public override void OnUpdate() { Log.Info("OnUpdate 1"); if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsFlight) // && vessel.HoldPhysics == true) { // Make sure controls are unlocked (workaround for compatibility issue with Kerbal Joint Reinforcement) if (InputLockManager.GetControlLock("KJRLoadLock") != ControlTypes.ALL_SHIP_CONTROLS) { if (this.part.protoModuleCrew.Count > 0 && allCommandSeats.Count == 0) { print("[TakeCommand] populating seat list"); foreach (Part p in { if (p.Modules.OfType <TakeCommand>().Any()) { if (p.protoModuleCrew.Count > 0) { allCommandSeats.Add(p); } } } print("[TakeCommand] found " + allCommandSeats.Count + " occupied seats"); } Log.Info("this.part.protoModuleCrew.Count: " + this.part.protoModuleCrew.Count()); #if true if (!error) { Log.Info("OnUpdate 2"); if (FlightEVA.hatchInsideFairing(this.part)) { ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage(part.partInfo.title + " is inside a fairing (not allowed)", 15.0f, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER); ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Revert and try again", 15.0f, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER); error = true; } else { Log.Info("OnUpdate 3"); if (boardKerbal == false) { Log.Info("OnUpdate 4"); Log.Info("boardKerbal"); if (this.part.protoModuleCrew.Count > 0 && allCommandSeats.First().GetInstanceID() == this.part.GetInstanceID()) { // Time to eject this crew member ProtoCrewMember kerbal; while (this.part.protoModuleCrew.Count() > 0) { kerbal = this.part.protoModuleCrew[0]; //ProtoCrewMember kerbal = this.part.protoModuleCrew.First(); print("[TakeCommand] ejecting " + + " from " + this.part.GetInstanceID()); escapeHatch.GetComponent <Collider>().enabled = true; if (FlightEVA.fetch.spawnEVA(kerbal, this.part, escapeHatch.transform)) { myKerbal = "kerbalEVA (" + + ")"; myFemaleKerbal = "kerbalEVAfemale (" + + ")"; boardKerbal = true; escapeHatch.GetComponent <Collider>().enabled = false; } else { print("[TakeCommand] error ejecting " +; ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Unable to put kerbal: " + + " into the external seat", 5.0f, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER); ScreenMessages.PostScreenMessage("Revert and try again", 5.0f, ScreenMessageStyle.UPPER_CENTER); error = true; Log.Info("Error set true"); break; // this.part.protoModuleCrew.Remove(kerbal); } } } } else { Log.Info("OnUpdate 5"); // Check and wait until the ejected Kerbal is the active vessel before proceeding Log.Info(" " +; Log.Info(" " +; if (this.vessel == FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel) { Log.Info("this.vessel is activevessel, myKerbal: " + myKerbal); } if ( == myKerbal || == myFemaleKerbal) { KerbalEVA kerbal = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.GetComponent <KerbalEVA>(); Log.Info("kerbal.fsm.currentStateName: " + kerbal.fsm.currentStateName); if (kerbal.fsm.Started == true) { allCommandSeats.Remove(allCommandSeats.First()); //allCommandSeats.Remove(this.part); boardKerbal = false; if (kerbal.flagItems == 0) { kerbal.AddFlag(); } print("[TakeCommand] seating " + + " in " + this.part.GetInstanceID()); // Board in first unoccupied seat var freeModule = this.part.Modules.OfType <KerbalSeat>().First(t => t.Occupant == null); freeModule.BoardSeat(); } } } } } else { Log.Info("error is true"); } #endif } } base.OnUpdate(); }