static void Main(string[] args) { // Template text. Use Document Parser SDK ( // to create templates. // Read template from file: String templateText = File.ReadAllText(@".\TestReportFormat.yml"); // Create standard .NET web client instance WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); // Set API Key webClient.Headers.Add("x-api-key", API_KEY); // 1. RETRIEVE THE PRESIGNED URL TO UPLOAD THE FILE. // * If you already have a direct file URL, skip to the step 3. // Prepare URL for `Get Presigned URL` API call string query = Uri.EscapeUriString(string.Format( "https://localhost/file/upload/get-presigned-url?contenttype=application/octet-stream&name={0}", Path.GetFileName(SourceFile))); try { // Execute request string response = webClient.DownloadString(query); // Parse JSON response JObject json = JObject.Parse(response); if (json["error"].ToObject <bool>() == false) { // Get URL to use for the file upload string uploadUrl = json["presignedUrl"].ToString(); string uploadedFileUrl = json["url"].ToString(); // 2. UPLOAD THE FILE TO CLOUD. webClient.Headers.Add("content-type", "application/octet-stream"); webClient.UploadFile(uploadUrl, "PUT", SourceFile); // You can use UploadData() instead if your file is byte[] or Stream webClient.Headers.Remove("content-type"); // 3. PARSE UPLOADED PDF DOCUMENT // URL of `Document Parser` API call string url = "https://localhost/pdf/documentparser"; Dictionary <string, object> requestBody = new Dictionary <string, object>(); requestBody.Add("template", templateText); requestBody.Add("name", Path.GetFileName(DestinationFile)); requestBody.Add("url", uploadedFileUrl); requestBody.Add("async", Async); // Convert dictionary of params to JSON string jsonPayload = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(requestBody); // Execute request response = webClient.UploadString(url, "POST", jsonPayload); // Parse JSON response json = JObject.Parse(response); if (json["error"].ToObject <bool>() == false) { // Asynchronous job ID string jobId = json["jobId"].ToString(); // Get URL of generated JSON file string resultFileUrl = json["url"].ToString(); // Check the job status in a loop. // If you don't want to pause the main thread you can rework the code // to use a separate thread for the status checking and completion. do { string status = CheckJobStatus(webClient, jobId); // Possible statuses: "working", "failed", "aborted", "success". // Display timestamp and status (for demo purposes) Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + ": " + status); if (status == "success") { // Download JSON file webClient.DownloadFile(resultFileUrl, DestinationFile); // Parse document data in JSON format string jsonString = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(DestinationFile); // Step 2: Parse Json fileds in class format var oInpModel = JsonParserHelper.ParseJsonHL7Fields(jsonString); // Step 3: Get Data in HL7 Format var oHL7Format = Hl7Helper.GetHL7Format(oInpModel); // Store HL7 File and open with default associated program var outputFile = "outputHl7.txt"; System.IO.File.WriteAllText(outputFile, oHL7Format); Console.WriteLine("Generated HL7 file saved as \"{0}\" file.", outputFile); break; } else if (status == "working") { // Pause for a few seconds Thread.Sleep(3000); } else { Console.WriteLine(status); break; } }while (true); } else { Console.WriteLine(json["message"].ToString()); } } else { Console.WriteLine(json["message"].ToString()); } } catch (WebException e) { Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } webClient.Dispose(); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Press any key..."); Console.ReadKey(); }