// Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        healthText = GetComponent <Text>();

        // connect with mainCamera
        mainCamera = Camera.main;

        jfpc = mainCamera.GetComponent <JumperFirstPersonController>();
예제 #2
    // This is the game GUI script, it is used for indicating the Cooldown, Health, and other fantastic
    // effects

    void Start()
        // init canvas
        CanvasObject         = GetComponent <Canvas>();
        CanvasObject.enabled = false;

        // init camera
        mainCamera = Camera.main;

        // init camara script
        jfpc = Camera.main.GetComponent <JumperFirstPersonController>();
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // game start
        isGameStarted = true;

        // init camera
        mainCamera = Camera.main;
        jfpc       = mainCamera.GetComponent <JumperFirstPersonController>();

        // To start the game, controller will automatically generate 4 random checkpoints including a goal in the space.
        // To ensure that all checkpoints are generated for player to move in a general direction rather than move randomly,
        // hence I divide z direction to 4 parts, so that there will have 4 different sections four generating checkpoint

        // Assume z max is 5000 (it means that one round of SpaceJumper may use less that 60 seconds)
        zMax = 20000 + mainCamera.transform.position.z;
        zMin = 20000 + mainCamera.transform.position.z;

        float zCoor = Random.Range(zMin, zMax);

        // create temp array for storing check point position
        anchorpointList = new Vector3[5];

        // create empty z list
        float[] z = new float[5];

        z[0] = zMax;

        for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
            z[i] = zCoor / 4.0f * i;

        // create checkpoints
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
            if (i != 4)
                x = Random.Range(xMin, xMax);
                y = Random.Range(yMin, yMax);
                x            = 0;
                y            = 0;
                spaceshipPos = new Vector3(x, y, z[i]);
            (Instantiate(anchorpoint, new Vector3(x, y, z[i]), Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0)) as GameObject).GetComponent <AnchorPointScript>().setIndex(i);

            // add to position list
            anchorpointList[i] = new Vector3(x, y, z[i]);

        // anchor point
        anchorPointNum = 5;

        // create Spaceship
        Instantiate(spaceship, new Vector3(1000, 0, 21000), Quaternion.Euler(0, 90, 0));

        // init GUI
        // init gameoverGUI
        gameoverGUI    = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("gameoverGUI");
        gameoverScript = gameoverGUI.GetComponent <GameoverGUIScript>();

        // LeftDistance
        GameObject leftDistanceToSSGUI = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("uiLeftDisToSS");

        leftDistanceToSSGUI.GetComponent <LeftDistatnceToSSScript>().initGameController(gameObject);

        // create guide lines
        (leftGLInstance = Instantiate(leftGuideLine) as GameObject).GetComponent <LeftGuideLineController>().setPathList(anchorpointList);
        (rightGLInstance = Instantiate(rightGuideLine) as GameObject).GetComponent <RightGuideLineController>().setPathList(anchorpointList);

        // Boost Speed of character
        isShakeExecuted = false;
예제 #4
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        jfpc = Camera.main.GetComponent <JumperFirstPersonController>();

        speedIndicator = GetComponent <Text>();