예제 #1
 private void Start()
     if (!KeyBufferManager.main)
         KeyBufferManager.main = this;
예제 #2
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        if (!main)
            main = this;

        kb_L3 = KeyBufferManager.CreateKey();
        kb_B  = KeyBufferManager.CreateKey();

        rb       = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        animator = GetComponent <Animator>();

        AnmID_Defense    = Animator.StringToHash("isDefense");
        AnmID_isAnimated = Animator.StringToHash("isParticleAnimated");

        defaultDrag        = rb.drag;
        defaultAngularDrag = rb.angularDrag;

        renderers.AddRange(GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>());
예제 #3
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        if (!main)
            main = this;


        animLayer_impact = animator.GetLayerIndex("impact Layer");

        ikManager        = animator.GetComponent <PlayerIKManager>();
        breathingManager = animator.GetComponent <BreathingManager>();

        ballRB       = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        ballCollider = GetComponent <SphereCollider>();
        myContacts   = GetComponent <ContactManager>();
        wireManager  = GetComponent <WireManager>();

        lookRotation               = new GameObject("lookRotation").transform;
        lookRotation.parent        = tAvatar;
        lookRotation.localPosition = Vector3.zero;
        lookForward               = new GameObject("lookForward").transform;
        lookForward.parent        = lookRotation;
        lookForward.localPosition = Vector3.forward;

        key_B  = KeyBufferManager.CreateKey();
        key_R1 = KeyBufferManager.CreateKey();
        key_L2 = KeyBufferManager.CreateKey();