public void TryPlant(bool allow_plant_from_storage = false) { timeUntilSelfPlant = Util.RandomVariance(2400f, 600f); if (!allow_plant_from_storage && base.gameObject.HasTag(GameTags.Stored)) { return; } int cell = Grid.PosToCell(base.gameObject); if (!TestSuitableGround(cell)) { return; } Vector3 position = Grid.CellToPosCBC(cell, Grid.SceneLayer.BuildingFront); GameObject gameObject = GameUtil.KInstantiate(Assets.GetPrefab(PlantID), position, Grid.SceneLayer.BuildingFront, null, 0); gameObject.SetActive(true); Pickupable component = GetComponent <Pickupable>(); Pickupable pickupable = component.Take(1f); if (!((Object)pickupable != (Object)null)) { KCrashReporter.Assert(false, "Seed has fractional total amount < 1f"); return; } Crop component2 = gameObject.GetComponent <Crop>(); if (!((Object)component2 != (Object)null)) { goto IL_00a5; } goto IL_00a5; IL_00a5: Util.KDestroyGameObject(pickupable.gameObject); }
private unsafe void OnSimRegistered(int handle) { if ((UnityEngine.Object) this != (UnityEngine.Object)null && simHandle == -2) { simHandle = handle; int handleIndex = Sim.GetHandleIndex(handle); float temperature = Game.Instance.simData.elementChunks[handleIndex].temperature; if (temperature <= 0f) { KCrashReporter.Assert(false, "Bad temperature"); } handleInstanceMap[simHandle] = this; if (pendingEnergyModifications > 0f) { ModifyEnergy(pendingEnergyModifications); pendingEnergyModifications = 0f; } if (onSimRegistered != null) { onSimRegistered(this); } } else { SimMessages.RemoveElementChunk(handle, -1); } }
public void OnLand(object data) { SpaceDestination spacecraftDestination = SpacecraftManager.instance.GetSpacecraftDestination(SpacecraftManager.instance.GetSpacecraftID(GetComponent <RocketModule>().conditionManager.GetComponent <LaunchableRocket>())); SpaceDestination.ResearchOpportunity researchOpportunity = spacecraftDestination.TryCompleteResearchOpportunity(); if (researchOpportunity != null) { GameObject gameObject = GameUtil.KInstantiate(Assets.GetPrefab("ResearchDatabank"), base.gameObject.transform.GetPosition(), Grid.SceneLayer.Ore, null, 0); gameObject.SetActive(true); gameObject.GetComponent <PrimaryElement>().Mass = (float)researchOpportunity.dataValue; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(researchOpportunity.discoveredRareItem)) { GameObject prefab = Assets.GetPrefab(researchOpportunity.discoveredRareItem); if ((Object)prefab == (Object)null) { KCrashReporter.Assert(false, "Missing prefab: " + researchOpportunity.discoveredRareItem); } else { GameObject gameObject2 = GameUtil.KInstantiate(prefab, base.gameObject.transform.GetPosition(), Grid.SceneLayer.Ore, null, 0); gameObject2.SetActive(true); } } } GameObject gameObject3 = GameUtil.KInstantiate(Assets.GetPrefab("ResearchDatabank"), base.gameObject.transform.GetPosition(), Grid.SceneLayer.Ore, null, 0); gameObject3.SetActive(true); gameObject3.GetComponent <PrimaryElement>().Mass = (float)ROCKETRY.DESTINATION_RESEARCH.EVERGREEN; }
public void SpawnResources(object data) { SpaceDestination spacecraftDestination = SpacecraftManager.instance.GetSpacecraftDestination(SpacecraftManager.instance.GetSpacecraftID(GetComponent <RocketModule>().conditionManager.GetComponent <LaunchableRocket>())); int rootCell = Grid.PosToCell(base.gameObject); foreach (KeyValuePair <SimHashes, float> item in spacecraftDestination.GetMissionResourceResult(storage.RemainingCapacity(), storageType == CargoType.solids, storageType == CargoType.liquids, storageType == CargoType.gasses)) { Element element = ElementLoader.FindElementByHash(item.Key); if (storageType == CargoType.solids && element.IsSolid) { GameObject gameObject = Scenario.SpawnPrefab(rootCell, 0, 0, element.tag.Name, Grid.SceneLayer.Ore); gameObject.GetComponent <PrimaryElement>().Mass = item.Value; gameObject.GetComponent <PrimaryElement>().Temperature = ElementLoader.FindElementByHash(item.Key).defaultValues.temperature; gameObject.SetActive(true); storage.Store(gameObject, false, false, true, false); } else if (storageType == CargoType.liquids && element.IsLiquid) { storage.AddLiquid(item.Key, item.Value, ElementLoader.FindElementByHash(item.Key).defaultValues.temperature, byte.MaxValue, 0, false, true); } else if (storageType == CargoType.gasses && element.IsGas) { storage.AddGasChunk(item.Key, item.Value, ElementLoader.FindElementByHash(item.Key).defaultValues.temperature, byte.MaxValue, 0, false, true); } } if (storageType == CargoType.entities) { foreach (KeyValuePair <Tag, int> item2 in spacecraftDestination.GetMissionEntityResult()) { GameObject prefab = Assets.GetPrefab(item2.Key); if ((UnityEngine.Object)prefab == (UnityEngine.Object)null) { KCrashReporter.Assert(false, "Missing prefab: " + item2.Key.Name); } else { for (int i = 0; i < item2.Value; i++) { GameObject gameObject2 = Util.KInstantiate(prefab, base.transform.position); gameObject2.SetActive(true); storage.Store(gameObject2, false, false, true, false); Baggable component = gameObject2.GetComponent <Baggable>(); if ((UnityEngine.Object)component != (UnityEngine.Object)null) { component.SetWrangled(); } } } } } }
private void SetTemperature(float temperature) { if (float.IsNaN(temperature) || float.IsInfinity(temperature)) { DebugUtil.LogErrorArgs(base.gameObject, "Invalid temperature [" + temperature + "]"); } else { if (temperature <= 0f) { KCrashReporter.Assert(false, "Tried to set PrimaryElement.Temperature to a value <= 0"); } setTemperatureCallback(this, temperature); } }
private Action <InfoDialogScreen> OpenCodex(string key) { return(delegate(InfoDialogScreen dialog) { dialog.Deactivate(); string entryForLock = CodexCache.GetEntryForLock(key); if (entryForLock == null) { KCrashReporter.Assert(false, "Missing codex entry: " + key); } else { ManagementMenu.Instance.OpenCodexToEntry(entryForLock); } }); }
public override void Begin(Precondition.Context context) { if ((UnityEngine.Object)context.consumerState.consumer == (UnityEngine.Object)null) { Debug.LogError("EATCHORE null context.consumer"); } else { RationMonitor.Instance sMI = context.consumerState.consumer.GetSMI <RationMonitor.Instance>(); if (sMI == null) { Debug.LogError("EATCHORE null RationMonitor.Instance"); } else { Edible edible = sMI.GetEdible(); if ((UnityEngine.Object)edible.gameObject == (UnityEngine.Object)null) { Debug.LogError("EATCHORE null edible.gameObject"); } else if (base.smi == null) { Debug.LogError("EATCHORE null smi"); } else if ( == null) { Debug.LogError("EATCHORE null"); } else if ( == null) { Debug.LogError("EATCHORE null"); } else {, base.smi); KCrashReporter.Assert(edible.FoodInfo.CaloriesPerUnit > 0f, edible.GetProperName() + " has invalid calories per unit. Will result in NaNs"); AmountInstance amountInstance = Db.Get().Amounts.Calories.Lookup(gameObject); float num = (amountInstance.GetMax() - amountInstance.value) / edible.FoodInfo.CaloriesPerUnit; KCrashReporter.Assert(num > 0f, "EatChore is requesting an invalid amount of food");, base.smi);, base.smi); base.Begin(context); } } } }
private void StopConsuming(Worker worker) { DebugUtil.DevAssert(isBeingConsumed, "StopConsuming() called without StartConsuming()"); isBeingConsumed = false; if (float.IsNaN(consumptionTime)) { DebugUtil.DevAssert(false, "consumptionTime NaN in StopConsuming()"); } else { PrimaryElement component = base.gameObject.GetComponent <PrimaryElement>(); if ((Object)component != (Object)null && component.DiseaseCount > 0) { new EmoteChore(worker.GetComponent <ChoreProvider>(), Db.Get().ChoreTypes.EmoteHighPriority, "anim_react_contaminated_food_kanim", new HashedString[1] { "react" }, null); } float num = Mathf.Clamp01(consumptionTime / GetFeedingTime(worker)); unitsConsumed = Units * num; if (float.IsNaN(unitsConsumed)) { KCrashReporter.Assert(false, "Why is unitsConsumed NaN?"); unitsConsumed = Units; } caloriesConsumed = unitsConsumed * foodInfo.CaloriesPerUnit; Units -= unitsConsumed; for (int i = 0; i < foodInfo.Effects.Count; i++) { worker.GetComponent <Effects>().Add(foodInfo.Effects[i], true); } ReportManager.Instance.ReportValue(ReportManager.ReportType.CaloriesCreated, 0f - caloriesConsumed, StringFormatter.Replace(UI.ENDOFDAYREPORT.NOTES.EATEN, "{0}", this.GetProperName()), worker.GetProperName()); AddQualityEffects(worker); worker.Trigger(1121894420, this); Trigger(-10536414, worker.gameObject); unitsConsumed = float.NaN; caloriesConsumed = float.NaN; consumptionTime = float.NaN; if (Units <= 0f) { base.gameObject.DeleteObject(); } } }
public float Open() { if (openCount == 0 && DisplacesGas(doorType)) { StructureTemperatureComponents structureTemperatures = GameComps.StructureTemperatures; HandleVector <int> .Handle handle = structureTemperatures.GetHandle(base.gameObject); if (handle.IsValid() && structureTemperatures.IsBypassed(handle)) { int[] placementCells = building.PlacementCells; float num = 0f; int num2 = 0; foreach (int i2 in placementCells) { if (Grid.Mass[i2] > 0f) { num2++; num += Grid.Temperature[i2]; } } if (num2 > 0) { num /= (float)placementCells.Length; PrimaryElement component = GetComponent <PrimaryElement>(); KCrashReporter.Assert(num > 0f, "Door has calculated an invalid temperature"); component.Temperature = num; } } } openCount++; float result = 1f; if ((Object)consumer != (Object)null) { result = ((!consumer.IsPowered) ? 0.5f : 1f); } switch (controlState) { case ControlState.Auto: case ControlState.Opened:, controller); break; } return(result); }
private unsafe static void OnSetTemperature(PrimaryElement primary_element, float temperature) { if (temperature <= 0f) { KCrashReporter.Assert(false, "STT.OnSetTemperature - Tried to set <= 0 degree temperature"); temperature = 293f; } SimTemperatureTransfer component = primary_element.GetComponent <SimTemperatureTransfer>(); if (Sim.IsValidHandle(component.simHandle)) { float mass = primary_element.Mass; float heat_capacity = (!(mass >= 0.01f)) ? 0f : (mass * primary_element.Element.specificHeatCapacity); SimMessages.SetElementChunkData(component.simHandle, temperature, heat_capacity); int handleIndex = Sim.GetHandleIndex(component.simHandle); Game.Instance.simData.elementChunks[handleIndex].temperature = temperature; } else { primary_element.InternalTemperature = temperature; } }
public void AddParticle(Vector2 root_pos, byte elementIdx, float base_mass, float temperature, byte disease_idx, int base_disease_count, bool skip_sound = false, bool skip_decor = false, bool debug_track = false, bool disable_randomness = false) { int num = Grid.PosToCell(root_pos); if (!Grid.IsValidCell(num)) { KCrashReporter.Assert(false, "Trying to add falling water outside of the scene"); } else { if (temperature <= 0f || base_mass <= 0f) { Debug.LogError($"Unexpected water mass/temperature values added to the falling water manager T({temperature}) M({base_mass})"); } float time = GetTime(); if (!skip_sound) { if (!topSounds.TryGetValue(num, out SoundInfo value)) { value = default(SoundInfo); value.handle = LoopingSoundManager.StartSound(liquid_top_loop, root_pos, true, true); } value.startTime = time; LoopingSoundManager.Get().UpdateSecondParameter(value.handle, HASH_LIQUIDVOLUME, SoundUtil.GetLiquidVolume(base_mass)); topSounds[num] = value; } while (base_mass > 0f) { float num2 = UnityEngine.Random.value * 2f * particleMassVariation - particleMassVariation; float num3 = Mathf.Max(0f, Mathf.Min(base_mass, particleMassToSplit + num2)); float num4 = num3 / base_mass; base_mass -= num3; int disease_count = (int)(num4 * (float)base_disease_count); int frame = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, numFrames); Vector2 b = (!disable_randomness) ? new Vector2(jitterStep * Mathf.Sin(offset), jitterStep * Mathf.Sin(offset + 17f)) :; Vector2 b2 = (!disable_randomness) ? new Vector2(UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f - multipleOffsetRange.x, multipleOffsetRange.x), UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f - multipleOffsetRange.y, multipleOffsetRange.y)) :; Element element = ElementLoader.elements[elementIdx]; Vector2 vector = root_pos; bool flag = !skip_decor && SpawnLiquidTopDecor(time, Grid.CellLeft(num), false, element); bool flag2 = !skip_decor && SpawnLiquidTopDecor(time, Grid.CellRight(num), true, element); Vector2 b3 = Vector2.ClampMagnitude(initialOffset + b + b2, 1f); if (flag || flag2) { if (flag && flag2) { vector += b3; vector.x += 0.5f; } else if (flag) { vector += b3; } else { vector.x += 1f - b3.x; vector.y += b3.y; } } else { vector += b3; vector.x += 0.5f; } int num5 = Grid.PosToCell(vector); Element element2 = Grid.Element[num5]; Element.State state = element2.state & Element.State.Solid; if (state == Element.State.Solid || (Grid.Properties[num5] & 2) != 0) { vector.y = Mathf.Floor(vector.y + 1f); } physics.Add(new ParticlePhysics(vector,, frame, elementIdx)); particleProperties.Add(new ParticleProperties(elementIdx, num3, temperature, disease_idx, disease_count, debug_track)); } } }