private static void AssertGoodJobReleaseTaskOM(JobReleaseTask jobRelease) { Assert.Equal(JobReleaseTaskCommandLine, jobRelease.CommandLine); Assert.NotNull(jobRelease.EnvironmentSettings); Assert.Equal(1, jobRelease.EnvironmentSettings.Count); Assert.Equal(JobRelEnvSettingOM.Name, jobRelease.EnvironmentSettings[0].Name); Assert.Equal(JobRelEnvSettingOM.Value, jobRelease.EnvironmentSettings[0].Value); Assert.Equal(JobRelMaxWallClockTime, jobRelease.MaxWallClockTime); Assert.Equal(JobRelId, jobRelease.Id); Assert.Equal(JobRelRetentionTime, jobRelease.RetentionTime); Assert.Equal(JobRelUserSpec.ElevationLevel, jobRelease.UserIdentity.AutoUser.ElevationLevel); Assert.Equal(JobRelUserSpec.Scope, jobRelease.UserIdentity.AutoUser.Scope); }
public static async Task <CloudJob> CreateJobIfNotExistAsync( BatchClient batchClient, string poolId, string jobId, bool usesTaskDependencies = false, JobPreparationTask prepTask = null, JobReleaseTask releaseTask = null) { CloudJob job = await GetJobIfExistAsync(batchClient, jobId).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false); if (job == null) { Console.WriteLine("Job {0} not found, creating...", jobId); CloudJob unboundJob = batchClient.JobOperations.CreateJob(jobId, new PoolInformation() { PoolId = poolId }); unboundJob.UsesTaskDependencies = usesTaskDependencies; if (prepTask != null) { unboundJob.JobPreparationTask = prepTask; } if (releaseTask != null) { unboundJob.JobReleaseTask = releaseTask; } await unboundJob.CommitAsync().ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false); // Get the bound version of the job with all of its properties populated job = await batchClient.JobOperations.GetJobAsync(jobId).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false); } return(job); }
public void TestOMJobSpecAndRelease() { Action test = () => { StagingStorageAccount stagingCreds = TestUtilities.GetStorageCredentialsFromEnvironment(); using (BatchClient client = TestUtilities.OpenBatchClient(TestUtilities.GetCredentialsFromEnvironment())) { string jsId = "JobPrepAndRelease-" + /* "OM-static-c" */ "dynamic-" + CraftTimeString() + "-" + TestUtilities.GetMyName(); try { // increase request timeout interceptor Protocol.RequestInterceptor increaseTimeoutInterceptor = new Protocol.RequestInterceptor((x) => { this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("TestOMJobSpecAndRelease: setting request timeout. Request type: " + x.GetType().ToString() + ", ClientRequestID: " + x.Options.ClientRequestId); var timeoutOptions = x.Options as Protocol.Models.ITimeoutOptions; timeoutOptions.Timeout = 5 * 60; }); // lets use a timer too CallTimerViaInterceptors timerInterceptor = new CallTimerViaInterceptors(); // seeing client side timeouts... so increase the durations on every call client.CustomBehaviors.Add(increaseTimeoutInterceptor); // add a call timer spammer/logger client.CustomBehaviors.Add(timerInterceptor.ReqInterceptor); // get some resource files to play with IList <ResourceFile> resFiles = UploadFilesMakeResFiles(stagingCreds); // create job schedule with prep/release { CloudJobSchedule unboundJobSchedule = client.JobScheduleOperations.CreateJobSchedule(jsId, null, null); unboundJobSchedule.JobSpecification = new JobSpecification(new PoolInformation()); unboundJobSchedule.JobSpecification.PoolInformation.PoolId = this.poolFixture.PoolId; unboundJobSchedule.Schedule = new Schedule() { RecurrenceInterval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(3) }; // add the jobPrep task to the job schedule { JobPreparationTask prep = new JobPreparationTask(JobPrepCommandLine); unboundJobSchedule.JobSpecification.JobPreparationTask = prep; List <EnvironmentSetting> prepEnvSettings = new List <EnvironmentSetting>(); prepEnvSettings.Add(JobPrepEnvSettingOM); prep.EnvironmentSettings = prepEnvSettings; prep.Id = JobPrepId; prep.RerunOnComputeNodeRebootAfterSuccess = JobPrepRerunOnComputeNodeRebootAfterSuccess; prep.ResourceFiles = resFiles; // bug: incorrect type this should be IList<> /* * prep.ResourceFiles = new List<ResourceFile>(); // this is actually read into our concurrent iList thing * * // why not, merge them in. exersize the concurent IList thing * foreach (ResourceFile curRF in resFiles) * { * prep.ResourceFiles.Add(curRF); * } */ prep.UserIdentity = new UserIdentity(JobPrepUserSpec); prep.Constraints = JobPrepTaskConstraintsOM; prep.WaitForSuccess = JobPrepWaitForSuccessCreate; } // add a jobRelease task to the job schedule { JobReleaseTask relTask = new JobReleaseTask(JobReleaseTaskCommandLine); unboundJobSchedule.JobSpecification.JobReleaseTask = relTask; List <EnvironmentSetting> relEnvSettings = new List <EnvironmentSetting>(); relEnvSettings.Add(JobRelEnvSettingOM); relTask.EnvironmentSettings = relEnvSettings; relTask.MaxWallClockTime = JobRelMaxWallClockTime; relTask.Id = JobRelId; relTask.ResourceFiles = null; relTask.ResourceFiles = new List <ResourceFile>(); // why not, merge them in. work the concurrent IList thing foreach (ResourceFile curRF in resFiles) { relTask.ResourceFiles.Add(curRF); } relTask.RetentionTime = JobRelRetentionTime; relTask.UserIdentity = new UserIdentity(JobRelUserSpec); } // set JobCommonEnvSettings { List <EnvironmentSetting> jobCommonES = new List <EnvironmentSetting>(); jobCommonES.Add(JobCommonEnvSettingOM); unboundJobSchedule.JobSpecification.CommonEnvironmentSettings = jobCommonES; } // add the job schedule to the service unboundJobSchedule.Commit(); } // now we have a jobschedule with jobprep/ test the values on the jobschedule { CloudJobSchedule boundJobSchedule = client.JobScheduleOperations.GetJobSchedule(jsId); Assert.NotNull(boundJobSchedule); Assert.NotNull(boundJobSchedule.JobSpecification); Assert.NotNull(boundJobSchedule.JobSpecification.JobPreparationTask); Assert.NotNull(boundJobSchedule.JobSpecification.JobReleaseTask); Assert.NotNull(boundJobSchedule.JobSpecification.CommonEnvironmentSettings); AssertGoodCommonEnvSettingsOM(boundJobSchedule.JobSpecification.CommonEnvironmentSettings); AssertGoodJobPrepTaskOM(boundJobSchedule.JobSpecification.JobPreparationTask); AssertGoodJobReleaseTaskOM(boundJobSchedule.JobSpecification.JobReleaseTask); AssertGoodResourceFiles(resFiles, boundJobSchedule.JobSpecification.JobPreparationTask.ResourceFiles); AssertGoodResourceFiles(resFiles, boundJobSchedule.JobSpecification.JobReleaseTask.ResourceFiles); //todo: test mutability } CloudJobSchedule boundJobScheduleWithJob; // set on job test // test the values on the job { boundJobScheduleWithJob = TestUtilities.WaitForJobOnJobSchedule(client.JobScheduleOperations, jsId); CloudJob bndJob = client.JobOperations.GetJob(boundJobScheduleWithJob.ExecutionInformation.RecentJob.Id); Assert.NotNull(bndJob); Assert.NotNull(bndJob.CommonEnvironmentSettings); Assert.NotNull(bndJob.JobPreparationTask); Assert.NotNull(bndJob.JobReleaseTask); AssertGoodCommonEnvSettingsOM(bndJob.CommonEnvironmentSettings as IList <EnvironmentSetting> /* we know it is our internal IList */); AssertGoodJobPrepTaskOM(bndJob.JobPreparationTask); AssertGoodJobReleaseTaskOM(bndJob.JobReleaseTask); AssertGoodResourceFiles(resFiles, bndJob.JobPreparationTask.ResourceFiles); AssertGoodResourceFiles(resFiles, bndJob.JobReleaseTask.ResourceFiles); //TODO: test immutability } // used for on get-status test CloudJobSchedule updatedJobSchedule; // test update on the WI jobprep/jobrelease { // change props boundJobScheduleWithJob.JobSpecification.JobPreparationTask.WaitForSuccess = JobPrepWaitForSuccessUpdate; // commit changes boundJobScheduleWithJob.Commit(); // get new values updatedJobSchedule = client.JobScheduleOperations.GetJobSchedule(jsId); // confirm values changed Assert.Equal(JobPrepWaitForSuccessUpdate, updatedJobSchedule.JobSpecification.JobPreparationTask.WaitForSuccess); } TestGetPrepReleaseStatusCalls(client, updatedJobSchedule, this.poolFixture.PoolId, resFiles); } finally { // cleanup TestUtilities.DeleteJobScheduleIfExistsAsync(client, jsId).Wait(); } } }; SynchronizationContextHelper.RunTest(test, LongTestTimeout); }
public void TestOMJobReleaseSchedulingError() { string jobId = "TestOMJobReleaseSchedulingError-" + CraftTimeString() + "-" + TestUtilities.GetMyName(); Action test = () => { using (BatchClient client = TestUtilities.OpenBatchClient(TestUtilities.GetCredentialsFromEnvironment())) { try { // create job schedule with prep that succeeds and release the triggers scheduling error { PoolInformation poolInfo = new PoolInformation() { PoolId = this.poolFixture.PoolId }; CloudJob unboundJob = client.JobOperations.CreateJob(jobId, poolInfo); // add the jobPrep task to the job { JobPreparationTask prep = new JobPreparationTask("cmd /c echo the quick job prep jumped over the..."); unboundJob.JobPreparationTask = prep; prep.WaitForSuccess = false; // we don't really care but why not set this } // add a jobRelease task to the job { JobReleaseTask relTask = new JobReleaseTask("cmd /c echo Job Release Task"); unboundJob.JobReleaseTask = relTask; ResourceFile[] badResFiles = { ResourceFile.FromUrl("https://not.a.domain.invalid/file", "bob.txt") }; relTask.ResourceFiles = badResFiles; relTask.Id = "jobRelease"; } // add the job to the service unboundJob.Commit(); } // add a trivial task to force the JP client.JobOperations.AddTask(jobId, new CloudTask("ForceJobPrep", "cmd /c echo TestOMJobReleaseSchedulingError")); // wait for the task to complete TaskStateMonitor tsm = client.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor(); tsm.WaitAll( client.JobOperations.ListTasks(jobId), TaskState.Completed, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10), additionalBehaviors: new[] { // spam/logging interceptor new Protocol.RequestInterceptor((x) => { this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Issuing request type: " + x.GetType().ToString()); // print out the compute node states... we are actually waiting on the compute nodes List <ComputeNode> allComputeNodes = client.PoolOperations.ListComputeNodes(this.poolFixture.PoolId).ToList(); this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine(" #compute nodes: " + allComputeNodes.Count); allComputeNodes.ForEach((icn) => { this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine(" " + icn.Id + ", state: " + icn.State); }); this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine(""); }) } ); // ok terminate job to trigger job release client.JobOperations.TerminateJob(jobId, "BUG: Server will throw 500 if I don't provide reason"); // the victim compute node. pool should have size 1. List <ComputeNode> computeNodes = client.PoolOperations.ListComputeNodes(this.poolFixture.PoolId).ToList(); Assert.Single(computeNodes); // now we have a job that should be trying to run the JP // poll for the JP to have been run, and it must have a scheduling error bool releaseNotCompleted = true; // gotta poll to find out when the jp has been run while (releaseNotCompleted) { List <JobPreparationAndReleaseTaskExecutionInformation> jrStatusList = client.JobOperations.ListJobPreparationAndReleaseTaskStatus(jobId).ToList(); JobPreparationAndReleaseTaskExecutionInformation prepAndReleaseStatus = jrStatusList.FirstOrDefault(); if (prepAndReleaseStatus != null && null != prepAndReleaseStatus.JobReleaseTaskExecutionInformation) { if (JobReleaseTaskState.Completed == prepAndReleaseStatus.JobReleaseTaskExecutionInformation.State) { releaseNotCompleted = false; // we see a JP has been run // now assert the failure info Assert.NotNull(prepAndReleaseStatus); Assert.NotNull(prepAndReleaseStatus.JobReleaseTaskExecutionInformation.FailureInformation); Assert.Equal(TaskExecutionResult.Failure, prepAndReleaseStatus.JobReleaseTaskExecutionInformation.Result); // spew the failure info this.OutputFailureInfo(prepAndReleaseStatus.JobReleaseTaskExecutionInformation.FailureInformation); } } Thread.Sleep(2000); this.testOutputHelper.WriteLine("Job Release tasks still running (waiting for blob dl to timeout)."); } } finally { client.JobOperations.DeleteJob(jobId); } } }; SynchronizationContextHelper.RunTest(test, LongTestTimeout); }
private static async Task MainAsync() { string poolId = "JobPrepReleaseSamplePool"; string jobId = "JobPrepReleaseSampleJob"; var settings = Config.LoadAccountSettings(); // Location of the file that the job tasks will work with, a text file in the // node's "shared" directory. string taskOutputFile = "$AZ_BATCH_NODE_SHARED_DIR/job_prep_and_release.txt"; // The job prep task will write the node ID to the text file in the shared directory string jobPrepCmdLine = $@"/bin/bash -c ""echo $AZ_BATCH_NODE_ID tasks: > {taskOutputFile}"""; // Each task then echoes its ID to the same text file string taskCmdLine = $@"/bin/bash -c ""echo $AZ_BATCH_TASK_ID >> {taskOutputFile}"""; // The job release task will then delete the text file from the shared directory string jobReleaseCmdLine = $@"/bin/bash -c ""rm {taskOutputFile}"""; BatchSharedKeyCredentials cred = new BatchSharedKeyCredentials(settings.BatchServiceUrl, settings.BatchAccountName, settings.BatchAccountKey); using (BatchClient batchClient = BatchClient.Open(cred)) { var pool = await BatchUtils.CreatePoolIfNotExistAsync(batchClient, poolId); var prepTask = new JobPreparationTask { CommandLine = jobPrepCmdLine }; var releaseTask = new JobReleaseTask { CommandLine = jobReleaseCmdLine }; var job = await BatchUtils.CreateJobIfNotExistAsync(batchClient, pool.Id, jobId, prepTask : prepTask, releaseTask : releaseTask); // Create the tasks that the job will execute List <CloudTask> tasks = new List <CloudTask>(); for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++) { string taskId = "task" + i.ToString().PadLeft(3, '0'); string taskCommandLine = taskCmdLine; CloudTask task = new CloudTask(taskId, taskCommandLine); tasks.Add(task); } // Add the tasks in one API call as opposed to a separate AddTask call for each. Bulk task // submission helps to ensure efficient underlying API calls to the Batch service. Console.WriteLine("Submitting tasks and awaiting completion..."); await batchClient.JobOperations.AddTaskAsync(job.Id, tasks); // Wait for the tasks to complete before proceeding. The long timeout here is to allow time // for the nodes within the pool to be created and started if the pool had not yet been created. await batchClient.Utilities.CreateTaskStateMonitor().WhenAll( job.ListTasks(), TaskState.Completed, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30)); Console.WriteLine("All tasks completed."); Console.WriteLine(); // Print the contents of the shared text file modified by the job preparation and other tasks. ODATADetailLevel nodeDetail = new ODATADetailLevel(selectClause: "id, state"); IPagedEnumerable <ComputeNode> nodes = batchClient.PoolOperations.ListComputeNodes(poolId, nodeDetail); await nodes.ForEachAsync(async (node) => { // Check to ensure that the node is Idle before attempting to pull the text file. // If the pool was just created, there is a chance that another node completed all // of the tasks prior to the other node(s) completing their startup procedure. if (node.State == ComputeNodeState.Idle) { var files = await node.ListNodeFiles().ToListAsync(); NodeFile sharedTextFile = await node.GetNodeFileAsync("shared/job_prep_and_release.txt"); Console.WriteLine("Contents of {0} on {1}:", sharedTextFile.Path, node.Id); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine(await sharedTextFile.ReadAsStringAsync()); } }); // Terminate the job to mark it as Completed; this will initiate the Job Release Task on any node // that executed job tasks. Note that the Job Release Task is also executed when a job is deleted, // thus you need not call Terminate if you typically delete your jobs upon task completion. await batchClient.JobOperations.TerminateJobAsync(job.Id); // Wait for the job to reach state "Completed." Note that this wait is not typically necessary in // production code, but is done here to enable the checking of the release tasks exit code below. await BatchUtils.WaitForJobToReachStateAsync(batchClient, job.Id, JobState.Completed, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2)); // Print the exit codes of the prep and release tasks by obtaining their execution info List <JobPreparationAndReleaseTaskExecutionInformation> prepReleaseInfo = await batchClient.JobOperations.ListJobPreparationAndReleaseTaskStatus(job.Id).ToListAsync(); foreach (JobPreparationAndReleaseTaskExecutionInformation info in prepReleaseInfo) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("{0}: ", info.ComputeNodeId); // If no tasks were scheduled to run on the node, the JobPreparationTaskExecutionInformation will be null if (info.JobPreparationTaskExecutionInformation != null) { Console.WriteLine(" Prep task exit code: {0}", info.JobPreparationTaskExecutionInformation.ExitCode); } // If no tasks were scheduled to run on the node, the JobReleaseTaskExecutionInformation will be null if (info.JobReleaseTaskExecutionInformation != null) { Console.WriteLine(" Release task exit code: {0}", info.JobReleaseTaskExecutionInformation.ExitCode); } } // Clean up the resources we've created in the Batch account Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Delete job? [yes] no"); string response = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); if (response != "n" && response != "no") { // Note that deleting the job will execute the job release task if the job was not previously terminated await batchClient.JobOperations.DeleteJobAsync(job.Id); } Console.WriteLine("Delete pool? [yes] no"); response = Console.ReadLine(); if (response != "n" && response != "no") { await batchClient.PoolOperations.DeletePoolAsync(poolId); } } }