPositionKeyName, _chatUtil.UserData[_chatDataContext.DisPositionKeyName].ToString()); _dispositionUC.ReLoadDispositionCodes(dispositionCode, _interactionID); } else { string originalValue = string.Empty; if (_chatUtil.UserData.ContainsKey(_chatDataContext.DisPositionKeyName)) { originalValue = _chatUtil.UserData[_chatDataContext.DisPositionKeyName].ToString(); } if (data.DispostionCode != originalValue) { KeyValueCollection caseData = new KeyValueCollection(); caseData.Add(_chatDataContext.DisPositionKeyName, data.DispostionCode); OutputValues output = chatMedia.DoUpdateCaseDataProperties(_interactionID, _chatUtil.ProxyId, caseData); if (output.MessageCode == "200") { _chatUtil.UserData.Remove(_chatDataContext.DisPositionKeyName); _chatUtil.UserData.Add(_chatDataContext.DisPositionKeyName, data.DispostionCode); ObservableCollection <Pointel.Interactions.Chat.Helpers.IChatCaseData> tempCaseData = _chatUtil.NotifyCaseData; int position1 = tempCaseData.IndexOf(tempCaseData.Where(p => p.Key == _chatDataContext.DisPositionKeyName).FirstOrDefault()); _chatUtil.NotifyCaseData.RemoveAt(position1); _chatUtil.NotifyCaseData.Insert(position1, new ChatCaseData(_chatDataContext.DisPositionKeyName, data.DispostionCode)); NotifyDispositionToSFDC(_chatDataContext.DisPositionKeyName, data.DispostionCode); } caseData.Clear(); caseData = null; } } } else { KeyValueCollection caseData = new KeyValueCollection(); caseData.Add(_chatDataContext.DisPositionKeyName, data.DispostionCode); OutputValues output = chatMedia.DoAddCaseDataProperties(_interactionID, _chatUtil.ProxyId, caseData); if (output.MessageCode == "200") { _chatUtil.UserData.Add(_chatDataContext.DisPositionKeyName, data.DispostionCode); _chatUtil.NotifyCaseData.Add(new ChatCaseData(_chatDataContext.DisPositionKeyName, data.DispostionCode)); NotifyDispositionToSFDC(_chatDataContext.DisPositionKeyName, data.DispostionCode); } caseData.Clear(); caseData = null; } if (_chatUtil.UserData.ContainsKey(_chatDataContext.DispositionCollectionKeyName)) { string originalValue = _chatUtil.UserData[_chatDataContext.DispositionCollectionKeyName].ToString(); if (data.DispostionCode != originalValue) { string result = string.Join("; ", data.DispostionCollection.Select(x => string.Format("{0}:{1}", x.Key, x.Value)).ToArray()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result)) { KeyValueCollection caseData = new KeyValueCollection(); caseData.Add(_chatDataContext.DispositionCollectionKeyName, result); OutputValues output = chatMedia.DoUpdateCaseDataProperties(_interactionID, _chatUtil.ProxyId, caseData); if (output.MessageCode == "200") { _chatUtil.UserData.Remove(_chatDataContext.DispositionCollectionKeyName); _chatUtil.UserData.Add(_chatDataContext.DispositionCollectionKeyName, result); ObservableCollection <Pointel.Interactions.Chat.Helpers.IChatCaseData> tempCaseData = _chatUtil.NotifyCaseData; int position1 = tempCaseData.IndexOf(tempCaseData.Where(p => p.Key == _chatDataContext.DispositionCollectionKeyName).FirstOrDefault()); _chatUtil.NotifyCaseData.RemoveAt(position1); _chatUtil.NotifyCaseData.Insert(position1, new ChatCaseData(_chatDataContext.DispositionCollectionKeyName, result)); } caseData.Clear(); caseData = null; } } } else { KeyValueCollection caseData = new KeyValueCollection(); string result = string.Join("; ", data.DispostionCollection.Select(x => string.Format("{0}:{1}", x.Key, x.Value)).ToArray()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result)) { caseData.Add(_chatDataContext.DispositionCollectionKeyName, result); OutputValues output = chatMedia.DoAddCaseDataProperties(_interactionID, _chatUtil.ProxyId, caseData); if (output.MessageCode == "200") { _chatUtil.UserData.Add(_chatDataContext.DispositionCollectionKeyName, result); _chatUtil.NotifyCaseData.Add(new ChatCaseData(_chatDataContext.DispositionCollectionKeyName, result)); } caseData.Clear(); caseData = null; } } if (data.DispostionCode == "None") { _chatUtil.IsDispositionSelected = false; } else { _chatUtil.IsDispositionSelected = true; } } } catch (Exception generalException) { _logger.Error("Error occurred while NotifyDispositionCodeEvent(): " + generalException.ToString()); _chatUtil.IsDispositionSelected = false; } finally { chatMedia = null; } }
/// <summary> /// Default constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">Owner RTP multimedia session.</param> /// <param name="localEP">Local RTP end point.</param> /// <param name="clock">RTP media clock.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Is raised when <b>localEP</b>, <b>localEP</b> or <b>clock</b> is null reference.</exception> internal RTP_Session(RTP_MultimediaSession session,RTP_Address localEP,RTP_Clock clock) { if(session == null){ throw new ArgumentNullException("session"); } if(localEP == null){ throw new ArgumentNullException("localEP"); } if(clock == null){ throw new ArgumentNullException("clock"); } m_pSession = session; m_pLocalEP = localEP; m_pRtpClock = clock; m_pLocalSources = new List<RTP_Source_Local>(); m_pTargets = new List<RTP_Address>(); m_pMembers = new Dictionary<uint,RTP_Source>(); m_pSenders = new Dictionary<uint,RTP_Source>(); m_pConflictingEPs = new Dictionary<string,DateTime>(); m_pPayloads = new KeyValueCollection<int,Codec>(); m_pUdpDataReceivers = new List<UDP_DataReceiver>(); m_pRtpSocket = new Socket(localEP.IP.AddressFamily,SocketType.Dgram,ProtocolType.Udp); m_pRtpSocket.Bind(localEP.RtpEP); m_pRtcpSocket = new Socket(localEP.IP.AddressFamily,SocketType.Dgram,ProtocolType.Udp); m_pRtcpSocket.Bind(localEP.RtcpEP); m_pRtcpTimer = new TimerEx(); m_pRtcpTimer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(delegate(object sender,System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e){ SendRtcp(); }); m_pRtcpTimer.AutoReset = false; }
private string GetOpportunityVoiceSearchValue(KeyValueCollection userData, IMessage message, SFDCCallType callType) { try { this.logger.Info("GetOpportunityVoiceSearchValue : Reading Opportunity Popup Data....."); this.logger.Info("GetOpportunityVoiceSearchValue : UserData Name : " + Convert.ToString(userData)); this.logger.Info("GetOpportunityVoiceSearchValue : Event Name : " + message.Name); this.logger.Info("GetOpportunityVoiceSearchValue : CallType Name : " + callType.ToString()); string[] userDataSearchKeys = null; string[] attributeSearchKeys = null; string searchValue = string.Empty; if (callType == SFDCCallType.Inbound) { userDataSearchKeys = (this.opportunityVoiceOptions.InboundSearchUserDataKeys != null) ? this.opportunityVoiceOptions.InboundSearchUserDataKeys.Split(',') : null; attributeSearchKeys = (this.opportunityVoiceOptions.InboundSearchAttributeKeys != null) ? this.opportunityVoiceOptions.InboundSearchAttributeKeys.Split(',') : null; } else if (callType == SFDCCallType.OutboundSuccess || callType == SFDCCallType.OutboundFailure) { userDataSearchKeys = (this.opportunityVoiceOptions.OutboundSearchUserDataKeys != null) ? this.opportunityVoiceOptions.OutboundSearchUserDataKeys.Split(',') : null; attributeSearchKeys = (this.opportunityVoiceOptions.OutboundSearchAttributeKeys != null) ? this.opportunityVoiceOptions.OutboundSearchAttributeKeys.Split(',') : null; } else if (callType == SFDCCallType.ConsultSuccess || callType == SFDCCallType.ConsultFailure) { return(this.sfdcObject.GetAttributeSearchValues(message, new string[] { "otherdn" })); } else if (callType == SFDCCallType.ConsultReceived) { userDataSearchKeys = (this.opportunityVoiceOptions.ConsultSearchUserDataKeys != null) ? this.opportunityVoiceOptions.ConsultSearchUserDataKeys.Split(',') : null; attributeSearchKeys = (this.opportunityVoiceOptions.ConsultSearchAttributeKeys != null) ? this.opportunityVoiceOptions.ConsultSearchAttributeKeys.Split(',') : null; } #region OLD //if (opportunityVoiceOptions.SearchPriority == "user-data") //{ // if (userDataSearchKeys != null) // searchValue = this.sfdcObject.GetUserDataSearchValues(userData, userDataSearchKeys); // else if (attributeSearchKeys != null) // searchValue = this.sfdcObject.GetAttributeSearchValues(message, attributeSearchKeys); //} //else if (opportunityVoiceOptions.SearchPriority == "attribute") //{ // searchValue = this.sfdcObject.GetAttributeSearchValues(message, attributeSearchKeys); //} //else if (opportunityVoiceOptions.SearchPriority == "both") //{ // searchValue = this.sfdcObject.GetUserDataSearchValues(userData, userDataSearchKeys); // if (searchValue != string.Empty) // { // string temp = this.sfdcObject.GetAttributeSearchValues(message, attributeSearchKeys); // if (temp != string.Empty) // { // searchValue += "," + temp; // } // } // else // { // searchValue = this.sfdcObject.GetAttributeSearchValues(message, attributeSearchKeys); // } //} //return searchValue; #endregion OLD if (opportunityVoiceOptions.SearchPriority == "user-data") { if (userDataSearchKeys != null && userData != null) { searchValue = this.sfdcObject.GetUserDataSearchValues(userData, userDataSearchKeys); if (!this.sfdcObject.ValidateSearchData(searchValue)) { searchValue = this.sfdcObject.GetAttributeSearchValues(message, attributeSearchKeys); } } else if (attributeSearchKeys != null) { searchValue = this.sfdcObject.GetAttributeSearchValues(message, attributeSearchKeys); } } else if (opportunityVoiceOptions.SearchPriority == "attribute") { searchValue = this.sfdcObject.GetAttributeSearchValues(message, attributeSearchKeys); if (!this.sfdcObject.ValidateSearchData(searchValue)) { if (userDataSearchKeys != null && userData != null) { searchValue = this.sfdcObject.GetUserDataSearchValues(userData, userDataSearchKeys); } } } else if (opportunityVoiceOptions.SearchPriority == "both") { if (userData != null) { searchValue = this.sfdcObject.GetUserDataSearchValues(userData, userDataSearchKeys); } if (!this.sfdcObject.ValidateSearchData(searchValue)) { searchValue = this.sfdcObject.GetAttributeSearchValues(message, attributeSearchKeys); } else { string temp = this.sfdcObject.GetAttributeSearchValues(message, attributeSearchKeys); if (temp != string.Empty) { searchValue += "," + temp; } } } return(searchValue); } catch (Exception generalException) { this.logger.Error("GetOpportunityVoiceSearchValue : Error occurred while reading Opportunity Search value : " + generalException.ToString()); } return(null); }
public UserActivityOptions GetSFDCUserActivityVoiceProperties(KeyValueCollection SFDCObject, string objectName) { try { this.logger.Info("GetSFDCUserActivityVoiceProperties : Initializing SFDC UserActivity Voice Configurations"); this.logger.Info("GetSFDCUserActivityVoiceProperties : Object Name : " + objectName); UserActivityOptions sfdcOptions = new UserActivityOptions(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SFDCObject.GetAsString("object-name"))) { sfdcOptions.ObjectName = SFDCObject.GetAsString("object-name").Trim(); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SFDCObject.GetAsString("voice.inb.popup-event-names"))) { sfdcOptions.InboundPopupEvent = SFDCObject.GetAsString("voice.inb.popup-event-names").Trim(); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SFDCObject.GetAsString("voice.inb.create.activity-log")) && SFDCObject.GetAsString("voice.inb.create.activity-log").Trim().ToLower() == "false") { sfdcOptions.InboundCanCreateLog = false; } else { sfdcOptions.InboundCanCreateLog = true; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SFDCObject.GetAsString("voice.inb.update.activity-log")) && SFDCObject.GetAsString("voice.inb.update.activity-log").Trim().ToLower() == "true") { sfdcOptions.InboundCanUpdateLog = true; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SFDCObject.GetAsString("voice.inb.update.activity-log.event-names"))) { sfdcOptions.InboundUpdateEvent = SFDCObject.GetAsString("voice.inb.update.activity-log.event-names").Trim(); } // Outbound Configurations if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SFDCObject.GetAsString("voice.out.popup-event-names"))) { sfdcOptions.OutboundPopupEvent = SFDCObject.GetAsString("voice.out.popup-event-names").Trim(); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SFDCObject.GetAsString("voice.out.success.create.activity-log")) && SFDCObject.GetAsString("voice.out.success.create.activity-log").Trim().ToLower() == "false") { sfdcOptions.OutboundCanCreateLog = false; } else { sfdcOptions.OutboundCanCreateLog = true; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SFDCObject.GetAsString("voice.out.success.update.activity-log")) && SFDCObject.GetAsString("voice.out.success.update.activity-log").Trim().ToLower() == "true") { sfdcOptions.OutboundCanUpdateLog = true; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SFDCObject.GetAsString("voice.out.success.update.activity-log.event-names"))) { sfdcOptions.OutboundUpdateEvent = SFDCObject.GetAsString("voice.out.success.update.activity-log.event-names").Trim(); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SFDCObject.GetAsString("voice.out.fail.create.activity-log")) && SFDCObject.GetAsString("voice.out.fail.create.activity-log").Trim().ToLower() == "false") { sfdcOptions.OutboundFailureCanCreateLog = false; } else { sfdcOptions.OutboundFailureCanCreateLog = true; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SFDCObject.GetAsString("voice.out.fail.create.activity-log.event-names"))) { sfdcOptions.OutboundFailurePopupEvent = SFDCObject.GetAsString("voice.out.fail.create.activity-log.event-names").Trim(); } // Consult Configurations if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SFDCObject.GetAsString("voice.con.popup-event-names"))) { sfdcOptions.ConsultPopupEvent = SFDCObject.GetAsString("voice.con.popup-event-names").Trim(); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SFDCObject.GetAsString("chat.con.success.create.activity-log.event-names"))) { sfdcOptions.ConsultSuccessLogEvent = SFDCObject.GetAsString("voice.con.success.create.activity-log.event-names").Trim(); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SFDCObject.GetAsString("voice.con.success.create.activity-log")) && SFDCObject.GetAsString("voice.con.success.create.activity-log").Trim().ToLower() == "false") { sfdcOptions.ConsultCanCreateLog = false; } else { sfdcOptions.ConsultCanCreateLog = true; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SFDCObject.GetAsString("voice.con.success.update.activity-log")) && SFDCObject.GetAsString("voice.con.success.update.activity-log").Trim().ToLower() == "true") { sfdcOptions.ConsultCanUpdateLog = true; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SFDCObject.GetAsString("voice.con.success.update.activity-log.event-names"))) { sfdcOptions.ConsultUpdateEvent = SFDCObject.GetAsString("voice.con.success.update.activity-log.event-names").Trim(); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SFDCObject.GetAsString("voice.con.fail.create.activity-log")) && SFDCObject.GetAsString("voice.con.fail.create.activity-log").Trim().ToLower() == "false") { sfdcOptions.ConsultFailureCanCreateLog = false; } else { sfdcOptions.ConsultFailureCanCreateLog = true; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(SFDCObject.GetAsString("voice.con.fail.create.activity-log.event-names"))) { sfdcOptions.ConsultFailurePopupEvent = SFDCObject.GetAsString("voice.con.fail.create.activity-log.event-names").Trim(); } this.logger.Info("Configuration Read for " + objectName + ": " + sfdcOptions.ToString()); return(sfdcOptions); } catch (Exception generalException) { this.logger.Error("GetSFDCObjectVoiceProperties : Error occurred while reading SFDC Object Configurations:" + generalException.ToString()); } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Parses parameters from the specified reader. /// </summary> /// <param name="reader">MIME reader.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Is raised when <b>reader</b> is null reference.</exception> public void Parse(MIME_Reader reader) { if (reader == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("reader"); } /* RFC 2231. * Asterisks ("*") are reused to provide the indicator that language and * character set information is present and encoding is being used. A * single quote ("'") is used to delimit the character set and language * information at the beginning of the parameter value. Percent signs * ("%") are used as the encoding flag, which agrees with RFC 2047. * * Character set and language information may be combined with the * parameter continuation mechanism. For example: * * Content-Type: application/x-stuff * title*0*=us-ascii'en'This%20is%20even%20more%20 * title*1*=%2A%2A%2Afun%2A%2A%2A%20 * title*2="isn't it!" * * Note that: * * (1) Language and character set information only appear at * the beginning of a given parameter value. * * (2) Continuations do not provide a facility for using more * than one character set or language in the same * parameter value. * * (3) A value presented using multiple continuations may * contain a mixture of encoded and unencoded segments. * * (4) The first segment of a continuation MUST be encoded if * language and character set information are given. * * (5) If the first segment of a continued parameter value is * encoded the language and character set field delimiters * MUST be present even when the fields are left blank. */ KeyValueCollection <string, _ParameterBuilder> parameters = new KeyValueCollection <string, _ParameterBuilder>(); // Parse all parameter parts. string[] parameterParts = TextUtils.SplitQuotedString(reader.ToEnd(), ';'); foreach (string part in parameterParts) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(part)) { continue; } string[] name_value = part.Trim().Split(new char[] { '=' }, 2); string paramName = name_value[0].Trim(); string paramValue = null; if (name_value.Length == 2) { paramValue = TextUtils.UnQuoteString(MIME_Utils.UnfoldHeader(name_value[1].Trim())); } // Valueless parameter. //else{ string[] nameParts = paramName.Split('*'); int index = 0; bool encoded = nameParts.Length == 3; // Get multi value parameter index. if (nameParts.Length >= 2) { try{ index = Convert.ToInt32(nameParts[1]); } catch { } } // Single value parameter and we already have parameter with such name, skip it. if (nameParts.Length < 2 && parameters.ContainsKey(nameParts[0])) { continue; } // Parameter builder doesn't exist for the specified parameter, create it. if (!parameters.ContainsKey(nameParts[0])) { parameters.Add(nameParts[0], new _ParameterBuilder(nameParts[0])); } parameters[nameParts[0]].AddPart(index, encoded, paramValue); } // Build parameters from parts. foreach (_ParameterBuilder b in parameters) { m_pParameters.Add(b.Name, b.GetParamter()); } m_IsModified = false; }
// 将种记录数据从XML格式转换为HTML格式 public int ConvertBiblioXmlToHtml( string strFilterFileName, string strBiblioXml, string strRecPath, out string strBiblio, out KeyValueCollection result_params, out string strError) { strBiblio = ""; strError = ""; result_params = null; OpacApplication app = this; FilterHost host = new FilterHost(); host.RecPath = strRecPath; host.App = this; host.ResultParams = new KeyValueCollection(); // 如果必要,转换为MARC格式,调用filter string strOutMarcSyntax = ""; string strMarc = ""; // 将MARCXML格式的xml记录转换为marc机内格式字符串 // parameters: // bWarning ==true, 警告后继续转换,不严格对待错误; = false, 非常严格对待错误,遇到错误后不继续转换 // strMarcSyntax 指示marc语法,如果=="",则自动识别 // strOutMarcSyntax out参数,返回marc,如果strMarcSyntax == "",返回找到marc语法,否则返回与输入参数strMarcSyntax相同的值 int nRet = MarcUtil.Xml2Marc(strBiblioXml, true, "", // this.CurMarcSyntax, out strOutMarcSyntax, out strMarc, out strError); if (nRet == -1) goto ERROR1; LoanFilterDocument filter = null; nRet = app.PrepareMarcFilter( host, strFilterFileName, out filter, out strError); if (nRet == -1) goto ERROR1; try { nRet = filter.DoRecord(null, strMarc, 0, out strError); if (nRet == -1) goto ERROR1; strBiblio = host.ResultString; result_params = host.ResultParams; } catch (Exception ex) { strError = "filter.DoRecord error: " + ExceptionUtil.GetDebugText(ex); return -1; } finally { // 归还对象 app.Filters.SetFilter(strFilterFileName, filter); } return 0; ERROR1: return -1; }
/// <summary> /// Parse a message value. /// </summary> /// <param name="reader">Reader containing the string that should be parsed.</param> /// <returns>Newly created header.</returns> /// <exception cref="ParseException">Header value is malformed.</exception> /// <example> /// sip:[email protected]:5060 /// [email protected]:5060 /// jonas:[email protected] /// sip:[email protected] /// mailto:[email protected] /// </example> public static SipUri Parse(ITextReader reader) { string first = reader.ReadUntil("@:"); string scheme = null; string userName; string password = null; string domain; int port = 0; bool containsAt = reader.Contains('@'); // scheme:domain:port // scheme:domain // domain:port if (reader.Current == ':' && !containsAt) { reader.Consume(); //scheme:domain:port or scheme:domain if (IsValidScheme(first)) { scheme = first; domain = reader.ReadToEnd(":"); if (reader.EOF) return new SipUri(scheme, domain, 0); //scheme:domain:port reader.Consume(':'); first = reader.ReadToEnd(); } else // domain:port or just domain { domain = first; first = reader.ReadToEnd(":"); } if (!int.TryParse(first, out port)) throw new ParseException("Port is not a number: " + first); return new SipUri(scheme, domain, port); } // Can either be "scheme:username" // or "username:password" // or "scheme:username:password" else if (reader.Current == ':') { reader.Consume(); // Check if we got another colon (scheme:username:password) string second = reader.ReadUntil(":@"); if (reader.Current == ':') { scheme = first; userName = second; reader.Consume(); password = reader.ReadUntil('@'); } // it's "scheme:username" or "username:password" else { //TODO: Create a ProtocolProvider singleton if (first == "tel" || first == "sip" || first == "sips" || first == "mailto") { scheme = first; userName = second; } else { userName = first; password = second; } } } // only username else userName = first; reader.Consume(); // eat delimiter. domain = reader.ReadToEnd(":;"); if (reader.Current == '\r' || userName == null) return null; // domain was not specified. // We got a port. if (reader.Current == ':') { reader.Consume(); string portStr = reader.ReadToEnd(';'); if (portStr != null) { if (!int.TryParse(portStr, out port)) return null; } } // parse parameters var values = new KeyValueCollection(); if (reader.Current == ';') ParseParameters(values, reader); return new SipUri(scheme, userName, password, domain, port, values); }