예제 #1
 private HtmlTableRow CreateRow(JobInfo item)
     HtmlTableRow row = new HtmlTableRow();
     return row;
예제 #2
		public UploadFilesTask(JobInfo jobInfo, IUploadProgressReporter progressReporter, CancellationToken token, IApiHelper apiHelper)
			: base(apiHelper)
			_jobInfo = jobInfo;
			_progressReporter = progressReporter;
			_token = token;
예제 #3
		public AuthenticateTask(JobInfo jobInfo, string loginName, string serviceUrl, string deviceToken, IApiHelper apiHelper, ILoginUserInteraction loginUi = null)
			: base(apiHelper)
			_jobInfo = jobInfo;
			_serviceUrl = serviceUrl;
            DeviceToken = deviceToken;
			_loginName = loginName;
		    _loginUi = loginUi ?? new LoginUserInteraction();
예제 #4
        public GUBPBranchConfig(IEnumerable<UnrealTargetPlatform> InHostPlatforms, string InBranchName, BranchInfo InBranch, GUBPBranchHacker.BranchOptions InBranchOptions, bool bInForceIncrementalCompile, JobInfo JobInfo)
			HostPlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>(InHostPlatforms);
			BranchName = InBranchName;
			Branch = InBranch;
			BranchOptions = InBranchOptions;
			bForceIncrementalCompile = bInForceIncrementalCompile;
			this.JobInfo = JobInfo;
        private void Ready()
            Receive<GetJobsToRun>(process =>
                var self = Self; // closure
                Task.Run(() =>
                    var jobList = new List<JobInfo>();

                        var jobCount = 10;

                        for (int i = 0; i < jobCount; i++)
                            var jobName = new JobInfo("MyPetMonkey" + i);

                        for (int i = 0; i < jobCount; i++)
                            var jobName = new JobInfo("MonsterTruck" + i);

                    catch (Exception ex)
                        _logger.Error(ex, "GetJobsToRun");

                    return jobList;

                }, _cancel.Token).ContinueWith(x =>
                    if (x.IsCanceled || x.IsFaulted)
                        return new Finished(new List<JobInfo>(), x.Exception);

                    _logger.Info("Starting {0} Jobs.", x.Result.Count());
                    return new Finished(x.Result, null);
                }, TaskContinuationOptions.AttachedToParent & TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously)

                // switch behavior


            ReceiveAny(task =>
                _logger.Error(" [x] Oh Snap! JobsToRunData.Ready.ReceiveAny: \r\n{0}", task);

예제 #6
        internal void UpdateLog(string result, JobInfo info)
            if (InvokeRequired)
                Invoke(new MethodInvoker(() => UpdateLog(result, info)));

            info.updateTextbox.Text += result + Environment.NewLine;
            info.updateTextbox.SelectionStart = info.updateTextbox.Text.Length;
예제 #7
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start() {
     //GameObject gameScript = GameObject.Find("GameScript");
     name = "Ghost";
     renderer = GetComponentInChildren<Renderer>();
     renderer.material = BuildMode.Instance.ghostGreen;
     renderer.receiveShadows = false;
     gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ghost");
     renderer.gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Ghost");
     positionScript = GetComponent<PositionScript>();
     leftCorner = positionScript.LeftCorner();
     jobInfo = GetComponent<JobInfo>();
     MouseController.Instance.ghost = this;
		public EstimateFileTransferTimeTask(int bufferSize, JobInfo jobInfo, CancellationToken token, IUploadProgressReporter progressReporter, IApiHelper apiHelper)
			: base( apiHelper)
			_jobInfo = jobInfo;
			_progressReporter = progressReporter;
			_token = token;

			byte[] random = new byte[bufferSize];
			new Random().NextBytes(random);
			var tempDir = CreateTempDirectory();
			_tempFilePath = Path.Combine(tempDir, "uploadtest.dat");
			_tempFileSize = random.Length;
			using (var upStream = new FileStream(_tempFilePath, FileMode.Create))
				upStream.Write(random, 0, random.Length);
예제 #9
        private JobStatus ResolveJobStatus(JobInfo jobInfo)
            if (jobInfo.IsCancelled)
                return JobStatus.Cancelled;

            if (jobInfo.IsFinished)
                return JobStatus.Finished;
            if (jobInfo.PointDictionary.Any())
                return jobInfo.NeedsPoint ? JobStatus.Partly : JobStatus.Running;

            return JobStatus.Pending;
예제 #10
        internal void UpdatePercentage(int result, int maxValue, JobInfo info)
            if (InvokeRequired)
                Invoke(new MethodInvoker(() => UpdatePercentage(result, maxValue, info)));

            if (result >= 0)
                ((DataGridViewProgressCell)info.rowShown.Cells[1]).Maximum = maxValue;
                info.rowShown.Cells[1].Value = result;
                foreach (DataGridViewCell item in info.rowShown.Cells)
                    item.Style.ForeColor = Color.Red;
예제 #11
        private static void CreateScheduledJob(JobInfo information)
            IJobDetail jobDetail = JobBuilder.Create<EntitlementProcessor>()
                      .WithIdentity(String.Format("myJob-{0}", information.jobName), "Group1")

            jobDetail.JobDataMap["Information"] = information;

            ITrigger trigger = TriggerBuilder.Create()
                .WithIdentity(String.Format("DailyTrigger-{0}", information.jobName), "Group1")

            sched.ScheduleJob(jobDetail, trigger);

            var nextFireTime = trigger.GetNextFireTimeUtc();
            Console.WriteLine("Scheduled job for PacMay Entitlement Insertion has been created.");
            Console.WriteLine("Next Fire Time: " + nextFireTime.Value);
예제 #12
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to PacMay Entitlement Insertion Task Scheduler!");

            ISchedulerFactory schedFact = new StdSchedulerFactory();
            sched = schedFact.GetScheduler();

            bool processRecurring = Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["processRecurring"]);
            if (processRecurring)
                Console.WriteLine("Creating job...");
                JobInfo information = new JobInfo() { jobName = "ProcessRecurring" };

            while (true)
                Console.WriteLine("Thread is sleeping. DateTime: " + DateTime.UtcNow);
예제 #13
 public JobLogEntity(JobInfo jobInfo)
     PartitionKey = jobInfo.StoreId;
     RowKey = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks + "_" + jobInfo.ProcessorId + "_" + jobInfo.Id;
     Scheduled = jobInfo.ScheduledRunTime;
     Started = jobInfo.StartTime;
     Completed = jobInfo.ProcessingCompleted;
     JobType = (int)jobInfo.JobType;
     TimeTaken = jobInfo.StartTime.HasValue && jobInfo.ProcessingCompleted.HasValue
                     ? jobInfo.ProcessingCompleted.Value.Subtract(jobInfo.StartTime.Value).TotalSeconds
                     : 0.0;
     ApparentTimeTaken = jobInfo.ScheduledRunTime.HasValue && jobInfo.ProcessingCompleted.HasValue
                             ? jobInfo.ProcessingCompleted.Value.Subtract(jobInfo.ScheduledRunTime.Value).
                             : 0.0;
     TimeQueued = jobInfo.StartTime.HasValue && jobInfo.ScheduledRunTime.HasValue
                      ? jobInfo.StartTime.Value.Subtract(jobInfo.ScheduledRunTime.Value).TotalSeconds
                      : 0.0;
     JobCompletedSuccessfully = jobInfo.Status == JobStatus.CompletedOk;
     StatusMessage = jobInfo.StatusMessage;
     RetryCount = jobInfo.RetryCount;
예제 #14
        public override void DoWork(JobInfo job)
            Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"));

예제 #15
 public Result Run(JobInfo jobInfo)
     return(Execute(() => SchedulerManager.Singleton.CreateJob(jobInfo)));
예제 #16
        private void a(OrganizationData A_0)
            string   str;
            string   str1;
            DateTime localTime;
            Guid     id = A_0.Id;

            this.a(string.Concat("Entering configureUIForSelectedOrgAndJobType(\"", id.ToString(), "\") FriendlyName: ", A_0.FriendlyName));
            if (this.comboBox4.SelectedItem != null)
                JobInfo selectedItem = this.comboBox4.SelectedItem as JobInfo;
                this.a(string.Concat("calling retrieveJobData for job type: ", selectedItem.JobTypeCode));
                OrganizationMaintenanceJobData[] organizationMaintenanceJobDataArray = this.a(id, selectedItem.JobTypeCode, false);
                OrganizationMaintenanceJobData   organizationMaintenanceJobDatum     = organizationMaintenanceJobDataArray[0];
                this.textBox1.Text = organizationMaintenanceJobDatum.LastResultCode.ToString();
                this.label10.Text  = organizationMaintenanceJobDatum.LastResultData ?? "None";
                DateTime dateTime  = DateTime.SpecifyKind(organizationMaintenanceJobDatum.NextRuntime, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                DateTime dateTime1 = DateTime.SpecifyKind(organizationMaintenanceJobDatum.RecurrenceStartTime, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                DateTime minValue  = DateTime.MinValue;
                    this.toolTip.SetToolTip(this.label3, "");
                    minValue = DateTime.SpecifyKind(organizationMaintenanceJobDatum.LastRuntime, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                    Label label = this.label3;
                    localTime  = minValue.ToLocalTime();
                    label.Text = localTime.ToString();
                catch (NullReferenceException nullReferenceException1)
                    NullReferenceException nullReferenceException = nullReferenceException1;
                    this.label3.Text = (string)this.rscMgrTypeResources.GetObject("JobNotRun");
                    this.a(string.Concat(new object[] { "Caught NullReference exception in main DisplayDetailedJobDataMethod: ", nullReferenceException.Message, "\r\n", nullReferenceException.StackTrace, "\r\n", nullReferenceException.Source, "\r\n", nullReferenceException.InnerException }));
                int year  = DateTime.Now.Year;
                int month = DateTime.Now.Month;
                localTime = DateTime.Now;
                dateTime1 = new DateTime(year, month, localTime.Day, dateTime1.Hour, dateTime1.Minute, dateTime1.Second, DateTimeKind.Utc);
                if (!selectedItem.NextRunTimeEditable || selectedItem.NextRunDateEditable)
                    this.toolTip.SetToolTip(this.dateTime1, "");
                    this.toolTip.SetToolTip(this.label7, "");
                    this.label7.Text = this.label7.Text.TrimEnd(new char[] { '*' });
                    string str2 = string.Format((string)this.rscMgrTypeResources.GetObject("ToolTipTimeOnly"), new object[0]);
                    this.toolTip.SetToolTip(this.dateTime1, str2);
                    this.toolTip.SetToolTip(this.label7, str2);
                    this.label7.Text = string.Concat(this.label7.Text.TrimEnd(new char[] { '*' }), "*");
                this.dateTime1.Value = dateTime.ToLocalTime();
                object[] value = new object[] { "test dtNextRun.Value: ", this.dateTime1.Value, " Kind: ", null };
                localTime = this.dateTime1.Value;
                value[3]  = localTime.Kind;
                this.dateTime2.Value = dateTime1.ToLocalTime();
                int length = (int)organizationMaintenanceJobDataArray.Length;
                this.a(string.Concat("retreived ", length.ToString(), " Jobs"));
                this.a(string.Concat(new object[] { "job.LastRuntime (local):         ", minValue.ToLocalTime(), " UTC: ", minValue }));
                this.a(string.Concat(new object[] { "job.NextRuntime (local):         ", dateTime.ToLocalTime(), " UTC: ", dateTime }));
                this.a(string.Concat(new object[] { "job.RecurrenceStartTime (local): ", dateTime1.ToLocalTime(), " UTC: ", dateTime1 }));
                this.a(string.Concat("job.RecurrencePattern:           ", organizationMaintenanceJobDatum.RecurrencePattern));
                this.organizationMaintenanceJobData = organizationMaintenanceJobDatum;
                this.a(this.organizationMaintenanceJobData.RecurrencePattern, out str, out str1);
                int num = 0;
                while (num < this.comboBox2.Items.Count)
                    if (((frequencyVals)this.comboBox2.Items[num])._ActualName != str)
                        this.comboBox2.SelectedIndex = num;
                this.comboBox3.Text = str1;
 public void BeginInvoke(Action <JobInfo> addMethod, JobInfo jobInfo)
예제 #18
        private void StartEvolution()
            var sourceImage = new SourceImage
                Pixels = SetupSourceColorMatrix(picPattern.Image as Bitmap),
                Width  = picPattern.Width,
                Height = picPattern.Height

            var info = new JobInfo
                Settings    = Project.Settings,
                SourceImage = sourceImage,
            //IEvolutionJob job = new LayeredEvolutionJob(sourceImage, 4);

            //DefaultEvolutionJob job = new DefaultEvolutionJob(sourceImage, currentDrawing);
            //IEvolutionJob job = new DefaultEvolutionJob(info);
            IEvolutionJob job = new ClusteredEvolutionJob(info);

            while (Project.IsRunning)
                double newErrorLevel = job.GetNextErrorLevel();
                var    defJob        = job as DefaultEvolutionJob;
                if (defJob != null)
                    Project.Generations += defJob.Generations;


                if (newErrorLevel <= Project.ErrorLevel)

                    if (newErrorLevel < Project.ErrorLevel)

                    DnaDrawing newDrawing = job.GetDrawing();
                    if (currentDrawing == null) // to make always lockable...
                        currentDrawing = new DnaDrawing();

                    lock (currentDrawing)
                        currentDrawing  = newDrawing;
                        Project.Drawing = currentDrawing.Clone();

                    Project.ErrorLevel = newErrorLevel;

예제 #19
		void UpdateSourceDrawingWork(JobInfo job)
			//begin rendering on this context
			//should this have been done earlier?
			//do i need to check this on an intel video card to see if running excessively is a problem? (it used to be in the FinalTarget command below, shouldnt be a problem)


			//run filter chain
			Texture2d texCurr = null;
			RenderTarget rtCurr = null;
			int rtCounter = 0;
			bool inFinalTarget = false;
			foreach (var step in CurrentFilterProgram.Program)
				switch (step.Type)
					case FilterProgram.ProgramStepType.Run:
							int fi = (int)step.Args;
							var f = CurrentFilterProgram.Filters[fi];
							var orec = f.FindOutput();
							if (orec != null)
								if (orec.SurfaceDisposition == SurfaceDisposition.Texture)
									texCurr = f.GetOutput();
									rtCurr = null;
					case FilterProgram.ProgramStepType.NewTarget:
							var size = (Size)step.Args;
							rtCurr = ShaderChainFrugalizers[rtCounter++].Get(size);
							CurrentFilterProgram.CurrRenderTarget = rtCurr;
					case FilterProgram.ProgramStepType.FinalTarget:
							var size = (Size)step.Args;
							inFinalTarget = true;
							rtCurr = null;
							CurrentFilterProgram.CurrRenderTarget = null;


			if (job.offscreen)
				job.offscreenBB = rtCurr.Texture2d.Resolve();
				//apply the vsync setting (should probably try to avoid repeating this)
				bool vsync = Global.Config.VSyncThrottle || Global.Config.VSync;

				//ok, now this is a bit undesireable.
				//maybe the user wants vsync, but not vsync throttle.
				//this makes sense... but we dont have the infrastructure to support it now (we'd have to enable triple buffering or something like that)
				//so what we're gonna do is disable vsync no matter what if throttling is off, and maybe nobody will notice.
				if (Global.DisableSecondaryThrottling)
					vsync = false;

				if (LastVsyncSetting != vsync || LastVsyncSettingGraphicsControl != presentationPanel.GraphicsControl)
					if (LastVsyncSetting == null && vsync)
						// Workaround for vsync not taking effect at startup (Intel graphics related?)
					LastVsyncSettingGraphicsControl = presentationPanel.GraphicsControl;
					LastVsyncSetting = vsync;

				//present and conclude drawing

				//nope. dont do this. workaround for slow context switching on intel GPUs. just switch to another context when necessary before doing anything

				NeedsToPaint = false; //??

예제 #20
        private void ProcessJob(JobInfo jobInfo)
            Debug.LogFormat("processing job: {0} ({1})", jobInfo.name, jobInfo.comment);
            var tempPath = jobInfo.path + PartExt;

            if (_fileStream != null)
                _fileStream = null;

            var dataChecker = GetDataChecker(jobInfo);

            while (true)
                string error       = null;
                var    partialSize = 0;
                var    success     = true;
                var    wsize       = jobInfo.size;
                var    wchecksum   = jobInfo.checksum;
                var    url         = GetUrl(jobInfo);
                if (_fileStream == null)
                        var fileInfo = new FileInfo(tempPath);
                        if (fileInfo.Exists) // 处理续传
                            _fileStream = fileInfo.Open(FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
                            partialSize = (int)fileInfo.Length;
                            if (partialSize > jobInfo.size) // 目标文件超过期望大小, 直接废弃
                                partialSize = 0;
                            else if (partialSize <= jobInfo.size) // 续传
                                // Debug.LogFormat("partial check {0} && {1} ({2})", partialSize, jobInfo.size,
                                //     dataChecker.hex);
                        else // 创建下载文件
                            if (!Directory.Exists(fileInfo.DirectoryName))

                            _fileStream = File.Open(tempPath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        Debug.LogErrorFormat("file exception: {0}\n{1}", jobInfo.path, exception);
                        error   = $"file exception: {exception}";
                        success = false;

                if (success && (jobInfo.size <= 0 || partialSize < jobInfo.size))
                        var uri = new Uri(url);
                        var req = WebRequest.CreateHttp(uri);
                        req.Method           = WebRequestMethods.Http.Get;
                        req.ContentType      = BundleContentType;
                        req.ReadWriteTimeout = 10000;
                        if (_timeout > 0)
                            req.Timeout = _timeout;

                        if (partialSize > 0)

                        using (var rsp = req.GetResponse())
                            using (var webStream = rsp.GetResponseStream())
                                var recvAll   = 0L;
                                var recvCalc  = 0L;
                                var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
                                while (recvAll < rsp.ContentLength)
                                    var _bpms = Math.Max(1, jobInfo.bytesPerSecond / 10);
                                    var recv  = webStream.Read(_buffer, 0, Math.Min(_bpms, _buffer.Length));
                                    if (recv > 0 && !_destroy)
                                        recvCalc += recv;
                                        if (recvCalc >= _bpms)
                                            var millisecs = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                                            var delay     = (int)(100.0 * recvCalc / _bpms - millisecs);
                                            // Debug.LogFormat("net ++ {0} {1} sbps {2} recv {3}", delay, millisecs, _bpms, recvCalc);
                                            if (delay > 0)
                                            recvCalc -= _bpms;
                                        recvAll += recv;
                                        _fileStream.Write(_buffer, 0, recv);
                                        dataChecker.Update(_buffer, 0, recv);
                                        jobInfo.bytes = (int)(recvAll + partialSize);
                                        // PrintDebug($"{recvAll + partialSize}, {_size}, {_progress}");
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        Debug.LogErrorFormat("network exception: {0}\n{1}", url, exception);
                        error   = $"network exception: {exception}";
                        success = false;

                if (success && _fileStream.Length != jobInfo.size)
                    if (jobInfo.size > 0)
                        error = string.Format("filesize exception: {0} {1} != {2}", jobInfo.name,
                                              _fileStream.Length, jobInfo.size);
                        success = false;
                        wsize = (int)_fileStream.Length;

                if (success)
                    // dirty code, md5 目前不能分段计算
                    if (dataChecker.hex == null)
                        _fileStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                    if (dataChecker.hex != jobInfo.checksum)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(jobInfo.checksum))
                            error = string.Format("corrupted file: {0} {1} != {2}", jobInfo.name, dataChecker.hex,
                            success = false;
                            wchecksum = dataChecker.hex;

                if (_destroy)
                    success = false;

                if (success)
                        // _WriteStream(buffer, fileStream, finalPath);
                        _fileStream = null;
                        if (File.Exists(jobInfo.path))

                        File.Move(tempPath, jobInfo.path);
                        // 写入额外的 meta
                        var meta = new Metadata()
                            checksum = wchecksum,
                            size     = wsize,
                        var json     = JsonUtility.ToJson(meta);
                        var metaPath = jobInfo.path + Metadata.Ext;
                        File.WriteAllText(metaPath, json);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        error = string.Format("write exception: {0}\n{1}", jobInfo.name, exception);
                        success = false;

                if (jobInfo.retry > 0 && jobInfo.tried >= jobInfo.retry)
                    if (_fileStream != null)
                        _fileStream = null;

                    jobInfo.error = error ?? "unknown error";

                Debug.LogErrorFormat("[retry] download failed: {0}\n{1}", url, error);
예제 #21
        void UpdateSourceDrawingWork(JobInfo job)
            //begin rendering on this context
            //should this have been done earlier?
            //do i need to check this on an intel video card to see if running excessively is a problem? (it used to be in the FinalTarget command below, shouldnt be a problem)
            //GraphicsControl.Begin(); //CRITICAL POINT for yabause+GL


            //run filter chain
            Texture2d    texCurr       = null;
            RenderTarget rtCurr        = null;
            int          rtCounter     = 0;
            bool         inFinalTarget = false;

            foreach (var step in CurrentFilterProgram.Program)
                switch (step.Type)
                case FilterProgram.ProgramStepType.Run:
                    int fi = (int)step.Args;
                    var f  = CurrentFilterProgram.Filters[fi];
                    var orec = f.FindOutput();
                    if (orec != null)
                        if (orec.SurfaceDisposition == SurfaceDisposition.Texture)
                            texCurr = f.GetOutput();
                            rtCurr  = null;

                case FilterProgram.ProgramStepType.NewTarget:
                    var size = (Size)step.Args;
                    rtCurr = ShaderChainFrugalizers[rtCounter++].Get(size);
                    CurrentFilterProgram.CurrRenderTarget = rtCurr;

                case FilterProgram.ProgramStepType.FinalTarget:
                    var size = (Size)step.Args;
                    inFinalTarget = true;
                    rtCurr        = null;
                    CurrentFilterProgram.CurrRenderTarget = null;


            if (job.offscreen)
                job.offscreenBB = rtCurr.Texture2d.Resolve();
                //apply the vsync setting (should probably try to avoid repeating this)
                bool vsync = Global.Config.VSyncThrottle || Global.Config.VSync;

                //ok, now this is a bit undesireable.
                //maybe the user wants vsync, but not vsync throttle.
                //this makes sense... but we dont have the infrastructure to support it now (we'd have to enable triple buffering or something like that)
                //so what we're gonna do is disable vsync no matter what if throttling is off, and maybe nobody will notice.
                if (Global.DisableSecondaryThrottling)
                    vsync = false;

                if (LastVsyncSetting != vsync || LastVsyncSettingGraphicsControl != presentationPanel.GraphicsControl)
                    if (LastVsyncSetting == null && vsync)
                        // Workaround for vsync not taking effect at startup (Intel graphics related?)
                    LastVsyncSettingGraphicsControl = presentationPanel.GraphicsControl;
                    LastVsyncSetting = vsync;

                //present and conclude drawing

                //nope. dont do this. workaround for slow context switching on intel GPUs. just switch to another context when necessary before doing anything

                NeedsToPaint = false;                 //??
예제 #22
        FilterProgram UpdateSourceInternal(JobInfo job)
            //no drawing actually happens. it's important not to begin drawing on a control
            if (!job.simulate)

            IVideoProvider videoProvider = job.videoProvider;
            bool           simulate      = job.simulate;
            Size           chain_outsize = job.chain_outsize;

            //simulate = true;

            int vw = videoProvider.BufferWidth;
            int vh = videoProvider.BufferHeight;

            if (Global.Config.DispFixAspectRatio)
                if (Global.Config.DispManagerAR == Config.EDispManagerAR.System)
                    vw = videoProvider.VirtualWidth;
                    vh = videoProvider.VirtualHeight;
                if (Global.Config.DispManagerAR == Config.EDispManagerAR.Custom)
                    vw = Global.Config.DispCustomUserARWidth;
                    vh = Global.Config.DispCustomUserARHeight;
                if (Global.Config.DispManagerAR == Config.EDispManagerAR.CustomRatio)
                    FixRatio(Global.Config.DispCustomUserARX, Global.Config.DispCustomUserARY, videoProvider.BufferWidth, videoProvider.BufferHeight, out vw, out vh);

            var padding = CalculateCompleteContentPadding(true, false);

            vw += padding.Horizontal;
            vh += padding.Vertical;

            int[] videoBuffer = videoProvider.GetVideoBuffer();

            int  bufferWidth   = videoProvider.BufferWidth;
            int  bufferHeight  = videoProvider.BufferHeight;
            bool isGlTextureId = videoBuffer.Length == 1;

            BitmapBuffer bb           = null;
            Texture2d    videoTexture = null;

            if (!simulate)
                if (isGlTextureId)
                    //FYI: this is a million years from happening on n64, since it's all geriatric non-FBO code
                    //is it workable for saturn?
                    videoTexture = GL.WrapGLTexture2d(new IntPtr(videoBuffer[0]), bufferWidth, bufferHeight);
                    //wrap the videoprovider data in a BitmapBuffer (no point to refactoring that many IVideoProviders)
                    bb = new BitmapBuffer(bufferWidth, bufferHeight, videoBuffer);

                    //now, acquire the data sent from the videoProvider into a texture
                    videoTexture = VideoTextureFrugalizer.Get(bb);

                    //lets not use this. lets define BizwareGL to make clamp by default (TBD: check opengl)
                    //GL.SetTextureWrapMode(videoTexture, true);

            //record the size of what we received, since lua and stuff is gonna want to draw onto it
            currEmuWidth  = bufferWidth;
            currEmuHeight = bufferHeight;

            //build the default filter chain and set it up with services filters will need
            Size chain_insize = new Size(bufferWidth, bufferHeight);

            var filterProgram = BuildDefaultChain(chain_insize, chain_outsize, job.includeOSD);

            filterProgram.GuiRenderer = Renderer;
            filterProgram.GL          = GL;

            //setup the source image filter
            Filters.SourceImage fInput = filterProgram["input"] as Filters.SourceImage;
            fInput.Texture = videoTexture;

            //setup the final presentation filter
            Filters.FinalPresentation fPresent = filterProgram["presentation"] as Filters.FinalPresentation;
            fPresent.VirtualTextureSize = new Size(vw, vh);
            fPresent.TextureSize        = new Size(bufferWidth, bufferHeight);
            fPresent.BackgroundColor    = videoProvider.BackgroundColor;
            fPresent.GuiRenderer        = Renderer;
            fPresent.Flip = isGlTextureId;
            fPresent.Config_FixAspectRatio  = Global.Config.DispFixAspectRatio;
            fPresent.Config_FixScaleInteger = Global.Config.DispFixScaleInteger;
            fPresent.Padding = ClientExtraPadding;

            fPresent.GL = GL;

            filterProgram.Compile("default", chain_insize, chain_outsize, !job.offscreen);

            if (simulate)
                CurrentFilterProgram = filterProgram;

            if (bb != null)

예제 #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to calculate a good client size with the given zoom factor, considering the user's DisplayManager preferences
        /// TODO - this needs to be redone with a concept different from zoom factor.
        /// basically, each increment of a 'zoomlike' factor should definitely increase the viewable area somehow, even if it isnt strictly by an entire zoom level.
        /// </summary>
        public Size CalculateClientSize(IVideoProvider videoProvider, int zoom)
            bool ar_active      = Global.Config.DispFixAspectRatio;
            bool ar_system      = Global.Config.DispManagerAR == Config.EDispManagerAR.System;
            bool ar_custom      = Global.Config.DispManagerAR == Config.EDispManagerAR.Custom;
            bool ar_customRatio = Global.Config.DispManagerAR == Config.EDispManagerAR.CustomRatio;
            bool ar_correct     = ar_system || ar_custom || ar_customRatio;
            bool ar_unity       = !ar_correct;
            bool ar_integer     = Global.Config.DispFixScaleInteger;

            int bufferWidth   = videoProvider.BufferWidth;
            int bufferHeight  = videoProvider.BufferHeight;
            int virtualWidth  = videoProvider.VirtualWidth;
            int virtualHeight = videoProvider.VirtualHeight;

            if (ar_custom)
                virtualWidth  = Global.Config.DispCustomUserARWidth;
                virtualHeight = Global.Config.DispCustomUserARHeight;

            if (ar_customRatio)
                FixRatio(Global.Config.DispCustomUserARX, Global.Config.DispCustomUserARY, videoProvider.BufferWidth, videoProvider.BufferHeight, out virtualWidth, out virtualHeight);

            var padding = CalculateCompleteContentPadding(true, false);

            virtualWidth  += padding.Horizontal;
            virtualHeight += padding.Vertical;

            padding       = CalculateCompleteContentPadding(true, true);
            bufferWidth  += padding.Horizontal;
            bufferHeight += padding.Vertical;

            //Console.WriteLine("DISPZOOM " + zoom); //test

            //old stuff
            var fvp = new FakeVideoProvider();

            fvp.BufferWidth   = bufferWidth;
            fvp.BufferHeight  = bufferHeight;
            fvp.VirtualWidth  = virtualWidth;
            fvp.VirtualHeight = virtualHeight;

            Size chain_outsize = new Size(fvp.BufferWidth * zoom, fvp.BufferHeight * zoom);

            if (ar_active)
                if (ar_correct)
                    if (ar_integer)
                        Vector2 VS         = new Vector2(virtualWidth, virtualHeight);
                        Vector2 BS         = new Vector2(bufferWidth, bufferHeight);
                        Vector2 AR         = Vector2.Divide(VS, BS);
                        float   target_par = (AR.X / AR.Y);

                        //this would malfunction for AR <= 0.5 or AR >= 2.0
                        //EDIT - in fact, we have AR like that coming from PSX, sometimes, so maybe we should solve this better
                        Vector2 PS = new Vector2(1, 1);

                        //here's how we define zooming, in this case:
                        //make sure each step is an increment of zoom for at least one of the dimensions (or maybe both of them)
                        //look for the increment which helps the AR the best
                        //TODO - this cant possibly support scale factors like 1.5x
                        //TODO - also, this might be messing up zooms and stuff, we might need to run this on the output size of the filter chain
                        for (int i = 1; i < zoom; i++)
                            //would not be good to run this per frame, but it seems to only run when the resolution changes, etc.
                            Vector2[] trials = new [] {
                                PS + new Vector2(1, 0),
                                PS + new Vector2(0, 1),
                                PS + new Vector2(1, 1)
                            int   bestIndex = -1;
                            float bestValue = 1000.0f;
                            for (int t = 0; t < trials.Length; t++)
                                float test_ar = trials[t].X / trials[t].Y;

                                //Vector2 calc = Vector2.Multiply(trials[t], VS);
                                //float test_ar = calc.X / calc.Y;

                                //not clear which approach is superior
                                float deviation_linear = Math.Abs(test_ar - target_par);
                                float deviation_geom   = test_ar / target_par;
                                if (deviation_geom < 1)
                                    deviation_geom = 1.0f / deviation_geom;

                                float value = deviation_linear;
                                if (value < bestValue)
                                    bestIndex = t;
                                    bestValue = value;
                            //is it possible to get here without selecting one? doubtful.
                            //EDIT: YES IT IS. it happened with an 0,0 buffer size. of course, that was a mistake, but we shouldnt crash
                            if (bestIndex != -1)                            //so, what now? well, this will result in 0,0 getting picked, so thats probably all we can do
                                PS = trials[bestIndex];

                        chain_outsize = new Size((int)(bufferWidth * PS.X), (int)(bufferHeight * PS.Y));
                        //obey the AR, but allow free scaling: just zoom the virtual size
                        chain_outsize = new Size(virtualWidth * zoom, virtualHeight * zoom);
                    //just choose to zoom the buffer (make no effort to incorporate AR)
                    chain_outsize = new Size(bufferWidth * zoom, bufferHeight * zoom);
                //just choose to zoom the buffer (make no effort to incorporate AR)
                chain_outsize = new Size(bufferWidth * zoom, bufferHeight * zoom);

            chain_outsize.Width  += ClientExtraPadding.Horizontal;
            chain_outsize.Height += ClientExtraPadding.Vertical;

            var job = new JobInfo
                videoProvider = fvp,
                simulate      = true,
                chain_outsize = chain_outsize,
            var filterProgram = UpdateSourceInternal(job);

            var size = filterProgram.Filters[filterProgram.Filters.Count - 1].FindOutput().SurfaceFormat.Size;

예제 #24
        public byte[] Serialize(JobInfo jobInfo, IJobTypeProvider typeProvider)
            var serializedEnvelope = ToSerializedEnvelope(jobInfo, typeProvider);

            return(SerializeEnvelope(jobInfo.ArgsType, serializedEnvelope));
예제 #25
 public static void Schedule <TJob>(this Container container, JobInfo jobInfo) where TJob : IJob
     jobInfo.Type = typeof(TJob);
     container.RegisterJob <TJob>();
예제 #26
		/// <summary>
		/// This will receive an emulated output frame from an IVideoProvider and run it through the complete frame processing pipeline
		/// Then it will stuff it into the bound PresentationPanel.
		/// ---
		/// If the int[] is size=1, then it contains an openGL texture ID (and the size should be as specified from videoProvider)
		/// Don't worry about the case where the frontend isnt using opengl; it isnt supported yet, and it will be my responsibility to deal with anyway
		/// </summary>
		public void UpdateSource(IVideoProvider videoProvider)
			bool displayNothing = Global.Config.DispSpeedupFeatures == 0;
			var job = new JobInfo
				videoProvider = videoProvider,
				simulate = displayNothing,
				chain_outsize = GraphicsControl.Size,
				includeOSD = true,
예제 #27
		/// <summary>
		/// Attempts to calculate a good client size with the given zoom factor, considering the user's DisplayManager preferences
		/// TODO - this needs to be redone with a concept different from zoom factor. 
		/// basically, each increment of a 'zoomlike' factor should definitely increase the viewable area somehow, even if it isnt strictly by an entire zoom level.
		/// </summary>
		public Size CalculateClientSize(IVideoProvider videoProvider, int zoom)
			bool ar_active = Global.Config.DispFixAspectRatio;
			bool ar_system = Global.Config.DispManagerAR == Config.EDispManagerAR.System;
			bool ar_custom = Global.Config.DispManagerAR == Config.EDispManagerAR.Custom;
			bool ar_customRatio = Global.Config.DispManagerAR == Config.EDispManagerAR.CustomRatio;
			bool ar_correct = ar_system || ar_custom || ar_customRatio;
			bool ar_unity = !ar_correct;
			bool ar_integer = Global.Config.DispFixScaleInteger;

			int bufferWidth = videoProvider.BufferWidth;
			int bufferHeight = videoProvider.BufferHeight;
			int virtualWidth = videoProvider.VirtualWidth;
			int virtualHeight = videoProvider.VirtualHeight;

			if (ar_custom)
				virtualWidth = Global.Config.DispCustomUserARWidth;
				virtualHeight = Global.Config.DispCustomUserARHeight;
			if (ar_customRatio)
				FixRatio(Global.Config.DispCustomUserARX, Global.Config.DispCustomUserARY, videoProvider.BufferWidth, videoProvider.BufferHeight, out virtualWidth, out virtualHeight);

			var padding = CalculateCompleteContentPadding(true, false);
			virtualWidth += padding.Horizontal;
			virtualHeight += padding.Vertical;

			padding = CalculateCompleteContentPadding(true, true);
			bufferWidth += padding.Horizontal;
			bufferHeight += padding.Vertical;

			//Console.WriteLine("DISPZOOM " + zoom); //test

			//old stuff
			var fvp = new FakeVideoProvider();
			fvp.BufferWidth = bufferWidth;
			fvp.BufferHeight = bufferHeight;
			fvp.VirtualWidth = virtualWidth;
			fvp.VirtualHeight = virtualHeight;

			Size chain_outsize = new Size(fvp.BufferWidth * zoom, fvp.BufferHeight * zoom);

			if (ar_active)
				if (ar_correct)
					if (ar_integer)
						Vector2 VS = new Vector2(virtualWidth, virtualHeight);
						Vector2 BS = new Vector2(bufferWidth, bufferHeight);
						Vector2 AR = Vector2.Divide(VS, BS);
						float target_par = (AR.X / AR.Y);

						//this would malfunction for AR <= 0.5 or AR >= 2.0
						//EDIT - in fact, we have AR like that coming from PSX, sometimes, so maybe we should solve this better
						Vector2 PS = new Vector2(1, 1); 

						//here's how we define zooming, in this case:
						//make sure each step is an increment of zoom for at least one of the dimensions (or maybe both of them)
						//look for the increment which helps the AR the best
						//TODO - this cant possibly support scale factors like 1.5x
						//TODO - also, this might be messing up zooms and stuff, we might need to run this on the output size of the filter chain
						for (int i = 1; i < zoom;i++)
							//would not be good to run this per frame, but it seems to only run when the resolution changes, etc.
							Vector2[] trials = new [] {
								PS + new Vector2(1, 0),
								PS + new Vector2(0, 1),
								PS + new Vector2(1, 1)
							int bestIndex = -1;
							float bestValue = 1000.0f;
							for (int t = 0; t < trials.Length; t++)
								float test_ar = trials[t].X / trials[t].Y;

								//Vector2 calc = Vector2.Multiply(trials[t], VS);
								//float test_ar = calc.X / calc.Y;
								//not clear which approach is superior
								float deviation_linear = Math.Abs(test_ar - target_par);
								float deviation_geom = test_ar / target_par;
								if (deviation_geom < 1) deviation_geom = 1.0f / deviation_geom;

								float value = deviation_linear;
								if (value < bestValue)
									bestIndex = t;
									bestValue = value;
							//is it possible to get here without selecting one? doubtful.
							//EDIT: YES IT IS. it happened with an 0,0 buffer size. of course, that was a mistake, but we shouldnt crash
							if(bestIndex != -1) //so, what now? well, this will result in 0,0 getting picked, so thats probably all we can do
								PS = trials[bestIndex];

						chain_outsize = new Size((int)(bufferWidth * PS.X), (int)(bufferHeight * PS.Y));
						//obey the AR, but allow free scaling: just zoom the virtual size
						chain_outsize = new Size(virtualWidth * zoom, virtualHeight * zoom);
					//just choose to zoom the buffer (make no effort to incorporate AR)
					chain_outsize = new Size(bufferWidth * zoom, bufferHeight * zoom);
				//just choose to zoom the buffer (make no effort to incorporate AR)
				chain_outsize = new Size(bufferWidth * zoom, bufferHeight * zoom);

			chain_outsize.Width += ClientExtraPadding.Horizontal;
			chain_outsize.Height += ClientExtraPadding.Vertical;

			var job = new JobInfo
				videoProvider = fvp,
				simulate = true,
				chain_outsize = chain_outsize,
			var filterProgram = UpdateSourceInternal(job);

			var size = filterProgram.Filters[filterProgram.Filters.Count - 1].FindOutput().SurfaceFormat.Size;

			return size;
예제 #28
    private void LoadUnitXML(string sFileName)
        if (JobInfoMng.Instance.set)
        //XML파일을 텍스트에셋으로 불러오기
        TextAsset textAsset = (TextAsset)Resources.Load("XML/" + sFileName);
        //불러온 텍스트에셋을 XmlDocument 형식으로 불러오는 작업
        XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();


        //인간 노드 리스트 불러오기
        XmlNodeList JobNodes = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("UnitInfo/Job/Field");

        foreach (XmlNode node in JobNodes)
            //노드의 내용물 불러와서 아이템 정보에 저장 후 아이템 매니져에 추가하는 작업
            byte id; //= byte.Parse(node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("id").Value);
            byte.TryParse(node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("id").InnerText, out id);
            string name = node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("name").InnerText;
            string face = node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("face").InnerText;

            float Size        = float.Parse(node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("size").InnerText);
            float ColRadius   = float.Parse(node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("colradius").InnerText);
            float ColHeight   = float.Parse(node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("colheight").InnerText);
            float MoveSpeed   = float.Parse(node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("movespeed").InnerText);
            float RotateSpeed = float.Parse(node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("rotatespeed").InnerText);
            float AtkSpeed    = float.Parse(node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("atkspeed").InnerText);
            float ViewRange   = float.Parse(node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("viewrange").InnerText);
            float AtkRange    = float.Parse(node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("atkrange").InnerText);

            int Health   = int.Parse(node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("health").InnerText);
            int AtkPower = int.Parse(node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("atkpower").InnerText);
            int DefValue = int.Parse(node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("defvalue").InnerText);
            //Debug.Log(id+","+ name + "," + face + "," + Size + "," + ColRadius + "," + ColHeight + "," + MoveSpeed + "," + RotateSpeed + "," + Health + "," + AtkPower + "," + AtkSpeed + "," + DefValue + "," + ViewRange + "," + AtkRange);
            JobInfo info = new JobInfo(id, name, face, Size, ColRadius, ColHeight, MoveSpeed, RotateSpeed, Health, AtkPower, AtkSpeed, DefValue, ViewRange, AtkRange);

        //직업장비 노드 리스트 불러오기
        XmlNodeList JobEquipNodes = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("UnitInfo/JobEquip/Field");

        foreach (XmlNode node in JobEquipNodes)
            //노드의 내용물 불러와서 블록 정보에 저장 후 블록 매니져에 추가하는 작업
            byte id = byte.Parse(node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("id").InnerText);

            string head        = node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("head").InnerText;
            string rhand       = node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("rhand").InnerText;
            string lhand       = node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("lhand").InnerText;
            string chest       = node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("chest").InnerText;
            string projectile  = node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("projectile").InnerText;
            string atkreadyani = node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("atkreadyani").InnerText;
            string atkingani   = node.Attributes.GetNamedItem("atkingani").InnerText;

            JobEquipInfo info = new JobEquipInfo(id, head, rhand, lhand, chest, projectile, atkreadyani, atkingani);
예제 #29
 public void AddFirst(JobInfo jobInfo)
예제 #30
 private PrintJobViewModel CreateSomePrintJobViewModelWithJobInfo(JobInfo jobInfo)
     return(CreateMockedPrintJobViewModel(MockRepository.GenerateStub <IJobInfoQueue>(), jobInfo));
예제 #31
 public Result Remove(JobInfo jobInfo)
     return(Execute(() => SchedulerManager.Singleton.Remove(jobInfo)));
예제 #32
        private PrintJobViewModel CreateMockedPrintJobViewModel(IJobInfoQueue jobInfoQueue, JobInfo jobInfo, string applicationName = "PDFCreator")
            var appSettings = new ApplicationSettings();
            var profiles    = new List <ConversionProfile>();

            var selectedProfile = new ConversionProfile();


            var interaction = new PrintJobInteraction(jobInfo, selectedProfile);

            var settings = new PdfCreatorSettings(MockRepository.GenerateStub <IStorage>());

            settings.ApplicationSettings = appSettings;
            settings.ConversionProfiles  = profiles;

            var settingsHelper = Substitute.For <ISettingsProvider>();


            var settingsManager = Substitute.For <ISettingsManager>();


            var translator = new BasicTranslator("default", _translationData);

            var userGuideHelper = Substitute.For <IUserGuideHelper>();

            var printJobViewModel = new PrintJobViewModel(settingsManager, jobInfoQueue, translator, new DragAndDropEventHandler(MockRepository.GenerateStub <IFileConversionHandler>()), MockRepository.GenerateStub <IInteractionInvoker>(), userGuideHelper, new ApplicationNameProvider(applicationName));

            printJobViewModel.FinishInteraction = () => { };

예제 #33
 public Task Register(JobInfo jobInfo)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #34
        private static void GetJobInfo(string html)
            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();


            var dt = new DataTable();

            dt.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("Value", typeof(string));

            int count = 0;

            var jobinfos = new List <JobInfo>();

            foreach (HtmlNode table in doc.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//table"))
                foreach (HtmlNode row in table.SelectNodes("tr"))
                    if (!row.InnerText.Contains("举办日期"))
                        var jobInfo = new JobInfo();
                        //foreach (var cell in row.SelectNodes("td"))
                        //    jobInfo.CollegeName = cell.InnerText;

                        for (int i = 0; i < row.SelectNodes("td").Count(); i++)
                            jobInfo.CollegeName = row.SelectNodes("td")[i].InnerText;

                HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create("http://my.yingjiesheng.com/xjh-000-818-836.html");
                req.Method    = "GET";
                req.Accept    = "text/html";
                req.UserAgent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0)";

                    Encoding GB18030   = Encoding.GetEncoding("GB18030"); // GB18030兼容GBK和GB2312
                    Encoding _encoding = GB18030;

                    string html2 = null;

                    HttpWebResponse res = (HttpWebResponse)req.GetResponse();
                    using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(res.GetResponseStream(), _encoding))
                        html2 = reader.ReadToEnd();
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(html2))
                            Console.WriteLine("Download OK!\n");


                    string[] links = GetLinks(html2);
                catch (WebException we)
예제 #35
    protected void SubmitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int jobID = -1;
        JobInfo info = new JobInfo();
        Control currentControl = null;
        int jobTypeID = int.Parse(Session["JobTypeID"].ToString());
        string specialInstructions = "";
        int quantity = -1;
        string deliveryOrPickup = "";
        Guid customerID = Guid.Empty;
        DateTime promiseDate = DateTime.Today.AddYears(-400);
        List<string> jobAssets = new List<string>();
        List<JobInfo> jobInfo = new List<JobInfo>();
        bool getFiles = false;

        string filename = Server.MapPath("../../Admin/Settings.xml");
        XPathDocument document = new XPathDocument(filename);
        XPathNavigator navigator = document.CreateNavigator();
        XPathExpression expression = navigator.Compile("/appSettings/initialJobStatus");
        XPathNodeIterator iterator = navigator.Select(expression);
        XPathNavigator nav2 = iterator.Current.Clone();
        int jobStatus = Brentwood.GetJobStatusByName("Pending Approval").JobStatusID;

            customerID = (Brentwood.LookupCustomerByUsername(User.Identity.Name)).UserId;
            promiseDate = Utils.GetPromiseDate(jobTypeID);
        catch (Exception ex)
            FormMessage.Text = ex.Message;
            FormMessage.ForeColor = Color.Red;

        foreach (HtmlTableRow row in ((HtmlTable)Session["CurrentForm"]).Rows)
            info = new JobInfo();
            info.NameKey = (row.Cells[0].Controls[0] as Label).Text;
            currentControl = FormPanel.FindControl(row.Cells[1].Controls[0].ID);

            if (currentControl.ID == "500TextBoxQuantityTextbox")
                if ((currentControl as TextBox).Text != "")
                    quantity = int.Parse((currentControl as TextBox).Text.Trim());
            else if (currentControl.ID == "501TextBoxSpecialInstructionsTextbox")
                specialInstructions = (currentControl as TextBox).Text.Trim();
            else if (currentControl.ID == "502CheckBoxDeliveryCheckbox")
                if ((currentControl as CheckBox).Checked)
                    deliveryOrPickup = "D";
                    deliveryOrPickup = "P";
                if (row.Cells[1].Controls[0] is TextBox)
                    info.DataValue = ((TextBox)currentControl).Text.Trim();
                else if (row.Cells[1].Controls[0] is CheckBox)
                    if (((CheckBox)currentControl).Checked)
                        info.DataValue = "true";
                        info.DataValue = "false";
                else if (row.Cells[1].Controls[0] is Controls_MultiFileUpload)
                    getFiles = true;
                    FormMessage.Text = "Control type invalid.";
                    FormMessage.ForeColor = Color.Red;

            jobID = Brentwood.AddJob(jobTypeID, specialInstructions, quantity, deliveryOrPickup, customerID, promiseDate);
            Brentwood.InitializeJobJobStatus(jobID, (Brentwood.LookupCustomerByUsername(User.Identity.Name.ToString())).UserId);
            Brentwood.AddInfoToJob(jobInfo, jobID);

            if (getFiles)
                string physicalPath = "";
                string virtualPath = "";

                // Get the HttpFileCollection
                HttpFileCollection hfc = Request.Files;
                for (int i = 0; i < hfc.Count; i++)
                    HttpPostedFile hpf = hfc[i];
                    if (hpf.ContentLength > 0)
                        physicalPath = WebUtils.GetFolderPath(User.Identity.Name, jobID, Server) + "\\" + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(hpf.FileName);
                        virtualPath = WebUtils.ResolveVirtualPath(physicalPath);


            Brentwood.AddAssetsToJob(jobAssets, jobID);

            FormMessage.Text = "Job successfully submitted!";
            FormMessage.ForeColor = Color.Green;

            Context.Items.Add("JobID", jobID);
        catch (Exception ex)
            FormMessage.Text = ex.Message;
            FormMessage.ForeColor = Color.Red;
        //End of SubmitButton_Click method
        public void SetJobInfo(JobInfo.FALotJobInfo lotJobInfo)
            if (lotJobInfo.FoamPadCoveringJobInfo == null)
                Manager.MessageWindowManager.Instance.Show("JobInfoLoadFail", "FoamPadCoveringJobInfo is null");


예제 #37
 internal static int Randomize(this int self, JobInfo info, int min, int max)
     return(self + info.GetRandomNumber(min, max));
예제 #38
		FilterProgram UpdateSourceInternal(JobInfo job)

			IVideoProvider videoProvider = job.videoProvider;
			bool simulate = job.simulate;
			Size chain_outsize = job.chain_outsize;
			int vw = videoProvider.BufferWidth;
			int vh = videoProvider.BufferHeight;

			if (Global.Config.DispFixAspectRatio)
				if (Global.Config.DispManagerAR == Config.EDispManagerAR.System)
					vw = videoProvider.VirtualWidth;
					vh = videoProvider.VirtualHeight;
				if (Global.Config.DispManagerAR == Config.EDispManagerAR.Custom)
					vw = Global.Config.DispCustomUserARWidth;
					vh = Global.Config.DispCustomUserARHeight;

			int[] videoBuffer = videoProvider.GetVideoBuffer();
			int bufferWidth = videoProvider.BufferWidth;
			int bufferHeight = videoProvider.BufferHeight;
			bool isGlTextureId = videoBuffer.Length == 1;

			//TODO - need to do some work here for GDI+ to repair gl texture ID importing
			BitmapBuffer bb = null;
			Texture2d videoTexture = null;
			if (!simulate)
				if (isGlTextureId)
					videoTexture = GL.WrapGLTexture2d(new IntPtr(videoBuffer[0]), bufferWidth, bufferHeight);
					//wrap the videoprovider data in a BitmapBuffer (no point to refactoring that many IVideoProviders)
					bb = new BitmapBuffer(bufferWidth, bufferHeight, videoBuffer);

					//now, acquire the data sent from the videoProvider into a texture
					videoTexture = VideoTextureFrugalizer.Get(bb);
					GL.SetTextureWrapMode(videoTexture, true);

				//TEST (to be removed once we have an actual example of bring in a texture ID from opengl emu core):
				//if (!isGlTextureId)
				//  videoBuffer = new int[1] { videoTexture.Id.ToInt32() };
				//  goto TESTEROO;

			//record the size of what we received, since lua and stuff is gonna want to draw onto it
			currEmuWidth = bufferWidth;
			currEmuHeight = bufferHeight;

			//build the default filter chain and set it up with services filters will need
			Size chain_insize = new Size(bufferWidth, bufferHeight);

			var filterProgram = BuildDefaultChain(chain_insize, chain_outsize, job.includeOSD);
			filterProgram.GuiRenderer = Renderer;
			filterProgram.GL = GL;

			//setup the source image filter
			BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.Filters.SourceImage fInput = filterProgram["input"] as BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.Filters.SourceImage;
			fInput.Texture = videoTexture;
			//setup the final presentation filter
			BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.Filters.FinalPresentation fPresent = filterProgram["presentation"] as BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.Filters.FinalPresentation;
			fPresent.VirtualTextureSize = new Size(vw, vh);
			fPresent.TextureSize = new Size(bufferWidth, bufferHeight);
			fPresent.BackgroundColor = videoProvider.BackgroundColor;
			fPresent.GuiRenderer = Renderer;
			fPresent.GL = GL;

			filterProgram.Compile("default", chain_insize, chain_outsize, !job.offscreen);

			if (simulate)
				CurrentFilterProgram = filterProgram;

			if (bb != null) bb.Dispose();

			return filterProgram;
예제 #39
 /// <summary>
 /// 获取 jobDetail
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="jobInfo"></param>
 /// <param name="jobKey"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private IJobDetail GetJobDetail(JobInfo jobInfo, out JobKey jobKey)
     jobKey = GetJobKey(jobInfo);
예제 #40
 public NewJobInfoEventArgs(JobInfo jobInfo)
     JobInfo = jobInfo;
예제 #41
 /// <summary>
 /// 获取 Trigger
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="jobInfo"></param>
 /// <param name="triKey"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private ITrigger GetTrigger(JobInfo jobInfo, out TriggerKey triKey)
     triKey = GetTriggerKey(jobInfo);
예제 #42
 /// <summary>
 /// 获取jobKey
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="jobInfo"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private JobKey GetJobKey(JobInfo jobInfo)
     return(new JobKey(jobInfo.JobName, jobInfo.JobGroup));
        public void SetJobInfo(JobInfo.FALotJobInfo lotJobInfo)
            if (lotJobInfo.SSDInletJobInfo == null)
                Manager.MessageWindowManager.Instance.Show("JobInfoLoadFail", "SSDInletJobInfo is null");

예제 #44
 /// <summary>
 /// 获取triggerKey
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="jobInfo"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private TriggerKey GetTriggerKey(JobInfo jobInfo)
     return(new TriggerKey(jobInfo.JobName, jobInfo.JobGroup));
예제 #45
		/// <summary>
		/// This will receive an emulated output frame from an IVideoProvider and run it through the complete frame processing pipeline
		/// Then it will stuff it into the bound PresentationPanel.
		/// ---
		/// If the int[] is size=1, then it contains an openGL texture ID (and the size should be as specified from videoProvider)
		/// Don't worry about the case where the frontend isnt using opengl; it isnt supported yet, and it will be my responsibility to deal with anyway
		/// </summary>
		public void UpdateSource(IVideoProvider videoProvider)
			var job = new JobInfo
				videoProvider = videoProvider,
				simulate = false,
				chain_outsize = GraphicsControl.Size,
				includeOSD = true
예제 #46
 public bool Remove(JobInfo jobInfo, bool deleteFiles)
        public void SetJobInfo(JobInfo.FALotJobInfo lotJobInfo)
            if (lotJobInfo.SmallBoxStackJobInfo == null)
                Manager.MessageWindowManager.Instance.Show("JobInfoLoadFail", "JobInfo is null. Small Box Stack Module");

예제 #48
    void AddNodesForBranch(List<UnrealTargetPlatform> InitialHostPlatforms, JobInfo JobInfo, out List<BuildNode> AllNodes, out List<AggregateNode> AllAggregates, ref int TimeQuantum)
		string BranchName;
		if (P4Enabled)
			BranchName = P4Env.BuildRootP4;
			BranchName = ParseParamValue("BranchName", "");

		GUBPBranchHacker.BranchOptions BranchOptions = GetBranchOptions(BranchName);

		if (BranchOptions.QuantumOverride != 0)
			TimeQuantum = BranchOptions.QuantumOverride;

		bool bForceIncrementalCompile = ParseParam("ForceIncrementalCompile");
		bool bNoAutomatedTesting = ParseParam("NoAutomatedTesting") || BranchOptions.bNoAutomatedTesting;		

		List<UnrealTargetPlatform> HostPlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>(InitialHostPlatforms);
		foreach(UnrealTargetPlatform PlatformToRemove in BranchOptions.PlatformsToRemove)

        BranchInfo Branch = new BranchInfo(HostPlatforms);        

		List<UnrealTargetPlatform> ActivePlatforms;
        if (IsBuildMachine || ParseParam("AllPlatforms"))
            ActivePlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>();
			List<BranchInfo.BranchUProject> BranchCodeProjects = new List<BranchInfo.BranchUProject>();
			BranchCodeProjects.RemoveAll(Project => BranchOptions.ExcludeNodes.Contains(Project.GameName));

			foreach (var GameProj in BranchCodeProjects)
                foreach (var Kind in BranchInfo.MonolithicKinds)
                    if (GameProj.Properties.Targets.ContainsKey(Kind))
                        var Target = GameProj.Properties.Targets[Kind];
                        foreach (var HostPlatform in HostPlatforms)
                            var Platforms = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetPlatforms_MonolithicOnly(HostPlatform);
							var AdditionalPlatforms = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetBuildOnlyPlatforms_MonolithicOnly(HostPlatform);
							var AllPlatforms = Platforms.Union(AdditionalPlatforms);
							foreach (var Plat in AllPlatforms)
                                if (Target.Rules.SupportsPlatform(Plat) && !ActivePlatforms.Contains(Plat))
            ActivePlatforms     = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>(CommandUtils.KnownTargetPlatforms);
        var SupportedPlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>();
        foreach(var Plat in ActivePlatforms)
        ActivePlatforms = SupportedPlatforms;
        foreach (var Plat in ActivePlatforms)
            LogVerbose("Active Platform: {0}", Plat.ToString());

		bool bNoIOSOnPC = HostPlatforms.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac);

        if (HostPlatforms.Count >= 2)
            // make sure each project is set up with the right assumptions on monolithics that prefer a platform.
            foreach (var CodeProj in Branch.CodeProjects)
                var OptionsMac = CodeProj.Options(UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac);
                var OptionsPC = CodeProj.Options(UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64);

				var MacMonos = GamePlatformMonolithicsNode.GetMonolithicPlatformsForUProject(UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac, ActivePlatforms, CodeProj, false, bNoIOSOnPC);
				var PCMonos = GamePlatformMonolithicsNode.GetMonolithicPlatformsForUProject(UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64, ActivePlatforms, CodeProj, false, bNoIOSOnPC);

                if (!OptionsMac.bIsPromotable && OptionsPC.bIsPromotable && 
                    (MacMonos.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.IOS) || PCMonos.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.IOS)))
                    throw new AutomationException("Project {0} is promotable for PC, not promotable for Mac and uses IOS monothics. Since Mac is the preferred platform for IOS, please add Mac as a promotable platform.", CodeProj.GameName);
                if (OptionsMac.bIsPromotable && !OptionsPC.bIsPromotable &&
                    (MacMonos.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.Android) || PCMonos.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.Android)))
                    throw new AutomationException("Project {0} is not promotable for PC, promotable for Mac and uses Android monothics. Since PC is the preferred platform for Android, please add PC as a promotable platform.", CodeProj.GameName);

		GUBPBranchConfig BranchConfig = new GUBPBranchConfig(HostPlatforms, BranchName, Branch, BranchOptions, bForceIncrementalCompile, JobInfo);

        BranchConfig.AddNode(new VersionFilesNode());

        foreach (var HostPlatform in HostPlatforms)
			BranchConfig.AddNode(new ToolsForCompileNode(BranchConfig, HostPlatform, ParseParam("Launcher")));
			if (!BranchOptions.ExcludePlatformsForEditor.Contains(HostPlatform))
				BranchConfig.AddNode(new RootEditorNode(BranchConfig, HostPlatform));
			BranchConfig.AddNode(new ToolsNode(BranchConfig, HostPlatform));
			if (!BranchOptions.ExcludePlatformsForEditor.Contains(HostPlatform))
				BranchConfig.AddNode(new InternalToolsNode(BranchConfig, HostPlatform));
				if (HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64 && ActivePlatforms.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux))
					if (!BranchOptions.ExcludePlatformsForEditor.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux))
						BranchConfig.AddNode(new ToolsCrossCompileNode(BranchConfig, HostPlatform));
				foreach (var ProgramTarget in Branch.BaseEngineProject.Properties.Programs)
                    if (!BranchOptions.ExcludeNodes.Contains(ProgramTarget.TargetName))
                        bool bInternalOnly;
                        bool SeparateNode;
                        bool CrossCompile;

                        if (ProgramTarget.Rules.GUBP_AlwaysBuildWithTools(HostPlatform, out bInternalOnly, out SeparateNode, out CrossCompile) && ProgramTarget.Rules.SupportsPlatform(HostPlatform) && SeparateNode)
                            if (bInternalOnly)
                                BranchConfig.AddNode(new SingleInternalToolsNode(BranchConfig, HostPlatform, ProgramTarget));
                                BranchConfig.AddNode(new SingleToolsNode(BranchConfig, HostPlatform, ProgramTarget));
                        if (ProgramTarget.Rules.GUBP_IncludeNonUnityToolTest())
                            BranchConfig.AddNode(new NonUnityToolNode(HostPlatform, ProgramTarget));
				foreach(var CodeProj in Branch.CodeProjects)
					foreach(var ProgramTarget in CodeProj.Properties.Programs)
                        if (!BranchOptions.ExcludeNodes.Contains(ProgramTarget.TargetName))
                            bool bInternalNodeOnly;
                            bool SeparateNode;
                            bool CrossCompile;

                            if (ProgramTarget.Rules.GUBP_AlwaysBuildWithTools(HostPlatform, out bInternalNodeOnly, out SeparateNode, out CrossCompile) && ProgramTarget.Rules.SupportsPlatform(HostPlatform) && SeparateNode)
                                if (bInternalNodeOnly)
                                    BranchConfig.AddNode(new SingleInternalToolsNode(BranchConfig, HostPlatform, ProgramTarget));
                                    BranchConfig.AddNode(new SingleToolsNode(BranchConfig, HostPlatform, ProgramTarget));
                            if (ProgramTarget.Rules.GUBP_IncludeNonUnityToolTest())
                                BranchConfig.AddNode(new NonUnityToolNode(HostPlatform, ProgramTarget));

				BranchConfig.AddNode(new EditorAndToolsNode(this, HostPlatform));

            bool DoASharedPromotable = false;

            int NumSharedCode = 0;
            foreach (var CodeProj in Branch.CodeProjects)
                var Options = CodeProj.Options(HostPlatform);

                if (Options.bIsPromotable && !Options.bSeparateGamePromotion)

            var NonCodeProjectNames = new Dictionary<string, List<UnrealTargetPlatform>>();
            var NonCodeFormalBuilds = new Dictionary<string, List<TargetRules.GUBPFormalBuild>>();
                var Target = Branch.BaseEngineProject.Properties.Targets[TargetRules.TargetType.Editor];

                foreach (var Codeless in Target.Rules.GUBP_NonCodeProjects_BaseEditorTypeOnly(HostPlatform))
                    var Proj = Branch.FindGame(Codeless.Key);
                    if (Proj == null)
                        LogVerbose("{0} was listed as a codeless project by GUBP_NonCodeProjects_BaseEditorTypeOnly, however it does not exist in this branch.", Codeless.Key);
                    else if (Proj.Properties.bIsCodeBasedProject)
						if (!Branch.NonCodeProjects.Contains(Proj)) 
							NonCodeProjectNames.Add(Codeless.Key, Codeless.Value);
                        NonCodeProjectNames.Add(Codeless.Key, Codeless.Value);

                var TempNonCodeFormalBuilds = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetNonCodeFormalBuilds_BaseEditorTypeOnly();
				var HostMonos = GamePlatformMonolithicsNode.GetMonolithicPlatformsForUProject(HostPlatform, ActivePlatforms, Branch.BaseEngineProject, true, bNoIOSOnPC);

                foreach (var Codeless in TempNonCodeFormalBuilds)
                    if (NonCodeProjectNames.ContainsKey(Codeless.Key))
                        var PlatList = Codeless.Value;
                        var NewPlatList = new List<TargetRules.GUBPFormalBuild>();
                        foreach (var PlatPair in PlatList)
                            if (HostMonos.Contains(PlatPair.TargetPlatform))
                        if (NewPlatList.Count > 0)
                            NonCodeFormalBuilds.Add(Codeless.Key, NewPlatList);
                        LogVerbose("{0} was listed as a codeless formal build GUBP_GetNonCodeFormalBuilds_BaseEditorTypeOnly, however it does not exist in this branch.", Codeless.Key);

            DoASharedPromotable = NumSharedCode > 0 || NonCodeProjectNames.Count > 0 || NonCodeFormalBuilds.Count > 0;

			if (!BranchOptions.ExcludePlatformsForEditor.Contains(HostPlatform))
				BranchConfig.AddNode(new NonUnityTestNode(BranchConfig, HostPlatform));

            if (DoASharedPromotable)
                var AgentSharingGroup = "Shared_EditorTests" + HostPlatformNode.StaticGetHostPlatformSuffix(HostPlatform);

                var Options = Branch.BaseEngineProject.Options(HostPlatform);

                if (!Options.bIsPromotable || Options.bSeparateGamePromotion)
                    throw new AutomationException("We assume that if we have shared promotable, the base engine is in it.");

                if (!bNoAutomatedTesting && HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64) //temp hack till automated testing works on other platforms than Win64

                    var EditorTests = Branch.BaseEngineProject.Properties.Targets[TargetRules.TargetType.Editor].Rules.GUBP_GetEditorTests_EditorTypeOnly(HostPlatform);
                    var EditorTestNodes = new List<string>();
                    foreach (var Test in EditorTests)
                        EditorTestNodes.Add(BranchConfig.AddNode(new UATTestNode(BranchConfig, HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, Test.Key, Test.Value, AgentSharingGroup)));
                        foreach (var NonCodeProject in Branch.NonCodeProjects)
                            if (!NonCodeProjectNames.ContainsKey(NonCodeProject.GameName))
                            if (HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac) continue; //temp hack till mac automated testing works
                            EditorTestNodes.Add(BranchConfig.AddNode(new UATTestNode(BranchConfig, HostPlatform, NonCodeProject, Test.Key, Test.Value, AgentSharingGroup)));
                    if (EditorTestNodes.Count > 0)
                        BranchConfig.AddNode(new GameAggregateNode(HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, "AllEditorTests", EditorTestNodes));

                var ServerPlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>();
                var GamePlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>();

                foreach (var Kind in BranchInfo.MonolithicKinds)
                    if (Branch.BaseEngineProject.Properties.Targets.ContainsKey(Kind))
                        var Target = Branch.BaseEngineProject.Properties.Targets[Kind];
                        var Platforms = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetPlatforms_MonolithicOnly(HostPlatform);
                        if (Platforms.Contains(HostPlatform))
                            // we want the host platform first since some some pseudodependencies look to see if the shared promotable exists.
                            Platforms.Insert(0, HostPlatform);
                        foreach (var Plat in Platforms)
                            if (!Platform.Platforms[HostPlatform].CanHostPlatform(Plat))
                                throw new AutomationException("Project {0} asked for platform {1} with host {2}, but the host platform cannot build that platform.", Branch.BaseEngineProject.GameName, Plat.ToString(), HostPlatform.ToString());
                            if (bNoIOSOnPC && Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.IOS && HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64)

                            if (ActivePlatforms.Contains(Plat))
                                if (Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Server && !ServerPlatforms.Contains(Plat))
                                if (Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Game && !GamePlatforms.Contains(Plat))
                                if (!BranchConfig.HasNode(GamePlatformMonolithicsNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, Plat)))
									if(GamePlatformMonolithicsNode.HasPrecompiledTargets(Branch.BaseEngineProject, HostPlatform, Plat))
	                                    BranchConfig.AddNode(new GamePlatformMonolithicsNode(BranchConfig, HostPlatform, ActivePlatforms, Branch.BaseEngineProject, Plat, InPrecompiled: true));
                                    BranchConfig.AddNode(new GamePlatformMonolithicsNode(BranchConfig, HostPlatform, ActivePlatforms, Branch.BaseEngineProject, Plat));
								if (Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win32 && Target.Rules.GUBP_BuildWindowsXPMonolithics() && Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Game)
									if (!BranchConfig.HasNode(GamePlatformMonolithicsNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, Plat, true)))
										BranchConfig.AddNode(new GamePlatformMonolithicsNode(BranchConfig, HostPlatform, ActivePlatforms, Branch.BaseEngineProject, Plat, true));

                var CookedSharedAgentSharingGroup = "Shared_CookedTests" + HostPlatformNode.StaticGetHostPlatformSuffix(HostPlatform);
                var CookedSampleAgentSharingGroup = "Sample_CookedTests" + HostPlatformNode.StaticGetHostPlatformSuffix(HostPlatform);

                var GameTestNodes = new List<string>();
                var GameCookNodes = new List<string>();
				//var FormalAgentSharingGroup = "Shared_FormalBuilds" + HostPlatformNode.StaticGetHostPlatformSuffix(HostPlatform);

                //foreach (var Kind in BranchInfo.MonolithicKinds)//for now, non-code projects don't do client or server.
                    var Kind = TargetRules.TargetType.Game;
                    if (Branch.BaseEngineProject.Properties.Targets.ContainsKey(Kind))
                        var Target = Branch.BaseEngineProject.Properties.Targets[Kind];
                        var Platforms = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetPlatforms_MonolithicOnly(HostPlatform);
                        foreach (var Plat in Platforms)
                            if (!Platform.Platforms[HostPlatform].CanHostPlatform(Plat))
                                throw new AutomationException("Project {0} asked for platform {1} with host {2}, but the host platform cannot build that platform.", Branch.BaseEngineProject.GameName, Plat.ToString(), HostPlatform.ToString());
                            if (bNoIOSOnPC && Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.IOS && HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64)

                            if (ActivePlatforms.Contains(Plat))
                                string CookedPlatform = Platform.Platforms[Plat].GetCookPlatform(Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Server, Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Client, "");								
                                if (!BranchConfig.HasNode(CookNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, CookedPlatform)))
									GameCookNodes.Add(BranchConfig.AddNode(new CookNode(BranchConfig, HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, Plat, CookedPlatform)));
                                if (!BranchConfig.HasNode(GamePlatformCookedAndCompiledNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, Plat)))
									BranchConfig.AddNode(new GamePlatformCookedAndCompiledNode(BranchConfig, HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, Plat, false));
                                var GameTests = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetGameTests_MonolithicOnly(HostPlatform, GetAltHostPlatform(HostPlatform), Plat);
                                var RequiredPlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform> { Plat };
                                if (!bNoAutomatedTesting)
                                    var ThisMonoGameTestNodes = new List<string>();	
                                    foreach (var Test in GameTests)
                                        var TestName = Test.Key + "_" + Plat.ToString();
                                        ThisMonoGameTestNodes.Add(BranchConfig.AddNode(new UATTestNode(BranchConfig, HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, TestName, Test.Value, CookedSharedAgentSharingGroup, false, RequiredPlatforms)));
                                    if (ThisMonoGameTestNodes.Count > 0)
                                        GameTestNodes.Add(BranchConfig.AddNode(new GameAggregateNode(HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, "CookedTests_" + Plat.ToString() + "_" + Kind.ToString() + HostPlatformNode.StaticGetHostPlatformSuffix(HostPlatform), ThisMonoGameTestNodes)));

                                foreach (var NonCodeProject in Branch.NonCodeProjects)
                                    if (!NonCodeProjectNames.ContainsKey(NonCodeProject.GameName) || !NonCodeProjectNames[NonCodeProject.GameName].Contains(Plat))
                                    if (BranchOptions.ProjectsToCook.Contains(NonCodeProject.GameName) || BranchOptions.ProjectsToCook.Count == 0)
										if (!BranchConfig.HasNode(CookNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, NonCodeProject, CookedPlatform)))
											GameCookNodes.Add(BranchConfig.AddNode(new CookNode(BranchConfig, HostPlatform, NonCodeProject, Plat, CookedPlatform)));
										if (!BranchConfig.HasNode(GamePlatformCookedAndCompiledNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, NonCodeProject, Plat)))
											BranchConfig.AddNode(new GamePlatformCookedAndCompiledNode(BranchConfig, HostPlatform, NonCodeProject, Plat, false));

											if (NonCodeFormalBuilds.ContainsKey(NonCodeProject.GameName))
												var PlatList = NonCodeFormalBuilds[NonCodeProject.GameName];
												foreach (var PlatPair in PlatList)
													if (PlatPair.TargetPlatform == Plat)
														var NodeName = BranchConfig.AddNode(new FormalBuildNode(BranchConfig, NonCodeProject, HostPlatform, new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>() { Plat }, new List<UnrealTargetConfiguration>() { PlatPair.TargetConfig }));                                                    
														// we don't want this delayed
														// this would normally wait for the testing phase, we just want to build it right away
															CookNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, NonCodeProject, CookedPlatform),
														string BuildAgentSharingGroup = "";
														if (Options.bSeparateGamePromotion)
															BuildAgentSharingGroup = NonCodeProject.GameName + "_MakeFormalBuild_" + Plat.ToString() + HostPlatformNode.StaticGetHostPlatformSuffix(HostPlatform);
															if (Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.IOS || Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.Android) // These trash build products, so we need to use different agents
																BuildAgentSharingGroup = "";
															BranchConfig.FindNode(CookNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, NonCodeProject, CookedPlatform)).AgentSharingGroup = BuildAgentSharingGroup;
															BranchConfig.FindNode(NodeName).AgentSharingGroup = BuildAgentSharingGroup;
															//GUBPNodes[NodeName].AgentSharingGroup = FormalAgentSharingGroup;
																if (Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.XboxOne)
																BranchConfig.FindNode(NodeName).AgentSharingGroup = "";
														if (PlatPair.bTest)
															BranchConfig.AddNode(new FormalBuildTestNode(BranchConfig, NonCodeProject, HostPlatform, Plat, PlatPair.TargetConfig));

										if (!bNoAutomatedTesting)
											if (HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac || HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux) continue; //temp hack till Linux and Mac automated testing works
											var ThisMonoGameTestNodes = new List<string>();
											foreach (var Test in GameTests)
												var TestName = Test.Key + "_" + Plat.ToString();
												string CookedAgentSharingGroup = GamePlatformMonolithicsNode.IsSample(BranchConfig, NonCodeProject)? CookedSampleAgentSharingGroup : CookedSharedAgentSharingGroup;
												ThisMonoGameTestNodes.Add(BranchConfig.AddNode(new UATTestNode(BranchConfig, HostPlatform, NonCodeProject, TestName, Test.Value, CookedAgentSharingGroup, false, RequiredPlatforms)));
											if (ThisMonoGameTestNodes.Count > 0)
												GameTestNodes.Add(BranchConfig.AddNode(new GameAggregateNode(HostPlatform, NonCodeProject, "CookedTests_" + Plat.ToString() + "_" + Kind.ToString() + HostPlatformNode.StaticGetHostPlatformSuffix(HostPlatform), ThisMonoGameTestNodes)));
#if false
                //for now, non-code projects don't do client or server.
                foreach (var ServerPlatform in ServerPlatforms)
                    var ServerTarget = Branch.BaseEngineProject.Properties.Targets[TargetRules.TargetType.Server];
                    foreach (var GamePlatform in GamePlatforms)
                        var Target = Branch.BaseEngineProject.Properties.Targets[TargetRules.TargetType.Game];

                        foreach (var NonCodeProject in Branch.NonCodeProjects)
                            if (!NonCodeProjectNames.ContainsKey(NonCodeProject.GameName) || !NonCodeProjectNames.ContainsKey(NonCodeProject.GameName) ||
                                    !NonCodeProjectNames[NonCodeProject.GameName].Contains(ServerPlatform)  || !NonCodeProjectNames[NonCodeProject.GameName].Contains(GamePlatform) )

                            var ClientServerTests = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetClientServerTests_MonolithicOnly(HostPlatform, GetAltHostPlatform(HostPlatform), ServerPlatform, GamePlatform);
                            var RequiredPlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform> { ServerPlatform };
                            if (ServerPlatform != GamePlatform)
                            foreach (var Test in ClientServerTests)
                                GameTestNodes.Add(AddNode(new UATTestNode(this, HostPlatform, NonCodeProject, Test.Key + "_" + GamePlatform.ToString() + "_" + ServerPlatform.ToString(), Test.Value, false, RequiredPlatforms, true)));
                if (GameTestNodes.Count > 0)
                    BranchConfig.AddNode(new GameAggregateNode(HostPlatform, Branch.BaseEngineProject, "AllCookedTests", GameTestNodes));
			if(HostPlatform == MakeFeaturePacksNode.GetDefaultBuildPlatform(HostPlatforms) && !BranchOptions.bNoInstalledEngine)
				BranchConfig.AddNode(new MakeFeaturePacksNode(HostPlatform, Branch.AllProjects.Where(x => MakeFeaturePacksNode.IsFeaturePack(x))));

            foreach (var CodeProj in Branch.CodeProjects)
                var Options = CodeProj.Options(HostPlatform);

                if (!Options.bIsPromotable && !Options.bTestWithShared && !Options.bIsNonCode && !Options.bBuildAnyway)
                    continue; // we skip things that aren't promotable and aren't tested - except noncode as code situations
                var AgentShareName = CodeProj.GameName;
                if (!Options.bSeparateGamePromotion)
					if(GamePlatformMonolithicsNode.IsSample(BranchConfig, CodeProj))
						AgentShareName = "Sample";
						AgentShareName = "Shared";

				if (!BranchOptions.ExcludePlatformsForEditor.Contains(HostPlatform) && !Options.bIsNonCode)
					EditorGameNode Node = (EditorGameNode)BranchConfig.TryFindNode(EditorGameNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, CodeProj));
					if(Node == null)
						BranchConfig.AddNode(new EditorGameNode(BranchConfig, HostPlatform, CodeProj));

				if (!bNoAutomatedTesting && HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64) //temp hack till automated testing works on other platforms than Win64
					if (CodeProj.Properties.Targets.ContainsKey(TargetRules.TargetType.Editor))
						var EditorTests = CodeProj.Properties.Targets[TargetRules.TargetType.Editor].Rules.GUBP_GetEditorTests_EditorTypeOnly(HostPlatform);
						var EditorTestNodes = new List<string>();
						string AgentSharingGroup = "";
						if (EditorTests.Count > 1)
							AgentSharingGroup = AgentShareName + "_EditorTests" + HostPlatformNode.StaticGetHostPlatformSuffix(HostPlatform);
						foreach (var Test in EditorTests)
							EditorTestNodes.Add(BranchConfig.AddNode(new UATTestNode(BranchConfig, HostPlatform, CodeProj, Test.Key, Test.Value, AgentSharingGroup)));
							if (!Options.bTestWithShared || !BranchConfig.HasNode(WaitForTestShared.StaticGetFullName()))
								BranchConfig.RemovePseudodependencyFromNode((UATTestNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, CodeProj, Test.Key)), WaitForTestShared.StaticGetFullName());
						if (EditorTestNodes.Count > 0)
							BranchConfig.AddNode(new GameAggregateNode(HostPlatform, CodeProj, "AllEditorTests", EditorTestNodes));

                var CookedAgentSharingGroup = AgentShareName + "_CookedTests" + HostPlatformNode.StaticGetHostPlatformSuffix(HostPlatform);
				//var FormalAgentSharingGroup = "Shared_FormalBuilds" + HostPlatformNode.StaticGetHostPlatformSuffix(HostPlatform);
                var ServerPlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>();
                var GamePlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>();
                var GameTestNodes = new List<string>();
                foreach (var Kind in BranchInfo.MonolithicKinds)
                    if (CodeProj.Properties.Targets.ContainsKey(Kind))
                        var Target = CodeProj.Properties.Targets[Kind];
                        var Platforms = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetPlatforms_MonolithicOnly(HostPlatform);
						var AdditionalPlatforms = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetBuildOnlyPlatforms_MonolithicOnly(HostPlatform);
						var AllPlatforms = Platforms.Union(AdditionalPlatforms);
						foreach (var Plat in AllPlatforms)
                            if (!Platform.Platforms[HostPlatform].CanHostPlatform(Plat))
                                throw new AutomationException("Project {0} asked for platform {1} with host {2}, but the host platform cannot build that platform.", CodeProj.GameName, Plat.ToString(), HostPlatform.ToString());
                            if (bNoIOSOnPC && Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.IOS && HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64)
							if(Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win32 && Target.Rules.GUBP_BuildWindowsXPMonolithics())
								if(!BranchConfig.HasNode(GamePlatformMonolithicsNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, CodeProj, Plat, true)))
									BranchConfig.AddNode(new GamePlatformMonolithicsNode(BranchConfig, HostPlatform, ActivePlatforms, CodeProj, Plat, true));
                            if (ActivePlatforms.Contains(Plat))
                                if (Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Server && !ServerPlatforms.Contains(Plat))
                                if (Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Game && !GamePlatforms.Contains(Plat))
                                if (!BranchConfig.HasNode(GamePlatformMonolithicsNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, CodeProj, Plat)))
									if(GamePlatformMonolithicsNode.HasPrecompiledTargets(CodeProj, HostPlatform, Plat))
	                                    BranchConfig.AddNode(new GamePlatformMonolithicsNode(BranchConfig, HostPlatform, ActivePlatforms, CodeProj, Plat, InPrecompiled: true));
                                    BranchConfig.AddNode(new GamePlatformMonolithicsNode(BranchConfig, HostPlatform, ActivePlatforms, CodeProj, Plat));
                                var FormalBuildConfigs = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetConfigsForFormalBuilds_MonolithicOnly(HostPlatform);
								if (!AdditionalPlatforms.Contains(Plat) && (BranchOptions.ProjectsToCook.Contains(CodeProj.GameName) || BranchOptions.ProjectsToCook.Count == 0))
									string CookedPlatform = Platform.Platforms[Plat].GetCookPlatform(Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Server, Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Client, "");
									if (Target.Rules.GUBP_AlternateCookPlatform(HostPlatform, CookedPlatform) != "")
										CookedPlatform = Target.Rules.GUBP_AlternateCookPlatform(HostPlatform, CookedPlatform);
									if (!BranchConfig.HasNode(CookNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, CodeProj, CookedPlatform)))
										BranchConfig.AddNode(new CookNode(BranchConfig, HostPlatform, CodeProj, Plat, CookedPlatform));
									if (!BranchConfig.HasNode(GamePlatformCookedAndCompiledNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, CodeProj, Plat)))
										BranchConfig.AddNode(new GamePlatformCookedAndCompiledNode(BranchConfig, HostPlatform, CodeProj, Plat, true));

									foreach (var Config in FormalBuildConfigs)
										string FormalNodeName = null;                                    
										if (Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Client)
											if (Plat == Config.TargetPlatform)
												FormalNodeName = BranchConfig.AddNode(new FormalBuildNode(BranchConfig, CodeProj, HostPlatform, InClientTargetPlatforms: new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>() { Config.TargetPlatform }, InClientConfigs: new List<UnrealTargetConfiguration>() { Config.TargetConfig }, InClientNotGame: true));
										else if (Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Server)
											if (Plat == Config.TargetPlatform)
												FormalNodeName = BranchConfig.AddNode(new FormalBuildNode(BranchConfig, CodeProj, HostPlatform, InServerTargetPlatforms: new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>() { Config.TargetPlatform }, InServerConfigs: new List<UnrealTargetConfiguration>() { Config.TargetConfig }));
										else if (Kind == TargetRules.TargetType.Game)
											if (Plat == Config.TargetPlatform)
												FormalNodeName = BranchConfig.AddNode(new FormalBuildNode(BranchConfig, CodeProj, HostPlatform, InClientTargetPlatforms: new List<UnrealTargetPlatform>() { Config.TargetPlatform }, InClientConfigs: new List<UnrealTargetConfiguration>() { Config.TargetConfig }));
										if (FormalNodeName != null)
											// we don't want this delayed
											// this would normally wait for the testing phase, we just want to build it right away
												CookNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, CodeProj, CookedPlatform),
											string BuildAgentSharingGroup = "";
											if (Options.bSeparateGamePromotion)
												BuildAgentSharingGroup = CodeProj.GameName + "_MakeFormalBuild_" + Plat.ToString() + HostPlatformNode.StaticGetHostPlatformSuffix(HostPlatform);
												if (Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.IOS || Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.Android || Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.XboxOne) // These trash build products, so we need to use different agents
													BuildAgentSharingGroup = "";
												BranchConfig.FindNode(CookNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, CodeProj, CookedPlatform)).AgentSharingGroup = BuildAgentSharingGroup;
												BranchConfig.FindNode(FormalNodeName).AgentSharingGroup = BuildAgentSharingGroup;
												//GUBPNodes[FormalNodeName].AgentSharingGroup = FormalAgentSharingGroup;
												if (Plat == UnrealTargetPlatform.XboxOne)
													BranchConfig.FindNode(FormalNodeName).AgentSharingGroup = "";
											if (Config.bTest)
												BranchConfig.AddNode(new FormalBuildTestNode(BranchConfig, CodeProj, HostPlatform, Plat, Config.TargetConfig));
									if (!bNoAutomatedTesting && FormalBuildConfigs.Count > 0)
										if (HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac || HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux) continue; //temp hack till Linux and Mac automated testing works
										var GameTests = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetGameTests_MonolithicOnly(HostPlatform, GetAltHostPlatform(HostPlatform), Plat);
										var RequiredPlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform> { Plat };
										var ThisMonoGameTestNodes = new List<string>();

										foreach (var Test in GameTests)
											var TestNodeName = Test.Key + "_" + Plat.ToString();
											ThisMonoGameTestNodes.Add(BranchConfig.AddNode(new UATTestNode(BranchConfig, HostPlatform, CodeProj, TestNodeName, Test.Value, CookedAgentSharingGroup, false, RequiredPlatforms)));
											if (!Options.bTestWithShared || !BranchConfig.HasNode(WaitForTestShared.StaticGetFullName()))
												BranchConfig.RemovePseudodependencyFromNode((UATTestNode.StaticGetFullName(HostPlatform, CodeProj, TestNodeName)), WaitForTestShared.StaticGetFullName());
										if (ThisMonoGameTestNodes.Count > 0)
											GameTestNodes.Add(BranchConfig.AddNode(new GameAggregateNode(HostPlatform, CodeProj, "CookedTests_" + Plat.ToString() + "_" + Kind.ToString() + HostPlatformNode.StaticGetHostPlatformSuffix(HostPlatform), ThisMonoGameTestNodes)));
				if (!bNoAutomatedTesting)
					foreach (var ServerPlatform in ServerPlatforms)
						foreach (var GamePlatform in GamePlatforms)
							if (HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac || HostPlatform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux) continue; //temp hack till Linux and Mac automated testing works
							var Target = CodeProj.Properties.Targets[TargetRules.TargetType.Game];
							var ClientServerTests = Target.Rules.GUBP_GetClientServerTests_MonolithicOnly(HostPlatform, GetAltHostPlatform(HostPlatform), ServerPlatform, GamePlatform);
							var RequiredPlatforms = new List<UnrealTargetPlatform> { ServerPlatform };
							if (ServerPlatform != GamePlatform)
							foreach (var Test in ClientServerTests)
								var TestNodeName = Test.Key + "_" + GamePlatform.ToString() + "_" + ServerPlatform.ToString();
								GameTestNodes.Add(BranchConfig.AddNode(new UATTestNode(BranchConfig, HostPlatform, CodeProj, TestNodeName, Test.Value, CookedAgentSharingGroup, false, RequiredPlatforms)));
					if (GameTestNodes.Count > 0)
						BranchConfig.AddNode(new GameAggregateNode(HostPlatform, CodeProj, "AllCookedTests", GameTestNodes));

        BranchConfig.AddNode(new WaitForTestShared(this));
		BranchConfig.AddNode(new WaitToPackageSamplesNode(BranchConfig.HostPlatforms));

		AddCustomNodes(BranchConfig, HostPlatforms, ActivePlatforms);
        if (BranchConfig.HasNode(ToolsForCompileNode.StaticGetFullName(UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64)))
			if (BranchConfig.HasNode(GamePlatformMonolithicsNode.StaticGetFullName(UnrealTargetPlatform.Mac, Branch.BaseEngineProject, UnrealTargetPlatform.IOS)) && BranchConfig.HasNode(ToolsNode.StaticGetFullName(UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64)))
				//AddNode(new IOSOnPCTestNode(this)); - Disable IOSOnPCTest until a1011 crash is fixed
			//AddNode(new VSExpressTestNode(this));
			if (ActivePlatforms.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux) && !BranchOptions.ExcludePlatformsForEditor.Contains(UnrealTargetPlatform.Linux))
				BranchConfig.AddNode(new RootEditorCrossCompileLinuxNode(BranchConfig, UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64));
            // Don't run clean on temp shared storage for preflight builds. They might have broken the clean, and it extends to storage beyond this job.
            if (!BranchConfig.JobInfo.IsPreflight)
                BranchConfig.AddNode(new CleanSharedTempStorageNode(this, BranchConfig));
#if false
        // this doesn't work for lots of reasons...we can't figure out what the dependencies are until far later
        if (bPreflightBuild)
            GeneralSuccessNode PreflightSuccessNode = new GeneralSuccessNode("Preflight");
            foreach (var NodeToDo in GUBPNodes)
                if (NodeToDo.Value.RunInEC())

		// Remove all the pseudo-dependencies on nodes specified in the branch options
		foreach(string NodeToRemovePseudoDependencies in BranchOptions.NodesToRemovePseudoDependencies)
			GUBPNode Node = BranchConfig.TryFindNode(NodeToRemovePseudoDependencies);
			if(Node != null)

		// Add aggregate nodes for every project in the branch
		foreach (BranchInfo.BranchUProject GameProj in Branch.AllProjects)
			List<string> NodeNames = new List<string>();
			foreach(GUBP.GUBPNode Node in BranchConfig.GUBPNodes.Values)
				if (Node.GameNameIfAnyForTempStorage() == GameProj.GameName)
			if (NodeNames.Count > 0)
				BranchConfig.AddNode(new FullGameAggregateNode(GameProj.GameName, NodeNames));

		// Calculate the frequency overrides
		Dictionary<string, int> FrequencyOverrides = ApplyFrequencyBarriers(BranchConfig.GUBPNodes, BranchConfig.GUBPAggregates, BranchOptions.FrequencyBarriers);

		// Get the legacy node to new node mapping
		Dictionary<GUBP.GUBPNode, BuildNode> LegacyToNewNodes = BranchConfig.GUBPNodes.Values.ToDictionary(x => x, x => x.GetBuildNode(this));

		// Convert the GUBPNodes and GUBPAggregates maps into lists
		AllNodes = new List<BuildNode>();

		AllAggregates = new List<AggregateNode>();
		AllAggregates.AddRange(BranchConfig.GUBPAggregates.Values.Select(x => new LegacyAggregateNode(x)));

		// Calculate the frequencies for each node
		FindFrequenciesForNodes(BranchConfig, LegacyToNewNodes, FrequencyOverrides);

		// Get the email list for each node
		FindEmailsForNodes(BranchName, AllNodes);
예제 #49
		public BitmapBuffer RenderOffscreen(IVideoProvider videoProvider, bool includeOSD)
			var job = new JobInfo
				videoProvider = videoProvider,
				simulate = false,
				chain_outsize = GraphicsControl.Size,
				offscreen = true,
				includeOSD = includeOSD
			return job.offscreenBB;
예제 #50
 private HtmlTableRow CreateRow(JobInfo item)
     HtmlTableRow row = new HtmlTableRow();
     row.Cells.Add(CreateCell(item.NameKey, item.JobInfoID));
     row.Cells.Add(CreateInputCell(item.JobInfoID.ToString(), item.DataValue));
     JobInformation.Add(new JobData(item.JobInfoID, item.NameKey, item.DataValue, item.DataValue + "TextBox", item.JobID));
     return row;
예제 #51
		FilterProgram UpdateSourceInternal(JobInfo job)
			//no drawing actually happens. it's important not to begin drawing on a control
			if (!job.simulate)

			IVideoProvider videoProvider = job.videoProvider;
			bool simulate = job.simulate;
			Size chain_outsize = job.chain_outsize;

			//simulate = true;
			int vw = videoProvider.BufferWidth;
			int vh = videoProvider.BufferHeight;

			if (Global.Config.DispFixAspectRatio)
				if (Global.Config.DispManagerAR == Config.EDispManagerAR.System)
					vw = videoProvider.VirtualWidth;
					vh = videoProvider.VirtualHeight;
				if (Global.Config.DispManagerAR == Config.EDispManagerAR.Custom)
					vw = Global.Config.DispCustomUserARWidth;
					vh = Global.Config.DispCustomUserARHeight;
				if (Global.Config.DispManagerAR == Config.EDispManagerAR.CustomRatio)
					FixRatio(Global.Config.DispCustomUserARX, Global.Config.DispCustomUserARY, videoProvider.BufferWidth, videoProvider.BufferHeight, out vw, out vh);

			var padding = CalculateCompleteContentPadding(true,false);
			vw += padding.Horizontal;
			vh += padding.Vertical;

			int[] videoBuffer = videoProvider.GetVideoBuffer();
			int bufferWidth = videoProvider.BufferWidth;
			int bufferHeight = videoProvider.BufferHeight;
			bool isGlTextureId = videoBuffer.Length == 1;

			BitmapBuffer bb = null;
			Texture2d videoTexture = null;
			if (!simulate)
				if (isGlTextureId)
					//FYI: this is a million years from happening on n64, since it's all geriatric non-FBO code
					//is it workable for saturn?
					videoTexture = GL.WrapGLTexture2d(new IntPtr(videoBuffer[0]), bufferWidth, bufferHeight);
					//wrap the videoprovider data in a BitmapBuffer (no point to refactoring that many IVideoProviders)
					bb = new BitmapBuffer(bufferWidth, bufferHeight, videoBuffer);

					//now, acquire the data sent from the videoProvider into a texture
					videoTexture = VideoTextureFrugalizer.Get(bb);
					//lets not use this. lets define BizwareGL to make clamp by default (TBD: check opengl)
					//GL.SetTextureWrapMode(videoTexture, true);

			//record the size of what we received, since lua and stuff is gonna want to draw onto it
			currEmuWidth = bufferWidth;
			currEmuHeight = bufferHeight;

			//build the default filter chain and set it up with services filters will need
			Size chain_insize = new Size(bufferWidth, bufferHeight);

			var filterProgram = BuildDefaultChain(chain_insize, chain_outsize, job.includeOSD);
			filterProgram.GuiRenderer = Renderer;
			filterProgram.GL = GL;

			//setup the source image filter
			Filters.SourceImage fInput = filterProgram["input"] as Filters.SourceImage;
			fInput.Texture = videoTexture;
			//setup the final presentation filter
			Filters.FinalPresentation fPresent = filterProgram["presentation"] as Filters.FinalPresentation;
			fPresent.VirtualTextureSize = new Size(vw, vh);
			fPresent.TextureSize = new Size(bufferWidth, bufferHeight);
			fPresent.BackgroundColor = videoProvider.BackgroundColor;
			fPresent.GuiRenderer = Renderer;
			fPresent.Config_FixAspectRatio = Global.Config.DispFixAspectRatio;
			fPresent.Config_FixScaleInteger = Global.Config.DispFixScaleInteger;
			fPresent.Padding = ClientExtraPadding;

			fPresent.GL = GL;

			filterProgram.Compile("default", chain_insize, chain_outsize, !job.offscreen);

			if (simulate)
				CurrentFilterProgram = filterProgram;

			if (bb != null) bb.Dispose();

			return filterProgram;
        private void Receives()
            Receive<AttemptJobStart>(attempt =>
                CommandRouter.Ask<Routees>(new GetRoutees()).ContinueWith(tr =>
                    var route = new StartJobRoutes(tr.Result.Members.Count());
                    return route;

                }, TaskContinuationOptions.AttachedToParent & TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously).PipeTo(Self, Sender);

            Receive<StartJobRoutes>(ic => ic.NodeCount == 0, ic =>

            Receive<StartJobRoutes>(ic =>

                // TODO:  Need to create a task to get the markts and to run them all.
                JobInfo job = new JobInfo("RunMe");
                var startJob = new StartJob(new Job(job), Sender);


                JobInfo job2 = new JobInfo("MyPetMonkey1");
                var startJob2 = new StartJob(new Job(job2), Sender);


                JobInfo job3 = new JobInfo("AkkaNet");
                var startJob3 = new StartJob(new Job(job3), Sender);


            Receive<AttemptSubscription>(attempt =>
                CommandRouter.Tell(new SubscribeToAllJobs(Sender), Self);
                CommandRouter.Ask<Routees>(new GetRoutees()).ContinueWith(tr =>
                    var message = string.Empty;

                    if (!tr.Result.Members.Any())
                        message = "Could not find item tasker.  Is the Tasker service running?";
                        message = "Item tasker is running.";
                    return new SignalRItemStatusActor.ClusterRoutes(message);
                }, TaskContinuationOptions.AttachedToParent & TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously).PipeTo(Sender);
                Sender.Tell(new SubscribeToAllJobs(Sender), Self);

            Receive<AttemptUnSubscribe>(attempt =>
                CommandRouter.Tell(new UnSubscribeToAllJobs(Sender), Self);
                CommandRouter.Ask<Routees>(new GetRoutees()).ContinueWith(tr =>
                    var grrr =
                        new SignalRItemStatusActor.ClusterRoutes(string.Format("{0} has {1} routees: {2}", CommandRouter,
                                    y => y.ToString()))));

                    return grrr;
                }, TaskContinuationOptions.AttachedToParent & TaskContinuationOptions.ExecuteSynchronously).PipeTo(Sender);
                Sender.Tell(new UnSubscribeToAllJobs(Sender), Self);
예제 #53
 public bool Remove(JobInfo jobInfo)
예제 #54
 public Result Upgrade(JobInfo jobInfo)
     return(Execute(() => SchedulerManager.Singleton.Upgrade(jobInfo)));
예제 #55
    protected void UpdateButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        List<JobInfo> data = new List<JobInfo>();
        JobInfo info;
        foreach (JobData item in JobInformation)
            info = new JobInfo();
            info.JobInfoID = item.ID;
            info.NameKey = item.key;
            info.DataValue = item.value;
            info.JobID = item.jobID;

            Job job = Brentwood.GetJob(int.Parse(Session["JobID"].ToString()));
            job.SpecialInstructions = (ControlsPanel.FindControl("Special InstructionsTextBox") as TextBox).Text.Trim();
            job.Quantity = int.Parse((ControlsPanel.FindControl("QuantityTextBox") as TextBox).Text.Trim());
            job.DeliveryOrPickup = (ControlsPanel.FindControl("Delivery or PickupTextBox") as Label).Text.Trim();

            FormMessage.Text = "Job successfully updated.";
            FormMessage.ForeColor = Color.Blue;
        catch (Exception ex)
            FormMessage.Text = ex.Message;
            FormMessage.ForeColor = Color.Red;
예제 #56
 public void Add(JobInfo jobInfo)
예제 #57
    private HtmlTableRow CreateRow(object key, object value)
        JobInfo item = new JobInfo();

        if (value != null)
            item.DataValue = value.ToString();
            item.DataValue = "Not specified";

        item.NameKey = key.ToString();

        HtmlTableRow row = new HtmlTableRow();
        HtmlTableCell cell = new HtmlTableCell();
        Label label = new Label();
        label.ID = item.NameKey + "Label";
        label.Text = item.NameKey;
        cell = new HtmlTableCell();
        TextBox textbox = new TextBox();
        textbox.ID = key + "TextBox";
        textbox.Text = item.DataValue;
        JobInformation.Add(new JobData(item.JobInfoID, item.NameKey, item.DataValue, item.DataValue + "TextBox", item.JobID));

        return row;
예제 #58
        public List <JobInfo> GetJobInfoByRange(JobInfo jobInfo)
            List <JobInfo> jobInfoList = jobGetway.GetJobInfoByRange(jobInfo);

        public void SetJobInfo(JobInfo.FALotJobInfo lotJobInfo)
            if (lotJobInfo.SmallBoxFormingJobInfo == null)
                Manager.MessageWindowManager.Instance.Show("JobInfoLoadFail", FullName + " SmallBoxFormingJobInfo is null");

예제 #60
 private void UpdateJobLead(Guid jobListingId, JobInfo jobInfo)
     leadManager.UpdateJobLead(jobListingId, jobInfo);