예제 #1
	// Use this for initialization
	public void OnClick () {

		Message msg = new Message();
		Gaikou gaikou = new Gaikou ();
		CloseBoard closeScript = GameObject.Find ("close").GetComponent<CloseBoard> ();
		daimyoId = closeScript.daimyoId;

		if (hyourouOKflg) {
			if (moneyOKflg) {
				if (name == "DoMitsugiBtn") {
					reduceMoneyHyourou ();

					bool doumeiFlg = closeScript.doumeiFlg;

					//Add Yukoudo
					// AddYukoudo = (Money/200)*chiryaku/100
					int addYukoudo = (paiedMoney / 200) * busyoChiryaku / 500;
					if (addYukoudo <= 0) {
						addYukoudo = 1;

						addYukoudo = addYukoudo * 2;

					string tempGaikou = "gaikou" + daimyoId;
					int nowYukoudo = 0;
					if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey (tempGaikou)) {
						nowYukoudo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt (tempGaikou);
					} else {
						nowYukoudo = 50;
					int newYukoudo = nowYukoudo + addYukoudo;
					if (newYukoudo > 100) {
						newYukoudo = 100;
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt (tempGaikou, newYukoudo);
					GameObject.Find ("YukouValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString (); 

					//Change new yukoudo
					closeScript.yukoudo = newYukoudo;

					GameObject.Find ("return").GetComponent<MenuReturn> ().OnClick ();

					string OKtext = daimyoName + "に金" + paiedMoney + "の貢物をしました。\n友好度が" + addYukoudo + "上がりますぞ。";
					msg.makeMessage (OKtext);

					PlayerPrefs.Flush ();

				} else if (name == "DoDoumeiBtn") {
					reduceMoneyHyourou ();

					float percent = Random.value;
					percent = percent * 100;
					if(percent <= doumeiRatio){
						//Doumei Success
						string doumei = PlayerPrefs.GetString("doumei");
						if(doumei == null || doumei == ""){
							doumei = daimyoId.ToString();
							doumei = doumei + "," + daimyoId.ToString();

						int myDaimyo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("myDaimyo");
						string cpuDoumeiTemp = "doumei" + daimyoId.ToString();
						string cpuDoumei = PlayerPrefs.GetString(cpuDoumeiTemp);
						if(cpuDoumei != null & cpuDoumei !=""){
							cpuDoumei = cpuDoumei + "," + myDaimyo.ToString();
							cpuDoumei = myDaimyo.ToString();

						//Change Target Flg & Kuni Icon Color
						string seiryoku = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("seiryoku");
						char[] delimiterChars = {','};
						List<string> seiryokuList = new List<string> ();
						seiryokuList = new List<string> (seiryoku.Split (delimiterChars));
						GameObject KuniIconView = GameObject.Find ("KuniIconView").gameObject;

						Color doumeiColor = new Color (100f / 255f, 130f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 255f / 255f); //Blue
						for(int i=0;i<seiryokuList.Count;i++){
							int tempDaimyoId = int.Parse (seiryokuList [i]);

							if(tempDaimyoId == daimyoId){
								int kuniId = i + 1;
								GameObject kuniIcon = KuniIconView.transform.FindChild(kuniId.ToString()).gameObject;
								kuniIcon.GetComponent<Image>().color = doumeiColor;
								kuniIcon.GetComponent<SendParam>().doumeiFlg = true;

						string OKtext = "御目出度う存じまする。\n" + daimyoName + "殿と同盟致しました。\n戦略の幅が拡がりますな。";
						msg.makeMessage (OKtext);


						//Doumie Failed
						int maxReduceValue = 3;
						int nowYukoudo = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
						int newYukoudo = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId,nowYukoudo,maxReduceValue);
						int reduceYukoudo = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
						closeScript.yukoudo = newYukoudo;

						GameObject.Find ("YukouValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString (); 
						string NGtext = daimyoName + "に体よく断られ申した。\n友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりますぞ。";
						msg.makeMessage (NGtext);

						GameObject.Find ("return").GetComponent<MenuReturn> ().OnClick ();

					PlayerPrefs.Flush ();

				} else if (name == "DoKyoutouBtn") {

					reduceMoneyHyourou ();

					//Kyoutou Check
					float percent = Random.value;
					percent = percent * 100;
					if(percent <= kyoutouRatio){

						string playerKyoutouList = PlayerPrefs.GetString("playerKyoutouList","");
						MainEventHandler kyoutou = new MainEventHandler();
						if(playerKyoutouList==null || playerKyoutouList == ""){
							playerKyoutouList = targetKuniId+ "-" + kyoutou.getEngunSts(daimyoId.ToString());
							playerKyoutouList = playerKyoutouList + ":" +  targetKuniId+ "-" + kyoutou.getEngunSts(daimyoId.ToString());
						Debug.Log (playerKyoutouList);

						string OKtext = daimyoName + "殿が" + kuniName + "攻めに加勢してくれますぞ。\n百人力ですな。";
						msg.makeMessage (OKtext);


						//Doumie Failed
						int maxReduceValue = 3;
						int nowYukoudo = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
						int newYukoudo = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId,nowYukoudo,maxReduceValue);
						int reduceYukoudo = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
						GameObject.Find ("YukouValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString (); 	
						closeScript.yukoudo = newYukoudo;

						string NGtext = daimyoName + "に体よく断られ申した。\n友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりますぞ。";
						msg.makeMessage (NGtext);


					PlayerPrefs.Flush ();
					GameObject.Find ("return").GetComponent<MenuReturn> ().OnClick ();

				}else if (name == "DoDoukatsuBtn") {

					reduceMoneyHyourou ();

					float percent = Random.value;
					percent = percent * 100;
					if(percent <= doukatsuRatio){
						int kuniQty = closeScript.kuniQty; 
						int getMoney =0;
						//Money or Item 0:money, 1:item
						int moneyOrItem = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,2);
						//Kahou or Shizai 0:kahou, 1:shizai 
						int kahouOrShizai = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,2);
						string kahouName = "";
						string shigenName = "";
						int addQty =0;
						int kahouRank = 0; //kahouRank S,A,B,C=1,2,3,4
						//shigen Type
						int shigenType = 0; //KB,YR,TP,YM=1,2,3,4
							int temGetMoney = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1000,1501);
							getMoney = temGetMoney * kuniQty;
							int nowMoney = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("money");
							nowMoney = nowMoney + getMoney;
							//Kahou or Shizai 0:kahou, 1:shizai 
							kahouOrShizai = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,2);
								Kahou kahou = new Kahou();
								////Bugu, Gusoku, Kabuto, Meiba, Heihousyo, Cyadougu, Chishikisyo(1,2,3,4,5,6)
								int kahouType = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1,7);
								float khPercent = Random.value;
								khPercent = khPercent * 100;
									//(S,A,B  5,35,60%)
										kahouRank = 1;
										kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
									}else if(5<khPercent && khPercent <=41){
										kahouRank = 2;
										kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
									}else if(41<khPercent){
										kahouRank = 3;
										kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
								}else if(3<=kuniQty && kuniQty<5){
									//(S,A,B,C : 1,15,25,59%)
										kahouRank = 1;
										kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
									}else if(1<khPercent && khPercent <=16){
										kahouRank = 2;
										kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
									}else if(16<khPercent && khPercent <= 41){
										kahouRank = 3;
										kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
									}else if(41<khPercent){
										kahouRank = 4;
										kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
								}else if(kuniQty<3){
									//(A,B,C : 5, 35, 60%)
										kahouRank = 2;
										kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
									}else if(5<khPercent && khPercent <=41){
										kahouRank = 3;
										kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
									}else if(41<khPercent){
										kahouRank = 3;
										kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);

								shigenType = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1,5);
								float sgPercent = Random.value;
								sgPercent = sgPercent * 100;
								addQty = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1,6);
								Item item = new Item();
								int shigenRank = 0;//下、中、上=1,2,3
									//(上,中,下  40,40, 20%)
										shigenRank = 3;
									}else if(40<sgPercent && sgPercent <=81){
										shigenRank = 2;
									}else if(81<sgPercent){
										shigenRank = 1;
									shigenName = item.getRandomShigen(shigenType,shigenRank,addQty);
								}else if(3<=kuniQty && kuniQty<5){
									//(上,中,下  20,50,30%)
										shigenRank = 3;
									}else if(20<sgPercent && sgPercent <=51){
										shigenRank = 2;
									}else if(51<sgPercent){
										shigenRank = 1;
									shigenName = item.getRandomShigen(shigenType,shigenRank,addQty);
								}else if(kuniQty<3){
									//(上,中,下  5,25,70%)
										shigenRank = 3;
									}else if(5<sgPercent && sgPercent <=26){
										shigenRank = 2;
									}else if(26<sgPercent){
										shigenRank = 1;
									shigenName = item.getRandomShigen(shigenType,shigenRank,addQty);
						string OKtext = "御屋形様、恫喝に成功しましたぞ。\n"+daimyoName + "が";
						string addText = "";
							addText = "金" + getMoney + "を送って参りました。\n";
								addText = "家宝、" + kahouName + "を送って参りました。\n";
								addText = shigenName + "を" + addQty + "個送って参りました。\n";

						int maxReduceValue = 5;
						int nowYukoudo = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
						int newYukoudo = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId,nowYukoudo,maxReduceValue);
						int reduceYukoudo = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
						GameObject.Find ("YukouValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString ();
						closeScript.yukoudo = newYukoudo;

						string reducceText = "友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりますぞ。";

						OKtext = OKtext + addText + reducceText;
						msg.makeMessage (OKtext);
						int maxReduceValue = 10;
						int nowYukoudo = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
						int newYukoudo = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId,nowYukoudo,maxReduceValue);
						int reduceYukoudo = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
						GameObject.Find ("YukouValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString ();
						closeScript.yukoudo = newYukoudo;

						string NGtext = daimyoName + "に体よく断られ申した。\n友好度が" + reduceYukoudo +  "下がりますぞ。";
						msg.makeMessage (NGtext);
					GameObject.Find ("return").GetComponent<MenuReturn> ().OnClick ();


			} else {
				string NGtext = "御屋形様、金が不足しておりますぞ。";
				msg.makeMessage (NGtext);
		} else {
			string NGtext = "御屋形様、兵糧が不足しておりますぞ。";
			msg.makeMessage (NGtext);
예제 #2
    public void OnClick()
        Message    msg            = new Message();
        Gaikou     gaikou         = new Gaikou();
        DoGaikou   yukouChange    = new DoGaikou();
        int        nowHyourou     = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("hyourou");
        CloseBoard closeScript    = GameObject.Find("close").GetComponent <CloseBoard> ();
        int        daimyoBusyoAtk = closeScript.daimyoBusyoAtk;
        int        daimyoBusyoDfc = closeScript.daimyoBusyoDfc;
        int        daimyoId       = closeScript.daimyoId;
        int        kuniId         = closeScript.kuniId;

        AudioSource[] audioSources = GameObject.Find("SEController").GetComponents <AudioSource> ();

        if (nowHyourou >= 5)
            int TrackBouryakuNo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TrackBouryakuNo", 0);
            TrackBouryakuNo = TrackBouryakuNo + 1;
            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TrackBouryakuNo", TrackBouryakuNo);

            if (name == "DoGihouBtn")
                //Reduce Hyourou

                //Reduce Shinobi
                //Ge 5-15%, Cyu 15-30%, Jyo 30-50%
                int randomPercent = 0;
                int newQty        = itemQty - 1;

                if (itemRank == "Ge")
                    randomPercent = UnityEngine.Random.Range(5, 15);
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiGe", newQty);
                else if (itemRank == "Cyu")
                    randomPercent = UnityEngine.Random.Range(15, 30);
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiCyu", newQty);
                else if (itemRank == "Jyo")
                    randomPercent = UnityEngine.Random.Range(30, 50);
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiJyo", newQty);

                float ratio   = (float)randomPercent;
                float percent = Random.value;
                percent = percent * 100;

                if (percent <= ratio)
                    audioSources [3].Play();

                    int TrackBouryakuSuccessNo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TrackBouryakuSuccessNo", 0);
                    TrackBouryakuSuccessNo = TrackBouryakuSuccessNo + 1;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TrackBouryakuSuccessNo", TrackBouryakuSuccessNo);

                    //Delete Gunzei

                    //Delete Key
                    string gunzeiKey = Gunzei.name;

                    //Delete Key History
                    char[]        delimiterChars = { ',' };
                    string        keyHistory     = PlayerPrefs.GetString("keyHistory");
                    List <string> keyHistoryList = new List <string>();
                    if (keyHistory != null && keyHistory != "")
                        if (keyHistory.Contains(","))
                            keyHistoryList = new List <string> (keyHistory.Split(delimiterChars));
                    string newKeyHistory = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < keyHistoryList.Count; i++)
                        if (i == 0)
                            newKeyHistory = keyHistoryList[i];
                            newKeyHistory = newKeyHistory + "," + keyHistoryList[i];
                    PlayerPrefs.SetString("keyHistory", newKeyHistory);

                    PlayerPrefs.SetBool("questDailyFlg33", true);

                    //Extension Mark Handling
                    MainStageController main = new MainStageController();

                    int TrackGihouHei = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TrackGihouHei", 0);
                    int hei           = Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().myHei;
                    TrackGihouHei = TrackGihouHei + hei;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TrackGihouHei", TrackGihouHei);

                    string daimyoName = Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei>().srcDaimyoName;
                    string OKtext     = "";
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        OKtext = "My lord, misreport was successful. \n" + daimyoName + " army withdrawn.";
                        OKtext = "御屋形様、偽報に成功しましたぞ。\n" + daimyoName + "の軍勢が退却します。";
                    audioSources [4].Play();

                    int nowYukoudo    = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
                    int newYukoudo    = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId, nowYukoudo, maxReduceValue);
                    int reduceYukoudo = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
                    GameObject.Find("YukouValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString();

                    string NGtext = "";
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        NGtext = "My lord, I'm sorry. failed misreport. \n Friendship decreased " + reduceYukoudo + " point";
                        NGtext = "申し訳御座りませぬ。偽報に失敗しましたぞ。\n友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりますぞ。";


                    yukouChange.downYukouOnIcon(daimyoId, newYukoudo);

                GameObject.Find("return").GetComponent <MenuReturn> ().OnClick();
            else if (name == "DoRyugenBtn")
                //Reduce Hyourou

                //Ge 10-20%, Cyu 20-40%, Jyo 40-70%
                float randomPercent = 0;
                int   newQty        = itemQty - 1;

                if (itemRank == "Ge")
                    float tempRandomPercent = (200 - daimyoBusyoDfc) / 4;
                    float tempValue         = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.5f, 1.5f);
                    randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiGe", newQty);
                else if (itemRank == "Cyu")
                    float tempRandomPercent = (200 - daimyoBusyoDfc) / 2;
                    float tempValue         = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.8f, 1.2f);
                    randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiCyu", newQty);
                else if (itemRank == "Jyo")
                    float tempRandomPercent = (200 - daimyoBusyoDfc);
                    float tempValue         = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.9f, 1.1f);
                    randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiJyo", newQty);

                float percent = Random.value;
                percent = percent * 100;

                if (percent <= randomPercent)
                    audioSources [3].Play();

                    int TrackBouryakuSuccessNo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TrackBouryakuSuccessNo", 0);
                    TrackBouryakuSuccessNo = TrackBouryakuSuccessNo + 1;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TrackBouryakuSuccessNo", TrackBouryakuSuccessNo);

                    int TrackRyugenNo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TrackRyugenNo", 0);
                    TrackRyugenNo = TrackRyugenNo + 1;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TrackRyugenNo", TrackRyugenNo);

                    //Daimyo Id
                    int srcDaimyoId = GameObject.Find("close").GetComponent <CloseBoard> ().daimyoId;

                    //Seiryoku List
                    string        seiryoku       = PlayerPrefs.GetString("seiryoku");
                    List <string> seiryokuList   = new List <string> ();
                    char[]        delimiterChars = { ',' };
                    seiryokuList = new List <string> (seiryoku.Split(delimiterChars));

                    //src daimyo kuni list
                    List <string> srcDaimyoKuniList = new List <string> ();
                    for (int i = 0; i < seiryokuList.Count; i++)
                        string tempDaimyoId = seiryokuList[i];

                        if (tempDaimyoId == srcDaimyoId.ToString())
                            int temp = i + 1;

                    //src daimyo open kuni list
                    KuniInfo   kuni         = new KuniInfo();
                    List <int> openKuniList = new List <int>();
                    for (int j = 0; j < srcDaimyoKuniList.Count; j++)

                    //Target Daimyo (exculde this src daimyo & mydaimyo)
                    int        myDaimyo      = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("myDaimyo");
                    List <int> dstDaimyoList = new List <int>();

                    for (int k = 0; k < openKuniList.Count; k++)
                        int temp         = openKuniList[k] - 1;
                        int tempDaimyoId = int.Parse(seiryokuList[temp]);
                        if (tempDaimyoId != myDaimyo && tempDaimyoId != srcDaimyoId)
                            if (!dstDaimyoList.Contains(tempDaimyoId))

                    //Reduce Yukoudo
                    MainEventHandler main       = new MainEventHandler();
                    Daimyo           daimyo     = new Daimyo();
                    string           ryugenText = "";
                    for (int l = 0; l < dstDaimyoList.Count; l++)
                        int    dstDaimyoId   = dstDaimyoList[l];
                        string dstDaimyoName = daimyo.getName(dstDaimyoId);
                        int    reduceYukoudo = main.DownYukouValueWithOther(srcDaimyoId, dstDaimyoId);
                        reduceYukoudo = reduceYukoudo / 2;
                        if (reduceYukoudo == 0)
                            reduceYukoudo = 1;

                        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                            ryugenText = ryugenText + dstDaimyoName + " friendship decreased " + reduceYukoudo + " point \n";
                            ryugenText = ryugenText + dstDaimyoName + "との友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりました。\n";

                    PlayerPrefs.SetBool("questDailyFlg31", true);

                    //Extension Mark Handling
                    MainStageController mainStage = new MainStageController();

                    string OKtext = "";
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        OKtext = "My lord, bad rumor was successful. \n" + ryugenText;
                        OKtext = "御屋形様、流言に成功しましたぞ。\n " + ryugenText;
                    audioSources [4].Play();

                    int nowYukoudo    = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
                    int newYukoudo    = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId, nowYukoudo, maxReduceValue);
                    int reduceYukoudo = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
                    GameObject.Find("YukouValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString();

                    string NGtext = "";
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        NGtext = "My lord, I'm sorry. failed misreport. \n Friendship decreased " + reduceYukoudo + " point";
                        NGtext = "申し訳御座りませぬ。流言に失敗しましたぞ。\n友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりますぞ。";

                    yukouChange.downYukouOnIcon(daimyoId, newYukoudo);


                GameObject.Find("return").GetComponent <MenuReturn> ().OnClick();
            else if (name == "DoGoudatsuBtn")

                //Ge 10-20%, Cyu 20-40%, Jyo 40-70%
                float randomPercent = 0;
                int   newQty        = itemQty - 1;

                if (itemRank == "Ge")
                    float tempRandomPercent = (200 - daimyoBusyoDfc) / 4;
                    float tempValue         = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.5f, 1.5f);
                    randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiGe", newQty);
                else if (itemRank == "Cyu")
                    float tempRandomPercent = (200 - daimyoBusyoDfc) / 2;
                    float tempValue         = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.8f, 1.2f);
                    randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiCyu", newQty);
                else if (itemRank == "Jyo")
                    float tempRandomPercent = (200 - daimyoBusyoDfc);
                    float tempValue         = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.9f, 1.1f);
                    randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiJyo", newQty);

                float percent = Random.value;
                percent = percent * 100;

                if (percent <= randomPercent)
                    audioSources [3].Play();

                    int TrackBouryakuSuccessNo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TrackBouryakuSuccessNo", 0);
                    TrackBouryakuSuccessNo = TrackBouryakuSuccessNo + 1;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TrackBouryakuSuccessNo", TrackBouryakuSuccessNo);

                    int kuniQty  = GameObject.Find("close").GetComponent <CloseBoard>().kuniQty;
                    int getMoney = 0;
                    //Money or Item 0:money, 1:item
                    int moneyOrItem = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2);
                    //Kahou or Shizai 0:kahou, 1:shizai
                    int    kahouOrShizai = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2);
                    string kahouName     = "";
                    string shigenName    = "";
                    int    addQty        = 0;
                    int    kahouRank     = 0;              //kahouRank S,A,B,C=1,2,3,4
                    //shigen Type
                    int shigenType = 0;                    //KB,YR,TP,YM=1,2,3,4

                    if (moneyOrItem == 0)
                        int temGetMoney = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1000, 1501);
                        getMoney = temGetMoney * kuniQty;
                        int nowMoney = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("money");
                        nowMoney = nowMoney + getMoney;
                        if (nowMoney < 0)
                            nowMoney = int.MaxValue;
                        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("money", nowMoney);
                        //Kahou or Shizai 0:kahou, 1:shizai
                        kahouOrShizai = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2);
                        if (kahouOrShizai == 0)
                            Kahou kahou = new Kahou();
                            ////Bugu, Gusoku, Kabuto, Meiba, Heihousyo, Cyadougu, Chishikisyo(1,2,3,4,5,6)
                            int kahouType = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 7);

                            float khPercent = Random.value;
                            khPercent = khPercent * 100;
                            if (5 <= kuniQty)
                                //(S,A,B  5,35,60%)
                                if (khPercent <= 5)
                                    kahouRank = 1;
                                    kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                else if (5 < khPercent && khPercent <= 41)
                                    kahouRank = 2;
                                    kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                else if (41 < khPercent)
                                    kahouRank = 3;
                                    kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                            else if (3 <= kuniQty && kuniQty < 5)
                                //(S,A,B,C : 1,15,25,59%)
                                if (khPercent <= 1)
                                    kahouRank = 1;
                                    kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                else if (1 < khPercent && khPercent <= 16)
                                    kahouRank = 2;
                                    kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                else if (16 < khPercent && khPercent <= 41)
                                    kahouRank = 3;
                                    kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                else if (41 < khPercent)
                                    kahouRank = 4;
                                    kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                            else if (kuniQty < 3)
                                //(A,B,C : 5, 35, 60%)
                                if (khPercent <= 5)
                                    kahouRank = 2;
                                    kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                else if (5 < khPercent && khPercent <= 41)
                                    kahouRank = 3;
                                    kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                else if (41 < khPercent)
                                    kahouRank = 3;
                                    kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                            shigenType = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 5);
                            float sgPercent = Random.value;
                            sgPercent = sgPercent * 100;
                            addQty    = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 6);
                            Item item       = new Item();
                            int  shigenRank = 0;                           //下、中、上=1,2,3

                            if (5 <= kuniQty)
                                //(上,中,下  40,40, 20%)
                                if (sgPercent <= 40)
                                    shigenRank = 3;
                                else if (40 < sgPercent && sgPercent <= 81)
                                    shigenRank = 2;
                                else if (81 < sgPercent)
                                    shigenRank = 1;
                                shigenName = item.getRandomShigen(shigenType, shigenRank, addQty);
                            else if (3 <= kuniQty && kuniQty < 5)
                                //(上,中,下  20,50,30%)
                                if (sgPercent <= 20)
                                    shigenRank = 3;
                                else if (20 < sgPercent && sgPercent <= 51)
                                    shigenRank = 2;
                                else if (51 < sgPercent)
                                    shigenRank = 1;
                                shigenName = item.getRandomShigen(shigenType, shigenRank, addQty);
                            else if (kuniQty < 3)
                                //(上,中,下  5,25,70%)
                                if (sgPercent <= 5)
                                    shigenRank = 3;
                                else if (5 < sgPercent && sgPercent <= 26)
                                    shigenRank = 2;
                                else if (26 < sgPercent)
                                    shigenRank = 1;
                                shigenName = item.getRandomShigen(shigenType, shigenRank, addQty);

                    PlayerPrefs.SetBool("questDailyFlg32", true);

                    MainStageController mainStage = new MainStageController();

                    string OKtext = "";
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        OKtext = "My lord, successed to rob.\n";
                        OKtext = "御屋形様、強奪に成功しましたぞ。\n";

                    string addText = "";
                    if (moneyOrItem == 0)
                        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                            addText = "got " + getMoney + " money.";
                            addText = "金を" + getMoney + "奪って参りました。";
                        if (kahouOrShizai == 0)

                            if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                                addText = " got treasure " + kahouName + ".";
                                addText = "家宝、" + kahouName + "を奪って参りました。";

                            if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                                addText = " got " + addQty + " " + shigenName + ".";
                                addText = shigenName + "を" + addQty + "個奪って参りました。";

                    OKtext = OKtext + addText;
                    audioSources [4].Play();

                    int nowYukoudo    = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
                    int newYukoudo    = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId, nowYukoudo, maxReduceValue);
                    int reduceYukoudo = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
                    GameObject.Find("YukouValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString();

                    string NGtext = "";
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        NGtext = "My lord, I'm sorry. failed to rob. \n Friendship decreased " + reduceYukoudo + " point";
                        NGtext = "申し訳御座りませぬ。強奪に失敗しましたぞ。\n友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりますぞ。";

                    yukouChange.downYukouOnIcon(daimyoId, newYukoudo);


                GameObject.Find("return").GetComponent <MenuReturn> ().OnClick();
            else if (name == "DoCyouhouBtn")

                //Set Value & REduce Qty
                float missPercent = 0;
                int   newQty      = itemQty - 1;
                int   snbValue    = 0;

                if (itemRank == "Ge")
                    missPercent = 30;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiGe", newQty);
                    snbValue = 1;
                else if (itemRank == "Cyu")
                    missPercent = 15;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiCyu", newQty);
                    snbValue = 2;
                else if (itemRank == "Jyo")
                    missPercent = 5;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("shinobiJyo", newQty);
                    snbValue = 3;

                //Random Check
                float percent = Random.value;
                percent = percent * 100;

                if (percent >= missPercent)
                    audioSources [3].Play();

                    int TrackBouryakuSuccessNo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TrackBouryakuSuccessNo", 0);
                    TrackBouryakuSuccessNo = TrackBouryakuSuccessNo + 1;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TrackBouryakuSuccessNo", TrackBouryakuSuccessNo);

                    int TrackCyouhouNo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TrackCyouhouNo", 0);
                    TrackCyouhouNo = TrackCyouhouNo + 1;
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TrackCyouhouNo", TrackCyouhouNo);

                    string        cyouhouHist     = PlayerPrefs.GetString("cyouhou");
                    char[]        delimiterChars  = { ',' };
                    List <string> cyouhouHistList = new List <string> ();
                    if (cyouhouHist != null && cyouhouHist != "")
                        if (cyouhouHist.Contains(","))
                            cyouhouHistList = new List <string> (cyouhouHist.Split(delimiterChars));

                    //Add new kuni
                    if (!cyouhouHistList.Contains(kuniId.ToString()))

                    string newCyouhouHist = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < cyouhouHistList.Count; i++)
                        string tmpCyouhouKuniId = cyouhouHistList [i];

                        if (i == 0)
                            newCyouhouHist = tmpCyouhouKuniId;
                            newCyouhouHist = newCyouhouHist + "," + tmpCyouhouKuniId;

                    PlayerPrefs.SetString("cyouhou", newCyouhouHist);

                    string cyouhouKuni = "cyouhou" + kuniId.ToString();
                    PlayerPrefs.SetInt(cyouhouKuni, snbValue);

                    bool cyouhouFlg = closeScript.cyouhouFlg;

                    if (cyouhouFlg)
                        //Change Icon
                        GameObject shinobi = GameObject.Find("shinobi").gameObject;

                        if (snbValue == 1)
                            Color lowColor = new Color(0f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 219f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
                            shinobi.GetComponent <Image> ().color = lowColor;
                            shinobi.transform.FindChild("ShinobiRank").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "下";
                        else if (snbValue == 2)
                            Color midColor = new Color(94f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
                            shinobi.GetComponent <Image> ().color = midColor;
                            shinobi.transform.FindChild("ShinobiRank").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "中";
                        else if (snbValue == 3)
                            Color highColor = new Color(84f / 255f, 103f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
                            shinobi.GetComponent <Image> ().color = highColor;
                            shinobi.transform.FindChild("ShinobiRank").GetComponent <Text> ().text = "上";
                        GameObject smallBoardObj = GameObject.Find("smallBoard(Clone)").gameObject;

                        //new Icon
                        string     shinobiItemPath = "Prefabs/Item/Shinobi/Shinobi";
                        GameObject shinobi         = Instantiate(Resources.Load(shinobiItemPath)) as GameObject;
                        shinobi.transform.localScale = new Vector2(0.25f, 0.31f);
                        shinobi.name = "shinobi";
                        RectTransform snbTransform = shinobi.GetComponent <RectTransform> ();
                        snbTransform.anchoredPosition            = new Vector3(-251, 250, 0);
                        shinobi.GetComponent <Button> ().enabled = false;

                        if (snbValue == 1)
                            Color lowColor = new Color(0f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 219f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
                            shinobi.GetComponent <Image>().color = lowColor;
                            shinobi.transform.FindChild("ShinobiRank").GetComponent <Text>().text = "下";
                        else if (snbValue == 2)
                            Color midColor = new Color(94f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
                            shinobi.GetComponent <Image>().color = midColor;
                            shinobi.transform.FindChild("ShinobiRank").GetComponent <Text>().text = "中";
                        else if (snbValue == 3)
                            Color highColor = new Color(84f / 255f, 103f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
                            shinobi.GetComponent <Image>().color = highColor;
                            shinobi.transform.FindChild("ShinobiRank").GetComponent <Text>().text = "上";

                        //Set Flg
                        closeScript.cyouhouFlg       = true;
                        closeScript.cyouhouSnbRankId = snbValue;

                    GameObject kuniIconView = GameObject.Find("KuniIconView").gameObject;
                    kuniIconView.transform.FindChild(kuniId.ToString()).GetComponent <SendParam> ().cyouhouSnbRankId = snbValue;

                    KuniInfo kuni     = new KuniInfo();
                    string   kuniName = kuni.getKuniName(kuniId);
                    PlayerPrefs.SetBool("questDailyFlg30", true);

                    MainStageController mainStage = new MainStageController();

                    string OKtext = "";
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        OKtext = "Ninja hided in " + kuniName + " well. \n Please check spy report.";
                        OKtext = "忍が上手く" + kuniName + "に潜伏しましたぞ。\n諜報内容をご確認下され。";
                    audioSources [4].Play();

                    int nowYukoudo    = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
                    int newYukoudo    = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId, nowYukoudo, maxReduceValue);
                    int reduceYukoudo = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
                    GameObject.Find("YukouValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString();
                    string NGtext = "";
                    if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                        NGtext = "Ninja was caught. \n Friendship decreased " + reduceYukoudo + " point";
                        NGtext = "忍が捕まってしまったようです。\n友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりますぞ。";


                    yukouChange.downYukouOnIcon(daimyoId, newYukoudo);


                GameObject.Find("return").GetComponent <MenuReturn> ().OnClick();
            audioSources [4].Play();
            //msg.makeMessage (msg.getMessage(7));
예제 #3
	public void OnClick(){
		Message msg = new Message();
		Gaikou gaikou = new Gaikou ();
		int nowHyourou = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("hyourou");
		CloseBoard closeScript = GameObject.Find ("close").GetComponent<CloseBoard> ();
		int daimyoBusyoAtk = closeScript.daimyoBusyoAtk;
		int daimyoBusyoDfc = closeScript.daimyoBusyoDfc;
		int daimyoId = closeScript.daimyoId;
		int kuniId = closeScript.kuniId;

		if(nowHyourou >= 5){
			if (name == "DoGihouBtn") {

				//Reduce Hyourou
				reduceHyourou ();

				//Reduce Shinobi
				//Ge 5-15%, Cyu 15-30%, Jyo 30-50%
				int randomPercent = 0;
				int newQty = itemQty - 1;

				if(itemRank == "Ge"){
					randomPercent = UnityEngine.Random.Range(5,15);
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiGe",newQty);
				}else if(itemRank == "Cyu"){
					randomPercent = UnityEngine.Random.Range(15,30);
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiCyu",newQty);

				}else if(itemRank == "Jyo"){
					randomPercent = UnityEngine.Random.Range(30,50);
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiJyo",newQty);

				float ratio = (float)randomPercent;
				float percent = Random.value;
				percent = percent * 100;

				if(percent <= ratio){
					//Delete Gunzei

					//Delete Key
					string gunzeiKey = Gunzei.name;

					//Delete Key History
					char[] delimiterChars = {','};
					string keyHistory = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("keyHistory");
					List<string> keyHistoryList = new List<string>();
					if (keyHistory != null && keyHistory != "") {
							keyHistoryList = new List<string> (keyHistory.Split (delimiterChars));
					string newKeyHistory = "";
					for(int i=0; i<keyHistoryList.Count; i++){
							newKeyHistory = keyHistoryList[i];
							newKeyHistory = newKeyHistory + "," + keyHistoryList[i];

					string daimyoName = Gunzei.GetComponent<Gunzei>().srcDaimyoName;
					string OKtext = "御屋形様、偽報に成功しましたぞ。\t " + daimyoName + "の軍勢が退却します。";
					msg.makeMessage (OKtext);

					int nowYukoudo = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
					int newYukoudo = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId,nowYukoudo,maxReduceValue);
					int reduceYukoudo = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
					GameObject.Find ("YukouValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString ();

					string NGtext = "申し訳御座りませぬ。偽報に失敗しましたぞ。\t友好度が" + reduceYukoudo +  "下がりますぞ。";
					msg.makeMessage (NGtext);


				GameObject.Find ("return").GetComponent<MenuReturn> ().OnClick ();

			}else if(name == "DoRyugenBtn"){
				//Reduce Hyourou
				reduceHyourou ();

				//Ge 10-20%, Cyu 20-40%, Jyo 40-70%
				float randomPercent = 0;
				int newQty = itemQty - 1;
				if(itemRank == "Ge"){
					float tempRandomPercent = (150 - daimyoBusyoDfc)/4;
					float tempValue = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.5f,1.5f);
					randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiGe",newQty);

				}else if(itemRank == "Cyu"){
					float tempRandomPercent = (150 - daimyoBusyoDfc)/2;
					float tempValue = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.8f,1.2f);
					randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiCyu",newQty);

				}else if(itemRank == "Jyo"){
					float tempRandomPercent = (150 - daimyoBusyoDfc);
					float tempValue = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.9f,1.1f);
					randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiJyo",newQty);


				float percent = Random.value;
				percent = percent * 100;

				if(percent <= randomPercent){
					//Daimyo Id
					int srcDaimyoId = GameObject.Find ("close").GetComponent<CloseBoard> ().daimyoId;

					//Seiryoku List
					string seiryoku = PlayerPrefs.GetString ("seiryoku");
					List<string> seiryokuList = new List<string> ();
					char[] delimiterChars = {','};
					seiryokuList = new List<string> (seiryoku.Split (delimiterChars));

					//src daimyo kuni list
					List<string> srcDaimyoKuniList = new List<string> ();
					for(int i=0; i<seiryokuList.Count;i++){
						string tempDaimyoId = seiryokuList[i];

						if(tempDaimyoId == srcDaimyoId.ToString()){
							int temp = i + 1;

					//src daimyo open kuni list
					KuniInfo kuni = new KuniInfo();
					List<int> openKuniList = new List<int>();
					for(int j=0; j<srcDaimyoKuniList.Count; j++){

					//Target Daimyo (exculde this src daimyo & mydaimyo)
					int myDaimyo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("myDaimyo");
					List<int> dstDaimyoList = new List<int>();

					for(int k=0; k<openKuniList.Count;k++){
						int temp = openKuniList[k] - 1;
						int tempDaimyoId = int.Parse(seiryokuList[temp]);
						if(tempDaimyoId != myDaimyo && tempDaimyoId != srcDaimyoId){

					//Reduce Yukoudo
					MainEventHandler main = new MainEventHandler();
					Daimyo daimyo = new Daimyo();
					string ryugenText = "";
					for(int l=0; l<dstDaimyoList.Count;l++){
						int dstDaimyoId = dstDaimyoList[l];
						string dstDaimyoName = daimyo.getName(dstDaimyoId);
						int reduceYukoudo = main.DownYukouValueWithOther(srcDaimyoId,dstDaimyoId);
						reduceYukoudo = reduceYukoudo/2;
						ryugenText = ryugenText + dstDaimyoName + "との友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりました。\t";

					string OKtext = "御屋形様、流言に成功しましたぞ。\t " + ryugenText;
					msg.makeMessage (OKtext);

					int nowYukoudo = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
					int newYukoudo = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId,nowYukoudo,maxReduceValue);
					int reduceYukoudo = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
					GameObject.Find ("YukouValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString ();

					string NGtext = "申し訳御座りませぬ。流言に失敗しましたぞ。\t友好度が" + reduceYukoudo +  "下がりますぞ。";
					msg.makeMessage (NGtext);


				GameObject.Find ("return").GetComponent<MenuReturn> ().OnClick ();

			}else if(name == "DoGoudatsuBtn"){
				reduceHyourou ();
				//Ge 10-20%, Cyu 20-40%, Jyo 40-70%
				float randomPercent = 0;
				int newQty = itemQty - 1;
				if(itemRank == "Ge"){
					float tempRandomPercent = (150 - daimyoBusyoDfc)/4;
					float tempValue = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.5f,1.5f);
					randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiGe",newQty);
				}else if(itemRank == "Cyu"){
					float tempRandomPercent = (150 - daimyoBusyoDfc)/2;
					float tempValue = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.8f,1.2f);
					randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiCyu",newQty);
				}else if(itemRank == "Jyo"){
					float tempRandomPercent = (150 - daimyoBusyoDfc);
					float tempValue = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.9f,1.1f);
					randomPercent = tempRandomPercent * tempValue;
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiJyo",newQty);
				float percent = Random.value;
				percent = percent * 100;

				if(percent <= randomPercent){
					int kuniQty = GameObject.Find("close").GetComponent<CloseBoard>().kuniQty; 
					int getMoney =0;
					//Money or Item 0:money, 1:item
					int moneyOrItem = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,2);
					//Kahou or Shizai 0:kahou, 1:shizai 
					int kahouOrShizai = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,2);
					string kahouName = "";
					string shigenName = "";
					int addQty =0;
					int kahouRank = 0; //kahouRank S,A,B,C=1,2,3,4
					//shigen Type
					int shigenType = 0; //KB,YR,TP,YM=1,2,3,4

						int temGetMoney = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1000,1501);
						getMoney = temGetMoney * kuniQty;
						int nowMoney = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("money");
						nowMoney = nowMoney + getMoney;

						//Kahou or Shizai 0:kahou, 1:shizai 
						kahouOrShizai = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0,2);
							Kahou kahou = new Kahou();
							////Bugu, Gusoku, Kabuto, Meiba, Heihousyo, Cyadougu, Chishikisyo(1,2,3,4,5,6)
							int kahouType = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1,7);

							float khPercent = Random.value;
							khPercent = khPercent * 100;
								//(S,A,B  5,35,60%)
									kahouRank = 1;
									kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
								}else if(5<khPercent && khPercent <=41){
									kahouRank = 2;
									kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
								}else if(41<khPercent){
									kahouRank = 3;
									kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);

							}else if(3<=kuniQty && kuniQty<5){
								//(S,A,B,C : 1,15,25,59%)
									kahouRank = 1;
									kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
								}else if(1<khPercent && khPercent <=16){
									kahouRank = 2;
									kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
								}else if(16<khPercent && khPercent <= 41){
									kahouRank = 3;
									kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
								}else if(41<khPercent){
									kahouRank = 4;
									kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);

							}else if(kuniQty<3){
								//(A,B,C : 5, 35, 60%)
									kahouRank = 2;
									kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
								}else if(5<khPercent && khPercent <=41){
									kahouRank = 3;
									kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
								}else if(41<khPercent){
									kahouRank = 3;
									kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);



							shigenType = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1,5);
							float sgPercent = Random.value;
							sgPercent = sgPercent * 100;
							addQty = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1,6);
							Item item = new Item();
							int shigenRank = 0;//下、中、上=1,2,3

								//(上,中,下  40,40, 20%)
									shigenRank = 3;
								}else if(40<sgPercent && sgPercent <=81){
									shigenRank = 2;
								}else if(81<sgPercent){
									shigenRank = 1;
								shigenName = item.getRandomShigen(shigenType,shigenRank,addQty);

							}else if(3<=kuniQty && kuniQty<5){
								//(上,中,下  20,50,30%)
									shigenRank = 3;
								}else if(20<sgPercent && sgPercent <=51){
									shigenRank = 2;
								}else if(51<sgPercent){
									shigenRank = 1;
								shigenName = item.getRandomShigen(shigenType,shigenRank,addQty);

							}else if(kuniQty<3){
								//(上,中,下  5,25,70%)
									shigenRank = 3;
								}else if(5<sgPercent && sgPercent <=26){
									shigenRank = 2;
								}else if(26<sgPercent){
									shigenRank = 1;
								shigenName = item.getRandomShigen(shigenType,shigenRank,addQty);

					string OKtext = "御屋形様、強奪に成功しましたぞ。\t ";
					string addText = "";
						addText = "金を" + getMoney + "奪って参りました。";
							addText = "家宝、" + kahouName + "を奪って参りました。";
							addText = shigenName + "を" + addQty + "個奪って参りました。";

					OKtext = OKtext + addText;
					msg.makeMessage (OKtext);

					int nowYukoudo = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
					int newYukoudo = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId,nowYukoudo,maxReduceValue);
					int reduceYukoudo = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
					GameObject.Find ("YukouValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString ();

					string NGtext = "申し訳御座りませぬ。強奪に失敗しましたぞ。\t友好度が" + reduceYukoudo +  "下がりますぞ。";
					msg.makeMessage (NGtext);

				GameObject.Find ("return").GetComponent<MenuReturn> ().OnClick ();
			}else if(name == "DoCyouhouBtn"){

				reduceHyourou ();

				//Set Value & REduce Qty
				float missPercent = 0;
				int newQty = itemQty - 1;
				int snbValue = 0;

				if(itemRank == "Ge"){
					missPercent = 30;
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiGe",newQty);
					snbValue = 1;

				}else if(itemRank == "Cyu"){
					missPercent = 15;
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiCyu",newQty);
					snbValue = 2;

				}else if(itemRank == "Jyo"){
					missPercent = 5;
					PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("shinobiJyo",newQty);
					snbValue = 3;


				//Random Check
				float percent = Random.value;
				percent = percent * 100;
				if (percent >= missPercent) {

					string cyouhouHist = PlayerPrefs.GetString("cyouhou");
					char[] delimiterChars = {','};
					List<string> cyouhouHistList = new List<string> ();
					if (cyouhouHist != null && cyouhouHist != "") {
						if (cyouhouHist.Contains (",")) {
							cyouhouHistList = new List<string> (cyouhouHist.Split (delimiterChars));
						} else {
							cyouhouHistList.Add (cyouhouHist);			

					//Add new kuni
					if (!cyouhouHistList.Contains (kuniId.ToString())) {
						cyouhouHistList.Add (kuniId.ToString());

					string newCyouhouHist = "";
					for(int i=0;i<cyouhouHistList.Count;i++){
						string tmpCyouhouKuniId = cyouhouHistList [i];

						if (i == 0) {
							newCyouhouHist = tmpCyouhouKuniId;
						} else {
							newCyouhouHist = newCyouhouHist + "," + tmpCyouhouKuniId;


					string cyouhouKuni = "cyouhou" + kuniId.ToString ();

					bool cyouhouFlg = closeScript.cyouhouFlg;
					if (cyouhouFlg) {
						//Change Icon
						GameObject shinobi = GameObject.Find("shinobi").gameObject;

						if (snbValue == 1) {
							Color lowColor = new Color (0f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 219f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
							shinobi.GetComponent<Image>().color = lowColor;
							shinobi.transform.FindChild("ShinobiRank").GetComponent<Text>().text = "下";
						} else if (snbValue == 2) {
							Color midColor = new Color (94f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
							shinobi.GetComponent<Image>().color = midColor;
							shinobi.transform.FindChild("ShinobiRank").GetComponent<Text>().text = "中";
						} else if (snbValue == 3) {
							Color highColor = new Color (84f / 255f, 103f / 255f, 0f / 255f, 255f / 255f);
							shinobi.GetComponent<Image>().color = highColor;
							shinobi.transform.FindChild("ShinobiRank").GetComponent<Text>().text = "上";

						GameObject kuniIconView = GameObject.Find ("KuniIconView").gameObject;
						kuniIconView.transform.FindChild(kuniId.ToString()).GetComponent<SendParam>().cyouhouSnbRankId = snbValue;

					KuniInfo kuni = new KuniInfo();
					string kuniName = kuni.getKuniName (kuniId);
					string OKtext = "忍が上手く"+kuniName+"に潜伏しましたぞ。\n諜報内容をご確認下され。";
					msg.makeMessage (OKtext);

				} else {
					int nowYukoudo = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
					int newYukoudo = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId,nowYukoudo,maxReduceValue);
					int reduceYukoudo = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
					GameObject.Find ("YukouValue").GetComponent<Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString ();

					string NGtext = "忍が捕まってしまったようです。\t友好度が" + reduceYukoudo +  "下がりますぞ。";
					msg.makeMessage (NGtext);


				GameObject.Find ("return").GetComponent<MenuReturn> ().OnClick ();

		} else {

			string NGtext = "御屋形様、兵糧が不足しておりますぞ。";
			msg.makeMessage (NGtext);


예제 #4
    // Use this for initialization
    public void OnClick()
        Message    msg         = new Message();
        Gaikou     gaikou      = new Gaikou();
        CloseBoard closeScript = GameObject.Find("close").GetComponent <CloseBoard> ();

        daimyoId = closeScript.daimyoId;

        if (hyourouOKflg)
            if (moneyOKflg)
                int TrackGaikouNo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TrackGaikouNo", 0);
                TrackGaikouNo = TrackGaikouNo + 1;
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TrackGaikouNo", TrackGaikouNo);

                if (name == "DoMitsugiBtn")
                    string tempGaikou = "gaikou" + daimyoId;
                    int    nowYukoudo = 0;
                    if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(tempGaikou))
                        nowYukoudo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt(tempGaikou);
                        nowYukoudo = 50;

                    float percent = UnityEngine.Random.value;
                    percent = percent * 100;
                    float tmpYukoudo = (float)nowYukoudo;
                    if (tmpYukoudo < 5)
                        tmpYukoudo = 5;

                    if (percent <= tmpYukoudo * 2)

                        bool doumeiFlg = closeScript.doumeiFlg;

                        //Add Yukoudo
                        // AddYukoudo = (Money/200)*chiryaku/500
                        int addYukoudo = (paiedMoney / 200) + (busyoChiryaku / 100);
                        if (addYukoudo <= 0)
                            addYukoudo = 1;

                        if (doumeiFlg)
                            addYukoudo = addYukoudo * 2;

                        int newYukoudo = nowYukoudo + addYukoudo;
                        if (newYukoudo > 100)
                            newYukoudo = 100;
                        PlayerPrefs.SetInt(tempGaikou, newYukoudo);
                        GameObject.Find("YukouValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString();

                        //Change new yukoudo
                        closeScript.yukoudo = newYukoudo;

                        string OKtext = "";
                        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                            OKtext = "Gave money " + paiedMoney + " to " + daimyoName + ".\n Friendship increased " + addYukoudo + " point";
                            OKtext = daimyoName + "に金" + paiedMoney + "の貢物をしました。\n友好度が" + addYukoudo + "上がりますぞ。";
                        PlayerPrefs.SetBool("questDailyFlg28", true);


                        //Extension Mark Handling
                        MainStageController main = new MainStageController();

                        upYukouOnIcon(daimyoId, newYukoudo);
                        paiedMoney = 0;

                        string NGtext = "";
                        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                            NGtext = daimyoName + " declined our money.\n He doesn't want to build a good relationship with us";
                            NGtext = daimyoName + "に貢物を体よく断られ申した。\n当家と関係を修復する気はないようですな。";
                    GameObject.Find("return").GetComponent <MenuReturn> ().OnClick();
                else if (name == "DoDoumeiBtn")

                    float percent = Random.value;
                    percent = percent * 100;

                    if (percent <= doumeiRatio)
                        //Doumei Success
                        audioSources [3].Play();

                        int TrackDoumeiNo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TrackDoumeiNo", 0);
                        TrackDoumeiNo = TrackDoumeiNo + 1;
                        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TrackDoumeiNo", TrackDoumeiNo);


                        string doumei = PlayerPrefs.GetString("doumei");
                        if (doumei == null || doumei == "")
                            doumei = daimyoId.ToString();
                            doumei = doumei + "," + daimyoId.ToString();

                        int    myDaimyo      = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("myDaimyo");
                        string cpuDoumeiTemp = "doumei" + daimyoId.ToString();
                        string cpuDoumei     = PlayerPrefs.GetString(cpuDoumeiTemp);
                        if (cpuDoumei != null & cpuDoumei != "")
                            cpuDoumei = cpuDoumei + "," + myDaimyo.ToString();
                            cpuDoumei = myDaimyo.ToString();
                        PlayerPrefs.SetString(cpuDoumeiTemp, cpuDoumei);
                        PlayerPrefs.SetString("doumei", doumei);

                        //Change Target Flg & Kuni Icon Color
                        string        seiryoku       = PlayerPrefs.GetString("seiryoku");
                        char[]        delimiterChars = { ',' };
                        List <string> seiryokuList   = new List <string> ();
                        seiryokuList = new List <string> (seiryoku.Split(delimiterChars));
                        GameObject KuniIconView = GameObject.Find("KuniIconView").gameObject;

                        Color doumeiColor = new Color(100f / 255f, 130f / 255f, 255f / 255f, 255f / 255f);                          //Blue
                        for (int i = 0; i < seiryokuList.Count; i++)
                            int tempDaimyoId = int.Parse(seiryokuList [i]);

                            if (tempDaimyoId == daimyoId)
                                int        kuniId   = i + 1;
                                GameObject kuniIcon = KuniIconView.transform.FindChild(kuniId.ToString()).gameObject;
                                kuniIcon.GetComponent <Image> ().color         = doumeiColor;
                                kuniIcon.GetComponent <SendParam> ().doumeiFlg = true;

                        PlayerPrefs.SetBool("questSpecialFlg2", true);
                        //Extension Mark Handling
                        MainStageController main = new MainStageController();

                        string OKtext = "";
                        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                            OKtext = "Congratulations.\n" + "We concluded an alliance with" + daimyoName + ".\n" + "we got some of strategic options.";
                            OKtext = "教悦至極にございます。" + daimyoName + "と同盟を結びましたぞ。\n" + "戦略の幅が広がりますな。";

                        //If Gunzei Exist
                        foreach (GameObject obs in  GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Gunzei"))
                            int srcDaimyoId = obs.GetComponent <Gunzei>().srcDaimyoId;
                            int dstDaimyoId = obs.GetComponent <Gunzei>().dstDaimyoId;
                            if (srcDaimyoId == daimyoId && dstDaimyoId == myDaimyo)
                                Gunzei gunzeiScript = new Gunzei();

                        //Doumie Failed
                        audioSources [4].Play();

                        int maxReduceValue = 3;
                        int nowYukoudo     = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
                        int newYukoudo     = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId, nowYukoudo, maxReduceValue);
                        int reduceYukoudo  = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
                        closeScript.yukoudo = newYukoudo;

                        GameObject.Find("YukouValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString();
                        string NGtext = "";
                        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                            NGtext = daimyoName + " declined our proposal. \n" + "Friendship decreased " + reduceYukoudo + " point";
                            NGtext = daimyoName + "に体よく断られ申した。\n友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりますぞ。";

                        downYukouOnIcon(daimyoId, newYukoudo);

                        GameObject.Find("return").GetComponent <MenuReturn> ().OnClick();

                else if (name == "DoKyoutouBtn")

                    //Kyoutou Check
                    float percent = Random.value;
                    percent = percent * 100;
                    if (percent <= kyoutouRatio)
                        audioSources [3].Play();


                        string           playerKyoutouList = PlayerPrefs.GetString("playerKyoutouList", "");
                        MainEventHandler kyoutou           = new MainEventHandler();
                        if (playerKyoutouList == null || playerKyoutouList == "")
                            playerKyoutouList = targetKuniId + "-" + kyoutou.getEngunSts(daimyoId.ToString());
                            playerKyoutouList = playerKyoutouList + ":" + +targetKuniId + "-" + kyoutou.getEngunSts(daimyoId.ToString());
                        PlayerPrefs.SetString("playerKyoutouList", playerKyoutouList);

                        string OKtext = "";
                        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                            OKtext = "Good. " + daimyoName + "will support our party in " + kuniName + " attack";
                            OKtext = daimyoName + "殿が" + kuniName + "攻めに\n加勢してくれますぞ。百人力ですな。";
                        audioSources [4].Play();

                        //Doumie Failed
                        int maxReduceValue = 3;
                        int nowYukoudo     = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
                        int newYukoudo     = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId, nowYukoudo, maxReduceValue);
                        int reduceYukoudo  = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
                        GameObject.Find("YukouValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString();
                        closeScript.yukoudo = newYukoudo;

                        string NGtext = "";
                        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                            NGtext = daimyoName + " declined our proposal. \n" + "Friendship decreased " + reduceYukoudo + " point";
                            NGtext = daimyoName + "に体よく断られ申した。\n友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりますぞ。";

                        downYukouOnIcon(daimyoId, newYukoudo);


                    GameObject.Find("return").GetComponent <MenuReturn> ().OnClick();
                else if (name == "DoDoukatsuBtn")

                    float percent = Random.value;
                    percent = percent * 100;

                    if (percent <= doukatsuRatio)
                        audioSources [3].Play();

                        int kuniQty  = closeScript.kuniQty;
                        int getMoney = 0;
                        //Money or Item 0:money, 1:item
                        int moneyOrItem = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2);
                        //Kahou or Shizai 0:kahou, 1:shizai
                        int    kahouOrShizai = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2);
                        string kahouName     = "";
                        string shigenName    = "";
                        int    addQty        = 0;
                        int    kahouRank     = 0;                  //kahouRank S,A,B,C=1,2,3,4
                        //shigen Type
                        int shigenType = 0;                        //KB,YR,TP,YM=1,2,3,4

                        if (moneyOrItem == 0)
                            int temGetMoney = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1000, 1501);
                            getMoney = temGetMoney * kuniQty;
                            int nowMoney = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("money");
                            nowMoney = nowMoney + getMoney;
                            if (nowMoney < 0)
                                nowMoney = int.MaxValue;
                            PlayerPrefs.SetInt("money", nowMoney);
                            //Kahou or Shizai 0:kahou, 1:shizai
                            kahouOrShizai = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, 2);
                            if (kahouOrShizai == 0)
                                Kahou kahou = new Kahou();
                                ////Bugu, Gusoku, Kabuto, Meiba, Heihousyo, Cyadougu, Chishikisyo(1,2,3,4,5,6)
                                int kahouType = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 7);

                                float khPercent = Random.value;
                                khPercent = khPercent * 100;
                                if (5 <= kuniQty)
                                    if (khPercent <= 1)
                                        kahouRank = 1;
                                        kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                    else if (1 < khPercent && khPercent <= 30)
                                        kahouRank = 2;
                                        kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                    else if (30 < khPercent)
                                        kahouRank = 3;
                                        kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                else if (3 <= kuniQty && kuniQty < 5)
                                    if (khPercent <= 0.5f)
                                        kahouRank = 1;
                                        kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                    else if (0.5f < khPercent && khPercent <= 10)
                                        kahouRank = 2;
                                        kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                    else if (10 < khPercent && khPercent <= 40)
                                        kahouRank = 3;
                                        kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                    else if (40 < khPercent)
                                        kahouRank = 4;
                                        kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                else if (kuniQty < 3)
                                    //(A,B,C : 5, 35, 60%)
                                    if (khPercent <= 3)
                                        kahouRank = 2;
                                        kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                    else if (3 < khPercent && khPercent <= 31)
                                        kahouRank = 3;
                                        kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                    else if (31 < khPercent)
                                        kahouRank = 3;
                                        kahouName = kahou.getRamdomKahou(kahouType, kahouRank);
                                shigenType = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 5);
                                float sgPercent = Random.value;
                                sgPercent = sgPercent * 100;
                                addQty    = UnityEngine.Random.Range(1, 6);
                                Item item       = new Item();
                                int  shigenRank = 0;                               //下、中、上=1,2,3

                                if (5 <= kuniQty)
                                    //(上,中,下  40,40, 20%)
                                    if (sgPercent <= 40)
                                        shigenRank = 3;
                                    else if (40 < sgPercent && sgPercent <= 81)
                                        shigenRank = 2;
                                    else if (81 < sgPercent)
                                        shigenRank = 1;
                                    shigenName = item.getRandomShigen(shigenType, shigenRank, addQty);
                                else if (3 <= kuniQty && kuniQty < 5)
                                    //(上,中,下  20,50,30%)
                                    if (sgPercent <= 20)
                                        shigenRank = 3;
                                    else if (20 < sgPercent && sgPercent <= 51)
                                        shigenRank = 2;
                                    else if (51 < sgPercent)
                                        shigenRank = 1;
                                    shigenName = item.getRandomShigen(shigenType, shigenRank, addQty);
                                else if (kuniQty < 3)
                                    //(上,中,下  5,25,70%)
                                    if (sgPercent <= 5)
                                        shigenRank = 3;
                                    else if (5 < sgPercent && sgPercent <= 26)
                                        shigenRank = 2;
                                    else if (26 < sgPercent)
                                        shigenRank = 1;
                                    shigenName = item.getRandomShigen(shigenType, shigenRank, addQty);

                        PlayerPrefs.SetBool("questDailyFlg29", true);
                        //Extension Mark Handling
                        MainStageController main = new MainStageController();
                        string OKtext = "";
                        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                            OKtext = "My lord, successed to threat " + daimyoName;
                            OKtext = "御屋形様、恫喝に成功しましたぞ。\n" + daimyoName + "が";
                        string addText = "";
                        if (moneyOrItem == 0)
                            if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                                addText = " gave money " + getMoney + "to us.\n";
                                addText = "金" + getMoney + "を送って参りました。\n";
                            if (kahouOrShizai == 0)
                                if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                                    addText = " gave treasure " + kahouName + "to us.\n";
                                    addText = "家宝、" + kahouName + "を送って参りました。\n";
                                if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                                    addText = " gave " + addQty + " " + shigenName + " to us.\n";
                                    addText = shigenName + "を" + addQty + "個送って参りました。\n";

                        int maxReduceValue = 5;
                        int nowYukoudo     = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
                        int newYukoudo     = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId, nowYukoudo, maxReduceValue);
                        int reduceYukoudo  = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
                        GameObject.Find("YukouValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString();
                        closeScript.yukoudo = newYukoudo;
                        string reducceText = "";
                        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                            reducceText = "Friendship decreased " + reduceYukoudo + " point";
                            reducceText = "友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりますぞ。";

                        OKtext = OKtext + addText + reducceText;

                        downYukouOnIcon(daimyoId, newYukoudo);
                        audioSources [4].Play();

                        int maxReduceValue = 10;
                        int nowYukoudo     = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
                        int newYukoudo     = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId, nowYukoudo, maxReduceValue);
                        int reduceYukoudo  = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
                        GameObject.Find("YukouValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString();
                        closeScript.yukoudo = newYukoudo;

                        string NGtext = "";
                        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                            NGtext = daimyoName + " declined our proposal. \n" + "Friendship decreased " + reduceYukoudo + " point";
                            NGtext = daimyoName + "に体よく断られ申した。\n友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりますぞ。";

                        downYukouOnIcon(daimyoId, newYukoudo);


                    GameObject.Find("return").GetComponent <MenuReturn> ().OnClick();
                else if (name == "DoSyuppeiBtn")

                    //Syuppei Check
                    float percent = Random.value;
                    percent = percent * 100;
                    if (percent <= kyoutouRatio)
                        audioSources [3].Play();

                        int TrackSyuppeiNo = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("TrackSyuppeiNo", 0);
                        TrackSyuppeiNo = TrackSyuppeiNo + 1;
                        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("TrackSyuppeiNo", TrackSyuppeiNo);


                        string     path   = "Prefabs/Map/Gunzei";
                        GameObject Gunzei = Instantiate(Resources.Load(path)) as GameObject;
                        Gunzei.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1);

                        KuniInfo kuni      = new KuniInfo();
                        int      srcX      = kuni.getKuniLocationX(srcKuniId);
                        int      srcY      = kuni.getKuniLocationY(srcKuniId);
                        int      dstX      = kuni.getKuniLocationX(targetKuniId);
                        int      dstY      = kuni.getKuniLocationY(targetKuniId);
                        string   direction = "";
                        Gunzei   gunzei    = new Gunzei();

                        if (srcX < dstX)
                            Gunzei.transform.localScale = new Vector2(1, 1);
                            direction = "right";
                            Gunzei.transform.localScale = new Vector2(-1, 1);
                            direction = "left";
                            Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().leftFlg = true;

                        int           aveX            = (srcX + dstX) / 2;
                        int           aveY            = (srcY + dstY) / 2;
                        RectTransform GunzeiTransform = Gunzei.GetComponent <RectTransform> ();
                        GunzeiTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector3(aveX, aveY, 0);

                        string key = srcKuniId.ToString() + "-" + targetKuniId.ToString();
                        Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().key           = key;
                        Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().srcKuni       = srcKuniId;
                        Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().srcDaimyoId   = srcDaimyoId;
                        Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().srcDaimyoName = srcDaimyoName;
                        Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().dstKuni       = targetKuniId;
                        Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().dstDaimyoId   = targetDaimyoId;
                        Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().dstDaimyoName = targetDaimyoName;
                        int myHei = gunzei.heiryokuCalc(srcKuniId);

                        //random myHei from -50%-myHeis
                        List <float> randomPercent = new List <float> {
                            0.8f, 0.9f, 1.0f
                        int   rmd = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, randomPercent.Count);
                        float per = randomPercent [rmd];
                        myHei = Mathf.CeilToInt(myHei * per);

                        Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().myHei = myHei;
                        Gunzei.name = key;

                        //Engun from Doumei
                        Doumei        doumei           = new Doumei();
                        List <string> doumeiDaimyoList = doumei.doumeiExistCheck(targetDaimyoId, srcDaimyoId.ToString());
                        bool          dstEngunFlg      = false;
                        string        dstEngunDaimyoId = "";             //2:3:5
                        string        dstEngunHei      = "";
                        string        dstEngunSts      = "";             //BusyoId-BusyoLv-ButaiQty-ButaiLv:
                        int           totalEngunHei    = 0;

                        string        seiryoku       = PlayerPrefs.GetString("seiryoku");
                        char[]        delimiterChars = { ',' };
                        List <string> seiryokuList   = new List <string>();
                        seiryokuList = new List <string> (seiryoku.Split(delimiterChars));

                        //Trace Check
                        List <string> okDaimyoList = new List <string> ();
                        List <string> checkList    = new List <string> ();
                        okDaimyoList = doumei.traceNeighborDaimyo(targetKuniId, targetDaimyoId, doumeiDaimyoList, seiryokuList, checkList, okDaimyoList);

                        if (okDaimyoList.Count != 0)
                            //Doumei & Neghbor Daimyo Exist

                            for (int k = 0; k < okDaimyoList.Count; k++)
                                string engunDaimyo = okDaimyoList[k];
                                int    yukoudo     = gaikou.getExistGaikouValue(int.Parse(engunDaimyo), targetDaimyoId);

                                //engun check
                                MainEventHandler mainEvent = new MainEventHandler();
                                dstEngunFlg = mainEvent.CheckByProbability(yukoudo);

                                if (dstEngunFlg)
                                    //Engun OK
                                    dstEngunFlg = true;
                                    if (dstEngunDaimyoId != null && dstEngunDaimyoId != "")
                                        dstEngunDaimyoId = dstEngunDaimyoId + ":" + engunDaimyo;
                                        string tempEngunSts = engunDaimyo + "-" + mainEvent.getEngunSts(engunDaimyo);
                                        int    tempEngunHei = mainEvent.getEngunHei(tempEngunSts);
                                        dstEngunHei   = dstEngunHei + ":" + tempEngunHei.ToString();
                                        totalEngunHei = totalEngunHei + tempEngunHei;
                                        dstEngunSts   = dstEngunSts + ":" + tempEngunSts;
                                        dstEngunDaimyoId = engunDaimyo;
                                        string tempEngunSts = engunDaimyo + "-" + mainEvent.getEngunSts(engunDaimyo);
                                        int    tempEngunHei = mainEvent.getEngunHei(tempEngunSts);
                                        dstEngunHei   = tempEngunHei.ToString();
                                        totalEngunHei = tempEngunHei;
                                        dstEngunSts   = tempEngunSts;
                            Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().dstEngunFlg      = dstEngunFlg;
                            Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().dstEngunDaimyoId = dstEngunDaimyoId;
                            Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().dstEngunHei      = dstEngunHei;
                            Gunzei.GetComponent <Gunzei> ().dstEngunSts      = dstEngunSts;

                        //Set Value
                        //CreateTime,srcDaimyoId,dstDaimyoId,srcDaimyoName,dstDaimyoName, srcHei,locationX,locationY,left or right, engunFlg, engunDaimyoId(A:B:C), dstEngunHei(1000:2000:3000), dstEngunSts
                        string keyValue   = "";
                        string createTime = System.DateTime.Now.ToString();
                        keyValue = createTime + "," + srcDaimyoId + "," + targetDaimyoId + "," + srcDaimyoName + "," + targetDaimyoName + "," + myHei + "," + aveX + "," + aveY + "," + direction + "," + dstEngunFlg + "," + dstEngunDaimyoId + "," + dstEngunHei + "," + dstEngunSts;
                        PlayerPrefs.SetString(key, keyValue);
                        string keyHistory = PlayerPrefs.GetString("keyHistory");
                        if (keyHistory == null || keyHistory == "")
                            keyHistory = key;
                            keyHistory = keyHistory + "," + key;
                        PlayerPrefs.SetString("keyHistory", keyHistory);

                        string OKtext = "";
                        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                            OKtext = "Lord " + daimyoName + " is sending " + myHei + " soldiers to " + kuniName;
                            OKtext = daimyoName + "殿が" + kuniName + "攻めのため、\n" + myHei + "人の兵を起こしましたぞ。";

                        string AddText = "";
                        if (totalEngunHei != 0)
                            if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                                AddText = targetDaimyoName + " has a support army " + totalEngunHei + " soldiers";
                                AddText = targetDaimyoName + "に" + totalEngunHei + "の援軍がいるようです。";

                            OKtext = OKtext + "\n" + AddText;
                        audioSources [4].Play();

                        int maxReduceValue = 3;
                        int nowYukoudo     = gaikou.getMyGaikou(daimyoId);
                        int newYukoudo     = gaikou.downMyGaikou(daimyoId, nowYukoudo, maxReduceValue);
                        int reduceYukoudo  = nowYukoudo - newYukoudo;
                        GameObject.Find("YukouValue").GetComponent <Text> ().text = newYukoudo.ToString();
                        closeScript.yukoudo = newYukoudo;

                        string NGtext = "";
                        if (Application.systemLanguage != SystemLanguage.Japanese)
                            NGtext = daimyoName + " declined our proposal. \n" + "Friendship decreased " + reduceYukoudo + " point";
                            NGtext = daimyoName + "に体よく断られ申した。\n友好度が" + reduceYukoudo + "下がりますぞ。";

                        downYukouOnIcon(daimyoId, newYukoudo);


                    GameObject.Find("return").GetComponent <MenuReturn> ().OnClick();
                audioSources [4].Play();

                string NGtext = msg.getMessage(6);
            audioSources [4].Play();

            //string NGtext = msg.getMessage(7);
            //msg.makeMessage (NGtext);