예제 #1
    private void SetBoneRenderer()
        BoneRenderer myBoneRenderer;

        if (this.gameObject.GetComponent <BoneRenderer>() == null)
            myBoneRenderer = this.gameObject.AddComponent <BoneRenderer>();
            myBoneRenderer = this.gameObject.GetComponent <BoneRenderer>();

        boneTransforms = new List <Transform>();

        Stack <KNNBone> boneStack = new Stack <KNNBone>();


        while (boneStack.Count > 0)
            KNNBone topBone = boneStack.Pop();

            foreach (KNNBone childBone in topBone.children)


        myBoneRenderer.transforms = boneTransforms.ToArray();
예제 #2
 public void SetKNNSkeleton(KNNBone rootBone, bool ignoreRotation, KDTree <float, int> lHandQueryTree, KDTree <float, int> rHandQueryTree, int featureVectorLength)
     this.ignoreRotation      = ignoreRotation;
     this.rootBone            = rootBone;
     this.lHandQueryTree      = lHandQueryTree;
     this.rHandQueryTree      = rHandQueryTree;
     this.featureVectorLength = featureVectorLength;
예제 #3
    private string ComposeString()
        StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();

        stringBuilder.AppendLine("#bones timesteps framesPerTimeStep ignoreRotation");

        List <KNNBone>  boneList  = new List <KNNBone>();
        Stack <KNNBone> boneStack = new Stack <KNNBone>();


        while (boneStack.Count > 0)
            KNNBone top = boneStack.Pop();
            foreach (KNNBone child in top.children)

        stringBuilder.AppendLine(boneList.Count.ToString() + " " + this.rootBone.rotations.Count.ToString() + " " + this.lHandQueryTree.Navigator.Point.Length.ToString() + " " + ignoreRotation.ToString());
        stringBuilder.AppendLine("#name id parentid offsetx offsety offsetz rotations(quaternions * timesteps)");

        foreach (KNNBone currBone in boneList)
            string currLine = currBone.name + " ";

            currLine += boneList.IndexOf(currBone) + " ";

            currLine += boneList.IndexOf(currBone.parent) + " ";

            currLine += currBone.offset.x.ToString() + " " + currBone.offset.y.ToString() + " " + currBone.offset.z.ToString();

            foreach (Quaternion currRot in currBone.rotations)
                currLine += " " + currRot.x + " " + currRot.y + " " + currRot.z + " " + currRot.w;

        string nextLine = this.KdTreeToString(this.lHandQueryTree);


        nextLine = this.KdTreeToString(this.rHandQueryTree);


예제 #4
    public void createKNNRig(string headBoneName, string rHandBoneName, string lHandBoneName, float slidingWindowSizeInMS, float slidingWindowOffsetInMS, float pollingRate, bool ignoreRotation, bool bothHandsInFeatureVec, string outputPath)
        var lHandTreeNodes  = new List <int>();
        var lHandTreePoints = new List <float[]>();
        var rHandTreeNodes  = new List <int>();
        var rHandTreePoints = new List <float[]>();

        GameObject rootBoneObj = new GameObject();
        KNNBone    rootBone    = rootBoneObj.AddComponent <KNNBone>();

        Debug.Assert(files != null && files.Count > 0);
        setToFrame(0, true, true, true);


        foreach (string file in files)
            FillKNNTrees(rootBone, ignoreRotation, bothHandsInFeatureVec, headBoneName, rHandBoneName, lHandBoneName, slidingWindowSizeInMS, slidingWindowOffsetInMS, pollingRate, lHandTreeNodes, rHandTreeNodes, lHandTreePoints, rHandTreePoints);

        float slidingWindowSize = slidingWindowSizeInMS / 1000.0f;
        float targetFrameTime   = 1.0f / pollingRate;
        int   framesPerWindow   = (int)((slidingWindowSize) / targetFrameTime);
        int   featureVecLength  = 9 * framesPerWindow;

        var rHandTree = new KDTree <float, int>(featureVecLength, rHandTreePoints.ToArray(), rHandTreeNodes.ToArray(), Metrics.WeightedL2Norm);
        var lHandTree = new KDTree <float, int>(featureVecLength, lHandTreePoints.ToArray(), lHandTreeNodes.ToArray(), Metrics.WeightedL2Norm);

        GameObject  kNNSkeleton_     = new GameObject("KNN-Skeleton");
        KNNSkeleton finalKNNSkeleton = kNNSkeleton_.AddComponent <KNNSkeleton>();

        finalKNNSkeleton.SetKNNSkeleton(rootBone, ignoreRotation, lHandTree, rHandTree, featureVecLength);

        GameObject kNNRig = new GameObject("KNN-Rig");

        KNNRig kNNRigComponent = kNNRig.AddComponent <KNNRig>();

        kNNRigComponent.skeletonPath = outputPath;
예제 #5
    public void initKNNBone(Transform rootTransform)
        this.name = rootTransform.name;
        this.transform.localPosition = rootTransform.localPosition;
        this.transform.localRotation = rootTransform.localRotation;
        this.offset    = this.transform.localPosition;
        this.children  = new List <KNNBone>();
        this.rotations = new List <Quaternion>();

        for (int childIdx = 0; childIdx < rootTransform.childCount; childIdx++)
            GameObject childObj = new GameObject();

            KNNBone childBone = (KNNBone)childObj.AddComponent(typeof(KNNBone));
            childBone.parent           = this;
            childBone.transform.parent = this.transform;
예제 #6
    public void Parse(string file)
        StreamReader reader   = new StreamReader(file);
        string       currLine = reader.ReadLine(); // skip comment

        currLine = reader.ReadLine();
        string[] words     = currLine.Split(' ');
        int      nrOfBones = int.Parse(words[0]);
        int      timeSteps = int.Parse(words[1]);

        this.featureVectorLength = int.Parse(words[2]);
        this.ignoreRotation      = bool.Parse(words[3]);
        currLine = reader.ReadLine(); // skip comment

        GameObject rootBone = new GameObject();

        this.rootBone = rootBone.AddComponent <KNNBone>();
        this.rootBone.transform.parent = this.transform;

        for (int currBoneIdx = 0; currBoneIdx < nrOfBones; currBoneIdx++)
            currLine = reader.ReadLine(); // ignore since it's done in the initBoneFromFile

        currLine = reader.ReadLine();
        if (this.lHandQueryTree == null || this.lHandQueryTree.Count == 0)
            this.lHandQueryTree = ParseKDTree(currLine, featureVectorLength, timeSteps);

        currLine = reader.ReadLine();
        if (this.rHandQueryTree == null || this.rHandQueryTree.Count == 0)
            this.rHandQueryTree = ParseKDTree(currLine, featureVectorLength, timeSteps);

예제 #7
    private void FillKNNTrees(KNNBone rootBone, bool ignoreRotation, bool bothHandsInFeatureVec, string headBoneName, string rHandBoneName, string lHandBoneName, float slidingWindowSizeInMS, float slidingWindowOffsetInMS, float pollingRate, List <int> lHandTreeNodes, List <int> rHandTreeNodes, List <float[]> lHandTreePoints, List <float[]> rHandTreePoints)
        float sourceFrameTime     = bvhParser.frameTime;
        float targetFrameTime     = 1.0f / pollingRate;
        float totalTime           = bvhParser.frames * sourceFrameTime;
        int   totalNewFrames      = (int)(totalTime / targetFrameTime);
        float slidingWindowOffset = slidingWindowOffsetInMS / 1000.0f;
        float slidingWindowSize   = slidingWindowSizeInMS / 1000.0f;

        int totalWindows     = (int)((totalTime - (slidingWindowSize)) / (slidingWindowOffset));
        int framesPerWindow  = (int)((slidingWindowSize) / targetFrameTime);
        int nrOfFeatures     = bothHandsInFeatureVec ? 18 : 9;
        int featureVecLength = nrOfFeatures * framesPerWindow;

        setToFrame(0, true, true, true);

        for (int currentWindow = 0; currentWindow < totalWindows; currentWindow++)
            float[] lHandPoints = new float[featureVecLength];
            float[] rHandPoints = new float[featureVecLength];

            for (int currFrame = 0; currFrame < framesPerWindow; currFrame++)
                float startTime   = slidingWindowOffset * (float)currentWindow;
                float sourceFrame = getSourceFrameFromTargetTime(sourceFrameTime, startTime + (float)currFrame * targetFrameTime);
                setToFrame(sourceFrame, true, true, true);
                Vector3 rHandPosition = root.Find(rHandBoneName).position;
                Vector3 lHandPosition = root.Find(lHandBoneName).position;

                if (sourceFrame >= 1.0f)
                    setToFrame(sourceFrame - 1.0f, true, true, true);

                Vector3 prevRHandPosition = root.Find(rHandBoneName).position;
                Vector3 prevLHandPosition = root.Find(lHandBoneName).position;

                if (sourceFrame >= 2.0f)
                    setToFrame(sourceFrame - 2.0f, true, true, true);

                Vector3 prevPrevRHandPosition = root.Find(rHandBoneName).position;
                Vector3 prevPrevLHandPosition = root.Find(lHandBoneName).position;

                Vector3 lHandVelocity = (lHandPosition - prevLHandPosition) / sourceFrameTime;
                Vector3 rHandVelocity = (rHandPosition - prevRHandPosition) / sourceFrameTime;

                Vector3 prevLHandVelocity = (prevLHandPosition - prevPrevLHandPosition) / sourceFrameTime;
                Vector3 prevRHandVelocity = (prevRHandPosition - prevPrevRHandPosition) / sourceFrameTime;

                Vector3 lHandAcceleration = (lHandVelocity - prevLHandVelocity) / sourceFrameTime;
                Vector3 rHandAcceleration = (rHandVelocity - prevRHandVelocity) / sourceFrameTime;

                if (ignoreRotation)
                    SphericalCoords rHandSpPosition = SphericalCoords.CartesianToSpherical(rHandPosition);
                    SphericalCoords lHandSpPosition = SphericalCoords.CartesianToSpherical(lHandPosition);

                    float rHandAngle = rHandSpPosition.theta * Mathf.Rad2Deg;
                    float lHandAngle = lHandSpPosition.theta * Mathf.Rad2Deg;

                    //rotate velocity and acceleration angle around "theta"
                    lHandVelocity = Quaternion.AngleAxis(lHandAngle, Vector3.up) * lHandVelocity;
                    rHandVelocity = Quaternion.AngleAxis(rHandAngle, Vector3.up) * rHandVelocity;

                    lHandAcceleration = Quaternion.AngleAxis(lHandAngle, Vector3.up) * lHandAcceleration;
                    rHandAcceleration = Quaternion.AngleAxis(rHandAngle, Vector3.up) * rHandAcceleration;

                    rHandSpPosition.theta = 0;
                    lHandSpPosition.theta = 0;

                    rHandPosition = rHandSpPosition.ToCartesian();
                    lHandPosition = lHandSpPosition.ToCartesian();

                int pointOffset = currFrame * nrOfFeatures;
                lHandPoints[pointOffset]     = lHandPosition.x;
                lHandPoints[pointOffset + 1] = lHandPosition.y;
                lHandPoints[pointOffset + 2] = lHandPosition.z;

                lHandPoints[pointOffset + 3] = lHandVelocity.x;
                lHandPoints[pointOffset + 4] = lHandVelocity.y;
                lHandPoints[pointOffset + 5] = lHandVelocity.z;

                lHandPoints[pointOffset + 6] = lHandAcceleration.x;
                lHandPoints[pointOffset + 7] = lHandAcceleration.y;
                lHandPoints[pointOffset + 8] = lHandAcceleration.z;

                rHandPoints[pointOffset]     = rHandPosition.x;
                rHandPoints[pointOffset + 1] = rHandPosition.y;
                rHandPoints[pointOffset + 2] = rHandPosition.z;

                rHandPoints[pointOffset + 3] = rHandVelocity.x;
                rHandPoints[pointOffset + 4] = rHandVelocity.y;
                rHandPoints[pointOffset + 5] = rHandVelocity.z;

                rHandPoints[pointOffset + 6] = rHandAcceleration.x;
                rHandPoints[pointOffset + 7] = rHandAcceleration.y;
                rHandPoints[pointOffset + 8] = rHandAcceleration.z;

                if (bothHandsInFeatureVec)
                    lHandPoints[pointOffset + 9]  = rHandPosition.x;
                    lHandPoints[pointOffset + 10] = rHandPosition.y;
                    lHandPoints[pointOffset + 11] = rHandPosition.z;

                    lHandPoints[pointOffset + 12] = rHandVelocity.x;
                    lHandPoints[pointOffset + 13] = rHandVelocity.y;
                    lHandPoints[pointOffset + 14] = rHandVelocity.z;

                    lHandPoints[pointOffset + 15] = rHandAcceleration.x;
                    lHandPoints[pointOffset + 16] = rHandAcceleration.y;
                    lHandPoints[pointOffset + 17] = rHandAcceleration.z;

                    rHandPoints[pointOffset + 9]  = lHandPosition.x;
                    rHandPoints[pointOffset + 10] = lHandPosition.y;
                    rHandPoints[pointOffset + 11] = lHandPosition.z;

                    rHandPoints[pointOffset + 12] = lHandVelocity.x;
                    rHandPoints[pointOffset + 13] = lHandVelocity.y;
                    rHandPoints[pointOffset + 14] = lHandVelocity.z;

                    rHandPoints[pointOffset + 15] = lHandAcceleration.x;
                    rHandPoints[pointOffset + 16] = lHandAcceleration.y;
                    rHandPoints[pointOffset + 17] = lHandAcceleration.z;
            int lastPositionSourceIndex = (int)((currentWindow * slidingWindowOffset + slidingWindowSize) / sourceFrameTime);

            setToFrame(lastPositionSourceIndex, true, true, true);

            lHandTreePoints.Add(lHandPoints); lHandTreeNodes.Add(lHandTreeNodes.Count);
            rHandTreePoints.Add(rHandPoints); rHandTreeNodes.Add(rHandTreeNodes.Count);
예제 #8
    public void InitRig()
        leftArmFeatureVec  = new LinkedList <FeatureItem>();
        rightArmFeatureVec = new LinkedList <FeatureItem>();

        if (rHandSkeleton == null || rHandSkeleton.rootBone == null || rHandSkeleton.lHandQueryTree == null || rHandSkeleton.rHandQueryTree == null || rHandSkeleton.lHandQueryTree.Count == 0 || rHandSkeleton.rHandQueryTree.Count == 0)
            if (rHandSkeleton == null)
                GameObject kNNSkeleton_ = new GameObject("Right-KNN-Skeleton");
                this.rHandSkeleton = kNNSkeleton_.AddComponent <KNNSkeleton>();

            this.rHandSkeleton.transform.parent          = this.transform;
            this.rHandSkeleton.rootBone.transform.parent = this.rHandSkeleton.transform;
        if (lHandSkeleton == null || lHandSkeleton.rootBone == null || lHandSkeleton.lHandQueryTree == null || lHandSkeleton.rHandQueryTree == null || lHandSkeleton.lHandQueryTree.Count == 0 || lHandSkeleton.rHandQueryTree.Count == 0)
            if (lHandSkeleton == null)
                GameObject kNNSkeleton_ = new GameObject("Left-KNN-Skeleton");
                this.lHandSkeleton = kNNSkeleton_.AddComponent <KNNSkeleton>();

            this.lHandSkeleton.transform.parent          = this.transform;
            this.lHandSkeleton.rootBone.transform.parent = this.lHandSkeleton.transform;

        if (finalSkeletonBones == null)
            GameObject kNNSkeleton_ = new GameObject("final-KNN-Skeleton-Bones");
            GameObject rootBone     = new GameObject("final-KNN-Skeleton-Bones");

            this.finalSkeletonBones = rootBone.AddComponent <KNNBone>();
            this.finalSkeletonBones.transform.parent = kNNSkeleton_.transform;
            kNNSkeleton_.transform.parent            = this.transform;

        Stack <KNNBone> boneStackFinal = new Stack <KNNBone>();
        Stack <KNNBone> boneStackLeft  = new Stack <KNNBone>();
        Stack <KNNBone> boneStackRight = new Stack <KNNBone>();


        allBones = new List <Tuple <KNNBone, KNNBone, KNNBone> >();

        //assuming they all have the same hierarchy
        while (boneStackFinal.Count > 0)
            KNNBone topBoneFinal = boneStackFinal.Pop();
            KNNBone topBoneLeft  = boneStackLeft.Pop();
            KNNBone topBoneRight = boneStackRight.Pop();

            foreach (KNNBone childBone in topBoneFinal.children)

            foreach (KNNBone childBone in topBoneLeft.children)

            foreach (KNNBone childBone in topBoneRight.children)

            if (topBoneLeft.name == topBoneRight.name && topBoneFinal.name == topBoneLeft.name)
                allBones.Add(Tuple.Create(topBoneLeft, topBoneRight, topBoneFinal));

        rigTransforms = new List <Tuple <Transform, Transform, Quaternion> >();

        Stack <KNNBone>   boneStack      = new Stack <KNNBone>();
        Stack <Transform> transformStack = new Stack <Transform>();


        while (boneStack.Count > 0)
            KNNBone   topBone      = boneStack.Pop();
            Transform topTransform = null;
            if (transformStack.Count > 0)
                topTransform = transformStack.Pop();

            foreach (KNNBone childBone in topBone.children)
                if (topTransform != null)
                    Transform childTransform = topTransform.Find(childBone.name);
                    if (childTransform != null)

            if (topTransform != null && topTransform.name == topBone.name)
                rigTransforms.Add(Tuple.Create(topBone.transform, topTransform, topTransform.rotation));

        Transform targets        = null;
        Transform lHandTmpTarget = null;
        Transform rHandTmpTarget = null;
        Transform headTmpTarget  = null;

        if (this.transform.Find("Targets") == null)
            targets = new GameObject("Targets").transform;
            targets.transform.parent = this.transform;
            targets        = this.transform.Find("Targets");
            lHandTmpTarget = targets.Find("LHandTarget");
            rHandTmpTarget = targets.Find("RHandTarget");
            headTmpTarget  = targets.Find("HeadTarget");

        if (lHandTarget == null)
            if (lHandTmpTarget == null)
                lHandTmpTarget = new GameObject("LHandTarget").transform;
                lHandTmpTarget.transform.parent = targets.transform;
            lHandTarget = lHandTmpTarget;
        if (rHandTarget == null)
            if (rHandTmpTarget == null)
                rHandTmpTarget = new GameObject("RHandTarget").transform;
                rHandTmpTarget.transform.parent = targets.transform;
            rHandTarget = rHandTmpTarget;
        if (headTarget == null)
            if (headTmpTarget == null)
                headTmpTarget = new GameObject("HeadTarget").transform;
                headTmpTarget.transform.parent = targets.transform;
            headTarget = headTmpTarget;

        BoneRenderer leftBoneRenderer  = lHandSkeleton.GetComponent <BoneRenderer>();
        BoneRenderer rightBoneRenderer = rHandSkeleton.GetComponent <BoneRenderer>();
        BoneRenderer finalBoneRenderer = finalSkeletonBones.GetComponent <BoneRenderer>();

        if (leftBoneRenderer != null)
            leftBoneRenderer.boneColor = Color.green;
        if (rightBoneRenderer != null)
            rightBoneRenderer.boneColor = Color.white;