public void ComputeHashTest() { const string key = "SteveRuben-SuperDuper-Key"; var keyHash = KeyUtility.GetKeyHash(key); Assert.IsTrue(keyHash.Length > 0); }
private void OutputDescriptionPropertyKeyAndKey(string format, string property) { //// Attacks per Second: 1.50 //[PropertyKey("Attacks per Second: {0}")] //AttacksPerSecond, Debug.WriteLine("// " + property); Debug.WriteLine(@"[PropertyKey(""" + format + @""")]"); var percentage = format.Contains("%"); format = format.Replace(":", string.Empty); format = format.Replace("%", string.Empty); format = format.Replace("-", string.Empty); format = format.Replace("(", string.Empty); format = format.Replace(")", string.Empty); for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { format = format.Replace("{" + i.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "}", string.Empty); } var key = KeyUtility.FormatStringToKey(format); if (percentage) { key += "Percentage"; } Debug.WriteLine(key + ","); Debug.WriteLine(string.Empty); }
// ******************************************************************* /// <inheritdoc /> public override async Task <TModel> AddAsync( TModel model, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default ) { // Validate the parameters before attempting to use them. Guard.Instance().ThrowIfNull(model, nameof(model)); try { // Is the key missing? if (KeyUtility.IsKeyMissing(model.Key)) { // Create a new random key value. model.Key = KeyUtility.CreateRandomKey <TKey>(); } // Wrap the model up. var wrapper = new CosmoDbWrapper <TModel>() { id = $"{model.Key}", model = model }; // Defer to the CosmoDb container. var newModel = await Container.Value.CreateItemAsync( item : wrapper, cancellationToken : cancellationToken ).ConfigureAwait(false); // Return the result. return(newModel.Resource.model); } catch (Exception ex) { // Add better context to the error. throw new RepositoryException( message: string.Format( Resources.CosmoDbCrudRepository_AddAsync, GetType().Name, typeof(TModel).Name, JsonSerializer.Serialize(model) ), innerException: ex ); } }
// ******************************************************************* /// <inheritdoc /> public override async Task <TModel> AddAsync( TModel model, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default ) { // Validate the parameters before attempting to use them. Guard.Instance().ThrowIfNull(model, nameof(model)); try { // Is the key missing? if (KeyUtility.IsKeyMissing(model.Key)) { // Create a new random key value. model.Key = KeyUtility.CreateRandomKey <TKey>(); } // Defer to the CosmoDb container. await Collection.InsertOneAsync( model, new InsertOneOptions() { BypassDocumentValidation = true }, cancellationToken ).ConfigureAwait(false); // Return the model. return(model); } catch (Exception ex) { // Add better context to the error. throw new RepositoryException( message: string.Format( Resources.MongoDbCrudRepository_AddAsync, nameof(MongoDbCrudRepository <TOptions, TModel, TKey>), typeof(TModel).Name, JsonSerializer.Serialize(model) ), innerException: ex ); } }
private void PopulateWithMappings() { Thickness buttonMargin = new Thickness(); buttonMargin.Left = 15; List <VirtualKey> virtualKeys = KeyUtility.GetVirtualKeyValues(); foreach (VirtualKey vk in virtualKeys) { StackPanel stackPanel = new StackPanel(); stackPanel.Orientation = Orientation.Horizontal; stackPanel.Tag = vk; TextBlock textblock = new TextBlock() { FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold }; textblock.Text = vk.ToString(); textblock.Width = 100; stackPanel.Children.Add(textblock); for (int i = 0; i < Settings.AdvancedMappingPage_MappingsToShow; i++) { Button button = new Button(); button.Click += Handler_ButtonClicked; button.Margin = buttonMargin; button.Tag = i; button.Width = 120; stackPanel.Children.Add(button); } mappingHolder.Children.Add(stackPanel); } RefreshButtonContents(); }
public void KeyForPoeNinjaId() { var expected = Key.ExaltedOrb; Assert.True(KeyUtility.KeyForPoeNinjaId(2) == expected); }