public async Task SettingUndeleteAllowed_ProvidesAbilityToUndeleteSecret() { // Setup basics. (string policyPath, KV2Secret origSecret) = await SetupIndividualTestAsync(); // Setup Policy (VaultPolicyContainer polContainer, VaultPolicyPathItem vppi) = await SetupPolicy(policyPath); // Setup the Test Engines, One has a good token and one has a control token. (KV2SecretEngine engOK, KV2SecretEngine engFail) = await SetupTokenEngines(polContainer.Name); //************************************** // Test Setup. Lets save several versions of the secret. KV2Secret secret2 = await UpdateSecretRandom(origSecret); secret2 = await UpdateSecretRandom(secret2); secret2 = await UpdateSecretRandom(secret2); // Delete the latest version. int versionNum = secret2.Version; Assert.True(await _rootEng.DeleteSecretVersion(secret2, secret2.Version), "A10: Expected deletion of specific secret version to succeed.."); // Read it back with the root engine. Thread.Sleep(200); KV2Secret delSecret = await _rootEng.ReadSecret(secret2); Assert.IsNull(delSecret, "A20: Deletion of secret does not appear to have worked."); // Failure Test // Lets try to undelete the secret. VaultForbiddenException eDL1 = Assert.ThrowsAsync <VaultForbiddenException>(async() => await engOK.UndeleteSecretVersion(secret2, secret2.Version), "DL10: Expected VaultForbidden Error to be thrown."); // Provide Access vppi.Denied = true; vppi.ExtKV2_UndeleteSecret = true; Assert.True(await _vaultSystemBackend.SysPoliciesACLUpdate(polContainer), "A30: Updating the policy object failed."); // Success Test. Assert.True(await engOK.UndeleteSecretVersion(secret2, secret2.Version), "A40: Expected Undelete to succeed."); // Validate - We use the root accessor, since our base token does not have Read Access. KV2Secret secret3 = null; secret3 = await _rootEng.ReadSecret(secret2); Assert.IsNotNull(secret3, "A50: Expected the Secret to be found and successfully read. We did not find a secret object. Something is wrong with permissions."); Assert.AreEqual(secret2.Attributes.Count, secret3.Attributes.Count, "A60: Undeleted version of secret is not same as deleted version."); }
public async Task TestTemplatedPolicies() { string appBE = _uniqueKeys.GetKey("appTE"); string kv2BE = _uniqueKeys.GetKey("kv2TE"); // 1A - Setup backends needed for testing. // We need to setup a KV2 Secrets engine and also an AppRole Backend. // Create an Authentication method of App Role. - This only needs to be done when the Auth method is created. AuthMethod am = new AuthMethod(appBE, EnumAuthMethods.AppRole); await _vaultSystemBackend.AuthEnable(am); // Create a KV2 Secret Mount if it does not exist. VaultSystemBackend vaultSystemBackend = new VaultSystemBackend(_vaultAgentAPI.TokenID, _vaultAgentAPI); await vaultSystemBackend.SysMountCreate(kv2BE, "ClientTest KeyValue 2 Secrets", EnumSecretBackendTypes.KeyValueV2); // 1B. Now we can connect to the backends. VaultAgentAPI vault = await VaultServerRef.ConnectVault("PolicyBECapa"); //new VaultAgentAPI("capability", _vaultAgentAPI.IP, _vaultAgentAPI.Port, _vaultAgentAPI.TokenID); AppRoleAuthEngine authEngine = (AppRoleAuthEngine)vault.ConnectAuthenticationBackend(EnumBackendTypes.A_AppRole, appBE, appBE); KV2SecretEngine secretEngine = (KV2SecretEngine)vault.ConnectToSecretBackend(EnumSecretBackendTypes.KeyValueV2, "KV2 Secrets", kv2BE); IdentitySecretEngine idEngine = (IdentitySecretEngine)_vaultAgentAPI.ConnectToSecretBackend(EnumSecretBackendTypes.Identity); // 1C - Write out some values. TestContext.WriteLine("App Role Auth Backend: {0}", authEngine.Name); TestContext.WriteLine("KV2 Secret Backend: {0}", secretEngine.Name); // 2. Setup the policy to provide the permissions to test against. VaultPolicyContainer policyContainer = new VaultPolicyContainer("capa"); // 3. Now create an App Role & Secret ID. The app role in this case has no policies - it will get them from the Entity. string roleName = _uniqueKeys.GetKey("role"); AppRole appRole = new AppRole(roleName); appRole = await authEngine.SaveRoleAndReturnRoleObject(appRole); AppRoleSecret secretID = await authEngine.CreateSecretID(appRole.Name); // 4. Create an Entity and Entity Alias. // 4A. Get Authentication backend accessor. Dictionary <string, AuthMethod> authMethods = await vaultSystemBackend.AuthListAll(); AuthMethod authMethod = authMethods[authEngine.Name + "/"]; Assert.IsNotNull(authMethod, "B10: Expected to find the authentication backend. But did not."); string mountAccessor = authMethod.Accessor; // 4B. Create an entity for the app role. string name = _uniqueKeys.GetKey("EAR"); Entity entity = new Entity(roleName); entity.Policies.Add(policyContainer.Name); // 4C. Now save entity entity = await idEngine.SaveEntity(entity); Assert.IsNotNull(entity, "B20: Expected to receive an Entity object"); // 4D. Write out some values TestContext.WriteLine("Entity Name: {0}", entity.Name); TestContext.WriteLine("Entity ID: {0}", entity.Id); // 5. Create an alias that ties the Entity we just created to the AppRole in the authentication backend. Guid roleID = new Guid(appRole.RoleID); Guid aliasGuid = await idEngine.SaveAlias(entity.Id, mountAccessor, appRole.RoleID); Assert.AreNotEqual(aliasGuid.ToString(), Guid.Empty.ToString()); // 5B. Re-read the entity - it should now contain the alias. Entity fullEntity = await idEngine.ReadEntity(entity.Id); Assert.AreEqual(1, fullEntity.Aliases.Count, "B30: Expected the full entity to now contain the alias ID."); // 6. Now define the policy and save to Vault. policyContainer.PolicyPaths.Clear(); string appPath1 = "app/{{identity.entity.aliases." + mountAccessor + ".name}}/*"; VaultPolicyPathItem vppi1 = new VaultPolicyPathItem(kv2BE, "data/" + appPath1); VaultPolicyPathItem vppi2 = new VaultPolicyPathItem(kv2BE, "data/app/appA/subItem/*"); VaultPolicyPathItem vppi3 = new VaultPolicyPathItem(kv2BE, "data/shared/common/*"); VaultPolicyPathItem vppi4 = new VaultPolicyPathItem(kv2BE, "data/shared/info/*"); vppi1.FullControl = true; vppi2.FullControl = true; vppi3.CRUDAllowed = true; vppi4.ReadAllowed = true; policyContainer.AddPolicyPathObject(vppi1); policyContainer.AddPolicyPathObject(vppi2); policyContainer.AddPolicyPathObject(vppi3); policyContainer.AddPolicyPathObject(vppi4); await _vaultSystemBackend.SysPoliciesACLCreate(policyContainer); // 7. Now we can login to get a token.. Validate the entity policy has been set on token. Token token = await authEngine.Login(appRole.RoleID, secretID.ID); Assert.IsNotNull("B40: A valid token was not received."); CollectionAssert.Contains(token.IdentityPolicies, policyContainer.Name, "B100: Did not find the policy that should have been applied from the entity."); // 8. Now we can finally test the capabilities of that token. List <string> paths = new List <string>(); string pathBase = kv2BE + "/data/app/" + fullEntity.Aliases[0].Name + "/config"; string metaBase = kv2BE + "/metadata/app" + fullEntity.Aliases[0].Name + "/config"; string path1 = pathBase; string path2 = pathBase + "/subItem"; string path3 = kv2BE + "/data/shared/common/testEntry"; paths.Add(path1); paths.Add(path2); paths.Add(path3); Dictionary <string, List <string> > permissions; permissions = await _vaultSystemBackend.GetTokenCapabilityOnPaths(token.ID, paths); // 9. Validate the permission results. Assert.AreEqual(3, permissions.Count, "B130: Expected to receive 3 permission objects back."); Assert.AreEqual(6, permissions[path1].Count, "B140: Expected the item: " + path1 + " to contain 6 permissions."); Assert.AreEqual(6, permissions[path2].Count, "B150: Expected the item: " + path2 + " to contain 6 permissions."); Assert.AreEqual(4, permissions[path3].Count, "B160: Expected the item: " + path3 + " to contain 3 permissions."); CollectionAssert.Contains(permissions[path3], "create", "B170: Expected the permission to be create for path: " + path3); CollectionAssert.Contains(permissions[path3], "read", "B171: Expected the permission to be read for path: " + path3); CollectionAssert.Contains(permissions[path3], "update", "B172: Expected the permission to be update for path: " + path3); CollectionAssert.Contains(permissions[path3], "delete", "B173: Expected the permission to be read for path: " + path3); // 10. Try to create a secret at path 1 string secName1 = _uniqueKeys.GetKey("sec1"); KV2Secret secret1 = new KV2Secret("config", "app/" + fullEntity.Aliases[0].Name); secret1.Attributes.Add("version", "v12.2"); Assert.True(await secretEngine.SaveSecret(secret1, KV2EnumSecretSaveOptions.AlwaysAllow), "B200: Save of secret did not work. Check permissions."); // 11. Create and delete a secret at path3. KV2Secret secret2 = new KV2Secret("options", "shared/common/testEntry"); secret2.Attributes.Add("color", "blue"); secret2.Attributes.Add("size", "Large"); Assert.True(await secretEngine.SaveSecret(secret2, KV2EnumSecretSaveOptions.AlwaysAllow), "B210: Save of secret2 failed."); // Now delete it. Assert.True(await secretEngine.DeleteSecretVersion(secret2)); }