static KPLNETConfiguration Get_config(string hex) { Message msg = null; try { msg = hex.DeserializeAsMessage(); } catch (Exception e) { StdErrorOut.Instance.StdError(string.Format("Could not deserialize config: {0}", e.ToString())); } if (msg.Configuration == null) { StdErrorOut.Instance.StdError("Protobuf message did not contain a Configuration message\n"); } var config = new KPLNETConfiguration(); try { config.transfer_from_protobuf_msg(msg); } catch (Exception e) { StdErrorOut.Instance.StdError(string.Format("Error in config: {0}\n", e.ToString())); throw e; } return(config); }
public ShardMap( Executor executor, KPLNETConfiguration config, AwsHttpClient http_client, AwsKinesisClient kinesis_client, AwsCredentialsProvider creds, string region, string stream, MetricsManager metrics_manager, int min_backoff = kMinBackoff, int max_backoff = kMaxBackoff) { this.executor = executor; this.http_client = http_client; this.kinesis_client = kinesis_client; this.creds_provider = creds; this.config = config; this.region = region; = stream; this.metrics_manager = metrics_manager; this.state = State.INVALID; this.min_backoff = min_backoff; this.max_backoff = max_backoff; this.backoff = min_backoff; update(); }
public Pipeline(string region, string stream, KPLNETConfiguration config, Executor executor, AwsHttpClient http_client, AwsKinesisClient kinesis_client, AwsCredentialsProvider creds_provider, MetricsManager metrics_manager, Action <UserRecord> finish_user_record_cb) { StdErrorOut.Instance.StdOut(LogLevel.debug, "started pipeline creation."); try { this.region_ = region; this.config_ = config; this.executor_ = executor; this.http_client_ = http_client; this.kinesis_client_ = kinesis_client; this.metrics_manager_ = metrics_manager; this.finish_user_record_cb_ = finish_user_record_cb; this.sig_v4_ctx_ = new SigV4Context(this.region_, "kinesis", creds_provider); this.shard_map_ = new ShardMap(executor, config, http_client, kinesis_client, creds_provider, this.region_, stream, this.metrics_manager_, 1000, 30000); StdErrorOut.Instance.StdOut(LogLevel.debug, "after shard_map_ pipeline creation."); this.aggregator_ = new Aggregator(this.executor_, this.shard_map_, (Action <KinesisRecord>)(kr => this.limiter_put(kr)), this.config_, this.metrics_manager_); this.limiter_ = new Limiter(this.executor_, (Action <KinesisRecord>)(kr => this.collector_put(kr)), (Action <KinesisRecord>)(kr => this.retrier_put_kr(kr)), this.config_); this.collector_ = new Collector(this.executor_, (Action <PutRecordsRequest>)(prr => this.send_put_records_request(prr)), this.config_, this.metrics_manager_); this.retrier_ = new Retrier(this.config_, (Action <UserRecord>)(ur => this.finish_user_record(ur)), (Action <UserRecord>)(ur => this.aggregator_put(ur)), (Action <DateTime>)(tp => this.shard_map_.invalidate(tp)), (Action <string, string>)((code, msg) => this.limiter_.add_error(code, msg)), this.metrics_manager_); this.outstanding_user_records_ = 0; StdErrorOut.Instance.StdOut(LogLevel.debug, "done pipeline creation."); } catch (Exception ex) { StdErrorOut.Instance.StdOut(LogLevel.error, ex.ToString()); } }
/** * Start up a KinesisProducer instance. * * <p> * Since this creates a child process, it is fairly expensive. Avoid * creating more than one per application, unless putting to multiple * regions at the same time. All streams in the same region can share the * same instance. * * <p> * All methods in KinesisProducer are thread-safe. * * @param config * Configuration for the KinesisProducer. See the docs for that * class for details. * * @see KinesisProducerConfiguration */ public KinesisDotNetProducer(ILogger log, KPLNETConfiguration config) { this.config = config; this.log = log; if (config.runAsDaemon) { extractBinaries(); } if (config.AWSCredentials == null) { string akid = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID); string sKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY); if (akid == null || sKey == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("AWSCredentials is null. AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID or AWS_SECRET_KEY is not available in Environment variable. Either set the environment variables or pass AWSCredentials in the config object."); } config.AWSCredentials = new AWSCredentials() { Akid = akid, SecretKey = sKey }; } env = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "LD_LIBRARY_PATH", pathToLibDir }, { "DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH", pathToLibDir }, { "CA_DIR", pathToTmpDir } }; child = KPLRepBuilder.GetKPLRep(pathToExecutable, OnMessage, OnError, pathToTmpDir, config, env, log); }
public Collector(Executor executor, FlushCallback flush_callback, KPLNETConfiguration config, MetricsManager metrics_manager = null) { flush_callback_ = flush_callback; reducer_ = new Reducer <KinesisRecord, PutRecordsRequest>(executor, (prr) => handle_flush(prr), config.collectionMaxSize, config.collectionMaxCount, (kr) => { return(should_flush(kr)); }); buffered_data_ = new ConcurrentDictionary <long, ulong>(); metrics_manager_ = metrics_manager ?? new NullMetricsManager(); }
public KinesisProducer(IMessageManager ipc_manager, ISocketFactory socket_factory, string region, KPLNETConfiguration config, AwsCredentialsProvider creds_provider, AwsCredentialsProvider metrics_creds_provider, Executor executor) { region_ = region; config_ = config; socket_factory_ = socket_factory; executor_ = executor; ipc_manager_ = ipc_manager; creds_chain_ = AwsCredentialsProviderChain.create(new List <AwsCredentialsProvider> { creds_provider }); metrics_creds_chain_ = metrics_creds_provider == creds_provider ? creds_chain_ : AwsCredentialsProviderChain.create(new List <AwsCredentialsProvider> { metrics_creds_provider }); pipelines_ = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, Pipeline>(); shutdown_ = false; create_metrics_manager(); if (config.clientType == KPLNETInterface.ClientType.SocketClient) { create_http_client(); } else { create_kinesis_client(); } report_outstanding(); message_drainer_ = new Thread(() => { drain_messages(); }); message_drainer_.Start(); }
public Limiter(Executor executor, Callback callback, Callback expired_callback, KPLNETConfiguration config) { executor_ = executor; callback_ = callback; config_ = config; expired_callback_ = expired_callback; limiters_ = new ConcurrentDictionary <long, ShardLimiter>(); poll(); }
public Aggregator ( Executor executor, ShardMap shard_map, Action <KinesisRecord> deadline_callback, KPLNETConfiguration config, MetricsManager metrics_manager = null ) { executor_ = executor; shard_map_ = shard_map; deadline_callback_ = deadline_callback; config_ = config; metrics_manager_ = metrics_manager ?? new NullMetricsManager(); reducers_ = new ReducerMap(); }
static string get_region(KPLNETConfiguration config, Ec2Metadata ec2_md) { if (AWSRegions.Unknown != config.region) { return(config.region.ToString()); } var ec2_region = ec2_md.get_region(); if (null != ec2_region) { StdErrorOut.Instance.StdError("Could not configure the region. It was not given in the config and we were unable to retrieve it from EC2 metadata."); throw new Exception("Could not configure the region. It was not given in the config and we were unable to retrieve it from EC2 metadata."); } return(ec2_region); }
public Retrier(KPLNETConfiguration config, UserRecordCallback finish_cb, UserRecordCallback retry_cb, ShardMapInvalidateCallback shard_map_invalidate_cb, ErrorCallback error_cb = null, MetricsManager metrics_manager = null) { config_ = config; finish_cb_ = finish_cb; retry_cb_ = retry_cb; shard_map_invalidate_cb_ = shard_map_invalidate_cb; error_cb_ = error_cb; metrics_manager_ = metrics_manager; if (metrics_manager == null) { metrics_manager = new NullMetricsManager(); } //if (error_cb == null) // error_cb = new ErrorCallback(); }
static void UpdateConfigWithCredentials(KPLNETConfiguration config, KeyValuePair <AwsCredentialsProvider, AwsCredentialsProvider> creds_providers) { var cred1 = creds_providers.Key.get_credentials(); var cred2 = creds_providers.Value.get_credentials(); config.AWSCredentials = new AWSCredentials() { Akid = cred1.Access_key_id(), SecretKey = cred1.Secret_key(), SessionToken = cred1.Session_token() }; config.AWSMetricsCredentials = new AWSCredentials() { Akid = cred2.Access_key_id(), SecretKey = cred2.Secret_key(), SessionToken = cred2.Session_token() }; }
public KPLRep(Action <Message> messageHandler, Action <Exception> exceptionHandler, KPLNETConfiguration config, ILogger log) { this.exceptionHandler = exceptionHandler; this.messageHandler = messageHandler; this.log = log; this.config = config; this.messageManager = DirectMessageService.Instance.GetClientInterfaceMessageManager(); Task.Run(() => { try { startChildProcess(); } catch (Exception e) { HandleError("Error running child process", e, true); } }); }
public static void StartChildProcess(KPLNETConfiguration config, ILogger logger) { Ec2Metadata ec2_md = null; try { SetDirectLogging(config.logLevel, logger); var executor = get_executor(); var socket_factory = get_socket_factory(); var region = get_region(config, ec2_md); var creds_providers = get_creds_providers(executor, ec2_md, config); var ipc_manager = DirectMessageService.Instance.GetChildProcessMessageManager(); var kp = get_kp(ipc_manager, socket_factory, region, config, creds_providers.Key, creds_providers.Value, executor); } catch (Exception e) { StdErrorOut.Instance.StdError(e.ToString()); throw new Exception("Service Creation failed.", e); } }
/** * Starts up the child process, connects to it, and beings sending and * receiving messages. * * @param pathToExecutable * Path to the binary that we will use to start up the child. * @param handler * Message handler that handles messages received from the child. * @param workingDir * Working directory. The KPL creates FIFO files; it will do so * in this directory. * @param config * KPL configuration. */ public Daemon(String pathToExecutable, Action <Message> messageHandler, Action <Exception> exceptionHandler, String workingDir, KPLNETConfiguration config, Dictionary <String, String> environmentVariables, ILogger log) { this.environmentVariables = environmentVariables; this.pathToExecutable = pathToExecutable; this.exceptionHandler = exceptionHandler; this.messageHandler = messageHandler; this.workingDir = workingDir; this.config = config; this.log = log; Task.Run(() => { try { startChildProcess(); } catch (Exception e) { fatalError("Error running child process", e); } }); }
void AppStart() { KPLNETConfiguration config = new KPLNETConfiguration() { runAsDaemon = false, nativeExecutable = Properties.Settings.Default.DeamonAppPath, region = AWSRegions.USWest2, aggregationMaxCount = 100, collectionMaxCount = 100, logLevel = log.LogLevel.ToString().ToLower() }; KinesisDotNetProducer kinesisDotNetProducer = new KinesisDotNetProducer(log, config); string streamName = "KPLNETTest"; while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Enter Number Of messages to add. Enter X to exit."); string uEntry = Console.ReadLine(); if (uEntry.ToLower() == "x") { break; } int batchesCount = 0; if (int.TryParse(uEntry, out batchesCount)) { RunForNumberOfBatches(batchesCount, streamName, kinesisDotNetProducer); } else { Console.WriteLine("Invalid entry"); } } }
public static IKPLRep GetKPLRep(string pathToExecutable, Action <Message> messageHandler, Action <Exception> exceptionHandler, String workingDir, KPLNETConfiguration config, Dictionary <String, String> environmentVariables, ILogger log) { if (config.runAsDaemon) { return(new Daemon(pathToExecutable, messageHandler, exceptionHandler, workingDir, config, environmentVariables, log)); } else { return(new KPLRep(messageHandler, exceptionHandler, config, log)); } }
public MetricsManager(Executor executor, ISocketFactory socket_factory, AwsCredentialsProvider creds, KPLNETConfiguration config, string region, string cw_namespace = "KinesisProducerLib", Level level = Level.Detailed, Granularity granularity = Granularity.Shard, ExtraDimensions extra_dimensions = null, string custom_endpoint = "", ulong port = 443, double upload_frequency = 1 * 60 * 1000, double retry_frequency = 10 * 1000) { if (extra_dimensions == null) { extra_dimensions = new ExtraDimensions(); } this.creds = creds; this.config_ = config; this.region = region; this.metrics_index = new MetricsIndex(); region_ = Core.Clients.KinesisClient.AwsKinesisClient.MapRegion(config.region); this.cw_namespace = cw_namespace; this.socket_factory_ = socket_factory; this.level = level; this.granularity = granularity; this.upload_frequency = upload_frequency; this.retry_frequency = retry_frequency; this.executor = executor; this.endpoint = string.IsNullOrEmpty(custom_endpoint) ? "monitoring." + region + "" : custom_endpoint; this.http_client = new AwsHttpClient(executor, socket_factory_, endpoint, (int)port, true, string.IsNullOrEmpty(custom_endpoint)); retryable_requests = new List <string>(); if (level != Level.None) { StdErrorOut.Instance.StdOut(LogLevel.warn, string.Format("Uploading metrics to {0}:{1}", endpoint, port)); } extra_dimensionsMap[Granularity.Global] = new Dimensions(); extra_dimensionsMap[Granularity.Stream] = new Dimensions(); extra_dimensionsMap[Granularity.Shard] = new Dimensions(); foreach (var t in extra_dimensions) { extra_dimensionsMap[t.Item3].Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(t.Item1, t.Item2)); } scheduled_upload = executor.Schedule( () => { try { scheduled_upload.reschedule(upload_frequency); upload(); } catch (Exception ex) { StdErrorOut.Instance.StdError("Scheduled Upload failed.", ex); } }, upload_frequency); scheduled_retry = executor.Schedule( () => { try { scheduled_retry.reschedule(retry_frequency); retry_uploads(); } catch (Exception ex) { StdErrorOut.Instance.StdError("Scheduled Upload failed.", ex); } }, retry_frequency); }
static KinesisProducer get_kp(IMessageManager ipc_manager, ISocketFactory socket_factory, string region, KPLNETConfiguration config, AwsCredentialsProvider creds_provider, AwsCredentialsProvider metrics_creds_provider, Executor executor) { try { return(new KinesisProducer(ipc_manager, socket_factory, region, config, creds_provider, metrics_creds_provider, executor)); } catch (Exception ex) { StdErrorOut.Instance.StdError("KPLNET Service get_kp failed.", ex); throw new Exception("get_kp failed.", ex); } }
static KeyValuePair <AwsCredentialsProvider, AwsCredentialsProvider> get_creds_providers(Executor executor, Ec2Metadata ec2_md, KPLNETConfiguration config) { AwsCredentialsProvider creds_provider = null; AwsCredentialsProvider metrics_creds_provider = null; if (null != config.AWSCredentials) { creds_provider = new BasicAwsCredentialsProvider(config.AWSCredentials.Akid, config.AWSCredentials.SecretKey, config.AWSCredentials.SessionToken); if (null != config.AWSMetricsCredentials) { metrics_creds_provider = new BasicAwsCredentialsProvider(config.AWSMetricsCredentials.Akid, config.AWSMetricsCredentials.SecretKey, config.AWSMetricsCredentials.SessionToken); } else { metrics_creds_provider = creds_provider; } } else { creds_provider = new DefaultAwsCredentialsProviderChain(executor, ec2_md); Thread.Sleep(250); } if (null == creds_provider.get_credentials()) { StdErrorOut.Instance.StdError("Could not retrieve credentials from anywhere."); throw new Exception("Could not retrieve credentials from anywhere."); } return(new KeyValuePair <AwsCredentialsProvider, AwsCredentialsProvider>(creds_provider, metrics_creds_provider)); }