public void parseRecord(String file) { Console.WriteLine("read record-file: " + file); JsonMessageSplitter jsonms = new JsonMessageSplitter(); String log = File.ReadAllText(file); jsonms.feed(log); jsonms.runParsing(); String line = jsonms.getNextMessage(); bool searching = true; String player1name = null; String player2name = null; //String enemyId = null; String deckName = null; ResourceType type = ResourceType.NONE; while (line != null && searching) { try { Message msg = MessageFactory.create(MessageFactory.getMessageName(line), line); if (msg is GameInfoMessage) { GameInfoMessage gim = (GameInfoMessage) msg; if (gim.white.Equals( { player1name = gim.white; player2name =; } else { player1name =; player2name = gim.white; } deckName = ""; //deckname isnt in gameinfomessage anymore } if (msg is ActiveResourcesMessage) { type = (msg as ActiveResourcesMessage).types[0]; } if (player2name != null && type != ResourceType.NONE) { searching = false; } } catch { } jsonms.runParsing(); line = jsonms.getNextMessage(); } recordList.Add(new Record(File.GetCreationTime(file).ToShortDateString() + " - " + File.GetCreationTime(file).ToShortTimeString(),player1name + " vs " + player2name + " - " + deckName, /*enemyId,*/ file, type)); if (recordListPopup != null) recordListPopup.SetItemList (recordList); }
private void LaunchReplay() { playing = true; String log = File.ReadAllText (fileName).Split(new char[] {'}'}, 2)[1]; //FIX Profile ID JsonMessageSplitter jsonms = new JsonMessageSplitter(); jsonms.feed(log); jsonms.runParsing(); String line = jsonms.getNextMessage(); String idWhite = null; String idBlack = null; String realID = null; // save log to list: this.logList.Clear(); this.turnToLogLine.Clear(); this.minTurn = 100000000; this.maxTurn = 0; while (line != null) { this.logList.Add(line); try { Message msg = MessageFactory.create(MessageFactory.getMessageName(line), line); if (msg is GameStateMessage) { if ((msg as GameStateMessage).turn > 0) { this.turnToLogLine.Add((msg as GameStateMessage).turn, this.logList.Count - 1); if ((msg as GameStateMessage).turn < minTurn) minTurn = (msg as GameStateMessage).turn; if ((msg as GameStateMessage).turn > maxTurn) maxTurn = (msg as GameStateMessage).turn; } } if (msg is NewEffectsMessage) { foreach (EffectMessage current in NewEffectsMessage.parseEffects(msg.getRawText())) { if (current.type == "TurnBegin") { this.turnToLogLine.Add((current as EMTurnBegin).turn,this.logList.Count-1); if ((current as EMTurnBegin).turn < minTurn) minTurn = (current as EMTurnBegin).turn; if ((current as EMTurnBegin).turn > maxTurn) maxTurn = (current as EMTurnBegin).turn; } } } } catch { } jsonms.runParsing(); line = jsonms.getNextMessage(); } /*foreach (KeyValuePair<int, int> kvp in this.turnToLogLine) { Console.WriteLine("turn " + kvp.Key + " line " + kvp.Value); Console.WriteLine(logList[kvp.Value]); } */ Console.WriteLine("# minturn: " +this.minTurn + ", maxturn: " + this.maxTurn); /* Console.WriteLine("FIX ID "+line); while (line != null) { try { Message msg = MessageFactory.create(MessageFactory.getMessageName(line), line); if (msg is GameInfoMessage) { idWhite = (msg as GameInfoMessage).getPlayerProfileId (TileColor.white); idBlack = (msg as GameInfoMessage).getPlayerProfileId (; } if (msg is NewEffectsMessage && realID== null) { string strg = "\"HandUpdate\":{\"profileId\":\""; if (msg.getRawText ().Contains (strg+idWhite)) { realID = idWhite; Console.WriteLine("realid is white"); } if (msg.getRawText ().Contains (strg+idBlack)) { realID = idBlack; Console.WriteLine("realid is black"); } } } catch { } jsonms.runParsing(); line = jsonms.getNextMessage(); } if (realID != null) { Console.WriteLine("replace" + realID + "with" +; log = log.Replace (realID,; } */ App.SceneValues.battleMode = new SceneValues.SV_BattleMode(GameMode.Replay);//GameMode.Play SceneLoader.loadScene("_BattleModeView"); //jsonms.clear(); //jsonms.feed(log); //jsonms.runParsing(); //Console.WriteLine("Playing:\r\n" + log); //line = jsonms.getNextMessage(); this.readedGameState = false; int lineindex = 0; line = this.logList[lineindex]; while (playing) { Console.WriteLine("# nxt replay mssg: "+ lineindex +" "+line ); Message msg = MessageFactory.create(MessageFactory.getMessageName(line), line); if (msg is CardInfoMessage) // CardInfoMessages are not very informative for players :D { lineindex++; line = this.logList[lineindex]; continue; } if (msg is GameStateMessage && this.readedGameState) { lineindex++; line = this.logList[lineindex]; continue; } else { if (msg is GameStateMessage) this.readedGameState = true; } dispatchMessages.Invoke(App.Communicator, new object[] { msg });// <---the whole magic if (line.Contains("EndGame") && !(msg is GameChatMessageMessage) && !(msg is RoomChatMessageMessage)) { playing = false; } else { //jsonms.runParsing(); //line = jsonms.getNextMessage(); lineindex++; line = this.logList[lineindex]; } readNextMsg = false; if (msg is GameChatMessageMessage || msg is PingMessage ) readNextMsg = true; if (readNextMsg == false) { //delay messages otherwise the game rushes through in about a minute. if (msg is GameStateMessage || msg is NewEffectsMessage) { //List<EffectMessage> effects = ((List<EffectMessage>)effectsField.GetValue(; EffectList effects = ((EffectList)effectsField.GetValue(; while (effects.Count >= 1) { Thread.Sleep(100); effects = ((EffectList)effectsField.GetValue(; } } else { Thread.Sleep(2000); } while (paused) { Thread.Sleep(1000); } //readNextMsg = true; } if (this.seekTurn >= 1) { try { lineindex = this.turnToLogLine[this.seekTurn]; line = this.logList[lineindex]; } catch { Console.WriteLine("cant find turn"); } this.seekTurn = 0; } } Console.WriteLine("player stoped"); }
public override bool BeforeInvoke(InvocationInfo info, out object returnValue) { if (info.TargetMethod ().Equals ("getButtonRect")) { foreach (StackFrame frame in info.StackTrace().GetFrames()) { if (frame.GetMethod ().Name.Contains ("BeforeInvoke")) break; if (frame.GetMethod ().Name.Contains ("drawEditButton")) { returnValue = typeof(ProfileMenu).GetMethod ("getButtonRect", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).Invoke (info.Target(), new object[] { 2 }); return true; } } returnValue = null; return false; } if (info.Target () is ProfileMenu && info.TargetMethod().Equals("Start") && App.SceneValues.profilePage.isMe()) { //list them recordList.Clear (); foreach (String file in Directory.GetFiles(this.OwnFolder()+Path.DirectorySeparatorChar+"Records")) { if (file.EndsWith("sgr")) { JsonMessageSplitter jsonms = new JsonMessageSplitter (); String log = File.ReadAllText (file); jsonms.feed(log); jsonms.runParsing(); String line = jsonms.getNextMessage (); bool searching = true; String enemyName = null; //String enemyId = null; String deckName = null; ResourceType type = ResourceType.NONE; while (line != null && searching) { try { Message msg = Message.createMessage (Message.getMessageName(line), line); if (msg is GameInfoMessage) { if ((msg as GameInfoMessage).white.Equals(App.Communicator.getUserScreenName())) { enemyName = (msg as GameInfoMessage).black; //enemyId = (msg as GameInfoMessage).getPlayerProfileId(; } else { enemyName = (msg as GameInfoMessage).white; //enemyId = (msg as GameInfoMessage).getPlayerProfileId(TileColor.white); } deckName = (msg as GameInfoMessage).deck; } if (msg is ActiveResourcesMessage) { type = (msg as ActiveResourcesMessage).types[0]; } if (enemyName != null && type != ResourceType.NONE) searching = false; } catch {} jsonms.runParsing(); line = jsonms.getNextMessage (); } recordList.Add (new Record(File.GetCreationTime(file).ToLongDateString()+" - "+File.GetCreationTime(file).ToLongTimeString(), "VS "+enemyName+" - "+deckName, /*enemyId,*/ file, type)); } } recordListPopup = new GameObject ("Record List").AddComponent<UIListPopup> (); recordListPopup.transform.parent = ((ProfileMenu)info.Target()).transform; Rect frame = (Rect)typeof(ProfileMenu).GetField ("frameRect", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue (info.Target()); recordListPopup.Init (new Rect(,, frame.width, frame.height-(float)Screen.height*0.055f*3.0f), false, true, recordList, this, null, null, false, true, false, true, null, true, false); recordListPopup.enabled = true; recordListPopup.SetOpacity(1f); } if (info.TargetMethod().Equals("drawEditButton")) { Rect rect = (Rect)typeof(ProfileMenu).GetField ("frameRect", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue (info.Target()); //LobbyMenu.drawShadowText (new Rect(,*0.055f*3.0f-40.0f, (float)Screen.width/8.0f, 35.0f), "Match History", Color.white); if ((bool)typeof(ProfileMenu).GetField ("showEdit", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue (info.Target())) { recordListPopup.enabled = false; recordListPopup.SetOpacity(0f); } else { new ScrollsFrame (new Rect(,, rect.width+40.0f, rect.height-(float)Screen.height*0.055f-20.0f)).AddNinePatch (ScrollsFrame.Border.DARK_CURVED, NinePatch.Patches.CENTER).Draw (); recordListPopup.enabled = true; recordListPopup.SetOpacity(1f); GUIStyle labelSkin = (GUIStyle)typeof(ProfileMenu).GetField ("usernameStyle", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue (info.Target()); labelSkin.fontSize = 32; GUI.Label (new Rect(,, (float)Screen.width/6.0f, 35.0f), "Match History", labelSkin); if (LobbyMenu.drawButton((Rect)typeof(ProfileMenu).GetMethod ("getButtonRect", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).Invoke (info.Target(), new object[] { 0 }), "Load Replay", (GUISkin)typeof(ProfileMenu).GetField ("guiSkin", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue (info.Target()))) { LoadReplay (); } } } return player.BeforeInvoke (info, out returnValue); }