예제 #1
        /* 1. Select a person most likely for gesture
         *  2. Wait until triggering conditions are met
         *  3. Wait for 0.5 seconds when triggered before starting the reading
         *  4. Read while checking the boundaries
         *  5. When a rotation is made, and the hands are still again, send a bluetooth signal
         *      a. at each correct angle reading, measure the time spent at that angle
         *      b. if the time exceeds some threshhold (1 second), send a signal
         *      c. if the person wants to continue rotating, he needs to wait a particular amount of time (based on motor rotation speed)
         *      d. reading to commence again for a new rotation
         *  6. Wait until another rotation is made */

        /* Constructor: */
        public GesturesMasterControl()
            stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
            stopWatch_single_event = new Stopwatch();
            stopWatch_trigger      = new Stopwatch();

            running_gesture = GestureRunningState.Unknown;

            right_elbow_general_state = JointGeneralState.Unknown;
            left_elbow_general_state  = JointGeneralState.Unknown;
            right_arm_position        = ArmPosition.Unknown;
            left_arm_position         = ArmPosition.Unknown;

            lf_elbow_prev_pos = new Joint[PREV_FRAMES_ARRAY_LENGTH];
            rt_elbow_prev_pos = new Joint[PREV_FRAMES_ARRAY_LENGTH];

            shoulder_to_elbow_left  = new Vector3D();
            shoulder_to_elbow_right = new Vector3D();
            elbow_to_hand_left      = new Vector3D();
            elbow_to_hand_right     = new Vector3D();
예제 #2
        public static bool isJointStable(double sensitivity, JointType joint, Joint[] prev_array, int prev_length, ref JointGeneralState elbow_state)
            bool return_bool = false;

            //double avg_standard_dev = calcAverageStandardDev(prev_array, prev_length);

            //if (avg_standard_dev < sensitivity)
            if (calcFirstLastDiff(prev_array, prev_length, sensitivity))
                return_bool = true;
                elbow_state = JointGeneralState.Still;
                TextInformation.insert_main_text_block(joint + " Still", 2);
                return_bool = false;
                elbow_state = JointGeneralState.Moving;
                TextInformation.insert_main_text_block(joint + " Moving", 2);

예제 #3
        public void runGestureAnalysis()
            TextInformation.insert_main_text_block("Stopwatch: " + stopWatch.Elapsed, 3);
            TextInformation.insert_main_text_block("Running Gesture: " + running_gesture.ToString(), 1);

            // I have moved the next 4 blocks of codes out of the if statement...
            /* Searching State: CHANGED FROM WRIST TO ELBOW */
            Joint left_elbow  = body.Joints[JointType.ElbowLeft];
            Joint right_elbow = body.Joints[JointType.ElbowRight];

            // We make a call to this method to store previous positions:
            GestureAuxilaryMethods.managePrevArray(left_elbow, ref lf_elbow_prev_pos, PREV_FRAMES_ARRAY_LENGTH);
            GestureAuxilaryMethods.managePrevArray(right_elbow, ref rt_elbow_prev_pos, PREV_FRAMES_ARRAY_LENGTH);

            // We make a call to the following methods in order to update the state of elbows:
            GestureAuxilaryMethods.isJointStable(stillness_sensitivity, JointType.ElbowLeft, lf_elbow_prev_pos, PREV_FRAMES_ARRAY_LENGTH,
                                                 ref left_elbow_general_state);
            GestureAuxilaryMethods.isJointStable(stillness_sensitivity, JointType.ElbowRight, rt_elbow_prev_pos, PREV_FRAMES_ARRAY_LENGTH,
                                                 ref right_elbow_general_state);

            // The if else block below is to see if we are in the searching (for gesture) state or reading (the gesture) state:
            if (running_gesture == GestureRunningState.None || running_gesture == GestureRunningState.Unknown)
                if (left_elbow_general_state == JointGeneralState.Still && right_elbow_general_state == JointGeneralState.Still)
                    // Calling this method to see if a panel rotation gesture is possible:
                    if (Gesture_PanelRotation.checkPanelRotationGesture(horizontal_stretch_sensitivity, ref left_arm_position, ref right_arm_position))
                        // We can now initialize a PanelRotation class and go on further:
                        panel_rotation = new Gesture_PanelRotation(left_arm_position, right_arm_position, horizontal_stretch_sensitivity);

                        // Update the gesture state:
                        running_gesture = GestureRunningState.PanelRotation;

                        // Start the stopwatch, we will wait .5 seconds for the gesture reading to begin:
            else      /* Reading State: */
                if (stopWatch_trigger.ElapsedMilliseconds > 500)
                    int reading_result = 0;

                    // There is a gesture that is to be read, we need to check which:
                    if (running_gesture == GestureRunningState.PanelRotation)
                        reading_result = panel_rotation.readArmRotation(left_elbow_general_state, right_elbow_general_state);

                    if (reading_result == -1)
                        // Discontinue the reading of the gesture:
                        running_gesture = GestureRunningState.None;

                        // Clear out the previous hand positions arrays:
                        lf_elbow_prev_pos = new Joint[PREV_FRAMES_ARRAY_LENGTH];
                        rt_elbow_prev_pos = new Joint[PREV_FRAMES_ARRAY_LENGTH];

                        // Clear out the statuses of Limbs:
                        left_elbow_general_state  = JointGeneralState.Unknown;
                        right_elbow_general_state = JointGeneralState.Unknown;

                        // Reset the stopwatch:

            TextInformation.insert_main_text_block("Event: " + stopWatch_single_event.Elapsed, 3);
예제 #4
        internal bool boundaryConditions(JointGeneralState left_elbow_general_state, JointGeneralState right_elbow_general_state)
            bool angle_shoulder_elbow_steady = false, both_arms_same_dir = false, speed_normal = false,
                 arms_Z_pos_constant = false, both_elbows_same_state = false;
            double left_Y_difference = 0, right_Y_difference = 0;

            // PREVIOUSLY: went from shoulder to elbow:
            // We check to see if the angle between spine shoulder and wrist for both arms are close:
            double left_Y_difference_signed = GesturesMasterControl.body.Joints[JointType.WristLeft].Position.Y -
            double right_Y_difference_signed = GesturesMasterControl.body.Joints[JointType.WristLeft].Position.Y -

            double left_Y_difference_signed_elbow = GesturesMasterControl.body.Joints[JointType.ElbowLeft].Position.Y -
            double right_Y_difference_signed_elbow = GesturesMasterControl.body.Joints[JointType.ElbowRight].Position.Y -

            left_Y_difference  = Math.Abs(left_Y_difference_signed);
            right_Y_difference = Math.Abs(right_Y_difference_signed);

            //TextInformation.insert_main_text_block("Left Y Difference: " + left_Y_difference.ToString("n4"), 1);
            //TextInformation.insert_main_text_block("Right Y Difference: " + right_Y_difference.ToString("n4"), 1);
            //TextInformation.insert_main_text_block("Difference Between: " + (left_Y_difference - right_Y_difference).ToString("n4"), 1);

            if (Math.Abs(left_Y_difference - right_Y_difference) > angle_difference_sensitivity)
                angle_shoulder_elbow_steady = false;
                angle_shoulder_elbow_steady = true;

            // Reusing the same variables for the elbow shoulder difference measurement:
            left_Y_difference  = Math.Abs(left_Y_difference_signed_elbow);
            right_Y_difference = Math.Abs(right_Y_difference_signed_elbow);

            // If the arms are not stretched out horizontally, we can check to see if both arms are down or up:
            if (left_Y_difference > both_arms_down_sensitivity && right_Y_difference > both_arms_down_sensitivity)
                // Check to see if both variables have the same sign:
                if (left_Y_difference_signed_elbow > 0 && right_Y_difference_signed_elbow > 0)
                    TextInformation.insert_main_text_block("IIIIIII", 4);
                    both_arms_same_dir = true;
                else if (left_Y_difference_signed_elbow < 0 && right_Y_difference_signed_elbow < 0)
                    TextInformation.insert_main_text_block("OOOOOOO", 4);
                    both_arms_same_dir = true;
                    both_arms_same_dir = false;

            // We need to also check to see if the Z distances between shoulder and elbow are close enough:
            double left_Z_difference = GesturesMasterControl.body.Joints[JointType.ElbowLeft].Position.Z -
            double right_Z_difference = GesturesMasterControl.body.Joints[JointType.ElbowRight].Position.Z -

            //TextInformation.insert_main_text_block("Left Z Difference: " + left_Z_difference.ToString("n4"), 2);
            //TextInformation.insert_main_text_block("Right Z Difference: " + right_Z_difference.ToString("n4"), 2);

            left_Z_difference  = Math.Abs(left_Z_difference);
            right_Z_difference = Math.Abs(right_Z_difference);

            if (left_Z_difference > Z_distance_sensitivity || right_Z_difference > Z_distance_sensitivity)
                arms_Z_pos_constant = false;
                arms_Z_pos_constant = true;

            // Lets check if one elbow is moving and other is still:
            // Very hard to make useful... not implemented
            if (left_elbow_general_state == JointGeneralState.Moving && right_elbow_general_state == JointGeneralState.Still)
                both_elbows_same_state = false;
            else if (left_elbow_general_state == JointGeneralState.Still && right_elbow_general_state == JointGeneralState.Moving)
                both_elbows_same_state = false;
            else if (left_elbow_general_state == JointGeneralState.Still && right_elbow_general_state == JointGeneralState.Still)
                both_elbows_same_state = true;
            else if (left_elbow_general_state == JointGeneralState.Moving && right_elbow_general_state == JointGeneralState.Moving)
                both_elbows_same_state = true;

            // Lets check the speed of rotation from one frame to another:
            // Not used due to poor functionality:
            double Y_single_frame_diff_left  = shoulder_to_elbow_left.Y - left_arm_rotation.previous_frame_vector.Y;
            double Y_single_frame_diff_right = shoulder_to_elbow_right.Y - right_arm_rotation.previous_frame_vector.Y;

            TextInformation.insert_main_text_block("Left Speed: " + Y_single_frame_diff_left.ToString("n4"), 1);
            TextInformation.insert_main_text_block("Right Speed: " + Y_single_frame_diff_right.ToString("n4"), 1);

            if (Math.Abs(Y_single_frame_diff_left) < .015 && Math.Abs(Y_single_frame_diff_right) < .015)
                speed_normal = true;

            TextInformation.insert_main_text_block("Arms Z Position Constant: " + arms_Z_pos_constant.ToString(), 2);
            TextInformation.insert_main_text_block("Both Arms Same Direction: " + both_arms_same_dir.ToString(), 2);
            TextInformation.insert_main_text_block("Angle Shoulder Elbow Steady: " + angle_shoulder_elbow_steady.ToString(), 2);
            // Combining all booleans:
            if (angle_shoulder_elbow_steady == true && both_arms_same_dir == false && arms_Z_pos_constant == true)
                TextInformation.insert_main_text_block("Boundary Clear", 2);
                TextInformation.insert_main_text_block("Boundary NOT Clear", 2);
예제 #5
        // This method returns 0 if everything went well, -1 if reading of the gesture is stopped:
        internal int readArmRotation(JointGeneralState left_elbow_general_state, JointGeneralState right_elbow_general_state)
            // Moved these two lines out of the if statement:
            shoulder_to_elbow_left  = GestureAuxilaryMethods.updateLimbVectors(JointType.ShoulderLeft, JointType.ElbowLeft);
            shoulder_to_elbow_right = GestureAuxilaryMethods.updateLimbVectors(JointType.ShoulderRight, JointType.ElbowRight);

            // Checking the boundary conditions to see if we can actually do the reading:
            if (boundaryConditions(left_elbow_general_state, right_elbow_general_state) == true &&
                (left_arm_rotation.rot_tracking_state == ArmRotationTrackingState.Tracking ||
                 left_arm_rotation.rot_tracking_state == ArmRotationTrackingState.Initialized) &&
                (right_arm_rotation.rot_tracking_state == ArmRotationTrackingState.Tracking ||
                 right_arm_rotation.rot_tracking_state == ArmRotationTrackingState.Initialized))
                left_arm_rotation.rot_tracking_state  = ArmRotationTrackingState.Tracking;
                right_arm_rotation.rot_tracking_state = ArmRotationTrackingState.Tracking;
                left_arm_rotation.rot_tracking_state  = ArmRotationTrackingState.NotTracking;
                right_arm_rotation.rot_tracking_state = ArmRotationTrackingState.NotTracking;

            if (left_arm_rotation.rot_tracking_state == ArmRotationTrackingState.Tracking &&
                right_arm_rotation.rot_tracking_state == ArmRotationTrackingState.Tracking)

                //TextInformation.insert_main_text_block("Left Arm: " + left_arm_rotation.previous_angles[0].ToString(), 2);
                //TextInformation.insert_main_text_block("Right Arm: " + right_arm_rotation.previous_angles[0].ToString(), 2);

                // Lets stabialize the angle:

                TextInformation.insert_main_text_block("Angle Left Arm: " + left_arm_rotation.angle.ToString("n4"), 1);
                TextInformation.insert_main_text_block("Angle Right Arm: " + right_arm_rotation.angle.ToString("n4"), 1);

                if (left_arm_rotation.enough_time_at_angle == true && right_arm_rotation.enough_time_at_angle == true)
                    TextInformation.insert_main_text_block("Sending Signal", 1);

                    // Terminating the gesture reading. This might be changed later on:
                    //left_arm_rotation.rot_tracking_state = ArmRotationTrackingState.NotTracking;
                    //right_arm_rotation.rot_tracking_state = ArmRotationTrackingState.NotTracking;
                    TextInformation.insert_main_text_block("NOT Sending Signal", 1);


                // Updating previous vectors:
                left_arm_rotation.previous_frame_vector  = shoulder_to_elbow_left;
                right_arm_rotation.previous_frame_vector = shoulder_to_elbow_right;

                left_arm_rotation.previous_rot_state  = ArmRotationalState.NotRotating;
                right_arm_rotation.previous_rot_state = ArmRotationalState.NotRotating;