예제 #1
        public override bool CanCombine(Point16 orig, Point16 dir)
            NetworkCollection.HasFluidPipeAt(orig + dir, out FluidNetwork thisNet);
            NetworkCollection.HasFluidPipeAt(orig - dir, out FluidNetwork otherNet);
            var otherAxis = new Point16(dir.Y, dir.X);

            NetworkCollection.HasFluidPipeAt(orig + otherAxis, out FluidNetwork axisNet);
            NetworkCollection.HasFluidPipeAt(orig - otherAxis, out FluidNetwork otherAxisNet);

            Tile center = Framing.GetTileSafely(orig);

            if (ModContent.GetModTile(center.type) is TransportJunction)
                //At this point, only one axis is being handled, so that's fine
                JunctionMerge merge = JunctionMergeable.mergeTypes[center.frameX / 18];

                if (((merge & JunctionMerge.Fluids_LeftRight) != 0 && dir.X != 0) || ((merge & JunctionMerge.Fluids_UpDown) != 0 && dir.Y != 0))
                    return(otherNet is null || (otherNet.liquidType == thisNet.liquidType && otherNet.gasType == thisNet.gasType));

            //Not a junction at the center.  Need to check every direction
            //All directions just need to be checked against this one
            bool hasConnOther     = otherNet != null;
            bool hasConnAxis      = axisNet != null;
            bool hasConnAxisOther = otherAxisNet != null;

            return((!hasConnOther || (otherNet.liquidType == thisNet.liquidType && otherNet.gasType == thisNet.gasType)) &&
                   (!hasConnAxis || (axisNet.liquidType == thisNet.liquidType && axisNet.gasType == thisNet.gasType)) &&
                   (!hasConnAxisOther || (otherAxisNet.liquidType == thisNet.liquidType && otherAxisNet.gasType == thisNet.gasType)));
예제 #2
        private static string GetModeText(JunctionMerge mode)
            if (mode == JunctionMerge.None)

            if (mode == JunctionMerge.Wires_All)
            if (mode == JunctionMerge.Items_All)
            if (mode == JunctionMerge.Fluids_All)

            string text = "";

            if ((mode & JunctionMerge.Wires_UpDown) != 0)
                text += "Wires Up & Down";
            if ((mode & JunctionMerge.Items_UpDown) != 0)
                text += "Items Up & Down";
            if ((mode & JunctionMerge.Fluids_UpDown) != 0)
                text += "Fluids Up & Down";

            if ((mode & JunctionMerge.Wires_LeftRight) != 0)
                if (text != "")
                    text += ", ";

                text += "Wires Left & Right";
            if ((mode & JunctionMerge.Items_LeftRight) != 0)
                if (text != "")
                    text += ", ";

                text += "Items Left & Right";
            if ((mode & JunctionMerge.Fluids_LeftRight) != 0)
                if (text != "")
                    text += ", ";

                text += "Fluids Left & Right";

예제 #3
 internal static int FindMergeIndex(JunctionMerge type) => Array.FindIndex(mergeTypes, m => m == type);
예제 #4
        private bool CheckTileMerge(int i, int j, int dirX, int dirY)
            if (MergeType == JunctionType.None)

            if ((dirX == 0 && dirY == 0) || (dirX != 0 && dirY != 0))

            if (dirX < -1 || dirX > 1 || dirY < -1 || dirY > 1)

            int targetX = i + dirX;
            int targetY = j + dirY;

            if (targetX < 0 || targetX >= Main.maxTilesX || targetY < 0 || targetY >= Main.maxTilesY)

            Tile    target        = Framing.GetTileSafely(targetX, targetY);
            ModTile targetModTile = ModContent.GetModTile(target.type);

            if (!target.active())

            //If this merge type is "Items" and the tile is a chest, merge
            if (MergeType == JunctionType.Items && (TileID.Sets.BasicChest[target.type] || (targetModTile != null && (targetModTile.adjTiles.Contains(TileID.Containers) || targetModTile.adjTiles.Contains(TileID.Containers2)))))

            if (target.type < TileID.Count)

            if (targetModTile is JunctionMergeable merge)
                bool hasSameMerge = merge.MergeType == MergeType;

                //Need to check if the target is a pump and the pump is pointing in the right direction
                if (merge is ItemPumpTile || merge is FluidPumpTile)
                    int frame = target.frameX / 18;
                    return(hasSameMerge && ((dirY == 1 && frame == 0) || (dirX == 1 && frame == 1) || (dirY == -1 && frame == 2) || (dirX == -1 && frame == 3)));
            else if (targetModTile is TransportJunction)
                int frameX = target.frameX / 18;

                //Junction has the default frame?  Don't let them merge...
                if (frameX == 0)

                //Invalid frame?  Don't merge
                if (frameX < 0 || frameX > junctionColumns)

                //dirX == -1 means the junction must have a frame showing this mergetype on its right edge
                //dirX == 1 means the junction must have a frame showing this mergetype on its left edge
                //dirY == -1 means the junction must have a frame showing this mergetype on its bottom edge
                //dirY == 1 means the junction must have a frame showing this mergetype on its top edge

                //See Content/Tiles/TransportJunction.png for reference

                JunctionMerge otherMerge = mergeTypes[frameX];

                int shift = ((int)MergeType - 1) * 4;

                int mask = 0;
                if (dirX == -1)
                    mask |= 0x4;
                else if (dirX == 1)
                    mask |= 0x2;

                if (dirY == -1)
                    mask |= 0x08;
                else if (dirY == 1)
                    mask |= 0x01;

                mask <<= shift;

                return(((int)otherMerge & mask) != 0);
            else if (targetModTile is Machine && TileUtils.tileToEntity.TryGetValue(targetModTile.Type, out MachineEntity entity))
                return((MergeType == JunctionType.Wires && entity is PoweredMachineEntity) ||
                       (MergeType == JunctionType.Items && (entity.GetInputSlots().Length > 0 || entity.GetOutputSlots().Length > 0)) ||
                       (MergeType == JunctionType.Fluids && (entity is ILiquidMachine || entity is IGasMachine)));
            else if (((MergeType == JunctionType.Items && targetModTile is ItemPumpTile) || (MergeType == JunctionType.Fluids && targetModTile is FluidPumpTile)) && ((dirX == -1 && target.frameX / 18 == 3) || (dirX == 1 && target.frameX / 18 == 1) || (dirY == -1 && target.frameX / 18 == 2) || (dirY == 1 && target.frameX / 18 == 0)))

            //Tile wasn't a junction-mergeable tile