private void JoinGame(JoinGameMessage message) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message.PlayerName)) { Sender.Tell(new PlayerLoginFailed("The name should not be empty", message.ConnectionId)); } else if (isPlayerExists(message.PlayerName)) { Sender.Tell(new PlayerLoginFailed("Player with this name is already joined", message.ConnectionId)); } else if (_players.Count >= _maxPlayersNUmber) { Sender.Tell(new PlayerLoginFailed($"Number of players is not allowed to be more than {_maxPlayersNUmber}", message.ConnectionId)); } else { var newPlayer = new Player(message.PlayerName); _players.Add(newPlayer); Sender.Tell(new PlayerJoinedMessage(newPlayer)); Sender.Tell(new PlayerLoginSuccess(message.PlayerName, message.ConnectionId)); Sender.Tell(new LogMessage($"{newPlayer.Name} has joined to the game")); } if (_players.Count >= _enoughPlayersNumberToStart && _board.State == Board.GameState.WaitingForPlayers) { startGame(); } }
/// <summary> /// Reconnect (was in the disconnected list) to a game /// </summary> /// <param name="message"></param> public void ReconnectToGame(JoinGameMessage message) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message.GameHashId)) { throw HttpResponseExceptionHelper.Create("You must specify a game id to reconnect", HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } // Check if game exist lock (LockObj) { var game = GameList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.HashId == message.GameHashId); if (game == null) { throw HttpResponseExceptionHelper.Create("No game exist with specified hash to reconnect", HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } if (!game.DisconnectedHashId.Contains(UserToken.UserId)) { throw HttpResponseExceptionHelper.Create("You were not disconnected from this game", HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } game.DisconnectedHashId.Remove(UserToken.UserId); } }
private void JoinGame(JoinGameMessage message) { var playerNeedsCreating = !_players.ContainsKey(message.PlayerName); if (playerNeedsCreating) { //create child playerActor var newPlayerActor = Context.ActorOf( Props.Create(() => new PlayerActor(message.PlayerName)), message.PlayerName ); //Add it to dictionary _players.Add(message.PlayerName, newPlayerActor); //now, make sure client's SPA apps get updated with this new player character. foreach (var player in _players.Values) { //tell them (child players) by sending them this message //Sender parameter means the sender is not this GameController //but who actually send the JoinGame Message (i.e. SignalRBridge actor) player.Tell(new RefreshPlayerStatusMessage(), Sender); } } }
/// <summary> /// Join the specified game with the hash id /// </summary> /// <param name="message"></param> /// <returns></returns> public GameModel JoinGame(JoinGameMessage message) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message.GameHashId)) { throw HttpResponseExceptionHelper.Create("You must specify a game id to join", HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } // Check if game exist lock (LockObj) { var game = GameList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.HashId == message.GameHashId); if (game == null) { throw HttpResponseExceptionHelper.Create("No game exist with specified hash to join", HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } if (game.ParticipantsHashId.Contains(UserToken.UserId)) { throw HttpResponseExceptionHelper.Create("You already are in this game", HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } if (game.IsPrivate) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message.Password)) { throw HttpResponseExceptionHelper.Create("This game is private, tou need a password to join it", HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } if (game.Password != message.Password) { throw HttpResponseExceptionHelper.Create("Wrong password to join game", HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } } if (game.MaxPlayersCount == game.CurrentPlayerCount) { throw HttpResponseExceptionHelper.Create("Game is full", HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } if (game.State != EnumsModel.GameState.Waiting) { throw HttpResponseExceptionHelper.Create("Game has started or ended. You can't join it.", HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } // OK game.CurrentPlayerCount++; game.ParticipantsHashId.Add(UserToken.UserId); return(ToPublic(game)); } }
private void JoinGame(JoinGameMessage message) { if (!_players.ContainsKey(message.PlayerName)) { var newPlayerActor = Context.ActorOf( Props.Create(() => new PlayerActor(message.PlayerName)), message.PlayerName ); _players.Add(message.PlayerName, newPlayerActor); } }
private void HandlerJoinMessage(JoinGameMessage createGameMessage) { Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(delegate { clientLogic.Client.OnReceiveMessageEvent -= ReceivedMessageFromClient; var mainViewModel = new MainViewModel2(_login, createGameMessage.GameId, clientLogic); mainViewModel.Window.Show(); Window.Close(); }); }
private void JoinGame(JoinGameMessage message) { var playerNeedsCreating = !_players.ContainsKey(message.PlayerName); if (playerNeedsCreating) { _players.Add(message.PlayerName, Context.ActorOf(PlayerActor.Props(message.PlayerName), message.PlayerName)); _playerProfiles.Add(new PlayerProfile(100, message.PlayerName)); foreach (var player in _players.Values) { player.Tell(new RefreshPlayerStatusMessage(), Sender); } } }
private void JoinGame(JoinGameMessage message) { var playerNeedsCreating = !_players.ContainsKey(message.PlayerName); if (playerNeedsCreating) { IActorRef newPlayerRef = Context.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new PlayerActor(message.PlayerName)), message.PlayerName); _players.Add(message.PlayerName, newPlayerRef); foreach (var player in _players.Values) { player.Tell(new RefreshPlayerStatusMessage(), Sender); } } }
public void JoinGame() { // user input InputField joinGameNameInput = GameObject.Find("JoinGameInputField").GetComponent <InputField>(); string joinGameName = joinGameNameInput.text; Debug.Log("JoinGameInputField is: " + joinGameName); JoinGameMessage msg = new JoinGameMessage(); msg.game_name = joinGameName; gameConnection.sendJSON(msg); }
/// <summary> /// Disconnect from game /// </summary> /// <param name="gameHashId"></param> public void DisconnectGame(string gameHashId) { var message = new JoinGameMessage() { GameHashId = gameHashId }; var httpResponse = HttpRequestHelper.PostObjectAsync(Endpoint + "/disconnect", message, UserToken.Token).Result; var body = HttpRequestHelper.GetContent(httpResponse).Result; var statusCode = HttpRequestHelper.GetStatusCode(httpResponse); if (statusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK && statusCode != HttpStatusCode.NoContent) { throw new Exception(body); } }
private void JoinGame(JoinGameMessage message) { var playerNeedCreating = !_players.ContainsKey(message.PlayerName); if (playerNeedCreating) { IActorRef newPlayerActor = Context.ActorOf(Props.Create(() => new PlayerActor(message.PlayerName)), message.PlayerName); _players.Add(message.PlayerName, newPlayerActor); } foreach (var player in _players.Values) { player.Tell(new RefreshPlayerStatusMessage(), Sender); // By default the sender of this RefreshPlayerStatusMessage would be GameControllerActor. We change it to the sender of the JoinGameMessage AKA SignalRBridgeActor. } }
/// <summary> /// To spectate a game /// </summary> /// <param name="gameHashId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public GameModel Spectate(string gameHashId) { var message = new JoinGameMessage() { GameHashId = gameHashId }; var httpResponse = HttpRequestHelper.PostObjectAsync(Endpoint + "/spectate", message, UserToken.Token).Result; var body = HttpRequestHelper.GetContent(httpResponse).Result; var statusCode = HttpRequestHelper.GetStatusCode(httpResponse); if (statusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) { throw new Exception(body); } return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GameModel>(body)); }
private void ListenPlayerNameJoining() { TcpClient connectionClient = inputConnection.Client; bool isWainting = true; while (isWainting) { NetworkStream networkStream = connectionClient.GetStream(); if (networkStream.DataAvailable) { //Достаем имя игрока TextMessage textMessage = networkStream.Read <TextMessage>(); string playerName = textMessage.ToString(); if (playerName.Length < 1) { JoinGameMessage joinPlayerMessage = new JoinGameMessage( null, null, default(uint), null, default(uint) ); inputConnection.Send(joinPlayerMessage); return; } //Достаем аккаунт из репозитория аккаунтов PongServerApplication application = PongServerApplication.Get(); AccountRepository accountRepository = application.AccountRepository; Account account = accountRepository.Fetch(playerName); //Подключение к игре targetGameSession.AddPlayer(account, inputConnection); isWainting = false; } } isCountDownCancelled = true; Finish(); }
private static List <Message> HandleJoinGameMessage(JoinGameMessage joinGameMessage, string userId) { var result = new List <Message>(); Player player = (Player)AbstractPlayers.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == userId); if (player == null) { Logger.Write($"Cannot find player with id {userId} in connected players", LogLevel.Error); } else { GameManager.JoinGame(joinGameMessage.GameId, player); var message = new JoinGameMessage(joinGameMessage.GameId, player.Name, GameManager.RecieveGame(joinGameMessage.GameId).Players.Select(p => p.Id).ToList()); result.Add(message); } return(result); }
public void processJoinGame(JoinGameMessage message) { int id = message.GetId; IPEndPoint endPoint = message.Packet.fromEndPoint; if (!players.Contains(new PlayerInfo(id, endPoint))) { lastSnapshot.Add(id, 0); kills.Add(id, 0); players.Add(new PlayerInfo(id, endPoint)); var serverCube = Instantiate(serverGameObject, new Vector3(Random.Range(-20, 20), 0.5f, Random.Range(-20, 20)), Quaternion.identity); // serverCube.layer = 8; // Server Layer SetLayerRecursively(serverCube, 8); CubeEntity newcube = new CubeEntity(serverCube, id); serverCube.transform.Find("Cube").GetComponent <HealthSignal>().cm = this; serverCube.transform.Find("Cube").GetComponent <HealthSignal>().id = id; serverCubes.Add(newcube); SendPlayerJoined(id); SendInitStatus(id); } }
/// <summary> /// To become spectator /// </summary> /// <param name="message"></param> /// <returns></returns> public GameModel SpectateGame(JoinGameMessage message) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message.GameHashId)) { throw HttpResponseExceptionHelper.Create("You must specify a game id to spectate", HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } // Check if game exist lock (LockObj) { var game = GameList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.HashId == message.GameHashId); if (game == null) { throw HttpResponseExceptionHelper.Create("No game exist with specified hash to spectate", HttpStatusCode.BadRequest); } game.SpectatorsHashId.Add(UserToken.UserId); return(ToPublic(game)); } }
public GameModel JoinGame(JoinGameMessage message) { return(_gameService.JoinGame(message)); }
public void ReconnectToGame(JoinGameMessage message) { _gameService.ReconnectToGame(message); }
public string[] HandleJoinGameRequest(JoinGameMessage joinGame) { Monitor.Enter(lockObject); var expectedPlayersNumberPerTeam = GetGameDefinition.NumberOfPlayersPerTeam; var redPlayersNumber = GetPlayersByTeam(; var bluePlayersNumber = GetPlayersByTeam(; var prefferedTeam = joinGame.PrefferedTeam; var prefferedRole = joinGame.PrefferedRole; var playerId = (ulong)joinGame.PlayerId; var responseData = new string[] { }; Player.Player player = null; if (redPlayersNumber + bluePlayersNumber < 2 * expectedPlayersNumberPerTeam && State == GameMasterState.AwaitingPlayers) // player can join one of two teams { ConsoleWriter.Show("Join request accepted..."); if (GetPlayersByTeam(prefferedTeam).Count < expectedPlayersNumberPerTeam) // player can join the team he prefers { player = PreparePlayerObject(prefferedTeam, playerId); } else // player joins another team { prefferedTeam = prefferedTeam == ? :; player = PreparePlayerObject(prefferedTeam, playerId); } var messagePlayerObject = player.ConvertToMessagePlayer(); var leaders = GetPlayersByTeam(prefferedTeam).Where(p => p.Role == PlayerRole.leader); var canBeLeader = prefferedRole == PlayerRole.leader && leaders.Count() == 0; if (canBeLeader) { messagePlayerObject.Role = PlayerRole.leader; player.Role = PlayerRole.leader; } else { messagePlayerObject.Role = PlayerRole.member; player.Role = PlayerRole.member; } RegisterPlayer(player); // GameMaster rejestruje playera i umieszcza na boardzie responseData = new string[] { new ConfirmJoiningGameMessage(GameId, messagePlayerObject, player.GUID, player.ID).Serialize() }; } else // player cannot join any of two teams { ConsoleWriter.Show("Join request rejected..."); responseData = new string[] { new RejectGameRegistrationMessage(GetGameDefinition.GameName).Serialize() }; } if (GameReady) { ConsoleWriter.Show("Required number of clients connected. Sending GameReady messages..."); StartGame(); var additionalData = PrepareGameReadyMessages(); responseData = responseData.Union(additionalData).ToArray(); } Monitor.Exit(lockObject); return responseData; }
internal void AddClient(IClientHandle client, JoinGameMessage message) { JoiningAgents.Add(client); message.PlayerId = (long)client.ID; SendMessageToGameMaster(message.Serialize()); }
private void HandleJoinMessage(JoinGameMessage joinGameMessage) { _table.AddPlayer(new Player(joinGameMessage.Login)); }
private void PreparePlayers(JoinGameMessage messageValue) { //Проверка позиции: uint?inputMyPosition = messageValue.MyPosition; if (inputMyPosition == null) { //Если присоединение не удалось, то открываем окно регистрации: signInForm.Hide(); signInForm.Show(); return; } //Определяем цвета игровых досок: Color myColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 191, 255); Color enemyColor = Color.FromArgb(128, 128, 255); //Получение имен игроков: string inputEnemyName = ""; if (messageValue.EnemyName == null) { inputEnemyName = "Ожидание противника"; } else { inputEnemyName = messageValue.EnemyName; } uint inputEnemyWins = messageValue.EnemyWins; string inputMyName = messageValue.MyName; uint inputMyWins = messageValue.MyWins; //Определение позиции текущего игрока: myPosition = inputMyPosition.Value; if (myPosition == LeftPosition) { //Расположение текущего игрока слева: leftBoard.BackColor = myColor; leftPlayerName.ForeColor = myColor; leftPlayerName.Text = inputMyName; leftPlayerScore.ForeColor = myColor; leftPlayerWins.ForeColor = myColor; leftPlayerWins.Text = inputMyWins.ToString(); //Расположение противника справа: rightBoard.BackColor = enemyColor; rightPlayerName.ForeColor = enemyColor; rightPlayerName.Text = inputEnemyName; rightPlayerScore.ForeColor = enemyColor; rightPlayerWins.ForeColor = enemyColor; rightPlayerWins.Text = inputEnemyWins.ToString(); } else { //Расположение текущего игрока справа: rightBoard.BackColor = myColor; rightPlayerName.ForeColor = myColor; rightPlayerName.Text = inputMyName; rightPlayerScore.ForeColor = myColor; rightPlayerWins.ForeColor = myColor; rightPlayerWins.Text = inputMyWins.ToString(); //Расположение противника слева: leftBoard.BackColor = enemyColor; leftPlayerName.ForeColor = enemyColor; leftPlayerName.Text = inputEnemyName; leftPlayerScore.ForeColor = enemyColor; leftPlayerWins.ForeColor = enemyColor; leftPlayerWins.Text = inputEnemyWins.ToString(); } }
internal void AddPlayer(Account account, TcpConnection inputConnection) { if (status != Status.JOINING) { JoinGameMessage joinPlayerMessage = new JoinGameMessage( null, null, default(uint), null, default(uint) ); inputConnection.Send(joinPlayerMessage); return; } //Check for already joining: if (onlineLeftPlayer != null && onlineLeftPlayer.Account == account) { return; } if (onlineRightPlayer != null && onlineRightPlayer.Account == account) { return; } //Проверка позиции игрока слева if (onlineLeftPlayer == null) { //Создание игрока слева onlineLeftPlayer = new Player(account, Player.LeftPlayer, inputConnection); onlineLeftPlayer.OnDisconnectEvent += OnDisconnect; //OnDisconnectEvent в Player //Отправка сообщения для игрока слева JoinGameMessage joinPlayerMessageForLeftPlayer = new JoinGameMessage( Player.LeftPlayer, account.Name, account.Wins, null, default(uint) ); onlineLeftPlayer.Send(joinPlayerMessageForLeftPlayer); return; } //Проверка позиции игрока справа if (onlineRightPlayer == null) { //Создание игрока справа onlineRightPlayer = new Player(account, Player.RightPlayer, inputConnection); onlineRightPlayer.OnDisconnectEvent += OnDisconnect; //OnDisconnectEvent в Player //Отправка сообщения для игрока справа JoinGameMessage joinPlayerMessageForRightPlayer = new JoinGameMessage( Player.RightPlayer, account.Name, account.Wins, onlineLeftPlayer.Account.Name, onlineLeftPlayer.Account.Wins ); onlineRightPlayer.Send(joinPlayerMessageForRightPlayer); //Отправка сообщения для игрока слева (сообщение, что появился противник) JoinGameMessage joinPlayerMessageForLeftPlayer = new JoinGameMessage( Player.LeftPlayer, onlineLeftPlayer.Account.Name, onlineLeftPlayer.Account.Wins, account.Name, account.Wins ); onlineLeftPlayer.Send(joinPlayerMessageForLeftPlayer); //Запуск игры Start(); } }
public GameModel SpectateGame(JoinGameMessage message) { return(_gameService.SpectateGame(message)); }