예제 #1
    // Returns a new JointStorage
    public static JointStorage MakeJoint(Vector3 Position, Quaternion Rotation, Vector3 Axis, float RotationAmount, bool isRoot = false, JointStorage ParentJoint = null, List <int> Children = null, int child = 0, int parent = 0)
        JointStorage newJointStorage = new JointStorage();

        // Question is... Do we need to store this information? For now... but I'll ask about it
        newJointStorage.xLoc           = Position.x;
        newJointStorage.yLoc           = Position.y;
        newJointStorage.zLoc           = Position.z;
        newJointStorage.xRot           = Rotation.x;
        newJointStorage.yRot           = Rotation.y;
        newJointStorage.zRot           = Rotation.z;
        newJointStorage.wRot           = Rotation.w;
        newJointStorage.xAxisPos       = Axis.x;
        newJointStorage.yAxisPos       = Axis.y;
        newJointStorage.zAxisPos       = Axis.z;
        newJointStorage.RotatePosition = RotationAmount;
        newJointStorage.Parent         = ParentJoint;
        if (Children != null)
            newJointStorage.ChildrenJoints = Children;
            newJointStorage.ChildrenJoints = new List <int>();
        newJointStorage.ChildrenLink = child;
        newJointStorage.ParentLink   = parent;

        if (isRoot)
            // Store the 6 DOF

예제 #2
    // Returns a new JointStorage
    public static JointStorage MakeJoint(Vector3 Position, Quaternion Rotation, Vector3 Axis, float RotationAmount, bool isRoot = false, JointStorage ParentJoint = null, List <int> Children = null, int child = 0, int parent = 0)
        JointStorage newJointStorage = new JointStorage();
        // Question is... Do we need to store this information? For now... but I'll ask about it
        List <float> positions = new List <float> {
            Position.x, Position.y, Position.z
        List <float> rotations = new List <float> {
            Rotation.x, Rotation.y, Rotation.z, Rotation.w
        List <float> axis = new List <float> {
            Axis.x, Axis.y, Axis.z, RotationAmount

        newJointStorage.Parent = ParentJoint;

        // Hm.. But what if we have no children? What happens? (aka no list bug)
        if (Children != null)

        newJointStorage.ChildrenLink = child;
        newJointStorage.ParentLink   = parent;

        if (isRoot)
            // Store the 6 DOF

예제 #3
    /// <summary>
    /// MakeJoint: Creates a new JointStorage object.
    /// <param name="Position"> A vector representing the global position of the joint. </param>
    /// <param name="Rotation"> A quaternion representing the global rotation of the joint. </param>
    /// <param name="Axis"> A vector representing the axis that the joint is rotating around. </param>
    /// <param name="RotationAmount"> A float representing the amount that the joint is rotated around the axis. </param>
    /// <param name="isRoot"> An optional boolean indicating whether this joint is the root joint. </param>
    /// <param name="ParentJoint"> An optional JointStorage object referring to a parent joint. </param>
    /// <param name="Children"> An optional list of children jointIDs. </param>
    /// <param name="child"> An optional linkID indicating the child link. </param>
    /// <param name = "parent"> An optional linkID indicating the parent link. </param>
    /// <returns> The newly generated JointStorage object. </returns>
    /// </summary>
    public static JointStorage MakeJoint(Vector3 Position, Quaternion Rotation, Vector3 Axis, float RotationAmount, bool isRoot = false, JointStorage ParentJoint = null, List <int> Children = null, int child = 0, int parent = 0)
        JointStorage newJointStorage = new JointStorage();
        List <float> positions       = new List <float> {
            Position.x, Position.y, Position.z
        List <float> rotations = new List <float> {
            Rotation.x, Rotation.y, Rotation.z, Rotation.w
        List <float> axis = new List <float> {
            Axis.x, Axis.y, Axis.z, RotationAmount

        newJointStorage.Parent = ParentJoint;

        // TOTO: What if there's no children?
        if (Children != null)

        newJointStorage.ChildrenLink = child;
        newJointStorage.ParentLink   = parent;

        if (isRoot)
            // TODO: Store 6 DOF.

예제 #4
    /// <summary>
    /// GenerateJoint: Helper method to recreate joints by:
    ///     1. Creating the appropriate GameObject
    ///     2. Setting its position properties.
    ///     3. Setting misc. properties as well as removing the collider.
    /// <param name="jointConfig"> A protobuf object holding all of the necessary information to recreate a joint. </param>
    /// <returns> A GameObject representing a joint on a robot. </returns>
    /// </summary>
    public static GameObject GenerateJoint(JointStorage jointConfig)
        // Creating actual joint
        GameObject  newJoint       = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere);
        ObjectJoint newObjectJoint = newJoint.AddComponent <ObjectJoint>();

        // Putting into right position
        newJoint.transform.position = new Vector3(jointConfig.PositionParams[0], jointConfig.PositionParams[1], jointConfig.PositionParams[2]);
        newJoint.transform.rotation = new Quaternion(jointConfig.RotationParams[0], jointConfig.RotationParams[1], jointConfig.RotationParams[2], jointConfig.RotationParams[3]);
        // Setting ObjectJoint Configs
        newObjectJoint.RotateAxis    = new Vector3(jointConfig.AxisParams[0], jointConfig.AxisParams[1], jointConfig.AxisParams[2]);
        newObjectJoint.AxisRotation  = jointConfig.AxisParams[3];
        newObjectJoint.ChildJointIDs = jointConfig.ChildrenJoints;
        newObjectJoint.ChildLinkID   = jointConfig.ChildrenLink;
        newObjectJoint.ParentLinkID  = jointConfig.ParentLink;
        newObjectJoint.ChildJoints   = new List <GameObject>();

        Rigidbody newRigid = newJoint.AddComponent <Rigidbody>();

        newRigid.isKinematic = true;
        newRigid.useGravity  = false;
        Destroy(newJoint.GetComponent <Collider>());

예제 #5
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        // Creating the structure

        testStructure.RootJointID = 1;

        // Creating RootJoint
        Vector3      onePos        = new Vector3(0, 5, 0);
        Quaternion   oneRot        = new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0);
        Vector3      Axis          = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);
        float        Rotation      = 0;
        JointStorage jointStorage1 = MakeMethods.MakeJoint(onePos, oneRot, Axis, Rotation, isRoot: true);

        testStructure.JointDict.Add(1, jointStorage1);

        // Creating Link 1 (Body of the robot)
        Vector3     twoPos = new Vector3(0, 4, 0);
        Quaternion  defaultLinkRotation = new Quaternion();
        ObjectSpecs defaultSpecs        = MakeMethods.MakeShape("cube", 5, 1, 5);
        LinkStorage linkStorage1        = MakeMethods.MakeLink(twoPos, defaultLinkRotation, defaultSpecs);

        testStructure.LinkDict.Add(1, linkStorage1);

        // Creating legs (first set)
        Vector3     link2Pos     = new Vector3(2, 2, 2);
        ObjectSpecs defaultLeg   = MakeMethods.MakeShape("cube", 1, 2, 1);
        LinkStorage linkStorage2 = MakeMethods.MakeLink(link2Pos, defaultLinkRotation, defaultLeg);

        testStructure.LinkDict.Add(2, linkStorage2);

        Vector3     link3Pos     = new Vector3(2, 2, -2);
        LinkStorage linkStorage3 = MakeMethods.MakeLink(link3Pos, defaultLinkRotation, defaultLeg);

        testStructure.LinkDict.Add(3, linkStorage3);

        Vector3     link4Pos     = new Vector3(-2, 2, 2);
        LinkStorage linkStorage4 = MakeMethods.MakeLink(link4Pos, defaultLinkRotation, defaultLeg);

        testStructure.LinkDict.Add(4, linkStorage4);

        Vector3     link5Pos     = new Vector3(-2, 2, -2);
        LinkStorage linkStorage5 = MakeMethods.MakeLink(link5Pos, defaultLinkRotation, defaultLeg);

        testStructure.LinkDict.Add(5, linkStorage5);

        // Creating Joint 2
        Vector3      threePos      = new Vector3(2, 3, 2);
        Quaternion   threeRot      = new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0);
        Vector3      threeAxis     = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);
        float        threeRotation = 0;
        JointStorage jointStorage2 = MakeMethods.MakeJoint(threePos, threeRot, threeAxis, threeRotation);

        testStructure.JointDict.Add(2, jointStorage2);

        // Creating Joint 3
        Vector3      fourPos       = new Vector3(2, 3, -2);
        Quaternion   fourRot       = new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0);
        Vector3      fourAxis      = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);
        float        fourRotation  = 0;
        JointStorage jointStorage3 = MakeMethods.MakeJoint(fourPos, fourRot, fourAxis, fourRotation);

        testStructure.JointDict.Add(3, jointStorage3);

        // Creating Joint 4
        Vector3      fivePos       = new Vector3(-2, 3, 2);
        Quaternion   fiveRot       = new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0);
        Vector3      fiveAxis      = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);
        float        fiveRotation  = 0;
        JointStorage jointStorage4 = MakeMethods.MakeJoint(fivePos, fiveRot, fiveAxis, fiveRotation);

        testStructure.JointDict.Add(4, jointStorage4);

        // Creating Joint 5
        Vector3      sixPos        = new Vector3(-2, 3, -2);
        Quaternion   sixRot        = new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0);
        Vector3      sixAxis       = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);
        float        sixRotation   = 0;
        JointStorage jointStorage5 = MakeMethods.MakeJoint(sixPos, sixRot, sixAxis, sixRotation);

        testStructure.JointDict.Add(5, jointStorage5);

        // Creating Knee Joints (need to switch axis rotation)
        Vector3      kneeOnePos                = new Vector3(2, 1, 2);
        Quaternion   defaultKneeRotation       = new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0);
        Vector3      kneeRotationAxis          = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);
        float        defaultKneeRotationAmount = 0;
        JointStorage kneeOneStorage            = MakeMethods.MakeJoint(kneeOnePos, defaultKneeRotation, kneeRotationAxis, defaultKneeRotationAmount);

        testStructure.JointDict.Add(6, kneeOneStorage);

        Vector3      kneeTwoPos     = new Vector3(2, 1, -2);
        JointStorage kneeTwoStorage = MakeMethods.MakeJoint(kneeTwoPos, defaultKneeRotation, kneeRotationAxis, defaultKneeRotationAmount);

        testStructure.JointDict.Add(7, kneeTwoStorage);

        Vector3      kneeThreePos     = new Vector3(-2, 1, 2);
        JointStorage kneeThreeStorage = MakeMethods.MakeJoint(kneeThreePos, defaultKneeRotation, kneeRotationAxis, defaultKneeRotationAmount);

        testStructure.JointDict.Add(8, kneeThreeStorage);

        Vector3      kneeFourPos     = new Vector3(-2, 1, -2);
        JointStorage kneeFourStorage = MakeMethods.MakeJoint(kneeFourPos, defaultKneeRotation, kneeRotationAxis, defaultKneeRotationAmount);

        testStructure.JointDict.Add(9, kneeFourStorage);

        // Creating Final Leg Links
        Vector3     shinLeg1Pos     = new Vector3(2, -0.5f, 2);
        LinkStorage shinLeg1Storage = MakeMethods.MakeLink(shinLeg1Pos, defaultLinkRotation, defaultLeg);

        testStructure.LinkDict.Add(6, shinLeg1Storage);

        Vector3     shinLeg2Pos     = new Vector3(2, -0.5f, -2);
        LinkStorage shinLeg2Storage = MakeMethods.MakeLink(shinLeg2Pos, defaultLinkRotation, defaultLeg);

        testStructure.LinkDict.Add(7, shinLeg2Storage);

        Vector3     shinLeg3Pos     = new Vector3(-2, -0.5f, 2);
        LinkStorage shinLeg3Storage = MakeMethods.MakeLink(shinLeg3Pos, defaultLinkRotation, defaultLeg);

        testStructure.LinkDict.Add(8, shinLeg3Storage);

        Vector3     shinLeg4Pos     = new Vector3(-2, -0.5f, -2);
        LinkStorage shinLeg4Storage = MakeMethods.MakeLink(shinLeg4Pos, defaultLinkRotation, defaultLeg);

        testStructure.LinkDict.Add(9, shinLeg4Storage);

        // Childrening from the root
        jointStorage1.ChildrenLink = 1;

        jointStorage2.ChildrenLink = 2;

        jointStorage3.ChildrenLink = 3;

        jointStorage4.ChildrenLink = 4;

        jointStorage5.ChildrenLink = 5;

        kneeOneStorage.ChildrenLink   = 6;
        kneeTwoStorage.ChildrenLink   = 7;
        kneeThreeStorage.ChildrenLink = 8;
        kneeFourStorage.ChildrenLink  = 9;

        // Childrening to the main body
        jointStorage2.ParentLink    = 1;
        jointStorage3.ParentLink    = 1;
        jointStorage4.ParentLink    = 1;
        jointStorage5.ParentLink    = 1;
        kneeOneStorage.ParentLink   = 2;
        kneeTwoStorage.ParentLink   = 3;
        kneeThreeStorage.ParentLink = 4;
        kneeFourStorage.ParentLink  = 5;

        ConstructionManager.GenerateRobot(testStructure); // creates the robot from local data

        // Moving robot a little up just for presentation
        GameObject root = GameObject.Find("Sphere");

        PositionListCreator.CreateDict(root, testList.PList);