예제 #1
        // MonoBehaviour ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////

        void UpdateServer()
            while (serverSocket != null && serverSocket.Poll(0, SelectMode.SelectRead))
                int msgLength = serverSocket.ReceiveFrom(buffer, 0, buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, ref serverNewClientEP);
                //Debug.Log($"KCP: server raw recv {msgLength} bytes = {BitConverter.ToString(buffer, 0, msgLength)}");

                // calculate connectionId from endpoint
                int connectionId = serverNewClientEP.GetHashCode();

                // is this a new connection?
                if (!connections.TryGetValue(connectionId, out KcpServerConnection connection))
                    // add it to a queue
                    connection = new KcpServerConnection(serverSocket, serverNewClientEP);

                    connections.Add(connectionId, connection);
                    Debug.LogWarning($"KCP: server added connection {serverNewClientEP}");

                    // setup connected event
                    connection.OnConnected += () =>
                        // call mirror event
                        Debug.LogWarning($"KCP OnServerConnected({connectionId})");

                    // setup data event
                    connection.OnData += (message) =>
                        // call mirror event
                        Debug.LogWarning($"KCP OnServerDataReceived({connectionId}, {BitConverter.ToString(message.Array, message.Offset, message.Count)})");

                    // setup disconnected event
                    connection.OnDisconnected += () =>
                        // remove from connections

                        // call mirror event
                        Debug.LogWarning($"KCP OnServerDisconnected({connectionId})");

                    // send handshake

                connection.RawInput(buffer, msgLength);

            // tick all server connections
            foreach (KcpServerConnection connection in connections.Values)
예제 #2
        private async UniTaskVoid ServerHandshake(EndPoint endpoint, byte[] data, int msgLength)
            var connection = new KcpServerConnection(socket, endpoint, delayMode, SendWindowSize, ReceiveWindowSize);

            connectedClients.Add(endpoint as IPEndPoint, connection);

            connection.Disconnected += () =>
                connectedClients.Remove(endpoint as IPEndPoint);

            connection.DataSent += (length) =>
                sentBytes += length;

            connection.RawInput(data, msgLength);

            await connection.HandshakeAsync();

            // once handshake is completed,  then the connection has been accepted