public static async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Run( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req, ILogger log) { log.LogInformation("Received a json file to transform."); string filename = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".csv"; log.LogInformation("Temp file used to hold data: " + filename); var jsonSource = new JsonSource() { CreateStreamReader = _ => new StreamReader(req.Body) }; var csvFileDest = new CsvDestination(filename); jsonSource.LinkTo(csvFileDest); await Network.ExecuteAsync(jsonSource); log.LogInformation("Successfully stored data in file - now returning the content as response."); return(new HttpResponseMessage() { StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK, Content = new StreamContent(new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open)) }); }
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) //загрузка данных { CurrencyContainer.del += Downloaded; IDataSource jsonSource = new JsonSource(); jsonSource.GetCurrencyList(CurrencyContainer.del); //передача в качестве параметра делегата перехода окна }
public void SourceWithDifferentNames() { //Arrange TwoColumnsTableFixture dest2Columns = new TwoColumnsTableFixture("JsonSource2ColsDynamic"); RowTransformation <ExpandoObject> trans = new RowTransformation <ExpandoObject>( row => { dynamic r = row as ExpandoObject; r.Col1 = r.Column1; r.Col2 = r.Column2; return(r); }); DbDestination <ExpandoObject> dest = new DbDestination <ExpandoObject>("JsonSource2ColsDynamic", Connection); //Act JsonSource <ExpandoObject> source = new JsonSource <ExpandoObject>("res/JsonSource/TwoColumnsDifferentNames.json", ResourceType.File); var linkTo1 = source.LinkTo(trans); var linkTo2 = linkTo1.source.LinkTo(dest); using ( using ( { source.Execute(); dest.Wait(); //Assert dest2Columns.AssertTestData(); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="JsonConfigurationSource"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="filename">The full path to the document.</param> public JsonConfigurationSource(string filename) { path = new FileInfo(filename ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(filename))); serializer = new JsonSerializer(); source = JsonSource.File; sync = new ReaderWriterLockSlim(); }
void UpdateData() { DataSource = new JsonDataSource() { Source = JsonSource.FromUri(new Uri("")) }; }
public void JsonPathInEpandoObject() { //Arrange TwoColumnsTableFixture dest2Columns = new TwoColumnsTableFixture("JsonSourceNestedDynamic"); RowTransformation <ExpandoObject> trans = new RowTransformation <ExpandoObject>( row => { dynamic r = row as ExpandoObject; r.Col1 = r.Column1; return(r); }); DbDestination <ExpandoObject> dest = new DbDestination <ExpandoObject>(SqlConnection, "JsonSourceNestedDynamic"); //Act JsonSource <ExpandoObject> source = new JsonSource <ExpandoObject>("res/JsonSource/NestedData.json", ResourceType.File); List <JsonProperty2JsonPath> pathLookups = new List <JsonProperty2JsonPath>() { new JsonProperty2JsonPath() { JsonPropertyName = "Column2", JsonPath = "Value", NewPropertyName = "Col2" } }; source.JsonSerializer.Converters.Add(new ExpandoJsonPathConverter(pathLookups)); source.LinkTo(trans).LinkTo(dest); source.Execute(); dest.Wait(); //Assert dest2Columns.AssertTestData(); }
public void JsonSource_FullLoadTest() { var source = new JsonSource("./JsonTestFile_First.json", InterCommunicator.Empty); var fired = source.Rows.Count(); Assert.AreEqual(3, fired); }
public void JsonSource_FullLoadTest() { var source = new JsonSource("./JsonTestFile_First.json", RuntimeContext.Empty); var fired = source.Rows.Count(); Assert.AreEqual(3, fired); }
public GenericListDataPage(string dataSource) { DataSource = new JsonDataSource() { Source = JsonSource.FromUri(new Uri(dataSource)) }; InitializeComponent(); }
protected override void Setup() { _dbClientMock = new Mock <IDbClient>(); var dbFactoryMock = new Mock <IDbClientFactory>(); dbFactoryMock.Setup(x => x.GetJsonClient(It.IsAny <string>())).Returns(_dbClientMock.Object); _source = new JsonSource(dbFactoryMock.Object); }
public void JsonSource_CancelledLoadTest() { var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); tokenSource.Cancel(); var source = new JsonSource("./JsonTestFile_First.json", new InterCommunicator(tokenSource.Token)); var fired = source.Rows.Count(); Assert.AreEqual(0, fired); }
public void JsonFromWebService() { JsonSource source = new JsonSource("res/JsonSource/EmptyObject.json", ResourceType.File); MemoryDestination dest = new MemoryDestination(); source.LinkTo(dest); source.Execute(); dest.Wait(); Assert.True(dest.Data.Count == 0); }
public ResQuery(string name, string query = null, string desc = null, object parameters = null, bool inSharedZip = false, ResFilType fileType = ResFilType.Csv, JsonSource jsonSource = default) { Name = name; Query = query; Desc = desc; Parameters = parameters; InSharedZip = inSharedZip; FileType = fileType; JsonSource = jsonSource; }
public void JsonSource_CancelledLoadTest() { var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); tokenSource.Cancel(); var source = new JsonSource("./JsonTestFile_First.json", new RuntimeContext(tokenSource.Token, new ISchemaColumn[0])); var fired = source.Rows.Count(); Assert.AreEqual(0, fired); }
public void ReadEmptyArray() { JsonSource source = new JsonSource("res/JsonSource/EmptyArray.json", ResourceType.File); MemoryDestination dest = new MemoryDestination(); source.LinkTo(dest); source.Execute(); dest.Wait(); Assert.True(dest.Data.Count == 0); }
public MyConfig() : base(defaultSourceName: nameof(ConfigSourceNames.Combined)) { var configrSource = new ConfigRSource(@"./config.csx", autoReloadOnFileChange: true); var jsonSource = new JsonSource("./config.json", true); this.UseCombinedSource("Combined", false, new BaseConfigurationSource[] { configrSource, jsonSource }) .UseAppSettings() .UseEnvironmentVariable("CONFYGURE_OUT_"); }
/* Data flow * * JsonSource --> RowTransformation --> Lookup --> Multicast --> DbDestination ("orders" table) * (Order data) | | * CsvSource <---- --------> TextDestination ("order_data.log") * ("customer.csv") */ static void Main(string[] args) { //Preparation RecreateTargetTable(); //Step 1 - creating the components var source = new JsonSource <OrderRow>("", ResourceType.Http); var rowTransformation = new RowTransformation <OrderRow>(); rowTransformation.TransformationFunc = row => { row.Quantity = int.Parse(row.Description.Split(":").ElementAt(1)); return(row); }; var lookup = new LookupTransformation <OrderRow, ExpandoObject>(); lookup.Source = new CsvSource("files/customer.csv"); lookup.MatchColumns = new[] { new MatchColumn() { LookupSourcePropertyName = "Id", InputPropertyName = "CustomerId" } }; lookup.RetrieveColumns = new[] { new RetrieveColumn() { LookupSourcePropertyName = "Name", InputPropertyName = "CustomerName" } }; var multicast = new Multicast <OrderRow>(); var dbDest = new DbDestination <OrderRow>(sqlConnMan, "orders"); var textDest = new TextDestination <OrderRow>("files/order_data.log"); textDest.WriteLineFunc = row => { return($"{row.OrderNumber}\t{row.CustomerName}\t{row.Quantity}"); }; //Step2 - linking components source.LinkTo(rowTransformation); rowTransformation.LinkTo(lookup); lookup.LinkTo(multicast); multicast.LinkTo(dbDest); multicast.LinkTo(textDest, row => row.CustomerName == "Clark Kent", row => row.CustomerName != "Clark Kent"); //Step3 - executing the network Network.Execute(source); //Shortcut for Network.ExecuteAsync(source).Wait(); }
public void WithNestedArraysInside() { //Arrange MemoryDestination dest = new MemoryDestination(); RowTransformation <ExpandoObject> trans = new RowTransformation <ExpandoObject>( row => { dynamic r = row as ExpandoObject; return(r); }); //Act JsonSource <ExpandoObject> source = new JsonSource <ExpandoObject>("res/JsonSource/NestedArray.json", ResourceType.File); List <JsonProperty2JsonPath> pathLookups = new List <JsonProperty2JsonPath>() { new JsonProperty2JsonPath() { JsonPropertyName = "Column2", JsonPath = "$.[*].ArrayCol1", NewPropertyName = "ArrayCol1" }, new JsonProperty2JsonPath() { JsonPropertyName = "Column2", JsonPath = "$.[*].ArrayCol2", NewPropertyName = "ArrayCol2" } }; source.JsonSerializer.Converters.Add(new ExpandoJsonPathConverter(pathLookups)); source.LinkTo(trans).LinkTo(dest); source.Execute(); dest.Wait(); //Assert Assert.Collection <ExpandoObject>(dest.Data, row => { dynamic r = row as ExpandoObject; var lac1 = r.ArrayCol1 as List <object>; var lac2 = r.ArrayCol2; Assert.True(r.Column1 == 1 && lac1.Count == 2 && lac2.Count == 2); }, row => { dynamic r = row as ExpandoObject; var lac1 = r.ArrayCol1 as List <object>; var lac2 = r.ArrayCol2; Assert.True(r.Column1 == 2 && lac1.Count == 2 && lac2.Count == 2); }, row => { dynamic r = row as ExpandoObject; Assert.True(r.Column1 == 3 && r.ArrayCol1 == "E" && r.ArrayCol2 == "TestE"); } ); }
public void JsonFromWebService() { //Arrange MemoryDestination <Todo> dest = new MemoryDestination <Todo>(200); //Act JsonSource <Todo> source = new JsonSource <Todo>(""); source.LinkTo(dest); source.Execute(); dest.Wait(); //Assert Assert.All(dest.Data, item => Assert.True(item.Key > 0)); }
public void ArrayInObject() { //Arrange TwoColumnsTableFixture dest2Columns = new TwoColumnsTableFixture("JsonSourceArrayInObject"); DbDestination <MySimpleRow> dest = new DbDestination <MySimpleRow>("JsonSourceArrayInObject", SqlConnection); //Act JsonSource <MySimpleRow> source = new JsonSource <MySimpleRow>("res/JsonSource/ArrayInObject.json", ResourceType.File); source.LinkTo(dest); source.Execute(); dest.Wait(); //Assert dest2Columns.AssertTestData(); }
public void JsonWithDecimalType() { //Arrange FourColumnsTableFixture d4c = new FourColumnsTableFixture("JsonSource4ColsDynamic"); DbDestination <ExpandoObject> dest = new DbDestination <ExpandoObject>(Connection, "JsonSource4ColsDynamic"); //Act JsonSource <ExpandoObject> source = new JsonSource <ExpandoObject>("res/JsonSource/FourColumns.json", ResourceType.File); source.LinkTo(dest); source.Execute(); dest.Wait(); //Assert d4c.AssertTestData(); }
public void JsonPathInJsonPropertyAttribute() { //Arrange TwoColumnsTableFixture dest2Columns = new TwoColumnsTableFixture("JsonSourceNested"); DbDestination <MySimpleRow> dest = new DbDestination <MySimpleRow>(SqlConnection, "JsonSourceNested"); //Act JsonSource <MySimpleRow> source = new JsonSource <MySimpleRow>("res/JsonSource/NestedData.json", ResourceType.File); source.LinkTo(dest); source.Execute(); dest.Wait(); //Assert dest2Columns.AssertTestData(); }
public void SimpleFlowWithStringArray() { //Arrange TwoColumnsTableFixture dest2Columns = new TwoColumnsTableFixture("JsonSource2ColsNonGen"); DbDestination <string[]> dest = new DbDestination <string[]>(Connection, "JsonSource2ColsNonGen"); //Act JsonSource <string[]> source = new JsonSource <string[]>("res/JsonSource/TwoColumnsStringArray.json", ResourceType.File); source.LinkTo(dest); source.Execute(); dest.Wait(); //Assert dest2Columns.AssertTestData(); }
public void JsonFromFile() { //Arrange TwoColumnsTableFixture dest2Columns = new TwoColumnsTableFixture("JsonSource2Cols"); DBDestination <MySimpleRow> dest = new DBDestination <MySimpleRow>(Connection, "JsonSource2Cols"); //Act JsonSource <MySimpleRow> source = new JsonSource <MySimpleRow>("res/JsonSource/TwoColumns.json", ResourceType.File); source.LinkTo(dest); source.Execute(); dest.Wait(); //Assert dest2Columns.AssertTestData(); }
public void WithoutErrorLinking() { //Arrange MemoryDestination <MySimpleRow> dest = new MemoryDestination <MySimpleRow>(); //Act JsonSource <MySimpleRow> source = new JsonSource <MySimpleRow>("res/JsonSource/TwoColumnsErrorLinking.json", ResourceType.File); //Assert Assert.Throws <Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException>(() => { source.LinkTo(dest); source.Execute(); dest.Wait(); }); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="JsonConfigurationSource"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="src">The source.</param> public JsonConfigurationSource(Stream src) { if (src == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(src)); } if (!src.CanRead) { throw new IOException("Cannot read content from the provided stream"); } serializer = new JsonSerializer(); source = JsonSource.Stream; stream = src; streamPosition = src.Position; sync = new ReaderWriterLockSlim(LockRecursionPolicy.SupportsRecursion); }
private static SyncData ReadLastSyncKey() { try { var syncsource = new JsonSource <SyncData>("LastSyncId.json"); syncsource.DisableLogging = true; var memdest = new MemoryDestination <SyncData>(); memdest.DisableLogging = true; syncsource.LinkTo(memdest); Network.Execute(syncsource); return(memdest.Data.First()); } catch { } return(new SyncData() { SyncId = -1 }); }
/// <summary> /// Create the TileSource, that provides the data for the IDrawableTileSource /// </summary> /// <param name="source"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static ITileSource CreateTileSource(JsonSource source) { ITileSource tileSource = null; if (source.Tiles == null || source.Tiles.Count == 0) { return(null); } if (source.Tiles[0].StartsWith("http")) { tileSource = new HttpTileSource(new GlobalSphericalMercator( source.Scheme == "tms" ? YAxis.TMS : YAxis.OSM, minZoomLevel: source.ZoomMin ?? 0, maxZoomLevel: source.ZoomMax ?? 30 ), source.Tiles[0], //"{s}", source.Tiles, name: source.Name, attribution: new Attribution(source.Attribution) ); } else if (source.Tiles[0].StartsWith("mbtiles://")) { // We should get the tile source from someone else var filename = source.Tiles[0].Substring(10); filename = Path.Combine(DirectoryForFiles, filename); if (!File.Exists(filename)) { return(null); } tileSource = new MbTilesTileSource(new SQLiteConnectionString(filename, false), //new GlobalSphericalMercator( // source.Scheme == "tms" ? YAxis.TMS : YAxis.OSM, // minZoomLevel: source.ZoomMin ?? 0, // maxZoomLevel: source.ZoomMax ?? 30) null ); } return(tileSource); }
static void Main(string[] args) { StartWebServer(); JsonSource <Order> source = new JsonSource <Order>("", ResourceType.Http); source.HttpClient = CreateDefaultHttpClient(); ColumnRename <Order> rename = new ColumnRename <Order>(); rename.RenameColumns = new[] { new RenameColumn() { CurrentName = "Id", NewName = "OrderId" }, new RenameColumn() { CurrentName = "CustomerId", NewName = "CId" }, new RenameColumn() { CurrentName = "Description", RemoveColumn = true } }; JsonDestination destination = new JsonDestination(); destination.ResourceType = ResourceType.Http; destination.HttpClient = CreateDefaultHttpClient(); destination.HttpRequestMessage.Method = HttpMethod.Post; destination.HasNextUri = (streamMetaData, row) => true; destination.GetNextUri = (streamMetaData, row) => { streamMetaData.HttpRequestMessage.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", "Some token"); return($"http://localhost:61456/post/{streamMetaData.ProgressCount}"); }; source.LinkTo(rename); rename.LinkTo(destination); Network.Execute(source); WriteServerLog(); }
public void JsonFromWebService() { // Arrange HttpClient httpClient = MoqJsonResponse(File.ReadAllText("res/JsonSource/Todos.json")); //Arrange MemoryDestination <Todo> dest = new MemoryDestination <Todo>(); //Act JsonSource <Todo> source = new JsonSource <Todo>(""); source.HttpClient = httpClient; source.LinkTo(dest); source.Execute(); dest.Wait(); //Assert Assert.All(dest.Data, item => Assert.True(item.Key > 0)); Assert.Equal(5, dest.Data.Count); }