public static JsonObject ToJson(Dominion.GameDescription gameDescription, int starRating) { JsonObject root = new Windows.Data.Json.JsonObject(); root.Add(jsonNameDeck, ToJson(gameDescription)); JsonArray expansionArray = new JsonArray(); Dominion.Expansion[] presentExpansions; Dominion.Expansion[] missingExpansions; gameDescription.GetRequiredExpansions(out presentExpansions, out missingExpansions); foreach (var expansion in presentExpansions) { JsonObject expansionObject = new JsonObject(); expansionObject.Add("name", JsonValue.CreateStringValue(expansion.ToProgramaticName())); expansionObject.Add("present", JsonValue.CreateBooleanValue(true)); expansionArray.Add(expansionObject); } foreach (var expansion in missingExpansions) { JsonObject expansionObject = new JsonObject(); expansionObject.Add("name", JsonValue.CreateStringValue(expansion.ToProgramaticName())); expansionObject.Add("present", JsonValue.CreateBooleanValue(false)); expansionArray.Add(expansionObject); } root.Add(jsonNameRequiredExpansions, expansionArray); root.Add(jsonNameRating, JsonValue.CreateNumberValue(starRating)); return root; }
private void CreateJsonTest() { JsonArray weekDiet = new JsonArray(); for(int i=0;i<7;i++) { JsonObject diet = new JsonObject(); diet["DayNumber"] = i; diet["Breakfast"] = "Banana"+ i; diet["Lunch"] = "Banana"+ i; diet["Dinner"] = "Banana"+ i; diet["WithSugar"] = (i % 2 == 0); diet["RandomNumber"] = Random.Range(0f,1.5f); weekDiet.Add(diet); } for (int i=0;i<7;i++) { if (i % 2 == 1) { weekDiet[i]["RandomNumber"] = 3; weekDiet[i]["RandomNumber"] = weekDiet[i]["RandomNumber"] * 2f; } } Debug.Log("Test InputOutputFileTest done: \n"+ weekDiet.ToJsonPrettyPrintString()); }
public async Task<string> Search(string search) { using (AutoResetEvent handle = new AutoResetEvent(false)) { JsonObject message = new JsonObject(); message.Add("method", JsonValue.CreateStringValue("")); JsonObject queryObject = new JsonObject(); queryObject.Add("track_name", JsonValue.CreateStringValue(search)); JsonArray urisArray = new JsonArray(); urisArray.Add(JsonValue.CreateStringValue("spotify:")); JsonObject paramsObject = new JsonObject(); paramsObject.Add("query", queryObject); paramsObject.Add("uris", urisArray); message.Add("params", paramsObject); string result = null; await Send(message, searchResult => { JsonArray tracks = searchResult.GetNamedArray("result")[0].GetObject().GetNamedArray("tracks"); result = tracks.First().GetObject().GetNamedString("uri"); handle.Set(); }); handle.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); return result; } }
public JsonValue GetAll() { JsonObject parameters = WebOperationContext.Current.IncomingRequest.GetQueryStringAsJsonObject(); JsonValue term; string termValue = parameters.TryGetValue("term", out term) ? term.ReadAs<string>() : String.Empty; using (SqlConnection sc = new SqlConnection(connectionString)) { sc.Open(); using (SqlCommand getAll = new SqlCommand("SELECT Email FROM Contact WHERE (Email LIKE @term)", sc)) { getAll.Parameters.AddWithValue("@term", termValue + "%"); SqlDataReader reader = getAll.ExecuteReader(); JsonArray results = new JsonArray(); while (reader.Read()) { results.Add(Convert.ToString(reader[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } return results; } } }
public void GetCategoryInfo(HttpContext context) { Func<Maticsoft.Model.SNS.Categories, bool> predicate = null; string categoryId = context.Request.Params["CID"]; int type = Globals.SafeInt(context.Request.Params["Type"], 0); JsonObject obj2 = new JsonObject(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(categoryId)) { if (predicate == null) { predicate = c => c.ParentID == Globals.SafeInt(categoryId, 0); } List<Maticsoft.Model.SNS.Categories> list2 = this.SNSCateBll.GetAllCateByCache(type).Where<Maticsoft.Model.SNS.Categories>(predicate).ToList<Maticsoft.Model.SNS.Categories>(); if ((list2 != null) && (list2.Count > 0)) { JsonArray data = new JsonArray(); list2.ForEach(delegate (Maticsoft.Model.SNS.Categories info) { data.Add(new JsonObject(new string[] { "CategoryId", "Name", "ParentID", "HasChildren" }, new object[] { info.CategoryId, info.Name, info.ParentID, info.HasChildren })); }); obj2.Put("STATUS", "Success"); obj2.Put("DATA", data); } else { obj2.Put("STATUS", "Fail"); } } else { obj2.Put("STATUS", "Error"); } context.Response.Write(obj2.ToString()); }
public string Stringify() { JsonArray jsonArray = new JsonArray(); foreach (School school in Education) { jsonArray.Add(school.ToJsonObject()); } JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject(); jsonObject[idKey] = JsonValue.CreateStringValue(Id); // Treating a blank string as null if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Phone)) { jsonObject[phoneKey] = JsonValue.CreateNullValue(); } else { jsonObject[phoneKey] = JsonValue.CreateStringValue(Phone); } jsonObject[nameKey] = JsonValue.CreateStringValue(Name); jsonObject[educationKey] = jsonArray; jsonObject[timezoneKey] = JsonValue.CreateNumberValue(Timezone); jsonObject[verifiedKey] = JsonValue.CreateBooleanValue(Verified); return jsonObject.Stringify(); }
private static JsonArray serializeArray(IEnumerable arr) { Type elType; JsonArray array = new JsonArray(); foreach (var el in arr) { elType = el.GetType(); JsonValueType valueType = JsonValue.GetPrimitiveType(elType); if (valueType == JsonValueType.Object) array.Add(serializeObject(el)); else if (valueType == JsonValueType.Array) array.Add(serializeArray((IEnumerable)el)); else array.Add(new JsonPrimitive(el.ToString(), valueType)); } return array; }
JsonArray GetJson(IEnumerable<Song> songs) { JsonArray array = new JsonArray(); foreach (Song song in songs) { array.Add(new JsonNumber(song.Id)); } return array; }
protected override IJsonToken LibraryResponse(Library library) { JsonArray artists = new JsonArray(); foreach (Artist artist in library.GetArtists()) { artists.Add(artist.ToJson()); } return artists; }
private async void ContentDialog_PrimaryButtonClick(ContentDialog sender, ContentDialogButtonClickEventArgs args) { var selected = new List<object>(TileList.SelectedItems); var picker = new FileSavePicker(); picker.SuggestedFileName = $"export_{DateTime.Now.ToString(DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.ShortDatePattern)}"; picker.SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.DocumentsLibrary; picker.FileTypeChoices.Add("Tiles file", new List<string>() { ".tiles" }); var file = await picker.PickSaveFileAsync(); if (file != null) { CachedFileManager.DeferUpdates(file); await FileIO.WriteTextAsync(file, ""); using (var stream = await file.OpenStreamForWriteAsync()) using (var zip = new ZipArchive(stream, ZipArchiveMode.Update)) { while (zip.Entries.Count > 0) { zip.Entries[0].Delete(); } using (var metaStream = zip.CreateEntry("tiles.json").Open()) using (var writer = new StreamWriter(metaStream)) { var array = new JsonArray(); selected.ForEachWithIndex<SecondaryTile>((item, index) => { var objet = new JsonObject(); objet.Add("Name", item.DisplayName); objet.Add("Arguments", item.Arguments); objet.Add("TileId", item.TileId); objet.Add("IconNormal", item.VisualElements.ShowNameOnSquare150x150Logo); objet.Add("IconWide", item.VisualElements.ShowNameOnWide310x150Logo); objet.Add("IconBig", item.VisualElements.ShowNameOnSquare310x310Logo); array.Add(objet); if (item.VisualElements.Square150x150Logo.LocalPath != DEFAULT_URI) { var path = ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.Path + Uri.UnescapeDataString(item.VisualElements.Square150x150Logo.AbsolutePath.Substring(6)); zip.CreateEntryFromFile(path, item.TileId + "/normal"); } }); writer.WriteLine(array.Stringify()); } FileUpdateStatus status = await CachedFileManager.CompleteUpdatesAsync(file); if(status == FileUpdateStatus.Complete) { var folder = await file.GetParentAsync(); await new MessageDialog("Speichern erfolgreich").ShowAsync(); } else { await new MessageDialog("Speichern fehlgeschlagen").ShowAsync(); } Debug.WriteLine(status); } } }
//把函数转换出来的Json串交给后台数据库服务 public void Invoke(IAsyncObject obj, Func<JsonValue> method) { //传递到后台执行 Uri uri = new Uri(Uri); WebClient client = new WebClient(); client.UploadStringCompleted += (o, e) => { obj.IsBusy = false; //通知数据提交过程完成 if (e.Error != null) { obj.State = State.Error; obj.Error = e.Error.GetMessage(); } else { //返回数据重新赋值给对象 JsonObject resultJson = (JsonObject)JsonValue.Parse(e.Result); if (resultJson.ContainsKey(obj.Name)) { (obj as IFromJson).FromJson((JsonObject)resultJson[obj.Name]); } //判定是否保存成功 if (resultJson.ContainsKey("success")) { string success = resultJson["success"]; MessageBox.Show(success); } if (resultJson.ContainsKey("error")) { obj.Error = resultJson["error"]; obj.State = State.Error; obj.OnCompleted(e); return; } else { obj.State = State.End; } } obj.OnCompleted(e); }; JsonArray array = new JsonArray(); JsonValue json = method(); if (json is JsonObject) { //把执行批处理对象的名字添加进去 json["name"] = obj.Name; array.Add(json); } else { array = (JsonArray) json; } obj.IsBusy = true; obj.State = State.Start; client.UploadStringAsync(uri, array.ToString()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var inputString = @"{ ""firstName"":""Иван"", ""lastName"":""Иванов"", ""test"":""test1\ntest2\ntest3\\"", ""address"":{ ""streetAddress"":""Московское ш., 101, кв.101"", ""city"":""Ленинград"", ""postalCode"":101101 }, ""phoneNumbers"":[ ""812 123-1234"", ""916 123-4567"" ] }"; var json = (JsonObject)JsonParser.Parse(inputString); Console.WriteLine("First name: {0}", json["firstName"]); Console.WriteLine("Last name: {0}", json["lastName"]); var address = (JsonObject)json["address"]; foreach (var el in address.Keys) Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", el, address[el]); var phoneNumbers = (JsonArray)json["phoneNumbers"]; foreach (var el in phoneNumbers) Console.WriteLine("Phone: {0}", el); var encodedJson = json.Encode(); var decodedJson = JsonParser.Parse(encodedJson); Debug.Assert(encodedJson == decodedJson.Encode()); Console.WriteLine("Encoded JSON: {0}", encodedJson); var testJson = new JsonObject(); testJson["hello"] = new JsonValue("world"); testJson["escaped_string"] = new JsonValue(@"Blabla""[123]\{abc}"); var author = new JsonObject(); author["name"] = new JsonValue("Cluster"); author["age"] = new JsonValue(26); var contacts = new JsonArray(); contacts.Add(new JsonValue("")); contacts.Add(new JsonValue("*****@*****.**")); author["contacts"] = contacts; testJson["author"] = author; encodedJson = testJson.Encode(); decodedJson = JsonParser.Parse(encodedJson); Debug.Assert(encodedJson == decodedJson.Encode()); Console.WriteLine("Encoded JSON: {0}", encodedJson); Console.ReadLine(); }
protected override IJsonToken LibraryResponse(Library library) { JsonArray array = new JsonArray(); SearchIndex index = new SearchIndex(library.GetSongs()); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<Song>> kvp in index) { array.Add(GetJson(kvp.Key, kvp.Value)); } return array; }
public IJsonValue ConvertToJson(object instance) { Movie[] movies = (Movie[])instance; JsonArray result = new JsonArray(); foreach (var movie in movies) { result.Add(MobileServiceTableSerializer.Serialize(movie)); } return result; }
public static JsonValue GetAllUsers(Cache cache) { var ret = new JsonArray(); foreach (var itm in cache) { if (itm is DictionaryEntry && ((DictionaryEntry)itm).Value is Tuple<string, string>) { ret.Add(GetUser(cache, ((DictionaryEntry)itm).Key.ToString())); } } return ret; }
public string GetJson() { JsonArray jsonarray = new JsonArray(); foreach (var school in Education) { jsonarray.Add(school.ToJsonObject()); } JsonObject jsonobject = new JsonObject(); jsonobject["age"] = JsonValue.CreateStringValue(Age.ToString()); jsonobject["name"] = JsonValue.CreateStringValue(Name); jsonobject["education"] = jsonarray; return jsonobject.Stringify(); }
public static JsonArray ToJson(this ModelStateDictionary modalState) { var errors = new JsonArray(); foreach (var prop in modalState.Values) { if (prop.Errors.Any()) { errors.Add(prop.Errors.First().ErrorMessage); } } return errors; }
public override JsonObject ApiGetConfiguration() { JsonObject configuration = base.ApiGetConfiguration(); JsonArray casements = new JsonArray(); foreach (var casement in _casements) { casements.Add(JsonValue.CreateStringValue(casement.Id)); } configuration.SetNamedValue("casements", casements); return configuration; }
public override JsonObject ApiGetConfiguration() { JsonObject configuration = base.ApiGetConfiguration(); JsonArray buttonIds = new JsonArray(); foreach (var button in _buttons) { buttonIds.Add(JsonValue.CreateStringValue(button.Key)); } configuration.SetNamedValue("buttons", buttonIds); return configuration; }
static JsonArray CreateJsonArray(Random rndGen, int depth) { int size = rndGen.Next(CreatorSettings.MaxArrayLength); if (CreatorSettings.NullValueProbability == 0 && size == 0) { size++; } JsonArray result = new JsonArray(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { result.Add(CreateJsonValue(rndGen, depth + 1)); } return result; }
public string Stringify() { JsonArray jsonArray = new JsonArray(); foreach (School school in Education) { jsonArray.Add(school.ToJsonObject()); } JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject(); jsonObject[idKey] = JsonValue.CreateStringValue(Id); jsonObject[nameKey] = JsonValue.CreateStringValue(Name); jsonObject[educationKey] = jsonArray; jsonObject[timezoneKey] = JsonValue.CreateNumberValue(Timezone); jsonObject[verifiedKey] = JsonValue.CreateBooleanValue(Verified); return jsonObject.Stringify(); }
public static JsonObject ToJsonForGetExpansions(AppDataContext appDataContext) { JsonObject root = new Windows.Data.Json.JsonObject(); JsonArray expansionArray = new JsonArray(); foreach (var expansion in appDataContext.Expansions) { JsonObject expansionObject = new JsonObject(); expansionObject.Add("name", JsonValue.CreateStringValue(expansion.DominionExpansion.ToProgramaticName())); expansionObject.Add("present", JsonValue.CreateBooleanValue(expansion.IsEnabled.Value)); expansionArray.Add(expansionObject); } root.Add(jsonNameRequiredExpansions, expansionArray); return root; }
public string GetLogItemsFromPosition(FilteredRequest p_FilteredRequest) { var l_Date = DateTime.Parse(p_FilteredRequest.FileDate); var l_Task = PxLog.Models.PxLogModel.GetLogItemsFromPosition(l_Date, p_FilteredRequest.Position, p_FilteredRequest.LogTypes, p_FilteredRequest.ContextSearchTerm, p_FilteredRequest.DetailsSearchTerm); l_Task.Wait(); var l_Result = l_Task.Result; var l_JsonItems = new JsonArray(); foreach (var l_Item in l_Result) { l_JsonItems.Add(l_Item.ToJson()); } return l_JsonItems.Serialize(); }
public JsonObject MakePublicJson() { var json = new JsonObject(); json.Add("isAlive", IsAlive); json.Add("handCardCount", Hand.Count); var jsonDiscardPile = new JsonArray(); json.Add("discardPile", jsonDiscardPile); foreach (var card in DiscardPile) { jsonDiscardPile.Add(card.MakeJson()); } return(json); }
internal static IJsonValue GenericDataObjectToJsonValue(GenericDataObject obj) { if (obj is null) { return(JsonValue.CreateNullValue()); } switch (obj.Type) { case GenericDataObjectType.Bool: return(JsonValue.CreateBooleanValue(((GenericDataBool)obj).Value)); case GenericDataObjectType.List: { var result = new JsonArray(); foreach (var value in (GenericDataList)obj) { result.Add(GenericDataObjectToJsonValue(value)); } return(result); } case GenericDataObjectType.Map: { var result = new JsonObject(); foreach ((var key, var value) in (GenericDataMap)obj) { result.Add(key, GenericDataObjectToJsonValue(value)); } return(result); } case GenericDataObjectType.Number: return(JsonValue.CreateNumberValue(((GenericDataNumber)obj).Value)); case GenericDataObjectType.String: return(JsonValue.CreateStringValue(((GenericDataString)obj).Value)); default: throw new InvalidOperationException(); } }
private string WebCall_GetCategoryInfo(string categoryList) { string[] categories = categoryList.Split(','); JsonArray joArray = new JsonArray(); for (int i = 0; i < categories.Length; i++) { GlobalCurrentCategoryId = categories[i]; //使用 WebClient 類別向伺服器發出要求 WebClient client = new WebClient(); client.Encoding = Encoding.UTF8; string serviceUrl = GetServiceUrl(ServiceType.GetCategoryInfo) + GetParameterString(); //反序列化用 string result = ""; try { //接收結果 result = client.DownloadString(serviceUrl); JsonObject JOResult = (JsonObject)JsonConvert.Import(result); string data = JsonConvert.ExportToString(JOResult["data"]); JsonObject JOCategoryInfo = (JsonObject)JsonConvert.Import(data); joArray.Add(JOCategoryInfo); } catch (WebException webEx) { ErrMessage = webEx.ToString(); } catch (NotSupportedException nsEx) { ErrMessage = nsEx.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrMessage = ex.ToString(); } } return(JsonConvert.ExportToString(joArray)); }
private JsonArray ReadArray(JsonArray jsonArray) { this.scanner.Assert('['); this.scanner.SkipWhitespace(); if (this.scanner.Peek() == ']') { this.scanner.Read(); } else { while (true) { this.scanner.SkipWhitespace(); var value = ReadJsonValue(); jsonArray.Add(value); this.scanner.SkipWhitespace(); var next = this.scanner.Read(); if (next == ']') { break; } else if (next == ',') { continue; } else { throw new JsonParseException( ErrorType.InvalidOrUnexpectedCharacter, this.scanner.Position ); } } } return(jsonArray); }
//把函数转换出来的Json串交给后台数据库服务 public void Invoke(IAsyncObject obj, Func <JsonValue> method) { //传递到后台执行 Uri uri = new Uri(Uri); WebClient client = new WebClient(); client.UploadStringCompleted += (o, e) => { obj.IsBusy = false; //通知数据提交过程完成 if (e.Error != null) { obj.State = State.Error; obj.Error = e.Error.GetMessage(); } else { //返回数据重新赋值给对象 JsonObject resultJson = (JsonObject)JsonValue.Parse(e.Result); if (resultJson.ContainsKey(obj.Name)) { (obj as IFromJson).FromJson((JsonObject)resultJson[obj.Name]); } obj.State = State.End; } obj.OnCompleted(e); }; JsonArray array = new JsonArray(); JsonValue json = method(); if (json is JsonObject) { //把执行批处理对象的名字添加进去 json["name"] = obj.Name; array.Add(json); } else { array = (JsonArray)json; } obj.IsBusy = true; obj.State = State.Start; client.UploadStringAsync(uri, array.ToString()); }
JsonObject GetData(int start, int limit) { JsonObject tmpJsonObject = new JsonObject(); JsonArray tmpJsonArray = new JsonArray(); using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(GetConnectionString())) { conn.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand(); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmd.CommandText = "GetStaffPage"; SqlCommandBuilder.DeriveParameters(cmd); cmd.Parameters["@start"].Value = start; cmd.Parameters["@limit"].Value = limit; using (SqlDataReader r = cmd.ExecuteReader()) { if (r.HasRows) { int idx = r.GetOrdinal("BirthDate"); while (r.Read()) { tmpJsonArray.Add(new JsonObject(new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Id", r["Id"] }, { "Name", r["Name"] }, { "Salary", r["Salary"] }, { "Dep", r["Dep"] }, { "BirthDate", r["BirthDate"] } })); } } } } tmpJsonObject.Accumulate("success", true); tmpJsonObject.Accumulate("count", GetCount()); tmpJsonObject.Accumulate("rows", tmpJsonArray); return(tmpJsonObject); }
public void RemoveField(JsonObject model, JsonObject field) { collection.ModSchema(true); JsonArray ja = model.GetNamedArray("flds"); JsonArray ja2 = new JsonArray(); int idx = -1; for (int i = 0; i < ja.Count; ++i) { if (field.Equals(ja.GetObjectAt((uint)i))) { idx = i; continue; } ja2.Add(ja[i]); } if (idx < 0) { throw new ModelException("RemoveFiled: Can't find field to remove"); } model["flds"] = ja2; int sortf = (int)model.GetNamedNumber("sortf"); if (sortf >= model.GetNamedArray("flds").Count) { model["sortf"] = JsonValue.CreateNumberValue(sortf - 1); } UpdateFieldOrds(model); TransformFields(model, (List <string> f) => { List <string> l = new List <string>(f); l.RemoveAt(idx); return(l); }); if (idx == SortIdx(model)) { // need to rebuild collection.UpdateFieldCache(NoteIds(model).ToArray()); } RenameField(model, field, null); }
/// <summary> /// Generates a json representation of the manifest; /// </summary> /// <param name="name">The name.</param> /// <param name="version">The version.</param> /// <param name="dependencies">The dependencies.</param> /// <returns>Returns a task representing the asynchronous operation. The result contains the generated json manifest.</returns> public static async Task <string> GenerateJson(string name, string version, ParsedDependencies dependencies) { JsonClass rootJson = new JsonClass(); rootJson.Add("nameVersion", Constants.NAME_ASSEMBLY_VERSION); rootJson.Add("name", name); if (version.Count(c => c == '.') > 2) { version = string.Join(".", version.Split('.').Take(3)); } rootJson.Add("version", version); List <Task <JsonNode> > infrastructureTasks = new List <Task <JsonNode> >(); foreach (var dependency in dependencies.InfrastructureDependencies) { infrastructureTasks.Add(dependency.ToJson()); } List <Task <JsonNode> > serviceTasks = new List <Task <JsonNode> >(); foreach (var dependency in dependencies.ServiceDependencies) { serviceTasks.Add(dependency.ToJson()); } await Task.WhenAll(Task.WhenAll(serviceTasks), Task.WhenAll(infrastructureTasks)).ConfigureAwait(false); JsonArray infrastructureDependencies = new JsonArray(); JsonArray serviceDependencies = new JsonArray(); foreach (var task in serviceTasks) { serviceDependencies.Add(task.Result); } foreach (var task in infrastructureTasks) { infrastructureDependencies.Add(task.Result); } rootJson.Add("infrastructure_dependencies", infrastructureDependencies); rootJson.Add("service_dependencies", serviceDependencies); return(rootJson.ToString()); }
public override JsonValue ToJson() { dynamic json = base.ToJson(); json.source = Source; if (OriginDataset != null) { json.origin_dataset = OriginDataset; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Seed)) { json.seed = Seed; } if (Size != 0) { json.size = Size; } if (SampleRate != 0.0) { json.sample_rate = SampleRate; } json.out_of_bag = OutOfBag; if (ExcludedFields.Count > 0) { var excluded_fields = new JsonArray(); foreach (var excludedField in ExcludedFields) { excluded_fields.Add((JsonValue)excludedField); } json.excluded_fields = excluded_fields; } if (FieldInfos.Count > 0) { var field = new JsonObject(); foreach (var kv in FieldInfos) { field[kv.Key] = kv.Value.ToJson(); } json.field = field; } return(json); }
protected override JsonObject Serialize() { JsonObject json = new JsonObject(); json["now"] = Helper.ToUnixTimeMs(DateTime.UtcNow); json["waveHP"] = _currentWaveHP.Serialize(); json["decadeHP"] = _currentDecadeStartHP.Serialize(); json["hpPerZombie"] = _hpPerZombie.Serialize(); json["zombieCount"] = _currentZombieCount; json["decadeCount"] = _currentDecadeZombieCount; json["waveNumber"] = WaveNumber; json["mainType"] = _currentMainZombieType.ToString(); JsonArray mainTypes = new JsonArray(); for (int i = 0; i < _otherMainTypes.Count; i++) { mainTypes.Add(_otherMainTypes[i].ToString()); } json["otherMainTypes"] = mainTypes; JsonArray addTypes = new JsonArray(); for (int i = 0; i < _otherAddTypes.Count; i++) { addTypes.Add(_otherAddTypes[i].ToString()); } json["otherAddTypes"] = addTypes; json["aliveCount"] = _zombies.Count; json["lastBossAlive"] = _lastBossAlive; JsonArray zombies = new JsonArray(); for (int i = 0; i < _zombies.Count; i++) { zombies.Add(_zombies[i].Serialize()); } json["zombies"] = zombies; return(json); }
JsonArray GetChildren(DataTable dt, ulong?ParentId, uint Level) { JsonArray JsonArray = null; DataRow[] DataRows = dt.Select((ParentId.HasValue ? "(PARENTID=" + ParentId.Value + ")" : "(PARENTID is null)") + " and (L=" + Level + ")"); if (DataRows.Length == 0) { return(JsonArray); } JsonArray = new JsonArray(); foreach (DataRow row in DataRows) { ulong Id = Convert.ToUInt64(row["ID"]); JsonObject JsonObject = new JsonObject(new Dictionary <string, object> { { "id", Id }, { "nodeId", Id }, { "pnodeID", ParentId.HasValue ? (object)ParentId.Value : null }, { "text", row["VAL"] } }); if (Id == 8) { JsonObject.Accumulate("checked", true); } JsonArray Children; JsonObject.Accumulate("leaf", (Children = GetChildren(dt, Id, Level + 1)) == null); if (Children != null) { JsonObject.Accumulate("children", Children); } JsonArray.Add(JsonObject); } return(JsonArray); }
internal byte[] ToJsonArray(int offset, int length) { JsonObject jo = new JsonObject(); jo.Add("method", "gdata"); JsonArray jag = new JsonArray(); JsonArray jao = new JsonArray(); for (int i = offset; (i < offset + length) && (i < this.Count); i++) { jag.Add(new JsonArray { this[i].gid, this[i].token }); } jo.Add("gidlist", jag); return(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(jo.ToString())); }
public JsonArray GetDirectoryList(string type) { JsonArray ja = new JsonArray(); JsonObject jo; String tmpStr; string sql = " select FullName from Directory " + " where Type = '" + type + "'" + " order by FullName";; try { System.Data.DataTable dt =; foreach (System.Data.DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { jo = new JsonObject(); foreach (System.Data.DataColumn col in dt.Columns) { if (col.DataType == System.Type.GetType("System.DateTime")) { tmpStr = Convert.ToDateTime(dr[col.ColumnName]).ToString(GlobalSetting.DateTimeFormat); } else { tmpStr = dr[col.ColumnName].ToString(); } jo.Accumulate(col.ColumnName.ToLower(), tmpStr); } ja.Add(jo); } } catch { throw; } finally { this.dbAccess.close(); } return(ja); }
public override JsonValue ToJson() { dynamic json = base.ToJson(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(DataSet)) { json.dataset = DataSet; } if (ExcludedFields.Count > 0) { var excluded_fields = new JsonArray(); foreach (var excludedField in ExcludedFields) { excluded_fields.Add((JsonValue)excludedField); } json.excluded_fields = excluded_fields; } return(json); }
/// <summary> /// 树型JSON结构处理 /// </summary> /// <param name="ds"></param> /// <param name="json"></param> /// <param name="ID"></param> private void AddNode(DataTable ds, JsonArray json, string ID) { DataRow[] rows = ds.Select("pid=" + ID); foreach (DataRow dr in rows) { string _id = dr["id"].ToString(); JsonObject j = new JsonObject(); j.Add("id", _id); j.Add("name", dr["name"].ToString()); JsonArray arr = new JsonArray(); AddNode(ds, arr, _id); if (arr.Count > 0) { j.Add("open", "true"); j.Add("children", arr); } json.Add(j); } }
public string Stringify() { JsonArray jsonArray = new JsonArray(); foreach (CardContent card in contents) { jsonArray.Add(card.ToJsonObject()); } JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject(); jsonObject[cardIdKey] = JsonValue.CreateStringValue(cardId.ToString()); // Treating a blank string as null jsonObject[headerTitleKey] = JsonValue.CreateStringValue(headerTitle); jsonObject[contentsKey] = jsonArray; return(jsonArray.Stringify()); //return jsonObject.Stringify(); }
/// <summary> /// 根据表名称或表名与值获取键值对json数据 /// </summary> private void GetKeyValueJsonDataByDataTable() { JsonObject jsonData = JsonResult(false, enumReturnTitle.GetData, "数据获取失败。"); string DataTable = UrlHelper.ReqStr("DataTable"); string KeyField = UrlHelper.ReqStr("KeyField"); string ValueField = UrlHelper.ReqStr("ValueField"); bool IsSingle = UrlHelper.ReqBoolByGetOrPost("IsSingle"); string Val = UrlHelper.ReqStr("Val"); string condition = ""; if (IsSingle) { condition = string.Format(" {0}='{1}' ", ValueField, Val); } try { IDataReader idr = DBControl.Base.DBAccess.GetDataIDR(string.Format("{0},{1}", KeyField, ValueField), DataTable, condition, ""); JsonArray jArray = new JsonArray(); if (null != idr) { jsonData = JsonResult(true, enumReturnTitle.GetData, "数据获取成功。"); int index = 0; while (idr.Read()) { JsonObject tempObj = new JsonObject(); tempObj.Add("DataValue", idr[ValueField].ToString()); tempObj.Add("DataKey", idr[KeyField].ToString()); jArray.Add(tempObj); index++; } idr.Close(); idr.Dispose(); } jsonData.Add("rows", jArray); JsonWriter jWriter = new JsonWriter(); jsonData.Write(jWriter); CurrentContext.Response.Write(jWriter.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { ReturnMsg(false, enumReturnTitle.GetData, string.Format("获取数据失败:{0}", ex.Message)); } }
public JsonObject queryReservation(string cmmcode, string hotelid, string rsvno) { var request = new JsonObject(); request["method"] = "xmsopen.reservation.xopqueryreservation"; request["ver"] = "1.0.0"; request["cmmcode"] = cmmcode; var jary = new JsonArray(); request["params"] = jary; var param = new JsonObject(); param["hotelid"] = hotelid; param["rsvno"] = rsvno; jary.Add(param); var rsp = execute(request); return(rsp); }
/// <summary> /// 获取房型 /// </summary> /// <param name="cmmcode"></param> /// <param name="hotelid"></param> /// <returns></returns> public getRoomTypeJsonRsult getRoomType(string cmmcode, string hotelid) { var request = new JsonObject(); request["method"] = "xmsopen.reservation.xopgetroomtype"; request["ver"] = "1.0.0"; //request["hotelid"] = "H000069"; request["cmmcode"] = cmmcode; var jary = new JsonArray(); request["params"] = jary; var param = new JsonObject(); param["hotelid"] = hotelid; jary.Add(param); var rsp = execute <getRoomTypeJsonRsult>(request); return(rsp); }
private static JsonValue _Encode <T>(SerializationContext context) { var queue = (Queue <T>)context.Source; var array = new JsonArray(); for (int i = 0; i < queue.Count; i++) { var element = queue.ElementAt(i); var newContext = new SerializationContext(context) { CurrentLocation = context.CurrentLocation.CloneAndAppend(i.ToString()), InferredType = element?.GetType() ?? typeof(T), RequestedType = typeof(T), Source = element }; array.Add(context.RootSerializer.Serialize(newContext)); } return(array); }
public string Stringify() { JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject(); jsonObject.Add("Aplicacion", JsonValue.CreateStringValue(Aplicacion)); jsonObject.Add("Categoria", JsonValue.CreateNumberValue(Categoria)); JsonArray EtiquetasArray = new JsonArray(); foreach (var fila in Etiquetas) { EtiquetasArray.Add(fila.Objectify()); } jsonObject.Add("Etiquetas", EtiquetasArray); jsonObject.Add("Agregar", JsonValue.CreateBooleanValue(Agregar)); return(jsonObject.Stringify()); }
private JsonObject buildPOSTRequest(String path, String path1) { var inventories = new JsonArray(); //var messages = new JsonArray(); if (path != "") { inventories.Add(buildInventory(path)); // messages.Add(buildMessages(path)); } var json = new JsonObject(); json.Add("inventories", inventories); //json.Add("messages", messages); return(json); }
public static JsonArray orbitingBodies(CelestialBody body) { JsonArray json = new JsonArray(); if (body.orbitingBodies != null && body.orbitingBodies.Count > 0) { int childrenCount = body.orbitingBodies.Count; // log( + " has " + childrenCount + " children"); for (int i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++) { // log("child " + i); if (body.orbitingBodies[i] != null) { json.Add(body.orbitingBodies[i].name); } } } return(json); }
public string DumpJson() { JsonObject obj = new JsonObject(); obj["type"] =; obj["global"] = true; JsonArray components = new JsonArray(); obj["components"] = components; JsonObject terrain = new JsonObject("type", "Ex.Terrain"); components.Add(terrain); JsonObject data = new JsonObject(); terrain["data"] = data; data["tileSize"] = Helpers.Pack(tileSize); data["viewDist"] = viewDist; data["meshSamples"] = meshSamples; data["splatSamples"] = splatSamples; data["slopeAngle"] = slopeAngle; data["seed"] = seed; data["chunk"] = objects[0].name; data["shader"] =; data["heightmapKernelName"] = heightmapKernelName; data["splatmapKernelName"] = splatmapKernelName; data["terrainBaseLayer"] = terrainLayers[0].name; data["terrainCliffLayer"] = terrainLayers[1].name; for (int i = 2; i < terrainLayers.Length; i++) { data["terrainLayer" + (i - 1)] = terrainLayers[i].name; } data["objectNoise"] = Helpers.Pack(objectNoise); data["heightmapNoise"] = Helpers.Pack(heightmapNoise); data["splatmapNoise"] = Helpers.Pack(splatmapNoise); data["objectUberNoise"] = Helpers.Pack(objectUberNoise); data["heightmapUberNoise"] = Helpers.Pack(heightmapUberNoise); data["splatmapUberNoise"] = Helpers.Pack(splatmapUberNoise); data["extra"] = Helpers.Pack(craterData); return(obj.PrettyPrint()); }
async private void onCreateClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { using (HttpClient client = new HttpClient()) { client.BaseAddress = new Uri(Config.URI); JsonArray playerNames = new JsonArray(); foreach (string s in teammateListBox.Items) { playerNames.Add(JsonValue.CreateStringValue(s)); } JsonObject jsonObject = new JsonObject(); jsonObject["name"] = JsonValue.CreateStringValue(teamNameBox.Text); jsonObject["sport"] = JsonValue.CreateStringValue((string)sportTypeBox.SelectedValue); jsonObject["usernames"] = playerNames; byte[] byteArray = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonObject.ToString()); ByteArrayContent content = new ByteArrayContent(byteArray); try { HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PutAsync("api/team/team/", content); if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode) { string result = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); D.p(result); Frame rootFrame = Window.Current.Content as Frame; rootFrame.Navigate(typeof(HomePage)); } else { statusLabel.Text = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); } } catch (Exception ex) { statusLabel.Text = "No Internet Connection"; } } }
public override IJsonValue ToJson() { JsonObject RetVal = new JsonObject(); RetVal.Add(nameof(Name), Name); JsonArray BookItems = new JsonArray(); lock ( _LockItems ) { foreach (TBook BookItem in Items) { JsonObject JsonBook = new JsonObject(); JsonBook.Add(nameof(TBook.Name), BookItem.Name); JsonBook.Add(nameof(TBook.Number), BookItem.Number); BookItems.Add(JsonBook); } } RetVal.Add(nameof(Items), BookItems); return(RetVal); }
/// <summary> /// Parses the token of type array /// </summary> /// <returns>Parsed array</returns> private JsonArray ParseArray() { // Array can start only with '[' ExceptionUtilities.Assert(this.tokenizer.TokenType == JsonTokenType.LeftSquareBracket, "Invalid Token"); // Should not end before we get ']' ExceptionUtilities.Assert(this.tokenizer.HasMoreTokens(), "Invalid End Of Stream"); this.tokenizer.GetNextToken(); // Array is an ordered collection of values ExceptionUtilities.Assert(this.IsValueType(this.tokenizer.TokenType) || this.tokenizer.TokenType == JsonTokenType.RightSquareBracket, "InvalidToken"); var result = new JsonArray(); while (this.tokenizer.HasMoreTokens()) { if (this.IsValueType(this.tokenizer.TokenType)) { JsonValue v = this.ParseValue(); result.Add(v); // Values are separated by , (comma). ExceptionUtilities.Assert(this.tokenizer.TokenType == JsonTokenType.Comma || this.tokenizer.TokenType == JsonTokenType.RightSquareBracket, "Invalid Token"); } else if (this.tokenizer.TokenType == JsonTokenType.RightSquareBracket) { if (this.tokenizer.HasMoreTokens()) { this.tokenizer.GetNextToken(); } return(result); } else if (this.tokenizer.TokenType == JsonTokenType.Comma) { this.tokenizer.GetNextToken(); // Last element of the array cannot be followed by a comma. ExceptionUtilities.Assert(this.IsValueType(this.tokenizer.TokenType) || this.tokenizer.TokenType == JsonTokenType.RightSquareBracket, "InvalidToken"); } } return(result); }
private JsonArray GetPackageCates(int parentID, bool deep = true) { helper.SetParameter("@ParentID", parentID); string sql = "select CategoryID,CategoryName,ParentID,Sort from PackageCates where ParentID=@ParentID order by Sort desc,CategoryID"; JsonArray cateList; JsonObject cateObj; using (SqlDataReader dr = helper.ExecuteReader(sql, CommandType.Text)) { if (dr.HasRows) { cateList = new JsonArray(); while (dr.Read()) { cateObj = new JsonObject(); cateObj.Add("categoryID", (int)dr[0]); cateObj.Add("categoryName", (string)dr[1]); cateObj.Add("parentID", dr[2] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : (int)dr[2]); cateObj.Add("sort", dr[3] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : (int)dr[3]); cateList.Add(cateObj); } } else { cateList = null; } } if (cateList != null && deep) { JsonArray newsCateChildren; for (int i = 0; i < cateList.Count; i++) { cateObj = cateList[i]; parentID = (int)cateObj["categoryID"]; newsCateChildren = GetPackageCates(parentID); if (newsCateChildren != null) { cateObj.Add("children", newsCateChildren); } } } return(cateList); }
public static string GetJSArray(List <Dictionary <string, string> > list) { if (list == null) { return("[]"); } JsonArray jsArray = new JsonArray(); foreach (var user in list) { JsonValue entry = new JsonObject(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> kvp in user) { entry[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value; } jsArray.Add(entry); } return(jsArray.ToString()); }
public void SetArray(String fieldName, long[] value) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldName)) throw new System.ArgumentException("field name is null or empty"); data.Remove(fieldName); if (value != null) { JsonArray arr = new JsonArray(); for (int i = 0, max = value.Length; i < max; i++) { arr.Add(value[i]); } data.Add(fieldName, arr); } }
private static JsonToken ReadArray(TextReader reader) { JsonArray array = new JsonArray(); reader.Read(); // read '[' readEmptyCharacters(reader); while ((char)reader.Peek() != ']') { JsonToken val = ReadValue(reader); array.Add(val); readEmptyCharacters(reader); char c = (char)reader.Peek(); if (c == ',') reader.Read(); else if (c != ']') throw new IOException("Invalid JSON format: Invalid array separator. Expected ',' or ']' - Found'" + c + "'"); } reader.Read(); //Read ']' return array; }
private void ParseArray(Action<JsonArray> callback) { JsonArray array = new JsonArray(); Action<JsonValue> onValue = value => { array.Add(value); }; while (reader.Next()) { switch (reader.Token.Type) { case JsonTokenType.EndArray: callback.Invoke(array); return; default: ParseValue(onValue); break; } } }
static JsonObject JsonObj(AddRegistrationRequest registration) { var jsonObj = new JsonObject(); if (registration.QuietTime != null) { var quiettime = new JsonObject(); quiettime["start"] = registration.QuietTime.Start; quiettime["end"] = registration.QuietTime.End; jsonObj["quiettime"] = quiettime; } if (registration.Alias != null) { jsonObj["alias"] = registration.Alias; } if (registration.Badge != null) { jsonObj["badge"] = registration.Badge.Value; } if (registration.TimeZone != null) { jsonObj["tz"] = registration.TimeZone; } // jsonObj.tags = Dynamic.ListValue(registration.Tags); if (registration.Tags != null) { var tagArray = new JsonArray(); foreach (var tag in registration.Tags) { tagArray.Add(tag); } jsonObj["tags"] = tagArray; } return jsonObj; }
private string GetCategoriesList() { JsonObject obj2 = new JsonObject(); int parentCategoryId = Globals.SafeInt(base.Request.Form["ParentCategoryId"], -1); if (parentCategoryId < 0) { obj2.Put("ERROR", "NOPARENTCATEGORYID"); return obj2.ToString(); } List<Maticsoft.Model.Shop.Products.CategoryInfo> categorysByParentId = this.manage.GetCategorysByParentId(parentCategoryId, -1); if ((categorysByParentId == null) || (categorysByParentId.Count < 1)) { obj2.Put("STATUS", "NODATA"); return obj2.ToString(); } categorysByParentId.Sort((Comparison<Maticsoft.Model.Shop.Products.CategoryInfo>) ((x, y) => x.DisplaySequence.CompareTo(y.DisplaySequence))); obj2.Put("STATUS", "OK"); JsonArray data = new JsonArray(); categorysByParentId.ForEach(delegate (Maticsoft.Model.Shop.Products.CategoryInfo info) { data.Add(new JsonObject(new string[] { "CategoryId", "HasChildren", "CategoryName" }, new object[] { info.CategoryId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), info.HasChildren, info.Name })); }); obj2.Put("DATA", data); return obj2.ToString(); }
public void Set(IInternalControl aThisControl, Slice aSlice, List<IControl> aChildren) { var slice = aSlice.MakeAbsolute(iChildren.Count); if (slice.Count > 0) { iChildren.RemoveRange(slice.Start, slice.Count); } var childIds = new JsonArray(); if (aChildren != null && aChildren.Count > 0) { iChildren.InsertRange(slice.Start, aChildren); foreach (var child in aChildren) { childIds.Add(child.Id); } } aThisControl.BrowserTab.Send( new JsonObject { { "type", "xf-bind-slice" }, { "start", slice.Start }, { "end", slice.End }, { "control", aThisControl.Id }, { "children", childIds } }); }
public string GetUserName(string prefixText, int limit) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(prefixText)) { return string.Empty; } string strUName = this.HtmlEncode(prefixText); DataSet userName = new UsersExp().GetUserName(strUName, limit); JsonArray array = new JsonArray(); if (userName.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < userName.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) { string tmpStr = userName.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserName"].ToString(); if (this.CheckHtmlCode(ref tmpStr, prefixText)) { JsonObject obj2 = new JsonObject(); obj2.Accumulate("name", tmpStr); array.Add(obj2); } } } return array.ToString(); }
public void Store() { var settings = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalSettings; var sessionJson = new JsonObject(); if (Folder != null) { sessionJson.Add("Folder", JsonValue.CreateStringValue(Folder.Path)); } if (Photo != null) { var photoJson = new JsonObject(); photoJson.Add("Path", JsonValue.CreateStringValue(Photo.File.Path)); var filterIdsJson = new JsonArray(); foreach (var filter in Photo.Filters) { filterIdsJson.Add(JsonValue.CreateStringValue(filter.Id)); } photoJson.Add("FilterIds", filterIdsJson); sessionJson.Add("Photo", photoJson); } settings.Values["Session"] = sessionJson.Stringify(); }