예제 #1
        public void TestFormJudgement()
             *  We'll need a new outcome which generates new actors into the world
            var Agents = new List <Agent>()
                new Agent()
                    Name = "Usurper",
                    Tags = new List <string>()
                new Agent()
                    Name = "King",
                    Tags = new List <string>()
                        "Unjust", "Rich"
                new Agent()
                    Name = "Witness",
                    Tags = new List <string>()
                        "Ambitious", "Greedy"
                    Relationships = new Dictionary <string, Relationship>()
                        { "King", new Relationship()
                              Actor    = "King",
                              Opinions = new List <Opinion>()
                                  new Opinion()
                                      Judgement = "Rich",
                                      Reason    = "Because he's the king, duh."
                          } }
            World world = new World()
                WorldDoc = new JObject()
                    { "Agents", JToken.FromObject(Agents) }
            // Loads the judgement data for envy
            Judgement judgement = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Judgement>(File.ReadAllText(Basedir + "envy.json"));

             *  Its imporatant to note than when a judgement is being calculated, it's from the perspective
             *  of the witness.  Regardless of if the Tyrant actually posesses the 'unjust' trait, the witness
             *  is drawing from their current relationship to make the judgement.  If the witness doesn't actually
             *  have a relationship to the
            Occurrence occurence = new Occurrence()
                Description = "The ambitious Usurper siezes the throne from the unjust King!",
                Actor       = "Usurper",
                Target      = "King",
                Witness     = "Witness",
                ActorRole   = new Role()
                    Actions = new List <string>()
                    Upholds = new List <string>()
                    Forsakes = new List <string>()
                TargetRole = new Role()
                    Actions = new List <string>()
                    Upholds = new List <string>()
                    Forsakes = new List <string>()

            // Judge the occurence from the point of view of the witness
            world = judgement.FormJudgement("Witness", occurence, world);
            Agent judge = world.WorldDoc.SelectToken("$..Agents[?(@.Name == 'Witness')]").ToObject <Agent>();

            // The judge should now have two relationships, one the actor and the target
            Assert.IsTrue(judge.Relationships.Count == 2);

            // The judge's relationships should include one which has the envy tag
                judge.Relationships["Usurper"].Opinions.Exists(opinion => {
                return(opinion.Judgement == "Envy");